i THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON November 11, 1938 PAGE ELEVEN Herald and News Classified Ad Section f RATES Pald-ln-Advanc On day, ?r word wo-day run, ?tr word hree-day run, par word 2e 4e Se 7o Ona week run, car word Ona month run, por word ..20c Charge Adt Each Iniartlon, ner word 3c No charge mada (or leu than 25c) (All mail order adt must have easb with order). All ada ara Inserted la botb adllluna ot Tha News-llarald. All classifications ara num bered and appar In numerical ordar, Tba dead-line lor olaeslflca lion la 11:00 a. m. Ada received aflor 13:00 o'clock will be run In lb "Too Lata lo Classify" column. Tba News-Herald will ba re aponalbla lor Incorrocl wording only ona day. Classified Index Aparlmanta lor nant Automotive Dullness Opporlttnltlta Educational Financial ror Bala or Trada . (ioneral Notices Help Wantad, Female Help Wanlad, Mala .. Houaaa tor Kant ...... Livestock and Poultry -Lost and round ............ Miscellaneous lor Rant Mlacallaoaoua Inr Hala Mlacallanaoua Wanted 1S .41 personate Real Eaiata lor Bala Raal Euan Wantad ..10 .11 Room and Hoard .10 Rooma (or Rant .11 Sanrlcaa .10 .11 Situations Wanlad To Eiobanta -.. Transportation 40 I toil and Found ANYONE knowing wheroaboute ol Mai Archibalds barber tools please phone 4-W. 11-11 LOST Lady' Bulova wrllt watch. Reward. Pbone 401. 11-11 Ganaral Notice! Go By Motor Coach Shortest Route Lowest Faraa To Northern Polnta Ona Round War Trip Spokane $11.10 $20.05 Boise, Ida. 10.00 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Busses Leave 1:00 P. M. Mt. Hood Stages, Inc. Greyhound Dapot Phona 999 11-20-mtf 8TORAOE7 Call 704. 164011 TRAPPERS ATTENTION Have an ordar lor 1400 muakrata to ba dallrared br November 16. Phpne 279-M. Parka Grocery. 1211 Bo. 6th. H-l INTERSTATE MOVINO Klam ath Falli Trana. and Btorago. ll-4mt LONG DISTANCE HAULING Phona 1007. ll-4mtt ARLENE O. SMITH, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, Notary Pub Ho; Mimeographing. Phona 1403. Resldonce 2120 Oak off Eaat Main. TRAPPERS ATTENTIONt Hollla Nooncbcatar at 321 Eaat Main pay top prlcea (or fura. Call at Apt. 1. bofora 6. 12-9 PHOTO-FINISHINQ 8-Hour Service Free Developing 4o Print Star Drug Store 6th A Mnln 11-24 Panonali TOR THAT MAN'S RIRTHDAY or Xmae, buy SKI-TOOS. Rudy's BKI SHOP. 6th and Main. 12-2 OFFICE AT RB9IDENCE- -Dr. A. 11-21 A, Soulo. Tranjportaflon WANTED Rldo to Ft. Worth, Toxaa. 17 Pino. 11-14 MOVINO Local, long distance Call 704. l41tf 10 Servicat VOUR FILM DEVELOPED ami printed 26c, wldo border, clnckle adga prlnta. Alao 2 7x0 enlarg ing coupon.. Wnst Const Film Service. "A reliable- plnco lo aond your fllma." P. O. Box 630, Salem, Oro. 12-10 PAINTING, KALSOMININQ W. H. Smith. Phone 877J3. 12-1 FLOOR SANDING and rotlnlsli Inn. Clifford Qoldon. Phono 168W3. ll-30mtf "THERE'S A DIFFERENCE" E. Boiling Decorating Co,, 115 So. 7th St. I'hono D36. 11-20 NU-BONE foiindntlon garments. For nppolntment cnll Mra. Mil dred Rugg, 28W3. 12-1 UPHOLSTERY CnrB, lurnlture, -. ruga cloanod llko now. Moclor nlo prices. Cnll 858-M. 12-1 PAINTING. Kalaomlnlng -Harry Brown. Phone 1992, 11-23-mtt 1 0 Sarvlcal HIDMHTITOTUNO llutlon, buc kles. Mla Murray, with J. U. Pouney Co. 11-25 FIX THAT RADlOl Phona illSl-W. 102 Murkot. 11-26 PIANO TUNINO Morgan. Phono 405, Empire Holul. 