October 28, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON - PAGE SEVEN 3,000,000 FEET roim.ANI). Ore., Oct. ! (P) Order In I ho wimlurn plno Indu. liy roll utt iinnrly thro million liimril font lo- (3,8115.000 III lha wiiik ending Oololior 23, com pin oil to (ho iruvliim wook, the Western fine association sulci to day on (he bade ot reporti from IK mill. Shipments wore down a million fnai to 67,175,000, whllo prodiie- Hon iti up a million to 79,000,. 000. Kor tho year, order wore 190,. 000,000 under 1037, hlpmenU wore off nearly 10 million end production was down nearly 800 111 1 1 1 loll. Stock Market Quotations NKW YOltK, Oct. 21 (PI Rail way slocks held Hio buylnii play alninnl exclusively In today's mar kl a recent 1 nil nut rlu I Inadura were shoved lo lower lovela by shilling profit Inkom. Ulllllln and oloctrlcul equip- menta were In I ho advancing llme- llxht for a while, aftor announce ment from Washington by the n lloiinl doionso power comiulttoe of a huso oxoanslun program adopted by the country'! Important utility corporation! In cooperation wltb the governmental agency. Tbeae mocks, though, quickly lost vital ity anil, oxcupt for a handful, wore under wuHir at tho cloe. The opinion wa expressed by eome analysts the "good nowa" may bavo boon discounted to corlaln eilont. In dealing that approximated l.ouu.ooo shares for the day, m, tI. molora, rubbers, aircraft, oil! nod specialties found the go lug a bit too rough for comfort, and, with offering stopping up at the cloio, loiiic of fraction OafS It oars l3 MORE SIRVIHGS STOCK AVERAGES Compiled bjr Of AMOcUted Pro i.stSMMs Friday 1'revlou iy Month ago ,. Year ago ... 103R High 1038 I,ow ...., 1037 High 1037 Low ...... I New 1011 high SO IK IB 60 Indust. Itall Dili. Block 7S.0 X22.1 37.1 62.6 . 76.7 21.0 37.7 63.0 71.6 18.7 32.3 48.2 70. 24.4 3D. 7 60.3 77.7 22.1 87.7 63.4 40.2 13.1 24.0 83.7 i 101. t 40.6 64.0 76.3 i 17.7 10.0 81.6 41.7 BOND AVERAGES Friday Prevlou day Month ago ... Year ago 1036 High ... 1038 Low 1037 High 1037 Low 1081 Low 1028 High ( 20 10 10 10 Itall Induit. Utll. Foreign 60.0 00.0 04.1 64.6 60. t 00.1 04.8 64.8 66.1 07.8 03.0 63.0 77.2 00.0 03.0 67.1 70.6 100.3 06.1 67.0 46.2 03.0 66.8 69.0 00.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 70.8 06.6 00.3 64.1 46.6 40.0 64.6 42.2 101.1 08.0 102.0 ' 100.6 x New 1031 Low to around two point predonv lnated. Cloilng quotation: Adam Kxprss Air Hoductlon .......... Alaska Juneau Al C'liem Dye Allied Htore .... American Can Am Kng Tile ....... Am Kor Power ........ Am Power Light .......... Am Had Hta Ban Am Roll Mill Am Smelt Ret ... Am Tel & Tel . ............ Am Tob "B" Am Water Work ... Am Zinc LAB ............... Anaconda Armour HI ....................... Atchlaon Ilarnsdall ......................... Halt A Ohio ..... - Hendlx Avla ........ lloth Hteel Hoeing Alrp ............. Ilordon ..................... Horgo-Warner ........... Hudd Mfg . Calif Packing . . Callahan Z L . ....... Catiimot lleo Canadian Paclfle , Case (J I) . Cat Tractor Celaneae Cert-Teed Chea Ohio ........... Chryler .... Col Oa ft El Com'l Solvents Comm'nw'lth ft Sou Coniol Aircraft Conol Kdlson ............ (,'onsol Oil ........ Cont'l Can Corn Product 12 St 01 187 i 1031 6i 41 n IT 10. 