November 4, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREB s PAPER 10 GIVE ELECTION NIGHT SERVICE I'leimriillona are already on fool Icir I Im Ilninil lilg election lillilit party ill Tim Ih'lllld Rllcl News ntriiii. To thin event ovtiry ' In luvllod. A public nditreiia syatuin will Imi Itminlli'il for u III announcing liolli lnt'til nml tolnKiiiplied olen (lon remilln. I.oml Npenkora will Im In oi"t ii 1 1 iln ImiI li liinliln Iho u 1 1 il I ii k nml on (Iln Hi runt, no Hint thtinti wlio wlnh niHy riMitiiln In llii'lr n it I o iiiulil nml hoar the rmti'iiK. Thn lli'tnltl Nowa blarkboarda will Im In opi'rnilou again, run n I ii u up ininlH on nil Kliiimilli vol hh wlili up I nml iH'i'iirucy. A lilK Bluff o( iiliiiilliiu workcra will tin on llio Job, n nil holh Aaaoolatsd I'reaa nml UnllKil I'reea teletypes will In Inn In iii'Wk from thn slate Mini, nml Humo In other puru of Utn country. WYER SEEKS TO M O Wilkin.,. Clillomiln sttnr. ney, ha filed null In circuit court minion! HkIi'ii Appli'KiUo Turvoy, rlu l in l n s pa lout I In' illicit to pti'cu of c Ii 1 1 oi j ii ) ti piatperly tlitiiilkll a marriage agreement Willi I Im riefonilnnt which hna nol mm roil hi not ho coimum- nniii'il. Willi Inn ciiilnia hit nml llin do- fi'iiilnot itiuilit tho niiirrliigii aftroo- Ini'iK In AiiKiiit. 1 OAR. when, h mimirlii. uhn tolil hi in she waa a in n r ri i Ki n lil ii woiuiin. An a part of ihu :i k i nii'lil . hn mild, ho gave hi-r pon,ii'nKlon of a ilimil for a pliru of property In Chlloiiiln. with l lie iiiu!trataiitlliig Ihu deed won not to Im considered aa tillr (ml mull a mall loin hail bean Olililllll'll. The pliilnllff ananrta I tin defend ant hnn alorii rrfimi'il to rnnatim- innln ihn umrrlneo mill la In fact dlniiiioliftril from marrying him burauiio of mi undlsiiolved mar. rliiKo wlili lioorKn Turncy. lie rhurKca furlhnr that aha haa re fimcd in return llin d foil to the propi.iiy In i ii-fit Imi. ana haa act. unity HOiiKhC to aell II. Tho Uhilontilti attorney aaka that the court ilcclnro tho deed to Iho properl? null and void. CHINA MISSIONARY TEACHER TO TELL WAR EXPERIENCES Sunilny evening at Iho 7:30 worship hour lit Ihn First Preahy' l. rlim c li urc h Ml rui Holcn Whlt- aki'r of ChmiKiihu nrnvlnro, China, will ho thn apenkrr at tho W'onii'n'a Mlimlonnry society's thiinkofriTliiK service. Mlaa Whit nkiT la Ihn principal of Iho Fuh aliniK Klrln' nrliool, opnrnteil un iter tho fornlmi honril of Ihn Proe tivlorliin rhiirch. U. B. A. Shn hna bi'i-n hi'i vIiir for over 12 yenra In II wit flow. During Ihn propii'iit iinilnrlnrnd war tbo roitulnr hcIiooI work could nut ho carried on mid Iho arhool 1 1 mil T wlili Ita fori'O of touchers hna boon doing- Ita turnout In car lux for Iho iniililiuilo of rnftiKeoa slrnnmlng IhrniiKb Fugsinng. Mlaa Wlillnlinr la n apcukor of rnnl alill Hy nml Itua n thrilling ainry to toll of prnaonl-dny condlilona Jn Chluii. na alio loft China only a few wnoka ago. Following tho nil droaa npporlunlty will ba liven to question Iho mlaalonary. Tho IhnnknffnrlnK aorvlro la an a ii nil ul affair' that haa boon car ried out tliruiiKhout tha dennin liiHtlon for in itny years, paal. Tho local congregation participates In Ihla ubanivnnco regularly, but la imperially fortunnlo In securing a mlaalomiry apimkor this year. At Iho cloao of tho aorvlca tha of for nix will bo rncnlvod aa an oiprna- alou of Kratlludo for blessings during tho ynur Juat pant, and la In Iho n at urn of a gift ovor ana sdovs tho regular tithe. A apodal musical number will he prnaontnd by Mlaa I'hyllla Col llor and Mlaa Patty Fleet ontltlod "Now Thnnk We All Our find." Mlaa whltakor la to apeak alao at tho 11 o'clock servlc In the Mnlln Proabyterlau church Bun- day morning. TRAVEL TO L BEDS UP SHARPLY A decided Increaaa In travel at l.ava Dude national monument wae roportad during tbe travel aeaaon of 1131 which ended October 1 according to flgurea rolnaaed bore, During tha year 1D38 It Was reported 9273 cara and 12,107 poraoni entered tho monumont aa enmparod to 1937 figures of 70110 oara and 27, Hi 