November 12, 1988 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGS fiSVd Society Soroptimists Have Dinner Reports Given by Mem ban Attending Con ference , at Chehalis At a dinner meeting nf tha Klamath Fulle Rornp 1 1 in Int club held at t ho Willard hotel Thuraday evonlng, th mem bera who attended th thir teenth Northwestern Conforenr t Uhehnlla, Washington, pre iitd dotullod reporte, Mn. Laura Bertram, preat dnt of th Klamath rail elub, gave a general survey of tb trip and of th varloua funotloni that eomprlaad th conference. Mn. Yolla Mnrgulla reported on thn talka on Claa alllcallon and Membership, In which war etreased, ah stated, tba faata that Boroptlmlat oluba ar not aororltloa or bualnaa cluhe. Tim tnoinlierahlpe, ah olaaalflnd a active mamhra, Iboaa having a vol and a III to bold office; tnaotlv mom ban, ihoi who ratlra from tbalr vocation but daalr to . rataln mmbarahlp In th elub, nd aualalnlng members, thot changing tholr classification who ar entitled to member hip for elx nionlha whll re ealabllehlng thomeelvee In naw llna of endeavor. Mn. Sophia Kannffol ra poriad on lb work of th regional conference bualnaaa eraslone, explaining tha baud-Una- of flnancaa, tb (dltorahlp of tb magatln and tba allot inant of raalonal and fedora tlon duoa. Mn. Effl Oarcalnn reported on th xtenalon work. Mia Krneatln Farqiiereton'a raport waa on tha Kronomle Advancement of Woman In which ah daaorlbad bow wo man'a advancement In draaa waa Illuatralad br a pageant. Th Ventura elub work waa reported on by Mra. It It. Whlaanant wbo atatad that elileen Vanlur Olrla cam . from Baattl to tb conference breakfast. Thai Ventur oluba ar for young women engaged In bualneaa but not exeeutlvee or bualneaa ownera. They ar aponaored by tb Boroptlmlat. on member eervlng on tb board of each Venture elub. Mra. Lucy Hauger far an amusing account of aoma of th aiunia preaented by thoa at tending lb conference, on of which waa llluatratlv of tb laaalflcatlon of each member. It waa alio reported by th legatee that plana are al ready undarway for the 140 American Federation of Borop tlmlat eluba meeting In Bait Lk City. Mra. Edith Morrison, paaU president of tb Cheballe club, la a former Klamath Fella real dent. With her alatar, ah atart-. d what la now tb Eyerly Variety ator. Mr. Morrlaon waa aniloua to bear of local Seople and auted that ah ope to rlalt bar next lu ra nter. SEWING CIRCLE HAS POTLUCK LUNCHEON FRIDAY Memhera of th Congrega tional Community circle met . Friday, November fourth, at , th bom of Mra. X B. Henry n Garden avenue. Tb day wa apnt In aawlng and a pot luck luncheon waa aarred at on o'clock. Thoa preaent wer Mra. W. L. Larsen, Mra. W. 0. Lobrey, Mra. K. D. Jonea, Mra. B. R. Barry, Mr. . Harry Btaua. Mra. W. 0. Little, ' Mra. Don Marin, Mra. L, A. Eachle, Mra. J. J. Pex and ; daughter Janlco, Mra. R. W, Clapp. Mra. A. W. Hammel, ; Mra. a, V. Haynea, Mra. W. R. Nolaon and daughter, Joyc, ; Mr. Charlea M. Reynolda and - daughter Charlene, and Mr. ' L. E. Henry and daughter, Betty. Tb group will meet again Wednesday, November alzteenth : at th bom of Mra. W. O. Loh rey at 1144 Eberleln avenue. A potluck luncheon will be served at on o'clock. Th day will b apent In sowing. Sawing Club Hat ' Meeting Thursday Tb Friendly Sewing club 1 waa entertained Thuraday eve ' nlng, November the eleventh by Mra. Clifford'' Jenklna at her ' bom In St. Franola Park. Mra. Albert Longmlr and Mra. Carl William war pr aented with glfta In honor of tholr birthday, nana wer mombera and tholr huabanda. Daaaert waa aerved to Mra. Alan Cameron, Mra. Alan Croup, i. Mra. Glenn Jonoa, Mra. Albert Longmlre, Mra. Ben Trlppett, Mra. Ralph Wlone, Mra. Carl , WIIHama, Mra. Gllbort Moty, Mra. Frnnk Morln