11-29 PARK CABINET SHOP St. Franola Park. Estimate Iraa on home construction producta, cabinet work, frames or furni ture riinnlrlng. Phono 207J1 ur 41-J-6. H-14 BEWINO, export altorutlone, allp covnra, dressmaking, ooata ro llniid. Mra. llurney, 2111 Dnr row, Phono 2161-J. 12-llmtf PAPER IIANGINO, painting ex pertly dona. I'houa 28-W. John Morrlleaa. 11-11 AUTp, WINDOW GLASS Install ucl, .Mlrrora made, rosllvorod. Kliiiliall'a Glass Shop, 627 Wnl- uut. l'bono 2243. ll-30uitf WRINGER ROLLS for all makaa of wanhlng machines. Merit Wnalilitg Machlun Service, 709 Bo. 6th. i'hono 1086. U-30iiitf DON'T THROW AWAY that old mattreaa. We will rolluff It for 2 60. New ticking f3.96, or convert It Into a flrat-claaa liuioraiirlug luultroaa for 112.00 Alao expert upholstering. Carl ton Mattreaa and Upholstering Co., 1206 Main. Pbone 791 11-20 SPECIAL Now detlgued monu ment! and markera. Largest assortment In aouthorn Orogon Priced no hlnlior than Inferior work. Any kind of comotury work. Oregon Granite Co. Lo cal office and representative 619 N. tlth. Telephone 238. 11-16 HAY CHOPPING wltn hammer mill, any amount. Lano Uroa.. Rt. 1, Box 718. Phone 67J2. 11-17 IIODKNIIAMKH SAW filing. 219 E. Main. Phone 846W. All saws. loola, lawn mowera, etc., re paired. 11-Umlf DIIKSSMAKJNO, allorntlone, re modeling. Ann London, 621 Main, over Swanacu's Barber Shop. ll-27-nitf 14 Help Wanlad, Female WANTED Woman lor general bouaework. Phona 16-F-ll. 11-14 WANTED Experienced woman for general houaowork. Phone 16-F-M1. 11-11 16 Help Wanted, Mala WANTED Barbor. Eatea Barber Shop. Take bua line to St. Fran cla Park. 186-tf 18 Situation, Wanted EXPERIENCED LADY wtabea hour work. -2143 Vina. 11-14 EXPERIENCED WOMAN wanta cooking, reataurant, email crew. houaowork. Take full charge. 920 Klamath. 11-12 EXPERIENCED farm hand wanta work. Erwln Endorf, Malln Ore. 11-11 PRUNING. GARDEN WORK Al bert Barrett, Aabland route. 12-8 CURTAINS home laundered atretched. Reasonable. Phono 1426 -W evenlnga. 11-24 TRAINED NURSE 640W2. 11-12 20 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD 224 Michi gan. 11-16 ROOM AND BOARD Close In 832 N. 9th. Pbone 1897-W. 11-16 BOARD AND ROOM. 629 Jeffer son. 12-4 18.76 WEEK. (35 MONTH 1646 Sargent. Phone 1269-J. 12-3 ROOM AND BOARD 829 High. Close In. ll-15mtf BOARD AND ROOM Private showers. 18 week. Steam hont. 72.1 Klnmnth. 11-13 22 Roomt for Rent NICE FRONT BEDROOM for lady. 1740 Wall. 11-11 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS (or men. 138 Mortimer. 11-12 FURNACE HEATED ROOM 134 N. 3rd. 340t( CLAREMONT, 228 N. 4th St. All outside modern roomB. Froo parking lot. 11-11 SLEEPING ROOM 82.00 wook. 611 So. 8th. 11-14 24 Apartment! for Rent VACANCY 419 No. 10th. 11-14 FURNISHED APT. 2 rooms. Hlnwnrt addition. Cheap. I. O. Blukoly. Inqulro Lion grocery 11-14 FURNISHED npnrtmont. Adults. No pets. Idonl Court, 323 Com mercial. 11-16 FURNISHED apartment. Adults , 741 Walilut, 11-14 FIRST-CLASH nmnll brick npnrt mont. Adults, No pots. In nulro 741 Walnut. 11-14 MODERN furnishod throo-room nunrtment. Alnmoda Apart- monts, 1800 Eaplnnndo. 212811 FOR RENT Modern furnlBhod apartmenta, Weyerhnouser dis trict, $25.nnd up. Phona 449J6. 