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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1938)
November 17, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN i i CITY BRIEFS I'rlzn Window Ililjr Mrs. ! II. Hull, l I x I it y iiuimiKm' at I'll I il n I '. won lioiiiuiihlii niiintlun mid a 1'nnh award with Iht window Ullltiy of Itothiiuior mala, phiitm o( which war onturod In notion al Itntlunoor window conlant. Hhe I I In rodplont of a loll or from Mux W. Wulnslock, nrualdant of Ihu llothnionr MuiiufiicliirliiK com tinny, cimipllnu'iilliig her li'tl li on the Hoiiurni npponi'iiiica of III window! mid the particular dntalla In tli Itotlnnour entry. Tho na tlnnwldo eonlniit win Judged by II. Kriisor, dlmilny niamiKr of Miirnhnll-Flvld company, Chicago. fining DmIo The monthly nioatlnii of 111 Ladle Aid of Ihu Klrol Mullindlut church will bo hold Friday, November 80, at 1 o'clock In thn church parlor. Tho Into win changed to avoid con flict with th Tliunkaglvlng hull duy Thursday. looks to Cnit Now book for th chool and th adult libraries wor tukun Tueaday In Lamm' camp and tb I'ollcan Day camp by Mary McComb, county librar ian. Mlaa McComb aecom- panlod by I-ydla Krlck Howard, county health nurso, who paid a villi to the ciiiup achooli. m, f.wWnMliMr and lira. nnlmrl llnrt lid IWO dUIIUhlon. Ann find Mum. inntnrml to Modford over th pat weekend whr they woro in lien In o nira. nun paranta, Mr. and Mr. Vllm, and II. rl'. hrnlhar unit Ister-ln-laW. Mr. and Mra. Klnyd Hart. Th I In rl it liuva recently moven 10 klmiiiiili Cull, from Modford and nrn titnklll thrill hollia on Huron treol. Mra. Hart apiinl tho auin- mor at i.iik o in vrooaa wuu hor children. Doitio HI iidy Club Th atudy club of tbo democratic conlral rommltto will hold a mooting Friday evening at I o'clock In tb county courtroom with tho presl' dant, Kulhorln Nolsou, proalding All intiiubttra ar asked to bo proaont. .N'olglibora of Woodcraft Tb Nolghbora of Woodcraft will hold a regular business mealing Mon duy, Norombor 91, at I p. m. In th KC ball, Following th busl- nou session, ntr(lument planntd and rafraabmonl will b rrd. Thlmbl Club Th Thlmbl. club of N'olghbora of Woodcraft will moot Tuesday, Novoinber 2, at p. in. at tho homo of Mra. Ilonry Uloyitolu. il Kaot Mala atroot. Accept I'oolUon W. J. (nill Itlloy), formerly an auto aalea. man for th Lock Motor com- !ny, haa accepted a position In a similar capacity with th Mar- Hall Cornell company, Kntrlrs Coming In Kntrles. In Iim linnli murlr nnrl tiflBtor COIllOSt havn l luted cnmltiK In to lh Kininiiili county llhrury. Mary Mc Comb, tho librarian, atatud Thuro- dny. l'uplia and nun acnooi olutloiita of all acboola of Ilia fniinlv niuv enter th contOHt which cloena Haturday vnlng, Mnvnmher 111. at O Clock. Ill clou of Hook week of which lb contual la an annual mature. Ortlnr of Ht. Prancla Mem ben of th Third Order of Bt. Francla were to meet Thuraday at n. m.. at th Klamath Funeral home, wher lh third order of prayera waa to b recited for th lata Mn. Mary McAndrewi. Reci tation of th prayera wna to follow Immediately alter tn nonary, Truck IHU Calf Harvey Pern- barton, I, Klamath raiia true driver, ran Into a calf a mil weal nt iinnmcn Tuesday evening, kill ing the animal and damaging tb (ruck, according to an accident report on file at tb norm s or tic. To Klamath Agency Mr. and Mra. Henry Oerber, Mra. H. 0 Wortley and their gueata, Mr. and Mra. Ilennlng Jensen of Han Jose motored to Klamath Agency Thuraday, where they watched a herd of cattle branded. Dance Planned Altamont granx No. 171 will hold a regu lar dance Baturday night, No vember II. at i o'clock. Tb dance will follow th PTA Dad'a night program. Mualo will b modern and refreshments will be erred at midnight th commu te announced. Tb publlo 1 welcome. ItooralUaa Offleo Major H. D. llugnall, th army recruiting of ficer at Portland, announced Thursday that lh army recruit ing otflc In th poatofflr build ing here, operated for th pad everal montba on part-tlm ba il! by Sergeant Willi. B. Kstop of he army recruiting nation In Modford, will be reopened on a full-time schedule November tl. Horgeant Bayard Jackson of th Tenth Field artillery, Fort l.wl, Waih., will b th new sub-station commander, Major Bagnall said, and la prepared to offer auallfled appllranla for army enllmmont everal denlrabl vacancies In or ganisations In th paclflo north wed. Hon Horn Dr. and Mra. Oreer P. Ulaeco, 411 North Seventh treet, ar being congratulated upon th birth of a on, born at Klamath Valley hospital Novem her It. Th boy