PACE TWO THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON November 10, 30,18 0 rary Club Mexico Is Topic Mrs. Lawson Brainerd Paints Interesting Pic ture. Women of Klamath Fulls, who were io fortunate is to hoar Mrs. Lawson Brnlnerd ot Tulclake present hor program, "UllmpRos of Mexican Llfo and and Hniullcrnft" with a dis play ot the delightful art ot Mexico, both old and new, at the library Monday afternoon, were ent huslaallo in their praise ot the program. Indeed I Indeed! Mrs. Bralnord spoke before the Klamath Kails Woman's . Library club and guests and told of her girlhood In Mexico, of her family leaving hurried ly during turbulent days of the revolution, and her return a number of jenrs later and the changes which she found in the country which, to her, would always have & distinct charm all of Its own, a charm which always exists for those who have lived In old Mexico. The delightful talk given by Mrs. Brainerd was Illustrated by many interesting pieces ot silver, hand carved wood, laces, pottery, linen, wool and glass. The making of dishes of gay, fascinating design was told by Mrs. Brainerd. who was well versed In the manner In which the Mexican natives created their arts. Mrs. Brainerd Injected many amusing incidents of her re cent visit to Old Mexico Into her talk which was one of the most refreshing heard at Li brary elub. In keeping with the program Mrs. George Hlllis sang two . charming Spanish numbers, "El Gaucbo" by Schlpa, and "Estrelllta" by Ponce. Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt accompanied Mrs. Hillls who sang in her usual delightful manner. Mrs. George A. Myers, presi dent of Library elub, gave a brief aurrey of the meeting of District No. Six, which was held in Klamath Falls recent ly. It was announced that Mrs. Albert O. Roenlcke had been appointed chairman ot the legislation committee for Li brary club. Mrs. Don Fisher and Mrs. George A. Massey assisted Mrs. George Lindley as members ot the hospitality committee. Mrs. Hardin Blackmer arranged flowers for the meeting. At the December meeting ot the club Mrs. Victor Evans O'Neill will review the book, "The Late George Apley" by John P. Marquand. The meet ing Is scheduled for Decem ber the twelfth. GIFT EXCHANGE IS PLANNED BY COUNCIL . Group two of the women's council of the First Christian church met Thursday after noon, November the seventeenth at the home of Mrs. Wesley Cross in Stewart addition. The business meeting was conducted by the group leader, Mrs. M. C. Deerlug. Following the business ses sion a very Interesting read ing on our first Thanksgiving was given by Mrs. A. C. Bates. Later refreshments were served to Mrs. M. C. Deering Mrs. A. C. Bates, Mrs. A. E. Bailie, Mrs. Eva Summers, Mrs. R. W. Clapp, Mrs. Mary Alexander, Mrs. Raymond Steers, Mrs. Joe Smith, Mrs. Laura Rawley, Mrs. H. A. Staus, Mrs. P. W. Sayles and the hostess, Mrs. Wesley Cross who was asslst . ed by Mrs. P. W. Sayles Mrs. Joe Smith and Mrs. H. A. Staus. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. M. C. Deering, house number 23, at Weyerhaeuser, December the fifteenth. Following the busi ness meoting a Christmas party with gift exchange will be en joyed members are asked to not exceed twenty-five cents for gifts. A cordial invitation is extended to all the mem bers of group two who have not been attending the meetings, Soroptimisfs To Entertain Officer Mrs. Malzie Murphey, presi dent of the Portland Soroptl mlst club, will be a guest In Klamath Falls Sunday when she will be entertained by the Klamath Soroptlmists at a ten o'clock breakfast and at an evening dinner. . The breakfast will be held at the Pelican grille and dinner will be served at the Willard hotel. Those In charge of ar rangements are Mrs. Gwendolyn Wright, Miss Catherine Gay lord, Mrs. Rita Wlsenant and Mrs. Fay Williams. , Art Neodlo Work Club Has Meeting Mrs. J. Fred Gooller, Sr., and Mrs. Jennie Hurn entertained at the Goeller home on