The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 05, 1938, Page 3, Image 3

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A ; .
November Weddings of Interest in Klamath Falls As Brides Plight Troth
November , 1938
Is Event
Miss 1 1 o I o n Fishor Is
Brido of Polrick Mc
Auliffo Tuesday.
Two til.uincr Klamath roiin
ly rn in 1 1 lo.n Winn unlli'il when
Minn Helen Flnlinr, iluiiKlilnr
of Mr, mill Mm, M mi In M, Flali
r of Uiiyiiiuiiil, Wimlilngtiin,
nml Mi. Patrick J. MrAullffn,
ami uf Mr, nml Mm, John I'.
Mi Aulirr.. of Furl Kliininlli,
won miti i'IiiiI nt our Lady of
Ml, I'nriiiol (iliiii'i'li In Clilln
iliilii Tueatlny morning, Novoin-
ktirr tli'i Ill nl, ut hide im ill any
on o'clock.
Thn iniiiiiil timim wna rmiit
hy rmli'ir A ' i!hii- M. Kinder.
Tim hrliln was n lovely plr
I ii in In Klu'nr whllo nut Willi
tliu tiitililliuial whlln In Mill veil
fulling from it aiiuill clip whlrh
wn hold in hor bond by
band t f hliinNnmn. Thn hnillre
uf li'-r mown wiiii clime fltilhic
nml I ho mil door length skirt
wna riiiIiuiikI nt I hi) wiiIhIIIm
whore It was IkiIiI by a n ar
row bolt oi whlln satin rllihon.
.Minn It II I ti II V I. I'm of I'hllo
no In wna lu Jul ilea only ,nt
tciiilitnt. Mr. CiiriK'llim Fllzgcriild of
Lnknvlow, n e i) ii h J a of llio
KKIUIII WIIB bcMl lllllll,
ItnmcMilatrly after Ibo corn
ninny I ho woiIiIIiik party cntue
In Klitiniiili Fnlla whom n
wrdilltii: tirt-ukfafl wna served
In llio hluo room of l ho Wll
.liint hnli'l. A bnuutlfiilly dec
iointcd brlilal rake wna tupped
with a minimum bride and
groom In brlilrtl rofttumo.
Covora nt breakfast woro
hvl.l for llio Inliliil inn l y, Mr.
nml Mm. Mortn M. Fisher,
Mm. Klli ii lliniiimi, Mr. and
Mra. John P. MeAullffo. Mr.
and Mra. Iinvo MeAullffo, .Mr.
nntl ,Mrn. Friillrlii lliuirnii of
Tiili'lnkn, Mr. nml Mra. Wnltnr
lliitiiioii, Mr. nml Mra. llnrry
Klllnlt, Kliimulh Agency, Mr.
mid Mra Jmoph McAullffn of
Fort Klamtilh, Mr. Jumca II.
Drlarnlh, Mr. Don Fitzgerald of
Lnkovlow, Mlna Gwendolyn
l.nrrni!, Mlta Norn lrAullffn of
Oakland. Calif., Mra. James H.
1'iiiln mid Mrii, John Linker
of ltnytiiontl, WittililiiKton.
Thn hrldn hna taught In thn
(lillniiiln schools for llin past
yonr. Sho la n grnnddniighlor
of Mra. Ellen lliimion of Una
rliy. Mr. MM nllfto In nffllliit
nl wlih lilrf fnihi'r nnd brother
In I lii rnllln htinlnoaa In the
Kurt Klntnnth country. Follow
ing breakfast thn ynnnic
miipln loft Immediately for Hnn .
J'rnuclnro nml from there they
iv 1 1 1 nt-irt mi n motor trip
Vl'.li li will tul.o thoiii to Mexico
t'lly. They will rnliirn through
Wyoming whom Mr. MeAullffo
baa bualn'aa Interests.
Mr. nml Mm. MeAullffo will
Innko their homo nt Fort
Klrimntli mi ono of I ho Mc
Ailllllo ranches.
