November 8. 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE CITY BRIEFS Moniljorlili Open Member lil ! In tlio Wlntor Dancing club - in still nviillnblo, niomhnrs of the cnniiiilitoa nnnouncml Thursday, i nml niny lo nhtiilnoil at (he May KliiK slucllo, Nuwcumora In Klam ath Kiills, who would llkt to at tonrt than aoiiil-turmnl dancaa, hnve boon lesuad a eordlat Invita tion to obtain aeason tlckata, It whs alatad by the executive (roup. Tim flint dance la to be hold Hat tiiilny, Nnvomber 6, In the Wlllnrd hotul. Tho moinborahlp la limited to 100 couplos, I'lnorhlo I'arty There will be a nliioi'hlo party at the KO hall Friday nluht at I o'clock given by Ilia Mooiuhavon cum in I It oo of tha Woman of the Mooae. I'ro cumin will be mod to buy linen for t the hoapltal at Moniohavon and ftiamped looda for the women to ambruldor, The public la Invited '. by those In chargf. Six prises will be otforad during the eve ning. I'lan Tarty The auxiliary to tha llrnthurhood of Railroad Tniliiiimn are sponsoring a public ; plmivlilo card party Tburaday af tin noon, November 10, In the KO hnll at I o'clock, l'rlses will be given and rerraahmenta aarved. The commlttoo In charge Include! Mra. Kdna Jensen, chairman, as- 1 slaltnl by Mra. It mil Uavlg, Mra. Ni'ttlo Andura and Mra. Anna llel Inn. (Iroup to Mcft Opal Illehn, chairman of the llomomaklng ciiiiiuilitea, announced Tburaday that there would bo a meeting of group of the Women of tbe Moon In the KO hall Friday, November 4, at 1 p. in. All mem bers of Women of the Mooae are Invited to attend. Hadle Hand and Kclllli Wlard will be hosteaiea for the politick luncheon. 1'iililln Tarty A public pi nochle party waa to be held Thuradoy evening, November I, at I o'clock In the community aortal hall on Uarden avenuo, aiinnaored by the Coiiarogatlonal church finance board. 1'rlxea were to bo glvon and refresh ments served, with Mra. W. C. I.llllo and Mra. C. M. Keynolda In charge of arrangemenla. I The I Ballot Measures liana l)rrr Ottla Baylor re turned recently from a success ful doer hunting trip In tbe BIy country with a larga mule door. Thla waa Haylor'a flrat bunting trip. lie la tha son-in-law of Mr. and Mra. Dtillola of Mitchell street, lie la a foreman at Wey erhaeuier Timber company. Will Hew Tho Congregational ' Community clrclo will moot for a , ilny of auwlng Friday, Novombor . 4, nt tho homo of Mra. L. K. Henry at 2-'0u Unrdon avenuo. A pot , luck lunchoon will be aorved at i 1 p. in. , From Kiikoiio Frod Konnchot l apont tliu wookoutl vlaltlng hla ' parcntH, .Mr. and Mra. Otto Kon Hi'hnt, 1822 Kurln atroot. Frod la .i n Htmlunt nt tho Unlvorslty of Ore gun III Uiigono, Iti'lurn Hero Mr. and Mra, A. J. Wlllliima and children have returnotl to their homo, 1401 KiiHt Mnln atroot, after visiting for aiivorul dnya nt LooktiiKglnss, ItiiaoliiirK and Modford with rola-llvca. Visit In lliinainiilr Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Ilrntton and daughter, l?l,orriilnn, of 2141 White avonue, ' apont tlio wnokond vlaltlng with frlnncln In Dttnmmilr. Don't Be Fooled About Constipation ! Many pcoplo, when constipation hits Uioin, just reucli for tlio mcdlnliio ahclf, dose up with a physic, and try to forgot lt-flll vie trouble comes back. And come back It usually docs more and mora oftcn-Ull you get at its cause. If you cat what most people do Just broad, meat, potatoes chances nro just thla fact causes your trnublo: tack o "bulk." And "bulk" doesn't mean n lot of food. It's a kind of food that Isn't con sumed 111 tho body, but leaves a soft "bulky" mass In tlio intes tines mid nlds elimination. If that's tlio reason for your trouble, what you need Is a good dish of crtmcliy Kcllogg's All liriin for breakfast. It contains tho "bulk" you need plus Nature's great intestinal tonlo, vitamin B,. Hut It every day, drink plenty of water, and Join tho "regulars.'' Mado by Kellogg in Battle Creek. Golf Tlane Ohaniced Woman of the Iteamoa country olub will not hold the eloctlon of officers and dinner aa scheduled for Fri day evening. There will be no play on Friday duo to weather conditions. Card playing aa uauul will occur at the clubhouse Friday afternoon, Social Club Tha Eastern fltar aoclal olub will hold tha regular