4 October 29, 1988 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN Modern School Gym and Shop Completed Home for Elderly Couple Simple, Modern, Complete Dedication of New Structure Event of Next Tuesday Night Building Ready for Dedication r-.jartjau rwn. , wa ja STREET TO BE REBUILT ISVVf WAREHOUSE SP t tw. Br Elinor IJiilnlnnr, owner of tha Hprlng it r not warehouse orciiilil by Montgomery Wnrit and com puny which wan pnrllnlly des troyed by firs October 20, an .,4 nnnnced finliirilny thai conalruo I (Ion work would nlarl. on the building as nou an Ills ilnlii'ln had boon cleared away. Fir of undetermined origin swept through the warehouse where furniture waa stored mid rauseri a 17(00 loa. Dataller etated Ratunlay Hut the Inaur nr company would replace the building. According lo Ralalger work hould bs under way by the middle of the wank. An anllrnly new roof will ha placed on lh building, Including four lama akyllghte which war dantroyad. All wiring mint ba pUcad In tha bulldlnf and new wlndowa and doora. A naw office will ha ronatructad In the Interior, and tha front will ba renovated In eluding naw wlndowa, doora and palm. All walla of tha bulldlni will ba "polniad-UP," Ilalalger aintad, . with naw mortar replaced be- twaan tha Ill's. Tho condition of tha floor rould not ba ascertained until tha dahrla was cleared away, but It la thought lhal I It I In dam age wii dons In that portion of Ihn building. Tha hasamnnt la thought lo hn In (nod condition, aa wall. Halalgar elated that ha did not think thai Ihs polalnaa, alorad In lha haasmant, wars barmad by ths firs. Rpraius Rlvar praaanla a buay Main atreet aa contrnrtnra and carpanlera aro buay replacing Dm many hulldlnga and hnma which wara destroyed by flra there ra rnntly. General ro-hullding haa haan undar way for anvnrnl weeks and atoraa will occupy much hat tnr quarlnra than thoas which bnuaad Ihom prsrlouily, It waa Inarnad, TICKET SALE FOR BIEBER FIREMEN'S , BALL HEAVY BIEBER, Calif., Oct. ll-r-About 11000 In tlrksla havs been aold alraadr to ths dancs tonight for bnnaflt niahar volnntaar flrn da partmnnt which haa hnnn equipped and operated four yean without taiatloo. WE with fo pay tribute to tha untiring efforti and ths help given by members of ths ichool board, by tht principal and staff of Klamath Union High School, and to tha several contractors and their workman, In tha production of this new building tha addition to our high ichool plant. The Office Of Howard R. Perrin Architect Underwood Bldg. Phona 250-J Give Yourselves a Gift Remodeling or Building Your Own Home V v It the Finest Christmas Present of All PREPARE FOR IT NOW No Matter What Your Building Problem It, We Have The Answer The manufacturers we represent make up the WHO'S WHO of the building specialty line. The quality Is unexcelled, and our prices are CONSISTENTLY LOW Drop In end See Klamath's Finest Building Supply House F. R. Hauger -it-.. wr ja,a'i um Weatarn Homes Koundatlon this week offera a homa plan designed by the National Plan Service for tha aerlci of Cortl grado homaa created lo cover a wide ranis of taatet and requlre ninnia of modlum and ainall In come fninlllea. Thla example la called the (.'ertlgrado Security home bceauao It wns originated to niiH't lbs apeclflo needa of an elderly couple whoas children had all married and mado homaa of their own and who dealred a completely modern dwelling that would demand comparatively Hi lls cars and coat for mainten ance. "Ths Certlgrsde Security cot tage plan meeta a very definite need and one that haa been al innal entirely neglected by homo designers In tha past," said W. C. Hell, chairman of Wvaturn llomea foundation. "Not only In Ita room arrangement and In Its The month of Octobsr was brought to a close this weskond with numerous building permits leaned by Henry Bchortgon, city building Inapoctor, for various atructurea Including homaa, gar- m l LlVINO BOOM HEMS Mllii PERMITS ISSUED "t'.A.v .... - 4M equipment and una dealgn but In ovary linn of Ha appearance waa (hla Ccrtlgrado home created lo produce the effect of serenity, comfort, protectlvenaaa and olher qunlltlea which enter Into the meaning of 'security. ' With soft, while ahlngln aldnwnlla and cool moaa-grsen ahlngln roof tnd wood hultera, thla llttla home yields an effect of reat and peace aa naturally aa flowers yield color and fragrance. "Thla la also an Ideal homa for ths young married couple or any small fnmlly. I.Ike the Ccrll crade Hnowhlte. It offers