November 8, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE KINS Herald and News Classified Ad Section RATES Paid-in-Advance One day, par word 2o 4c Be 7e Iwo-day run, far word hraa-day run, par word Ona week run, par word ..... Ona month run, par word .- , .20c Charge Ads Each Iniertion, par word - 3c (No charge mada (or leu than 25c) (All mall order ada mutt neve aaib with order). All ada ara Inierlsd In both adltlona of Tba Nawa-Harald. All classifications ara Bum barad and appear In numarloal ordor. Tba dsd-llna for elasslflca tlon la 11:00 a. m. Ada received attor 11:00 o'clock will ba run tn Iba "Too Lata lo Classify" column, Tba Nawa-Harald will ba re aponalbla (or Incorract wording onljr ona day. Classified Index Apartments for Rant . Automotive lluilnau Opportunlttta .14 .14 .41 .11 Kducatlonal Financial ..4 For Bala or Trada .St General Notices 4 ...14 14 .4 -.44 S .8 .J ...42 Help Waniad. Pouiala .. Help waniad. uaie Houses for Rant Livestock and Poultry . Lost and round Miscellaneous for Rant Miscellaneous for Sale ... Mlacallanaoua Wantad Paraonala Raal Ksiale for Bala Heal Katata Wantad ...10 .11 Room and Board .30 Roonia for Rant .11 Bervlcea .10 Blluatlona Wanted .11 .40 To Exchange Transportation s Lott and Found rOUNO At Merrill, lady'e Bul ova watch. Box 1016, Marrlll, Ora. 11-10 LOHT Blua eoat about Not. 1. Liberal raward. 417 N. Nlntb. 11-1 FOUND Lady'e black kid flora. Nawa-Harald. 11-1 General Notices Go By Motor Coach Bbortaat Routa Lowaat Feree To Northern Polnta Ona Round Way Trip Spokane $11.10 $20.05 Boise, Ida. 10.00 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Busses Leave 1:00 P. M. Mt. Hood Stages, Inc. Orayhound Depot Phone 010 11-30-mtf TRAPPKRB ATTENTION Have an order for 6400 muakrats to be delivered by November 24. Phone 270-M. Parka Grocery. 1121 Bo. 8th. 11-11 OUT A OOOD HAIRCUT for 25c. 1316 So. oth. Ediar Swift. 11-1 INTKRSTATE MOVING Klam ath Falla Trana. and Storage. . U-4mtf LONO DISTANCE HAULING Phone 1097. U-4mt( ARI.KNR O. SMITH. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, Notary Pub He; Mimeographing. Phona 1401. Residence 1121 Oak off East Main. 12-1 PHOTO-FINISHINQ 8-Hour Service Free Dovoloplng 4c Print Star Drug Stora 6th A Main 11-24 Partonalt FOR THAT MAN'S BIRTHDAY or Xmitt, buy SKI-TO08. Rudy's SKI SHOP, 8th and Main. 12-2 OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Dr. A. A. Souls. 11-21 8 Transportation WILL SHARE EXPENSES with party driving to Portland Thura dny night or Friday a. m. and returning Sunday. 1026 Joffor son, evenings. 11-10 10 Service FAINTING, KALSOMININO W. H. Smith. Phone" 377J3. 12-1 FLOOR SANDING and roflnlnh Ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 168W3. ll-aonuf "THERE'S A DIFFERENCE" E. Boiling Docorntlng Co., 115 So. 7th St. Phono 036. 11-20 NU-RONE foundntlon Rnrmonts. For appointment call Mra. Mil dred Rugg, 28W3. , 12-1 UPHOLSTERY Cnrs, furniture, ruga cleaned like new. Moder ate prices. Call 668-M. 12-1 PAINTING, Knlaomlnlng Harry Brown. Phone 1002. 11-23-nitf HEMSTITCHING Buttons, buo klos. Miss Murray, with J. C. Ponnoy Co. 11-26 SEWING, export nltoratlona, slip envoi's, (h'OBnmnltlng, coiila ro llnotl. Alts. Harney. 