THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON mnOASO, Not. 1 (P) Lta mart f rain In Kanane end Oklahoma brought (bout tumble 4 l MOU a bushel In Chicago wheal prtoe tody ihortly before trading ended., Urn lllng of th Decem ber future waa n outstanding 1st feature. December comrade ltd th prto downturn! In the final hour, but earlier th market clung to a narrow range. At the close.-Chicago wheat fu turss war l-Ua lower compared with ylerdy' finish, Dec. 8t- 8, My 661-661, corn i-lo down. Da. 441. May 481, and oats unchanged to to off. ' Sine "Cae Hlalory," a piny by a Clnvoland doctor, him been produced In Now . York. . It ap ptara a man may live In ano hli appendix In electric lights oil Broadway. Archduke Otto now becomes a double, pretender. .. riotonder tp the throne ol the piolondod Am-trla. Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK, Nov. 1 (AP) Boilers anlpert at the (lock mar ket today and aucceeded In cut ting down or cancelling early up turn! running; to two point. Hlenla led the morning foray with Bethlehem atepplng Into new high ground for the paat year. Along with many oilier leader then Issue backed down at the clone with aeveral ending behind mlniia marks. One or two mall order, olle and spaclaltlea held on to modoat advance, anil me rana, scoming ly over the wont of tholr elllvera reaultlng from the wage decltlon. asnorally maintained (light gain. Final price wore woll mixed hut Iho fact linportnnl offorlngs tailed to appear contributed a I Kilo oncouragemunt for recovery forces, nualnea now, on th wholn, continued rather optl mint Ic. F.xcont for the livellne of ev ernl low-nrlcod lock, dealing worn iii fnlrlv even italt. Tram fnr approximated 1.200,000 sham. Motori failed to do much on RESOLUTION nrurnvis n'i. iih.IukI Committee has compiled and filed with the Police Judge a certified budget of proposed expendlturea for the aaveral Charter fund of Ihe City for tuo year u, in woru. flgurea aa follow, to-wll: Vnlnnlarjr lxy Fund Appropriations! General Kunili Balarlea KlactWe Oftlcera and Oenral $13,780.00 Office Suppllea - 1.400.00 Maintenance and Heat, City Hall 2.500.00 Dairy, McM, and Milk lnpector 3,350.00 Auditing Kxpense 000.00 Telephone Telograph - 700.00 Iniurance and Fidelity Honda .... 1.300.00 , Legal Publlahlng - 200.00 Election 500.00, (Unitary Inspection and Health Officer -.. - 2.050.00 Human Boclety 100. oo Recreational and Juvenile 2.1100.00 Board of Prisoners 4.500.00 League of Ore. Cltle Memberahlp and Dues - 200.00 TOTAL ..-..... I3J.080.00 . Police Department Klimll .....' B,l,r 520.840.00 Oil, Oil. Repairs, and Supplies 6.000.00 . Emergency Expense 1"222,S2 Employee Comp. lnurnce - soo.nn f New Equipment 2.040.00 TOTAL 538.580.00 Total General Fund -..... fkreet Department Minn: Balarle ....... ......... - . Material and Suppllea Oaaollne and Oil and Chlorlnntlon... Repair to. Equipment Repatra to Btreeta and Flushing Street Marklnga and Klgn ..... plp. and Pump I'lanla Rep. A Malnl. Employee1 Comp. Insurance' -.A Bewers Rep. ana aiaini, .... New Equipment Engineering Data and Equipment 71,500.00 ..15,300.00 , 1.400.00 3.000.00 1.000.00 2.300.00 500.00 800.00 350.00 , 400.00 900.00" 1,000.00 , TOTAL Total Street Department Fund.... ..20,060.00., t 84,080.00 Fir Department Fundi Balarlea ....:. :. $28,920.00 Oaa and Oil 300 00 Laundry ...... - 160.00 Repair and Maintenance of Bldg. and Equip 800.00 Employeea'. Compensation Insurance .... 450.00 Heat 600.00 Emergency Expenie 300.00 New Equipment 600.00 Total Fire Fund Light and VYaler Fundi Light and Water Total Light and Water Fund Cemetery Fundi Cemetery Expenie ........ Total Cemetery Fund Airport Fund: Airport Expen ............. ......133.000.00 5 4.000.00 ..ln,ooo.oo Total Airport Fund Emergency Fundi Emorgency Fund ...I 1,000.00 Total Emergency Fund - 8 1, 020.00 88,000.00 ft 4,000.00 a 1,000.00 Voluntary Budget Appropriation for 1080 Lea Estimated Rovcnuo Cemetery 4.000.00 All Othor Funda : 33,830.00 Leas Estimated Cash Balances at end of year .. 8,000.00 100,480.00 48,880.00 Net Voluntary Budget Appropriation for 1080 (198,600.00 Involuntary nnrl Debt Levy Fund Appropriation and Expend! turcs : General Bond Sinking Fundi Retlremont of Bonds 565,000.00 General Bond Interest Fundi Retirement of Interest Coupons 40,000.00 Special Property Fund and Bond Department: City Owned Property Taxes and Assessment $ 8,000.00 City Library Fund: Balarlea and Other Expendlturea ........810,600.00 Est. City Band Fund: 4r10 Mil. on val.. Cost.) ;.. ......$ 8,800.00 Est. City Park Fund: 1 Mil. on val. (eat.) $ 9,000.00 Est. t Munlolpal Recreation Fund: H Mil- on val. (eat.) $ 4,500.00 Est. Flush Coating: 2 Mil. on val. (est.) 118,000.00 Est. Total Involuntary Expenditures 1080 Net Total Budget for 1080 8188,800.00 8282,200.00 BE IT THEREFORE HEREBY RESOLVED: That tho Pollco Judge, be and. hereby la Instructed to publish In the City Official paper such certified budget.- The first publication thereof to be made In the Insuo of Octobor 25, 1938 nnd tho 2nd publication to be made In the lsauo of Novombor 1, 1938, togolhor with tho fol lowing "NOTICE.". NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Levying Board (The Common Council of the City of Klamath Fulls) will convene on the 14th day of November at 7:30 o'clock P. M., at tho Council Chambers In tho City Hall, nt which time nnd place the Items com prising the above mentioned budget ostlmntos may bo discussed with said Lovylng Hoard, and any and all objections thereto may be made, filed nnd considered, Dated October 24Ui, 1938. O. H. LANOSLET, .,... ,. . .. . t : pollCB Judge of tna city of Klamath Fall, Oregon. The above Resolution was adopted by the Common Council on October J4th, 1938. CLIFTON RICHMOND, Mayor. O. H. Langslet, ' Police Judge of the City of Klnmath Falls, Oregon. (BEAD 026; N. 1. No. 171 , the upside during the best of the proceedings and the majority gave away at th laat. Coppers lacked climbing power, with Ana conda under some pressure. Closing quntntlona: Adams Rxpresa It Air Reduction . 631 Alaska Juneau 9 Al Chum A Dye 187 Allied Store 1 2 1 American Can 103 Am Kng Til 6 An) For Power 4i Am Power ft Light 61 Am Red fits Ban , 171 Am Roll Mills 20) Am Smelt k Ref , 54 Am Tel ft Tel 148 Am Tob "B" 89 Am Water Works , 141 Am Zlno L ft B 81 Anaconda a 26 Armour 111 6 Atchison 81 AUhtirn Auto 6 Barnsdall j... 17 nan unio ........................ Hendlx Avla ..... 22( liotn uteri a 7 Hoeing Alrp 27) Borden 17J iiorge.warner . 82 Budd Mfg 6 Calif Packing , 21 i Callahan 7. L 2( Calumet llec 8 Canadian Paclflo 6 Case (J I) 931 cat Tractor ... - 51 Celanese 25 Cert-Teeil 1 1 ( he ft Ohio 34 si- Chrysler Col Gas A F.I .......... Com'l Solvents ....... Comm'nw'lth ft Bou Consol Aircraft , ronsol Edison Consol Oil Cont'I Can Corn Produeta Crown Zellerhach ... Curtis Wright ..... Dnpont de N Doug Aircraft Kaatman Kodak ..... Kl Pow ft Lt Erie R R General Electric ... General Fooda (ien Gas ft El "A" , Goneral Motora Gillette Goodyear Tire Gt Nor Ry pfd Hooker Prod Holland Furnace ... Hudson .Motors Illinois Central Insp Copper Int Harvester ........ Int Nick Can '. Int Pap ft P pfd ..... Int Tel ft Tel Johns Manvllle Kennecott Lib O Ford I.Ikb Myera "B" ... Loew'a I.orlllard P Montgomery Ward . Nanh-Kelv Nat'l Biscuit ......... Nat'l Cash Nat'l Dairy Prod .... Nat'l Dlst ... Nat'l pow ft f,t N Y Central North Amur Co Northern Paclflo ..... Ohio Oil . Otis Steel .. .. Pac Amer Fish ....... Pac Gas A El Pacific Tel A Tel .... Packard Motor Tenney (J C) . I'enna R R Phelpa Dodge ........... Phllllpa Pet Proctor A Gamble .... Pressed Steel Car Pub Svo N J Pullman Radio ....... .. Rayonlor Rayonler pfd Rem Rand ... Republic Bteel Reyonlda Tob "B" .. Itlchflold Oil Safeway Storea ....... Sears Roebuck .......... Shell Union Socony Vacuum ........ Sou Cal Edison Southorn Paclflo Standard Brnnds 8tandard Gnu ft EI .. Stand Oil Calif Stand Oil Ind Stand Oil N J , Stone ft Webster ...... Sludebaker Sunshine Mining , Sup Oil Texa Corp . ....... Txaa Quit Sulphur ...j Tidewater Asso Oil .... Tlmken Roll Bearing Trnna-Amerlca Union Carbldo 841 Union Oil Calif 19 J Union Paclflo 93) unltod Aircraft 34) United Airlines ...a Ill Unltod Corporation Si United Fruit 631 United Das Imp 12 U S Indust Alcohol ............ 2S U S Rubber 52 U S Rubber pfd i 100 811 8 11 2 19 32 9 42) 69 14 61 145 68 180 121 n 451 38 It 491 91 224 23 10, 47J 91 141 17 631 5C 49 10 1021 46 55J 102 58 20 601 10) 26) 25) 13) 28 6) 191 24 12) 10) Hi 8 2SI 147 51 80 219 43J 89 671 111 32 34 .8) 17 24 16) 19) 44) 7) 24) 75) 16 13) 23) 19 7) 41 30 291 53) 16! 81 HI . 3) 42) 81 13 62) 0) U s Steel Vanadium ............ Walworth ............ Warner Picture ... Western Union Westlngbouse White Motor Woolworth 64 25) 9) 6) 27 119) , 131 '50) South S. F. Livestock Suggested motto for commun ists; "Never any Dies." Billy Rose has finally made up his mind, it's Holm Sweet Holm, i SOUTH BAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1 (AI'-UHDA) Hogs 1050, Including 936 direct; steady; top and bulk 175-200 lb. butchers 18.76; few light lights nnd med ium grade light butchers aorted out 88.25; packnge 262 lb. weights 18,26; good packing sow 16.60. : Cattle 360, Including -65 direct, holdovor 70; ateer mostly steady to weak at Monday's ad vance, quality considered; two loada medium to low-good around 000-1080 lb. shortfed ateera 57.76; package 1326 lb. welghta $7.26; medium Nevada and Cali fornia ateera '16.75-7.50; part load common 1000 lb. Oregon 86.00 aorted two head; scattered salea she stock steady; medium to good beef cows quoted mainly M 60-6.76; low cuttora and cut ter 53.25-4.25; few fleshy dairy cow 54.60; odd head weighty bulla up to 56.25, Heady. Calve 60, Including 20 diroct; nominal ly ateady; few medium vealera and light alaughter calves 88.00 9.26; . good to choice . vealera quoted 89.60-10.50. Sheep 2075, Including 1110 di rect; lambs moderately active, steady to atrong at Monday up turn; double deck atrlctly good 85 lb. Oregon wooled lamb 58.25; two decks medium grade Caltfornlna 87.60; package around 103 lb. wooled lambs 17.60; part deck good 91 lb. ahorn klnda 87.60; older classes practically absent; odd head weighty ahorn yearlings 85.60; fat ewe quoted up to 53.60. . CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO. Nor. 1 (AP-USDA) Potatoea 125. oh track 276. total U. 8. ahlpmenta -4B0. steady; de mand for TlUsset Burbsnks fairly good, northern atock light, aup pllea liberal; sacked per cwt. Idaho Ruaset Burbanka. U. S. No. 1 51.3Ji.52., mostly around' $1.42); Colorado Red McClurea. V. 8. No 1. $1.70; Wisconsin Round Whites, U. S. No. 1 generally fair quality, 85c; Cobblers. U. 6. No. 1 $1.00; Green Mountalna, U. 8 No. 1, $1.00-05; Katahdlns, U. 8. No.. 1, $1.05;. .Michigan- Russet Rurals, U. S. No. 1, 90c; North Dakota Bliss Triumphs, 85 per cent U. S. No. 1 and belter, $1.20 1.30; -Cobbler,. 