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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1938)
1 S n Ik ACE TWO SERIAL STORY MURDER TO CAIIT OK CHAHAOTKHd Wit. it th. .en.Mlonul ."li. t,ad lender, nOHDIlT TA!Tor. K Buyer pHoloirwkM '"" AKSK LKKTUII Mjrpn eloe t friend. nANMIO FICRI.F.Y " "" .lirneil to IbvhII .udd liomlier'a murder VMfordnrl Tnlt rework Mrm" rrl.n whf rt Jlk ' ,h CHAPTER XXVIII TWIT'S first lightning thought was that Weeks must not rec tgnlra him. He could sea tho mu llclan's gaunt figure plainly, framed in the doorway hut he knew that Weeks could be certain of nothing except that someone bad gained entrance to Myrna's orison room. hi. flnsprs bitlna deep In Myrna's shoulders, Tait pushed her toward the side ol the room, and at that moment Weeks' voice roared out, "Come on . . . out here, or I'll shoot." Almost Immediately a shot crashed into "the room through the open doorway, and Weeks, bewil dered and blind In the darkness, followed the direction ol his re volver. From the side of the room Tait rushed out In his hands was the only weapon he had been able to discover a chair. With all his strength he brought It down across the neck and shoulders of Weeks. Then, grasping In the dark for Mym. and finding her clutching, T trembling fingers, he started for the door. -.' The sight of the stairway and Hha silence behind him -were the " ' greatest relief that Bob Tait had ever known in his lifetime. Half - dragging Myrna beside him, he rushed through the dingy lobby and out into the street The taxi was 6till there! "The Clarcmont," Tait gasped. TTE had scarcely closed the cab door behind himself and Myrna'when the gears meshed and the cab roared away. They had gone the space of six or seven blocks when he realized that he was clutching Myrna tight in his arms. Embarrassed, he relln nulshed his nervous hold. "Are you are you all right?" Khe nodded slowly. "Yes." She managed a smile. Tm still scared, ithough." , j Tait laughed in sheer relief. i"That was a foolhardy thing I did back there. But I didn't want Weeks to recognize me." ; "Weeks?" Myrna looked at him, ipuzzlcd. ; "How did you know his name?" ' He told her of the advertisement In the classified column of the newspaper, and of how he had listened at Harris Rogers'' door. "How did he manage to kidnap you?" "I went for a walk," Myrna said. "There was a car at the curb and this man was in it He pretended he was ill when I went by. I went to the car and the next thing I knew I was in that horrible room. He the man is crazy.' I was afraid to move." Myrna shud dered. "You're all right now," Bob Tait said. "When you were in that room did you ever hear Rogers?" Myrna shook her head. "Weeks didn't have any visitors, except Leonard Macy." "Macyl Are you sure?" "Yes. I heard him introduce himself." "What did they talk about?" "I don't know. After Macy came fa and introduced himself. Weeks owered his voice and so did Macy. I couldn't hear what they were saying." Tait frowned. "I wonder If that Hake criminologist isn't mixed up in this, and trying to palm off the FLAPPER FANNY -COPR. 1938 BY HEA SERVICE, "Maybe the hero uses a double, but don't tell me good ole VVhito Kir, or ilnaa that luiriu ia a ran A CTflR." MUSIC sxsxsi: INC BY NARD JONES blame on your "What do you mean, Bob?" Tnlt'a arm went around her Ihoulrlers again. "Forget it. You've enough to worry about The thing I want you to do is get back to Ihe Clarcmont and show yourself to Anno. She's frantic." "I can Imagine. She warned me not to leave the place alone, but I insisted and said she was fool ish." rpHE cab stopped with a