November 14, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE Herald and News Classified Ad Section RATES Paid-in-Advance On day, ?r word wo-day run, per word . 2c 4c Sc 7o Three-da 3f run, par won On weak run, par word On month run. par word .20c Charge Ad Each Iniartion, fiar word ... 3c No charge made (or leu than 25c) All mall order di must have cash with ord-r). All ads era Inserted In botb dltloni of Tba News-Herald. All classifications ara num bered and appear la numerical order. Tbe dead-Una lor elasalflca tlon la 11:00 a. m. Ada received after 11:00 o'clock will be run In tbe "Too Ule to Claeslfy" column. Tbe News-Herald will be re aponelbla lor Incorrect wording only one day. Classified Index Apartmenta tor Rent Automotive ..... Ruelneu Opportuoltlce Educational ... Financial . ..... For Bale or Trade .. General Notices Heln Wauled. Female , Help Wanted. Male .., Houeet lor Rent Livestock and Poultry , Lou and Found Mlecellaneoua lor Rent Mlacellaneoua for Bale Mlecellaneoua Wanted rerionali . Real Estate lor Bala Real Estate Wanted , Room and Board Rooms lor Rent fiervlcea Situation! Wanted To Exchange . Transportation Lot! and Found STRAYED Dark grey home branded triangle on left shoul der. Largo cut on right blp. Laat eeen Saturday night near South Slxtb riding atablee. Any one baring Information of this horse phone ltl dnys or 694-J-2 evenlnga. Ask for Shorty. 11-14 LOST Near Keno Saturday eve ning, a eordwood sew. Plnder nleaao notify 1311 White Ave, Phone 1869-W. 11-16 General Noticei Go By Motor Coach Shortest Route Lowest Fares To Northern Points One Rouni Way TrlD Spokane $11.10 $20.05 Boiie, Ida. 10.00 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Busses Leave 1:00 P. M. Mt. Hood Staqes, Inc. flrevhound Daoot Phone 999 11-20-mtf BTORAOF.T Call 704. 114011 TRAPPERS ATTBNTION Have an order lor 6400 muskrats to be delivered by November 26 Phone 178-M. Parks Grocery 2321 So. 6th. H-l INTERSTATE MOVING Klam ath Falls Trans, and Storage. 18-4mtl I.ONO DISTANCE HAULING Phone 1097. 12-4mtt ARLENB Q. SMITH, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, Notary PUB lie; Mimeographing. Phone 1402. Residence 2121 Oak off East Main. 12-2 TRAPPERS ATTENTION! Mollis Noonchostor at 323 Enst Main pays top prices for tura. Call at Apt. 3. before S. 12-9 PHOTO-FINISHING 8-Hour Service Free Developing 4a Print Star Drug Store 6th & Main 11.24 6 Personals rury-ij-utrur,a"i"i ' - as-e-a-a. FOR THAT MAN'S BIRTHDAY or Xmas, buy 8K1-TOQS. Rudy's SKI SHOP, 6th and Main. 12-3 OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Dr. A. A. Soule. 11-21 WANTED Ride to Ft. Worth, Texas. I1T Pine. 11-14 MOVING Local, long distance. Call 704. 1641tf 10 Services ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR They may have trlod us. Economy Mattress. Phono 1206-W. 11-18 YOUR FILM DEVELOPED and prlntod 26c, wldo bordnr, docklo edge prints. Also 2 7x9 enlarg ing coupons. Wost Const Film '- Service. "A reliable place to send your films." P. O. Box 630, Salom, Ore. 12-10 TAINTING, K ALSOMIN1NG W. H. Smith. Phone 877J3. 12-1 FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh lng. Clifford Golden. Phone 168W3. ll-30mtt WRINQHR ROLLS for nil mnkos of washing machines. Morlt Wnshlng Machine Sorvico, 709 So. 6th. Phone 1086. ll-30mtf Qfl 1 , ta I Services PAPER HANGING, painting ex pertly ilnno. Phone 23-W. John Merrllena. 