The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 29, 1938, Page 5, Image 5

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    October 29, 1938
Tlio fUlngnrollo oluli of tlx
auxiliary to Iho llnllroad Train
mini iimt fur it ono o'clock pot
luck luncheon Thursday aflor
ihiiiii In Iho KU IhiII. Mm.
lloatrlca Wllkn am! Mn. F.dn
Jones worn lioslounn. Thos
iri'tcnt with Mm. Kitiui Jonnt'ti,
Mm, Vlvn Hominy, Mm. Iv
lloyniililn, Mm. Dorothy Jones,
Mm. Anna llallim, Mm. (limb
Huff, Mm. Myrtle (lutlirla, Mm.
Lurettn I'm, Mm. llraro tumor
ous, Mm. MniKla Phillips, Mm,
Until IhivIk, Mm. Lotliu Wiydw,
Mm. Nnlllii Aml'im, Mm. Lll
Jljm Thulium, Mm. Ilualilo
Wilkes and Mm. Edna Jones,
Following ! luncheon til
regular auxiliary mooting wa
hold. Muuy InmlucKii niattur
woro tnkvn HP. Plan wore
mailu to sponsor n untitle ptn
oihla curd (inrly, Thursday
afloruoon, Novambur tlio tenth,
t the KC hall el two o'rlnck.
Prices will In given and r
rrfnhiimiitn survoil. Tho com
mittee In chnriia ui Mm. Kdna
Ji'immi, Mm. Until Dnvlg, Mr.
Nmtlo Anders mul Mm. Ann
Tlio next pollurk luncheon
will b hold at Hit KC hall III
latter purl of N'ovumlxT, Willi
Mm. (ilnilyi Huff mul Mm.
Loth Unyili'r host".
A Urns crowd onjoyed tlio
card parly sponsored by Mllla
PTA. Auction and contract
hrlilg and pinochle worn pluy
ort. Prisma for auction wor
awarded to Mm, Vlvlnti linltnnr,
Mr. Karvcr and Mr. Arthur
Rlone. In contract. Mm. Har
riot Johnson, Unity llratton
hold winning tcores. Winner
In plnorhlo worn Mm, Moo Mac
ny and Mr. Korhln with con
aolalloti prima going to Mm.
I.lttln and Mr. Jack Mahonoy.
Mr. Ilardtn Hlarkmor received
lueat prlx.
Following the games. Mm.
Crewa llruhb Introduced th
randldatna present.
KefruNhiucnia wor aorved
at the card tabloa.
Observing hla fourth birth
day, Master David Hhaffnr, aon
of Mr. and Mm. Harold Shaffer,
ntnrtalned a t group of hi
youtif friends 'Monday after
noon. October th twenty,
fourth, al hla homo on Wordon
Hallowe'en farora of .cap
and horn provided fun for th
afternoon, nnd refreshments
were aorved to piano gwanson,
Jean and Joan Norton, Gordon
Campbell, Marian Pfefferle,
Martin Clark, Loralou Rolph,
Russell and Rustle Hauber,
France Pfofferto. Oary 8haffer
and the young hoat.
Mr. Goo rue Mclntyre will
ntertaln member of Chapter
U of th PEO Slfterhood Tuea
day evening, November first, at
her horn on Lincoln atroot at
half past aeven o'clock.
Twntv of the itlldont of
i Mm. Kugono Pulton, Instructor
In Modern Music for thl city,
were preiented Saturday after
noon In a pructlco program at
the city library auditorium.
Other atudonta enrolled In th
coumo and their friend worn
Invited to the affair.
Those who appoared on the
afternoon program were Lewi
Voglor, Joyco McLnughtlna
Finn Bvomlsen, notly Lou Hoa
aonotte, Phyllla Noaly, Hoy
Doan, Olorla Roedmlllor,
Blanch Blytor, Dotty Ann
Prudhomme, Bernloce , Mar
tinez, Jacquollne Obrlst and
Oenova Obrlst.
Study Club Enjoyi
Potluclt Supper
The Indopondent Study club
met Wodnosdny evening, Octo
ber tlio twenty-sixth, el the '
community aorlnl hull on Onr
' den ovonuo. Thoro wa a large
attendance. The husbands were
pedal fuoata of the club and a
potluck dinner wa sorvod at
slx-tnirty o clock, with Mm.