64 . 141 881 141 8t lt 401 l's 81 131 661 171 121 61 Hi 11 8! I 031 60 131 111 161 821 0 10! li 171 33 0 421 681 141 61 Crown Zellerbach .......... rnl. Wrliht Dupont do N 15 Doug Aircraft 87 Kail man Kodak .................. 180 Kl Pow ft Lt .. - 1J Krle It R - - 'I General Electrlo ................ 461 General Food 17 1 Oon Oa ft El "A" , U General Motor 401 (llllette 8 1 Goodyear Tiro .................... Ill (It Nor Hy pfd ..... - t&i llecker Prod . 10 Holland Furnace ........... 48 Hudson Motor ...... 91 llllnol Central ........ 161 Inap Copper - 171 Int Harvester ...................... 631 Int Nick Can 661 lnt Pap ft P pfd 491 Int Tel ft Tel .... . 01 John Manrlll 101 Konnecolt ...................... 46 Lib O Ford 661 I.lgg Myers "B" 101 i $ $ Ip Goblin Cake An ideal treat for the kiddies' Hal lowe'en party. The grown-ups-will enjoy it also. 79c Cake Doughnuts Only as You furni Fluhrer can bake them, sh the cider.' 25c doz. Schoolday Cookies This week's feature will be old fashioned Ginger Cookies and Pecan Rocks. Both big favorites with the kiddies. ' II Klamath's Finest Bakery Low' Long-Bell "A" Lorlllard P Montgomery Ward Nah-Koy Nat'l lllscult Nat'l Cash Nat'l Dairy Prod .. Nat'l Dlst Nat'l Pow ft Lt .... N Y Central North Amer Co Northern Pacific. .. Ohio Oil Otla Steel .... Pac Gas ft El ........ Packard Motor ...... Penney (J C) ........ Penna It It Phelpa Dodge 68 41 146 60 101 27 26 14 271 01 201 241 18 101 111 291 61 SH 23 44 Phillip Pet . 39 Hi 681 341 341 1 17 24 161 191 461 71 221 76 16 131 231 201 71 6 301 29 63 161 81 m 31 428 83 13 Tlmken Roll Hearing .......... 63 Proctor ft Gamble , Pressed Steel Car .... Pub Bvc N J Pullman . ............. Radio .... Rayonler ........ Itayonler pfd ...... . Rem Rand ..... Republic Steel Reynold Tob "B" .. Richfield Oil Safeway stores ........ Sears Roebuck ........ Shell Union Socony Vacuum ...... Sou Cal Edison Southern Paclflo ..... Standard Brand ..... Standard Gas & El .. Stand Oil Calif Stand Oil Ind . Stand Oil N J Stone ft Webster .... Studebaker Sunshine Mining Sup Oil Texss Corp Texas Gulf Sulpbur . Tidewater Asso Oil . 9! 861 19! 961 36 HI 4 631 13 363 60J U S Rubber pfd 95 Trans-America Union Carbide ........ Union Oil Calif Union Paclflo United Aircraft United Airlines United Corporation United Fruit .......... United Gas Imp ..... U 8 Indust Alcohol U S Rubber (J H Rtoel 64 Vatindlum 241 Walworth 81 Warner Picture 6 J Western Union 271 Westlnghouse 1181 While Motor 13 Woolworth 601 South S. F. Livestock BO. BAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 28 (AP-UBOA) Hogs 200. Steady; top and bulk 180-225 lb. butchers 38.76; few around 250-265 lb. weight and odd bead light light orted out 88.26; package choice 247 lb. Oregon butcher 88.50; packing low 86.26-60. Cattle 76, Including 36 direct: nominally steady; medium to low- gooa grass warmed-up and short fed slaughter steer saleable 86.75-7.75; good light fed steers quoted up to 38.26; medium to good beef cows eligible 34.75- 5.75 or above; few low cutter to common cow 13.00-4.25; medium hull saleable $6.00 down. Calves, none. Nominal; choice light veal ers n'loted up to 310. 