11-12 24 Apartment! for Rant CLOSE IN Steam heated apart ment, St. Franola Apartmenta, 628 Oak. 11-11 CASCADE apartment hotel, new ly furnished and decorated, tel. ephonoa, electric- equipment, re frigeration, elevator, garage. Day, weok or month. The apart, mcnl hotel with conventencea and home comfort. 24-bour aervloe. No pets. ll-14mtf FURNISHED APT Desirable lo cation. No pota. Inquire 803 Lincoln. 11-16 TWO ROOM APARTMENTS In duplex 120 with private batn 122.60. Inquire 1749 Menlo- way. Phone 426-W. 11-11 VACANCY K. D, Apartment. Broad and Main. 11-12 26 Houiei for Rant BI'ECIAL WINTER RATES at Al tamom Auto Camp, South Sixth Irani i.iaht. water, dial. Phone aervlce lurnlabad. Phona 694-J-l. 11-24 FOUR-ROOM partly lurnlahed house, lull basement. 613 Grant 11-12 CABIN'S FOR BACHELORS 426 Willow. 11-16 TWO-ROOM cabin (or rent. In quire 833 California. 11-11 2-ltOOM unfurnished house, Shas ta Way, 8 month. Inquire 632 Oak St. 11-16 28 Mltcellaneoui for Rent FOR RENT One aulte or two single office rooms In Hopka building, 8th and Main streote Bee Ida M. Odell. Phone 366 (or further partloulare. 11-14 PASTURE FOR RENT-216-W-l. -Phona ll-U ANY TYPE P1ANOB for rent. Ap ply rent to purcbaae later It dealred. Lou la Mann, tuner, Derby'a, 117 Bo. 7th. 11-11 FOR RENT 6000 acres winter pasture lor rattle. Write W. B. Hutchena, Red Bluff, Calif. 11-16 FOR RENT. FURNISHED Nov. 16, Fields Hotel, Orants Paaa, Ore. 11-16 30 Raal Estate for Sale SUBURBAN HOME 6 rooms, full basement, seml-alr condition ing, furnace, private water and aewage ayatema, II acres, land scaped, fruit trees, berrlea. highway frontage. Box 1809, Newi-Herald. 11-12 8EE LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way. 10 down, 15 monthly. Including Interest. Mra. Ben P. Lewla, owner. RL 1. Box 396 Phone 36J3. 11-18 FOR BALE OR RENT Roe eon- able down payment bnya new attractive home In St. Francis Park. Corner Thompson and 1st Ave. Phone 41-J-6. 11-14 SACRIFICE Owner leaving city. New 4-room houae for aale In Mills addition. Full purchase price, 32600, only (60 down. If you are renting, you can't afford to paaa thla up. E. Gray Real Estate, 118 N. 7th. Phone 797. 11-11 32 Real Estate Wantad WANTED TO LEASE Ranch, 60 to 100 acrea. Borne alfalfa, grain and potato land. Prefer leaae. Reference. 1021 Main. 11-14 34 Automotive TRADE 1400 equity In '17 Chev rolet town sodnn. practically now. Radio, beater. Accept good light car. See Bob, Rich field Station, So. 6th and Klam ath. 11-11 FOR SALE T-41 GMO truck Make offer. Cascade Apta., No. 308. 11-11 1927 DODGE PICKUP Good con dition and rubber, $26. 1021 Portland Drive. 11-14 FOR SALE 1936 Terraplane se dan, reasonably priced; also sewing machine. Phone 1881. 11-14 FOR SALE Factory recondition ed 1929 Model A coupe cheap, Phone 1814-W. 829 High. 11-12 FOR SALE '38 Ford pickup, good condition. Bargain. Box 943, Newa-Herald. 11-13 FOR SALE Late '30 Ford coupe 886. 925 Jefferson. 11-12 FOR SALE 1980 Graham sedan, goon condition, aiy equity zu. 2244 Kiln St. 11-12 FOR QUICK SALE Equity In new Chovrolot town sedan S160 Low mlloage. Phono 1547-W. 11-12 36 Miscellaneous for Sal FOR SALE Complete wall and floor fixtures, tables and show cases. RoaBonable. Western Auto Supply Co., 1038 Main, phono 984. 11-17 FOR TRADE '37 Q. E. Frigid alio for equity In small, light oar. Rt. 3, Box 310, Altnmont Acros. 