t ntwm Sera SECTION TWO Pages I to 4 SECTION TWO Pages I to 4 ASSOCIATED PRESS IN THE SHASTA-CASCADE WONDERLAND UNITED PRESS Price Five Cents KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1938 Number 8402 Turner Chevrolet Firm to Have Open House PUBLIC ASKED IN TD SEE BIG AUTO QUARTERS Open hous lit th company' hi I oatabllahmnnt l 410 Bouth Rlilh alreet on Friday marks the entry of the Turner Chevrolet company In the Klmlh ralle automobile bualneae. Hours ot th vnt are from I lo 4 p. m., anil from ( to p. in, A. A. (Al) Turner, president of Iht company, announced th Invi tation to Iht general public. Coffee and douihnuts will be eorred and epeclal mualcal enter tainment haa boon arranged. There will ba a radio broadcast from th open house bolwacn T and 7:10 p. m. Two aptcla! lifts will be flen t visitors. Vlallora wilt b Invited to look through th sparloue quarter of tha company, which eucceede tho Lock Motor company aa Chevro let dealer here. Turner this week furchaied th entire anela of th ,ork eompany. They will be Inrlted to io through th ahopa aa well aa th alea room and office. Turner aald he la acquainted with approximately 1100 Chevro let dealer In hli work aa dlatrtct and ion representative and that he la particularly acquainted In the northweat. "I can aay definitely that thla la th beat equipped Chevrolet es tablishment In th Paclflo north weal," he aald. "Purchaa of a new wrecker, already undertaken, will niak th equipment complete." wlill at th name tlm they war soiling 7,M9,m uaed cara, "Th volume aohleved by Char rolet dnalera during th laat five yeara exceeded I he Urgent com pany recorda for any provlout five-year period, Including- th boom yeara of 12( and 1S2I by 760,417 new paaaencer car and truck aalee, and 1,849,011 uaed car aalee," aald Holler. "During thla aama five-year period Chevrolet dealera aold 142,(11 trucka, and thla eiceeda by 260, tie truck an lea any prevl oua five-year truck-ealee In th 27 yeara' history of th company. "Thla oulalandlni aelllng re cord actually obtained for th company alx yeara reaulta In flv yeara of aelllng, and la a testi mony to tha cooperative aelllng ability of l00 Chevrolet dealera In th United Stales." Asked haw this all-time peak aelllng record wea achieved. Hol ler replied: "When fundamental policies are established that ar fair equitable to a dealer organisa tion and then they ar carefully and conscientiously administered year by year accumulated confi dence and aelllng atrenglh beara reaulla not obtained by any other temporary actlvltlee or plana. We attribute thla alx-year record of reaulta, obtained in only flv yara, to the Quality Dealer Pro gram, with Ita elimination of ovr. packing of dealera and It eel en title appointment of dealer loca tlona, with conaequent atrengthen Ing of tho entire Chevrolet merch. andlalng atructur aa it deal with th buying public, "Th ultimata . conumr haa Greetings To . Turner Chevrolet Co. SHAW STATIONERY CO. already discovered that th Cher- llahment In th community, with rolet dealer la a permanent estab-1 hla growing atrenglh, financial In dependence and merchandising! Delegate to th Pan-American I aplll th beana whll they're la and service reputation." 1 conference In Peru ahonld not I Lima. SUCCESS To TURNER CHEVROLET CO. Loci Motor Co. arnd t high rgard In th business lif of this community . . . we fl that Turnr Chvrolt will eontinu to mrit this rep utation ... With Beat Wiahea For Continued Succeae nam ticSI A phennmlnal record of 11. 17, 16. aalea haa been aet by the Chevrolet Dealera of America dur ing th laat five yeara, according to W, R. Holler, general aalea ; manager. j Holler haa Just completed his; th year as Chevrolet general sales manager and It waa brought j out In an Interview In New York aa the automobile ehow atarted that 4,117,711 new cara and I trucka war aold by company deal- j era during hla administration, : CONGRATULATIONS TO . Turner Chevrolet Co.' from Chas. S. Schaal "Charlie's Place" Awnings, Canvas, Auto Top Repairing of All Kindt, Furniture Upholstering 7th and Klamath ; Phone 136 Best Wishes lo TURNER Chevrolet Company from City Transfer Company Local and Rural Hauling General Tranafer and Storage 620 Spring Phone 433 TO TURNER CHEVROLET We have enjoyed many yeara of pleasant boslneee relatione with th Iock Motor Co. ... W feel lire th Turner Chevrolet will tnke their place In the high regard of thla community . . . Beat wishes for a long and continued success. TED BHOOP JACK 8CHUL7.E BLACK and WHITE Super Service Distributor of U. . Royal Tires Phone Tlo Main and Spring TO Turner Chevrolet Co. We welcome you to Klamath Falls and offer our kindest regards with the sincere desire for your long and continued e success. Moty and Van Dyke Inc. AUTOMOTIVE AND INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES CHEVROLET MOTOR CO. Announces the Appointment of ft V 1 n: .. . v-9 A. A. "Al" Turner TURNER CHEVROLET CO. as Klamath Falls Chevrolet Dealer Successor to Locke Motor Co Department Heads Welcome Turner sliyBVr 0(M(3jWT rV VW4WjW'fVSfH These long-time Locke employees welcome Al Turner 'to the leadership of the new company. , Left to right: H. O. ,"Unc" Blalock, one of the senior members with 12 years service In charge of ' parts and accessories. Jack Hie, retail salesman for the past five years and appointed used ear manager by Turner. John Selby, 14 years with Chevrofet and four years with Locke, he remains salesmanagsr in charge of new ears. B. F. "Duke" Dufresne, office manager for Locke two years, 4 and office manager and secretary-treasurer of the Turner Chevrolet Company. Dick Schoefflin'l . two years as Locke's service manager ere backed by 15 years with Chevrolet, TURNER CHEVROLET CO. 410 SOUTH 6TH ST. PHONE 49