60. Shoep 170; Mlly steady; sev eral sales medium to good 67-04 lb. wooled and early shorn Cali fornia and Oregon lambs 37.50 straight and sorted 10 per cent 36.60; good full wooled lambs quoted up to 37.76; package com mon 113 lb. slaughter ewe 81.60. beat ewe quoted 83.26. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. Oct. 28 (AP-USDA) Hog 13,000, Including 6600 di rect;' steady; spots 6-10 lower; top 38.00; bulk good and choice 200-280 lbs. 37.86-95; 170-190 lbs. 37.75-90; 130-160 lbs. 37.50 7.76; good 300-425 lb. packing sows 67.60-75; heavier weight 37.25-40. Cattle 1000, calve 600; all classes In small supply, bulk run being direct to packers; market fully steady; common, medium and average good grade steers be ing cleaned up all the way from 36.75 to 39.26; nothing choice here; but 3 10.10 for 1183 lb. averages; general steer market closing strong to 25 higher than week ago; other killing classes scarce and steady; cutter cows 34.00-6.00; beet 35.60-6.50; few head 37.00; cows fully steady for week; active market on meager supply; common and medium grade glassy and short fed heif er selling at 36.50-7.60, these higher for week; best heifers here old at 39.00. Sheep 7U0U, Including 4800 di rect; fat lamb alow, about steady with close, or 15-25 below Thurs day's high time; top native lambs 38.60; bulk $8.00-26; good hold over yearlings $6.60; sheep steady; native ewe $3.25-50. CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO, Oct. 28 (AP-USDA) Potatoes 73, on track 266, total U. S. shipments 662; northern stock about steady, Russets dull, weak undertone, supplies moder- Carload Potato Shipments Month Season 1938-80 Season 1987-38 Oct. to Season Oct. to Season Oct. Dally Date to Data Dally Data to Date 1 26 26 633 17 17 436 I 14 40 648 jj 7J J7 1 16 54 662 3 26 446 4 20 71 682 t 29 448 " il il 708 '. 4 t HI 6 27 Til 732 , H 47 m 1 29 163 761 . 21 tg 417 8 32 lit 79l 42 HO 629 I lt lol lOt 41 11 70 "To 20 iTT 826 22 ti ' 23 241 840 34 2" 2 12 30 271 870 34 21 860 13 38 300 017 24 265 684 Tl 33 342 060 22 287 ' 706 16 24 366 074 17 304 723 18 16 382 990 323 742 17 20 412 1020 16 339 .768 Ti 28 440 1048 22 361 780 19 '. 1 466 1064 32 . 393 811 "75 iT 488 1096 26 419 838 TV 620 1128 20 439 868 66 TTi 1184 , 16 455 874 Yl 18 694 1202 26 481 900 24 29 623 1231 16 487 016 jj 30 663 1261 15 613 031 26 " 31 684 1203 15 637 046 3 717 1325 . 18 646 064 28 15 660 979 29 " 11 671 000 10 16 686 1006 31 U 9 69S 1014 Month shipment by truck 66 661 1080 Complied from official records by the connty agent' office. State Federal Inspector Ross Aubrey and The News-Herald. ate. demand very slow; sacked per cwt. Idaho Russet Burbanks, U. 8. No. 1, very few sales $1.40- 1.60; Colorado Red McClures. U. S. No. 1, $1.70; Wisconsin Round Whites, U. S. No. 1. .921-1.00; Michigan Russet Rurals. U. 8. No. 1, .90-1.00: North Dakota Bliss Triumphs, 85 to 90 per cent U. 8. No. 1, $1.20-30; Cobblers, 00 per cent U- 8. No. 1. .06; Early onios 85 to 90 per cent U. 8. No. 1, $1.15-18; Minnesota Cobblers, 00 per cent U. 8. No. 1. $1.00; Early Ohlos, 00 per cent U. S. No. 1 $1.15. MOISTURE RELIEF CHICAGO. Oct. 28 (fPl Mois ture relief at various places both sides ' of the Kansas-Nebraska border led to 11 cents a bushel MORE DELICIOUS COFFEE EASY WITH M