11-19 NU-nONH foundation garments. For appnlntmont call Mrs. Mll drod Itugg, 28W9. 13-1 UPHOLSTERY Cars, turnllure, rugs cleaned like now. Moder ate prices. Call 668-M. 12-1 PAINTING, Knlsoinlnlng Harry Urown. I'hone 1992. 11-23-mtf "THERE'S A DIFFERENCE" E. Rolling Decorating Co., US Bo, 7 III Bt. I'hone 936. 11-20 HEMSTITCHING Buttons, buc kles. Mini Murray, with J. C. Penney Co. 11-2 & UNION HAUGAOE EXPRESS CO. Small moving lobs done. 303 So. 7th, phono 474. Nights and Sundays, phone 667. 11-18 FIX THAT RADIOI Phone 2211-W. 802 Market. 11-26 ST. FRANCIS PARK CABINET SHOP Cabinet work, remodel ing. Phone 267-J-l or 41-J-6. 12-11 PIANO TUNING Morgan. 406, Empire Hotel. Phone 11-23 PARK CABINET SHOP St. Francis Park. Kstlmatea tree ' on home construction products, cabinet work, frnmns or filrnl ture repairing. Phone 267J1 or 41-J-6. , 11-14 BKWINU. expert alterations, slip covers, dressmaking, coats ro lined. Mrs. Ilnrnoy, 2111 Dap row. Phono 3161-J. 12-llmtt AUTO, WINDOW OLASS Install ad. Mirrors made, resllvered Kimball's Glass Shop, 627 Wal nut. Phono 2243. U-30mlf DON'T THROW AWAY that old mattress. We will reflufl It lor 33.60. New ticking 13.95 or convert It Into a llrst-class Innersprlng mnttross lor 312.00 Also expert upholstering. Carl. son Mnttross and Upholstering Co., 1206 Main. Phone 791. 11-20 SPECIAL New designed raonu nients and markers. Largest assortment In southern Orogon. Priced no blghor than lnforlor work. Any kind of comotory work. Orogon Granite Co. Lo. cal office and representative 619 N. 11th. Telephone 238 11-16 HAY CIIOI'l'INO wltb hummer mill, any amount. Lane Bros., Rt. 1, Box 728. Phono 67J2 11-17 BODKNHAMER SAW tiling. 219 E. Main. Phono 846W. All saws, tools, lawn mowora, etc., re. paired. ll-14mtf DRESSMAKING, alterations, ro- mouollng. Ann London, 623 Main, over Swansen'a Barber Shop. 11-27-mtf 14 Help Wanted, Female WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK Two adults. With roferencea neod apply. Phono 86. 11-14 WANTED Woman for gonoral housowork. I'bono 16-K-ll. 11-14 16 Help Wanted, Mole BOYS WANTED To do pleasant educntlonnl work after school and Sntunlnya. (iood pay. Val uable prizes. Apply by loiter to J. T., oare Nowa-Horald. 11-14 WANTED Elderly man tor farm chores. O. W. Bllckenslsft, arrosa Irom Tcxum, Rt. 1, Box 272. 11-14 WANTED Bnrbor. Estcs Barber Shop. Take bus line to St. Fran cis Park. 286-tf 18 Situations Wanted COMPETENT WOMAN wants work by hour. Phone 2491-W. 11-19 EXPERIENCED LADY wlahea hour work. 8143 Vine. 11-14 PRUNING, GARDEN WORK Al bort Unrrott, Ashland route. 12-8 CURTAINS home laundered, stretched. Reasonable. Phono 1426-W evenings. 11-24 COMPETENT, licensed beauty op- orator, nntr siynst. mono 1801-M. 2610-tI WANTED Praotlcnl nursing or housowork. Box 726, Malln, Ore. 11-18 EXPERIENCED young man wishes Job on ranch. Phone 81-F-8. 11-16 HOUR WORK, experienced. Phono 1012-.I. 11-18 20 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD 824 Michi gan. 11-18 ROOM AND BOARD Private home. ' Phone 2119-M. 11-18 ROOM AND BOARD Close In. 832 N. 9th. Phone 1397-W. 11-16 BOARD AND ROOM. 629 Joffor- snn. 12-4 18.76 WEEK, 336 MONTH 1646 Snrgont. Phono 1269-J. 12-3 ROOM AND BOARD Close In. 829 High. 11-1 6 mtf ROOM With gnrnge. Board If dnslrod. Gentlomen preferred. 63!t Klrtnriido. 