11-12 PINE BLOX Bone dry direct from bin, 13.76 delivered. Phone 892-M. 12-9 FOR SALE 16MM cartridge load Simplex pockotto movie camera, James B. Floyd, Pelican The- ntre. 11-14 FOR SALE 125 sacks seed rye, and Guernsey bull II years old, R. H. Bailey. 11-11 34 Automotive PACKARD Used Car Bargain Basement 136 Main We are forced to sacrifice , to make room for new 1939 PACKARDS Buy used cars that are protected from tha weather thoy look and run like new Fordi, Chevrolet!, Dodges, Oldtmobilei, Plymouths and Packard! ALL GOING AT BARGAIN PRICES IN OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT Keith Gwaltney MOTOR CO. YOUR PACKARD DEALER 36 Mltcellaneoui for Sale FOR BALE Dry pine and fir body wood: alao mahogany $10 cord. 106 Weat Oregon. 11-15 FOR BALE Large circulator beater. Just like new. 1347 Wllford. 11-16 BTORINO MOVING PACKING Call 704. 1642tf FOR BALE Used lumber. In quire Keno Store, Kono, Ore. 11-14 KALSOMINE Your choice ol twenty colore In bulk at only 8c lb. We rent kalaomlne brusbea. Southern Oregon Hardware. 12-3 FOR BALE Driveway cinder. Pbone 938W4. 12-6 WOOD Dry pine and fir. Bob Brown, 3rd St., Pleasant View tracts. 11-12 FOR SALE Ona lot household goods. Can be seen at Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage. 11-12 FINE CAMEO RINGS As low aa 12.96. Select your Xmaa gifts now. Use our lay-away plan. Rlcky'a Jewelry, 622 Main. 11-24 ANY KIND LAWN DIRT, fertl llxer and garden rock. Phone 377J3. 11-1 FIX THAT RADIOI Phone 1281-W. 802 Market. 11-26 U8ED PIPELESS FURNACE for wood or coal. 835.00. Thla , furnace la In good condition but la being replaced by a mod ern H. C. Little OH Burning Floor Furnace because of the additional comfort and con venience. Phone 685. PEYTON 4k CO. 4980 tf OREY CINDERS -Phona 2170-W. 125 Lagnna. 11-17 PERFECTION oil burning fur nace give you steady, even heat thermostatically controlled at lowest operating coat; no wicks or moving part to give trouble. Best ot all these fur naces are moderately priced. Your old wood-coal furnace may be turned In as down pay ment, balance on e a a y FHA terms of not more than $8.12 month. Call Bob Porter, Oregon Equipment Co. Phone 2057. 11-14 MOHAWK STOVE OIL Guaran teed 87 gravity. 8!c per gallon. Prompt delivery. Metered re ceipt. Phone 2270. 11-20 BALED HAY Timothy, alfalfa and atraw. R. C. Short, Rt. 2, Box (44, Merrill road. 12-4 DO YOUR fall planting now Treea, shrubs, roses and ever greens. Lakeshore Gardens Nursery, halt mile weat Moore park. Phone 262-J-2. 11-11 MOVINGt Call Klamath Falls TranBfer and Storage, 4th and Klamath. Phone 1097. 12-4mtf PUBLIC "STORAGE" SERVICE Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, Fourth and Klamath. 12-4mtt OREGON MOSS AGATE rings. Aa low aa $2.75. We do agate cut ting. Ricky a Jewelry, 622 Main. 11-17 BEAUTIFUL new, dainty aplnet pianos ot nationally adver tised make, by manufacturer whose Instruments are approved by the Good Housekeeping In- atltuto. Allow prices which will aurprlse you. See picture and remarkably low price In dis play advertisement ot Friday's Herald and Saturday's News. And see the Instruments them- aelvea at Derby's Music Co., 117 S. 7th. Louis R. Mann, plnno technician. - 11-8 CASH PAID for used pianos. I recondition and sell, adding only cost work, (4 or $6 month terms. Or rent wlt' later purJ chase privilege, rent applied. Louis Mann, tuner, Derby's 117 So. 7th. 11-11 PAY CASH FOR USED GOODS Peck, 27 Main St. 11-12 GOING SKIING? Hlrsch-Wels Ski Togs. Rudy'a SKI SHOP, 6th and Main. 12-2 FERTILIZER Sheep or cow lawn dirt, sawdust for butch ers. Roy Scbmeck, 2438 Shasta Way. Phone 1269. 