The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 12, 1938, Page 2, Image 2

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    November 12, 1938
Is Told
Mrs. Brainerd Lawson
Will Speak on Mexico
"Glimpses of Mexican Lift
and Handicraft" 1ft th fasci
nating subject which women of
the Klamath Falla Womin'i
Library club will hear when
they meet for the November
session, Monday aftornoon, at
two o'clock.
Mr. Lawson Brainerd of
Tulelaka. will be the speaker
for the afternoon and ahe haa
arranged a simply fascinating
display of Mexican art, pot
tery, metals, linen, handicraft
and plcturea which will make
the November meeting stand
out aa one of the most popu-
lar of the entire year.
The meeting is open to all
members ot Library club and
women of the city, who have
not affiliated themselves with
the group, have learned that
they may join the organiiatlon
which la the largeat civic group
In the city.
Mrs. Brainerd lived In Mex
ico for more than ten year.
When ahe wai a young girl
ha was forced to leave with
membera of her family because
of the revolution. The love ot
the country stayed with her
and two years ago, with Mr.
Brainerd and their young
daughter, ahe returned for a
lengthy stay. Upon her return
he brought many interesting
articles from Mexico, a num
ber of these which she will
se to Illustrate her talk.
Mrs. Brainerd graduated
from the University of Cali
fornia. Mr. Brainerd' la a
ranger at Lava Beds national
Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt, mnsla
supervisor ot Library club, an
nounced that Mrs. George Hu
lls would sing two Spanish
numbers, "El Gaucho" by Tito
gchipa, and "Eatrelllto" by
Mrs. George It. Llndley U
balrman of the hospitality
committee and will be assist
ed by Mrs. Don Fisher and
Mrs. George A. Massey.
Mrs. Hardin Blackmer will
arrange flowers tor Monday'
Ot Interest to a number of
friends In Klamath Fall 1
word of the marring of Miss
Yvonne Setter, daughter ot Mr.
and Mrs. Curt Setzer of Sacra
mento and former residents of
this city, and Mr. Russell Sub
ner Rolfs, Jr., of Stockton,
which occurred November the
Mb IUV VO.&V, UUIUV lift
The bride was given in mar
riage by her father at a formal
, wadding In the family horn.
Immediately . after the cere
mony, which was read at halt
past ten o'clock In the morn
ing, the young couple left for
New York to spend a month
on their honeymoon. They will
return to Stockton to make
their home and whore the
groom 1 in business.
Mr. Rolfe Is the son ot Mrs.
Kussell 8. Rolfe, Sr., and the
. . late Mr. Rolfe, prominent In
i Stockton affairs.
Mr. 8etzer was formerly la
; the lumber business In Klamath
. Fall and with Mr. Setzer ha
a host of friends in this city.
He is now in the same business
In Sacramento. They have vis
ited here frequently sine
leaving for California to make
their home.
uv wr yv ccr
' : Mr. Roy Carter entertained
at a eleverly arranged party.
Wednesday evening: when she
. was hostess to membera of th
PVT "1 11 V. at Vmms IT . I
Eighth street.
In observance ot "book
week," Mrs. Carter entertained
with a book party. Prises were
. uuuttii buq gaiues xnai naa 10 09
; with books, as well.
High score was received -by
Mrs. Phil Brlxner, second high
by Mrs. Martha McCollnm wh
will entertain the group In a
- fortnight, low score by Mrs.
i William Terwilleger. Travel
. lng prize went to Mrs. Earl
; Gardner and guest prize to Mrs.
A. 0. Backes.
'' .,
1 'ro America To '
' Moot On Monday
All women who are Interest
". ed are Invited to attend th
meeting of Pro America to b
held Monday evening, Novem
1 bor fourteenth, at the county
courtroom at eight o'clock
when the chairman of the study
group, Mrs. L. J. Goble, will
' outline the program for th
' One of the objectives of th
' : oreanizutlon Is education imt ''
tho winter's study will tend to
koep the members Informed on
all nnl1,l-t . - . V.
try, It was stated.
; Mra. R. E. Geary, who hai
; spent tho past few months In
ivianmtn falls, leu for her
homo In Portland Saturdny
morning. Much entortalnlng
. was done for Mrs. Geary during
her stay in this city where hv
formerly mad Her home; .