7 pnraona. Thla wna an Incrnaao of 41iri0 poraona, or a porcontage Incruaao of Forty-two atmna In the union, Alaaka, Waahlngton, I). C, and Hawaii were roproaentod, accord ing to travol'flKiirpB, and foroikn countrlna reglatnred Includnd Af rica, Canada, China, KiikIihhI, Ire land, Now Zealund, Hcotluml and Sweden. According to eallmatea, thnre are 2,750,000 motorcycle In Iho world; 86 per cent of theae being In Kuropo. Klixt Hoy latx-r For Mayor. Pd. Adv. by Roy Taber. F. R. CALLS FOR . OLSON, DOWNEY ELECTION SUPPORT 8AM FHANCIHCO, Nov. 4 (UP) Proaldnnt Franklin If. Rooaevelt liiat night called for eloctlon of Khnrldan Downey to the United Hlatna annate and Ciilbert Olaon to the atnte governorahlp of Califor nia. In a latter to Oeorge Creel, prominent democrat and commla alonor for the Golden Oate Inter nationa expoaltion, the prealdent reiterated hla oppoaltlon to the 130 evnry Thuraday penalon plan but aald It waa exclualvep a alate laaue which ahould not be uaed to Judge Downey, who advocated the plan In hla primary campaign. Mr. Rooaevelt, following up bla recent letter to Rep. Jorry Voor hla endoralng the atate democratic lata, aald that In hla opinion It waa of national Importance "that a liberal like Olaon rather than a reactionary, be in the atate houae at Sacramento and that a liberal like Downey rather than a reactionary apeak the volca of California in tha aenate of tha United Btatea." QUALITY MEAT MARKET Speetalliaa In Steer and Baby Beet Quality Alwaya Guaranteed Free " Delivery Lonla. Eerble, Proprietor THE MARCH OF PROGRESS , In Motion Plcturea ARMORV Sal. . Ban., Nov. B-e) Doore Open 7:10 o'clock Show Btarta at 7: HO ' Alao U. B. A. Naval Dept. Action Thriller "WINGS OF GOLD" 1988 American Legion Natl. Pageant, L, A. LOCAL MOVIE K.U.H.B, Dramatlce Stndenta, Klamath Falla Merchanta ,t , , New and Modern Inventions .. VAUDEVILLE SO.OOO people attended parte of thla ahow at State Fa'e Bponaored by the Salem Chamber of Commerce Admission BOo , , With Courteay Tickets 8Bo Aak for your courteay tickets at KLAMATH FLOWER SHOP 1211 Mnln HI.- Plionn 100 DATE SCHEDULED In rnapnnae to Ihe apeclal re queat of the Pioneer enunciation, the pioneer dinner, which la al aya one of the outalandlng ovnnla of the year, will be held next Thursday evening, November 10, Inatnad of In February, The change la made to permit Ihoae In. the outlying aectlona to attend with leas discomfort from Ihe weather, Tho "pioneer church," tbe First Preabyterlan, la again aponaorlng thla event. Thla la the ninth an nual dinner that this church hss prepsrsd In honor of lbs early settlers In this section. Tba church Itsnlf started as a Sunday school aa far bark aa 1110 and waa organized aa a congregation on February 24, 1114. Tha flrat to propoaa such a gathering waa Mra. George D. Grliile, tbe wife of the preaont county judge, who rnprnaenta that claaa of early set tlor" who are atlll active In the urvlco of the community. A turkoy dinner with all the will be aerved at the nominal price of eoventy-flve cents for sdulls and fifty cents for chil dren under 12. Mra. N. B. Drew la Ihe proaldnnt of the women'a auxiliary which aaaumea reaponal hlllly for the dinner. Tickets can be obtained at the Bunaet gro cery, 1001 Main atreel, Drew'a Manatore, 733 Main, Wilton Title and Abatract company. 111 Main, and John Hnuaton Inaurance, 114 North Seventh atreel. Inasmuch aa only two hundred can be seated In the combined dining rooma, roaervattona should be msde at once through Mrs. Kffle Hideout, bob Klamath avenue, telephone 461-.M. UNION BIBLE CLASS HEARS MISSIONARY A large group of men at the Flrat Preabyterlan church during Ihe regular .luncheon period Mon day, were thrilled aa they llatened to the Rev. Erwln Kohfleld, re turned mlaalonary of the China Inland mlaalpn. Rev. Kohfleld dwelt on the war condlilona In China, of which ha apoke from firsthand knowledge. In hla quiet but forceful way, he deacrlhed condlilona In the war lone, the appalling and merclleaa alaughter of thouaanda of unarmed civilians and multitudes of women