PACE TWO THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON November 4, 193 IT. With the organisation f Cub leadership committee Thursday evening;, plans were developed to extend the. Cub division of the Boy scouti o( America. In Klam ath Falls. Under the leadership of I. V. Haynes as district Cub commls aloner, the committee composed of Ted Reeves, Joe Hicks and Ken Klahn will meet and train the dif ferent group of parents Interest ed In Cubbing. Next week two such meetings will be held, the first Tuesday night at 7:0 In the Roosevelt school and the sec ond Thursday night at the Fre mont school. Parents of boys . 10 and 11 are invited to attend these meetings. Since Cubbing Is home center ed, It Is the purpose of these meetings to give the parents a thorough understanding of the program. Cubbing Is a leisure-time, character-Influencing movement for boys of. pre-Scout age- boys 9, 10 and 11 years old. "It provides activities suited to the nature of iha hnv which activities also af ford opportunity for the develop ment of nanus ana auuuaea e aential to good cltiiensblp,'-' Dwight Gilchrist, local Scout exe cutive, said Friday. It does not aim to draw a boy away from his home for his good times but seeks to multiply the ways In which boy may find joy In his own neighborhood and back yard. "It therefore offers to parents activities which their boys may do. It helps a parent answer the question of 'what can we boys do?' by aiding the boys to answer that question for themselves. The program answers that question, and it will help parents meet their responsibilities. : "Like Scouting, It ia used alike by all religious groups, all racial groups. Similar movements alike In spirit and world friendliness, though differing In program de tail, are found In some 26 differ ent countries ot the world." It will take more than a broken hip to aUence me. Mrs. Ruth Hanna McCormlck Slmms, tn a radio address from hospital bed in behalf of republican candidates In New Mexico. Wolf In Cub Clothing This laughing, alert "wolf" takes his make-believe to heart In the Imagination-stretching CUBBING program of the Boy Scouts of America for boys , 10 and 11 years. The great American men Eu rope knows are the men whose effigies appear on SI bills. Emll Ludwig, speaking to the American club In. Paris. The news Benea is regaining hia health In England suggests British statesmen did not forget the president when they were dividing Czechoslovakia. : - Now they are giving him rest. ' Optimism over coming world prosperity is indicated by the re turn to .work of 200 diamond cut ters In Johannesburg, South Af rica, center of world diamond mining. They expect to handle at least 12,600,000 worth of dla monds in the next six months. JURY: CONVICTS FAN DANCER OF MILD MAYHEM HOLLYWOOD, Nov. S (U.R) A middle-aged Jury of nine women and three men late today found blonde Sally Rand guilty ot com mitting assault and battery on two young admirers who took her pic ture inside a theater. The verdict carries a possible maximum sentence of one year in lall and J20C0 fine. The Jury after deliberating less than three hours decided to accept the stories of Ray Stanford and hia girl friend, Hasel Drain, that the fan dancer scratched and bit them and tore their clothes when she discovered Stanford clicking a candid camera during her tan and bubble dance. . Sally had admitted objecting to the picture-taking, bui denied re sorting to mild mayhem wnen Stanford refused to surrender the film. Sally, who had glumly awaited the verdict, stood silently beside her attorney. Milton Golden, when Foreman John B- wood read it. She gasped, but uttered no word The outcome was a distinct sure-rise to the dancer, who had planned a cocktail party to cele brate the end ot the trial, ana an anticipated acquittal. Municipal Judge C. A. Balireicn allowed her her freedom on her promise to return to court Mon day for sentence. Golden announced ne woum ap peal. The couple, in aaauion 10 want ing to send the dancer to jail, also atevaeeklna: cash awards. They have' each filed civil suits. Miss Drain demanding 21000 for the bite, 2500 for the humiliation and 210 for the doctor who treated her, Stanford sued for 2100 for asserted fingernail scars on his neck, 2102.70 for his camera and 210 for his doctor. ELECT RUFUS C. HOLMAN, Republican To tin UNITED STATES SENATE Holman Standi For Preservation of Constitutions1 Government. Balancing of the National lud- get. Low Freight Ratef and Wide Markets tor Agriculture. Protection of Payrolls for Ore gon Labor. Maintenance of livable work ing conditions end Social security tor ell , cituens aged, workers end youth, Continuance of useful public works program during com. mercief depression. Development of Cheap Elec tric Power. Flood Control end Irrigation Proects. Promotion of cause end wel fare of public education. EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL AND SPfcUAL PKIVILtfefci FOR NONE. A Neutral America In Foreign Aggressive Warfare. As United States Senator, Hol man will not be a rubber stamp, but will truly repre sent end faithfully serve the people as he has elways done during his years of public service. Republican Committee for Election of Rufua C. Holman to United State Senate. By O. B. Bewail, Manager. 