In courtesy to Mra. Arthur
W. I. arson who la leaving next
week to mnko her homo In Mod
fonl. Mm. Ilurgn W. Mniion, Jr.,
nml Mm. I. I., Mcl.ucua onior
t ii I ti oil wlih n di'llnlitfiil I'vo
ii .ii K of brlili'O Wcilncndny nt
llio Miuoii home on WanliiiiRton
I root.
Six tnhloa woro In piny dur
ing llio evening with Mra. I.olila
Kerriiya nwiinicil scorn for high,
nnd Mrii. Hubert Mitchell whi
ning hoi'oihI hlKh mill thn Iruvt-l-Iiir
prlso. , A riii'hI prlr.0 wnt
, Prohontod lo Mra. Lnmon.
J 'A nnnihor of iininll, Infornml
nfTnlra hiivu nlno horn givon
ilnrliiK thn punt woi'k In honor
or tho UirmiiH who oxpect to
ilopiirt for tho vnllny city noxl
Tliuradiiy, lonviiiK a huat of
frlonda In 111 la city wboro thoy
hhvo llvoil for a number of
yearn. Mm. Lumen la thu
dunishior of Mr. nnd Mra. F.
W. Aliboy of Lincoln atroot,
A Hnllowo'on parly, which
wna ono of tho Knycnl of llio
wock, wna given by Ibo Llon
naa chili for tholr luiHlinnda In
llio mini II club rooma of tho
city library. . .
Iluffot nnpiior wna Rorvod nt
eight o'clock from n prettily nr
rnngetl tnblo. At anmllor
UihlcH full fluwor.i and ornngn '
'"V-Pera worn nurd to comploto
(thn Hnllowo'on ' motif. C'nrda
fnlliivnd Biipiior.
Alrn. Oliver Splltnr wn
chnlrmiiu of Urn nuppnr pnrly
fi.isIbIimI by Mm. Wnhor Wloaen
(liingcr, Mrs. Konnctli 0.
K In Ii ll , Mm, 'Vod Hhnnp, Mm.
F, Cecil Ailnnin, Mrn, Krnrt ,
Ilollhrniiner, Mrn. Vnrnon
Moore. Mm. (!nrl Mnson nnd
Mm. A. 1'. Ileup.
Mm. L. I''. Wlllltn hnn nn a
Ihiiiho giient, her alHlor-ln-lnw,
Mm. J. (J. WIIIIIB of Cotlngo
Ornvo. Min. Wllllln who In n pnst
million of thn Order of Knslorn
BUr hna vImIIgiI hern upon nov
orril occiialona nnd hnn jniiny
friends In tho pity who hnvo
been greeting hnr, nlao" Irn.
VVIlllts In chnplnln of tho lto
beknh griind lodgo of Orogon.
Rh relnrned to lior homo on
Mr. nnd Mm. D. L. MoLucns
nnd two chllilron of Joffomon
aU'eot nro exiioolod homo I Ills
Wtliond from Hood Itlvor
vViero Ihey woro culled llio fore
part of thn week hy lllncsn of
Mr, McLiirns' inollior.
With thirty Inhloa In piny,
tho hoiiiiflt lii'lclco putty given
on Minidiiy iiriornooii. October
tho thlrty-rirat, by thn Kliim
nlh KnIU Nlln cluh, anorenafiiU
ly hroiight to. a rloao tho
liiouth'a ani'liil aeiiaou.
AwiiiiIh nt llio cIiikii of piny
worn in min lo Mra. Wlllllilil
Itiiinliill, hli:h; Mra, Cm I Klein
aolfor, aucond IiIkIi, Mra, . It.
Ilollowny, llilnl, nnd roimoln
Hon In Mra, Myrn Klewnrl. Hin
clul prlaea went lo Mra. II, A.