11-12 GARAGE Across from Willard Hotel our Used Cars at once 36 Miscellaneous for Sal AUCTION Saturday. Nov. ISth, 10 A. M At the Fair Grounds, Klamath Falls. Big all day community aale ot horses, mules, cattle, chickens, Implements, furniture, etc. Watch for Hat. Include the tblnga you want aold In this sale. List them now! Write, wire or call Cbas. K. Wlese, Auctioneer. Pbone 22, Tulelake, California. 11-15 FOR SALE Baled hay. J. E. Thompson, Rt. 1, Box 892, Mid land. 11-28 38 For Sale or Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE For larger house, 4-room modern house, full basement, on pave ment. Pbone 1508-W. 11-15 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Furniture, stoves, household goods. George's Bar gain Store, 54 Main. Phone 438-W. 12-10-mtt WANTED Bid to haul 45.000 feet dry pine lumber from Van Slkea mill. Bonanza, to R. E. Thomas ranch, Langell valley. Distance 11 miles. Answer R. E. Thomas, R. R. 1. Bonanza. Also registered 2t-year Jersey bull tor aale. 11-12 WAITED Wood to saw. Inquire GUmore Stajlon, 6th and Oak. 11-26 HIGHEST PRICES PAID tor used furniture and atoves. O. K. Second-Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Pbone 991. ll-30mtf 44 Livestock and Poultry FIVE DOZEN WHITE LEGHORN pullets. Some laying. Rock house just north Shady Pine. 11-12 WANTED Young first-clnss Jer acy cow or heifer. Will buy or winter. Ed Ward, Box 47, Port land Drive. 11-12 FOR SALE Buck and two does Phono 2S-J-2. 11-11 FOR SALE Four dairy cc's, Jer sey and Guernsey, feeder pigs. J. D. Chandler, Langell Valley. 11-11 CHICKS HATCHING every week. Maguire Electric Hatchery, 2415 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Ore. ll-30mtt FOR SALE Three grade Guern seys, coming fresh, Lloyd Cow ley, Langell Valley. 11-12 FOR SALE Weaner pigs. Rich ard Morgan, Keno, Ore. 11-12 FOR SALE 7 head young Jersey cows, some to freshen soon. Chester Stonecypher, Drain 10. Tulelake. 11-19 FOR SALE Stylish strawberry roan saddle horse. Gentle. T. Lanliart, Dairy, Ore. 11-12 FOR SALE Rhode Island Red pullets, 7 months. Phone 195J4 evenings. 11-16 WANTED 600 old ewes. State price. W. Zlnn, Prinevllle, Ore gon. 11-18 FOR SALH: 14 weaner pigs, 4 months, $70.00. Choice $6. In quire Keno Cafe, Kono. 12-7 NICE YOUNG TURKEYS, now ready to eat. Pine Grove Poul try Ranch, Lnkevlew highway. Phono 18F2. 11-14 46 Financial LOW RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Safe No Co-Signers No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Lot H3 finance your new or UBed car purchase. Motor Investment Co. License M-104 114 N. 7th Ph. 882 12-9-mtf Loans - $5 to $300 Sea 3. MADISON MULLEN CO. ' 503 Medical-Dental Ilklg. Personal - Salary - Chattel Loans (S-219) 11-17 46 Financial Equitable Loam Equitable still has plenty of money for good loans on modern homes and income property in Klamath Falls and suburbi. Ask ui about the Equitable Plan. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 116 N. 9th Phone 66 wt-tf NEED MONEY 7 Let the "Friendly Flnanoe Co." Furnish the Cash Auto Loan. Financing See Commercial Finance Corp. Wm. Frohnmayer, Mgr. License No. M-223 116 B. 7th St. Phone 471 11-10 48 Business Opportunitiei FOR BALE Barber shop, lea and fixtures. Cheap for cash. Inquire Jerry Barber Shop, Tulelake. 