THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THKE3 To Avert Cold Weather Car Damage November' 17, 1938 KLAMATH MOBILGAS STATIONS III MOVE TO HELP MOTORISTS PLAY SAFE AGAINST ELEMENTS s; s-- " (i 1 Iirratiir Kriii'Rrr, lnr nr IIKO Unillo I'lrturra, la amaard at punleli mrnl rmliirrd lijr Winter Molilloll, when "lie Inspect thla Inlrrrallng exhibit. Picture Star Learns That Winter Motor Oil Flows Either at Freezing or Boiling Few persona roallie that win tor motor oil muat stand up at llbor freotlug or bolllnf, and lubricate efficiently under both temperature extremes. Tin ther mometer may ba at frecslng, or even below xero, when tho car la started. Wlihln 10 mlnuina of driving lha raillator may ba bolllni. It It Important to use an oil that will ondure both klnda of punishment, experle aay. Learning to bar amnioment that apeclally-crnated winter oil will do In work perfectly either at froclng or bolllnic, Miss l.or ralna Kruegcr. a t a r of IIKO Radio I'lcturci. who playa tbe lead opposite Joe Punner In "I'm Krom the City." recently aaw an 'ew methnda for reaching the natlon'i hitherto untapped oil re ourcea are bolng tented In Japan. Five cara Id the Inal Indian apolis Speedway race burned alco hol Inaiead of regular gasoline. Interesting exhibit. The exhibit ahowed oil flow ing from a fllpruf bottle of Mo blloll arotlo w b I o b bad been frosen In a cako of Ice. Along alde waa another bottle of the lubricant Immersed In boiling water. The demonatratton waa used by II. W. Taylor, luhrlcanta department manager of Oenernl Petroleum, to prove thlf winter oil will flow freely, and lubri cate effectively, despite aevere lemperatur extremes. "Perfection of thla oil, right fully called arctic." aald Taylor, "la a real achievement of Moblloll enilneera. It anahlea ear ownera to play aale against taat wear of vital motor pnrla." Htorrn warning flags are dla played In wlndowa around town thla week. They have been pouted to warn a great army of rar-lhroltle puah era that cold weather 11 In in ort- Ing. Proponing to protect autolata from breakdowna, bearing and gonr fallurea, tlra puncturea and blowouta, battery and light fall urea, cooling ayatem and apark plug dlfflcultlee and other mls hnpa thut may reatilt from a change to lower temperature, op aralora of local Mobllgaa atatlona are making a dramatlo Introduc tion to thla Wlnterproof cam palxn. Offering free Inapectlona of 11 vital car pnrla. In avoidance of aeaaonal mlahapa, the Mobllgaa men explain that Wlnterprooflng la mornly the proper aafeguardlng of cara ngalnat the ravagei of cold, wot weather, and the roeult ant expenan and dlacomfort. "Inapocllon of automobllea and changing walghta of olla and greaaea aa cold weather a p. proacboa, declarea F. W. Webater, director for General Petroleum, "la Juat aa eaaentlal to the health and performance of an automobile aa changing of garmenta la to the health and comfort of tba man be hind the wheel. "H'a a wlaa and eaaentlal pre caution to drain out all the eum- nier'a accumulation of grit and grime and take a fresh alart with pure, clean producU apeclally cre ated for maintaining efficiency during tbe winter weather. "To alart quickly, ablft geara easily, avoid radiator and battery troubles, prevent blowouta, and get full power, pickup and pep from one'a automobile to really enjoy winter driving and play aafe agalnat breakdowna and delaya. Tbeae are the roaaona why Mile wlnterproof aervlce la offored to the motoring public." . BIG PROBLEM A new problem loo ma big for motorlite today whenever a hypold, roar-end gear la lubri cated. More than 70 per cent of Ihe new cara are oqulpped with thla type gear, which requires that lubrication muat be "handled with kid glovea" ao to apeak. Mlatakea would ba coatly. "Decauae of the extremely heavy pressures exerted on hypold geara," dcclnres W. F. Carper, of General Petroleum, "the lubrl canta for them muat he apeclully compounded to Insure adequate ruahlonlng and aavn tbo geara from undue wear or breakage. "The Important point ia that different klnda of hypold gear luhrlcanta cannot be mixed with safety. Mixing will bring about chemical reaction, causing tba greaaea to turn to taffy. Then they ceaae to (unction. Having bad one brand of greaaa Installed, do not allow an