2111 Dnr- sow. ShPstHUfi.. AJUluitfJ Service! PARK CABINET SHOP St. Francis Park. Esllinatee free on home construction products, cabinet work, frntnos or furni ture repairing. Phone 287.11 or 41.16. 11-10 PAPER HANGING, painting ex pertly done. Phona 23-W. John Marrlloea. 11-11 AUTO, WINDOW GI.AHB Install ed, Mirrors mime, rnsiiVMreu Kimball's Glass Bhop, 627 Wal nut, Phona 2243. ll-30mtf WRINGER ROLLB for all makea of washing machines. Merit Washing Machine Service, 700 Bo. 6th. Phone 1086. ll-30mtf riX THAT RADIOI Phona 2111-W. 101 Market. 11-26 EXPERT HOSIERY REPAIR by Miss Iters'. The Town Shop, fitti and Main. 11-10 DON'T THROW AWAY Hint old maltress. We will refluff It for 11.60. New ticking 13.06, or convert It Into a first-class Innorsprlng mattress for 112. 00. Also xpert upholstering. Carl son Mattress and Upholstering Co., 1201 Main. Pbone 791, 11-20 SPECIAL New designed monu ments and markers. Largest assortment In southern Orniion. Priced no higher than Inferior work. Any kind of cometori work. Oregon Granite Co. Lo cal office and representative 611 N. 11th. Telephone 238. 11-16 HAY CHUPPINO with hammer mill, any amount. Lane Bros., Rt. 1, Box 721. Phone 67J2. 11-17 PAINTINO AND KALBOMINING Reasonable prices. Pbone S37J4. R. E. Klmmons, P. O. Box 647. 11-10 IIODENHA.MEH SAW filing. 211 E. Main. Phone MOW. All aaws. tools, lawn mowora, etc., re paired. ll-14mtf DRESSMAKING, alterations, re moilollng. Ann London, 623 Main, orer Bwansen's Barber Shop. 11-27-mlf 12 Educational NOW BEGINNING) classes In mu sic for children between 4 and 7 yeara. Potera' Studio, 1406 Esplanade. 11-9 HARRY HOItEL Teacher of vio lin. 1632 Johnson. Tolephono 1461. 11-10 Help Wanted, Female WANTED Housekeeper for el derly lady In the country near Roseburg. Permanent position. Apply 801 Alpha Apta. attor 7 In tba evening. 11-9 WANTED Maid, general house work. Call 1680, mornings. 11-9 WANTED experienced housekeep er. Refarencea. P. O. Box 976. 11-8 HOUSEKEEPER ror motherless home. Nowa-llerald Box 1609. . 11-3 16 Help Wanted, Male PERMANENT AGENT for Klam ath Falls to represent new, fast selling product. Write I). Jo hanson, Box 82, Dunsmulr, Calif. 11-8 WANTED 100 USED HATS. Trade your old bat In on a new one. Liberal allowance. The place of first-elms tailor and bat work. Star Hnltora, 611 Klnm- ath Ave. Phone 1633-J. 11-8 WANTED Barber. Bates Barber Shop. Take bua line to St. Fran els Park. 286-tf Situations Wanted YOUNG MAN desires position. win consider anything, phone 2390-J. 11-10 EXPERIENCED typist and drafts man wants work. 920 Lincoln, Apt. 7. 11-8 CURTAINS home laundered stretched. Reasonable. Phono 1426-W evenings. 11-24 TRAINED NURSE 640W2. 11-12 20 Room and Board FOR RENT Room, with or with out board. Private home. Close In. Phone 262. 11-10 BOARD AND ROOM. 629 Jeffer son. 12-4 18.76 WEEK. 136 MONTH 1545 Sargont. Phono 1269-J. 12-3 BOARD AND ROOM 1004 Eldo rado. 11-10 ROOM AND BOARD -home. Phone 299-M. Prlvnte 11-9 ROOM AND BOARD Closo In. 820 High. 1 l-l BOARD AND ROOM Plivnto showers. 18 wook, Stonm hoat. 723 Klnmnlh. 