and children. In Nanking alona at one time, he aald, fifty thousand civilians were burled ,wlth twenty thousand mors Just outside the city. He hss recently come from Hankow, the provisional capital which fall a short time sgo. This coming Monday at 12:45 noon, Rov, Kohfleld will again ad droaa the men following hla re turn from Alturaa, California, where he la to apeak on Sunday. Opportunity will ba given at tho close of the addroaa on Monday for queatlona. It la expected that tho dining room will be filled. - On Tuesday of thla week Rev. Kohfleld addressed the Lions club. l th'b spotlight is H TUB SPOTLIGHT IS ON YOUK THROAT Fashions rolurn to the 1900's with shoulder yokes, severe col lors, high pompadour coiffures turns the spotlight on the throat Your throat line Is your age line for beauty stems from a proud young throat Does yours stand up? ' Use CHARLES oi th RITZ THROAT CREAM t .L1..II.. l-l l u -1. - uriiwi -4 luiiiiiuny us un uiu 111 oAaiuiao SsoKaUSi and proper throat massage. ' PRICES EFFECTIVE SATURDAY AND MONDAY, NOVEMBER STH AND 7TH, KLAMATH FALLS, MERRILL, CHILOQUIN, TULELAKE, AND DORRIS KITCHEN KRAFT 49 lb. bag $1.45 Barrel $5.69 Harvest Blossom 49 lb. bag $1.29 Barrel $4.9 ANCHOR 49 lb. bag $1.15 Barrel $4.29 LION . 49 lb. bag $1.09 Barrel $4.19 AIRLICHT FLOUR 49 lb. bag . .95 Barrel $3.75 VEK! pun Astr for our rii corm OOKUT Peaches Slokaly No. 1 tall tins sliced or balvos 3 25c Peaches jksVV No.. 1H tins sliced or halves. Packed In rich dell clous syrup For 39c Pumpkin 3 -29c Diamond A No. 2 H Una SnowdriSt 3-49 The pure vegetable shortening . JellO rw-gC Flapjack Flour W Albera large package Salmon " t 3 29c Happy vale Alaska Pink. . Cracker sw- 2 25c Your choice of six delicious flavors Fresh from the ovena to our stores Raisins Thompson -Seedless new pack 4 K.19C Klondike Red. iA. CneiTieS .our. pitted No. Una 49c Mince Meat r;-,, 225 Marshmallows ,b,ClOc , ' Fresh and Fluffy 10c Dog Food Victory Tall tins.. 5c PeanutButterZ:t2 j.r25c Oysters Pellaeo ..... Pellaeo 5 os. aa. dnrillip dry pack .... tlns7 forZVC Deviled Meatus 3 ,or10c Chocolated 3-59c Cocoanut pku. 29c Bakers premium long shred sweetened Granulated ' Am .... Lge. Pkg. V ...pkgs. 3 for 25c Superb Soap Starch ... Klngsfords Corn or gloss Borax Soap Chips,:; 19c Shinola Shoe Paste -3r25c Tour choice of colors Black Figs New 1938 Pack 4 Iba. 25 8 Iba. 45e 2S Iba 98 PORK & BEANS Van Camps In rich tomato aauca with alices of tender pork . ll?5c Prunes Oregon Italian Extra fancy large fruit -4 lbs 25 8 lbs 45 25 lbs 1.29 Beans Baby Llmaa S Ibt. California Red 10 Iba. California Small Navies 24 Mexlcsn .. 45 White String Beans Standard pack No. 2 tins cut stringless 3 for 25 6 for 45 Corn Standard pack choice cream style. Golden Ban tam No. 303 tins 3 for 6 for 25 45 Peas Llndy standard pack No. 303 tins 3 for ................ 25 6 for ................ 45 Zee Tissue Tinted or white soft and absorbent 4 Roiu 19c White King Granulated soap for all wash day problems 29c ' White King Toilet Soap 4 Bar. 19C Oxydol Safe for all fine linens 19c Lge. Pkg. Spry Shortening The purs vege table shortening for every cooking purpose. ' 6 98' wm0m ' ) Oranges I.nrgo 8unkist .....t...............Dos. 25c Crammed with Juice , Apples Ncvftovrn Pippins .....Bo 79c For sauce or baking; Apples rafasnt VMWJ TJth Extra Large.. Jonathan .. ....Box 98c Crisp and Juicy ' . . ..Stalk 10c swerr ' GrapeSruit A Aa Texas jt af. Toxas Seotlleas lfor XTfC rink 4 for A 9 C . Dos. BSe ' Dos. 69o Steaks fifthly Tender, nutriUoos and well aged Oysters .........:.....:.......! 25c Fresh from Pacific Coast Waters ' Colored Fryers "V;,, 25c Tender medium site birds Chickens .....,.:...;...:...:....:.;......:,Lb. 19c For fricassee or stewing Pork Roasts ;,:;,:::. 17c Shoulder Cuts From grain fed porkers Bee! Roasts . . ... 15c Any size roast tor an; sise family Cut from grain , fed steer beef Sliced Bacon ..jc.ji.35c Rind oft Lots of lean VEAL STEAK PORK STEAK Lh.l9C Special 3.50 Jar I.OO ONE WEEK ONLY . Omer uzet $.00 and 10.00 RLfl mcMs w5eBw.aresB?ii