11-14 SMALL RESTAURANT at bargain for quick aale. Must sell on ac count sickness. Phone 249. 11-16 GOOD GOING CAFE, completely equipped, line location, low overhead. Splendid opportun ity. Owner away. Will sell or take In responsible chef, man ager-partner. Box 1497, Newa- Herald. 11-11 LEGAL NOTICES CITATIOJf FOB P17BLICATI05 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter of RONALD ISAACS, Alleged Dependent Child To: MILO ISAACS IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: Yon are hereby cited and re quired to appear before the Judge of the above entitled court, at the Court House, Klamath Falls, Ore gon, on or before the 6tn day or December, 1938, at the hoar of 10:00 o'clock A. M. and then and there show cause, it any there be, why the above named minor, Ron ald Isaacs, abould not be ad- Judged and declared a dependent child and committed accordingly. on the grounds that the aaid Ron ald Isaacs la a neglected cbtld and doea not have proper parental supervision. Tbla publication Is served upon you by publication thereof In the Evening Herald, a dally news paper, printed and published in Klamath county, Oregon, by order of the Honorable Edward B. Ash- nrst. Judge of the above entitled court and dated the 2nd day ol November. 1938, which order re quires the publication of this citation (or a period of four suc cessive weeks, II rat publication thereof being on the 4th day ot November. 1938, and the last pub lication thereof being the 2nd day ot December, 1938. Witness the Honorable Edward B. Ashurst, Judge of the above en titled court. MAE K. SHORT, County Clerk. Attest: By GENEVA GARLAND, Deputy. N 4-11-18-25; D 1. No. 183 Sport Briefs BY BID FEDER NEW YORK. Nov. 11 (AP) Fred Apostoli ha been look ing plenty aloppy against south paw atablemates In training. Which may or may not mean something when he tangles with lefty young Corbett for the mid dleweight "title" (New York version) next week. Maybe 18-year-old Forrest Brewer, up with the Senators from the Florida state league, Is the answer to all Bucky Harris' prayer for a southpaw winner. All the kid did was win 25, fan 234, pitch a no-httter and turn In an earned run average ot 1.88 for St. Augustine last year Just about par for the course. George Mus- so, the Chicago Bears' guard, has his "fat man" championship of the national pro league back again. He picked up 12 pounds to bang at a mere 270 and re gain the laurels from Ray Keel ing. Tommy Dixon, Somls (Calif.) lightweight, 1 headed east to start on a European tour. Booked In England. France and Ireland, then will tight back through South America. The pick 'em-and-pray class now comes to order. This corner goes for the Notre Dame Irish over Minnesota. But the pride ot Manknto (Minn.), Henry Jabrn, who was a ball of fire against Iowa, may give Elmer Layden Ladas a busy afternoon, This may be the week Duke comes oft the unbeaten-unacored on Hat, but we like the Blue Devils regardless. Also Texas Christian, Oklahoma and Ten nessee to stay undefeated. The Yalea to come back against the Princetons. Dartmouth's power house packs too much for Cor nell. So does Southern Cal for Washington. And for