90 per cent U. S. .No. 1. $V0o; Early Ohlos. '90. per cent U. S. No. 1, $1.12): Jllnne aota Bliss Triumphs, U. 8. No. 1, $1.25; Early Ohlos. 90 per cent U. S. No. 1, $1.12). Portland Produce PORTEANDV Nov., l-( UT- TER prints: . A grade, aoc'tn parchment wrappers, 'pie lb.) Id certonc.'TB Kjadn 2c "lb, in larchment wrapper. -30c lb.- In cartons:.'"' '-'' r- BUTTERFAT, Portland delivery buying price: A grade ' 28)-29c lb. lesa. Country delivery, 27c lb. for A grade. EGGS, buying price for whole salers: specials 35c dot.; extras 33c dot.: standards 29c dot. extra -medium - 25' dot.; -extra small 21c dot. CHEESE. Oregon triplets 13c; Oregon load 14c. Brokers will pay )c below quotations. COUNTRY .MEATS, selling price to retailers; country killed bogs best butcher under 160 lbs. lie; 11)0 lb.; vealers 12)-13c lb.: light and thin 8-10c lb.; heavy 8-9c lb.; lambs 12-13c lb.; ewes 4-6c lb.; cutter cows 6)-7c lb.; canner cow. 6-6 jc. LIVE POULTRY, buying price: m THE MARCH OF PROGRESS In Motion Picture , - Also C. 8. A. Naval Dept. Action Thriller WINGS OF GOLD ' " i N 1038 American Legion Natl. raennt, L. A. LOCAL MOVIE " K.U.H.8, Dramatics Students, Klantnth Falls Merchants New and Modern Invention!;--'.: r-v' .sv' ;.. VAUDEVILLE 80,000 people attended parts of this show at State Fair Sponsored by the Salem Chamber of Commerce Admission BOo With Courtesy Tickets 23c Ask for your courtesy ticket at M. L. JOHNSON 408 Main St. Insurance-Real Estate Phone S181 Leghorn broilers It 1J lbs. 16-17c lb.; 2) lbs. 16c lb.; colored springs 2-3) lbs. 17c lb.; over 3) lbs. 17o lb.; Leghorn hen over 3) lb, 14c lb,; under 3) lbs, 12c lb.; colored hons to 6 lbs. 18c lb.; over 6 lbs. 18c lb.; No. I grade Be lb. less. TURKEYB. selling price; dress ed new crop hen 22-23c lb.; torn 21-22c lb. buying .prices: new ben 21c lb.; torn 20c lb. POTATOES: .Yakima Gem $1 $1.05 cental, local $1. Tleachuies Gems $1.10-1.16 per cental. ONIONS: Oregon No.' 1, 65c, Yakima 40-E0o per 60 loa. WOOL: Willamette valley nom inal; medium 22-23c lb.; coarse and braid 22-23c lb.; lamb and fall 20c lb.; eastern Oregon 15c 21)0 lb. HAY, selling price to retailers; alfalfa No, 1 $16 ton; oat vetch $11 ton; clover $10 ton; timothy eaatern Oregon $19; do valley $14 ton Portland. . CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO. Nov. 1 (AP-USDA) Hoga 26.000, Including 8000 di rect; mostly 6-10 lower than Mon day's average on 190-270 lb. aver ages; spots 15 off early; others scarce, (bout steady; top $7.85; bulk good and choice 200-270 lbs. $7.60-80; 150-190 lhs. $7.60-70; good 820-650 lb. pscklng sowa $7.25-86; lighter weights up to $7.76. . Cattle 8000, calves 1500; fed steer trade very slow, steady to 25 lower; medium to strictly good weighty steers showing most downturn: highly finished year lings and light steers about steady; bulk crop unsold; year lings scaling 983 lbs. up to $11.85; general market now nearly back to laat week' low time; several loada held around $13.00; few early sales $9.00-11.60; atockera and feeders strong to 25 higher; mostly 25-40 up for week to date; active at advance; fed heifers steady; best $10.60; cow alow, ateady to weak. Sheep 6000, Including 800 di rect; fat lambs and yearllnga ac tive; bulk around 26 higher; aheep firm; feeding lambs strong er; lamb top $8.85 on natives to small killers; bulk rangera and Dakota natives $8.50-75; clipped Iambs $8.26; native slaughter ewes $3.25-60.. BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, Not. 