Phil Evnns In chnrgo of nr
rnngemonte. The romnliidnr of
the evening ana "pent In visit
ing. Finance Board
Plant Card Party
Tho plnochlo parly aponaored
by tho Congregational Com
munity church finance board
will be hold Thursday evonlng,
November tho third nt eight
o'clock In the community aorlnl
hnll on Cinrdon nvonuo, Mrs,
W. C, Llttlo nnd Mm. C. M,
Reynolds nro In charge of ar
rangomonta. KLAMATH COUNTY
A bit met Tltlo Insurance
111 80. Fourth St, Phone ISO
Th Congrogallonnl Commun
ity clrclo met Friday afternoon,
October twenty-flmt at th
home of Mr, Chariot M, Hoy
nold, 2U0 Whit aveiiu.
Iinvotlonnl war conducted by
Mr. Eugone V. Ilnyjloi. Th
bimlnoa mooting wa In charg
of Mm. L. A. Kschlo, proslriimt.
Coliired moving plctur slide
of missionary work In China
wor hown by Mn, Haynee
with th dory being read by
Mr. H. It. Horry. A aoclal
hour wui on Joy oil and refrosh
uioiit aorved by tho hostesses, '
Mm. A. W. Iluniniol, Mm. It.
W. Clnpp and Mm. M. K. Hag
ley, Thoae preaont were: Mm,
8. It. norry, Mm. L. K. Henry,
.Mr. K. It. Vance, Mr. K. 1).
Jouea, Mm. Don Marlu, Mr.
W. C. Little, Mm. Ktna Oentry,
Mm, V ul ma Hull, Mm. Clayton
Morrla, Mm. E. V. Haynoa, Mm.
II. Hnrtoger, Mr. L. A. Kachle,
Mm. MfE. Ilagley, Mm. Charlo
M. Iteynulda, Mr. A. W. Hum
mel, Mm. II. W. Clnpp, Mia '
Molly Jniio Huyno and Mix
Charlene Itoymilda,
The nominating coumllloe
was appointed at thl time, Mr.
Km a Unntry, chairman, Mm,
L. K. Henry and Mr. K. L.
Tb neit meeting of the circle
will bo bold at th homo of
II r. Don Marin, 3441 Orchard
Krldny afternoon, Novtmbor
dIkMhouUi, al two o'clock, oloc-
Urn of officer will be hold.
Thu group plan on mooting
Friday, Novombar fourth at th
home of Mr. L. K. Henry, 22(10
Garden avenue, to low on
nprona. A potluck luncheon will
be aorved at ono o'clock.
A Mother' club wa organ
turd Wednonriay afternoon at
Mllla arhonl numery. A potluck
luncheon wa aorved at twelve
thirty o'clock. The table wa
prettily decorated with Hal
lowe'en color and motif.
Following lb luncheon, a
bualneaa meeting waa bold wlih
election of officer a follow:
prentdont, Mm. I)e Ilaeta; aecre
tary. Mm. Llnkhart: Mia Scott
and Mr. Olbb, publicity; Mm.
Davl and Mm. J. J. Poi; ho
pltallty, Mm. Wright and Mr.
Thoae preaent wor Mr.
M. K. Ilagley. Mm. Marr, Mm.
Long, Mm. Colman. Mrt. llob
Inaon, Mr. R. B. Hteer, Mm,
Thurman, Mr. Wright, Mm.
Potemon, Mm. Llnkhart, Mm.
Do Baet. Mm. Olbb, Mini
Scott, Mr. Peg and Mra. Davi.
The club membera plan on
meeting during the fourth week
of each month, with a potluck
luncheon at twelve-thirty
o'clock. Sewing will be taken
up by the club and ued for th
needy children at Mill icbool.
All mother Inloreited are In
vited to Join.
The membemhlp of both Ep
worth leaiuoi of th Flrat
Methodlat church will bold a
Hallowe'en party In th aoclal
.hall of th church tonight
(Saturday), beginning at half
paat aeven o'clock. Mit Helen
Hough ha charge of program
On Sunday afternoon the
young people of both league
will gaaomhle at the church at
halt pant throe o'clock tor a
trip to Chlloquln to attend the
ub-dlatrlct rally which will be
held In the Methodlat church of
CbllOQuln when th league
from Lakevlew and Bly will
Jotn with the group.
The Malln young people'
aoclety of Christian Endoavor
on Wednesday night, October
the twenty-ilxlh wa host to the
other locletle of the Klamath
Lake union at a Hallowe'en
party. Attor a few lively game,
atunta were presented by sev
eral of the aoclatte.