11-12 22 Rooms for Rent DESIRABLE furnnce honted room In private homo, near town. 1204 Crescont. Phono 674-M. 11-9 ROOM With garage, board If da shed, flnnllomnn proforred. 533 Eldorado. 11-19 FURNACE HEATED ROOM 134 N. 3rd. S-IOtt CLAREMONT, 228 N. 4th St. All outBiuo modern rooms, rroo parking lot, 11-11 SLEEPING ROOM $2.00 wook. 611 So. 1th, 11-1 10 INVESTIGATE ARE $20 Block No. Model and Make ' 927A 1935 Chev, Standard Coach R9I5 1936 Chev. Master Town Sedan RI0I0 1937 Chev. Deluxe Town Sedan 1016 1936 Chev, Master Town Sedan .. 1004 1936 Chev. Standard Sport Sedan 1009 1935 Plym. Sedan, as it inw I01C r.doi. Serian 1003 1936 Chev. Standard Sedan 1001 1937 Chev. Master Sedan .. SPECIAL 606 903 926 819 R906 912 1936 Chov. Master Sedan 1936 Chev. Standard Sport Sedan 1937 Chev. Deluie Sport Sedan . 1937 Chev. Deluie Sport Sedan 1937 Chev. Deluxe Coupe 1936 Chev. Master Coupe 909A 1933 Chev, Coupe 930 1937 Plym. Coupe 101 3 A 1934 Plym. Coupe, 1 105 1936 Chev. Coupe 1 104 1936 Chev. Pickup 929A 1937 Chev. Pickup 1 101 1937 GMC Pickup 1014 1937 Chev. Pickup II02AI933 Chev, Master Touring Sedan 7th end Pine 411 22 Rooms for Rent NICE LARGE ROOM. 1018 Wash ington. H-10 24 Apartments tor Rent FURNISHED apartment. Adulta. 741 Walnut. 11-14 FIRST-CLASS email brick apart ment. Adults. No pets. In quire 741 Walnut. 11-14 UNFURNISHED 1-room h o n a a, 116; unfurnished 6-room house 130. E. A. Dunham, 435 Oak. 11-8 1 ROOM APT. for rent. Adulta only. Inquire 618 High, morn Inga or evenings. 11-1 MODERN furnished threo-room apartment. Aiamecm Apari monta, 1800 Esplanade. 2128tf WANTED Business girl to share apartment with two other girls 866 Eldorado evenings. 11-9 CLOSE IN Steam heated apart ment, St. Francla Apartments 628 Oak. 11-11 TWO-ROOM APARTMENT Cou ple only. Also room. 920 Lin coin. Inquire 621 N. 10th. 11-9 APARTMENT Four rooms, well furnished. Couple only. No pets. Call at 801 Lincoln. 11-8 CASCADE apartment hotel, new ly furnished and decorated, tel. ephones, eloctrlc equipment, re frigeration, elevator, garage. Day. week or month. The apart- ment hotel with conveniences and home comfort. 14-hour service. No pets. 11-1 4 mtf FOR RENT Modern furnished apartments, Weyerhaeuser dis trict, 125 and up. Phona 449J5. 11-12 VACANCY 419 No. 10th. 11-14 26 Houses for Rent 4-ROOM modern nnfurnlahed house, garage, stove. Inquire 1424 So. 6th. 11-9 TWO-ROOM furnished house; shower and garage. 115.00 mo. Lettle Ethrldge, Fair Acres. 11-9 NEW doluxe knotty pine cottagea. Best In city. 2000 Biohn. 11-10 MODERN COTTAGES, closed gar age Attractive rates. Phone 1196-J. 11-10 COMPLETELY furnished three- bedroom home, full basement. 1004 Eldorado. Phone 459-M. 11-9 SMALL modern newly painted furnished house, garage. 2125 Blohn. 11-10 THREE-ROOM furnished, clean cottage, garage. 2631 Broad. 11-10 28 Miscellaneous for Rent FOR RENT Space at 7th and Klamath suitable tor small busi ness or office. Inqulro Charlie'e Place, corner 7th and Klamath. 11-14 FOR RENT Or Lease 3200 square feet of ground floor space. . l2 BLOCK OFF MAIN 1 Inquire Elmer G. Magnuson 118 No. 7th. T. Th, S tf FOR RENT One suite or two single office rooms In Hopka building, 8th and Main streota. Boo Ida M. Odoll. Phone 366 for further nartioulara. 