and th boateaa, Mra. Clifford Jenklna. ,' The next mooting will b j November twonty-flflh at th borne of Mra. Clayton Hlllhoua. Community Circle j To Name Officer : The Congregational Commun . Ity circle will moot Friday ! afternoon, Novombor eighteenth nt two o'clock at tho home of Mra. Don. Marin, 2460 Orohard I.Way. Election of officers will i be hold at thta time. Hoateaaea 1 -will b Mra. Don Marin, Mra, ; W. 0, Little and Mra. S. H. .' Ooddnrd, All lomliore ar j urged to attend. CALENDAR SetureJey, November 12 The Glee club of the BPW club will hold rummage sal next door to Foulger't shoe store. Sunoley, November I J" U.L ll it. L.iL.I iviwmDvrs vi rvomQin pemvi. Daughter! of Job, to attend morning lervicet at the First Presbyterian church. Sigma Theta chapter of Del phian society to meet at 8 o'clock Thursday night at the home of Mrt. r. Cecil Adams, Ladr, Mn. George Hillii. Topic, "Th Early and Late Cruiadei." Monday, November 14 Bridge party to be given for new memberi by American Al location of University Women in the Library club rooms at . 7:30 o'clock. .Gllmpsei of Mexican Life and Handicraft with display of Mexican art by Mn. Lawion Bralnerd of Tulelele a' Novem ber meeting of th Klamath Falls Woman'! Library elub. The next meeting of the exe cutive council of the Businen and Professional Women'! club will be held at the home of Isabella Brixner in Lokeihor Gardeni, at 6:30 o'clock. Host esses ere LoMolne Savag, Jan Porter, Ann Thrahr and Isabella Brixner. ' Meeting of Pro America to be held at B p. rn. at the county court room when win ter's program to be outlined. All interested urged to attend. Thursday, November 17 Election of officer! to be held by Daughter! of Job et Masonic temple at regular meeting. Saturday, November 19 Harvest dance to be given by memberi of the Reames Golf and Country elub in th elub house. Invitational. Mr. and Mn. Rudolph R. Proeb . itel. chairman. Cooked food tale to be held by Eastern Star Social club at Safeway itore. 836 Main itret. Mn. V. J. Josephson, chair man, Don Cossack chorus, second Klamath Cooperative Concert leriei. Regular meeting of American Association of Un iveriity .Women. . , Sunday, November 20 President of Portland Sorop imiit club, Mrs. Maiiie Mur phey. to be honored by Klam ath Falls elub at breakfast at Pelican grille and dinner at Willerd hotel. Monday, November 21 Luncheon, planned for the League of Women Voters at the Elk hotel at 12 o'clock noon. Mn. Thomai Sharp, firit vice president of the Portland league will be guest and speaker of the day will be Mrs. Henry Corbett, . also of Port land. The regular 'dinner meeting of the Business and Profes sional Women'i elub will be held at Willard hotel at 6:30 o'clock. Ida Nordine, interna tional relation! chairman, has charge of th program on "My Employer and Youn." Tueiday, November 22 Mn. Lena Latham Goble, Pacific coast organiier for Delphian, to be in Klamath Felli to meet with Delphian memben. Luncheon planned, Wednoiday, November 23 Thanksgiving Eve ball given by the Elks club in the Elks .temple. Monday, November 28 The Edith Cunning Book club will meet , on November 28 et the home of Clara Shaw, 614 North Tenth itreet. Martha Me Collum will review "Hone and Buggy Doctor." A potluck sup per will be served and those in terested in Joining the book club ere invited to attend. Memberi of the Minerva Book elub are holding their next meeting et the home of Emma Carfer, 1134 North Eighth itreet, on November 28 at' 7:30 o'clock. Anne Earley will review "The Yearling." Wedneiday, November 30 The Home Building Arti elub will meet at the Willard hotel at 8 p. m. Mrs. Claude Davis will speak on Tottery. Chinese Herbs Herb are eompotsnded to meet th need of