sudden L inlt. Tnit looked out to sec tho familiar outlines of the Clarcmont "I won't go up with you, Myrna. I want to talk to Fecley. Listen, can you and Anne come to a little parly I'm giving tonight at the Golrten Bowl?" "Party?" exclaimed Myrna. "I don't " "Well, it's a sort of a party. And it's important that you come. Will you?" "Of course, Bcb. Only" She stopped, put a hand on his arm. ' You look so tired and worried, Hob. I'm afraid "ve been a fright fil nuisance. After all, there's no r-ason why you should He stopped her with a look. "We've a date, then. Only I'm asking vou and Anne to meet me at the Golden Bowl. I'll have to make 6ome arrangements, oay a. 9 o'clock?" "Nine o'clock," Myrna smiled. Vot until the doors of the Clare- mont had closed behind Myrna did Bob Tait give the taxi driver me signal to go on. "I want to go down to police headquarters," Tait said. ANNIE FEELEY greeted him Where in the devil is Myrna Dom bey?" "At the Clarcmont where she lives," Tait said. 'Then you've Just taken her there." Tait flushed despite himself. "I'U have to admit that Dannie. But anvhow she's there. "But she wasn't That's the point Barkley's been here. Bob, and he's raising the works and putting a prop "under them. He found out Myrna had flown the cood and you left me all unbut toned by not telling me. I didn't know it Barkley said he'd been made a fool of, and now he's going to make one out of me. It might interest you to know that he's go ing to spring a story in the papers tomorrow. And that means Myrna Dombev's goose is cooked." The detective regarded Tait sourly. "Where was she? On a little vaca tion? Did you ever happen to draw her a picture of the fact that she's charged with murder; "She was kidnaped by George Weeks," Tait said. "I followed Weeks this afternoon and he went to Rogers' apartment I overheard them talking about Myrna. Weeks had her hidden at the Belvedere Hotel. I Just now drooDed her off at the Claremont" Feeley's eyes widened and his ample jaw dropped slowly. "I'm giving a little party tonight" Tait went on, "and I'd like to have you come. Dannie." "A party, is Itl This mess and you're giving a partyl I suppose it's in honor of Myrna going to the" chair and me losing my job!" "I hope not Dannie. Will you come?" The Irishman's eyes narrowed now. "I got a hunch you mean business. Who's going to be there?" "I'm asking Anne Lester and Myrna.- Harris Rogers, Leonard Macy. Nelda Starr and yourself." "What about your screwy musi- tian? Surely you're going to in vite him to the party?" "Have you forgotten, Mr. Farns worth? He's going to be featured tonight with The Swingateers! . (To Be Continued) Aaron Ashurst, Ray Martin and Ben Trinpet, all Pelican Rifle club members, qualified and made the trip to the national meet at rnmn Perrv. Ohio this fall. This was only possible after eliminat ing many other Oregon saooiers at Clakamas, Oregon. A liberal is a man who Is willing to spend somebody else's money. Senator Carter Glass of Virginia. By Sylvia IMC. T. M. REG. V. . MT. OfF OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE With MAJOR HOPPLE j ; f OH TH.S . .-WHY OH. I THOUGHT ' Sf EASILV SLUCIDATfcP, ALFKEd y ! I THIS 7s STUFF IT WAS THE , A , ( 9aV, MOW THE SAMPLES WBBB PRINTED 1 Li aoop LUCU , ) WE'VE. GOT PILED ENDING OF TH yjl 1 1 COWS YOUR BEPOWE I STEPPEt? IN AND J -JOR , AMD M HERE FER TM' V LAST ONE!-- , i p j WAMS AIN'T CALKS MT THE TORCH WHEW ?TPr.'Mv V A BEG INN IN' OF V HOW DUMB 'JJ fl . I ill. .ON TM' Vl CANDIDATE? HAPPELSTIFP 1: vcm? HRFAK-S ' " ANOTHER PLANE. L0F ' S XT I' ULiii! ! tSAMPLE ) I PROPPED OUT NEVER PEAR, -m! 