11-21 22 Rooms for Rent TWIN nEDROOM In private homo, honrd It limited, furnnce hont. Phone 1667. 11-1$ Id Automotive Buy the Best Used Car in Town at Ostendorf's 1937 Ford Sedan Low mileage, healer, and looks end runs lice new. 1934 Neih Coup A good on for only $295 1936 Plymouth 2-Door Sedan A real buy for $495 1937 Ford Pickup An extra qood car for only $465 Many other cart and trucks to select from. Ostendorf Motor Co. 424 S. 6th Phone 272 22 Rooms for Rent FURNACE HEATED ROOM 184 N. 3rd. 34011 BLEEPING ROOM 18.00 week. 611 So. 1th. 11-14 24 Apartments for Rent THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. 400 Oak. 11-19 FURNISHED two room apart ment. 313 Pine. 11-11 VACANCY 411 No. 10th. 11-14 FOR RENT Three-room furnish ed apartment. 138 High. 1014-tf FURNISHED APT. 1 rooms. Stewart addition. Cheap. I. O. Blakely. Inquire Lien's grocery. 11-14 FURNISHED epartment. Adults. Nr. pots. Ideal Court, 323 Com mercial. 11-16 FURNI81IED apartment. Adults. 741 Walnut. 11-14 FIRST-CLASS small brick apart ment. Adults. No pets. In quire 741 Walnut. 11-14 CASCADE apartment hotel, new ly furnished and decorated, tel ephones, eleotrie equipment, re frigeration, elevator, garage. Day, woek or month. Tbe apart ment hotel with convenlencea and home comfort. 24-hour sorvlce. No pets. ll-14mtf FURNISHED APT. Desirable lo- ' cation. No peta. Inquire 803 Lincoln. 11-16 26 Houses for Rent FURNISHED 1 rooms In duplex Inquire 634 No. Itb. 11-14 FOR RENT Two-room furnished bouse. Couple. 1330 Osk. 11-16 SPECIAL WINTER RATES at Al- tamont Auto Camp, South Sixth street. Light, water, fuel. Phone . a e r v I o e furnished. Phone 694-J-3. 11-34 CABINS FOR BACHELORS 426 Willow. 11-16 2-ROOM unfurnished bouse, Shas ta Way, $8 month. Inquire 632 Oak St. 11-16 3-ROOM furnished cottage. Clean garage. 8631 Broad. 11-18 28 Miscellaneous for Rent FOR RENT One suite or two single office rooms In Hopka building, 8th and Main streets. See Ida M. Odell. Phone 866 tor lurtber particulars. 11-14 PASTURE FOR RENT P hone nitt-w-l. 11-14 FOR RENT 6000 acrea winter pasture tor cattle. Write W. S. Hutchena, Red Btutf, Calif. 11-16 FOR RENT, FURNISHED Nor. 16, Fields Hotel, Grants Pass, Ore. 11-16 30 Real Estate for Sal ' Good New Home Here's your chance to get a brand new five-room house In tho new section In East Klamath Falls at special prloa ot 13000.00 on very eaay terms. Pay $360.00 down and move right In. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 116 N. tth Phone 66 11-14 SEE LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way. $10 down, $5 monthly, Including Interest. Mrs. Ben P. Lowls, owner. Rt. 1, Box 896. Phone 86J3. 11-11 FOR SALE 31-room hotel, Tule lake, California. All new fur niture. Price $1100. $600 will handle. B. W. Anderaon, Box 109, Tulelake, Calif. 11-16 FOR SALE or will trade for Spo kane property. Fine modern home on Roaeway Drive. Double Int. lawn, shrubs, rock' garden, hardwood floors throughout, tile bath and sink, fireplace, full basoment fuel room, laundry tubs and garage In basement. Call 1479-W. 11-18 ONE, TWO and 3-ROOM houses. on halt acre. $476 to $700. Small payment. Christ Hack, 1320 Pleasant, phone 2206. 11-18 FOR SALE OR RENT Reason able down payment buys new attractive home in St. Francis Park. Corner Thompson and 1st Ave. Phone 41-J-6. 