HpniKtiu nml Mia. O, V. Hplk
or. Mra, B. M. (Milliolo, priml
dent of Ibo Nllo club. Ihni.ka
all 111 ono who iniido thn buiiu
fit a aurceaa mid tlm following
flrma for prlren which I hey do
Hilled: Kliiimilh I 'lower nlinp,
I'nlln'a Hpni'tlug (Inniln, Miie'a
wiiiiiiiii'k alnrii, llio (lua Auder
on Khnll Horvlcn ntiiilnn, HlmW
Hiiilloiiery cnmpiuiy, ijio Cnallo
berry drug atom; mid Nowhur
ry'a, KmU'a Hupor Mnrkut
Wiinlworlh'a mid thn Olympla
gt-ncory for doniitlona of ciiuily
ami coffeo,
Mra. Clillcoto nlro thiinkcd
tho conimltloo In clinrgn of.llia
piirty, Mra. II. A. I'urmll, clinlr
uinn,,Mra. K. II. Ilnlalger. Mra.
K. M. Cnaaoll, Mra. Knrl W. l)o
Liipii, Mm. Oua Aiiilorumi, Mm,
(Innrga A. Mnaaey and Mra. Ot
to Kunarhot. , .
Mra. Havld Kenynn wn com
pllmeiili'd with a delightful
luncheon Prlduy iiftoruoon lit
ono o'clock when Mm. T J.
Kvnna nnd Mra. ticorgo T. Cna
per enlerlulned at tho Carper
homo. Kill Croaa atreet. In
honor of Mia. Kcliyon'a birth
duy nnnlvnraiiry.
Covers for the guiiHtr woro
Inld uroiiinl a - beautifully ap
pointed Inblo whuro a renter ar
rangement of harvest frulla and
nil tu in ii leaves wna used. Kail
flowers nnd leaves were used
effectively about llio rooms,
(In oi Included Mlaa (Hnilys
Kvmis of Kiinsna City, Kunsna,
Mra. David Konyon, Mrs. K. II.
Ilnlalger. Mra. Lillian lliigmnn,
Mrs. Wnlter Weat, Mrs. Fred
Corci1, Mra. T. H. Skllllngton.
Mra. Cora Lyon, Mra. (Ilenn
Kent, Mm. Leo Murker and lit
tle Miss Juliet Foster nml thn
two hostesses, Mrs. Kvuns and
.Mrs. Casper.
Plana aro being made for tho
ninth iinliiiiil l'loneer muiorln
tlon dinner which will ho giv
en Thursday, November tho
tenth, at liulf past six o'clock In
thn First rresbylorlnn church.
Tho dinner Is being given na
a spoclnl ronunsl of I tin l'loneer i
association of which Mr. K. W.
Vminlco Is president, Mr.
y Hlseninro is vice president
and Mm. Fred I'olerson Is aec
reiary and treusiiror. Historians
aro Mr. Frank Ira White and
Miss (ienevn lilenn.
Tho turkey dinner will bo
served by the Wnmens Auxil
iary of tho church In tho church
rooms nnd an excollcnt attend
ance la holng anticipated, Her.
A, Theodore Kniilh, pastor of
tho church, stilted Hint tho pro
Kinm would bo announced early
next week.
All pioneers of Klumath
county,' nil nld-llniera, nnd I bono
who aro Inlorested In continu
ing tho Interest shown In Klnlil
nlh county'a history, aro Invited
to the dlniiqr.
Tho plnco wliero reservntlom
enn bo mndo will also be an
nounced enrly next week.
A six o'clock supper pnrty
wns given Hnllowo'on night
when a group of young guests
wero Invjtod by Mlna Jenn Hen
derson, daughlor of Mr, and
Mrs, Charles A, Hondorson, to
hor homo, 1072 Knrlo stroct.
While witcheB nnd goblins
rnnmed, tho guentn worn seat
ed nt ti Buy Inblo where Hnl
lowo'on favors woro used,
tinmos wero plnyod until eight
Covers nt dinner woro lnld
for Miss Pntty Iloylo, -Miss Allco
(lenry, Miss Mnroelln Murray, ,
Miss Hnsuinnry Murruy, Miss
Dewey Lnmbert, Miss S n 1 1 y
llnrnhlnel, Miss Diirbnrn Swnn
non, MIsb Ann Henderson, Mns
lor Qeorgo Stovenson, Mnalor
Hilly Nelson, MnRter Arthur
NolKon nud tho hnatoaa, Miss
Joan Hendernon.