Dr. Lee Smith of th Klam
ath Fall Presbyterian soolaty
entertained the group. Maxlne
Ooln of the Christian church
young people ensnared four
young men, blindfolded thorn,
and bad them feed one another
marahmallows which they did
not know war blackened.
Other amusing stunts were pre
sented climaxed by a contest
suggested by the union officers.
The group waa divided Into four
parts, oach given fifteen cards
on each of which was one lettor.
These cards were properly ar
ranged to spell "UNION CON
VENTION." When the proper
Alaska t Orient? Europe!
Rates, Sailings, Passport tnfo.
Agont for all steamship lines.
Phono MOO Phone 70W1
Great Northern Ity.
1 1 Ti i I m
I I " -iMiimrTi" i i i hi
arrangement had bean discov
ered, th officers added a bit
of clever advertising for th
coming C. B. convention which
Is to b Novombar alghtienth
to twontlolh. Following thl
a trtaaur hunt wound up In
Iho basement of th church
whom hot chill was sorvod.
Group two, of th F 1 r t
Christian church council, met
Thursday afternoon, October
twenty-seventh, at the home of
Mrs, Charles A, Dates on Lin
coln street, Mrs, n. W. Clspp
anointed Mrs, Hates a bostoas.
Plans were made for a har
vl dinner which will h
sorvod In th church dining
room Thursday evening, No
vember third. The public It
cordially invited to attend thl
bonoflt affair. Following the
melting rofrashment were
served by th hostesses to Mrs.
A. E. Biliey, Mr. Ray nig
gers, Mrs. Wesley Cross, Mrs,
Clarence 8. Robertson, Mm.
Rmllh, Mrs, Hurt Hhults, Mrs.
Kva Bummers, Mr. Harry
Sinus, Mrs. P. W. Bayles, Mrs.
Ray Hteom, Mrs. M. C. Dear
Ing, Mm. Msry Alexander and
two guests, Mrs. Emll Paul of
Klumath Falls and Mra. Corell
of Lebanon, Oregon, who Is
here visiting al the borne of
Rev, and Mm. C, A. Bates on
Lincoln street.
The next meeting at group
two wilt he held November
savenleen at the home of Mm.
Wesley Cross on the Keno
Tb Ixneftt harvest dinner
will be sponsored by the entire
council of the Flrat Chrlstlsn
Lucty Thursday
Pinochlo Club MoeH
The Lucky Thursday pinochle
club met October the twenty
acvenlh at the home of Mm.
M.iry Martin, 1200 Wautland
Those present were Mrs. Kate
Crowaon. Mra. Katherlne Wil
liams, Mra. Fannla Goddard,
Mlsa Nona Hall, Mrs. Helen
Minor, Mrs. Florence Young,
Mr. IjuIio Borlou, Mrs. Knth
ryn Billings. Mrs. Maggie tip
ton, Mrs. Fannie Young, Mm.
Stella Smith, Mm. Katherlne
Kvans and the hostess, Mra.
Martin. High score waa given
to Mrs. Williams. low to Mrs. and the traveling prlte
was awarded to Mra. Borton.
Thuriday Sawing
Club Hat Meeting
Tho Thursday Sewing club
met at the homo of Mrs. Jean
nette Jackson October th
twentieth at which time Mra.
Olive Marshall waa compliment
ed with a birthday shower.
Thosa who enjoyed the after
noon were Mra. Florcnco De
Lap, Mra. Lola Hill, Mrs. Doris
Smith, Mrs. Gladys Cheyene,
Mrs. Leona Hayae, Mra. Win
net a Brannon, Mra. Dorothy
Jackaon, Mrs. Leona Quails,
Mrs. Olive Msrshall and the
hostess, Mm. Jackson.
The next meeting will bo hold
at the horn of Mra. Marshall
on Novomber the third.
Dinner Party It
Given By Berths
Mr. and Mra. Barth enter
tained at dinner Friday evening
at their home on Mon Clair
street in b,onor of Mr, and Mra.
Clarence Copeland, (Gladys
Lovely fall flowers were
used a the center arrangement
and the young couple' future
waa told by candlea. Cards were
enjoyed for the remainder of
the evening.
Mrs. Copeland haa apont the
last few months in San Fran
cisco with her brother,
W.e Eight Club
At Nelson Horn
Mrs. N. T. Nelson entertained
for members of the Wse Eight
club at her home Thursday af
ternoon. Luncheon wao aerrcd
followed by carda and Mrs. R.
Copponger held high score with
low held by Mrs. E. J. Blind.