Novombor mooting nt the Masonic temple at 3:16 o'clock Friday afternoon. Olub to Meet Townaand club No. 1 was to meet at 7:80 o'clock Thursday night at the library, Danolug waa to take place aftor the regular business meeting. The luusi Orogoniant Are to Vote Upon November- 8 and the Argument! of Their Op ponent! and Proponenti. five-day period, and he felt that the governor could do a better job fur the peoplo If he had more time to consider thorn, 2, Taylng legislators II a day for a 60-day aesslon, Instead of 13 a day for a 40-day aasslon. In the old days, 'i a day waa a tidy sum for a legislator, but mombors of the legislature now claim that they can't evon eat on that, lot alone pay for hotel and other oxpensos. Homo legislators who represent organizations, auch aa labor, are given additional ex panse money, hut the rest of them are out of pockot, Tho roforondum, which the peo ple alwaya conalatontly rofusod to pass becuuse of the Increased ex pense to the taxpayer, also would extend the aosslon from 40 to 60 daya. In the paat fow yeara, It baa mot for 60 days, with tha legisla tors working the additional 20 daya without pay. 3. Itopeallug the constitutional provision requiring stockholders In banking corporations to be lia ble for double the amount of their stock In case tho corporation falls. If a person owns 110,000 In stock In a defunct bank, be la liable for 120,000. A legislative committee claimed that thla no longer waa necassary because de positors now have more effoctlve protection through federal deposit Insurance, ALLOTMENTS SET TULKLAKK, Nov. I The gov ernment beet acreago allotment for California has been set at 169,000 acrea for 1039, with grow ers who bave ralaed beota tbe paat three years being given the prefer ence and largest acrcagca. Eighty-five per cent of acreages grown over the threo-ycar period may be planted by those growing for the past three yeara, 80 per cent by those who have ralsod for two yeara, and 76 per cent by those wbo cultivated beet crops only one year, according to Clark W. Fensler, wbo waa in attend ance at a meeting of growers and augar company officials at Wood land last weekend. Fensler stated, however, that a surplua will remain from the total acreage allotment with some old land not to be aeeded next aeason, and that this will be divided up among tbe one-year group. ' Fensler, appointed to tbe state allotment committee for tbe north ern district comprising the Wood land, Monteca districts and Modoo and Blsklyou counties, will attend a meeting In Borkeley November 16 at which furthor problem! of acreage division will be taken up. The light that we sea coming from Mlxar, tbe middle star In tbe handle of the Big Dipper, and Alcor, Ha companion atar, actual ly atarted on Its way 76 yeara ago. Tbe making of malleable glaae, the manufacture of eertala dyea (notably Tyrtan purple), and tht manufacture of Damascus ateel are among the most notable of tbe lost arts. Elect Roy Taber For Mayor. Pd. Adv. by Rby Taber. (Editor's Note: Oregon votors will ballot upon 12 measures when they go to the polls Nnvom ber I. What tbese meaaurea are, the arguments of their proponents and opponenta are reviewed In alx articles presented to readers of the Herald-News through tha As-' sorialed Tress. The sixth and last follows: ) By the Associated Trrae Three roforondum meaaures to be voted upon by tho people in November have found little op position. 1. Giving the governor 20 daya, Instead of five, to consider bills after adjournment of the legisla ture. When Oregon first became a atate, few bills were passed by the legislature. Consequently, flvo daya were enough for tho gover nor to consider tho bills passed at the end of tho aesslon. Tha legislatures now, however, end their sessions by paaalng a flood of bills. Govornor Mnrtln said he could not give each hill proper consideration during the Prom Portland Ijivene McCol-1 , 1 il in spent tho past weekend vlall Jlng with her parents, Mr. and Mra. 5 (ioorKe M'-'Collum. Miss McCol lum Is a atudent at Miss Catlln'a . school for girls In Portland. Her brother, Melvln, a atudent at tha University of Oregon in Eugene, also spent the week here. Itummnge HaleWomen of the guild of Bt. Paul's Episcopal