1 (AP-USDA) Twelve montha Texas wool re ceived a fair demand today In the Boston market.' Good length wools were bringing 70 to 73 cents. Scoured bants, while ave rage and ordinary Texaa wool of 12 month growth were bringing 68 to 70 cent. Superior character extra long Texaa woola were firm ly quoted at around 75 cent, scoured basis. Short French combing length fine territory wools, in original bags, were mov ing at 65 to 66 cents scoured basis. MizirV, the middle star In the handle of the.. Big Dipper, baa a small companion atar ao near to It that It la a test of eyesight, to separate them; yet, they are about 15,000 times as Tar apart a the earth and the aun. The word Bible cornea from "blbllos." the name given by the Greeks to early type of writing paper. EX ILED 1 SOUTH Word of th death of Arthur Bryant, 33, former Klamath Falls man, which occurred Monday afternoon In Loa Angeles, has been received In Klamath Falls by his motber-ln-law, Mrs. Bert Sbuey. T . Details were not learned con cerning Bryant' death other than he waa "run over by hie own truck." Bryant was employed In a Loa Angelea lumberyard at the time, and lt Is thought he might have been working on hi truck when the brakea slipped. He married Lucille Bhuey of thl city aeveral year ago. In ad dition to hi wife three young children survive, Chester, Helen and Barbara. Mrs. Bhuey planned to leave for Los Angeles Tuesday night to be with her daughter. She will alao vlait her aon, Fred Bhuey, in Loa Angeles; Elect Roy Taber For Mayor. Pd. Adv. by Roy Taber. KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. ; Abstracts Title Insurance Escrow ELBERT 8. VEATCH ill So, Fourth St. Pnon 180 no cmoicn BUFFALO. N. T.. Not. 1 (AP) Richard and Chart Burke were rival for election as president of the Canlslu college freshman class. Richard and Charls Burke ar twin. Their vote were "twin," too 61 each, They'll take turni at presiding over data meeting. Secretary "Wallace' two-prlea plan, will find unanlmou pprovl with the average American elll len when he ean pay th tower price and th Other Fallow ha to pay the higher prlc. COUGHS DUE TO COLDS Te quickly relieve diatraas rub sooth lag. warming Muttwol on your ah, throat sod back. Mosterol Is NOT "lust a salve." It' a "counfar-frrttonr" containing good old-faahloMd remedies for dlstme of colds oil of mustard, menthol, camphor and other helpful uifradimts. That's why It get men, an result better than th old-fashioned mustard plaster. M murals psnetrstaa tha surf see skin, stimulates, warms and soothes ssd quickly help to relieve losal opngeatloa and pain. Used by mOllona for 80 year. Raeommended by many doctor aad miraaa. In 8 atmgttw: Ratulsr, Call dren'l Odlld) and Extra Strong. 40. LOVELY NEEDLEWORK DESIGNS BY AJCE New work for your hands, and satisfaction for your beauty-loving vsoulI . ; Starting next week, "we bring you, the matchless needlework creations of that 'pop-' ular designer, Alice Brooks. Everything that's the fashion in needlework to dress up your homel Crochet, knitting, embroidery every day a different design. Every design a thing of real beauty, an heirloom of the" coming years. . Instructions for Alice Brooks needlework' will come to you on large, clearly-printed sheets that show in wordf,picture and dia gram how to proceed step by step. No guessing. No hitches. -You'll work your, way straight to beauty with these sure-to-suc ceed Alice Brooks patterns.1 '.. cv ' ; . Alice Brooks' -designs are created foi readers of this newspaper exclusively. WATCH FOR THEM REGULARLY STARTING SOON " .' V- " NEWS and HERALD