River side stroot Wednesday after noon for members of the Art Needle Work club when the group gathered for an Informal chat and tea. Guests of the afternoon were Mrs. Frank Ira White and Mrs. J. Fred Goeller Jr. The next meeting of t h group will be held nt the home . of Mrs. Rutin Moore on River side street. BENEFIT DATE IS NAMED FOR FEBRUARY 4TH Plans are being worked out by the Lioness club members for their nnnual benefit bridge party and tea which will be one of the outstanding events o( The dale of the benefit is Saturday afternoon, February the fourth, and the chairman of the affair Is Mrs. Vernon Moore who will be assisted by Mrs, Thomas Hansen, chairman ot last year's successful parly. Money derived from the bene fit will be used to purchase glasses for needy children as a part of the club's worthy sight conservation program, PARTY GIVEN FOR MRS. ROHRER MONDAY EVE Mrs. Leland "Conroy enter tained at her home Monday evening, November the four teenth, for Mrs. Charles M. Rohrer Jr. The evening was spent in games and conversa tion and Mrs. Rohrer was pre sented with many Interesting rifts. Coffee was served at a late hour. Guests were Mrs. Rohrer, Mrs. John Fossum, Mrs. Henry Kranenburg. Mrs. George Fife, Mrs. Charles Rohrer Sr., .Mrs. Virginia Harper, Mrs. Alvin Macartney, Mrs. Viola Vogler, Mrs. Catherine Fulton, Mrs. Oliver Riley, Mrs. Glenn Pal mer, Mrs. Embert Fossum, Mrs. Dick Kranenburg, Mrs. Lou Harklns, Mrs. William Bratton, Miss Estelline Bell, -Miss Verna Ireton, Miss Elisa beth Gallagher, Miss Mildred Fraser, Miss Frances Berry, - Miss Donna Fife and Miss Ona Mae Massey. MISS BULLACK COMPLIMENTED BY FRIENDS For Miss Ina Bullack, who left Thursday for Lakevlew where she will become adminis trator of the Lake County Re lief committee, members of the Klamath Falls office enter tained with a turkey dinner at the home ot Mrs. Elizabeth Sanders Wednesday evening. Miss Bullack was presented with a leather brief case as going away gift from the office members with whom she has worked for a number of years. The members also compliment ed MIss Ruth Wooltngton with a handkerchief shower. Miss Woollngton Is leaving the Klamath office to accept an other position. Guests at the dinner included Mr. and Mrs. Mac Dudley and son, Donald, Miss Ina Bullack, Miss Marion Roberts, Miss Marycarol Jones, Miss Ruth Woollngton, Miss Kathryn Wood, Mrs. Karl Urquhart. Mrs. John H. Walter of Chehalls, and Mrs. Elizabeth Sanders and daughter. Miss Jane. KLAMATH B ETH EL ELECTS OFFICERS THURSDAY NIGHT Election of officers was held at the meeting of the Daugh ters of Job on Thursday eve ning at the Masonic temple and plans were made for a formal Installation on December the fifteenth. The newly elected queen Is Miss Rosemary Sloan; Miss Margaret Horton Is senior princess; Miss Betty Reymers, junior princess; Miss Marlyce Erlandson, guide; Miss Phyllis Collier, marshall. There will be an Initiation of new members at the first meeting of next month on De cember the first. Miss Janice Bubb, recorder, has been selected to represent the Klamath bethel at the In stitution ot a new bethel of Daughters of Job In Eugene on December the third. Miss Bubb will be accompanied to the valley city by Mrs. Phyllis Poole, grand guide. i t-SLASSa-a- ... . . mm whM Ulhm 5 8 K 1 ' HakiiidkM EXECUTIVE GROUP MEETS WITH MRS. SHOOP The executive bdard ot tha Lioness club met for1 luncheon Wednesday, November the ninth, at half past twelve o'clock at the home of Mrs. Ted Shoop on Second street. Following luncheon a busi ness meeting was held and plans for the year made. Guests were Mrs. Carl Mason, Mrs. Walter Wiesenilanger, Mrs. Paul Skeen. Mrs. Vernon Moore. Mrs. Oliver Spikcr, Mrs. Kenneth G. Klahn, Mrs. Ed Robinson. Mrs. F. Cecil Adams. Mrs. D. E. Van Vactor and Mrs. J. V. Owens. Miss Tyrrell To Spend Holiday Here Among the college students who will spend the Thanksgiv ing holidays In Klamath Falls Is .Miss Virginia