'Sir BE- ; tr I'VC . -w -rr x lli m SKHnnt' i ballot, iadse name of hoople y? -nvt-tuvou ' X 'SSfc- nHI l . ill I 3 MAJOR ?. l WILL APPEAPl AS SENATORIAL J AND TM' L VW' ' ' ' IT' V I I I 1, )' I M ' 1 r I CAN Dl PATH ON THE J THREE W i rrTTTT ' ' W Y T T I I i i uhlSXri A OFFICIAL BALLOTTH AT VS BLJCI''.3 S'OLl VtyZZ A"'" o--.u. but not .M MLMxlS. "-vi?:1 , cose RELATIONS J k v " BY THOMPSON AND COLL MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE . , ( IdoC'WMWATXBCT V I BETTER, CjO MOW-1 I f .KJC.DEK1TALLV, W. II WO, SHE I 1 1 OKgi SEVaT I OT I flS5iS.Y ' 'l " J"Al ksAveowHaev 6Vj-J Saueir, aJt 1 (shoving "wra?- mvca. pcm-f v. -j- kher, Xi-mf' -JhlJL , - - BY HAROLD GRAY ' LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE r Tif l f V .v, rrO i flU-Stf tT tXlES- 6HANGHAI PrHTrr J' ICT IT---IT Y ."XX&r I Teh? tu sy 1 i ounno f well, you're jft" rr5Jru-l hptted gudge for good reasons- was r: if; ci ianghw i haont i YOU dSnT" BELIEVE J -THAT, BUT j I I THE ONLY ONE ONLYj HUNCH" I ITS ALMOST CERTAIN THEY MET WHNTCP FOLKS - TO f HOUGHT I GUDGEIS IN THE f I'M SURE II IN THIS ;TOWN JKNpW ALL I BY THE OLD WELL THW NIGHT- SUGKT OUST WHAT I OF THAT I I BOTTOM OF THAT I HE S riOT a vwunTOHii m L.r.- I GUDGE HA5NT BEEN BEEN BINCt- THtY uo i -. :-. w.- . e " Ttvi I OiSwELL-THEnJ IN THERE" M ' SSSSIorSTil I CHANGHA1 .BEGN F1LUNG THAT BIXV R HM-M-M I ' JiS'lA SSl- HINTS HE rPPED"-y nTLvifftY Tlt-7-38 i I . . L. I. " II JS 1 la U '..YUM I B-f.jiiaM ElA. tr' I U 1 I m - teaa n s-l-a rTgT.i i BY blOSSER FRECKLhb ANU MI5 TMtlNUS , , ,. v . I ,-u:0 S-l 1 nu ftjA LCATw-a iaell . wow do YA V .u.., OA 7 " ' r' ,. - 11,1 . ;',t.'.'..M, , ,r. -jkt I TU,a 1 I I I wti.LMu r. i.wn f I I TWU W IOWB 11 h "Ll". ArT M AND ASK HIM Ih Hfc Fv Z A in AW, WHAT S THE USE J IHAT OLD . H WTD -lf rjry i .n rrjr.j..i WEAM- THAT HIS STAR HALFBACK. J9 9 1V oil ic ac cti miinDkl Aa A uiiicl I I I ! I A ibV TUAT LL PIT vl OP DUDLEY WAN (3 LB, I I. V ... or s-r l S ' ' n m w ' . - - - i ., c , - , . , -. i . . . m . , .vniLL. i i ,. " 1 . I5t s : I I 1 THE DOOR I I winjosicxn r-ucMac I the ' I B-a xT i r-T-i -72: -T-r- 1 .! rfes return; hmmm; j r- -rT7i- -, pfcilMU. V "ST nuXA.f , II ViM'r X BESIN TO SEE V "'rA7, JV, Li; .j' I 1-KV1I M -iIW'Tf I'll . I L IHE U6HT' r' I ' I ' .; , ' l-- -T Mf IST -X LJA.v mBil I X -AA -I V-r VN ,' 1 Whim rS-a-'fr ! .r f, jfJi'.H I I "s. i jt imi 7 '7iW iuk:i I -wv v A I rfwv- ffl aw' I I jw.-orj i ,., v -r ill lj nimf? i w, , . in WASH TUBBS - EEKS HAVE PASSED SIMCE MOHEU WASH FOUND HIS BEST COHPfftOH-AMD,A$A EESOLTi WAS BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES UR?. V0N? A SWELL VOOR.W.-OOT VAO TODAY ?tPs0SV?O N6WT ,TOO 6oreT OV HE TO 60 W0V.-6Ot?'i VLL TAVCS. A WAW r?.'oT- VlOVO T'S VOWG TO VWit "r AOOT YOO THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, : . MfSLI l a MA . -. v ? r f i u . .. . i THAT EDEHTFUL DAY FRIEMD IWAflAZED LAT FQg H6 WECT)IW6, &OT T. CfSViT W."tV? ST OKiVY rtVib THAT fAtAVS AKYTVVi6 TO rWA MONitY HAMtK'T HAO MOtAEN ' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ?CACt eCE Wt'S AMD MOW, BEIHG A 6UEST m vAnAZUbLA i N rA OPP IAcKEc HAS BULL WWSOM POLICE TO AID In KESPlNe 60&V .ST tH6A"RAlri& JIWCi u,tt A9T 0 SAY OR OO WE. , TA.U-4S TOO AOCV, i i OP THE PRESICEMT OP DOUin amkkil, mrw, AWTHt cmi ikc seL-i Wv&H Al vraiMN-c avinnj Crarh vXhA r. M copn. uno November 7, 1933 Tells me wb BIT OFP TOO" BIS A BY CRANE v nnoW HOW TH' HECK CAM A FEU A PATCH AfJUAEra WITH THE G1CL HE loves, IP HE'S 6IUEU K'O CHAMCE TO SEE HEM 'M V ' V"- ' rl ' " """v m.arr.yj BY MARTIN ''i " ' ',Hrm ny wni,Hvw;t. inc. t. m.P'.o. it. orr.j