The travelling prlte waa award
ed to Mm. C. Jones.
A guest of the afternoon wa
Mrs. A. D. Redfleld.
The Three R club met Tues
day afternoon in the IOOF halt
tor a pinochle party, six ta
bles of carda were In play with
high acore going to Mra. Lola
Myera and second high to Mrs.
Josta Knylor. Knthleen Hep
burn won guest prlxo and Mrs.
Maple Lyons assisted by mem
bers of her committee served
refreshment to the group.
There was also an exchange ot
Follyanna gifts.
Tho November mooting of the
Eastern Star Social club at the
Maaonlc temple has been an
nounced for Friday afternoon,
November the fourth, at two
flfteon o'clock. Hostesses for
this meeting will be Mra. Earl
Templar, Mrs. O. W. Splker,
Mrs. A. B. Epperson and Mra.
R. E. Wnttenburg.
First Baptist
8th at Washington
"The Chnrch With a Message"
Rev. Cecil 0. Brown, Pastor.
. Sunday, October BOIlf
11:00 n. m.
"Wearisome Words"
7:110 p. tn. -
"licholiling His Glory"
.A unique baptism service t ts
bo held at the First Presbyterian
church Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 8. Henry
of 700 North Third street are to
have their baby boy baptised. At
tho nam tlm Mr. and Mr. Rich
ard Konnlson Morris of St. Francis
Park are to have their baby girl
christened, Tho unlquo feature
Is that of a mother and her daught
er having their babies baptized at
the aame time, as Mrs. Morris,
formerly Luella Mlnorva Henry,
is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.
8. Henry.
According to the pastor, the
Ilov. Theodore Kmlth, Ibis ha
occurred only onco bofore In all
ot his over 30 yoara of ministry,
when Eleanor Elizabeth Hum,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, William
C. Hum was baptized at tho same
time as William Harold Van
Dukor, who Is a aon of their
daughter. Mm, Gretta Hum Van
Dukor. Thla occurred on May
I, 1927.
In this connection Mr. and Mr.
Harold Van Duker will again pre
sent another boy for baptism. The
paronts have been in charge of
the Presbyterian work at Rogue
River for the past two years but
have arranged for a aupply of the
pulpit there, ao that they may
have their child baptized in the
local homo church.
The local pastor seems to bo all
smiles over this particular bap
tism for another reason, aa the
Henrys have decided on a com
bination name Including that of
tbe father and ot the pastor,
The Relief society organization
of the Latter Day 8alnts church
haa started work on the season's
program. The flrat Tuesday of
each month Is the theology and
testimony meeting. Thla year tho
women are studying the histori
cal background ot Christ and the
apostles In the New Testament.
The November lesson is, "These
Twelve Jesus Sent Forth."
The second Tuesday has been
designated as a day for work and
business. At this meeting no les
son is given and the time ia spent
In sowing for charily and bazaars.
Visiting teachers make reports
to tho president at this meeting,
also. These teachers visit the
homes of members each month
giving a lesson and receiving any
contributions the members wish
to give to tbe society. The teach
ers' topic for thla month i "Mes
sage of the Home." At the close
ot the meeting refreshments are
Tbe third Tuesday Is the liter
ature lesaon. Thla year the society
la studying the advance ot the
novel, especially "Robinson Cru
soe," which is considered by most
critics to be tbe first real Eng
lish novel. They will also study
the works of Sir Walter Scott,
The last Tuesday is tbe social
service lesson. This year self
study in relation to social prob
lems 1 planned, and the topic
this month Is "Do My Emotions
Hinder or Help Me?"
Alt member and any other
who are interested tn these topic
are cordially Invited to attend
these meeting. Tbe Relief aoclety
is conducting a membership drive.
Anyone wishing to Join may do so
by attending three consecutive
meetings and paying tbe annual
dues, it waa announced.
Rev. Erwln Kohftetd, a mis
sionary home from China, who is
working In the territory ot the
China Intand mission, will be the
special speaker at the Sunday
morning service ot tbe Immanuel
Baptist church at 11 o'clock.
Rev. Kohfleld was associated
with Rev. John and Betty Stam,
who woro martyred by the "Red"
ot China.