Tyrrell, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Tyrrell of Pacific Terrace. .Miss Tyrrell, who Is a freshman at the Uni versity of Oregon, has pledged Phi Beta, national music hon orary. Annual Fall Party Plans Are Made Announcement has been made that the annual fall formal of Beta Sigma Phi so rority will be held Friday. No- vember the twenty-fifth, at Cal Ore tavern when a dinner dance will be enjoyed by the group and their escorts. Miss Isabolle Jones Is chair man of the affair. FOUR GENERATIONS Before Mr, and Mrs. Charles A. Shaw left for San Diego to spend the winter with their daughter, Mrs. Ed Stout, this picture of four generations was taken. From left to right, Mrs. Henry Gerber, her young daughter, ; Sylvia, the rwins, Marilyn and Margaret Gerber, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, and Mrs. Gerber's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Wortley. The Shews are parents of Mrs. Wortley. Kcnnell-EIHs picture. '. 45, r MRS. LAWSON BRAINERD Charming Tulelake matron who presented one of the most interesting programs heard by Klamath Falls Woman's Library club members Monday afternoon when she discussed Mexico and Mexican handicrafts. Kennell-EUIs picture. PARTY GIVEN AFTER GAME ARMISTICE DAY Complimenting Mr. and Mrs. Heunlng Jensen ot San Jose, Mrs. Jensen's sister, Mrs. Henry Gerber, entertained with a Tom and Jerry party Friday after noon following the football game between Bend and Klam ath Falls. More than twenty-six guests were Invited to greet the Jen sens who have visited hero fre quently. Mrs. Jensen Is the for mer Miss Dorothea Wortley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Wortley of this city. On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barnhisel enter tained at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. Gerber at their homo on Conger avenue. NILE CLUB MEMBERS IN , MEDFORD Several members of the Klamath Falls Nile club were guests In Mcdford last week end where they attended a for mal Initiation and ceremonial of Zulelma temple, Daughters of the Nile on Saturday. Thir teen new members were Initi ated Into the temple. Those who motored to the valley city from here were Mrs. A. B. Epperson, Mrs. George Hlllis, Mrs. R. D. Eller, Mrs. V. J. Josephson, Mrs. J. C. O'Neill, Mrs. Lawrence Bertram and Mrs. H. E. Jones. An evening banquet and dance concluded the day's ac tivities at whlnh many of the husbands were guests. Pr t vr v ) MEMBERS HONORED WITH PARTY One ot the most delightful parties of the past week was that given Monday night In the small rooms of tho city library when members of the Klamath Falls chapter, American Associ ation of University Women, en tertained with a dessert bridge party for now members. Miss Virginia Flck was chair man of the affair, assisted by Mrs. Stanley Woodruff. Miss Alctha Gray. Miss Ella Kedkey. Miss Rosemarle Schooni and Miss Marie Wctteratrom. Fall flowers were used effec tively about the rooms where bridge was played with high score for new niembers hold by Mrs. Raymond Yarnes, for old members by Mrs. J. V. Owens and the guest prize was given Mrs. George Gardlnler of Glen dale, Oregon, who was a guest here this week. BENEFIT -IS PLANNED FOR FREMONT SCHOOL Mrs. Calvin Hunt Is chair man of the Fremont Parent Teachers association card party which will be held Friday, De cember the second. In the Fre mont school auditorium at eight o'clock. Pinochle, auction and con tract bridge will be played and reservations for tables may be made with Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. W. D. Miller, Mrs. Hurge Mason Jr., or Mrs. Fred Flock. Tickets may he purchased at tho door for the evening, it was also announced. DORRIS PARTY OF INTEREST TO RESIDENTS DORRIS The Parent-Teach-trs organization of Dorrls held a most successful public whist party on Tuesday evening. Sev enteen tables did not nearly fill the pleasant auditorium of the grammar school. After an en joyable evening of whist cof