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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1938)
November 12, 1933 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINft Herald and News Classified Ad Section RATES Paid-in-Advance One day, per word Two-day run, ear word Three-day run, p' word .... 2c 4c Bo 7c Ons weak run. par word On month run. par word 20c Charge Adi Each Iniariion, f)r word 3 c No charge mad (or leu than 25c) (All mall ordar adi must hav b wltb ardor). All aria ara Inaartad Id both adltlona of Tha Nawa-Harald. All classifications ara num borad and app-ar In numerical ordar, Tba daad-llna tor olatslflca Hon la 11:00 a. m. Ada received after 11:00 o'clock will ba run In tba "Too Lata to C1lfy" column. Tba Nawa-Harald will ba aponalbla for Incorraot wording ouly ona day. Classified Index Apartmanta tor Rant Autoinotlva ..... .......... Ilusluau opportunltlea -.14 -14 -.41 Educational Financial For Hal or Trada . (Icnaral Notice Help Wanlad, Female . Help Wanted, Mala Houut for Kant Livestock and Poultry . I.011 and Found Mlscellanooua for Rant Mlacallanaoua for Bala Miscellaneous Wanted Personals Raal Estate for Bala Real JCatata Wanted Room and Board -.41 a 10 I! 20 22 10 II Rooma for Rant Service Bltuallona Wanted To Eiobame ... Traneportallon 40 I Loit and Found LOST Lady'a Butov wrlat watch. Reward. Phone 401. 11-11 General Notice ' Go By Motor Coach Bborteat Route Lowest Farea To Northern Polnta Ona Round War Trip Spokane $11.10 $20.05 Boise. Ida. 10.00 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Butaaa Leave 1:00 P. M. Mt. Hood Stages, Inc. Oreyhonnd Depot Phnne 998 11-10-mtf BTORAQET Call T04. Il40tf TRAPPERS ATTENTION Hare an order for 1400 muskrat to ba dellrerad by November 18. Phone 179-M. Parka Orocery. lilt 80. 6th. 11-19 INTERSTATE MOVINO Klam ath Falla Tram, and Storaie. 12-4mtf I.ONO DISTANCE HAULING Phone 107. ll-4mtf ARLENE O. BMITH, PUBLIC BTENOORAPHER, Notary Pub He; Mimeographing. Phone 1401. Realdenca 2139 Oak off Enst Main. 11-1 TRAPPERS ATTENTION! Hollla Nooncheater at 821 Eaat Mnln paya top prlcea for furs. Call at Apt. 2, before 8. 12-9 PHOTO-FINISHING 1-Hour Sorvlce Free Developing 4a Print Star Drug Btor 8th ft Main 11-24 Pertonalt FOR THAT MAN'S BIRTHDAY or Xmat, buy 8KI-TOQS. Rudy' SKI SHOP, 6th and Main. 12-2 OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Dr. A. A. Sntilo. 11-21 Trantportatlqrj WANTED Ride to Ft. Worth. Taxaa. 917 Pine. 11-14 MOVING Local, long dlntance. Call 704. mm 10 Service YOUR FILM DEVELOPED and printed 26c, wlda border, deckle edge prlnta. Alao 2 7x9 enlarg ing couponB. Wont Const Film Bervlco. "A reliable plnce to annd your films." P. 0. Box 030, Siilem, Ore. 12-10 PAINTING, KAL80MINING W. H. Smith. Phone 377J3. 12-1 FLOOR SANDING and roflnlsh- Ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 188W3. ll-30mtf "THERE'S A DIFFERENCE" K. Moiling Decorating Co., 116 Ho. 7th St. Phono 936. 11-20 NU-BONM foundation gnrmonts. For appointment cnll Mrs. Mil dred Rugg, 28W3. 12-1 UPHOLSTERY Cara, furniture, ruga clonnod like now. Moder ate prices. Cnll 858-M. 12-1 PAINTING, Knlsomtnljig Harry Brown. Phone 1082. 11-28-nitt WRINGER ROLLS for all mnkos of washing mnchlnoa. Morlt Washing Machine Service, 70S I 8o. 6th. Fhone 1088. ll-80mtf 10 Service ' HEMSTITCHING Button, buo kloi. Mia Murray, with J. C. Pannoy Co. 11-26 FIX THAT RADIOI Pbona 22B1-W. 802 Markot. 11-21 ST. FRANCIS PARK CABINET SHOP Cnhlnot work, ramodel Itig. Phone 267-J-l or 41-J-6. 12-11 PIANO TUNING Morgan. Phone 406. Empire Hotel. 