11-14 34 30 Real Ettat for Sal FOR SALE, Lease or Exchange Tbe recent death of Mr. Miller, of Miller Packing company, makes available for leaae, pur ebaae or trade, the stock ranch operated by him. 1130 acres, owner. Mrs. D. T. Owen, Dorrls Calif. 1814-lt 32 Reel Ettat Wanted WANTED TO LEASE Ranch. 60 to 100 acree. Some al'alfa, grain and potato land. Prefer lease. Reference. 1022 Main. 11-14 34 Automotive HIT DODGE PICKUP Good con dition and rubber, 126. 1021 Portland Drive. 11-14 FOR SALE 1(36 Terraplane se dan, reasonably priced; also eewlng machine. Phone 1361 11-14 FOR SALE '33 Ford pickup good condition. Bargain. Box (43, Newa-Herald. 11-18 36 Mitcelleneous for Sal AUCTION Saturday, Not. Kth. 10 A. M. At the Fair Grounds, Klamath Falls. Big all day community sale of horses, mules, cattle, chickens. Implements, furniture, etc. Watch for list. Include tbe things you want aold In this aale. List them nowl Write, wire or call Chsa. K. Wlese, Auctioneer, Phone 11, Tulelake, California. 11-16 EXCHANGE Upholstering, mat tress rebuilding, tor need fur ture. Phone 1201-W. 11-19 FOR SALE Onions, sweet Span- . isb. Crystal a, Merrill-Lakevlew Junction. 11-16 FOR SALE OR TRADE Light duck boat, cheap. Phone 449-W-6. 11-14 MEDIUM SIZE WOOD HEATER 813 Pine. 11-16 FOR SALE Complete wall and floor fixtures, tables and show cases. Reaaonable. Western Auto Supply Co., 1038 Main, phone 184. 11-17 PINE BLOX Bone dry direct from bin, f 3.76 delivered. Phone 891-M. 13-8 FOR SALE 16MM cartridge load Simplex pockette movie camera. Jamea B. Floyd, Pelican The. atre. 11-14 FOR SALE Carrots, culls 60c: No. 1, 76c. Crystals, Merrill- Lakevlew Junction. 11-13 FOR SALE 4 -wheel trailer house, furnished, $66 caah. In quire Klamath Camp Ground South Sixth. 11-16 FOR SALE Oat hay. alfalfa bay, cabbage. O. A. Schults, Tulelake, Calif. 11-14 FOR SALE Dry pine and fir body wood; also mabogany $10 oord. 106 West Oregon. 11-16 FOR SALE Large circulator heater. Just like new. 1347 Wilford. 11-16 MOHAWK STOVE OIL Guaran teed 17 gravity. 8!c per gallon. Prompt delivery. Metered re ceipt. Phone 1270. 11-20 FOR SALE Used lumber. In quire Keno Store, Keno, Ore. 11-14 KALSOMINE Your choice ot twenty colors In bulk at only 8c lb. We rent kalsomlne brushes. Southern Oregon Hardware. 12-3 FOR SALE Driveway cinders. Phone (38W4. 12-6 FINE CAMEO RINGS Aa low aa $2.96. Select your Xmas gifts now. use our lay-away plan. Ricky's Jewelry, 621 Main. 11-24 AJY KIND LAWN DIRT, ferti liser and garden rock; Phone 377JI. 12-1 FIX THAT RADIOI Phone 1281-W. 102 Market. 11-26 CBED PIPELESS FURNACE tor wood or coal. $26.00. This furnace Is In good condition but Is being replaced by a mod ern H. C. Little Oil Burning Floor Furnace because of the additional comfort and con venience. Phone 636. PEYTON at CO. 4980 tf GREY CINDERS 126 Laguna. Phone 1170-W. 11-17 PERFECTION oil burning fur naces give you steady, even heat thermostatically controlled at lowest operating e o a t; no wlcka or moving parts to give trouble. Beat ot all these fur naces are moderately priced. Your old wood-coal furnace may be turned In as down pay ment, balance on eaay FHA terms of not more than $8.12 month. Call Bob Porter, Oregon Equipment Co. Phone 2067. 11-14 STORING MOVING PACKING Call 704. 1642tf BALED HAY Timothy, alfalfa and straw. R. C. Short, Rt. 2, . Box 644, Merrill road. 12-4 MOVING? Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, 4th and Klamath. Phone 1097. 12-4mtf PUBLIC "STORAGE" SERVICE Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, Fourth and Klamath. 12-4mtt GOING SKIINat Hlrach-Weis Ski Togs. Rudy's SKI SHOP, 6th and Main. 12-2 36 Miscellaneous, for Sal Auction Saturday, Nov. 19, 10 A. M. at Fair Groundt Klamath Falls BIS ALL DAY SALE Included In this offering Is the Dairy nerd and complete equip. ment of Mrs. Grace E. Hatkin of Bly, Ore. CATTLE 40 Holstoln, Jersey, Guernsey. Durham 40. A fine lot of young sows, good producers. All stock has been regularly tested and has a clean bill ot health. DAIRY EQUIPMENT Separator, Cooler, Milk Cans, Buckets, Strainers, Bottles, Cap per, Steam Boiler, Vat and Steamer, Pressure Pump. HORSES 1 Team Geldings 1600 lbs. 1 Gelding 2 yrs. old, Broke. 1 Team of Mules. 1 Seta of Good Harness. CHICKENS 2 Dos. White Jersey Giants. 3 Dox. Rhode Island Reds. 2 Dot. Black Australorp. 76 Mixed Breed. MACHINERY Twin City Tractor 21-31. Clean and ready to go. 8 ft. Molina Wheatland Plow. 2600 Watt Koebler Lighting Plant, Wagons. Hay Rake, Harrows, Jackson Fork, Car riage and Cable. FURNITURE 2-pc. Mohair Living Room Set, Bed Davenport. Bed Room Suite, Inner 8prlng Mattresses. Simmons Springs. Singer Port able Sewing Machine, Electric Thor Washer wltb Ironer at. tachment. Electric Kenmore Washer, M. W. 6V4 cu. ft. Elect. Refrigerator. Enamel Range with all steel top, Cir culating Heater, Tea Wagon, Chairs, Tables. Occ. Chairs. Rockers, Dressers, Simmons Beds, Office Safe, Eureka Vac. Cleaner. This Is but a partial list. other consignments, will come In before sale time. COME PREPARED TO BCX TERMS CASH Chas. K. Wlese, Anctloneer Phone 23 Tulelake tll-17. OREGON MOSS AGATE rings. As low as 12.75. We do agate cut. ting. Ricky's Jewelry, 622 Main. 11-17 FOR SALE Baled hay. J. E. Thompson, Rt. 1, Box 892, Mid land. 11-28 38 For Sale or Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE For larger bouse, 4-room modern house, full basement, on pave- ment. Phone 1608-W. 11-16 40 To Exchange ' r: f.. TO EXCHANGE Free use of 3-room furnished house for board and room ot owner. News- Herald. Box 2169. 11-16 FOR TRADE Beautiful two-fam ily home In Eureka tor Klam ath Falls property. E. Gray, Real Estate. Phone 797. 118 No. Seventh. 11-16 WANTED Baled hay to trade for Ford V-8 or Bulck sedan. Altamont Auto Camp. 11-16 42 Mbcellaneous Wanted WANTED Cull spuds. G. W. Blickenstaff, Rt. 1, Box 272 across from Texum. 11-16 EXPERT MECHANIC with equip ment wants to lease 3-car gar age. Link River Auto Camp cabin. 11-14 WANTED Furniture, stoves household goods. George's Bar gain Store, 64 Main. Phone 438-W. 12-10-mtf WANTED Wood to saw. Inquire Gllmors Station, 6th and Oak. 11-26 HIGHEST PRICES PAID for used furniture and stoves. O. K. Sec ond-Hand Store, 820 Klamath Phone 991. ll-30mtf 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Feeder pigs, milch cow. u. w. BiicKenstair. Kt. 1 Box 272. across from Texum. 11-16 FOR SALE OR TRADE Two 200-lb. hogs for calves. Phone 561-W-4. 11-16 FOR SALE Improved OIC boars, 4 mo. old. Also 6 weeks. Extra fine pigs. Registered. Alvln Cheyne. 2nd house south Spring Lake school. 11-16 RED Short Horn Durham, eligible for registration, six months old. E. M. Hess, Alturas, Calif. 