806 Oregon Building, Portland, Oregon. SIX INVESTIGATIONS BEGUN IN STRANGE OAKLAND INCIDENT (Continued from Page One) ward, aa per testimony of the diver. The conclusion I leave lo tho public. The very active investiga tion by the authorities will estab lish that an act ot criminal sabo tage was oommlttcd. I deeply regret the printed at tacks against my country have now resulted In concrete disaster. Fire brave seamen and a good ship, destined to help In fostering peaceful commerce between our countries, are laid up aa the re sult ot a criminal assault on a public carrier, with American travelers and merchandise aboard. "Sonic Consolation" Had the explosion taken place only 10 minutes later, In the opeu bay, loss ot lives ot Amer ican clilxeus, aa well as ot my own countrymen, would undoubt edly have been involved. There is some consolation In the hope this rotten act will opeu the eyes ot the general public to the effect of irresponsible poison ing of public opinion perpetrated by a small clique aiming to de stroy by secret warfare the basil ot ordered society. "You know whom I mean." Efforts were to be made today to raise the 477-foot vessel from a mudbank in Oakland estuary where she settled stern-down after the blast. Passenger Escape Harm Four membera of the crew of 54 were injured by the blast. Eight passengers on the ship were not harmed and called the exper ience "tremendously exciting." An exhaustive-Investigation ou the vessel last night by District Attorney Earl Warren, federal bureau of investigation agents and other officials brought a closely-guarded atatement from warren that "We are ot the opin ion the explosion was not In the engine room or In the ship It self." Because of international impli cations. Warren declined to ssy the explosion waa the work of saboteurs until the vessel could be raised and an examination ot the hole made. CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE OFFERED IN ALCATRAZ CASE SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 2 (U.R) The federal government began nresentatlon of testimony in Ai- catrax Island penitentlary'a first murder trial today and immedi ately revealed it would depend solely on circumstantial evidence in an effort to convict "James (Toughey) -Lucas and Rufds (Whitey). Franklin ri the slaying of Ouard Royal Cllne. t" U. S. DUtrlct Attorney,. Frank Hennessey's opening remark to the Jury of 12 middle-aged men, mainly business men, who. were sworn in this morning, revealed RACING AVIATRIX HORIZONTAL 4 Pictured vintrix, Jacqueline 7 Slio is the female flyer. 13 Ollvo shrub. 14 Egret. 16 Acidity, 17 Indian. 19 1'o befriend. SOClny lump, 31 Folding bed, 22 To torture. 24 Fiber knots. 28 To plant. 27 Nothing more thnn. 30 Not ns much. 33 Volume. - 34 To primp, i 3 6 Modern.- 37 Upon.- 38 Beginner. 40 Whirlwind. - 41 Alluvial matter. Answer lo Previous Futile jB o uojnR Rljr k CD pSh. m Ui n m ebi oje flnsfe sjt Die n IEHIJE ABQIt tflLOB c 0 1 s ITO a I l i f6 InTs oOt AT spH count mli dIogola (una as HE IMl. siTflPAigjEN i " Effidrtowii mil lAlirtcnrfn 43 To enroll, 47 Correlative of brother. 51 Undo. 92 Clan. S3 English coin. 58 To halt. 57 Pertaining to the moon. 58 Cerent food. 60 Recalcitrant. 61 She made a . new record recently In a rncc. VERTICAL , 1 Company. 2 Hodgepodge, 3 Pcnity. 4 Possessed. 5 Sound ot surprise. 6 Not remote, 7 Mineral vein, t Knlf en em. 9 Split pea, 10 Portrait statue, 11 Knot. 12 Grain. 15 Full o( flssurci. 18 Sioirtm Indian. 30 Court. . 21 Slio was the only woman to in the race. M Night bird. 25 Ono who goes first into wilderness. 26 Crystal gaicr, 28 Sea eagle. 29 To soak flax, 31 Grafted. 32 To kill a fly, 53 Cow's call, 33 Scolds. 39 To irritate. 42 Holy man. 44 Short letter. 43 Fool, 46 Kailr warriors 47 Slave.. 48 Fern seeds. 49 Spruce, 50 Every. 5.1 To hurry. 54 Tho soul. 50 Senior. 59 And. LM I4 i7 ! 