AGE EIGHT THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 8 & SERIAL STORY Lovers aweigh CAST 0" CHARACTEH8 lVtT HOOT T admlrara taojratcr. hhm fared caolca l W I a II T caSiI'IIUI.I. amM J itoua llratraant. Il farr raolta . . Mf him rtlte mm daT. k JACK HANI.MY BTln aallor. ! B lacrd nt ol pallciit lov. wife. faocd tft o Dln AToed Bailor. Yaarerdarl dr Diana f liar trouble, reflect that aha oolll aara kad a knnac and a babr. too, kad aot Ward Fraalas keen killed l aetloa. ' CHAPTER IV CATUEDAY morning Judy Alcott awoke with a heavy sense of ; something unpleasant impending. 1 And then the remembered. Today ' was the day she was going with Dwight to meet his fiancee. 1 Dwight came (or her at a quar ter of ten. He was radiant, and his gladness was an added affront But she tried hard to act glad, too. Only, sitting beside him on the way to Lindbergh Field, she couldn't help remembering their dates, the way they had kissed. She had no business to "feci this way about a man who was going to marry somebody else. Lindbergh Field, one of the larg est in the country, had once been an Experimental Navy Field, she remembered. She looked at the admipistration buildings, at the wide expanse of landing area, and at the three huge airliners lined up behind the wire fence. Diane was always saying she wished Bill had a nice, safe trans port job. But it wasnt really safe, either, Judy knew. A man in pilot's gray came out of one of the ships. Judy wondered if his wife, too, worried when he was away. Diane made light of it, but Judy knew how the dark night hours tormented her when the fleet was away at sea. With Dwight, an engineering of ficer on a battlewagon. Marvel would never have to worry. Judy hated herself for the way her eyes clung to him. She didn't want to see his lean, graceful height, she didn't want to see the way his eyes were alight with happiness. If that mile were for her but it wasn't "Steady, Judy," she said to her eK. AT ten thirty the great silver "ship came ut of the sky and asrded for a landing. They watched it powerful, swift, beau tiful beyond description. And then it was taxiing to the apron, and almost as soon as the propellers topped whirling, the cabin door was flung open and on the steps ttte porter had rolled up, a girl was standing. She would be the first one out. Judy nought She had red heir, this vision in fee cabin door. A trim tailored tuit, a magnificent silver fox, and little hat of engaging, knowing smartness, with a stiff red and gray feather. i Dwight shouted, "Marvel!" and can toward her. Judy stood still. waiting for them to have their .greetings over with. Dwight kissed iier. The hostess who had come out of the plane smiled. A couple of descending passengers grinned, and young man who had evl' dently become friendly with her since they met in the airliner's cabin called, "Goodby, Miss Bastings. Happy Landing, isn't It?" And then Dwight was bringing Marvel toward her. His hand was under her elbow. He was acting as though she were spun glass, and precious beyond price. "Darling, this is Judy Alcott You know I wrote you about her. Her father's Admiral Alcott. Judy, uus is Marvel." He added in a burst of happiness, "I hope you two are going to like each other. Z know you will!" But Marvel's odd green eyes were resting on Judy appraisingly, and Judy was suddenly glad she'd worn the tie silk dress and her new shoes. Marvel took in the smoothly brushed, blond hair, the heart shaped face, the blue eyes with their shining fringe of lashes. "Oh, Dwight I didn't know she was blond or I'd never have trusted you!" she laughed. Dwight laughed, too. Judy could only smile. 