a com psct and beautiful small boms with all modern aqulpment and conveniences for the aame price that would he asked for a large unequipped home. An alternato plan la provided by the National l'lan Hervlco by which the rear porch apace and the alalrway II I net rat eel In this floor plnn. to gether with a little extension from ths right rear, allow for the addition of a flrat-floor util ity and ths elimination of the baaement." Ths Certlgrsde Security home was created for families within an annual Income range of from 11500 to 12000. Working plans and aperlflratlona may he ob- inlned through retail lumber dealera or from Weatarn llomea Foundation, 364 Stuart Rldg Seattle, Washington. aKc, addltlona and general ru pnlra to houaea and bualncas placea. J. E. Frleaen, 1T1 Main atreel, received a permit to construct a 12500 room to be used aa a beat ing room for a mattreaa repair shop. Ths strurturs will be of tile. It was stated In ths applica tion. (1. Kllnkhammar, contractor, now residence, 12000, Vina ave nue. (ieorgs Gilchrist, 913 Grant atreel, 1400, construct garage and make repairs to residence. W. J. Heifer, 1933 Melrose street, 1 110 garage. Mrs. C. F. Rswllns, 391 Hill side avenue, ISO, garage. J. P. Satterlce, 1037 Washing ton street, $110, reahlngle roof. Earl W. Overarker, permit to construct new (1000 residence on Iiroad atreet. .1.. A. Soder, 2l4 Lowell atreet, : addition to residence to cost J 100. K. L. Foster, C29 Jefferson street, 32.10, garage.' i Mrs. Vic Douglas, 3138 Vine , atreet, 1 50, garage. Mrs. Msude Rupert, 1545 Sar gent street, $400, addition of room on residence and Installation of plumbing. SO. 8. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 29 (AP-USDA Hoga for five days: 8350, compared Friday last week: butchers 15c higher; packing sowa steady; week's top butchers $8.80, late bulk and top 170-325 lb. weights $3,76; light lights, medium grades and good to choice 230-275 lb. butchers sorted out at $8.25; packing sows $6.25-50; local butchers $8.26. Today: none. Cattle: for five days: 1850, compared Friday last week: all classes fully steady to strong; hnlt load good 951 fed steers $S.26; medium to good 895-1070 1U. warmed up and short fed steers $7.35-76; medium grass slaughter steers $6.50-7.60; sev eral loads medium to good feeder steera $6.25-50; medium to good grass and warmed-up heifers $5.85-7.25, load well-bred 886 lb. Wyoming grass heifers $7.26, pood. Wyoming range cows $5.60 6.25; fat dairy cows to $4.60; medium bulls $5.00-6.00. Today: none. Calves: for five days: 60, Including 86 direct. Compared Friday last week: only odd head offered, few choice vealers 60c higher at $50.50, odd head good light calves $9, few 416 lb. weights $7.50. Sheep: for five days: 1900, Congratulations to Klamath Union High School District The Taxpayers ' The School Board on fh New Addition To Tho KUHS Plant Inspect It Yourself At the Dedication November I. J. M. One of the finest high school basketball plants In the northwont and a department shops are embraced in tho completed on the Klamath Dedication of the building Is scheduled for Tuesday night, November 1, and tho public will have its first glimpse at that time of tho interior of the extensive new structure. Not only parents of high school students, but any interested citizens, are invited to attend the dedica tion and accompanying events, according to Lloyd B. Emery, high school principal. The new building completes the major projects of a $206, 000 building program financed by a bond Issue. It rounds out the high achool plant and answers a shortage In physical educating facilities that has be come Increasingly acute as the enrollment of the Institution has mounted to 1100. The big maple floor Is ample enough for two practice basket ball courts almost aa largo aa the old floor In the center of the main building. A regulation aize court, extending the other way, will be uaed for all regulation games. Dleachera are built on either aide of the floor. Thtte now lnatalled will Beat more than 1000 apoctatora, and an addi tional aupply of portable bleach era will add more than 600 lo the aeatlng capacity. Last year's basketball games attracted crowds which more than filled the audi torium seating capacity. A feature of the main room Is a large end room or alcove to be uaed by the band. It opens on the playing floor. Large doors can be closed to make thla a room in Itself, In thla manner It will be used lo a considerable extent aa a music