J B's RICHER ROAST Guaranteed to give you delicious coffee always, at any strength you like. Yet sir, Boss, everything's first class. This Is genuine Mj-B Coffee with that Richer Roast flavor. Make MJ-B mild, medium or strong, by any method, and you're sure to get a better tasting cap of coffee every time. M J-B selects the world's finest cof fees by taste, for depth of flavor alone. Then these coffees are double-blended first blended green, then blended again after months of ageing.Thus the full, rich characters of several great coffees are combined and aged together, so that the roasting develops a perfect fusion of all the MJ-B flavor factors. The result is a richer roast of coffee a coffee so full of flavor that it is unusually delicious at any strength that you may prefer. Try M J-B Drip or Regular grind and tee. GUARANTEE M-J-B Coffee is guaranteed to make the best coffee you ever tasted or your money will be refunded. THI COFFII WITH THI COM MAKE THIS PROOF TEST .... - ...a WITH M J t-lIKO THI8I PARS ANT omsa vwrr Ikaal tOOK Not the ilthsr, svit. brown elor ol M-J', and ins uniform grind. Youeani'nol'J'' li roailtd end ground prclnly,topsreon. SMELL Mlimtllttiehllorot. Ing orotno ot Ireihly opsnsd !. You cent fall lo not the dlfle" nte.reiull ot eVJ-t's Mchtr Itooir. TAITf Final proof li In evsry cup ol MJ-0i en tM rlchnill ot 6oo' evaryena can lallt.at any ilrenglh that you may prstsr. late downturn of Chicago wheat prices today. Indications frost In Argentina had done no damage to crops counted also as a late bearish fac tor, notwithstanding prospects were for frosts there again to night. Export demand for North American grains today was negli gible. At the close, Chicago wheat fu tures were I to 1 cent lower com pared with yesterday's finish, Dec. 65-661, May 661-661. corn l-Jc down, Dec. 451, May 48 to 48!. and oata 1-lc off. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Oct. 28 tP BUT TER Prints: A grade 301o lb. In parchment wrappers, 31 to lb. In cartons; B grade 29ic lb. In parchment wrappers, 301o lb. In cartons. BUTTERFAT Portland dellT ery buying price: A grade 29-291c lb. Portland delivery; B grade 11c lb. less; C grade 60 lb. less, coun try delivery 271o lb. for A grade. EOOS Buying price for wholesaler: Special 35c doi; extras 33c doz.; standards 29c dot.; extra medium, 28c do.; ex tra small 21o dot. COUNTRY MEATS S ailing price to retailers: Country-killed hogs best butcher under 160 lbs., 11c lb.; vealers 13c lb.; light and thin 8-10c; heavy 8-9c; spring lambs 13c; ewes 4-6c cutter cow 61-7c lb.; canner cow 6-6 lo lb.; bulls 81-9c lb. ' LIVE POULTRY Buying prices: Leghorn broilers, 11 to 1 lbs., 16-17c lb; 21 lbs., 16c lb.; colored springs 2 to 31 lbs., 17c lb.; over 31 lbs. 17c lb; leghorn hens over 31 lbs., 14c lb.; under 31 lbs., 12c lb.; colored bens to 5 lbs., 18c lb.; over 5 lb., 18o lb.; No. t, grade 60 lb, les. TURKS Y 8 Selling prlc.l dressed new crop hen 11-220 lb.! torn 22-230 lb. Buying price; new hen 20o lb.; torn 100 ib. POTATOES Yakima Oema 21.00-1.10 rental; local 81.00; Deschutes Oem (1.10-1.20 per cental. ONIONS Oregon, No. 1, 45o; Yakima 40-600 per 60 lbs. WOOL Willamette valley, nominal; medium, 22-23o lb; coarse and braids 22-330 