'They were so silly about bag gage!" Marvel said, as Dwight FLAPPER FANNY -com. 1 bt ma tuyiee. mc HOMrT.TErA A t ' 0 0 0 JfJEav .. ' ' m-i-I "72 to 0 not a goal kicked out of 12 touchdowns! Well, now we know what their weak point is, we can lick -' , .e&sy next year." COPYRIOHT, I tit N(A aiKVICI. INO BY BETTY WALLACE went into the building to get her things. "They charged me for overweight and I "got the newest linen luggage so everything would be light." , "It must have been what you put into the bags.'WIudy said. "Goodness, just nothing! There are some trunks coming by ex press." Judy thought of her one evening gown, which she wore over and over. Marvel probably had ten. MT"VE decided I want to stay at a hotel until until " Marvel said, when they were in the car. They were squeezed very tightly, Dwight under the wheel and Mar vel next to him, and Judy Jammed against the door handle. "If you only knew some Navy people, vou could be visiting them for the few days" Dwight ven tured. , "Few days?" Marvel laughed. "I've got so much to do! Clothes and all. And won't there be par ties for the bride? And there are some people ln asking to the wedding, in Los Angeles, and I promised I'd stay a week before I get married." Dwight looked somewhat dashed. Judy tried not to be glad. What difference did it make right away, or in a few weeks he was hers, and not Judy's. She said to Marvel, before Dwight dropped her at the house, "You must meet my mother and Dad, Miss Hastings. And all the Navy family, too. Do come to night I'll ask a few people." "Yes," said Dwight eagerly. "I want you to meet everybody. honey. You know, well be living among them, and there's nothing like getting off on the right foot" Judy felt again that unwilling dislike for Dwight's calculating strategy. "But don't you want me all to yourself tonight?" pouted Marvel. "You know I do! But honey, I want everybody to see you. YouH bowl 'em over." l JARVEL would be at the Coro nado. The most exclusive and expensive! hotel in town. It was a good place for Dwight's girl, Judy thought All the high est ranking naval officials stayed there, and Navy parties frequently were held in its huge Gold Room. She explained to her mother, who went to the phone and asked Mrs. Lane, Mrs. Rowland and Mrs. Dunn at once. Judy herself tele phoned Jack Hanley and two young lieutenants who worked in her father's office. She called Diane, but Diane said regretfully, "Sorry! Bill's off on duty. I can't make it" A few minutes later the phone pealed. It was Mrs. Lane. "The ship's going out some sudden or ders. Nobody will be able to come, Mrs. Alcott." "This is Judy," said Judy, "111 tell mother. We didn't know." She had a vision of Dwight being ordered to sea while Marvel waited for him to call for her at the Coronado. Sure enough, he called a few minutes later. "I guess you've heard. I've got to go. Listen, Judy, Marvel doesn't understand. She thinks I can give an excuse and not go. Will you please go down to the hotel for me and ex plain to her? I only talked to her a few minutes. We're shoving off." Judy's lnsldes felt cold. She didn't want to explain to Dwight's future wife that the Navy came first that he simply had to obey the call of duty. Any girl in her senses would understand that without any explanations! She re membered the other girl's cool self-confidence, her look of accus tomed arrogance. Dwight was begging her des perately, "Please, Judy. I hated to hang up on her, but I just knew if I asked you, you'd rush over and explain to her." "All right" saM Judy. And to herself she said, "You fool!" (To Be Continued) Merchants of Bombay have asked the government to establish automatic safeguards against cur rency fluctuations. By Sylvia t. m. mo. . j. nr. of r. OUT OUR WAY VRR,V WART THEY 1 WEAR.IM' NO SHOULDER, I GOT iO PLAYERS OfJ I I FADDlU' AM1 OUR LIME t THEIR. SIDE AM' YOU J I WAS SO MUCH WIDER. V OMLV SOT 7 S THAW THEIRS I r- J J HADPA MAKE A ) jgLSs yDEAL. WITH 'EKSfy 1 stTW- MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL ,OViE STAR LOVlE LAV ERE AMD BUZZ HOLLAR,, nJbLILITT CHIEF FOB. GLAMOUR STUDIOSiABE ABOUT TO DASH BACK TO HOLLY WOOD WHEW BUZZ GETS A SUOOEW UJSPIRATIOJ WASH TUBBS EH? YOU WERE HIOIHO FROM dawsom iv) a 6&KBA6E LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE BY HAROLD GRAY (?jHE BOTTOM OF THE WELL.TT ' 5 T "T YvSd2r " f 1 T Thf?' 1 F BAH I SUCH A f YEAH-SOW. ' JlASTT, AND THERE ONLY A EVER? NEVER- I MRL&CE ' SlaMv cL rikcivf mu 1 I CRtBtY JOKE - THAT Vou-Rfi JUST METAL CAN. SEALED. ADDRESSED evert ; wvm !T - " ' t6 2JLV rL55.!iJ I WRETCH. SHANGHAI . I THE TYPE THrtT TO JUDGE SILAS BUTTON- ALL THAT DIGGING Y WHY. THT T , THAT- , HOAX-J DISAPPOINTED- 1 SHOULD BE TARRED J WOULO BE FOR -1 fWJUSTOLD I HORRIBLE HE HirTTED te Mf YEP-THEYVE 1 'I AND FEATHERED -jW THAT. BROTHER- f yep-toouogeT hesth' 1 N CAN1 AsgL 1 ilPg60 bnFr-' I SILAS BUTTON, I BEST LAWYER I fSnRITfl MR-GUCTRSs '4 rWmL- W:'W'-'4' '''' ;-'.' ' I t iPERSONAL-- INTKSTRTE-J Irt'cMS-Vv ,1 THOT WELL- h ': y.KJ Ai'i-i ' l) " ' '- FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS ! ' BY 0SSER r! X NEVER WENT V YOU CAM'T fa BUT WHAT WE KIN T) P We'rb VrCA ( . fK,, T ' 1 VW( 50 FAST BEFORE J BEAT GRAVITY, HAPPENS J COAST To SLOWING V THeM X WWi viWiS without y sowmy. ano y&u ffi when we th highway, down l git v. vf V mrAmUUSL'-J sasolinb Dorr have To put I Run out J an- then suess weVe I out on JilL, J9'Jimh Xvi. -WiiS-lX T IN A TANK I Jg OP HILLS? ITS UP TO US SQUEEZED TH OtsL JFSF jS7 3 ? HA """VCM V . . 'ffgcg V V T SEE HOW EVERY INCH HIGHWAY ZZaJQI 1 I TO I T3iV" 7" "T FAR- WE KIM OUT OP AN' HOLD r?9Z.t 'aS C Ksl VV ( J&Li ( I RIDE WITHOUR. THAT , OUF A mSklLV& t I fe .S b 1 BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES JOVO S5RANGt TrAT T.WO P? ANOY STVE 6rAPVS.. SriCeWT. bORT. WVXOt ftYA0 "b TO BECOME A DOCTOR. TrS He. HI6W St .tTER WiVX TO be.W0 VS) VtV-OVv A WIDE SPREAP con ,m ay ar , NURSE- BULL I KIM SEE IT ALL ' MOW, EASY. IT WAS A PLOT-A DIRTV, CAM?. SV1EAWV1' PLOT! HE'S WOT SATISFIED WITH KtEPIM Me FBOhA S.EEIMS CAROL. BROTVffiRS COULD "AKVO osv. rt hiiu, v0OOY, MOMtY - HWOcO OPPOR.T.UWW VOttOSc. CrW AM VM V.FE S TO &cK "XVSSVc. VWl'bT.c.c.-v -V 1 1 i 1 1 en "ZFsZT'V.ZTJT' .o'n Vr HERE'S THE SET-UP.' W TH.S MEW soaT OP ill 11 I LaiSr S7-LcT BCoe r7PUijUATtteklFf:DIS PICTURE, LOVIE PLAVS A WAR -1 I TECHKJICAL I 1 1 I U T-vJfa. WUFE.' r MIUS"AWOIPVOav E.E!.WU JOB'LL ADVISEe- SAV? f S Js V, ' BEEN ABLE TO AAAKE lOVE S THS ,j ' 15 THAT M W-J 1 Plml ) w se DIDN'T j XZZSi-S. i 'J ,T Lr 1 BUT- BY J. R. WILLIAMS it awci, we. t. m. mo. u. a. rt or,. II-l-Vy MOT WW! HE HAD A MAID ' LUCE ME IMTO TH' PALACE OM PURPOSE, just so THEV COULD SCARE ME IU TO HTOIW' IW A 6ABBAGE CAW THEM HE TV.RENW 0Z TO THT HAW6S. OAT. MAVi's HEAVX A6Ki " OUR BOARDING HOUSE UMP- SPEAKlWa OP PETS, SIR, I HAD A CRICKET rURIWQ THS BOER WAR THAT I ALWAYS TOOK ALON3 OKI SCOLiTINO EXPEDITIOUS T, au' l MiiUtnll IWl I f t -x w a r a a , mucww OrV -6OO0 e0tMr6'. .1. QOVE Tfll HERE'S ONB VOU DOUBLE CHECK -MY EAOLE NAMED acEBEES- HE WAS DECORATED BY TH' FRENCH AND IS STUFFED IN A PARIS MUSEUM.DURlNcS Th' BUS SCRAP 1 TAUGHT H!V TO TAKE PICTURES BY PULLINO A STRING WITH HIS BEAKw&'D TIB A CAMERA ON OEEBEES AND HE'D FLY OVER TH' TRENCHES AND COMB BACK WITH CLOSE-UPS OF HIDDEN MACHINE fiUU NESTS 5 BY THE I WUOY1W6 Ab USUAV. W)r 1 Wi V tarn. iu With MAJOR HOOPLE CAkJ PET GUY TELLS BICSGER , HOPPLES THAU TH' BliS CHIEF MlMSCLF it- V LIME MAOOR CAN'T EVEN GET STARTED THOMPSON AND COLL FASCIklATIKJfa .. AWD ATTA OIOL VOUtJSAV DOCTOft.5A.ID WEEDED A REST, BUT If BY CRANE HORNETS! obov, get me A VAVcH AQ, 6ASy! THIS IS TH' RlfifiBST IDEA OFIAVUFE! BY MARTIN OV ftNY Y.OM6ER. n V : 1 ... I V.tARKife WH2t CiOSH MOM OF HAS. TVME. ? iv ne smvict, ino, t. m. mo, u. . pat. :y