th Individual. Th use of herb for all human ailmente are tested and handed through the agee. They ere being need dally. Come today Consultation free Prices reasonable. Y. S. Lee Herb Company 415 S. 9th Street, Klamath Fail Open Daily 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. COUNCIL GROUPS OF CHRISTIAN CHURCH MEET The eounoll group of the Flrat Christian church mat Thuraday, November tenth In the recreation room In th church at Ninth and Pin atreata. Mrs. Lola Newman- presided over th missionary program, Tulka on missionary work were given by Mra. Frank Fortna and Mra. Willis King. Oroup three waa In charge of th mis sionary program and group four, hospitality. A paper aack lunch waa enjoyed at noon with thirty niiimhera present, The bualneaa nutating waa conducted by Mrs. Bert tills, president of th council group. Mra. Bhulta reported on the "harvest" din ner held at tha ehurch Thura day evening, November third. She thanked all who cooperated. Group meetings, which will be bold November aoventeenth, ar aet ahead a week due to Thanksgiving. Oroup on will be held at th horn of Mra. John Oulbrecht, 1015 Uphara atreet: group two will be held at tha home of Mra. Wesley Cross In Hlewart addition; group three at the home of Mra, W. O. Lohrey, 3144 Eber leln atreet and. group four at tha home of Mra. It. B. flteera at 1229 Garden avenue. At tha next regular council meeting of all the groups, th mlaalonary program will be ar ranged by group one, with group two In charge of hospital ity. LUCKY THURSDAY PINOCHLE CLUB HAS MEETING Mrs. Kalhryn Billings enter tained the ' Lucky Thuraday Pinochle club at bar home, 1134 Wantland avenue, Novem ber tentb. High acor waa given to Mra. Katharine Evana, low to Mra. Kata Crowaon, and . th traveling prlte waa awarded to Mra. Millie Beckett. Following th gam, refresh tnenta ware aerved to Mra. Mary Martin, Mra, Florence Young, , Mra. Millie Beckett, Mra. Es tella Bmlth, Miss Nona Hall, Mra, Fannie Ooddnrd, Mra. Lou ise Borton, Mra. L. E. Henry, Mra. Katharine Evana, Mra. Oood and th hostess, Mra. Kathryn Billings. The next meeting of the club will be hnld Friday, November twenty-fifth, at the horn of Mra. Florence Young. Tb dat haa been e b a n g a d due to Thanksgiving. Mrs. Davis will also have a dis play. Saturday, December 3 Annual cafeterie luncheon and bazaar sponsored by the women of the First Methodist church in the church rooms. Bazaar and winter festival of' St. Mary's Altar loeiety, Mn. S. P. Miller and Mn. Ann Fiala, co-chairmen. Seturday, December 10 Annual holiday bazaar to be given by the Guild of St. Paul ! Episcopal church in the parish house. Bridge party also. Monday, December 12 Book review. The Late George Apley, by John P. Marquand. To be given by Mn. Victor E. O Nefll at the December meeting of the Klamath Falls Woman'i Library club. Saturday, December 3 1 Elki club to have New Year'i Eve dance, Elki temple. Saturday, January 7 Soni of Norway will have annual luteflsk supper with 'trimmings" in the armory from 5 o'clock until 8 o'clock. The public Is Invited. Wednesdey, January II Dalies Frantz, pianist, last of the artists to appear on the Klamath Cooperative Concert series. Saturday, February II St. Valentine's dance to be given by the Elks elub in th Elks temple. Saturday, March 25 Formal Inaugural ball to be given by the Elks club In th Elks temple. Ftlenda of Mr. and Mra. C. B. "Cart" Harding have received word that they ar now pleas antly located In Whltefleh, Montana. They ar former resi dent of Klamath Falla. Their aon, John Harding, la a atudent at Paclflo university in Foreat Orove, and John haa played an excellent game of football, tana will be Interested to learn. OXFORD ran aee with ras a