specials, try Alma Mammy NYU over Col gate today, Michigan over North western, and those bad Badgers from Wisconsin to give UCLA what tor. In certain persons, handling daffodil bulbs may cause a pain ful akin Infection. In the short space of 15 year potroloum technologists have made a 3-cont cut in the oost ot manu facturing a gallon of gasoline from orude oil. 34 Automotive QUALITY ALWAYS REGARDLESS OF PRICE Whatever yon pay for a line ased ear her you can be are ot on thing the ear will net disappoint yon. We're here to make anre of that Coma In; Ufa talk It over, 1937 Buick Sedan 1937 Pontiac Sedan 1937 Pontiae Coup 1937 Dodge Coup 1937 Ford Sedan 1936 Buiek Sedan 1937 Studebeker Sedan 1937 Chevrolet Sedan : Tha above ta Just a partial Hat to give yon aa Idea of Quality. Wa hav 40 to shoo from. H. E. Hauger 1330 Main Post-Season Playoffs To Be Retained 8AN FRANCISCO, Nov. 11 VPi i Pacific Coaat Baseball league di rector were expected today to adopt the circuit' 1939 playing schedule. The director, opening their an nual baseball meeting yeaterday, voted to retain the straight play ing achedule and four-team post season playoff plan for a f 10,000 pur to be divided among use team participating. Although gross attendance last season wa greater than the year before there wa a 1 per cent de crease In paid admissions. League President W. C. Tuttl told the directors. Ha aaid the explan ation was that admission prlcea were higher and more compli mentary tickets were passed out aa a result. Victor Devencenxl of Oakland and Emll Sick of Seattle were In ducted by the director a league vice presidents. The Hollywood Stars, the base ball team without a park, waa given until January 1 to do some thing about It- Victor Ford cot Una, president ot the Stan, assert ed hla associates had several sites under consideration and planned construction ot a email park with wooden stands. Last season tha Hollywood team played in the Lo Angeles Angel' park. The directors alao announced they would make a bid tor the 1939 national conventions ot ma jor and minor leaguea. They ara being held at New Orleans ui year. Fight Results BOXING By the Associated Frees - NEW YORK PatBy Perronl, 186 H, Cleveland,- atopped Nick Rabin, 1S7, Bethlehem, Pa., (). CLEVELAND Henry Hook, 120U, Indianapolis, outpointed Pablo Dano. 122, Manila (10) HOLLYWOOD, Calif. Bob Nestel. 188H, (topped Bunny Boy Walker, 80S, Phoenix, Arts., (3). TACOMA Paul Smith, 138, Tacoma, stopped Eric Hanson, 134 H. Chicago. (2). NEW YORK Herble Kati, 175 14, New York, technically knocked out Gene Stanley, 178, New York, (8). WRESTLING CAMDEN. N. J. Steve (Crush er) Casey, 225, Ireland, defeated Danno O Mahoney, 227, Ireland, 1:05, (O'Mahoney disqualified, hitting referee). NEW YORK Dr. George (Dropklck) Murphy, 201,- Ire land, pinned George Becker, 198, Germany, 0:81. TORONTO King Kong Cox, 240, Yuma, Aril., defeated' Mayes McLaln, 23S, Pryor, Okla., two ot three falls. ST. LOUIS Lou Thesx. 