11-14 34 Automotive LOCKE'S RECONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED Used Car Bargains EVERY DAY PRICES TO $100 UNDER BOOK WED. and THURS. ONLY as is Locke Motor So. 6th 410 So. 28 Miscellaneous for Rent ANY TYPE PIANOS for rent. Ap ply rent to purchase later If desired. Louis Mann, tuner. Derby's. 117 So. 7th. 11-11 FOR RENT 6000 acrea winter pasture for cattle. Write W. 8. Hutcbena, Red Bluff, Calif. 11-15 FOR RENT, FURNISHED Nov. 15, Fields Hotel, Grants Pass, Ore. 11-15 30 Reel Estate for Sale SUBURBAN HOME 5 rooms, full basement, semi-air condition ing, furnace, private water and sewage systems, 2s acres, land scaped, fruit treea. berries. highway frontage. Box 1809. News-Herald. 11-12 THREE-ROOM HOUSE, half-acre ground, city lights and water. 1475. Small payment. Christ Huck, 1320 Pleasant. Phone 2206. 11-9 FOR SALE Ft. Klamath clover land. Safest kind of Investment. 260 acrea excellent clover land. produced as much as 700 lbs. per acre of seed last season. Will sell at a bargain for cash, or will consider some trade. News-Herald, Box 1248. 11-8 SEE LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way. 10 down, 16 monthly, Including Interest. Mrs. Ben P. Lewis, owner. Rt. 2, Box 896. Phone 36J2. 11-18 FOR SALE OR RENT Reason able down payment buys new attractive home in St. Francis Park. Corner Thompson and 1st Ave. Phone 41J5. 11-10 FOR SALE Equity In 2-6 acre Pleasant Home tracts. Irrigated aandy soil. Balance on con tract 111 month Including In terest and principal. News-Her ald, Box 2010. 11-8 FOR SALE, LEASE OR EX CHANGE The recent death of Mr. Miller of Miller Packing company, makes available for lease, purchase or trade, the atock ranch operated by him. 1120 acrea. Owner, Mrs. D. T. Owen, Dorrls, Calif. SACRIFICE Owner leaving city. New 4-room house for sale tn . Mills addition. Full purchase price, 12500, only 150 down. If you are renting, you can't afford to pass this up. E. Gray Real Estate, 118 N. 7th. Phone 797. 11-11 34 Automotive 1927 DODGE PICKUP Good eon- dltlon and rubber, 125. 1021 Portland Drive. 11-14 FOR SALE OR TRADE '27 Dodge sedan In good condition. Phone 28F5. 11-8 FOR SALE 1936 Torrnplane se dan, reasonably priced; also sewing machine. Phone 1361. 11-14 HQUITY in new Chevrolet conch. Low mileage. Sacrifice. Owner, News-Hernld, Box 2004. 11-9 FOR SALE 1938 Tudor doluxe sedan, good condition. Miller Bros., Bonansa. 11-9 FOR SALE Factory recondition ed 1929 Model A coupe cheap. Phone 1814-W. 829 High. 11-12 FOR SALE '38 Ford pickup, good condition. Bargain. Box 943, News-Herald. 11-13 36 Miscellaneous for Sale LEAVING TOWN Must sell by Saturday: davenport, chairs, dusk, dresser, beds, circulating heater, rugs, combination elec- trio range. 1039 Alnmoda. Phone 1342-J. 11-9 Everyday Price $325 $465 $595 $475 $465 $325 . $465 .$430 -..$565 .$550 $565 .$445 .$27S ..$525 ..$150 ..$395 ..$395 .$495 ..$495 ..$495 ..