11-16 FOR SALE 6-gellon Jersey cow, 2 blocks north Idella store, Mil ler's Lane. 11-16 CHICKS HATCHING every week. Magulre Electric Hntchery, 2416 N. E. Oregon St., Portland. Ore. ll-30mtt FOR SALE 7 head young Jersey cows, some to treshen Boon, Chester Stonecyphe'r, Drain 10, Tulelake. 11-19 FOR SALE Rhode Island Red pullets, 7 months. Phono 195J4 evenings. 11-16 WANTED 600 old ewes. State price. W. Zinn, Prlnevillo, Ore gon. 11-18 NICE YOUNG TURKEYS, now ready to eat. Pino Grove Poul try Ranch, Lakeview highway. . Phone 1SF2. 11-14 News ana Herald Want-Ads get results. Financial LOW RATES OO A AUTO LOANS and ? REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Safe No Co-Signers No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let na finance your new or used car pnrchaae. Motor Investment Co. License M-104 116 N. Tth Ph. 112 12-9-mtf Loam $5 to $300 So 3. MADISON MULLEN CO. 603 Medical-Dental Bldg. Personal, Chattel Loan (3-319) 11-1T NEED MONEY T Let the "Friendly Finance Co." Furnish the Caah Auto Loans, Financing See Commercial Finance Corp. Wm. Frohnmayer, Mgr. License No. M-223 111 S. 7th St. Phone 471 11-10 48 Business Opportunities WANTED Three or f oar-car gar ' age for repair shop. Have own equipment. Cabin 1, Black Top Auto Camp, 1000 Blehn 8t. 11-14 FOR SALE Barber ahop, lease and fixtures. Cheap for cash. Inquire Jerry's Barber Shop, Tulelake. 11-16 SMALL RESTAURANT at bargain tor quick sale. Mnst sell on ac count sickness. Phone 141. 11-16 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S BALE Equity No. 4O0S NOTICE Is hereby given that by virtue of an Execution duly is sued out of tbe Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon, for Klamath County, dated October 11, 1(38, In a certain suit. In said Court, wherein Standard Supply Co., a corporation, plaintiff, versus El vira Hlrvl and Jacob Hlrvl, Jr., defendanta, the plaintiff recover ed Judgment against defendanta for the sum of $1,260.00, with interest thereon from August 21, 1933, until paid at the rate of 8 per annum; the further sum of $76.00 Interest to August 21 1933; the sum of $126.00 aa at torney's fees, and $17.46 costs and disbursements ot ault, which said judgment was entered and docketed In said Court on Augnat 21. 1933. " Notice la hereby given that act ing under said Execution J hare levied npon aa real property of said defendanta the following de scribed property: Beginning on the northerly boundary line ot Main Street In the City of Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, at a point thereon distant 68 feet northeasterly from the eaaterly boundary line of 11th Street; thence northwesterly parallel with 11th Street 176 teet; thence northeasterly and paral- ' lei with Main Street 14 feet; thence northweaterly and paral lel with 11th Street 66 teet to the aontherly line of Pine Street; thence northeaaterly along said line ot Pine Street 48 feet; thence southeasterly and parallel with 11th Street 128 feet; thence northeaaterly and parallel with Main Street 60 feet; thence southeasterly and parallel with 11th Street 112 teet to the northerly line of Main Street at a poln. thereon distant 126 feet southwesterly from the southwest corner ot Lot 6, Block I, Hot Springs Ad dition to the City of- Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence south westerly along the northerly line of Main Street 112 feet to the place ot beginning; being a tract of