7""" 5 ' 7j6 9 K) ill lli 1- lF1 a na; a i j rna p i I 1 uJ Li. ET! -J 27 a a Er j h' ' " r 55 : J I "1 " 3 oj To -r-h' R-Dyeh- W 44 15 b l 47 ST" 4v W sr 1 p 1 p sr "1 1 I M I I rrn 1 I I: C E there were no known eye wit nesses to Cllne'a slaying. - The district attorney, however, maintained the circumstantial evidence was sufficiently strong that Cllne and Franklin, survivors of an escape attempt, would be proved guilty. With those remarks, Hennessey swung into the state's testimony against the pair, who, with Thomaa Limerick, tried to break out of the "rock" last May 23. authobiiio Limerick was alatn and Franklin wounded aa guards stopped the flight ot the trio. We will make progress more surely. If we make it more slowly. Saul Cohn. president, Nations Retail Dry Goods association. Carl Conk, cnntlliliito for pollen Judge, Issued hia campaign auto mem Friday. It follows: "My past experience and fa miliarity with city affnlra quali fy me lo conduct ' tho business nf the offlro of poltco Juilgo In an offlolout and courteous manner, "In socking tho honor ot tho office of tho police jmlgo, It Is my earnest desire lo perform I lie Un ties of this office In such a mau nor aa lo tiring satisfaction lo tho rttlxvns ot I tin oily as well ns citiIII to myself, ami In view ot llto.fnct that I havo - conscientiously and sincerely applied my efforts In llio past to thoao things which 1 feel have been lusiruimmiiil In bring Ing about a proper solution of llio Juvenile problems In this clly and a better understanding by llio pa rents of llio necessity for con structive and doflnlte Juvonllo welfare programs, I believe Hint 1 ii in entitled ton promotion which will bettor enable me to carry on and fulfill my dealrea In this re spect. "The rumor has come to me that when elected pollco Judge my work with the younger generation would be discontinued: howover at this time I wish lo assure the cttliena of Klamath Falls that I ahall continue to manifest the same intereat In the Juvenile quea llon am program as I have here tofore, and that 1 ahall, with as sistance ot not less than two In terested and qunllflod persona, continue to auporvlao and direct programa and acttvltlea for your children. "It la my honest opinion that the office of police Jmlgo affnrda one who la interested an oppor tunity to render a great aervlce lo the parenta and children In this city. "My continued tnlorest and ac tivities tn the Juvenile question In i his city will not In any manner Intertore with my dullea as police Judge. "Your support will be appre ciated your confidence will not be misplaced. "Sincerely, ' "CARL COOK." Old business correspondence yielded a parchment map which showed the way .to a gold cache of 170,000 In France. Thar'a gold In them thar bills Seeks Office bn 9 4 V f " a m l K.'iun'll Kllln Carl K. Cnnk. who Is a rnudl dalo for iilU'o JiiiIko ut llio gen oral 'election. NT.WKH IS HOWS SAN FHANCISUO. Nov. 4 (Pi The Norwegian tankor Bvenor, In- linmiil from Antwerp, alove In hi hnwa when she struck an iiiildon titled nlijmit In a dmisa tog Just on I, Ulo lliu 11 u Ul i' n Unto toiluy, SUITS STARTED TO PAVE WAY FOR BONNEVILLE POWER TRANSMISSION POIITI-AND, On'., Nov, 4 (P)- Institution nf two ninileiiinnllnn mills to nava I ho way for expan sion of tho llonnnvlllo dam power proHiam wns announced yenlerdny by .1. D. Unas, administrator. Itoss authorised suit to acquire 85 miles of Oregon ICIeclrlo rail way right-of-way between Port land and Eugene and a irncl near Vaiiiouvor lor a Bonneville power tiliNlutinii. II" tunned the action against the Oregon Klnctrlc a friendly suit In clear llio lltla. A prli-o of 1 104.011 a. 8U nliomly bus been sol rir tli" I'liilil-of-wny. The llimiia vl Mo lilies would imriill"!, but ti l disturb, tho Oregon Ktrctrlc cnlilcoT The Waxlilngton suit will he Mll III II. 8. district court at In. I'oinn for In ii1 near the Purine highwuy at Vancouver for erecimn of a siilwlnllnn. dona said 13100, riumliliireil by llio iliiiu nritiilnln-fc tuition as a fulr price for Ihn Inml, would he ilr-ponltcd with the com t liefuro the lllul sliiiled. Knglueers esllimited the con struction or the power lines Into i.aue county would cost SU.Onu, 000 and tho Vancouver substation 17(0.000. nn r rrynrirjr a m LUiAiLu Lsa u m flEuavotf1 n I N I f I 70 90 P ROO HAYTAQ SALU MO Hnviia .KCRIT WASHING MACHINK SIRVICg ' If H'l mikiaa MfSlM tw H. 709 s. eta r-m lots "TBM tWEETXST Ot ill gOUNDS IS PRAISE "Do I Hit that dress? ...Why,yoM look' wondtrjul in it!". aenV "!r Hia A Amp "WoHttmiCDsKktm m Comt Sat Maw What is more cheering than to be told every morning that you make wonderful coffee? Millions of women enjoy this ex perience because they depend upon Hills Bros. Coffee. Its delicious flavor never var ies. For 6o years women who serve Hills Bros. Coffee have been complimented over and over again with these sincere words "Now, that's what I call good cofleel" HILLS BROS COFFEE Tht Cennuk Qidnd nt ifir snuiri sr ant imop or cowi.aumum To close out 1938 models, wc offer the greatest ap-. pliance sale in our history. Beautiful gas ranges, fully guaranteed, and money saving automatic gas water heaters in combination at extraordinary savings. You can't afford to miss this amazing event." See these wonderful gas ranges and water heaters at' our showroom TODAY. Remember, this offer is good only while they last. HERE'S JUST ONE OF THE MANY MARVELOUS BARGAINS: regular price HARVEST SALE PRICE Smartly styled range . ..109.50 tjo ff Approved water heater . . . ... . 79.50 n TOTAL ...... '189.00 YOU SAVE..S56.00 GAS COOKS BETTER-COSTS LESS GAS IS CHEAPEST FUEL FOR EFFICIENT WATER HEATING l