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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1938)
SIXTEEN THE NEWS AND THE HERALD,. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON .October 28, 1938 FASG SM-BORN HATREDS HELD PEACE THREAT Hatreds created by the attitudes of the fascist countrlos stand as a direct and continuing; threat to world peace, Father Francis Lyons, noted Catholic minister and atudont, told a large dinner audience at the Kiwanis chili's annual Interrhurch meeting Thursday night. The speaker aald that the self aggrandlzoment and claims of su periority by tlio fascist nations are bound to cause hatred against the fascists, on the one hand, and against other peoples on the part of fascists.' "If I were to stand up here and tell you that I am far superior to you In every way, you wouia nate me and I would bate you," said Father Lyons, stating that such la a personalised version of what Is going on between the fascists and other peoples. Father Lyons, who Is conduct ing the mission meetings at Sa cred Heart church, was in Rome at the time Mussolini assumed power. He described fundamental differences between fascist and democratic methods and voiced deep concern for the future. He pointed out that Japan has taken up fascist ways and that the United States now lies between the fascists of Europe and the Orient who despise democracy The speaker said he disagrees with President Roosevelt in the latter'a "good neighbor" policy toward European countries. He said the United States should keep out of all of Europe'! political and economic schemes. He concluded an appeal that America stand with Us principles, Its Institutions and Its Christian- ty. The lnter-church club dinner is held annually by the Kiwanis club to foster friendly feeling between the followers of various faiths liv ing here. Representative of Protestant churches on the speaking program was Rev. J. V. Warrell, pastor of the First Methodist church and president of the ministerial associ ation. He told of the value of co operation among the churches. K. Sugarman spoke for the Jewish faith, voicing similar sen timents. Sugarman was active in instituting the inter-church meet ing as a Kiwanis club project. George Mclntyre presided at the dinner, vocal numbers were given by Sherman Carter, accom panied by Mrs. Elbert Veatch. Ronald Colman Marries Actress PRESBYTERIANS TO HEAR MISSIONARY FROM INLAND CHINA The Rev. Erwln Kohfield, mis sionary recently returned from the China Inland mission, will speak Sunday evening in the First Presbyterian church. Rev. Kohfield Is a young man, home on furlough. He became Identified with this mission, founded by the celebrated J. Hud son Taylor many years ago and maintained throughout Its history ty faith. No solicitations of funds Is ever made by this mission. However, an offering will be re ceived, which will help in cover ing the expenses of the speaker and to further one of the most successful faith missions in tbe world. Rev. Kohfield was an Intimate friend and co-worker of the Rev. i ""V :.:' I Li If V' s E Final plans for the third an nual Wooden Box dance have been completed, and from reports on the ticket sale It appears that a rapacity crowd will be on hand Saturday evening, October 29. Preceding the dance, there will be a large parade down Main street, which will oe headed by several women from tho Weyer haeuser Timber company who will be wearing wooden aprons and one or two men who will be wear ing wooden suits. Also In the parade ''.il appear the American Legion drum eorps, Eagles drum corps, several of the automobile dealers with their new cars, and In between these various organisations will be workers from the various plants around Klamath Falls. All the money from this dance goes Into the promotion work of the Wooden Box campaign during the year. The muslo will be furnished by "Buddy Gray" and his 10-plece orchestra. It makes one's hair stand on end to observe how some people can distort the truth. Adolf Hitler. ALTAMONT ALTAMONT George Winkle man la confined to his borne on account of Illness, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Thomas of Prlnovtlle are visiting friends and relatives here this weekend. ' Mrs. Enrl Epocke has returned home from a month's visit with relatives and friends near Seat tle, Wash. Mrs. Frank Boggs Is reported to bo about the same and she is still bodfnst, Mrs. Alice Cox Is able lo be up and around the house after being confined to bed the Inst five weeks. Among others reported to be quit ill nt tho family homes are Mrs. Wesley llarsey and Mrs, Ir ving White. The Altamont Junior high foot ball team played the Dorrli high football team Wednesday after noon at Dorris and lost by a score of I to 0. A shower planned by the Sum mers PTA tor Monday at tho home of Mrs. Passenger has boon In definitely postponed. The crown of the tree which Is our homeland has been out off, but the roots of the nation stand fast In the soil. Kditarri nones, resigning as president of Cserho Slovakia. Patents havo been awarded for a new gas mask that's built for comfort. When they build them for style, then man'll know he has beoomi elvlllaed, Now that Hitler