THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON November 8, PACE TWO 'LITTLE GI' SIGNS At a pedal assomhly Tuesday afternoon Mri. Percy Cook, repre senting the Falrhaven PTA Card club, presented the ichool with two little flrl achool tone marn sr.. Mr. Loe Holllday, prealdcnt of tbe PTA, preaentod Mra. Cook, nresldent of the Card olub. Mra. Cook In preaentlng the tnarkera to Principal Hough for the acnool tated that the Card club a an auxiliary to the PTA had always been rllally Intoreatcd In anything which would be of benefit to the children of the community and ex pressed tbe belief that safety waa of primary importance. After thanking the Card club In bebalf of the school Hough Intro duced Carl Cook, whoae efforta In highway protection and achool aafety patrol work are well known In Klamath county. Cook gave an Instructive and intereating talk on highway safety. Eye specialists consider con tact glasses, when expertly fitted, aa aafe aa ordinary glassea and leu likely to break. However, they are expensive. In Lima. Peru, hen-coops are placed on the flat roofs of the low houses. There the chlckena are batched, lay eggs, and grow fat for the table. Human beings can contract tu laremia, or rabbit fever, from more than 10 anlmalt other than rabbits. Plantain, a common weed, la the chief cause of hay fever In the spring. Fairhaven Gets Signs r - ..f E L Jf L J. 1 ' , M fell ' M Two "little girl'' achool sone markera were presented to the Falrhaven school by the PTA this week. Holding the eigne In the picture are Stanley Travis, Noel Deets. Dan Masaett and Leslie Hopkins. Elk Season Extended, Area Enlarged for 1938 Hunting The northeastern Oregon elk season this tall will extend from Tuesday, November 8, to and In cluding November 20, being two days longer than last year. The open territory has been MAKE MINE WITH 00P1 oof " WWdi 4 yog prsfer wMskey mixed or straight? IF YOU ANTWIR "Mixed! " then oor (short for Old Oscar Pepper) is the whiskey for you. For OOP, being all u biskty, sands up in any mixed drink. And if 70a say "Straight!" then OOP is your drink, too. For OOP is a temUnatiom of straight whiskies, spe cially selected to give you robust fla vor and mellow smoothness. So try OOV-loday! Franijort Da tUUria, Int., LmisvUlt & BaUimort, Oii- Oiw Pa tIANO A blewel af atralglrt whiskies 100 straight whiskies 90 proof 95 '1.85 FUU PINT FUU OUAST ALSO AVAILABLE IN KYI enlarged by all of Morrow coun ty and the balance of Grant county. The complete list of open counties la as follows: all of Morrow and Grant countiea, all of Union and Umatilla countiea except the Mt. Emily game ref uge: that portion of Wallowa county lying north and west of the Grande Ronde river and that portion of Baker county lying weat of the La Grande-Baker, Baker-Unity and Unity-Vale high ways. Hunters will be required to check In and out of the open area at any one of the following stations: Seneca. Heppner, Mil ton, Pendleton. Pilot Rock, Dale ranger station, Ukiah, Long creek, Blue Mountain ranger sta tion, Sumpter, Baker, North Powder, La Grande, Troy, Unity and John Day. Hunters will have to be ade quately equipped for taking care of any elk killed, which means they must have sufficient ropea, preferably block and tackle, skinning knives, hatchet or ax, ahovel and a vehicle of proper capacity to transport elk. No guns will be allowed that are smaller tban .30 caliber ex cept when using cartridges with bullets of not less than 1400 foot pounds energy at 100 yarda distance or weighing not less than loO grains. Each hunter la required to check out of the area after he finishes hunting regardless of whether or not he kills an elk. The bag limit la one bull elk having horns. Resident elk tags cost S3 each and are required In addition to the regular hunting licensee. Non-residents are charged J 25 for their elk taga and 1 16 for the hunting licenses. Those hunters who purchased elk tags for