The story of th consecration
and devotion ot th people who
are affiliated with the China In
land mission will be a source ot
Inspiration and encouragement to
nil who hear Rev. Kohfleld at thla
ervlce. Rev. J. Clarence Orr,
pastor ot the church, declared
The publio ts cordially Invited
to hear the Rev. Kohfleld, Rev. Orr
Apottotie Faith
A cordial welcome is extended
to the public to coma and enjoy
the services at the Apostolio
Faith church, 228 North Eighth
Devotional aervlee each Sunday
at 10:30 a. m., and an evangelistic
service at 7:45 p, m.
A concert of sacred musts and
song by the 17-plcce orchestra
nnd mixed chorus opens the Sun
day evening service.'
Interesting personal testimonies
and congregational singing lead
by the orchestra are a part of each
service. A collection 1 never
Services each Tuesday, Wednes
day and Friday evenings at 8
o'clock. Come and enjoy these
Union Musicians
At Liberty
JACK STUART'S !x-pi8ce
modern dance band Is avail
able Saturday nights, or any
other night. Just finished a
very successful two-and-a-half-year
engagement at Olene.
Phone B14SW
Or see me at 10OO Main
News of Klamath Churches
Artamon Community
Presbyterian Church
Morning worship service at tt
o'clock, with Pastor (i. W. Wheat
ley brlng'ng the morning message.
All services are hold tn the high
school. We continue In our ser
ies of studies of "The Fundamen
tal Doctrine of the Christian
Fnllh," tho pastor's subject is
"Jnsus Christ, A Real Man." Each
study Is evangelistic In thought
and presentation and will b
found interesting to alt who at
tend. Bible school, 9:45 a. m. with
A. C. Otson, superintendent, In
charge. Mrs. Don I la W. Guttey
has been appointed secretary
treasurer of the Bible school and
will be pleased to register all
The Bible is our textbook, using
the Bible graded series lessons.
There ere classes for al) ag
groups, with special classes for
adult and those ot high achool
Junior church with two depart
ments, meet during the regular
church service,
Church of th
Church of the Narsrene. corner
of Garden and Martin. Rev. H.
L. Russell, pastor. Residence
2132 Orchard. Phone 1703-M.
Sunday school. 9:45 a. m.
Morning worship, UrOO a. m.
Junior meeting, 6:20 p. m.
Downstalra. Topic; "Juniors and
Bible Living." Mrs. Russell, sup
erintendent. Young people's service. g:20 p.
m. Upstair. Topic: "Living the
Life of Holiness," lead by Mis
La von Mock.
Evangelistic service, 7:30 p. m.
Midweek prayer service at tbe
church, Wednesday, 7r30 p. m.
Young people's prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7:30 p. m.
The Women's Foreign Mission
ary meeting wilt be held Thursday
afternoon at 2 p. m. at tbe home
of Mrs. Llndsey in Altamont. The
lesson will be on Latin America.
All wishing transportation call
1793M or get In touch with Mrs.
Emll Hearth, president,
Christian Endeavor
Young People' society, pre
prayer meeting at 6:15 p. m. CE
at 6:20 p. m.
Topic: "Sharing our Problems
With God." Leader: Maxlne
Goin. How often we encounter
situations with which we feel un
able to cope. Let us remember
that for sure and sympathetic
guidance we can always turn to
God, an ever present help.
Senior aoclety, pre-prayer meet
ing at 6:15 p. m. CE at 6:30
p. m.. topic: "Finding Help
Through Worship." Leader: Har
old Uhllg. What a privilege to
be able to spend a few minutes
or a few hours In God's presence.
How tl strengthen us to go on
to that which lies ahead.
Junior society, devotional meet
ing at 6:30 p. m., topic: "Alcohol,
The Enemy of Youth." Advisor:
Mlsa Eleanor Evan. Leader:
Vannlce Vaupel. We youngsters
can do very little as yet to curb
the evil of liquor, but let us do
what we can and prepare to do
more as we grow older.
Men's Union Prayer Meeting
Sunday, October 30, at 8:30 a.
m., we ahall meet at the First
Covenant church. Let'a be there.
St. Paul's
Episcopal Church
St Paul's Episcopal church.
Eighth and Jefferson, Tb Rer,
V. E. Newman, rector.
Tbe Holy Eucbariat on the flrat,
third and fifth Sundays at 11
o'clock and at 8 o'clock every
Sunday, also at 10 o'clock each
Wednesday and on Saints days and
Holy days.
The Church school meets at
10: IS a. in. Morning prayer at
1 1 o'clock on the second and
fourth Sundays. .
First Church of Christ,
Flrat Churcn of Christ, Scien
tist, corner Tenth and Washing
ton streets.
Sunday school at 9:30, Morn
ing service at 11 o'clock.
