November 11, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN THEFT RETURNED Deputy Rhcrlff rrnle Multonn returned from Morirorri Thursday, hrliiilnv (loo. A. I'lnroo hero lo an war a ehamo of liircony. l'lorce ii arrested In Meilford by Unto police. Plume li oliuiKocI with the tlioft of irnln from Ihu T. O'Connor piece north of Morrill. Matloon eld. THEATRICAL PRODUCER Four-H News joNci-ir coN(ii;u Tim .iluol IllK wua railed to order Novomlior 7 by our vlco prasldent. Johii MoVey, Tlio mill 4 , utes were rond und approved. )We girls worked on our wall luminal all dilrlni the meeting. The nine end 10-year-old girls ere making lunbonuot girls and the 11 and lH-yeur-nld girls are making tbo four H'a and their meaning). Naomi Klmsey, the new aong leader, led ua In alnglng "Oregon, My Oregon." Defore adjourning, we chose a name for our club. It la "The Joseph Conger Hwltt BUtchers." Butty June Hoder, nawe reporter, e e MAUN The 4 1! cooking dlvlelon III club at Malln met Wednesday, November I, at tbo Malln grade erbool, Tbe members of thla club are: Rose Van Meter, Lillian Zumr, Helen 8mltb. Dernlce Young, Annabelle Thoinaeon. Bar bara Nyhart, Opal Thompson and Malba llcilbrook. Our local club I leader le Mre. Henrietta Short. i Oftlcera were elected at thla V meeting aa followa: president, Lillian Zumr; rice preetdoni, Hoae van Meter; eecretary, Melba Hoi' brook; newa reporter, Annabelle Thomason, and aong leader, I.I I Han Zumr. HORIZONTAL I Late producer of musical hows, 14 Spongy substance, It An Injury. 10 Coffin frame. nriuccu. ID Eagles. 21 To trifle. 23 Publicity. 24 Troniposod. 23 To serve. 20 Three. 28 lilomlnh. 31 Attempts. 32 Ciood-by. 83 Kndures. 35 Larva. 37 Note In scale. 30 Riitlte bird. 40 Tennis fence. 41 Violent whirlwind, 42 Norse god. 44 Queer. 40 Dance step. 47 Estimated golf score. Answer lo Previous Funic . N Hon OllNOpill Al RRn A W t' sUaMaIs SlJs T C51PJ - TJnIumS MBaS ttC SRofs piIlWaRpaJg i btTe Ano L AHA A In Amt a muo nIIw a m v Pa jine o Alsmnc r an Wflfiirrcn MWfnn 48 Fold of thread. SO Clan pole. 62 Girl. S3 Evergreen treo. 84 To think. B5 Biblical seer. 60 Ho started out as a man's manager. 87 He ended as producer ef shows. VERTICAL 2 Scottish tenant. 3 Foretoken. 4 Uncommon, 8 Verbal termination. 8 Nay. 7 .Storm god. 8 Neuter pronoun. 5 Bursts forth. 10 African. 1 1 Replete. 12 To eject. 13 Crippled. it His show were known for their girls. 18 He was the best known of his time (pi.). 20 To cut with shears. 22 Covered streets. 28 Sesame. 27 To countersink. 20 Entrance. 30 Inlet. 34 Sheep's head. 30 Kind of paint 38 On high. 41 Fertile desert spot. 43 Dormouse. 48 Soft broom, 40 Writing Implement. 47 Sanskrit dialect. 40 Golf teacher. 81 Point. 82 Bulgarian coin. E T INSTRUMENTS 'FEEL' SHARP EARTHQUAKE SOUTH OF ALASKA Ily United I'rras An earthquake one of the se verest aver recorded sent need la of selamngrapha throughout the world Into wild gyrations Thursday. Believed to be centered In or near the Aleutian lalanda, which extend for aereral hundred mllee across the north Paelflo beginning at the southweal corner of Alaska, the earthquake climaxed a aerlea of temblors which hare cauaed pants In aouthweatern Mexico for two daya. ' A rumor that aevere tidal wave might strike the eastern shore of Maul Islnnd 'of the Ha waiian group aa a result of an up heaval under the ocean caused widespread fear In the Islands un til tbe U. 8. geodetic survey gave aasurancaa that no trouble was expected. The tidal disturbance was scarcely porceptlble. The first ahock was reported at 1:21 p. m. Tuesday when the needles on nine selamngrapha at Fordbam unlveralty, New York, were Jarred off drutna It Inches wide. The epicenter was esti mated at 3700 miles away, aoutb of Alaaka. 