fee, mince and cherry pie were served by the hostesses. All the teachers of both the gram mar school and Butte Valley high school attended Institute week at Yroka this past week. Mr. Paul Evans, principal of the grammar school, was one of the main speakers, Thanksgiving Party is Given Mrs. Martha McColIum en tertained for mombors of TNT I) rid go club at the home of Mrs. A. C. Backes on Pacific Terrace Wednesday evening. The Thanksgiving theme was carried out during the evening In both favors and refresh ments. High score was held by Mrs. Lester Cofer, a guest of the evening, second high by Mrs. Lynn ItasmUBsen, who will en tortnln tho group In a fortnight, low by Mrs. John Larson and traveling prize to Mrs. LeRojr Cartor. Parties In Valley Showers and Informal Affairs Keep Women Busy Socially LANQBLL VALLEY Mrs. Naomi Pepple and Mrs. Katie Pepple entertained the I.angell Valley Woman's elub at the parish hall on the afternoon of November the seventeenth. In the ahsenre of Ihe president, Ethel Sullivan, the meeting was conducted by Mary Dearborn, Plans were made for a com munity Christmas tree for the children of Lsngell valley. A beautiful picture of Crater lake was given lo Mrs. Ella Hunts by the ladles as a farewell gift, Mrs. Burns Is leaving soon for her new home In Redding, Cali fornia. Members and guests present Included Mrs. (irare Rnvell, Mrs. Charlotte Fits hush, Mrs. Nettle Davis, Mrs. Ruby Brown, Mrs. Haiel Tur ner, Mrs. Llstle Powers, Mrs, Bohblette (lift. Mrs. Theresa Teare, Mrs. Edna lltinn, Mrs. Mary Dearborn, Mrs. Alma Johnson, Mrs. Ella Burns, Mrs. Lucille Campbell, Mrs. June Shuck, Mrs. Grace Dearborn, Mrs. Virginia Thomas. Mrs. Helen Carnes, Mrs. Mabel Wil son, Mrs. Florence llotklna, Mrs. Nellie Dean. Mrs. Fern Wilson and Mrs. Cora Loavltt. Refreshments were served by the hostess late in the after noon. The next meeting will be at the parish hall on Decem ber fifteenth and Mrs. Ithea House will be tho hostess. LANGELL VALLEY Mrs. Oscar Campbell and .Mrs. Law rence Campbell gave a shower for Mrs. George Carnes on Fri day afternoon at the Oscar Campbell home. Mrs. Carnes Is a recent bride and was Mlaa Helen Roberts before her mar riage. After the opening and admiring of the lovely and use ful girts, the guests enjoyed a social afternoon. Refreshments were served by the Mrs. Camp bells, at four o'clock. LANGELL VALLEY Mrs. L. W. Monroe gave a delightful bridge party at her home Tues day afternoon. Mrs. Malcolm Teare was given first prlxe, Mrs. Bill Bulllvan, low prize and Mrs. Claude Murray, the traveling prise. At the close of a pleasant afternoon, re freshments were served to the following guests, Mrs. Bill Sul livan, Mrs. Malcolm Teare. Mrs. Claude Murray, Mrs. Henry Dearborn, Mrs. Owen Pepple, Mrs. Jeff Bean. Mrs. Lloyd (lift, Mrs. Charles Revell, Mrs. Harry Frailer, Mrs. Robert Dean, .Mrs. Lester Lcsvllt, Mrs. DoVaul and Miss Hazel Morrison. LANGELL VALLEY On the afternoon of October the tenth, Mrs. Roy Phillips was honored with a shower, given by members of the Social club, at the home of Mrs. Her bert Merchant. Mrs. Phillips received many lovely gifts pre sented by her friends. Guests Included Mrs. Hty Phillips. Mrs. Herb Merchant. Mrs. Charles Martin, Mrs. Jeff Ilean, Mrs. Luther Burns. Mrs. Claude Shuck, Mrs. William Phillips. Mrs. Ivan Welch, Mrs. Jeff "Bean, Mrs. Alfred Duncan, Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. Alfred Lilly, Mrs. Wright and Miss Hazel Merchant. A buffet lunch was served at four o'clock. Mrs. H. E. Gels of 511 Pa cific Terrace Is in Santa Cruz, California where she was called the fore part ot tho week by the Illness of her mother whose condition Is now report ed to be Improving, according to word received here. Mrs. John H. Walter Jr., Is the house guest of hor brothor-ln-law and slater, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Urquhart, from her home In Chehalls, Wash. Mrs. Walter plans to visit here for several weeks. 