room. Showers and dressing rooms are under the bleachers on the north side. The shop rooms are at the rear of the gymnasium atruct ure, which atands out aa a part of the front view of the high acbool building ensemble. There la a large room tor woodwork ing and a smaller one for auto mechanics. There la room for ex pansion of the shop facilities. Until the new building was constructed, there were no fa cilities for Indoor physical edu cation for girls at the high school. Now, the old gymnasium is being turnod over to the girls, and the boys will use tbe new building. The structure la heated by natural hot water from a well just drilled near Modoc field. Cost of the gymnasium and shop waa about $140,000. Itoll-up Door One of the intoreatlng feaures of the plant is tho roll-up door separating the gymnasium and an adjoining room on the balcony. This door, according to F. It. Hauger, who supplied It, Is the largest roll-up door In Oregon. It measures 25 feet wide and 14 feet high, and although it weighs nearly 8000 pounds It could be operated by a high school stu dent. It has compound gears and Is spring balanced. Materials for construction of the new addition were furnished almost without exception by Klamath firms. The office of Howard R. Perrin, architect, drew the plans and E. P. Broster hous was the general contractor. All tbe lumber was supplied by the Big Basin Lumber company, and 3. M. Baker furnished all the rock, sand and cement. F..R. Hauger supplied the ce ment hardners, re-inforclng steel, glass, brick, metal Insulation, patent lath and plastic, steel toilet partitions and limeproof mortar colors. Others participating in the construction of the plant Include Klamath Brick and Tile, W. M. Lorens, O. C. Motley and Gar celon'a. compared Friday last -week: lambs steady to strong, strictly good to choice absent; sheep nominally steady; medium to good 67-83 lb. California and Oregon wooled lambs $7.60-75 straight and sorted up to 15 per cent at $8.26, actual top $7.75 on double 83' lb. Oregons; few medium to good early shorn lambs $7.10-50; package light yearlings $5.60; common to good medlum-pelt slaughter ewes $1.60-3.25. Today: none. Baker of modem, factory type handsome now building jus Union high school grounds: Taking another step forward In the elimination or superfluous and confusing grade namea the Red Cedar Shingle bureau an nounces tho adoption of a almpll fled aet of reflations for Its member mills covering the manu facture, marking and distribu tion of C'ertlgrade red cedar shingles. Hereafter, tho grade names on all No. 2 and No. 3 grades will be dropped and the sblngles will be marked and referred -to only by grade, length and butt thick ness. On the No. 1 grade the names "XXXXX" or "Perfects" will be retained for 16-in.-52-ln. ahlnglea; "Perfectlona" will con tinue to designate No. 1 18-ln.-52"4-ln.; "Royals" will be used for No. 1 24-in.-42-ln. and "Eu rekas" will be used for No. 1 18-in.-52-in. The grade narr.es are really a carry-over by custom from the great confusion of names and brands that had their heyday be fore the adoption of uniform wooden ahlngle grade atandarda In 1931 with the assistance of the U. S. Department of Com merce, bureau of trade standards. The Red Cedar Shingle bureau Includes In Ita membership about 86 per cent of the cedar shingle production In Oregon. Washing ton and British Columbia. Stock Market Quotations SHINGLE TERMS MUCH SIMPLER Adams Express - 121 Air Reduction - 63 Alaska Juneau 9 5 Al Chem & Dye 186 Allied stores .". lzi American Can . 103 Am Eng Tile 51 Am For Power 41 Am Power & Light 6! Am Rad Sta San 173 Am Roll Mills 195 Am Smelt & Ret . .. 62i Am Tel & Tel 14SJ Am Tob "B" - 89 Am Water Works ..... ........ 14! Am Zinc L & S Si Anaconda ........ ............j...... 872 Armour 111 6g Atchison ...... . 89 Barnsdall ..... ... .... 17) Bait & Ohio . j.. .. 8 J Bendlx Avia !2i Beth Steel . 66? Boeing Airp . ... 271 Borden 68 Borge-Warner 82 Budd Mfg 5J Calif Packing 11 Callahan Z L .... . 21 Calumet Hec ... . . 8 J Canadian Pacifio .. 6) Cat Tractor 60g Celanese 33 Cert-Teed 11 Ches & Ohio 351 Chrysler . .. 82J Col Gas & El 9 Com'l Solvents .... 108 Comm'nw'lth & Sou 21 Consol Aircraft ......-.. 178 Consol EdlBOn 821 Consol Oil 9 Cont'l Can - 42 Corn Products .. 691 Crown Zellerbach .j.......... 14 Curtiss Wright 61 Dupont de N ........................ 4 61 Doug Aircraft ...................... 671 El Pow & Lt 12) General Electric- ...... 