$275 Go 6th Phone 49 36 Miscellaneous for Sale AUCTIOS Thursday, Nov. 10th. 1 P. M. AT THE LILLY RANCH One mile east of Dairy, Oregon, on the Dairy-Bonanza highway. That I am giving up ranching to engage -In other business, am selling the following: HORSES Black mare. 1300 lbs., with 1 mos. colt; black mare, 1300 lbs.. with 4 mos. colt; white mare, 1200 lbs., with 6 mos. colt; grey mare, 1400 lbs., with foal; bay mare. 1500 lbs.; brown yearling mare colt: brown yearling stud colt; 1 sets of harness. COWS 4 - Jersey cows, to freshen; 2 Holstein cows, 4 years old; 4 Holsteln heifers. 9 mos. old. CHICKENS 200 White Leghorn laying put lets. IMPLEMENTS Deerlng mower. Massey-Harrls hay rake. John Deere 16 sulkey plow, Molfne wagon, 2-sectlon spiketontb harrow, 6-ft. disc, 4- horse fresno, potato planter, forks, shovels and many other Items too numerous to mention. Household furnishings. "Come prepared to buy." Terms cash. Jesse Lilly, owner; Chas. K. Wiese, auctioneer. Phone 22. Tulelake, Calif. 11-8 FOR SALE Used lumber. "In quire Keno Store, Keno, Ore. 11-14 FOR SALE About 70 White Leghorn pullets. Also one four wboel trailer in good condition. Two blocks north of Idella's store on Miller's Lane. L. E. Tucker, Route 2, Box 354. 11-10 SHARE IN FLYING CLUB, '31 Essex coupe, also trailer house. 620 Klamath. Phone 64-J. 11-8 FULLER BRUSHES L o w e a t priced In history. R. V. Mor gan. Phone 2345-R. 1985 Ben son, north end Pacific Terrace. 11-10 KALSO.MINE Your choice of twenty colors In bulk at only 8c lb. We rent kalsomlne brushes. Southern Oregon Hardware. 12-3 FOR SALE Wood circulating heater. 2307 Blehn. Phone 1684'R. 11-8 SUPERFEX circulating oil heat er, 125. Cnll 1126 Grant St. Phone 1ST6-J. 11-9 FOR SALE Driveway cinders. Phone 938W4. 12-6 WANTED Baled oat hay. Bob Brown, Rt. 1, Box 79. 11-9 WOOD Dry pine and fir. Bob Brown, 3rd St., Pleasant View tracts. 11-12 FOR SALE One lot household goods. Can be seen at Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage. 11-12 FOR SALE 80 A., 1 mile from Merrill, 8 - roomed modern house, ham, out buildings. 35 A. alfalfa, 22 A. checked ready to sow, bal. In pasture. Box 123 Merrill. 11-8 FINE CAMEO RINGS As low a $2.96. Select your Xmaa gifts now. Use our lny-nway plan. Ricky's Jewelry, 622 Main. 11-24 USED PIPBLESS FURNACE for wood or coal. 135.00. Tbls furnace Is in good condition but la being replaced by a mod ern H. C. Little OH Burning Floor Furnnce because of the additional comfort end con venience. Phone 636. PEYTON & CO. 4980 tf ANY KIND LAWN DIRT, ferti lizer ntia garden rock, t'lione 877J8. 12-1 $425 $485 $575 36 Miscellaneous for Set FIX THAT RADIOI Pbone 2281-W. 801 Market. 11-26 GREY CINDERB 111 Laguna. Phone 2170-W. 11-17 PERFECTION oil burning fur naces give you steady, area heat thermostatically controlled at loweat operating o o s t; no wicks or moving parte to give trouble. Beat of all theae fur naces are moderately priced. Your old wood-coal furnace may be turned In as down pay ment, balance on easy FHA terms of not more than 18.11 month. Call Bob Porter, Oregon Equipment Co. Phone 1057. 11-14 MOHAWK STOVE OIL Guaran teed 17 gravity. 8Jo per gallon. Prompt delivery. Metered re ceipt. Pbone 2270. 11-10 YOUR LAST CHANCE to get Bartlett pears, Concord grapee, variety of apples, both ripe and green tomatoes. Po-Ka-Dot Fruit Stand, Riverside. 