MIks Nora ninknr onlertnluod
nt her summer homo nt Lnko
o' tho Woods over tho pnat
weekend In honor of tho birth
ilny nnnlvoranry of Mrs, Clara
Sovernl of thn gnosis ro
mulned until Tuesday to return
to Kliiiniitli Falls.
MIks Hiulior'a guests woro
Mm. Blinw, Mrs. Wllllnm Sor
ruys, Mrs. Louln Borruys, Mrs.
Hrndy Nnroy, Mrs, Roso Tooln,
Mrs. Lottlo Currln, Mm, Itulh
Turnor nnd Mrs. Lucille War
ner, '
II iiiii m I nil ii. )yu;.i),iin
, , I1".
! ( 'Mi
v iliiiii
Miss Niincy (jnylord lind Miss
Patty Klf) wero Complimented
with a llullowe'on party whon
Miss Cntherino (iaylord and
Mrs. Frieda Kill entertained
for llicin nt tho (iaylord homo,
432 North Fifth street, Satur
day evening.
Mrs. Joaephlno Ponrod as
aisled during tho ovoning.
After several hours of Hnl
lowo'on gomes nnd story tell--lug,
refreshments wero served
In fesllvo atyle. ltoonm wore
nrriiiigcd In tho traditional Hal
lowo'en iinin nor.
Guests Included Miss Alma
Pen rod, Miss Mnxlno Lauren
son. Mlsa Jnnlco Conatnble, Mr.
Cecil Fox, Mr. Dob Penroif, Mr.
Meiuila Pulerson, Mr. Wayne
Smith nnd Mr. Lloyd Pearson,
mid the two young hostesses,
Miss Putty Kills and Mls "Nnncy
Gil) lord.
Mls Patty Hoylo 'observed
her sixth birthday pnrty nt the
home of her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. L. D. Hoylo, 1000 Paclfio
Terrace, when a group of llt
tlo friends called at from three
until fivo o'clock.
Costumes wore worn and
Ilnllowo'en favors and gamca
wero enjoyed, nctrcshincnts
woro served at a lnrgo tnblo,
decorated tgnily In the Hnllo
wo'on motif. '
(iuosts who honored Patty
were Miss Hoseinnry Murray,
Miss Mnrcella Murray, Mlsa
J on n Henderson, Miss Judy
Hnlnos, Miss Donna Lee Cone,
Miss Katharine Joy Hollow.iy,
Mlna Donna Carrol Hollowny,
Miss Marilyn Johnson, Miss
Joyce Leo Honglnnd, Miss
' Joiinno Anderson and Mnstor
Kildlo Hnlnos.
Mrs. R. H. Dunbar entor
tallied for members of the Art
Noedlo Work club at hor homo
on Joffomon atroot Wodnesdny
afternoon. Following nil aftor
noon of conversation nnd
needlework the guaats were
served tea from a prettily ap
pointed tnblo where Mrs. Lylo
O. Mills and Mrs. J. Fred Gool
lcr presided.
, A guest of tho club wns Mrs.
N. Y. Stoddard of M 0 d o 0
The next meeting of the
group will bo held nt the home
of Mrs. J, Frod Goeller on
rtlvorsldo atroot . Wodnesdny,
Novonibor tho. sixteenth,
Morvyn nnd Jlmjny 'Shuck,
anna of Mr. nnd Mra. Clifford
Shuck of Tulelnko, entortnlnod
a group of frlonds at the
homo of their pnronts on Hnl
lowo'on. Morvyn. who la
night, nnd Jimmy, sovon, ob
served their birthday nnnlver
' Buries nt this time,
(luosta woro taken to the
thoatro In Tnlolnko In tho nf
tnrnnon nnd Inter tho fifteen
ehlldrou woro norvod i;ofrosh
meuta nt tho Shuck home nt a
gully deeoruled table where
lliillnwo'on favors and toya
woro nrrnngod.