A review of "Th Yearling"
was given by Mrs. LeMoiu
Savage at the meeting of the
Edith Cunning book club Mon
day evening, October the thirty
first, when Mrs. A. C. Itackos
entertained with a potluck sup
per at her home on Pacltio
The next potluck supper and
meeting of the group will be
held November the twenty
eighth when Mr. Martha Mo
Collum will review "The Horse
and Buggy Doctor" by Arthur
The book to be reviewed at
the December meeting will be
Douglas' "Home for Christ
mas" and will be given by Mis
Irm Wauchope.
Th club Is Joining th
Book-of-the-Month club and
hooka purchased will be do
nated to the city library to
be placed on a special sheit
available only to members ot
the Business and Professional
It waa announced that ther
Is room for a few more niem
bors In the Edith Cunning
club and anyone Interested in
Joining Is asked to get In
touch with Mrs. May King
A delightful surprise party
was given for Mis Virginia Ra
Brown, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. 8. R. Brown, 415 North
Fifth street, on the occasion of
her sixteenth birthday anni
versary Saturday evening.
The party was arranged by
Mr. Brown and was enjoyed by
a group ot the younger set who
played Informal games and wer
served a birthday supper at a
prettily appointed table at a
lat hour.
Those who honored Miss
Brown wer Miss LeLain
Davis, Miss Msry'l Newlun,
Mis Violet Gray, Miss Evelyn
Summer, Miss Karman Ar
graves. Miss Shirley Redlfer,
Mis Thelma Storey, Miss Vir
ginia Flier, Miss Miriam Moor,
Miss Betty Knowlton, Mr. Keith
Argrares, Mr. George Davis,
Mr. Bert Gray, Mr. Raymond
Anderson, Mr. Marshall Ander
son, Mr. BUI Dietrich, Mr. Don
ald Gray, Mr. Claud Summers,
Mr. Will Wood. Mr. Carl Ras
mnssen, Mr. Edgar Anderson,
Mr. Ray Lane and Mr. Harold
Dinner was served to a group
of eight Thursday evening at
half past six o'clock In the Elk
hotel when they met to observe
Founders Day for Gamma Phi
Beta sorority. Th group was
founded In 1874.
Cover at dinner wer laid
around a prettily appointed
center arrangement tor Mrs.
George Gardlnler of Glendale,
' Mrs. Don McLucas, Mrs. Law
rence Slater, Mrs. Raymond
Coopey, Mrs. J. Truman Run
yan, Mrs. Charles A. Hender
son, Miss Virginia West and
Mis Marie Collier.
Annual Bazaar It
Given by Vase Club
The Vasa Sewing club suc
cessfully brought to a close the
annual bazaar which this year
was held in IOOF hall Saturday,
November the fifth.
Mra. Swan Olson, president
of the Vasa Sewing club, wished .
to express her appreciation to '
th individuals and firms who
donated toward the bazaar.
She also wished to thank all
committee members for their
Master David Shaffer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Shaffer, observed his fourth birthday recently whon
he invited a group of friends to his home for an
afternoon of games and merriment,
' i Kennell-EHIs plctur. .
of Library Club Is
t .
Mis Marlon Stanley was
hostess to a group of the
younger set Monday evening
when she entertained with a
"scavenger hunt" at her home
on Lincoln street. The guests
wer dtvlded Into three groups
and each group waa given a
list ot articles and a time was
set for their return In order
to compete for the prize. Those
in the winning group were
Mis Faith Huniiker, Mis
Bvelln Winntngham, Mis Mar
Jorl Lekburg, Mis Catherine
Mayhew and Miss Patty Clarke.
Those attending the affair
wer Miss Betty McNerney,
Mis Brlta Stride, Miss Patty
Clarke, Mis , Dorothy Teed,
Miss Barbara1 Sellers, Miss
Faith Hunzlker, Mlsa Catherine
Mayhew. Miss Lettle Stewart,
M1b8 Marceil Newman, Miss
Karlene Schubert, Miss Mary
Schouboe. Miss Virginia Morln,
Miss Evelin Winnlngbam, Miss
Marjorle Lekburg. Miss Edith
Nelson and the hostess, Miss
Supper was served . at the
los of the evening.
ALTAMONT The "Gallop
ing Tea" group was led by
Mrs. Lee Passenger last Tues
day afternoon to the home ot
Mrs. Wesley Harsey.