11-23 PARK CABINET SHOP Bl. Fraud Park. Estimate free on home construction product, cabinet work, frnmea or furni ture ropnlrlng. Phone 287 J 1 or 41-J-fi. 11-14 BIWINO, export nltoratlooa. Blip covora, dreaamaklng, coata re lined. Mra. Harney, 2111 Dar row. Pbone 2161-J. 12-llmtf AUTO, WINDOW OLAB8 Install ed. Mlrrora made, reallverad. Klmhall'a Qiao Shop, 627 Wal nut. Phone 2241. ll-SOmtf DON'T THROW AWAY that old maltroia. We will reflufr it for 12.60. New ticking S3. 96. or convert It Into a flral-clasa Inneraprlug mattraM for 112.00. Alio expert upholterlng. Carl ton Mattraia and Upbolaterlng Co., 1204 Mnln. Phone 791. 11-20 SPECIAL Now designed monu mania and markora. Largeat assortment In aouthern Oregon. Priced no blither than Inferior work. Any kind of eamotery work. Oregon Granite Co. Lo ral office and representative (19 N. 11th. Telephone 231. 11-lt HAY CHOPPING with hammer mill, any amount. Lane Bros., Rt. 1, Box 721. Phone 67J2. 11-17 UOIJENHAMKR BA W filing. 219 E. Main. Phone 14W. All aaws, tools, lawn mowers, etc., re paired. 11-Hmlf DRESSMAKING, alterations, re modeling. Ann London, 622 .Main, over Rwansen'a Barber Shop. 11-27-mtf 14 Help Wanted, Female WOMEN WANTED Addreaa our catalogs. 2c each paid In ad vanra plue bonuKca. Everything supplied. Free details furnish ed. Royal Producta, a. P.O., box 104, Brooklyn, N. Y. 11-12 ADDRESS POSTCARDS we eup ply. Rate 1c per card In ad vance. Write for full details Bunland Co., Colton, Calif. 11-12 WOMAN for housework, two adulla. With referencoa need apply. Phone 86. 11-12 WANTED Woman for general housework. Pbona 16-F-ll. 11-14 WANTED Experienced woman for goneral housework. ; Phono 1S-F-811. 11-12 16 Help Wanted, Male WANTED Barber. Eatea Barber Shop. Take bua Una to St. Fran cla Park. 285-tf .MEN. WOMEN MAKE $S( WEEKLY growing muahroomi for ua, cellar, a h e d. Year rniinri. Write tnriHV. free hook Weatern Mushroom Co., Dept. D 7, Portland, Oregon. 11-12, 19, 28 MEN WANTED for Rawlelgh Routea of 800 families. Re- llrtblo huatlor should make good earnlnga at start and Increase rapidly. Write today. Raw- lolgh's. Dept. ORK-104-S, Oak lnnd, Calif. 11-12 OPENING NEW LOCAL COFFEE AGENCY. Need man Immed- Intoly to supply regular con Burners. Start with earnings up to 146.00 In a weok. Must write quick. ZANOL, 1801 Pop lar, Oakland, Cal. 11-12 $200 A WEEK oonnectlon open now with highly rated company In business 60 year. No can' vasslng. Leada plentiful. Lib eral credit plan for repeats. Salary and expenae allowance plan for six week training. Box 1707B, Cedar Rapid, Iowa. 11-12 SOCIAL SECURITY PLATES! Op erate own business. Up to 400 Profit. No Investment required. Postcard brings FREE OUTFIT. U. S. NAMEPLATE CO., Box 789. Chicago. 11-12 18 Situation Wanted EXPERIENCED LADY wishes hour work. 2143 Vine. 11-14 EXPERIENCED WOMAN wanta cooking, restaurant, small crew, housework. Taka full charge. 920 Klamath. 11-12 PRUNING, GARDEN WORK Al bort Barrett, Ashland route. 12-8 CURTAINS home laundered, Btrnlohod. Ransonnble. Phono 1425-W evening. 11-24 TRAINED NURSE 640W2. 11-12 COMPETENT, licensed beauty op orator, hair Btyllst, Phono 1801-M. ' 2610-tf WANTED Practical nursing or houaowork. Box 726, Mnlln, Ore. 11-18 EXPERIENCE!) young man wishes Job on ranch. Phone 81-F-2. 11-15 HOUR WORK, oxperlonced. Phone 1012-J. 11-18 News ana Herald Waat-Adr get result. Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD 214 Michi gan. 11-18 ROOM AND BOARD Close In. 332 N. 9lh, Phone 1187-W. 11-16 BOARD AND ROOM. (29 Jeffer son. 12-4 f 8.76 WEEK, 136 MONTH 1646 Bargont. Phone 1269-J. 12-3 ROOM AND BOARD Close In. 829 High. ll-16mtf ROOM With garag. Board If desired. Gentlemeo preferred. 611 Eldorado. 11-21 BOARD AND ROOM Private showers. 8 week. Steam heat. 728 Klamath. 11-12 22 Room for Rent HOUSEKEEPING ROOM! for men. 128 Mortimer. 11-12 TWIN BEDROOM In private home, board If desired, furnace heat. Phone 1667. 11-16 FURNACE HEATED ROOM 134 N. 3rd. 140tf BLEEPING ROOM 2.00 week. 611 Bo. 8tb. 11-14 24 Apartment for Rent VACANCY 419 No. lOtb. 11-14 FURNISHED apartment, editable for two. Inquire at 601 Market. 