wewat ONI pmson 2&2J Twn ait-a WHOM i. h J ceml tHor s cockmu f uwst liiut mil! ijitit Jin J lit r r i ii i 2 Cross Stitch and Crochet Well Paired . -i - i . a a rj trs i sA MkiHr I Smart for com womiMSiS un. c. PATTERN 6231 Rolve your Xmaa problems chart for crochet; materials with crochet or cross atltch or needed; llluatrntlona of atltchea; with the two combined aa In thla color schemes, pattern. Th rich crocheted edg ing alone enhances towel, pillow To obtain thla pattern send ten case or acarf tha cross atltch eenta In eoln to The Herald and adda color. Pattern 6231 r.on- Nowa, Household Arta Dept., talna a transfer pattern of It Klamath Falls. Be aura to writ motlfa ranging from 2x2 Inchea plainly your NA.MK, ADDRESS to 4x10 Incbea; dlrectlona and and PATTERN NUMBER. HOLIDAY PLANS MADE, BY NEIGHBORS ALTAMONT The Jolly Nelgbbora meeting for Novem ber waa held at th home of Mra. A. C. Cameron, 110 Lin coln atreet, Wednesday after noon. A short business meeting was held after which gamea wer enjoyed tb rest of the after noon. Two new members wer Initiated also. Plana were made lo make the next meeting the Chrlstinae gift exchange party. Everyone I sked to bring a gift not to ex ceed fifteen cent and alao bring a gift for their guesta. Mem bars having children are asked ' to put the children's names on their preaenta. Thla la one meeting of th year that members are allowed to com "dressed up" Instead of in print bouse dresses. The committee for December Includes Marjorle Gregg, Klsle Hamilton, Katie Hall, Veta Hooten, and Opal Jonoa. The meeting will be at th bom of Mra. R. J. Hall on Second ave nue west of Altamont drive and aecond house on the left hand aide of atreet in Altamont ad dition. Guests of tha club at tb meeting Included Lela Wright, Charlotte Jenkins, Madeline Moty and memhera were Gladya Croup and daughter, Gertrude Wlcse, ' Margery. Gregg, lla Ryles, Katie Hall, Effl Paul, Elsie Hamilton, Opal Jones, Juanlta Trlppett and children, Gladya WIIHama, Millie Sackett, Matilda Crapo, Mabel Frank lin and daughter, Dorothy Ab ner. Laura Taylor, Christina Clark and children, Daisy Douglaa and Barbara Cameron. Thoa assisting with th en tertainment and refresbmenta were Daisy Douglaa, Mabel Franklin, Christina Clark and Matilda Crapo. A cordial invitation la ex tended to all members and friends to attend tha next meet ing and Chrlatmaa party. ALTAMONT The McKlnney barn waa the acen of lively Hallowe'en fun Monday eve FIRE YOUR IMAGINATION to trie Szcutify of INSURED SAFETY! Strike thla fact across your mind and let it burn viv idly: your money la Insured her against any loaa whatsoever up to 95. OOO.OO. That' a "backlog of safety" for your caving that will kindle In you the urge to aave and reach your savings goal. GOOD returns, tool First Federal haa alsvnya paid 4 per an num dividends. Start a anvinga ac count. No limit to the amount of your saving or lump-sum investments. $1.00 opena an account. Get o on Your Money r:.i r j i nrsi reuerai and Loan Association S OF KLAMATH 111 No. -9th Street Membera of Federal Savings and Household Aria by' Alice Brooka Linen ning when Mlaa Betty McKlnney entertained a group of twenty. Fortune telling, bobbing for applea, spin the plate and am, ateur hour were some of the game played. ALTAMONT Tha Home Economlca club of tha Alta mont grange met at the home of Mrs. Alice Jonea, Third atreet, Altamont. A potluck din ner waa enjoyed by the group at twelve-thirty o'clock. A abort bualnesa meeting waa held with plana being com pleted to hava a Chrlatmaa gift exchange at tho next meeting. The limit aet la twenty-five renta and children'a glfta ar not to exceed ten cent. Th club will dispose of a quilt they have made on De cember