8elamographa In London, Cleve land, O.. California and Seattle, Wash., also recorded the shocks. The epicenter of tbe Mexican earthquakes waa estimated to be h u 24 ? ) 4l V 35 51 I" M 1 1 n I H I n 1 1 h MaeHBaaMaaaeenaneaiHoaBeal Elks who are veterans of the nation's wara ewere paid special honors at Thursday nlxhl'a meet ing of the Klamath Falls lodge. Each World war veteran was called upon to tell where he whs on Armistice day, 1918, and to give some details of his experi ence In the service. Eugene Argraves spoke as rep resentative of the votorans of the Spanish-American war. I). K. Van Vector was the first World war veteran to sposk. Iteddlna Visitors Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Reed of Redding wore visi tors In Klamath Fnlls Thursday, guests at Hotel Hall while In the city. CITY BRIEFS Visit Here Mrs. Roy Walker of Seattle, who has been in Klam ath Falls visiting her mother-in-law, Mrs, Addle Walker, returned Friday to her home In the north, stopping In Ashland to visit friends for a day, Mrs. Walker has not visited In thla city since 1023' and found a great many changes. She waa a guoat at tho pioneer dinner In the First Pres byterian church Thursday night. To Meet Tbe Juveniles of the Degree of Honor will meet Satur day, November 12, In the KC ball at 12 o'clock. Each member Is asked to bring a few cookies. Ilcports Theft Alice Moore, 838 Walnut street, reported to city police that prowlers entered her room some time November 10 and stole a silk dress. DOCTOR FINDS KEY PHILADELPHIA, Nov, 11 (UP) Dr. Stanley Relmann told the Philadelphia Pathological so ciety last nlgbt that he bad "con cluded" from a cancer research experiment that the human ovum can be artificially stimulated to produce virgin birth. Dr. Relmann, who la conduct ing cancer research at Vlllanova college, said be had pierced a human cell with the point of tiny needle and that during Ha olght boura of life It started to ward maturity without having been fertilized by a sperm cell. Pathologists attending the sea slons said it was the first time In medical history that apparently uncontrovertible proof of virgin birth bad been submitted. Dr. Relmann said that 20 min utes after the needle pierced the egg, floating In a blood serum, tbe elastic- 'shell' around tbe egg burst and yellowish Jelly appear ed. After another 20 minutes an other break occurred In the "shell" and more Jelly Issued forth. The Jelly, Dr. Relmann explained, waa composed ot "polar bodies," or waste which the fertilized egg casts off wben It starts toward maturity. In bis report Dr. Relmann said: "It Is concluded that tbe hu man ovum is capable ot being artificially stimulated to par thenogenetlc (virgin birth) ac tivity." The experiment waa conducted by Dr. Relmann In search for the secret of a type of tumor which appears to develop without fertilization. MERRILL BRIEFS MERRILL Legion auxiliary ladles plan to entertain the Leg ion at a duck feed next Friday evening at 0:30 In the Legion hall with earda following for those who core to play. Many of the guests plan to attend the Armistice duy dnnce at Tulolake later. Earl Shtnn, faculty member, li