The afternoon waa spent In
playing Monoply and Chinese
checkers. Those who accom
panied Mr. Passenger Included
Mrs. L. Crapo, Mrs. Fred
Crapo, Mrs. L. Wlshard, Mrs.
Ralph Baker, MrB. A. L. And
erson, Mrs. Otto Peterson, Mrs.
Ralph Benolst, Mrs. Owen
Campbell, Mrs. Walter Hansen,
Mrs. Ben Shepard, Mrs. Harry
Eckert, Mrs. Irving White and
Mrs. Austin.
Refreshments were served to
the group by Mrs. Harsey at
the close of the afternoon.
saaasatihii i m.m
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j, v .mis-' ?
Mrs. Arthur Larson, the former' Helen Abbey, with her young
son, Teddy, will bs greatly missed when they leave Klamath
Falls to male their homo in Medford this weet. Many informal
parties ware given for Mrs. Larsen befor her departure for
th valley city.
Kennell-Ellis picture.
To Sing
Society Interested In
a f ri
appearance OT UOn
Society is looking forward to
the Don Cossack chorus which
will be presented In concert In
Klnmath Falls In the Klamath
high school auditorium Satur
day evening, November the
nineteenth, at eight o'clock.
Serge Jaroff, famous Don
Cossack conductor, will be with
the chorus. The members ot the
Don Cossack chorus, and their
leader, are former officers ot
the Russian Imperial army.
Their history aa a singing, unit
dates back to the prison Camp
of Tachelenglr, near Constantl-
nople, whero they were sent
with the rest of the White army
after the defeat of General
Wrangel. With their transport
to Sofia, Bulgaria, they formed
for a time the choir In the Rus
sian Orthodox church.
The Don Cossacks mad their
concert debut In Vienna
In 1923. Since then they have
sung throughout Europe, the
British Isles, Australia and
Numbers which the Don Cos
sacks will sing are chosen from
Tschalkowsky, A. Kastalsky,
folk songs and soldier chants.
The ushers for the evening
will be announced later. .
Election of officer will take
place at the meeting of Daugh
ters of Job scheduled for next
Thursday evening, November
the seventeenth, at the Masonic
On Sunday, November the
thirteenth, all the members of
the Klamath bethel will attend
the First Presbyterian church
services at eleven o'clock.
Four new candidates wer
formally Initiated at th last
meeting of the bethel on Novem
ber the third. The candidates
were Miss Charlotte Mersereau,
Miss Joyce Weaver, Miss Ruby
Jacobs and Mlsa Marceil Rey
nolds. Refreshments wer
served at the close of the eve
ning under the direction of
Mrs. William Serruya, social
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Klum
(Ruth Fink) whose marriage
was an event of late October
have returned to this city after
spending the past two weeks at
Lake o' the Woods, and are
now making their home at 431
Hillside avenue.
Mrs. Klum was formerly on
the faculty at Klamath Union
high school, but resigned her
position this fall.
Mrs. Elton C. Mooney and
son, Frank, now making their
home in Prinevllle, wer th
. weekend guests of Mrs. Car
leton W. Hornlbrook. They
were Joined later by Mr,
Mooney who returned from a
Ix weeks' trip east. Mr.
Frank Melxner of Oroville,
California, Mrs. Mooney'
mother, was also a visitor bar.
Miss Forrest Schneider and
Mlas Rernadlne Schneider left
Thursday evening for their
home at Cottage Grove where
, they will visit over the week
end. Miss Rernadlne Schneider
became a member of the city
. school faculty this year and 1
teaching at Falrvlew.
of Interest; Mrs Lawson Will Speak
A Klamath Falls girl. Miss
Joy Dunn, daughter of Mr.
nn Mrs. i
and Mrs. Clifford Dunn, has re-
reived numerous honors dnr-
ing the year while attending
Oregon state college. The fol
lowing Is a story from the
Barometer, OSC publication:
Member of Theta Sigma
Phi, national honor society for
women in Journalism, Interrupt
ed the dinner hour at womon's
living groups last night to tap
the following new. pledges:
June Morse, Betty Forbes,
Mary Biirrls. Evelyn Yocum,
Joy Dunn, ot Klamath Falls,
Anna Bunker, Elaine Kolllns,
Margaret Brown, Clarice Gate
and Shirley Cronemlller.