Subject, "Everlasting Punish
ment." Testimonial meeting Wednes
day evening at 8 o'clock. Thl
church maintains reading rooms
In tb Flrat National Bank build
ing, rooms 212-213, whera the
Bible, writings by Mary Baker
Eddy, and authorized Christian
Science literature may be read,
borrowed or purchased. The read
ing room Is open daily from 7:30
In the morning until 9:80 o'clock
tn ths evening. An attendant is
In charge from II to 1 o'clock and
from 2:30 until 4:30 except Sun
days and holidays.
Latter Day Saints
The Latter Day Saint church
holds regular services at the pub
lio library auditorium, Fifth street
and Klamath avenue. Sunday
jchool at 10:30 a. m. and evening
services at 7:30 P- m. The Relief
society will meet the second Tues
day of each month during the
summer months at I p. m for
their regular business and work
mooting. The Mutual Improve
ment association meets each Tues
day evening at 7:30 p. m.
To Every
Crate! and Purs
Funeral Home
D2S High St.
Mr. and Sir. A. A. Ward,
First Presbyterian
The Ftrst Presbyterian eharch,
North Sixth and Pino streets,
worship, 11 a. m. Th pastor.
iter. tBBoaort misn, will spean i0 attend our service,
on "God's Loving Kindness." Ia Sunday school and Junior B!
all cases of need the pastor can ble class, 9:45 a. m.
b reached at hi residence, 43E The Walther league wilt meet at
North Second street, oyer tele- the church next Thursday eve
phone 2241, or at the church, ning. After tho business roeet
tolophono, 429. Music director, ng. which begins at 7:30, there
Charles R. Stanfield, Mr. Ray- will bo an entertainment and ao
mond W. Coopey, organist. clal hour, to which all members
Morning worship opens with of th congregation and their
tb organ prelude, "I Will Give friends are invited. The enter
Thanks," Gounod. Offertory,talnment will begin at 8:30.
"Prayer" from "Hansel and Gre- Tb Sunday school training
tel" by Humperdlnk. Tho serv- class meets Wednesday evening
Ice will close with th organ post- at I o'clock,
lade, "Praise Ye th Father," 444
Gounod. Special feature of the
morning worship will bo the duet Pirsr Christian
by Patty Meet and Phyllla Col- Church
,hiV.'!hf"!r V!C 01 """ml" Christian church. Pin.
.....?-.: ... t Ninth, Arthur Charles
.,,.,, ,.v p. uj
opena with the organ prelude.
Lowell Mason
., "U,
a "Lonely kneeling."
be Loreni'i
Speaker in tho evening, Rev. Er-
naK?n.a?d m,t '"who' wm
Coma Inland mission, who win
u th.
jnL LA R.... ,. 7 "
' .
Christian Endeavor societies.
e-in ,, Ain,
Mm Wimam C.Hurtportn-
In the primary room. All young
people will be cordially welcomed
., , , ,
for them. meeting
Church school, !4 a. m. Class-
to riiw
SSS dy!:4. p-raytr
?h.dlviMrtnS OB
Klamath Lutheran
Klamath Lutheran church, L.
K. Johnson, pastor, 2030 LeRoy
atreet. Phone 1315-W.
Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.
"Train up a child In the way that
be shall go and when he la old
he will not depart from it."
Divine services of worship
10:30 a. m. Theme "Blessed
Hungerers" 1 taken from the text Bt :I5 p. m., regular meeting,
for All Saint day. Thla 1 refer- 30 p. m.
mation Sunday. Worship hour thla Sunday will
Ladles Aid meeta at the resl- oe. fn charge of the young people,
denca of Mis Ethel and Evelyn With the Young People's choir
Solte, 834 L'pham street, Novem- and three of the young men
ber 1 at 2 p. m. preaching the sermon. The aer-
Cholr rehearsal, Wednesday mon topic will be "Tho Gospel."
evenings, at 8 o'clock. Plac will We Invite you to attend these
be announced at the service. services. A most cordial welcome
Sunday school teachers class walu you.
will meet at 7:15 Wednesday eve-
ning. place to ba announced at e. ,L ,
aervlee. Methodist
Confirmation class, 4:10 p. m.. Church
at the pastor's apartment. Trans- First Methodist churchy corner
portatlon from the high school of North Tenth and High streets,
will be furnished. John W. Warrell, pastor. Resi-
The pastor gladly offer his dence 1005 High street, phone
services and will esteem It a great 448-W,
favor to be Informed of anyone Sunday will be observed aa In
needing tbe same. Do not best- teraational temperance Sunday,
tate to call the pastor at anytime beginning with the church school
day or night If sick and In trouble, at 9:45 a. m., when the adult
You wilt alway find a hearty group will consider the problem
welcome both to worship and to of personal liberty. The service
work In Klamath Lutheran church, of worship will begin at 10:55 a.