organising a grade school or chestra, Mr. and Mra. Louis Bvehlak are spending several weeks In Nampa, Idaho, home ot Svehlak's parents, where he has been patient In Mercy hospital follow ing an operation for an ear In fection. Truck registrations for July stepped ahead ot June registra tions, with a total of 38.470, run ning 9.3 per cent ahead of the 30,664 In June. MYERS' Inc.' In the Pacific ocean, a short dla (ance off the eoaat. Three women, members of the Ruaelan air service, recently flew a 1600-mile hop from Bebaatopol to Archangel In 10J hours. Male automobile drivers of the United States outnumber women four to one, but (0 per cent of the young persona now taking driving Irsaona are women. The United Statea war depart ment Is the largest single user of motor trucks and trailers. It now operates a total of 28,1(9 trucks and 2190 trailer. UESAY OLD QUAKER DEST17AY TO ECONOMIZE OraSKEY 960 Oat of 1,000 Mtn-in Dramatic Sarvry-ConSrmtd OurBtluf that OLD QUAKER-Noa S Ytart Old-it an Amazing Bargain at ThU Pried You can save money on whiskey without cut ting comers on quality. We say ao, because 960 out of 1 ,000 men found Old Quaker a mild, ripe, full-bodied whiakey. But in call your attena Hon to the fact that Old Quaker sella at an amazing low price. We asked 1 ,000 men to try Old Quaker and give us their unbiased opinion. 960 praised its smoothness, mellowness, mildness. So we say: Try Old Quaker. Convince youmJ that it'a good news for every thrifty drinker! WjV QUART W 1.S5 m ,NT 90 PROOF pin Qjmsm STRAIGHT Bourbon WHISKEY NOW -1-3 YEARS OLD Can.. W. THE OLD QUAKER CO, UWE NCF.BUItq. IND. aMLl U 2 LO&uS 1 LIVESTOCK operators are invited to bring their financial problems to this bank. If you plan to borrow money for seasonal requirements, we invite you to discuss your plans and needs with us at no obligation. S. C. LORENZ, Vice President MITCHELL TILLOTSON, Manager KLAMATH FALLS BRANCH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND First National Bank Wast of tha Rockies ' SPECIAL .FUR EVENT! SATURDAY. NOV. 12. THRU WEDNESDAY. NOV. 16 DOZENS OF GORGEOUS NEW FUR FASHIONS, ALL ESPECIALLY. SELECTED FOR THIS EVENT1 SAVE wLlL we CELEBRATE ! We're celebrating because we honestly believe this is the most outstanding collection of fur treasures ever shown jn this city . . . Every garment especial ly selected by Mrs. Myers and Mr. Fred Benioff. Triumphs In the richest pelts! The love liest new fashionsl The finest workman ship! Just what you expect from Myers' in cooperation with America's Largest Fur Salon . . .Myers' policy of bringing you the best possible values at the lowest possible) prices! Natural Grey Karakul S229 Cocoa -dyed Ermine $349 Smart New Squirrel Locks Genuine Marmot Chubbie $119 S79 let-: O " I Oennlne Alaska Bafanl Seal $399 Sable Dyed Squirrel $269 A at oral urej Karakul $229 Jap Weasel $349 Cocoa Krnilne $349 , ocmfr SILKY BLACK KAR SQUIRREL LOCKt (Dyed coney) tca WARAKUL IVM-rv-k , EEL GREY KARAKUL ii iMHIISIIB"l-, MINK DYED MUSKRAT . i RUSSIAN SABLE BLACK MARMOT ' I, .tH PONY SABLE DYED . NMURAL A H JN hol F,TCM ccai inwd Muskrat) LANDER HUP""-' The of A SeW Your fur now fer e 1 ' . will tor A free of charge ana ChrUf mat. REMEMBER Myers . 1 1 Genuine Marmot with Alaska Seal trim $169 2 EXPERT FURRIERS WILL BE HERE TO ASSIST OUR REGULAR STAFF FURS By Fred Benioff iit.i niyA iNTTUi-VUg 1 FURS v By Fred Benioff $7S) - Inc. 719 MAIN MCMItR FIMIAt D i f O J I T NiUUNCI COrOTION J