Thetu Sigma Phi member
ship Is restricted to Junior and
aenior women who hnvo shown
outstanding ability in Journal
Ism on the campus, who hav
taken at least two Journalism
courses and maintained a B av
erage In them. Pledges must
1 work with tho chapter for one
term before they can be Initi
Mrs. Mazle Murphey, presi
dent of the Portland Sorop
tlmlst club, will be a guest ot
the Klamath Falls Soroptlmlst
on Sunday, November the twent
ieth, when she will be compli
mented at a ten o'clock break
faat at the Pelican grille and
at an evening dinner at the
Wlllard hotel.
Mrs. Gwendolyn Wright,
Miss Catherine Gaylord and
Mrs. Rita Whlsenant compose
the committee In charge of ar
rangements, and Mrs. Fay Wil
liams Is chairman of th enter
tainment committee.
It 1 hoped by officer of th
Klamath Falls group that Mrs.
Flora Kemp, the regional
treasurer, will also be a guest
of the. club on that Sunday.
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Fn n iM Wri'lViiliiiiiiiriiiin nmtmLktftiA't ,,J
Little Carol Michels, three year old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Michels, 1840 Oregon avenue, .
observed her birthday anniversary Monday, Novem
ber the seventh,
Kennell-Ellis plctur.
Benefit Tea
Andrew Collier Home
Scene of Affair for
Loan Fund.
Thursday was on of th
busiest days on the week's cat
nitnr wllh th bnflt lea,
given at the horn ot Mrs, Alt
draw Collier for th scholarship
loan fund of th University of
Oregon Mothors clubs, one of
the outstanding affairs ot th
ntlr wk,
Th sliver ta, arranged by
the Klamath Kalis Mothers
cluh, was given to cooperate
wllh University Day which was
observed throughout th tt
ot Oregon, Proceeds derived
from various methods ot en
tertaining In the state, will go
Into the emergency loan fund
which Is sponsored by the Moth
ers club.
More than sixty guest called
during the afternoon and they
were greeted by Mrs. Collier,
Mrs. N. B. Drew, state vie
presidents, Mr. R. C. Wood
ruff, vie president ot the
Klamath Falls club and Mrs.
W. 0. Van Emou, olub secre
tary. Pouring during th afternoon
at th beautifully appointed
te table wer Mrs. C. E. Morri
son, Mrs. A. J. Lyl and Mrs.
N. B. Drew. A center arrange
ment of autumn flower In deep
yellow and pur whit was usd
on th tea table with lighted
tapers flanking either aid.
Lovely fall flowsrs war ar
ranged about th rooms. As
sisting war member of th
Oregon Mother clnb. During
th afternoon Den Swerlng of
th University of Oregon, spoke
about th university. It alms
and accomplishment.
Young Robert Kuykendall,
son of Mr. and Mra. Vernon
Kuykf .idall, received a group
ot tiL-ymatea and their parents
Sunday afternoon ot last week
when he observed his fifth
birthday anniversary at the
family home on Alameda street.
Hours wer from three
o'clock until five o'clock and
th little guest were strved re
freshments from a prettily ap
pointed table by Mrs. Kuyken
dall. Tb piece de realstenc,
or rather two of them, war
th birthday cak which wer
cleverly decorated with circus
animals and (lowers.
Those who called during the
day were Mrs. G. C. Stevens and
Mrs. D. V, Kuykendall, the two
grandmothers, Mr. and Mr.
William Kuykendall and Mis
Alls Lutir Kuykendall, Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Snyder and Master
Toddy Snyder, Mrs. Lawrenc
Rolph and Mis Loralou Rolph,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Teal and
Miss Patty Teal. Mr. and Mr.
Morris Harvey and Master Peter
Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. DeLo
Mills and Miss Marsha and Mat
ter Lyl Mills, Mr. and Mr.
E. P. Livingston and Master
Ned Livingston, Mr. and Mrs.
James Swansen and Mis Diane
Bwansen, Mr. and Mr. Burg
Mason Jr., Mis Clarissa and
Master John Mason and Mr.
and Mrs. Ncal Stewart and Mis
Sara and Master Angus Stewart.