B with tho pastor In charge. Mra.
First Baptist E. s. Veateb will play "Marcho
Church Pontiftcale" by Gounod, and Noc-
Ftrst Baptist church, Eighth tarJe" by Schumann. The choir
at Washington. "The Church With 2, Ce dlrecUon ot Ml8s LIU
the Message." Cecil C. Brown, : Dar3r wl" sing the anthem
pastor. Residence 804 North Sec- L5a' me' L"?', Wesley. Mrs.
ond street. Phone 2185-W. ?' Rfdman will sing a solo "The
Bible school 9:45 a. m. George ,5l' Nf TSlSJ'aar
O. Welch, superintendent, Classea fpefk a th them Man-
for all age taught by consecrated Go "Ttece. -
teachers. Morning worship at K y ,J . ?l1r churon: erT,: wlu
11a.m. Sermon subject, "Wearl- berid " toe !?T,bfUr-1,
some Words." ue '? ab-distriet Epworth
The BTU meets at 8:80 p. m. nt7 wni,n wtiI De, hetI Cn-
under tbe direction of Mr. Cliff I1 J?? T'"8 th .?0uns
Tunnell with a union for every Pep' 0 X h JeagKUeI. wl
age group. Interesting topic are eme at,the ,ch ",1:,!t
discussed each week Evening t',, Chlloquln to at-
messago at 7:30 p. m., when the 8fcIal'y;. ? leKagua 8e":
pastor will speak on the subject, lc8a wi!1 held here because all
"Beholding HI. Utoiy." r"1f,P?P 9 tn
i : 9wirZeont8Th" 'Xv'Z. Z
clety will meet Thursday for Its
regular work.
Midweek service and Bible
study Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.
followed by choir rehearsal at
8:30 o'clock.
The public ts cordially invited
to attend these service.
Immanuel Baptist .
Immanuel Baptist church, J. the East Side pharmacy at 9:45
Clarence Orr, pastor. a. m. every -Sunday. Mra. Earl
"Jesu No Futhorn." will be the T. Britt. superintendent. Classes
sermon subject of the pastor tor are provided for all ages and a
the morning worship service, 11 special appeal 1 being made to
a. m. This service will be broad- those attending Sunday school
cast. Special music an added elsewhere. You will find a group
feature. of happy, willing teacher at this
Church school 9:45 a. m. with mission,
classes for all age groups. You
are cordially Invited to study with Church of Progressive Psychic
K- and Divine Healing Center, Num-
Young people 8:30 p. m. ber Three. 700 Mitchell atreet.
Last winter we made a special Sunday service, 8 p. m. Lecture
study of the Life ot Jeaua In a.hy Pastor Rev. . Kathleen Kris.
Christ Centered crusade. Thl Message Tuesday 3 to 4 p. m. A
winter we shall make a special tea Wednesday, 7:36 p. m. Fare-
study of Prophecy. "Why study ny circle class will start Friday
Prophecy?" will be the first ot 7;30 p. m. All are welcome to
this service during the evening attend.
service nt 7:30 p. m.
our Wednesday evening service
of prayer and Bible study meets
at 7:30 p. m. We begin the atudy
of the Book of Daniel. Bring
your Bible and nolo book.
Phone 234
Zion Lutheran
ZLon Lutheran Church. 1025
High St, G. W, Hoffmann, pas
tor. Reformation Festival will d
obaerved at the Sunday morning
The pastor will apeak
on the topic: "Thy Word Is Very
Pure." You are cordially Invited
D.,.. m.,., Church nfflr.
by the Ninth street entrance.
nb" RMlden"
"'mbVchwrl TH a m C S
Rob.rup.flnUndort: Thf.
. ... ...
s growing school in Interest
"1 number. New member, are
most cordially welcomed. Wby
t .., ' .,,. '
not begin to attend the First
"U. Sun-
.hol. tMri
A '' 'irf ,..
Organ prelude, Mrs. Hayden.
Dolologr chor and con(trega.
l!oa wtonl
edLoCr7'V supper. observed In
at, 63S Lincoln street.
mamnrv nr r:hrlt
Anthem, "Rise. Crowned with
Light," Stuits. choir.