222, St. Louis, threw Joey Dusek, 224, Omaha, 27:33. It has been pointed out that a plane capable ot flying at 50 miles an hour at sea level would have to fly 600 miles an hour at 100,000 feet altitude to stay aloft because ot the difference In air density. It the Venus fly-trap, a Caro lina plant, has been induced to close on something It doea not want, It opens again qutckly. When cheated two or three times In succession, the plant ceasea to respond for a time. Only about fifty year ago was cold atorage meat first success fully brought Into England from Australia. England' St. James' Palace waa discarded many years ago and court now la held in Bucking ham Palace. BUCKAnOOS WIN mmm Portland Team Far Ahead in Coast League Hock ey Standings By The Associated pre FRIDAY'S RESULTS Portland I, Seattle I. Spokane 7, Vancouver I. The Bpokane Clipper made their entry Into the victory col umn of the Pacific coast hookey league Thursday night with a heavy thud. The Clipper, who dropped fonr previous game, spanked the Vancouver Lions, 1 to 1, In a wild, free-acorlng eon test In Bpokane. ' - The Portland Buciirooa top pled the Seattle Seahawks from the unbeaten olas In Portland by a acore of t to f, winning In an overtime period. The victory waa the rampaging Baca' fifth tralght. The Spokane game waa feat ured by a aensatlonal unassisted goal by Connie King, Clipper can ter and an exchange c fistleaffe between King and Prlngle. King hooked the puck from Pringle la the center and skated across the Ice and through the defense to score on a abort shot. The flstlouffs occurred when King caught Prlngle's elbow la the face on two eloae plays. Referee Moran sent hsta down for five mlnatee. In the Portland game the Rawka went Into the lead in the first but la the second Portland scored twice to go out la front. Seattle knotted the count late la this period. The Lion ana Hawk meet la Seattle Saturday night. BOWLING At Klamath Recreatiom BOOSTER LEAGUE Louie Polls' Letnea lit 184 14 Curtis 109 131 1T4 Braekman 180 139 141 Dexter 1!8 140 148 Larson 145 117 153 Handicap 138 183 138 769 798 898 148a I'mll'a Food Store O. Anderson -149 147 184 0. Anderson .147 169 181 DeLap t 185 lit Clark 146 184 159 Serruya 157 183 124 Handicap lit 115 111 . 809 878 835 3607 LADY BUG LEAOCB Oregon Mutual Life Eaton 128 lit 160 Gardner 138 188 139 McCollnm 188 141 124 Backea 14 18 114 Brltt 119 155 144 Handicap -105 105 105 818 811 77 2400 Bireley'a R. WooUngtoa 186 155 149 439 EUl 117 17 8 878 Beaaonette 109 163 128 890 Hum 131 141 139 418 H. WooUngtoa 145 118 122 885 Handicap 11 11 11 148 T55 851 739 1858 Klamath Packing Company Dickinson 114 147 168 429 Lee 101 124 137 38 Cheyne 168 131 144 441 Poppy ...145 137 110 893 Matheson 164 17 11 601 Handicap (8 (3 68 189 763 778 788 2814 Busy Bee Cmfe Forfeited. AT BOWLERS' GARDEN Lowell's Food Stadln 186 149 212 Tutor 16 158 158 Westln 224 183 141 Ketchem 166 167 189 Ward 188 189 10 527 482 56 611 687 : 909 88 888 2618 Landry Insurance Welch, R. .140 184 134 Muakopt 145 173 18 Baxter 15 165 179 Short 18 188 144 Dunham 98 127 126 71 767 74 1219 Hurry Cab 163 216 224 ....154 188 136 13 146 180 214 11 181 161 190 18 Silanl Seegmuller Clow ....., Reister Corkery 608 423 488 668 60 146 845 889 8579 T-Bone Cafe 156 174 135 44 170 127 167 464 177 15 11 608 202 143 146 48 Bartoa Potter Ellis Bray Welch, D. 190 21 201 (07 894 824 799 2617 The Waldorf Durant . 12 149 138 444 Jackson 124 139 134 887 Haley, Clell ....144 142 15 441 Barth -.138 14 148 417 Haley, Cecil 153 133 171 467 71 70 731 1167 Klrkpatrtck Reeder Peterson 157 147 19 471 Crowell - 118 169 17 4(1 Young i 205 10 11 Lyon ,.111 165 141 41 Height 182 1(5 16 60 mm 171