Mrs. James Dougherty, the former Miss Lula Lee, who was one
of Klamelh Falls' most attractive November brides. Her wed
ding took place in the chapel of Sacred Heart church, Saturday,
Novomber tho fifth at half past eight o'clock.
Kennell-Ellls picture.
DAR Will Moot
Monday Evening
Daughters of lie American
Revolution. Kulalona chapter,
will meet In regular session
Monday evening, November the
seventh, at the borne of Mra.
Alfred Collier, 1965 Letloy
atreet. Mra. Warren Hunt will
be tho assistant hostess.
Mra. Ernest D. Lamb will
have chargo of tho program
and her topic tor the evoning
will bo "Heraldry".
Wltchea and ghosts predom
, Inated at the costume party
given Hallowe'en when Tommy
Towey, son of Mr. and Mra..
Thomas Towey, den Lorenz,
son of Mr. and Mra. G. C.
Lorens, and Billy and Larry
Pickett, aons of Mr. and Mra.
Roy Pickett, Invltod-a group of
friends to the Towey home,
321 North Sixth street.
Mr. Fay Slllliuan. In proper
costume, became a fearsome
witch and all guests were
properly frightened In true
Hnllowo'on style.
Tho guests, all In costume,
were served by the mothers,
Mrs. Towoy, Mrs. Lorent and
Mrs. Plckott, at nine o'clock."
Guests Included Bobby
Lancslet, David Vandenberg,
David Bryant, Patricia Sexton,
Pnlricln O'Leury, Kllen Snlvey,
Hilly Snlvey, Donald and Arthur
Palmer, Donna O'Brien, Teddy
. Igl, Sally Kerr, Joe and Tim
Towey, Theresa Palmer, Joan
Powora and tho hosts, Tommy
Towey, Glen Lorens and Billy
and Larry Pickett.
i .
(r - - 1. J :
Mrs. Patrick McAuliffe, on of the lovoliost of thl
month's brides was the former Miss Helen Fisher.
She was married in Chiloquin at the church of Our
Lady of Mt. Carmel early this week. Mr. and An.
McAuliffe are on a wedding trip which will take
them to Mexico City. ,
Kennell-Ellls picture.
! i 4
1 .WS-.:'f
. 1 ' . '
Plana for a Thanksgiving
party on November the sixteenth
and for a Christmas party on
December the twenty-first were
discussed at a business meeting
Of the St. Paul's Wednesday
club held Wednesday evening
at the parish house with Mra.
Jamea E. Swansen, Jr., the pres
ident. In charge. - .
Mrs. M. J. Young 'and Mlsa
Helen Foxz acted aa hostesses
for this meeting and served re
freshments at the close of tba
evening. Another matter of
business was a report on the
parish dinner by Mrs. W. W.
McNenly who acted aa chair
man of the affair.
A complete program for fu
ture meetings of the clnb year
will soon bo completed and will
be announced by . Mrs. Swan
Any number of gay cocktail
parties are being planned for
tonight, Saturday, just before
the first dance of the season
for members of the Winter
Dancing club. The dance will
be held In the ballroom1 of the
Wlllnrd hotel aa will other
dances on the club's schedule
v for the winter.
Hosts and hostesses for to
night's party are Mr. and Mra.
George Clark Jr., Mr. and Mra.
Wnlter Kennett and Mr. and
Mra. Ted Shoop.
Miss Lee
Is Bride
1 Chapel of Sacred Heart
Church Scene o f
One of the loveliest of early
November brides was Miss Lulu
Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Lee of Summers Lane,
who became the bride of Mr.
Jamea Dougherty at an half
past eight o'clock mass In the
chapel of Sacred Heart church
on Saturday morning, Novem
ber the fifth.