the Clatsop county elk season and were not successful In bagging an elk, can use the same tag for the eastern Oregon area. Klamath county will have a three-day open aeason for elk from November 8 to 10, Inclu sive. ' Producing an average of more than 100,000 Instruments annual ly, the United States Is tbe world's largest manufacturer of planon. According to the dictionary, a fool Is a compound of fruit scald ed and crushed with cream. Almost two billion dollars' worth of food la Imported by Eng land annually. Elect Roy Taber For Mayor. Pd. Adv. by Roy Taber. BIE11ER, Calif., Nov. S All Itinerant killed In a Illeber rail road yarda accident last month waa Identified by fluiieriirinta as Ernest Alex McCauiey. alias John Small, pnroled lu 1931 from the Canon City, Colo., penitentiary, (o which he was sentenced In 1034 for holding up a bank and robbory with a gun. The Information was received here In a report from the federal bureau of Investigation at Wash ington to Mortician J antes II. Ryan, who had taken prints of the dead man's fingers and sent them to the bureau. Ryan found the man's right In dex finger scarred so that It made no pattern, and he noted (hut lite KRI report on McCauiey listed no print tor that finger. The FBI said alao that McCauiey waa wanted by the Loa Angeles police in 1933 for robbery. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. 3 (CI") Mrs. Ellaubeth Auderaou called police to ask thorn to do something about the gravestone left on her porch Hallowe'en night. Tbe police looked It ovor. posed for news pictures beside It, and left It there. It weighs 17S pounds. CINCINNATI. Nov. 3 (UP) Harriet Brown, 16, a negress, dis agreed with police today when she was charged with shooting with intent to kill Had Brown, a bartender. "I wasn't shooting with Intent to kill." she said. "I was shooting with Intent to scare." Elect Hoy Taber For .Mayor. Pd. Adv. by Roy Taber. pp-T wr s' it; ltii1l.,n,iMt,IV,,.ii,-,.v.., ...... . . 1939 Oldsmobile Six Series 60 Four.Door Trunk Sedan I'ltt'lT lCXCMIDI M POItTI.ANI), Nov, 3 (AP) J Mrs. ItiMlKor llrui'o, 13, wits soil-! oimly liuriioil yesterday whnn ov- eral Jnra nf hnme-ennued fruit exploded. The boiling liquid sprayed her face, cheat and arms, Japan has 111, DUO miles of rail ways wlllilu her hot iters. (OUGIISJICIUE Hmkincss Dm to Cold I MEDICATED BATH I GIVES QUICK RELIir I Tormented with throat hiiaklnwui. drynoM, coughs dun to coldsr Let a Vlcks Cough Drop dissolve naturally In your mouth. It bathes lender throat Illumes with snolliliig medi cation for la tots mlnuti-a, and oom forllng relief comes fast. U.cauae Vleka are really medicated . . . medl. rafrrf Willi the tlimat-noothliig In gredlenu of Vlrkn Vaixilttib , . , fa mous for relieving discomfort due ' tocolds, IV1BUII.MI Hit VICKS COUGH DROPS' AMNESTY ATHENS, Nov. 3 ( AP) An amnesty remitting all prison sen tences of ono year or loss for or dinary criminal offenses waa de creed today In celebration of the birth of a daughter yeaterday to Prince Paul, heir presumptive to the Greek throne, and his eon sort. Princess Frederika. Four hundred deported persons were given permission to return. In tropical foreats. where hu midity la heavy, and water sup ply from the roots Is plentiful, certain leavea are constructed to leak water, thus preventing them from becoming water-logged. According to a statistical bulle tin by an Insurance company, the 11th year of a person a life Is the safest. THE MARCH OF PROGRESS ' In .Motion Pictures ARMORY Sat, . Sun., .Nov. B- Doors Open 7:10 o'clock Show Starts at 7:80 Also 0. 8. A. Jfaval Dept. Action Thriller "WINGS OP GOLD" 10SH American Legion Xntl. Pageant, L. A. LOCAL MOVIE K.r.H.S. Dranuitlro Rlndrnlii. Klamath Falli McrrhnnU New and Modern Inventions VAUDEVILLE BO.000 people attended pacta of this show at Htate Fair Sponsored by the Salem Chamber of Commerce Admission 50c With Courtesy Tickets SAc Ask for your courtesy tickets at Swansen's Barber Shop a. Main Phone fttft rNa 5! 