Mr. Andrew Collier will b
hostess to Chapter U of th
P. E. 0. Slsttrhood at a meet
ing to be held Tuesday eve
ning, November the fifteenth,
at her horn, Third and Pin
Mr. Arthur R. Wilson ac
companied Mr. and Mrs. Burg
Mason Jr., to California to
pond several days around the
Bay. Th three left Tuesday
and will return next week.
- ..t4t,, '.aV. ai' 'lA,. '3
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'Ml. .
rw v i
On of th most Interesting
affair nn Ihls week's calendar.
Is lh "harvest ball" which I
planned for Raturtlay evening,
November the nineteenth, for
mum bora of teaiuea (lolf and
Country olub and their guests
following 111 Don Cossack
chorus ooncert In t h high
Th affair, to be given In the
club bouse, Is being arranged
by Mr. and Mrs. Itudnliilt It,
Proehste! ltml hy Mr. and
Mrs. Goorge lllllla, Mr. and
Mrs. John II. Martin, Mr. anil
Mrs. Hurry llnlvln, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Weimar and Dr. and
Mrs, Arthur Simmons.
Decorations are promised by
the committee lo be clever and
original and In keeping with
tho harvest theme. A meeting
of commltloo members Is plnn
ned for Monday night lo make
final arrangements and lo plan
a program. The affair Is In
formal. LUNCHEON
Reservations for lh lunch
eon, which will honor Mrs.
Henry Corbel! and Mrs. Thomes
Sharp nt Portland, who will he
the guests of th Klamath
County Leagu of Women Vot
er, may be mad with either
Mra. Howard narnhlsel, phone
1368. or with Mrs. Sain l.ock
wood, phone 1714-W. The
luncheon Is planned fur the Klk
hotel at half past twelve o'clock
Monday, November the twenty
first and all women Interested
In hearing Mrs. Corbett and
Mr. Sharp apeak are asked to
attend th affair.
Mr. Corbett and Mr. Rharp
are coming to Klamath Falls to
represent the Portland and
Oregon State leagues of Women
Voters. Mr. Corbett will speak
on "Legislative Procedure" and
Mr. Rharp will rhoose either of
these two subjects. "Th Neu
trality Pact" or "Ha Democracy
Mrs. Lena Latham Goble,
Pacific coast organizer of Del
phian, will be In Klamath Falls
November the twenty-second,
for an all day aesslon with
membera of Delphian only. This
was the announcement mad
Saturday hy Mrs. Don J. Zum
walt, supervisor of Delphlsn
A luncheon Is being planned
for Mrs. Goble and ther will
be more about this later.
Membera of Delta Gamma
chapter will meet at a quarter
to two o'clock Tuesday after
noon In the Elk hotel and the
leader will be Mrs. Guy Han
cock. The topic will be, "John
Ruskln, the Evangel of Art."
The aame toplo will be dis
cussed when the evening group
ot Delta Gamma meets at
eight o'clock at the home ot
Mr. Brady Narey In the Aud
ley apartments, Wednesday
Sigma Theta group will meet
Thursday evening at eight
o'clock at tho home of Mrs. F.
Ceell Adam on Del Moro
treat. The toplo will be "The
Early and Late Crusades" and
the leador will be Mrs. George
An Interesting event of Sat
urday afternoon was the Young
People' Fellowship benefit
brldg party given In th parish
house of St. Paul' Episcopal
church at half past one o'clock.
In charge of th affair was.
Mlsa Mary Awdry Radcllff
nd she was assisted by Mis
France Lee McMullen and Mia
Poll Ganong. Mr. Franklin
L. Weaver also assisted th
group of young girls who pre
sided over the prottlly appoint
ed affair.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Groesbeck
ar spending th weekend In
Berkeley and San Francisco
with their son, Stewart, a stu
dent at the University of Cali
fornia, and their daughter,
Grace Jean, who Is completing
her nurse's training at th
Stanford hospital In the bay
city. They also planned to at
tend the University ot Oregon
University of California foot
ball game at Berkeley Satur
day. A
Th Women Council group
of th First Christian church
will hold their annual bazaar
and cooked food nal December
tenth. Th location will be
announced Inter.