weighed 7 pound, It ouncea at birth. Thla la their flrat child. Dr. Olanco ( ff. led with the Columbian Optical company. KnlleU la Army Th enllst- ment of Jamea H. Jannlnga, for merly of Klamath Falla, waa an nounced Thuraday by Major II. O. Bagnall, th army recruiting offi cer at Portland. Young Jannlngi waa accepted for nllatmant at Klamath Falla November I and waa aent to Vancouver barracka, Wah where upon the completion of further examination, he wan formally enlisted Nov. 12, electing lo rv hi nlltment with th 10th Infantry, atatloned at the prealdlo of Han Francltco, Calif. He will leave for th station of hla choice without further delay, th major Mid. Iletam Horn Mra. Charloi Davla and baby girl, reeldenta of Keno, returned to their horn Wedneaday morning from Hillside hoapltal where th child waa born Sunday. From School France Balln, atudent at Oregon State college, pent th weekend In Klamath Falla vlaltinf her parent!, Mr. and Mra. Cbarlea Balln. Meeting Planned Th next meeting of th Homodale xlen alon unit will be held Friday, November 11, at tb horn of Mra. H. L. Wlard In Wiard Ian. Tb demonstration will b cook ing of atrong flavored vegetable! and will atari at 10:10 o'clock Friday morning. Each woman attending I aiked to bring sand wlchea, cup, gpoon and aauc dish for heraalf. Everyone Intereited la nrged to attend by Mra. Wlnnl fred Olllon, horn demonstration agent of OBO ztenilon dlvlalon. Visiting Hero Mra. John H. Walter Jr., of Cbehalla, Wab., la Hulling In Klamath Falla for several week! ae th gueit of bor alater, Mra. Karl Urquhart. , Brother Plea Denny Acker man, Herman, Nob., fnrmer, died at hla home Tuesday evening, ac cording to word received In Klam ath Falls by hla slater, Mra. Burt Hawkins of Vine avenue. Acker man had been la 111 health for quite aom timer and hla death waa not unexpected, Hawkins stat ed. Return Homo Mrs. J. A. Souther and young aon, Jimmy, QUALITY MEAT MARKET Special laea la Meet and Bab Quality Alwaya Guaranteed Fro) Delivery Lottla Eochle, Proprietor Taylor Household Instruments Room Thermometers Roaat Meat Thermometers Candy Thermometers, Ktc. Thermoguldea Humldlgulde VAN'S CAMERA SHOP 787 Main I'liono 03 who have been visiting In Santa ftosa. Cnllf., for th p a a t few weeks, returned to their home here. Souther la manager of .Moo's. In Seattle Mayor Clifton Rich mond haa been called to Seattle) on buslines and la expected to return th luttor part of th week. rs A SUV m 7&n Vou get- everything la these two delicious Schilling coffees which are Identical In flavor. A genuine drip coffee (or drip or glass-maker and a special blend for percolator or boiling. Try one, next time, and lee I tllltr Piptrt M Every Cw Drip Coin numiiuige Sale Tb Ladlaa Aid of lh Flrat Mothodlsi church will conduct a rummngo sale Satur day, November 10, In th Illrvl building. 1031 Main street. Grange Dance Summer School Sat. Nov. 19th AilinUnlon BO( Modern .Mualo rubllo Invited NATURALIZER SALE DAYS Have been happy days for hundreds of women. You, too, should take advantage of this sale while styles and sizes are complete. PARSIFAL Black or copper sued. Draped eras bands piped In patent leathor. Sale $4.97 CHARMAINE Black suede. Punched vamp, soft too. Sale $5.97 Many other pnttorns to choose from. Sixes S to 10 widths AAAA to C. Those values won't last long. Select Several Pairs Now During Naturalizer ' Sale Days II rytrT-yw'Wyy wsnwiw. Ul,mw.ieissaa . aaftMiil.rliirafcTiaio i s tit&d-UiL&, trW-A-Aii l - I .rN. ACK GRAND FILE IGtmM 1 I PR'DAY AND SATURDAY, NOV. I Jk JWWl ! I As a great climax to National Fur Week, fV tWzgM '7 1 ti l"1 better known in this area, Mr. R. R. Robin- kxPSS X ' S 's5fc I 111 f$ ton of ordon & Ferguson, St. Paul, J k A, . cA'i -H l ffl I, M Minn., will be at LA POINTE'S with the I'l V cVl' l I . most complete stock of fur coat, Klamath k ?' FA i J II Fails ha, EVER see, , A WJA I FRIDAY and SATURDAY I'llfclP . t fi Mr. Robinson bring, to you a factory pro- tt -M VTSfcr V fM--N I 1$ motion of guaranteed quality for guaran- ' 1 I v &jg$M&jitW - itJ'' I J I teed saving,. . H HI J 'jW I W S 1 LA POINTE'S i, to be made one of the 1! T I J B.K sued, with black ealt 0UP eatJng fgr center, 0f fhe pacjfjc Sj JA SS ' U Sale $5.65 m Coast for Gordon &Fergu,on, of St.Paul, k ? y QSf J7Msfc tki I f! i S Minn., In business since 1871, America', X 1 I - leading fur ,tyli,t. and manufacturers. ;f l I I 69-1500. Ill IslMA m Whr ?U4'!ty R'9n Supr'm" Vs sv v' ' p LASTEX Two way strotchnble leathor. Fits like a glove. Sale $5.97 BUSTER BROWN SHOE STORE 633 Main 3 W W :