The bride wore a charming
formal afternoon frock of porto
plum with panels of the same
sheer wool In wine and raisin
tones falling from a corded
neck line. Her hat was of por
to plum felt with fuschia
.plum falling almost to the
shoulder where a wine veil was
caught In a loop. At the bride's
throat was a deep fuschia or
chid. Her gloves and slippers
were of porto plum.
Mlaa Edith Taylor, the bride s
only attendant, wore a smart
costume of sheer wool In the
new burgundy wine shade. A
corsage of small rose buds was
worn at the throat of the jac
ket which was cut quite high.
Her accessories were of wine.
Mr. John Dougherty was his
brother's best man.
Rev. Timothy" Casey of Sac
red Heart church read the cere
mony in the presence of a num
ber of frlonds and relatives.
Following the ceremony a
wedding breakfast waa served
at the Elk hotel for members of
the wedding party and Mr. and
Mra. Frank Lee, Mr. and Mrs.
George Dougherty, parents of
the groom, Mr. and Mrs. John
Dougherty, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Barts, Mr. and Mra. Bert Bartz
of Grants Pass, .Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. McDonald of Merrill, Mrs.
Everett Shelley, Miss Nettle
Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc
Donald and Mra. Velma Sauer.
Susan Theresa, two-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. T.
Pentel. entertained a group of
little playmates at the family
home on Hallowe'en afternoon
from three o'clock until five
o'clock. ,
Cats and pumpkins and
witches were used on the walls
and a delightful autumn table
waa arranged with purple and
russet grapes In a yellow bowl
aet on red and yellow leaves.
Tall orange tapers flanked
either side of the arrangement.
The birthday cake was decorat
ed with orange pumpkin faces
and two tiny orange candles
were extinguished by the lit
tle hostess.
, Mothers were served tea
from the table by Mrs. Penzel.
Little guests included Miss
Carmel Flnnegan, Miss Fatty
May Boyle, Miss Betty Bennett,
Miss Jeanne Anderson, Master
Billy Harlan, Master Roddy
Van Buakirk, Master Brooksie
Braxee, Master Mathew Flnne
gan, Master Denny Penzel and
the young hostess, Miss Susan
Mrs. Clara Shaw was compli
mented on the occasion of her
birthday anniversary by a group
of her friends at a no-hostess
luncheon Tuesday at noon
In the Pelican grille.
A center arrangement of
fruits made the luncheon table
attractive and many glfta were
presented to Mrs. Shaw.
Covera at luncheon wero laid .
for Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Earl Gard
ner, Mra. Arthur Porter, Mrs.
A. C. Backea, Sirs. Martha .Mc
Collum. Mra. Harry Bathiany,
Mrs. Phil Brixner, Mrs. Andrew
A. Ward, Mrs. Ralph Hoyt, Mrs.
Henri Conradl, Mrs. Joseph
Earley, Mrs. LeMolne Savage,
. Miss Catherine Gaylord, Mrs.
Stephen Sabo, Mra. Bessie Wtl
ktns, Mrs. Charles Eaton,1 Mrs.
William Lorenz, Mrs. B. E.
Wright, Mrs. J. F. Penrod and
Miss Ann Thrasher.
Monday afternoon, on No
vember the fourteenth, the
third program of the year for
the: Klamath Falls Library club
will he presented In tho main
auditorium of the city library
when" Mrs. Lawson Bralnord of
Tulelake haa graciously con
sented to speak to the group.
' Mrs- Brainerd will have as.
hor topic, "Glimpses of Mexican
Life and Handicraft" and along
with this fascinating subject
will be an Interesting display
of Mexican work, both In pot
tery and china aa well as glass
ware, linen and metals.
: ' Women of the city are In
vited to hear the lecture and
see the display' which Mrs.
Brainerd will arrange. Mrs.
Brainerd. haa lived tor a good
.many years In Mexico, and since
accepting this program she has
collected additional , articles
which ahe will use m Illustrat
ing her talk.