third at the regular grange dance. The birthday of Pearl Haraey waa remembered and aha re ceived many glfta. Tba laat member to ba remembered for the coming year la Georgia Ktnnlako and a aet of dish tow els will be completed for ber for the Decern bo r meeting. This meeting of the club will tie held at the home of Mra. Ralph LaSalle, Friday, De comber aecond. Members present at the meet ing Included Alma Baker, Anna Baaey, Ruth Boorman, Matilda Crapo, Grace Goodrich, Lillian Francis, Lela LaSalle, Maudl Tompkina, Laura Taylor, Deola Wyrn, and the bostcsa, Alice Jonea. ' Mrs. Thomas Is Hostess et Tea Mra. Alice Tbomaa entertain ed at a "galloping tea" Friday evening at ber home on Martin atreet when Mrs. Alda Kemp gathered together membera of the Stingerette club. Pinochle waa played after which refresh menta were aerved to Mra. Rita Fuller. Mra. Myrtle Guthrie, Mra. lrma Miller, Mra. Florence Love, Mra. Iva Reynolda, Mlaa Patsy Ruth Miller, Misa Bever ly Fuller, Mlaa TJharlen Rey nolda, Mra. Alda Kemp and th hostess, Mra. Alice Thomaa. High score waa awarded to Mra. Guthrie and aecond high to Mra. Miller. your Savings here o oavings r FALLS Phone 870 Loan insurance Corporation IfVf YOU VA PROGRAM IS GIVEN MONDAY, : BY NEIGHBORS Neighbor of Woodcraft mat Monday evening, November th seventh, at the KC hall. Fol lowing th bualnaaa matting a program arranged by th fol lowing Paat Guardian Neigh bor Mr. Mildred Bmlth, Mln nl Orltzle, Lilly Hayden, Bulla Persell and Stella Dry den. Spanlah dance by Launa Smith and Lenora Patterson. Guessing gamea; recitation "Th Dying Yr" by Lilly Haydn. Musical aklt "Just Llk a Gypsy" with Myrtle Dunham at th piano. Gypsy family, Stella Dryden, fortune teller; children, Dickey Weed, Ellen Ely, Launa Smith and Lenora Patterson. Bean con test, prise given 'to Eva Rich ardson. Following th program re freshments war aerved by the Paat Guardian Neighbors, Stall Paraall, Bertha Hewitt, Mildred Smith, Lilly Hayden, Maud Gull), Mlnnl Orlnle, Effl Redkey and Stella Dry den, Th next regular melting of th Woodcraft ' order will ba held In th KC hall, Mon day evening, November twenty first at eight o'clock. Th committee in charge Includes , Meredith Eiell, Loren Marpl and Maml Stelnselfer. BENEFIT PARTY IS EVENT OF OCTOBER 29TH On Saturday afternoon, Octo ber th twenty-ninth, t h Daughter of the Legion apon aored a benefit deaaert card party. Tha tables were decor ated gaily with Hallowe'en favors and color. Mra. Clayton Hlllhoua waa awarded flrat prlie, aecond to Mr. Fret and low to Mr. Strong. The refreshment committee Included Mis Bessie Pope, Mia Gloria Pop, Mlaa Gloria Peterstelner and th prise com mittee waa composed of Mia Francea Foater, Mlaa Barbara Bean and Mlaa Dorothy Teed. 4 Mra. George Relllng enter tained th Wee Eight elub at her horn In Po Valley laat Thuraday afternoon. Lunch waa aerved followed by cards. High acor waa won by Mrs. Nick Nelson, low acor by Mr. Er hardt Blind. The Two thousand years ago the spirit of service was clearly explained: "And whosoever shall compel thee) . to go a mile, go with him twain." The first mile is sufficient to get bythe second mile is some thing more it is service. Outstanding in their willingness to go "All the way" are the operators of modern service' stations. To . purchasers and non-purchasers alike they cheerfully dispense a score of helpful and vital motor services. It would be difficult to estimate the great saving to motorists resulting from the service station oper ator's question, "May I check your tires? or tht many accidents that never happened because wind shields were cleaned without the asking. This newspaper is proud that it has helped to carry the sales messages of operators and