lb. t lambs and fall 20a lb.; eastern Oregon 15-2110 lb. HAY Selling price to retail ers: Alfalfa, No. 1, 816.00 ton; oat vetch 811.00 ton; clover 81 ton; timothy, eastern Oregon ...... do valley, 814.00 ton, Portland. POTATO Pick-up Sacks LOANS For Harvesting Battaglia & Burger 200 William Building Phone 1400 Merrill Phone 2B0B HE HAS PROVEN HIS ABILITY Re-elect OttO He Langslet for Police Judge The Police Judge Should Be An Accountant Because The Police Judge Has Full Charge of and is Responsi ble For All of the City's Books and Financial Records The Police Judge Should Be a Trained Officeman Because All Administrative and Statistical Records Are, Under His Supervision. Re-elect Langslet For Police Judge Pd. Adv. by Otto H. Langslet. IL'TOIPEA 'y GRfflCEMY 1128 Main rienty Parking Space Better Delivery Service Aerosa from Elk Hotel Open Evenings and Snndnys 11:80 p. m.. fiatnrdny Midnight FrL, Sat, Sun., Mon. and Tues. Specials Try the Olympla First Best Place to Trade Ton Save While Shopping Coffee Sanborns 1 lb. can 2 lb. can ... Bacon MJB, Maxwell House, Golden 25c Swiff Prem. Sliced H-lb. pkg. I,,!,. Finest qtuL Tenderized IIIUIU 49c halt or whole Lb, nAMf- 1 Swift', nice lean a7va.iv liViu Lb. Pork Chops Bacon ........ Eggs 19c 27fc 25c Lb. 27c 33c Lb. Strictly fresh small extras a g Friday and Sat. only Doz. X"C 1?flMaM Drifted Snow vIvlllV or Pillsbury. 25 Lbs. w w. 49 Lbs .' $1.49 8-Lb. Can Crisco or Spry Crackers Snowflake or Sun shine Krlspy Crackers. a lb. box Asparagus Z,Tlt. 22c 25c 55c 25c Pure Clover Honey 2M lbs. Honey 5 Lb. can Ginger Snaps 45c Fresh, nice .... Lb. 19c 2 lbs. T,,;.. Orange. Pineapple, ?Cf IIIIWC Grapefruit .. 46-ozs. r Rice Fryers MJB 2 lb. pkg. Best In Town .. Hens Quality 19c Lb. 23c 18c Lb. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES BANANAS Golden Ripe Lb. 9C GRAPEFRUIT, Texas seedless pink 4 large 4r9C ARTICHOKES large, 4 for ............... CELERY HEARTS Each ORANGES Sunkist, 2 doz, ........... SWEET POTATOES S lbs APPLES, eating and cooking, 0 lbs LETTUCE head . 25c 10c 25c 10c 25c 5 Fine gran., In sanitary cloth bags , 10 lbs Cottage, large cans, limit. Each Sugar 47c Milk fic Milk dens, 33 Carnation, Bordens, Sego, Alpine, Llbby's 6 cans .......... OYSTERS, fancy qual, core 2 cans SHRIMPS, extra fancy AA dry or wet 2 cons .. CRAB, all leg meat, lg. can TUNA, Del Monte or Aa White Star, 2 Ig. cahs 7 SALMON, fey. Alaska red, lg. can . SALMON . Columbia Pink, 2 cans 25c 29c 23c 29c Walnuts Extra Fancy Oregon Fran quettes, new crop, ........lb. 191" ntSvoc Extn '""j'' ""p" 9c V11TC9 colossals It. Can Cranberry Sauce SUf No. 1 tall can 1 "C No. 2 Can Sour pitted '90s Cherries No. 2 can A G Cherries Grapefruit Z "Tk 35c sfAfH Royal Club whole kernel A. wWaVll or cream style 2 Ig. cans A r V D... Del Monto, Royal An IT CttS Club 2 Lge. Cans m Del TlUjalC Monte, Trupak f A. Royal Club, No. 2H can . Xfv Scot Tissue . ... Rinso . Lux Flakes pm8 20c LiSebuoy fo" 19c Lux Toi. Soap 3 r ,19c Rolls 19c . pkg. 20c Shop at tho Olympla and navel . . . Yon'U find many, many other specials every day. Don't forget we spend over f 3800 every month for such Klainath county products as meat, butter, milk, cream, eggs, potatoes and fresh vegetables. L