234-tf BALED HAY Timothy, alfalfa and atraw. R. C. Short, Rt 2. Box 644, Merrill road. 12-4 DO YOUR fall planting now Trees, shrubs, rosea and ever greens. Lakeshore Gardena Nursery, half mile west Moore park. Phone 362-J-l. 11-11 FOR SALE! Circulating heater. Like new. Reasonable. 1120 California Ave., K. F. 11-8 PUBLIC "STORAGE" SERVICE Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, Fourth and Klamath. 12-4mtf OREGON MOSS AGATE rings. As low aa 12.76. We do agate cat ting. Ricky's Jewelry, 622 Main. 11-17 MOVINGT Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, 4th and Klamath. Phone 1097. 12-4mtf BEAUTIFUL new, dainty spinet pianos of nationally adver tised make, by manufacturer whose Instruments are approved by the Good Housekeeping In stitute. At low prices which will surprise yon. See picture and remarkably low price in dis play advertisement of Friday's Herald and Saturday's Newa. And see the Instruments them selves at Derby'a Music Co., 117 S. 7th. Louis R. Mann, piano technician. 11-3 CASH PAID for nsed pianos. I recondition and sell, adding only cost work, 14 or 16 month terms. Or rent wit' later pur chase privilege, rent applied Louis Mann, tuner, Derby's 117 So. 7th. 11-11 PAY CASH FOR USED GOODS Peck, 27 Main St. 11-12 FERTILIZER Sheep or cow, lawn dirt, aawduat for batch ers. Roy Schmeck, 2438 Shasta Way. Phone 1269. 11-12 PINE BLOCKS Bone dry. 12.50 at bin, 13.76 delivered. Pbone 892-M. 11-8 GOING SKIING? Hlrsch-Wela Ski Togs. Rudy's SKI SHOP, 6th and Main. 12-2 FOR SALE Baled hay. J. B. Thompson, Rt. 1, Box 892, Mid land. 11-28 40 To Exchange WILL TRADE good Ashland resi dence on Boulevard near school and business district. Will trade for Klamath property. Prefer ranch property. Box 1, Ash land, Ore. 11-8 RADIO, 4-band. RCA amateur model for good 12 -gauge pump shotgun. Phone 664. 11-8 42 MUcellaneom Wanted WANTED Wood to saw. Inquire Gilmore Station, 6th and Oak. 11-26 HIGHEST PRICES PAID for nsed furniture and stoves. O. K. Sec-ond-Hand Store, 120 Klamath. Phone 991. ll-30mtf CASH for old gold coins, gold teeth, watches and worn-out Jewelry. Ricky's Jewelry and Loan Office, 621 Main. 11-10 WANTED Furniture, stoves, household goods. George's Bar gain Store, 54 Main. Phone 438-W. 11-10-mtf 44 Livestock and Poultry CHICKS HATCHING eTery week. Magulre Electric Hatchery, 2415 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Ore. ll-30mtf FOR SALE 14 weaner plge, 4 months, 170.00. Choice $6. In quire Keno Cafe, Keno. 12-7 NICE YOUNG TURKEYS, now ready to eat. Pine Grove Poul try Ranch, Lakeview highway. Phone 18F2. 11-14 46 Financial LOW RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable', Safe No Co-Signers No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let us finance your new or used car purchase Motor Investment Co. License M-104 114 N. 7th Ph. 882 . 11-9 mtf WOULD LIKE to borrow 120,000. Will give first mortgage for 5 years on Ft. Klamath meadow and clover land. Will pay 8. News-Herald, Box 124 9. 11-8 34 Auto BALSIGER'S Renewed and Pickups - Stock No. . 