1' jtj - .' .'. ' e.m-k.. X "i f ' ' ' I y 1 'mf , '.; a l . . Ml LEAVES FOR NORTH Miss Mary Lucille Montgomery, popular member of Klamath Falls younger sot, left early this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Montgomery, o make their home in Longview, Washington. Kenncll-EIHs picture. 1 MRS. GOBLE POSTPONES VISIT HERE Word has been received In Klamath Falls that Ihe visit of Mrs, I, mm Lnlhntn tlolile, I'aclfle coast orgftulr of Del phian planned fur Tuesday, November lh twenly-second in Klamath Falls, would he post poned until Tuesday, Novem ber the twenty-uliilli, it was an nounced by Mrs. Don Zumwalt, Delphian supervisor. The regular meeting of Del phian, which would have 00 curred Novembor twenty-ninth, has been set for November the twenty seennd at a quarter lo two o'clock In the Klk hotel at which time the topic tor dis cussion will he "Charles Kings ley, christian Socialist" and the leader will be Mrs, Zum walt. Mrs. Gnble has been delayed In Seattle, where more Ulan two thousand women are Interest ed In Delphian, 11 nil she will he forced to reinulu there for a longer time. She plana to spend the Thanksgiving holi days with her family, the Lath ams, In Sllverton, Oregon, where Mrs, tloiilu's mother Uvea. Much Interest Is being shown over Mrs. Goble's visit here at which time she will attend an all-day meeting with Delphian members Including a luncheon at noon. THANKSGIVING IS MOTIF FOR PARTY AT CHILCOTE HOME t Thankiglvlng was tha motif at a lovoly brldgo luncheon giv en on Flidny afternoon, Novem ber the eighteenth, at the K, M. Chllcote home on Mesa street when Mrs. K. M. Chll cote and Mrs. Helen Engle pre sided as co-hostosans. Luncheon was served at one o'clock at the Individual tables centered by chrysanthemums and tapers and decorated with small Thanksgiving favors. Howls of chrysanthemums were also used about the rooms. Seven tables of bridge were In play during tha afternoon, and at the close the awards were presented to Mrs. D. D. Havens. Mrs. Arthur W. Srhaupp and Mrs. Otto Kon schot. JINX CLUB MEMBERS HAVE DINNER PARTY Members of the Jinks club delightfully entertained their husbands at a half past six o'clock dinner and pinochle party Saturday evening. Novem ber the twelfth at Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Dixon. Present were Mr. anil Mrs. Roy Lal'rarle. Mr. and Mrs. It. B. Hopkins, Mr. end Mis. Kirk (lebhiirt, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cary. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Camp bell, Mrs. Elizabeth Norrls and Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Dixon, the hosts. High scores at cards were held by Mr. mid Mrs. A. It. Campbell and low hy Mrs. Nor rls and Mr. Johnson. Members Attend Lakeview Meet Several members of Aloha chnpter. Order of Kaatorn Star, motored to l.nkovlow Tuosday where they attended a program given by the Oriental chapter, honoring the green ray of the Eastern Star. Those who attended from hore were Mrs. Horn Ice Mead, worthy matron of Aloha chap ter; Miss May Phlnney, asso ciate matron; Mrs. Dorothy Templar, conductress; Mrs. Phyllis Poole. Martha; Mrs. Velma f'rlsman, Mrs. Ruth Palmer, Mrs. Alma Cofer, Mrs. Nlta West, Mrs. Virginia Brown. Mrs. Sid Elliot and Mr. Earl Palmer, nssorlato pnlron. mmmmnimKrmu 1 . 11 1 1 n -V !yri Weddings Reported Brides Tell Plans For November Ceremon ies. A number of Interesting wed dings have been reported dur ing the past week and a num ber of Klamalli Fell lirldes eleel hnvo announced plana tor holiday weddings which will be told later. Htnlfunl-Moulliyi Miss Ruth Mniiltoii berume Ihe hrliln of Mr. Kenneth Hini- ford Saturday evening, Novem-j her t h e twelfth, In nlitai o'clock ceremony which was' read br Itev, Arthur Charles Bales of the First Christian church at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Cedrle Myor. 721 Mitchell street, Mrs. Thomas Hrnwn was Ihe hrliln's only attendant anil Mr. Thomas Drown was best man. The bride was lovoly In a frock of tesl blue with plum ac cessories. Her flowers were of pink rosebuds and lllles-nMhe-vnlley and were fashioned Into a corsage. Rooms ot the Myer home were beautifully decorated with garlands of dwarf asters. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Arthur diaries hates and Miss Iris Hales sang "1 Love You Truly." Following the ceremony supper was served to Mr. and Mrs. Thomss Ilrown. Mr. anrf Mr. Ceilrlc Myer, parents the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Y. Stnlfiird, parents of the liroum, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mattoon, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley llnnsvti, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Smith, Itev. and Mrs. Hates, Miss Iris Hales and Ihe young couple. nouKlit4nN'alikm'skl On Saturday aftornoon at one-thirty o'clock Mr. Joseph E. Houghton and Miss Doris Nabakowskl, both of Algotua, were united In marriage at the home or the officiating minis ter. Arthur Charles Hates, of the First Christian church. The single ring ceremony was read in the presence of the following guests, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nabakowskl, parents ot the bride. Mr. and Mrs. liaurgn L. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. 11. L. Pat terson and daughter. Rose, Mr, and Mrs. T. E. Svendsen, and Hoy Svendsen, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Groves, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ambers, and daughter, Nancy Lee, Mr. Don Nolmkowy I ki and son. Mr. Finn Svendsen, Miss Helen Ilrown and Mr. Clarence Truman, who were bridesmaid and best man. Tho bride wore a traveling suit of teal blue with black ac cessories. She wore a corsage of gardenias and talisman roses. The happy couple left Imme diately for a two weeks honey luoou In Los Angeles. riinilsry-lllalr Married at the study of Arth ur Charles Bates of the First ' Christian church on Tuosday, November Ihe tenth at four o'clock were Mr. William Chad sey and Miss Doris Hlalr. Thef were attended hy Miss Dorothy Mnyfleld and Mr. James Chsd sey. Other guests present were Mrs. 8. W. Chadsey, Miss Elsie Bnldlsrhar, and Miss Margaret Hrorklrup. JtihnNoii.lieaher A beautiful wedding took place at the home of the of ficiating clergyman, the Itev. Theodore Smith, 4.15 North 8oeon street, on Saturday af ternoon at three o clock. No vember Ihe .twelfth, when M Alex J. Johnson and Miss Dora Rentier ot Klamath Falls were married In the single ring cer emony. The bride wore a blue traveling suit and carried a beautiful bouquet. The bride's sister, Mrs, Frances finite, wits matron of honor and the brldo's brother, Mr. Ernest Boaber was best man. Among those pres ent were the brldo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo Heaher, Mrs. Hello Honors, an aunt, Mrs, Mnrjery Netakor, her grand mother, Mr, and Mrs. John Balle and their son Master Don ald Balls, and Miss Pauline Romell. The couplo has recent ly come from Minnesota, and nio to make their home nt 1)20 Lincoln stroot. Arant-Young Miss Nardlne Joy Young be came the bride ot Mr. Carl Robert Arnnt on Tuesday af ternoon at the Mothodlst Par aonage of Klnmath Falls, in the T presence of a group of relatives ' and friends. Rev, John W. War rell read the ring service. Those' present were Mrs. B, N. Young, mother of the bride, Mrs. B. L. Arant, mother of the grooia, . Mrs. ilnzol Sl.lolds, Miss Mar Jorle Shield!, Miss Patsy , 8hlclds, Mr. Arnold You.ig and Mrs. John W. Warr-ll. The, young couple will make their home In Sprngue Hive''. PROGRAM'. BE GIVEN BY"' . MOTHERS CLUB The Mother club of Sacred Heart academy will meet promptly at hnlf past one o'clock in the sohool Sunday af ternoon for the regular Novem ber mooting of tho group. A business meeting will be called by Mrs. O. II. Coffey, president, to bo followed by program. tAll members re y urged by Mrs. Corfey to he prompt In attendance at the . hour announced,