church will aponsor a rummage sale In the Oregon Equipment company building on South Sixth etreet Saturday afternoon. The anln will eontlnua throughout the day, It was announced by the president, Mra. It. II, Anderson. Rummage Halo The American I.eglon auxiliary will hold a rum niago and white elephant sale Saturday, Novombor 6, In the Al pha apartment building In tho former location of the Westorn Auto Supply company. Thoae having rummaga are asked to call Mrs. Jack (lallagher or Mrs. La-Forge. Visits Tarenta Edna May Thomaa spent the wookond vlalt lng with her parenta, Mr. and Mra, Chnrloa W. Thomaa, 2106 Want- land avenue. Miss Thomaa la froKhmnn at the Unlvorslty of Ore gon In ICugone, Tugboat Annie' New BARGE LAST Oxfords For Girls Natural elk wotorproof leath er, with heavy loather tola and tlci heel. It's the newest thing in sport Oxfords Wo also have refined the barge last and had it made in soft flexible crepa lastex sole. Medium brown elk finish leather. These are the chunky looking, smart new shoes that the coun try has gone wild over. See These And Many Other Sport Oxfords At BUSTER BROWN SHOE STORE 633 MAIN IMPORTANT NEWS FROM OUR Downstairs Store III HOUSEHOLD NEEDS o o o Just Unpacked Beautiful New Creationa in Cannon Towels Just completed for the holidays these luxurious creations in towels. New porcelain pastel colors in Rhododendron patterns. Select now while stock is complete as these gorgeous creations are going fast. BATH SIZE GUEST SIZE 79c 4100 -3501 WASH CLOTHS TO MATCH.. to' 15 and 20 New Holiday Cannon Turkish Towels Solid pastel colors with checked borders in all colors. Also solid white with cable borders. One initial monoKran) free. These towels are full size aYid have built into them real Cannon Super Quality. SOc GUEST TOWEL AND WASH CLOTHS TO MATCH Holland Type Pure Virgin Wool BLANKETS Scientifically woven and napped for perfect insula tion in the coldest weather 1 Weight 44 lbs. 72x84. Attractive checkered patterns. Fieldcrest Quality too! $10.95 Value... $795. 2' $15 Special Sale Cannon Sheets Contain no dressing whatever. Retain their weight and firmness beyond any other sheet at this price I 81x108 Special.. SfOO -.2. 89c CASES, 42x36 22 EACH Double Plaid Cotton Sheet Blankets Good heavy weight and extra warm. Made of finest long staple delta cotton. 72x84. J 39 U PAIR JT1QCS ( hi WOMAN'S S1KAltm jJ j. J V ' lV ?v I AW t P Si of distinguished New Coat Fashions A whole new group of furred coats, distinguished first because they have on undeniably regal air because they are tailored with precision by Prinfiest because they have a beauty of fabric, fur and fit founded on a back ground of real craftsmanship and quality. Such richness of colon, such luxury of'furs, and such modesty of price they will please and flatter, every woman. Luxuriously trimmed with squir rel, Beaver, Fox, Caracul and Siberian Wolf. Featuring The Better Lines in Large Sizes up to 46 $2950 $3g)5Q 54950 Season Closeouts In Underwear o Rayon Slips In crepe and satin. Limited lot to close out while stock lasts 79c o Knitted Pa i a in as m Peach and blues, in rayon and cotton jer sey. Reg. $1. While limited stock lasts 79c o , Outing Flannel Gowns In pink, white and stripes. Sizes 16 and 17 only. Reg. $1.19 Values to Clear At 79c Panties and Vests Values to $1. Close out of well known brands. Knitted ray ons and rib stitched. Warm and comfy styles for the colder weather. While Stock Lasts 2sioo I.EUI SP0R A knockout value for all smart, thrifty women ! New novelty weaves, well tailored of sturdy, woolens, warmly interlined. Grand little coats for all-around day time wear. Boxy, awing swaggers, reef ers and new casual types. Newest novel ty collars. Mixtures and plain colors to select from. Size range up to 46. SPECIAL FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY Be Elegant For Entertaining in a Smart HOUSECOAT Lowest prices ever for such lovely housecoats! Young and fun to wear with high puffed sleeves, tiny waists, sweeping skirts! Taffetas, moires, corduroys . . . Brilliant patterr.3 or plain colors. Select now Get ready for the holiday season. $3 to $S 95 Pendleton All Wool Robes Complete line of plaids and plain colors $2.2 50 www & Is THE WOMAN'S