land unplatted and situated In the SEi ot the SEi ot Section 29, and the NE1 ot the NEi of Section 23, Town ship 38 South, Range ( Eaat ot the Willamette Meridian, and that I will, on the 17th day of November, 1988, at the front door ot the Court House ot Klamath County, Oregon, in the City of Klamath Falls, at eleven o clock In the forenoon ot said day, sell, at publio auction, to the highest bidder for cash, all right, title and interest ot the aald Elvira Hlrvl and Jacob Hlrvl, Jr. In and to said real property to satisfy said judg ment. Done this 11th day ot October, A. D. 1938. L, L. LOW, Sheriff ot Klamath County, Oregon, By J. E. FRANEY, Deputy. O 17-24-31; N 7-14 News. No. 166 SUMMONS. Equity No. 8871 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. ALTON WILSON, Plaintiff, vs. VIVIAN WILSON. Defendant. TO VIVIAN WILSON, Defend ant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint ot tbe plaintiff on tile ngainst you In the above entitled Court on or before the 12th day ot December, 1938, that being the date of the last publication ot this summons, and it you fall to anawer or otherwise appear, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court tor the relief prayed tor in his complaint, to-wit: tor a de cree ot divorce of and from you on the (round ot cruel and In- 46 Notice of School Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voter of School Dl trlct No. One, of Klamath County, State ot Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of the aald district will be held at Fremont school ea th 18th day of November, 1188, at 1 o'clock p. m., for tbe purpose ot discussing tbe budget for tbe fiscal school year, beginning Jus It, 1131, and ending June It, 1939, hereinafter aet fortt- Budget ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Balance on hand at the beginning of the fiscal school year (third Monday la June) for which this budget Is made . 1. To be received from the County School Fund .... 1. To be received from the Elementary School Fund ... 4. To be received from the State Irreducible School Fund , , I, , - -,,, , . I. To be received from other sources ,,, II. TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS (Items 1 to 1, Inc.) ESTIMATED I GENERAL CONTROL 1. Personal service! (1) Superintendent ,.,,, (II Clerk (1) Stenographers and other office assistants . , . ...,. (4) Compulsory education aal census - ;. ,,, ,,,,, ,, Supplies ... Legal service (clerk's bond, audit. eie.j I. Other expenses of general (1) I. Total Expense of General Control 1 T.171.9 O. INSTRUCTION Supervision 1. Personal service: (1) Supervisors and Principals $ 14.I06.C4 (1) Stenographer and other office assistants . 1,110.06 t. Total Expense, Supervision $ lt.116.6 HJ. I.NSTR UCTION Teahrn a. x-ersunMi service: (1) Teachers Supplies (cbalk, paper, ate.) rextnooKs 4. Other expense of teaching t. Total Expense of Teaching $ 1T,(06.(0 OPERATION OF PLANT 1. Personal service: (1) Janitors and other employee -I 11,100.00 I. Janitors' supplies 1,000.00 IV. Fuel , 4. Light and power and water 6. Other expense of operation 1. Total Expense of Operation . V. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS 1. Repair and maintenance ot furniture 1 and equipment $ 1. Repair and maintenance of build ings and grounds: t. Total Expense of Maintenance and Repairs VL AUXILIARY AGENCIES 1. Library: (1) Personal service (librarian, etc.) 1 1,080.00 (1) Library books ... , 1,000.00 (3) Supplies, repairs, ate. ,, (00.00 1. Health service: (1) Personal service (nurse, ete.). 