operator to mix It with another." Warning of danger days ahead, due to approaching winter, la be ing broadcast to motoriata. Hiich la the declaration of F. W. Wobater, distributor of Gen eral Petroleum, who says "there ahould be no delay In having cara Wlnterproof Inapected. It'a better to be a week early than a day lata." FREE INSPECTIONS How may motorists ba aaaured their cara will work easily, and not break down, thla winter? Thla la the thought that led to creation of wlnterprooflng, Mobll gaa atatlon men declare. Listed In the 12 frea Wlnterprooflng Inspec tion aervlcea they are now adver tising, are tba following: Cooling tyatem checked for ecale and leaka. Radiator drained and flushed. Fan belt checked to ae If re placement la neceaaary. Heavy aummer luhrlcanta re. moved from transmission and dlf ferentlal, caaea flushed, and cor rect winter grade of Moblloll aup- plled. Crankcaaa drained, fluahed and filled with correot winter grade of Moblloll. Oil filter Inapected and new cartridge Installed It needed. Battery and cablea Inapected, termlnala cleaned. Windshield wlperi Inapected and eleanad, Llghte Inapected and lanaea eleaned, Tlrea Inapected and Inflated. Cleaning of all glaaa and vac uum cleaning of car Interior la also Included, the dealera aay. The reenactment of Steve Bro dle'a Jump from Brooklyn Bridge at the New York World'i Fair eounda rather flat. It waa hoped Orover Whalen could get aome body to Jump over It. Straw from the atraw polls of the recent election may be gath ered up and uaed In making hata to pay election beta. Borne klnda of plant pollen live only a few daya, while othera will Uve for eeveral yeara. X- Thar are Hit oiling and greos Ing placea on the varloua earl of today. How can anyone know where they all are, and what lub rlcanta to use? Tba fear that aoma lubrication man wouldn't remem ber all theee placea hae been on of the motorlst'e worrlee In tha paat. Confronted by thla problem, t perta have originated a new-type) chart called the "X-Ray" which It now attracting tba attention of many lntereated car omen to Mobllgaa atatlona. Every moving part of every make and model of automobile, and tba lubrication apot, la show on tba lngenloua contrivance. STEP IN and STOP. ' WORRYING Put It Up To Us To protect your car againat poasibU damage and expenae cauaed by cold, wet weather. We offer the KRKK INHPKO TIO.N8 Hated In the hltf Gen eral Petroleum advertisement. Itenil It. Then drive In. ( Ayres Super Service nth mid Wnlnnt Formerly IVllrnn 1 Hlop "Will aha atart quickly and eas ily?" Thla la one of the thnughta up- ' pormoat In the mind of an auto i mohlllst when he approaches hla , garage on a cold winter day. ae : cording to Invoatlgatlona made by i aervlce atnttnn men. It'a one of Ihe . reasons, any I locnl Mobllgaa men. for luaugura 1 lion of Wlnterproof Inspection j aervlce. I "Your car will atart quickly." ' they declare, "If proper attention ! haa boon given to varloua lnapec ! tlona, Including battery, apark i plugs, etc., and tho gas tank la well filled with winter Mobllgaa." Out of every dollar received during 19S7 by Amorlcan oil com panies. 18 centa waa required for federal, state and local taxes. For a car operating In normal traffic making alx atopa per mile. the coat la 1 per cent a mile greater than for a car which doea not atop New Zealand la to apend over $100,000,000 next year on gov ernment forests, coal mlnoa and land settlement. All of Your Motoring Needs Will be cared for in a courteous and efficient manner at the following stations: Ayert Sorvtee 6ih and Walnut Cascade Service Station East Main Webb's Super Service East Main Doc's Merrill-Lakevlew Junction Wart Salesborry Kono Road Van Duker'i Service Band Highway Johnson's Store McCollum's Mill Lamm Lumber Co. Modoc Point Big Springs Service Station Boname Fremont Grocery Nevada Street Keith-Swalfney Motor Co. Main and Second Mobilcjas and Mobiloil will give you more miles at less money.' Try them end be convinced. F. W. Webster General Petroleum Distributor Aa an aftermath of the re cent dramatic Institute, held un der tba auaplcea of the Oregon State college extenalon aervlce, coplea of one-act playa are now available for a ahort period and may ba borrowed from the office of Wlnnlfred Glllen, home dem onatratton