11-12 FOR RENT Three-room furnish ed apartment. 181 High. 2034-tf FURNISHED APT. 2 room. Btewart addition. Cheap. I. O. Blakaly. Inquire Llen'a grocery. 11-14 FURNISHED apartment. Adults. No peta. Ideal Court, 221 Com mercial. 11-16 FURNISHED apartment. Adults. 741 Walnut. 11-14 FIRST-CLASS small brick apart ment. Adulta. No peta. In quire 741 Walnut. 11-14 MODERN furnished three-room apartment. Alameda Apart manta, 1800 Esplanade. 2128tf FOR RENT Modern furnished apartmenta, Weyerhaeuser dis trict, $26 and up. Phone 449J6. 11-11 CASCADE apartment hotel, new ly furnished and decorated, tel ephones, eloctrto equipment, re frigeration, elevator, garage. Day, week or month. The apart ment hotel with convenience and borne comfort. 24-hour aervlca. No pat. ll-14mtf FURNISHED APT. Desirable H cation. No pets. Inquire 803 Lincoln. 11-16 VACANCY K. D. Apartment Broad and Main. 11-12 26 Houiet for Rent FOR RENT Six-room furnished bouse. 1014 High. 10-12 SPECIAL WINTER RATES at Al tamont Auto Camp. South Sixth atroet. Light, water, fuel. Phone a a r v I e a furnished. Phone 694-J-2. 11-24 FOUR-ROOM partly furnlabed bouae, full basement. 633 Grant. 11-12 CABINS FOR BACHELORS 426 Willow. 11-16 2-ROOM unfurnished house. Shas ta Way, $8 month. Inquire (32 Oak St. 11-16 3-ROOM modern furnished house, garage, 125. Inquire 212 Lewi. 11-12 FOR RENT House, three rooms, furnished, garag. 2201 Or chard, li-ia MODERN furnished house, ono bedroom. 306 Lincoln. 11-12 PARTLY furnished house, avail able now. Furnaoe, electrlo tova, G. B. refrigerator, garage In basoment, etc. Close In. For leaae, 840. Call I09-W. 11-15 8-ROOM furnished cottage. Clean, garage. 9681 Broad. 11-18 UNFURNISHED four - bedroom borne, furnace heat, near high achool. Lease $45 month. Also five-room unfurnished home opposite St. Francis Park on pavement, $16 month. Well furnlahed five-room house, furn ace hoat. Close In, $45 month. Everett Dennis, phono 1060, 112 so. 8th. 11-12 28 Miscellaneoui for Rent FOR RENT One ult or two ilngle office room In Hopka building, 8th and Main street. See Ida M. Odell. Phone 366 for further particular. 11-14 PASTURE FOR RENT P h 0 n 816-W-l. 11-14 FOR RENT 6000 acre winter pasture for cattle. Write W. S. Hutchena, Red Bluff, Calif. 11-15 FOR RENT, FURNISHED Nov. 16, Fields Hotel, Grants Pass, Ore. 11-16 30 Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE, Lease or Exchange Tha recent death of Mr. Miller, of Miller Paoklng company, makes available for lease, pur chase or trado, the stock ranch operated by him. 1120 acres, ownor, Mr. D. T. Owen, Dorrla, Calif. 1814-tt SEE LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way. $10 down, $5 monthly, Including Interest. Mr. Ben P. Lewis, ownor. Rt. 2, Box 896. Phone 85JI. 11-18 20 30 Reel Estate for Sale SUBURBAN HOME S rooma, full basement, aeml-alr condition ing, furnace, private water and owage ylem, 2 acre, land leaped, fruit tree, berrloa, highway frontage. Box 1809, News-Herald. 11-13 FOR BALE or will trade for Spo kane property. Fine modern borne on Roseway Drive. Double lot, lawn, shrub, rock garden, hardwood floora throughout, tile bath and sink, fireplace, full basement fuel room, laundry tuba and garag In basement. Call 1479-W. 11-18 ONE, TWO and 8-ROOM bouses, on half acre. $476 to $700. Small payment. Christ Huck, 1320 Pleaaant, phone 2208. 11-18 FOR BALE OR RENT Reason able down payment buy new attractive home In St. Francis Park. Corner Thompson and lt Ave. Phone 41-J-5. 11-14 32 Real Estate Wanted WANTED TO LEASE Ranch. (0 to 100 acre. Soma alfalfa, grain and potato land. Prefer leaae. Reference. 1022 Main. 11-14 34 Automotive TRADE 1400 equity In '17 Chev rolet town aedan, practically new. Radio, heater. Accept good light car. See Bob, Rich field Station, So. (th and Klam ath. 11-12 1927 DODGE PICKUP Good con dition and rubber, $26. 1021 Portland Drive. 11-14 FOR BALE 1938 Terraplane ae dan, reaaonably priced; also aewlng machine. Pbone 1361. 11-14 FOR BALE Factory recondition ed 1939 Model A coupe cheap. Pbone 1814-W. 829 High. 11-12 FOR SALE 'It Ford pickup, good condition. Bargain. Box 943. News-Herald. 11-13 FOR SALE Late '30 Ford coupe $85. 926 Jefferson. 11-12 FOR 8ALE 1930 Graham aedan, good condition. My equity $20. 2244 Kiln St. 11-12 FOR QUICK SALE Equity In new Chevrolet town aedan $150. Low mileage. Phone 1647-W. 11-12 36 Miscellaneous for Sale FOR SALE Complete wall and floor fixture, tablea and show cases. Reasonable. Weatern Auto Supply Co., 1038 Main, phone 984. 11-17 FOR TRADE '87 O. E- Frlgid alre for equity In small, light car. Rt. 8, Box 310, Altamont Acrea. 11-12 PINE BLOX Bone dry direct from bin, $3.75 delivered. Phone 893-M. 12-9 FOR SALE 16MM cartridge load Simplex pockette movie camera. Jame B. Floyd, Pelican The atre. 11-14 FOR SALE 125 sacks seed rye, and Guernsey bull 11 years old. R. E. Bailey. 11-12 FILMS DEVELOPED Bight print and band colored en largement 25c Oregon Pic ture Co., Box 4292, Portland, Ore. S-tf FILMS DEVELOPED Two prlnta from each good negative, ISe. Portland Film Co.. Box 4212, Portland, Ore. S-tf FILMS DEVELOPED Eight prlnta and two enlargements. 26c. Quality Picture Co., Box 2571. Portland. Ore. S-tf FOR SALE Carrota, eulls 60c; No. 1, 75c Crystals, Merrill- Lakevlew Junction. 11-18 FOR SALE 4 - wheel trailer house, furnlahed, $65 cash. In' quire Klamath Camp Ground South Sixth. 11-16 FOR SALE Oat bay, alfalfa hay, cabbage. O. A. Schultx, Tulelake, Calif. 11-14 WOOD-COAL circulating heater, 8 to 4-room alia, bargain. 218 Lincoln. 11-12 FOR SALE Dry pine and fir body wood; alao mahogany $10 cord. 106 Weet Oregon. 11-15 FOR SALE Large circulator beater. Just Ilk new. 1347 Wllford. 11-15 MOHAWK STOVB OIL Guaran teed 37 gravity. 8o per gallon. Prompt delivery- Metered re ceipt. Pbone 2270. 11-20 FOR SALE Used lumber. In quire Keno Store, Keno, Ore. 11-14 KALSOMINB Your choice of twenty colore In bulk at only 8o ' lb. We rent kalsomlne brushes. Southern Oregon Hardware. 12-8 FOR SALE Driveway cinder. Fhone 938W4. 12-6 WOOD Dry pine and fir. Bob Brown, 3rd St., Pleasant Vlow tracts. 11-12 FOR SALE One lot household goods. Can be Been at Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage. 11-11 FINE CAMEO RINGS As low aa $2.95. Solect your Xmaa glfta now. Ubo our lay-away plan. Ricky' Jewelry, 622 Main. 11-24 ANY KIND LAWN DIRT, ferti liser and garden rock. Phone 177J8. 12-1 36 Miscellaneous for Sale Aucti on Saturday, Nov. 19, 10 A. M. at Fair Grounds Klamath Falls BIG ALL DAY SALE Included In this offering is the Dairy nerd and complete equio merit of Mrs. Grace E. Haslcin of Bly, Ore. CATTLE 40 Holstoln, Jersey, Guernsey, Durham 40. A fine lot of young cowa, good producer. All stock baa been regularly tested and ha a clean bill of health. DAIRY EQUIPMENT Separator, Cooler, Milk Cans, Bucket, Strainers. Bottlea, Cap per, Steam Boiler. Vat and Steamer, Pressure Pump. IIOKHEH 1 Team Geldings 1600 lbs. 1 Gelding 2 yr. old. Broke. 1 Team of Mules. 1 Seta of Good Harness. CHICK ENS 2 Do. White Jersey Giants. 3 Do. Rhode Island Red. 2 Doi. Black Australorp. 76 Mixed Breed. MACHINERY Twin City Tractor 21-16. Clean and ready to go. 8 ft. Molina Wheatland Plow. 2600 Watt Kochler Lighting Plant, Wagons, Hay Bake, Harrows, Jeckson Fork, Car nage ana cable. FURNITURE 1-pe. Mohair Living Room Bet Bed Davenport. Bed Room Suite. Inner Spring Mattresses, Simmons Spring. Singer Port able Sewing Machine, Electric Thor Washer with Ironer at tachment. Electric Ken more Washer, M. W. ft cu. ft. Elect. Refrigerator. Enamel Range with all steel top. Cir culating Heater. Tea Wagon, Chairs, Tables, Occ Chairs. Rockers. Dressers, Simmons Bed, Office Safe, Eureka Vac. Cleaner. Thla 1 but a partial Hat. aa otner consignments, will come In oerore sale time. COME PREPARED TO BUY TERMS CASH Cha. K. Wlese, Auctioneer Phone 23 Tulelake tll-17. AUCTION Saturday, Nov. 19th. 10 A. M. At the Fair Grounda, Klamath Falls. Big all day community sale of horses, mules, cattle, chickens. implements, furniture, etc. Watch for list. Include .the things you want aold In thla sale. LlsUthem now! Write, wire or call Cbas. K. Wlcse. Auctioneer. Pbone 22, Tulelake, California. 11-15 FIX THAT RADIO! Phone 22S1-W. 802 Market. 11-25 USED PIPELESS FURNACE for wood or coal. $35.00. Tbla furnace la In good condition but Is being replaced by a mod ern H. C. Little OH Burning Floor Furnace because of tbe additional comfort and con venience. Phone 635. PEYTON & CO. 4980 tf GREY CINDERS 125 Laguna. Phone 2170-W. 11-17 PERFECTION oil burning fur naces give you ateady, even beat thermostatically controlled at lowest operating coat; no wicks or moving parts to give trouble. Beat of all these fur nace are moderately priced. Your old wood-coal furnace may be turned In aa down pay ment, balance on e a y FHA term of not more than $8.12 month. Call Bob Porter, Oregon Equipment Co. Phone 2057. 11-14 STORING MOVING PACKING Call 704. 1642tf BALED HAY Timothy, alfalfa and atraw. R. C. Short, Rt. 2, Bdx 644, Merrill road. 12-4 MOVING T Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, 4th and Klamath. Phone 1097. 12-4mtf PUBLIC "STORAGE" SERVICE Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, Fourth and Klamath. 12-4mtf OREGON MOSS AGATE rings. Aa low aa $2.75. We do agate cut ting. Ricky' Jewelry, 822 Main. 11-17 BEAUTIFUL new, dainty spinet pianos of nationally adver tised make, by manufacturer whose Instruments are approved by the Good Housekeeping In stitute. At low prices which will surprise you. See picture and remarkably low price In dis play advertisement of Friday's Herald and Saturday's News. And see the Instruments them selves at Dorby'a Music Co., 117 ' S. 7th. Louis R. Mann, piano technician. 11-3 PAY CASH FOR USED GOODS Peck, 27 Mnln St. 11-12 GOING SKIING? Hlrsch-Wels Ski Togs. Rudy'a SKI SHOP, 6th and Main. 12-2 FERTILIZER Sheep or cow, lawn dirt, sawdust for butch ers. Roy Schmeck, 2438 Shasta Way. Phone 1269. . 11-12 FOR SALE Balod hay. J. B. Thompson, Rt. 1, Box 892, Mid land. 11-28 38 For Sale or Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE For larger hntiso, 4-room modern house, full basement, on pave ment. Phone 1608-W. 11-16 To Exchange WANTED Baled bay to trada for Ford V-8 or Bulck aedan. Altamont Auto Camp. 11-15 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Furniture, stoves, household good. George's Bar gain Store, 64 Main. Phone 438-W. 11-10-mtf WANTED Bid to haul 45.000 feet dry pine lumber from Van Bike mill. Bonanza, to R. E. Thornaa ranch, Langell valley. Distance 11 miles. Answer R. E. Thomas, R. R. 1, Bonanza. Alao registered 21-year Jersey bull for aale. 11-12 WANTED Wood to eaw. Inquire Gllmore Station, 6th and Oak. 11-28 HIGHEST PRICES PAID for need furniture and atoves. O. K. Second-Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 991. ll-30mtf ... mvt.c)'-?.nA Pu.try. FOR SALE Improved OIC boars 4 mo, old. Also 6 weeks. Extra fine pigs. Registered. Alvln Cbeyne. 2nd bouse sooth Spring Lake achool. 11-15 RED Short Horn Durham, eligible for registration, six months old. E. M. Hess, Altura. Calif. 11-15 FOR 8ALE 5-galIon Jersey cow, 2 blocks north Idella store. Mil ler's Lane. 11-15 FIVE DOZEN WHITE LEGHORN pullets. Some laying. Rock bouse just north Shady Pine. ll-iz WANTED Young flrat-class Jer. sey cow or belter. Will buy or winter. Ed Ward, Box 47, Port land Drive. 11-12 CHICKS HATCHING every week. Magnlre Electric Hatchery, 2416 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Ore. ll-30mtf FOR SALE! Three grade Quern eys, coming fresh. Lloyd Cow ley. Langell Valley. 11-12 FOR SALE Weaner pig. Rich ard Morgan, Keno, Ore. 11-12 FOR SALE 7 head young Jersey cows, some to freshen soon. Chester Stonecypher, Drain 10, Tulelake. 11-19 FOR SALE Stylish strawberry roan saddle horse. Gentle. T. Lenbart, Dairy. Ore. 11-12 FOR SALE Rhode Island Red pullets, 7 months. Phone 195J4 evenings. 11-18 WANTED (00 old ewes. State price. W. Zlnn, Prlnevllle, Ore gon. 11-18 FOR SALE 14 weaner plga, 4 months. $70.00. Choice $6. In quire Keno Cafe, Keno. 12-7 NICE YOUNG TURKEYS, now ready to eat. Pine Grove Poul try Ranch, Lakevlew highway. Phone 18F2. 11-14 46 Financial LOW RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Sate No Co-Slgnera No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let ua finance your new or used car purchase. Motor Investment Co. License M-104 114 N. 7th Ph. 882 12-9-mtf Loans - $5 to $300 See S. MADISON MULLEN CO. 603 Medical-Dental Bldg. Personal Salary - Chattel Loans (S-219) ' U-17 NEED MONEY? Let the "Friendly Finance Co." Furnish the Cash Auto Loans. Financing See Commercial Finance Corp. Wm. Frohnmayer, Mgr. License No. M-223 116 S. 7th St. Phone 471 11-80 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE Barber ahop, lease and fixtures. Cheap for cash. Inquire Jerry's Barber Shop. Tulelake. 11-14 SMALL RESTAURANT at bargain for quick Bale. Must sell on ac count sickness. Pbone 249. 11-16 GOOD GOING CAFE, completely equipped, fine location, low overhead. Splendid opportun ity. Owner away. Will sell or take In responsible chef, manager-partner. Box 2497, News Herald. 11-12 EARN $30 WEEKLY OR MORE. Grow mushrooms In cellar, shed. We buy 30c lb., year round business. Mr. S. made $610 In few weeks' spare time. Established 1931. Write for MUSHROOM IND.. Dept. 403, 2019 2nd Ave., Seattle, Wn. 11-12, 19, 26, 12-3 CIGARETTE VENDER TOBACCO JOBBERS Attractive proposition open to man having experience In selling or operating cigaretto vending machines. Man with experience in contacting tobac . co dealers and jobbers prefer red. Liberal finance plan offer ed by world's largest manufact urer. Box 1861, Newi-Herald. 11-12 40 48 Business jOjportunHI OPERATE A ROUTE OF FROSTED MALTED MACHINES Individual with $1000 cash can enter new, extremely pro fitable business. Operate a route of the machine which produce froated malted, the drink you eat with a spoon, right at th point of aale In depart ment, chain, 6o and 10a (tore, and other establishment. Ex ceptional gross profit per unit sale. Numerous choice location till open, write for prospectus and complete details for oper ating In thla territory. Box 1859, News-Herald. 11-12 SPECIALTY ICE CREAM STORE Attractive proposition Ideal for man and wife. We have Install ed over 200 of these Ice cream tore on the Pacific coast, all of which bave been highly profitable. Require no exper ience, as our expert train you In all particular. Dally turn over wltb no merchandise losses. Locations and liberal finance plan. Equipment of world' largest freezer manufacturer. Box 1860, News-Herald. 11-12 PHONOGRAPHS SCALES Attractive proposition open to man having experience In (ail ing or operating eoln phono graph or scales. World' larg est manufacturer the line of fer liberal finance plan. Ad dress Box 1862, News-Herald. 11-12 LEGAL NOTICES ADVERTISEMENT FOB BIDS Notice la hereby given that the Fall River Joint Union High School District, McArthur, Shasta County, California, will receive bids for furnishing all labor, ma terial, transportation and serv ices for the construction of a High School Building located In McArthur, Shasta Connty, Cali fornia; each bid to be In accord ance with plana, ipeclflcatlona and other contract documents now on file wltb the Connty Superintendent of Schools of Shasta County. Court Houae, Redding. Shasta County, Cali fornia, and at th office of tbe Architect, Maaten and Hard, 442 Post Street, Ban Francisco, California, where they may be examined and copies obtained upon deposit of $25.00 per let which deposit will be refunded upon the return of such copies in good condition within forty eight hour after th bid are opened. Bidder are hereby notified that pursuant to the atatutea of the State of California, or local lawa-thereto applicable, the Fall River Joint Union High School District, McArthur, Shasta Coun ty, California, haa ascertained the general prevailing rate of per diem wagea and rate for legal holiday and overtime work In the locality In which this work 1 to be performed, for each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute the contract which will be award ed to the successful bidder. Tbe prevailing rate o de termined are as followai $11.00 $1,375 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.10 1.25 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.00 1.375 1.10 1.00 1.125 8.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 8.80 10.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 11.00 8.80 8.00 9.00 Sheet Met. Wkrs. Tile Setters Roofers (Comp.) Electricians Stm. Fitters . Lathers .-. Hod Carriers Str. Stl. Wkr Concr. Finishers.. Lino. Layers Reinf. Stl. Wkrs... Intermediate Grade Labor Mixer Operator ....$7.44 $ .98 Truck Drivers (less than 4 cubic yards) 5.44 .68 Truck Drivers (4 cublo yards or more) .................. 6.00 .75 Laborer (Unskilled labor) 4.80 .60 The minimum wage paid to all skilled labor, for which ratea are not Bhown above, shall be not less than $1.00 per hour. The minimum wage paid to all Intermediate labor, for which rates are not shown above, shall be not less than $0.68 per hour. The minimum wage paid to all unskilled labor, for which rates are not shown above, shall be not less and $0.60 per hour. Overtime One and one-halt (1 M ) tlmea the above rates. Sundays and holidays (except watchmen, guards, and flagmen) double the above ratea. The foregoing schedule of per diem wages Is based upon a working day of eight (8) hours. The hourly wage rate prescribed hereinabove Is the per diem rate divided by the aforementioned number of hours constituting a working day. It shall be mandatory upon the Contractor to whom the con tract Is awarded, and upon any sub-contractor under him to pay not less than the said specified rates to all laborers, workmen and mechanics employed by them In the execution of the contract. Notice Is also hereby given that all bidders may submit with their bids, a sworn statement of their financial responsibility, technical ability and experience. Such sworn statement may be re quired to be furnished before award la made to any particular bidder. Each bid shall be made out on a form to be obtained at the of- Trade or S Occupation 44 E Bricklayers ... Carpenter Painters Plumber Plasterer . LEGAL NOTICES rrrr -,-i-,r -r,-ii',-,rinririr. 11 , f, flee of the County Superintend ent of School of Bbasta Connty, Court Houae, Redding, Bbasta County, California, or at th of fice of the Architect, Maatea and Hurd, 443 Poat Street, Ban Franolaco, California; (hall be accompanied by a certified or cashier ohck or bid bond tor at leaat 5 .of the amount ot the bid made payable to the order ot the Fall River Joint Union High School District, ahall be sealed and filed wltb the County Super Intendent of Schoola of Shasta County, Court House, Redding, Shaata County, California, on or before November 14, 1931, at 4:30 o'clock P. M. and will be opened and publicly read aloud at or about 4:30 o'clock P. M. of that day In th Office at tbe Connty Superintendent ot School of Shaata County, Conrt House. Heading, baasta connty, Cali fornia. The above mentioned cheek or bond ahall be given aa a guar ante that th bidder will enter into the contract It awarded to him and will be declared tor felted If the aucceeiful bidder re fuse to enter Into laid contract after being requested to do o by th Fall River Joint Union High School District, The Fall River Joint TJntoa High School District, Shaata County, California, reserves th right to reject any and all blda or waive any informality la the bid. No bidder may withdraw hi bid for a period of thirty (80) daya after th date Mt for the opening thereof. Dated October 16, California. 1938. (Signed) A. FREDERICK BUNOB, Secretary of Board of Trustee rail River Joint Union High School 0-8; N-5-12 No. 181 NOTICE OF TRADE-MARK Notice is hereby given that th undersigned ha tiled In th of fice ot the Secretary of State ot the State of OreiO- its applica tion for the exclusive nae within the State of Oregon of a trade mark described as follow! KLAMATH to be applied to eheeae, and that th undersigned la owner thereof. MALIN CHEESE PRODUCE CO. 0-3; N-5-12 No. 180 PORTLAND, Not. It VP) BUT TER Prlnta: A grad 80a lb, la parchment wrapper, tic lb. ia carton: B grade iio lb. ia parch ment wrapper, toe lb, In carton. BUTTERFAT Portland dellr ery buying price: A grade 28c lb, Portland delivery; B grade 11c lb. lea; C grad 6o lb. leas. Country delivery 27e lb. for X grade. EGGS B n y 1 n g price for wholesaler: pedal 85c do.; extra 83o do.; atandard 29a do.; extras medium 28o dos.j ex tras email, 22o do. CHEESE Oregon triplet ltlo; Oregon loaf 141c Brokers will pay lo below quotation. COUNTRY MEATS Belling price to retailer: country-killed bogs best batcher, under 160 lbs.. lie lb.; vealers 121c lb.; light and thin, 8-1 Oo lb.; heavy, 8-9 lb.; lamb 181o lb.; ewe 4-6o: cutter cow T-8c; eanner cow ( to (lo; bull 8i-9o. LIVE POULTRY Buying; prices: Leghorn broiler 11 to It lb.. 16-170 lb.; 21 lb., ISe; col ored spring t to 31 lbs., 17c; over 31 lbs., 17c; Leghorn hens, over 31 lb., Iio; under 81 lb., 13-lSlc; colored hen to t lbs.. 18c; over 5 lbs., 18c; No. 1 grade, So lb. less. TURKEYS Selling price: Dressed new crop hens, 22-240 lb.( toms 21-230 lb. Baying prices: New - hen 22c lb.; torn 11 pound. POTATOES TSKltna Dill $1.00-1.10 cental; local $1.00; Deschutes Gema $1.10-1.11 cen tal. ONIONS Oregon, No. L 851 Yakima 40-60c per 60 lb. WOOL Willamette valley, nominal; medium 22-28o lb.; coarse and braids 22-23o lb.; lambs and fall 20o lb.; eastern Oregon 18-22o lb. HAY Selling price to retail er: Alfalfa No. 1, $16.00 ton) oat vetch $11.00 ton; clover $10.00 ton; timothy eastern Ore gon $19.00; do valley $14.00 ton, Portland. FUNERALS MARGARET ELLA THOMPSON Funeral service tor th late Margaret Ella Thompson who passed away at her residence In Macdoel, California Saturday, No vember 12, 1988 following aa extended Illness will be held Monday, November 14, 1888 at 2 p. m. In Bedfield cemetery, Poe Valley with the Rev. J. W. Warrell ot the First Methodist Episcopal church of thla city officiating. Commitment service and Interment in family plot. Ar rangements are under the direc tion ot the Earl Whitlook funeral home ot this city. Friend are Invited. WEATHER By V. 8. Weather Bnreaa NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Fair Saturday night and Sundays heavy frost Saturday night; mod erate northerly wind off coast. OREGON Generally cloudy Saturday night and Sunday; un settled north portion; tittle change In temperature: gentle variable wind oft coast. Bs-smsae9Bv aBaaMWBsi Portland Produce