1,110.00 (1) Supplies and other expense 16.0 1. Transportation of pupils: (1) Personal service (10.00 (2) Supplies and other expenses 110.90 (2) Repair and replacement of busses . . (00.00 4. Total Expense of Aaxtliarr VH. FIXED CHARGES 1. Insurance . I. Total Fixed Ctuu-a-ea VIII. CAPITAL OUTLAY 1. Alteration of building (not repairs),! 1,(00.00 1. Now furniture, equipment n d re placements .. , 1,100.00 1. Assessments for betterment , (.000.00 f . Total capital Outlays EX. DEBT SERVICE 1. Principal on bonda (Include negotiable . Interest-bearing warrants issued under section 86-1104) $ 1. Interest on bonds , I. Total Debt Service X. EMERGENCY RECAPITULATION ' Total estimated expenses for the year (sum ' of items 1-6, 1I-B. III-6, IV-8, V-4, VI-6, VII-5, VIII-7, EC-9, X $128,61T.0( Total estimated receipts, not Including pro posed tax $111,8(0.00 nai ance, amount to be raised tax Indebtedness Amount of bonded Indebtedness (include all negotiable Interest-bearing warrants leaned under section 85-1104).. Amount ot warrant Indebtedness on war rants issued and endorsed "not paid for want of funds" Amount of other Indebtedness ., Total Indebtedness (sums of Items 1. 1,1) Dated thla 3d day ot November, 1011. cignea IDA M. ODELL. CHAS. W. THOMAS, District Clerk Chairman, Board of Directors Approved by Budget Committee, November 1, 1931. Signed: GLEN W. HOUT, E. M. CHILCOTE, Secretary, Budget Committee Chairman, Budget Commute human treatment This summons is served upon yon by publication thereof once each week for four successive weeks (five Insertions) In the Evening Herald, a dally newspaper, published and circu lated in Klamath County, Oregon, pursuant to order of the Honor able Edward B. Ashurst. made and entered November 10, 1(38, STOCK AVERAGES Compiled by th Associated Press Wednesday Previous iay Month ago Year ago 1938 High 1938 Low . 1937 High 1(37 Low . z New 1938 highs. BOND AVERAGES Wednesday ... Previous day Month ago Year ago 1938 High 1938 Low . 1937 High 1937 Low 1932 Low. 1921 High -New 1931 Low 10.1(6.60 73,000.06 18,000.60 (40.06 ., EXPENDITURE $1!1.!II.0 Ucsticntas'y Total f 1,14? 1,010.06 1.416.0 407.66 100.06 111.6 control! -4 11,000.06 1.600.00 1,000.00 400.00 ,. ,,. (.609 00 4,(00.00 100.00 16.100.00 100.(0 1,000.00 -S S.100.00 Aaencie -I 4.I1M (,000.00 -I 1,006.(0 -I T.000.0 ii.ooa.oo 17.500.00 11.100.00 1,000.00 by district -$101.7(7.00 ...$411,600.06 None None -$421,100.00 th first publication thereof t be mad on November 14, 1131, and the last publication thereof to be made on December 11, 1(11. EDWIN E, DRISCOLL, Attorney for th Plaintiff. Poetof flee and business address, 100 William Bldg., Klamath - Falls, Oregon. N.14-11-28;D.6-11. No. Ill .l 20 IS IS (0 Indust. Ralls Uttl. (took 77.0 22.4 (7.1 61.6 79.6 11.1 17.6 S4.T 76.4 10.1 16.1 SS.S 66.0 12.4 16.1 47.1 79.5 18.1 17.1 S4.T 49.1 11.1 14. ( 11.7 . 101.0 4(. 64.0 7S.I . S7.T 19.0 11.0 41.T 10 10 10 10 Ralls Indust- Utll. Forelg- 6.17 19.1 94.1 64.7 63.2 (9.0 (4.0 68.1 69.1 ll.( 961 4.4 74.1 (l.S St.S 61.0 70.S 100.1 0S.1 07.0 46.1 . (1.0 IS.t 190 ((.0 104.4 103.1 T4.T 70.S 16.6 90.1 (4.1 45.S 40.0 04.6 41.S 101.1 01.0 101.0 100.1