Mra. Don J. Zumwalt will ar
range the muslo.
salem party
Mr. and Mra. Mllus P, Wln
nlnghain, of Painter street, an
nounce the betrothal of their
daughter, Enid Elizabeth to
Lieutenant Douglas Sharp, son.
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sharp
of Hnlein, Oregon.
Word of the engagement waa
first learned last week when
Mlsa Wlnnlngham apent a week
In Salem as the house guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Sharp. At
this time she announced plana
for her wedding at a dinner
party given at Delta Phi soror
ity at Willamette university
where she was a student for
two years. Lieutenant Sharp
Is also a former Willamette
student and a member of Sigma
Tail fraternity.
The names nf Mlaa Winning
ham . and Lieutenant Sharp
were ' printed on parchment
acrolls and hidden at the place
of each guest at dinner. The
date of tho wedding was also
told and will be Tuesday eve
ning, December the twenty
seventh, in the First Presbyter
ian church in Klamath Falls.
The young couple plan to
make their home In San Ra
fael, California. Lieutenant
Sharp will be located with the
army air corps at Hamilton
Miss Wlnnlngham returned
recently from Sap Antonio, '
Texaa where she was the guest
of friends and relatives and at
tended the graduation of her
fiance from Kelley field. On
her return to Klamath Falls,
he was accompanied by ber
paternal grandmother, Mrs. H.
A. Wlnnlngham of Edlnburg.
Texas, who will remain here
until after the first of the
The month of December
looks like it will be an ez
. ceptionally gala one with vari
ous groups and organizations
announcing their holiday plana.
Women of the First Metho
dist church will sponsor their
annual holiday bazaar Satur
day, December the third. In the
church. Cafeteria luncheon will
be served starting at eleven
'clock Saturday morning and in
the late afternoon shoppers, are
Invited to drop In for a cup of
tea or a fragrant cup of coffee.
One large booth, which will
display needlework suitable for
Christmas glfta. haa been ar
ranged. At another booth there
will be jams, jellies. pickles
and farm produce offered to
the shopper.
Mrs. R. P. Elllngson, presi
dent of the Ladlea Aid of the
First Methodist church, is gen
eral chairman of the affair and
is being assisted by the four
chairmen of the circles In the
church. Mrs. T. J. Evans la
chairman of the Lend-a-Hand
circle. Mrs. W.' C. Van Emon '
of Illahee. Mrs. William Mart
Inez of M and -M, and Mra. I.
W. White is chairman of the
Gleaners circle.
The women also wish It to
be known that there will be
Klamath Netted Gems available
at this time.
If you have ever had lunch
eon at the Methodist bazaar
you'll be there!
Miss Margaret West enter
tained a group of friends at
her home in the Hermosa apart
ments Thursday evening with a
bridge party.
Following cards supper was
served. High score In bridge
was held by Mrs. Lane Warren,
low by Miss Dorothy Browne.
Guests included Mra. Alvin Ma
cartney. Mrs. L a h e Warren,
Miss Margaret Anne Watters,
Miss Dorothy Browne. Miss
Elizabeth Gallagher. Miss Kay
Dugan and Mss Dorothy Buchanan.-
Women of the city who are
affiliated with the League of
Women Voters aro particularly
interested in the announce
ment that Mrs. Thomas Sharp,
first vice president of the Port
land league, and Mrs. Henry
Corbett, prominent In League
affairs throughout the state,
will be hero Monday, Novomber
tho twenty-first.
- A luncheon is planned by the
Klamath Falls group at the Elk
hotel at twelve o'clock noon
. and Mrs. Corbett will be the
principal speaker.
Members of the . Graduate
Nurses association aro plan
ning to meet at eight o'clock
Thursday night, November tho
tenth, in the club rooms of the
city library.
837 Main Watchmaker and Jeweler
Klamath ;
Girl Bride
Florence Edwards
Lee Ferguson
Florence Edwnrils, daughter of
Mr. and Mra. Frank Edwards of
Fort Klamath, became the
bride of Mr. Lee Ferguson,
oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. M.