837 Main Watchmaker and Jeweler
Pays Visit
Official Stay Made By
State Head to Re
bekahs Mrs, Carrie Mae Rlckert nf
Meilford, president ot the Re
bnknh assembly of Orugon, paid
an official visit in Merrill
Rnliekah lodge of Merrill, Fra
loriilly lloliekah lodge of Bo
nanza, mid Prosperity llnbekah
lodge of K In unit li Fall at a
Joint mooting held In Ihe IOOF
hull In Kliuniilh Falls, Thurs
day uvnnlug, November third.
Mr. Itlcknrt was aocnnuinB
led by Mr. Mlnnlv Wllltts off
Cottage II rove, chaplain, and
Mrs. Man Anderaon ot Mer
rill, outside guardian, nf th
Itolinliiih Assembly nf Oregon,
Mra. Nellie Walteiiburg, past
pri'nlili'iit of the Itnlioknb As
sembly of Oregon and Mrs.
Charlotte Mai tin, district dep
uty preldinl nf Prosperity
Hlgi'. Joseph T. Ki'kley. grand
"inter and William A. Moraiul,
I. ml arrlhe, ot Ihe Grand
Lodge ot Oregon IOOK wer ,
also present. Another Interest
ing visitor of the evening wns
Mrs. Mabel (lllherl of Bend,
who la vice president ot lh
International Association ot
Ladles' Auxiliaries of lh
1'alrlarchs Militant, which la
another branch of th order.
After brief buslnea meet
ing at which th distinguished
visitors were Introduced and
welcomed, the lodge wa ad
journed and an Interesting sue-,
lal meeting waa held, at which
all Odd Fellow who are not
Itebckaha wer special guests,
as well as the Awemhly and
Grand 1-oils officers.
During the evening the fol
lowing program waa given.
Ilrlrf talks by Ihe honored
guests, a solo by Mr. David
Hrldg. accompanied by Dr
Jean Harvey; readings by Mr,
Duuin Monro and Mrs. Fred
Hiehn and a skit by th
"kitchen brigade."
During th evening th Mer
rill and Klamath Falls toilers
presented Mrs. Rlckert with a
gift. Mrs. Nannie Van Meter,
In behalf of tho,llonanza lodge,
presented the president with a
beautiful bouquet of autumn
flowers, and Mr. R, K. Wat
tenburg presented her wllh a
Klamath Netted Gem potato
weighing two and one-half
At the conclusion of th
ntertalnment. rofreubmenis
wer served In th dining hall
at prettily appointed tables hy
the Morrill and Klamath Falls
Ilnheknhs. The table decora
tion wore from th woods,
orchard and gardens of Klam
ath county and th flower
used about th lodge room
wer from the gardens of Mrs.
J. A. Uerllnga and Mr. M, S.
Monday evening, November
the fourteenth, at half past
seven o'clock, Ihe annual des
sert bridge party will be given
1y Ihe Klamath Falls group,
American Association of Uni
versity Women, for new and
prospective member In lb
library cluh room. Plan ar
being made for an Interesting
party according to Mis Vir
ginia Flck, chairman.
Assisting Mlsa Flck are Mrs.
Stanley Woodruff, Mis Alnth '
Ory. Mis Ella Redkey, Mlsa
Rose-Marie Rchoenl, and Miss
Mnrle Wottarstrom.
Those who wish to make
reservations aro asked to call
Miss Flck at tho Elk hotel.
It waa announced by Ihe
president, Mrs. J. Truman Run
yan, that the regular November
meeting of AAUW would h
held Saturday, November the
nineteenth, nt a quarter to one
o'clock, In the Elk hotel at
which time a luncheon will be
Mr. Wlnnlfred allien, horn
demonstration agent of the Ore
gon state college extension
sorvlco, will present the pro
gram which promlnes to be ex
coedlngly fine. ,
Mrs. William Kuykendall I
chairman of the luncheon as
lated by Mrs. Embert Fossil m,
Mrs. Hnrry Weimar, Mrs. Ray
mond Yarnes, Mlsa Louise Han
sen and Miss Elizabeth Prl
dcanx. N '
Gaiety Club Meets
With Mrs. Henrlot
Mombora of the Gaiety club
met Thursday evening nt th
hom of Mrs. Floyd Honrlot,
10 41 Manznnlla atroot, for an
evening of cards.
Mrs. John Houston was th
honor guest or the evening.
Supper wns served at a late
hour to twelvo guests.