461 General Foods j. ,j 88 Gen Gas & El "A" .. . 1 General Motors ................ 491 Gillette ... 8 Goodyear Tire .. $3 Gt Nor Ry pfd 25 See Us About a Lot Ask Us About Aa Equitable Loan W Chilcote tf & Smith iT Since 1000 118 No. Oth rhone 80 9 5 eYV'.' ;.y""-2 'I... Front elevation view of the ture will be dedicated November Use of Automatic Drainage Pumps in Basements Gains An Increasing use of auto matic drainage pumps In resi dential basements is reported by plumbing contractors, says the Plumbing and Heating Industries bureau. Drainage or sump pumps are used for the purpose of providing basement drainage when .no sewer Is available; to provide drainage when the basement Is below the sewer level; and as a protection against backwater when the basement Is subject to frequent flooding from the back ing np of water through sewer openings. An electric drainage pump will insnre a dry basement thua permitting tbe full utilization of baaement space for a laundry, recreation room, storage, or workshop. Heeker Prod Holland Furnace Illinois Central Insp Copper . Int Harvester lnt Nick Can Int Pap & P pfd Int Tel Tel Johns Manvllle Kennecott Lib O Ford Llgg Myers "B" Loew's - Long-Bell "A" Lorillard P Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelv 101 471 14, 17 631 55 481 91 100 461 541 101 67J 41 19 501 101 261 26 13J 27 91 191 24 13 10 Hi 291 147 61 81 211 44 39 68 111 33 341 81 169 19 45 71 23 75 131 24 191 71 4i 191 29 511 161 Si HI 31 43 821 121 521 91 86 191 ti Nat'l Biscuit Nat'l Cash Nat'l Dairy Prod Nat'l Dlst Nat'l Pow & Lt N Y Central North Amer Co . Northern Pacifio .... Ohio Oil Otis Steel Pac Gas & El Pacific Tel & Tel .. Packard Motor Penney (J C) Penna R R Phelps Dodge Phillips Pet ... Proctor Gamble ... Pressed Steel Car Pub Svc N J Pullman ................... Radio Rem Rand ......... Republic Steel Reynolds Tob "B" Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck Socony Vacuum Sou Cal Edison Southern Pacifio Standard Brands Standard Gas & El ... Stand Oil Calif Stand Oil Ind Stand Oil N J .... Stone & Webster Studobaker Sunshine Mining sup Oil ..... Texas Corp . Texas Gulf Sulphur . Tidewater Asso Oil . Timken Roll Bearing Trans-America Union Carbide ........... Union Oil Calif Union Pacifio To Give Your Family A REAL HOME Warm In Winter 'r Coo! In' Summer Walls and Roof Must Be Insulated W Hav Dust Received New Carload of MASONITE Klamath 4 I. 4a sew gymnasium building at Klamath Union high school, 1. An electric basement drainer Is a protection to health by pre venting the breeding of Insects and bacteria which thrive under conditions of excess moisture. Pumps can be Installed by plumbing contractors at very nominal cost, the bureau points out. Installation la simple and Involves primarily the digging of a sump Into which the basement Is drained and tbe placing In the sump of one of tbe new model, low cost, automatically operated sump pumps, especially designed for this purpose. Sump pumps are made In vari ous sizes to meet varying condi tions. The better pumps are of all-brass and bronze construction and will not rust. They will operate economically and effici ently for many years. United Aircraft United Airlines United Corporation United Fruit United Gas Imp U S Indust Alcohol U S Rubber U S Rubber pfd ..... 34 111 41 63 12 26 511 971 w -e . JoV- rX ,vu Big Basin Lumber Co. Main and Spring 0 WT-irr.WITWTin Valley Lumber The airue- U S Steel Vanadium Walworth Warner Pictures Western Union ... Westinghouse 63 24 M 7 27 119 131 60 White .Motor Woolworth E CHICAGO. Oct. 29 '.TV Crop reports from the wheat bells of Argentina and southwestern Unit ed States offset each other aa grain market factors today, and the result was a narrow, nervous wheat trade. Prices fluctuated with I cent . range and closed with deterred contracts fractionally higher. Argentine temperatures were reported rlflng. and while there were light frosts no damage was believed to have been done. ' The expected substantial moisture re lief on the domestic winter wheat belt failed to materialize. At the close, wheat was e off to jc higher compared with yes terday's finish, Dec. 64 1-65, May 661-66; corn l-c lower. Dee. 45-441, May 48; and oats nn changed to 1c down. Iotm-Man rllle Atbtttof Sitft at Shinclei gtt the crcditf pna ri(ai over 010 -wMim eiutiful la DDenc- fireproof. Won't wmi ! . Phono 227 Company pee my Rock, Sand and Cement S. 6th St. Phona 864 515 Market Phone 1558 Pet!en City Road Phone 1200 If It's Advertised, We Sell It