Sermon, "The Measure- of
Invitation hymn, "There's a
Great Day Coming."
Benediction, followed by the
"Threefold Amen."
Organ Postlude, Mra. Mary
Christian Endeavor meetings
begin with the pre-prayer service
Peterson ot Portland will
be one of the speakers.
The evening church servtce will
be held here then the pastor will
apeak on the theme "The Mes
sage of the Gospel ol Matthew."
Flan to attend church on Sun
day next.
East Side Baptist Mission
The East Side Baptist mission
meeta in thA DiiIta htlllrilncr nva.
For Short Time Onty
16" Green FIB Slabwood in
a double
toad lota ........
This Is an exceptional offer
and will sot last long.
& Rea
"Fuel That Satisfies"
Plus Servtce
821 Spring St. Ph. SW9-W
Community Congregational
The Community Congregational
church, Garden and Martin street.
"Applied CntUttanUy," ta th
sermon theta of Rev, B. V,1
ffaynes, pastor, as he speaks at
the 11 o'clock morning worship
service. At tins servlcu the choir
under (ho direction of Elsla Ksch
beck, will assist tn the sorvlc
through tbelr ministry of musto,
Sunday school at the Communi
ty church t undar the general di
rection of Frank Kliiian, superin
tendent. Service of worship be
gin at 9:45 a. m. at which tlm
all pupil, teachers and officer
worship in two assemblies accord
ing to age groupings. The serv
ice of worship In each department
ts followed by etas period. Th
school (s completely staffed with
capable leadership and Is ready
to serve tbe religious Interest at
jroa and your children.
Comrades of Tho Way, a young
people' organization will conduct
their first Induction ceremony
next Sunday evening beginning at
6:30 p. m. with the chief comrade,
Shirley Katzmeyer In charge.
Klamath Tempt
Klamath Templo, 1007 Pine
street. Rev. Roy E. Southard,'
pastor, phone 235S-R,
8:45 a. m., Sunday achool.
11a. m., morning service. Mis
sionaries from Burma, Rev, and
Mrs. Warren Anderson.
6:30 p. m., Overconier meet
ings, 7:45 p. m everting service,,
"Gospel Hour" Radio station
KFJI 8 p. m. Tuesday evening.
Midweek services, Wednesday
and Friday nights, 7:45 p. m.
First Covenant
First Covenant church, tlj
Walnut avenue, Gottfred jr. An
derson, pastor.
10:20 a. m. Sunday school and
Swedish service. The pastor wilt
apeak on the subject "Formerly
and Now."
7 p. m. Young People' meet
ing. Young people'a problem
will be discussed. The pastor will
lead the meeting.
7:45 p. m., evening service.
"Lite Choices," will be the tople
of tbe evening message, Th
mixed choir will aing.
On Tuesday at T:45 p. m. th
president of the Evangelical Mis
sion Covenant of America, th
Rer. Theodore W. Anderson, will
address an audience at the church.
Rev. Anderson returned tn Sep
tember from a trip abroad and
wilt tell .of some of hla Impres
sions. Thursday, 7:45 p. m., midweek
Modoc Point Baptist
The Modoc Point Baptist Mis
sion will meet tn the ochoolhouse
aa usual.
Sunday school, 19 a. m.
Worship service, 11 a. m.
Prayer servtce, 11:30 a. ra.
The topic for the morning serv
ice will be "Tbe man who prayed
earnestly." This will be th first
of a series using the general
theme of "Prayer."
Tho opening service In tie Sun
day school by Mra. Zell ia well
enjoyed and much appreciated by
those who attended, and It 1 the
earnest desire of those who at
tend that more will take advan
tage of these meetings. There
are classes for all agea with an
experienced teacher ia charge of
each class.
E. V. Zell. leader.
Pilgrim Holiness '
Pilgrim Holiness, church, 2229
Wantland avenue. Mr. and Mrs.
C. C. Calboon, pastors.
9:45 a. m., Sunday school.
Ha. m preaching by Rev. C.
J. Meyer.
7:30 p. m., evangelistic servtce.
Beginning this Sunday, Rev.
Meyer, with Donald McQuagg,
will hold a revival meeting.
Services each evening at ?r30.
Special music and singing. Bring
a friend and come and enjoy the
good old fashioned preaching.
E. E. "Jack" BENNER
Candidate for
County Commissioner
iK Mi. tt t. t. Inmr
-n'- I