L. Ferguson, at a pnrty wed
ding solemnized Wednesday nt
noon at the home of the groom's
parents in Fort Klamath. Rev.
B. V. BradBhaw of Beatty, for
merly pastor of the Fort Klam
ath church, read the mnrringe
ceremony In the presence of a
aomhled relatives and frlenda
of the couple. Preceding the
ceremony, Mrs. B. V. Hriidahaw
ang "I Love You Truly," her
accompanist at the piano being
Mrs. Ray Ferguson, who nlso
played Mendelssohn's wedding
march as tho bride entered tho
For her wedding tho bride
wore an ensemble of navy blue
and white crepe, with acces
sories to match. Her attend
ant was her sister. Mm. Ken- ,
neth Morris, and the groom's
brother, Mr. Wilbur Ferguson,
was bear man. The bride waa
given In marriage by her grand
father, Mr. John Herrick of
Fort Klamath.
Following ,the ceremony, a
wedding luncheon was served,
and a beautifully-decorated
wedding cake cut by tho bride.
Mr. and Mra. Ferguson left
the same afternoon for Quartz
mountain where they will make
their home. Ferguson has been
employed as foreman of the lo
cal state highway maintenance
crew, with headquarters at Sand
Creek, for the past several
years, and will be employed In
the aame capacity by the high
way department at Quartz
mountain, where he was re
cently transferred. i
Gnesta at the wedding at the
M. L. Ferguson home wero Rev.
and Mrs. B. V. Bradshaw of
Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Fer
guson, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fer
guson and son Dee, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Ferguson and daugh
ter Laura, Mr. and- Mrs. Jack
Briscoe and daughters Ruth and
Helen of Klamath Falls. Mrs.
James A. Mullin and three chil
dren of Klamath Falls, Mrs.
Kenneth Morris, Miss Eleanor
Angland, and Messrs. John Her
rick, Norbert de" Stael, Wilbur
Ferguson and .Herbert . Ed
wards. .
... .
liam Zumbrun was hostess to
members of the Contract Bridge
club Friday evening at her
home In Fort Klamath. Two
tables of cards were in play
until a late hour when refrcsh
menta were served.
At the close of the game, high
score for the evening was won
by Mra. William Page, and sec
ond high by Mrs. Llewellyn
Smith. The latter is a hew
members of the bridge club, tak
ing Mrs. Harold Winter's place.
Those playing wero Mrs. Jer
ry Sisemore, Mrs. Ray Taylor,
Mra. William Page, Mrs. Eldon
Bratlain, Miss William John
son. ' Mrs.. Alfred Castel, Mrs.
Llewellyn Smith of Sand Creek,
and the hostess, Mrs. Zumbrun.
Mrs. Johnson substituted for
Mrs. Mordecal Hess, who Is ab
sent on a trip.
The next meeting of the
group la slated for the evening
of November ninth, whon Mrs.
Eldon Brattain will entertain
tor the evening of carda at her
home In Fort Klamatu. .
Members of the Klamath Fnlls
Nile club were entertained Tues
day afternoon at the Wicsen
danger home on Earle street
when Mrs. E. Ostendorf and
Mrs. Walter Wiesendanger were
Dessert was served at half
past one o'clock on tho individ
ual tables that were centered
by small vases of roses, and
bowla . of vari-colored roses
were used about the rooms.
Contract was enjoyed after
a short business meeting with
high score won by Mrs. Wil
liam Anderson, and Mra. Otto
Konschot receiving the' special
It was announced at the
meeting that Zuleima temple.
Daughters of the Nile, will hold
a ceremonial on Saturday, No
vember tho twelfth.
Tho hostesses for the De
cember meeting of the club will
be Mrs. John Kenoffel and Mrs.
Walter Brown.
More than thirty-five tables
of bridge and pinochle wore In
play at the benefit party given
by tho Fairview Parent-Teachers
association In the school au
ditorium Tuesday evening. ,