has been hit by a bouquet from one of his Iron s ed worslt tiers they're not goin to give the frenslod worshipers any mora bouquets to throw, HATS Hallowe'en Novelty Dance HORNS OLENE Sat., Oct. 29th He This I Indoor Fireworks, 11 P. M. Muslo by HERB COCHRAN and Hit 7-Piece Band 1 The happy pair above prove even tHe wariest of men can forget his fear of feminine wiles and get married quietly. Here are Benita Hume and her new husband, Ronald Colman. Hol lywood is still gasping, for Col man had been regarded as one eligible male who would never remarry, because of an unfortu nate first attempt. John and Betty Stam, who recent ly were martyred In Inland China. John and Betty Stam were graduates of Moody Bible in stitute, inese young neonle were privileged to labor in the mission field for a very brief period but their consecration, ability and es pecially their heroism while fac ing and undergoing death has been an Inspiration to multitudes. The story of their devotion, their rising to leadership at the very first, and of their last days will be told by Rev. Kohfield. The service will beheld at 7:30 o'clock. All people Interested In mis sions and in particular young people are invited to attend and bear this story of devotion. In addition to telling the story of the Stams. Rev. Kohfield will speak on the communistic activi ties in China. He was the man who was summoned by the United States consul to Identify the bodies of the martyred mission aries. It must now be accepted that all countries in central and east ern Europe will make tbe best i terms they can with the trium phant nazi party. Winston Chur chill. i Jt Price Effective) Saturday and Monday, October 20 and 31 KLAMATH FALLS, MERRILL, TULELAKE, DORRIS and CHILOQUIN Tomato Juice 15c Pancake Flour 9 39c Harvest Time self rising Cheese u 15c Klamath Full Cream Macaroni 5 14c Brown Sugar 3 - 14c Pure Golden Cane ox. Jar 15 3 for CaA4 Wavcrly for cook- lb. VOvUtf Ing or drinking;.... Jk tin Malted Milk Borden's Chocolate ...... Hot Sauce Taste Tell, 8-oz. tins Candy Peels Citron, Orange, Lemon Lb. Pumpkin It IVt Una 3 for UnflcrAC Br'er Rabbit Green XvXUlaSaCS Label, 2M Tin .... Molasses Extracts Jfir- 15c 39c 10c 29c 33c 25c 10c 23c CninAC "''""' Sage, tilnger, Mustnnl, Illark Pepper, Allspice, Cinnamon, 4-ox. tins for 4lV 5c 0la Maximum, Plain or Iodized Mil Klinker, 20-oa. package Hire E,r" F"ncr A IQp Blue Itose lbs. A tins or 11 -or. bottles for e w Case of 24 2.20 Salad Dressing or Sand wich Spread ,TZ 35c ) Ilel Monte Early rC3S (ianlcii, No. 3 tins Ilel Monle Fanry COrn Cream Htyle nA Brown Derby, 12-os. m JQCtJr tins or 11 -or. bottles 9 2 for 25c 3 for 33c Mincemeat - Kerr's Fanry Brandy Flavored MZ11m Maximum JlltK Tall Tins O Mayonnaise Art toe rat Quart Jar lb.. 25c for 34c - 39c Golden Bantam, No. 2 tins. Your rholt-e I of pure m Aft Peets Granulated Soap Jell Well, fruit flavor Sugar Sea Island Kxlra fine cane io lb. .-j c Cloth Nag .... 1M Lb. 2Q Cloth Hag Vt7 For Every Washing Purpose ' IK- pl"' Krafts Cheese EST Pimento, Velveeta 29c ,u, 15c Karo Syrup Red or Dlu Label 5 it 33c PUMPKINS $1.19 Just the right irze for Jack O'Lanterns. While they last Larger Pumpkins Excellent for Pies Per Lb. 2c Produce Prices Effective Saturday Only Cabbage By the Sack Firm solid heads, Just right for Kraut Low Price Sunkist Oranges Largo Hire 2 Doi. 49c Big, Juicy, sweet oranges. Brimful of rich Juice Oregon White Celery ... ...Per Hunch 5c Well blanched, crisp celery, tender and meaty Oregon Cauliflower ... Per Head 7c Snow White heads of fresh cauliflower. Fine Flavor Boiling Onions n';r,,e 25c Small sized, new crop, white boiling or creaming onions UniOnS HIzed 10 Lb. Cloth Bags M 7 Ideal for slicing, stewing and seasoning Bananas pe, Lb. 5c Perfectly ripened, large luscious bananas. Just right to use TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT Tender, Juice laden fruit of the finest flavor MARSH SEEDLESS Marah Seedles. 'Pink' 4 for 25 4 for 29 1 Doz 69 1 Dot. 71 V, Ca. $2.89 Vi Caio ..S2.79 Fig Bars Loose Wiles While or Whole Wheat with a generous layer of appetising fig filling. Lb. 10c PEAS Stokcly Honey Pod Fancy. Peas, No. 2 Tins 2 for 25c Waldorf Tissue 8oft and absorbent, yet Inexpensive rolls 19c Veal Roast Full-flavored and tender, A meat everyone enjoys.. Beef Roast Roast It with potatoes and turnips for some thing different ........ Hens Pork Steak So delicious and so very reasonable Veal Steak A tasty and Inexpensive delicacy ., Lb. How about a fricassee for dinner? . lb. 19c Colored Fryers . . lb. 25c Choice, select fresh-dressed fryers Hams . . lb. 25c Always welcome at the table Oysters . . perpt. 25c Medium Size. Makes delicious oyster soup for cold weather Sliced Bacon . lb. 35c Fried to a crisp. It will put an appetizing flavor Into your breakfast eggs Pork Roast . lb. 17c Serve a succulent roast for Sunday dinner, with sweet potatoes and applo sauce Meat Prices Effective Saturday Only Palmolive Soap Wash with Palmullve for beauty Bar 5c CRISCO For homos that want the bost In cooking 3 Tin 51C OVALTINE Tho drink for growing; children 33c DEL MAIZ NIBLETS 12-oz, Tins 3 fr 39c DEL MAI9S CREAM STYLE CORN No. 808 Tins ' 3, or 29c e&CU