petroleum com panies to motorists in this area to more motorists than can be reached by other mediums. .We, too. believe in going the second mile. NEWS and HERALD PAlfi CIRCULATION OVER 8000 HOMES Prepared by West-Holllday Co., Ine. Galloping Tee U Given at Thomet' Mr. Nettle Anders gathered a group of th Stlngerett club member together for a "gal loping tea" Monday vnlng. They wer entertained by Mra. Lillian Thomaa at her bom on Reclamation avenue. Pinochle waa tbe diversion of tb eve ning with high acor going to Mr. Maud Phillips and sec ond high to Mra. Gladya Ruff. ' Those enjoying th evening war Mra. Alda Kemp, Mr. Beatrice Wilkes, Mrs. Grace Oenereux, Mra. Viva Bonney, Mrs. Gladya Ruff, Mra. Rita Fuller, Mra. Maude Phillips, Mra. Bertha Beala, Mr. Orac Oenereux, Mr. Nettie Ander and ' th hoateaa, Mr. Thomas, who aerv ed luncheon at tha close of th venlng. MOTHERS STUDY CLUB AT MILLS MEETS THURSDAY Th Mother Study club of Mills echool met Thuraday, November tb third. A Potluck luncheon waa aerved at noon, followed by th regular bual neaa meeting. Plana were made for a Cbrlstmaa party for tha children. The group aewa for the needy echool children In Mills echool. Thoa present were Mra. L. Hill, Mra. K. H. (.'oilman. Mrs. H. De Baets, Mra. W. Wright, Mlaa M. E. R. Scott, Mra. J. C. Glbba. Mra. C. L. Llnkbart, Mra. T. N. Pet erson, Mr. K. Davla and Mra. J. J. Px. Besides their aewlng activi ties, the group haa been making doll clothing and dreaaing dolls for Chrlatmaa for tha needy children. Thimble Club Meets Wednesday Tbe Thimble club of Neigh bor of Woodcraft mat Wednes day afternoon, November ninth, at th home of Mra. Earl Smith, Sll Jefferson atreet. Following the bualnesa meeting fonr table of pinochle were In session, high acore given to Mra, Mamie Stein eel for, low to Mr. Dickey Weed, and th traveling prlxe to Mr. Bertha Hewitt. The club will meet Tueaday, November tb twenty-econd at th home of Mr. Henry Gloyatein, 119 Eaat Main atreet. Second BRIDE HONOR GUEST WHN FRIENDS GATHER . A kitchen llaa ewer waa given In honor et Mra. Bud Ball (Marie Belllager). a recent bride, at th hone of Mr. Marl DuBol ea Alta mont driv, Saturday. Nov bar fifth. Th afumocn waa laeat In playing pinochle attar which th hoateaaea. Marl On tola and Iran Morgan, nether f th brldt, rv4 luaeh. Those bidden to th affair war Mra. Frank Moris, Jeeate Johnson, Nlta Bumwalt, Pearl ' Ryan, Ethel Moulton, Qraee Moulton, Mary Smith, Kulak Moora, Marie Roger, Kieth Krauaa, Emma Dla, Mr. Otto Peterson and daughter Helen. Ruby Belllager, Ruby Gilford, Freda Baldwin, Sylvia Baldwin, Marl Ball, Ireae Morgan and Marl DuBol. OFFICERS ' " ; ARE ELECTED BY AUXILIARY, Th Ladle Auxiliary te tie Brotherhood of Railroad Train men mat Thuraday valag, November tentb, with uta member praaant. Election of officer was held) president, Mr. Edna Jensen! vie president, Mr. Lilllaa ' Thomaa; secretary, Mra. Iva Reynolda; treasurer, Mra. Viva Bonnay; chaplain, Mr. Ansa Belton; conductress, Mr. Idle Jones; warden, Mr. Beatrice Wilkes; Inner guard. Mr. Ler etta Pex; outer guard, Mr. Dorothy Jon; pUniet, Mrs, Myrtle Dunham; delegate, Mra. Edna Jenaen; alternate dele . gate, Mra. Iva Reynolds. Tb next regular meeting' win be held December eighth. Th November twenty fifth meeting ha bean petpeael an to Thanksgiving. Rummage Sale Planned by Greup Prosperity Bebekaa ledge. No. 10. wilt held a ruasaeg sal December third, the place to be announced laterv Re bekahs and Odd Fllowe bar ing rummage, eaaaed trait. Jelliee, pickles, vegetables or other thing te donate aleaee eaU IU-W er the IOOP hell. The proceeds ef thla eel will be uaad to help defray the expenaea et the I OOF grand lodg to be held la Klamath Falla next May. Mile