851 1936 2749 1937 863 1937 779 1936 818 1936 2783 1935 855 1936 2843 1937 Mat Balsiger Motor Co Main and Esplanade 46 Financial Loans - $5 to $300 See 3. MADISON MULLEN CO. (01 Medical-Dental Bldg. Personal Salary Chattel Loans (S-211) 11-17 NEED MONEY T Let the "Friendly Finance Co." Furnish the Cash Anto Loans, Financing See Commercial Finance Corp. Wm. Frohnmayer, Mgr. License No. M-221 IK I. 7th St. Phone 471 11-10 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF DAVID HEMINOVER, DECEASED. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors of said deceased, and all persons Interested in his estate, to present their claims to the undersigned, the duly ap pointed administrator of said es tate, or to David R. Vandenberg, attorney for aald administrator, 724 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from and after October 18, 1938, be ing the date of the first publica tion of this Notice. Dated October 18, 1911. W. W. OCHS, Administrator of the Es tate of David Hemin over. Deceased. O. 18-25: N. 1-8-15. No. 170. NOTED PHILANTHROPIST HORIZONTAL 1,8 Red Cross worker. 11 Astringent 12 King of beasts 14 Field. 15 Authoritative sanction. 17 Striped fabric. 19 Sun god. 20 Tree. 22 Note la scale. 23 Lava. 24 Residue of fire Answer to 26 Whirlwind. 27 Metal. 29 Theme. 48 Chaos. 49 Pale. 50 Constant companions. 52 Devoured. 84 Dregs. 56 Festival day. 57 Convex molding. SI Genus of swans. 33 Peculiarity. 35 South American rabbit. 37 To run away, 39 Dug gold. 40 While. 42 Reappearance. of heavenly bodies. 44 Father. 59 Grafted, 61 Either. 62 She was of the American Red Cross. 63 Street 45 Pitcher ear. 47 Corpse. RTF dhoLjAgTJj6VHfYl Sn i ony i NPg u rTcTrj muInqseTr ge ain t sop jJOIOIPSPR ropjwy c ETs i 12 p 14 is ls-i-r p fl (9 ' I I it" I n::Tl - ijrjit Jf, is - i6 n q?3 x.fijr rid2'"" 27 28 P" W 130 h I U 92 ST 34 I 11 l"56 """ i in jt 1 pv 45 46 14 r" " I 148 " " " 5Tj p" 52 STT"1 54 Jm W ZEl H57!"!" 1 11 n I ru motive Guaranteed ! Trucks , Pul Price -Ml. ..$450 ..$511 -$378 -$4U .$448 ..$49$ -$678 Down Pay'. $140 $180 $179 $l $140 $180 $161 $228 Phono 2100 Best Used Cars In Town and the Lowest Prices at Ostendorf s , , Ask for Salesman Clifton 1933 Chev. Coupe Loots ana) runt lilea new. 1936 Plymouth 4-Door Tourlnej Sedan All steel body, hy draulic brake. Most popular ear on the used market. 1933 Chev. Master Tudor Tires) good, angina in splendid condi tion, original paint like) new. 1936 Ford 4-Door Touring Sedan Radio and heater, angina rat conditioned. Body, tire, paint all in splendid condition. 30 Cart 15 Trucb and Pickups To Select From Ostendorf Motor Co. . Dodge and Plymouth Dealer ' 424 So. 6th Phona 271 Previous Ptmle ISRobla. . 21 Booty. 23 Imbecile. 23 Wishes, 23 Poem. 29 Models. 30 Italian river. 32 Guided. 34 Ponderous volumes. 36 To obliterate. 38 Noun termination. 39 Musical not. 41 Excellent grade. 43 Threads 3T1 VERTICAL 2 Musical note. 3 In the style of. 4 To regret 5 Ground beetle, 7 Assumed name. 8 Inlet. 9 To carry. 10 Upon. 13 The Red Cross gives relief in calamities, 15 Fragment 16 She was . an . forced under the skin. 44 Times gone a 46 Piste!. 49 Tumor. 81 Lion. 52Kava. 63 Biblical prophet. 85 Ever. 56 Chinas Bam for Buddha. STBashaa king. 68 Ounce.. 60 And.