11 1 1 v;:e? vsV1-85 11 39 g"Brt ii oof A rare whiskey has been put away k. r e sat laf ll 1 tor you in niramvvamci PRIVATE CELLAR Pooplo who have lookad Into Hiram Walkar' fglVATI CltlAR say thycanundrftondwhylt'imok. Ins so mony nsw frlsjnd. Just at soma paopla naturally f alono bsttar toohar, go do tha com ponent parti of this whlskay. Try It tonight end saa lor yoursalll wmwm mm Jhm ttroloM wtiitki. In thU product or 3 yon or two old. 23 UtoioM whlik.y, 79 n.-trol tplrlH .. ... . . . a..u I.L A M .IhiUM tseklaltsw 1 MoTI aid. 90 DTOOf sfllsaHllsaSfl VM OniUI. all's! aOTViani wnwn aj J www w.w, - rm -'-" ' - ' ' HIIAM WALKER aV SONS, PEORIA, ILL. t WALKERVIllI, ONTARIO ' OLASOOW, SCOTLAND Elimination of Oregon Double Liability Favored by State and Federal Authorities -From Orofon SCato Mmnklmg Dfmrtmmm i Frm Fmdtwml DmpoH Inurmncm Corporatism STATE OF OREGON BANKING DEPARTMENT SALEM Tho condition! which prorallod in oarllor yoan no doubt wora eoniid axod a jutUilcation (or tho onactmont of thii oonititutlonal pxoviilon. How ovor, racent ohangoi in our banking laws, both Fadaral and Stato, havo brought about a condition which con cluiivaly domonitratoi that this pro viiion Is now obioloto and it reten tion can no longor bo ooniidarod Juttifiabla. Baiad upon my experienco ai a banker and liquidator, I have no hes itation In urging tho approral of this amendment. (Signed) MARK SKINNER, Superintendent of Banks. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION WASHINGTON Inasmuch as mora than 96 of tho depositors in insured banks are fully Insured against loss by tho Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, re peal of double liability will not affect their interests adversely. Double lia bility of stockholders In most national banks has been eliminated. Passage of tho proposed amendment to tha Constitution of Oregon will put stock holders of state banks in Oregon on a par with stockholders of national banks, thus avoiding discrimination. (Signed) LEO T. CROWLEY, Chairman. Tho Oregon Legislature, in 1937, recogni sing tho injustice now operating against tha 28 state-chartered banks aiiected by this law ordered that a constitutional amendment ba submitted to tha people of Oregon to correct this condition by eliminating tho Double Liability of Stockholders in Oregon Stato Banks. By voting for this amendment the Double Liability provision of tho Oregon State Law will bo olimlnated thus placing all Stato Banks in Oregon on an equal basis and. In so far as liability Is concerned, on tho same basis as all National Banks in tho United States. In justice to the smaller State Banks in Oregon, support this Amendment VOTE 302 YES Fata AdvMttMaaat ay Oregon Baekers ilMociiUoa, Haas C. Hoed, Sorlary , Duroxonc wMcl . A,co"01 rJf? 'C? 79 gal. tfm Guaranteed 24 Months SURE GRIP WITH THIS WIDE HEAVY TREAD O 6 Plies That Hold to the Road for Safety O Trade In Your Old Tires to Get This Discount Scientifically Designed Non-Skid Construction Safety whila you'ra drivingl You Vnow heie ALLSTATE 6-plioi can talcs the abut o? any kind of road became their quality it tested. Over good roads end bad, in all kinds of haiardous weethor, the daring drivers of Sears' own fleet have provod that ALLSTATES are SAFEI Overloaded 25 ... or under inflated 10 . . , driven 60 miles an hour for eight hours a day . . subjoetod to every emergency of road driving ... but ALLSTATES came throughl Buy ALLSTATES and know you can trust your tiresl As As Safety's Sake Buy Sears Safety Tubes, 2.50 v Foa Lamo 1.98 hurlltt dsluxs In fl'inch tist. Enam el finish over brass. A Thriller! win Defroster $1.69 Full molded 4',. Inch rubber blnriei. Adjustable mount Infl bracket. fty Broke Set tf lwif" Cross Country tt ifc ' baaBjSj and '3t Fords?' ' Mil MiaSj Grill Cover H.svy w.lohl ill. y r d covar 93 Inchos high. Slid, raslonsd. S clamps.