agent, until November It. Thla aervlce la tor organise tlona who wlah to read aeveral playa before making aelectlona of ones they wlah to produce. All of the playa are lent from the OSC extenalon office In Cor vallls, and will be here for only two weeka. Each peraon borrow ing playa may keep them one week and may take aa many aa five different playa at once. The playa are for mixed casta with from two to alx character, aome are for an entire women or girl caat with from three to alx char acters, and are all one-act, non royalty playa. Moat of the playa are eomedlea although there are aome mystery playa and aome dramas. There la a fine aelectlon, and anyone wishing to take advantage of thla aervlce la urged to call at Mrs. Glllen'a office, 208 federal building, or telephone or write. If writing, one ahould state the kind and numbor of characters wlsltod and typo of playa desired. Watch Charm Supplies Key To Migration FAIRBANKS. Alaska, Nov. IT (AP) John Vogtor'a watch charm today gave the U. S. bio logical survey new data on wild fowl migrations. John Vogtor la a mining man at Innoko (Shageluk) northeaat of Anvlk on the lower Yukon.-Hla watch charm waa the leg band of a hnld-pate duck he ahot In the fall of 1037. Sam 0. White, terri torial wildlife agent, aaw It last .1 uly and sent the numbered band to Washington, D. C. The aurvey office recorda re vealed the duck waa banded March 10. 1934, at the Malheur Lake rofiigo near Burna, Ore. White aald "There are recorda of clucks bnndod In Mexico being ahot In Interior Alaska." "In 1028, I banded three I goslings In the lower Yukon coun try. One waa killed the following November near Kamloops, B. 0.," he aald. "Last eprlng, numerous geese and ducka were banded on the lower Yukon by Qrenold Collins, wildlife agent at Nome, and L. F. Goldman, flyaway agent of the biological aurvey. We shall hear about ninny of thoae fowl." tie catiti utirt ret umiiii to mif) I f W f k I " I 1 Cooling system checked tor Kale and leaks. Hoee . S I f j QV If J 9;, and dampe inapected. 1 Wj M g TT i I M aa- 2 Radiator drained and flushed. i ft t ft f ' 1 'f.i 8 fm belt checked and replaced If neceaaary. V o It la estimated that It Is 800 per cent anfer to fly In 1938 than It waa In 1930. The airline ratio Is one fntnl accldont to every twelve million mllos of flying. Because an Insurance company failed to pay them after two flros, volunteer firemen of Mllnthorpe, England, atruok. fie ciatti iicin rei ni umiiii yoi mti 1 Cooling ayatem checked for acole and leaks. Hoee and damp inspected. 2 Radiator drained and flushed. 3 Pan bet) checked and replaced If neceaaary. 4 Old Summer lubricant removed from transmit- ion and differential, cases thoroughly flushed, universale carefully checked and correct winter grade of Mobil lubricant supplied. 9 Crank case drained and flushed and filled wtrh the correct winter grade of Moblloll. 6 Oil filter Inspected and new cartridge Installed If needed. 1 Battery tested, cablet Inspected, terminals cleaned and distilled water added If necessary. 8 Spark plugs Inspected and cleaned and replaced If necessary. 9 Windshield wiper Inspected and adjusted or re placed If necessary. 1 0 lights Inspected, lenses cleaned. 1 ' Interior vacuum cleaned. Tires Inspected and Inflated. T k - v ?OJliX The heat, grime and dust of hard Summer driving have done things to your car.. .and now comes Winter, with its low temperatures and severe weather Conditions that Impose new and even more serious demands. Your safety the proper operation of your car and protection of the in vestment you have in it necessitate that it be in proper condition to with stand the hardships of Winter driving. The change from Summer grades to correct Winter grades of fuel and lubricants is important but that alone isn't enough. General's 12-Point Winter-proof Service includes critical inspection of the vital points of wear. This is a precautionary measure of which every motorist should take advan tage. And it's entirely free except, of course, for needed materials you order- Why not have your car Winter-proofed now? Remember it's better to be safe than sorry. Drive in today where you see the Flying Red Horse. ' JjvjJ (01 rvifnvra nnrninn GENERAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION