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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1938)
PAGE FOURTEEN THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON October 28,. 1938 Herald and News Classified Ad Section RATES Paid-in-Advance One day, par word Two-day run, far word ... , , . . hree-day run, pa' word Ona weak run, 2c . 4c - 5c - 7c 20e per word One month run, par word Charge Ads Each Insertion. par word , 3e (No charge made for less than 25c (All mall order ads must bare cash with order). All ads are Inserted In both edition! of The Newt-Herald. All classification! are nam bered and appear In numerical order. Tbe dead-line tor classifica tion la 12:00 a. m. Ada received after 12:00 o'clock will be run In tbe "Too Late to Classify" eolumn. Tbe News-Herald will be re sponsible for Incorrect wording only one day. Classified Index Apartments for Rent 2 S4 Automotive Business Opportunities Educational . .42 .12 .46 .28 Financial For Sale or Trade General Notices 4 -14 1 .26 .44 . 2 8 .26 .4J . Help Wanted, Female Help Wanted. Male -Houses for Rent Llvestock and Poultry Lost and Found Miscellaneous for Rent Miscellaneous for Sale Miscellaneous Wanted , Personals Real Estate for Sale Real Estate Wanted .20 .2! Room and Board Rooms for Rent .20 -22 .10 -18 .40 . $ Services Situations Wanted To Exchange Transportation Lost and Found PERSON KNOWN who picked up purse in Blue Bird. Mail to 214 So. Riverside and no Questions asked. 10-28 General Notices Go By Motor Coach Shortest Route Lowest Fares To Northern Points One Round Way Trip Spokane $11.10 $20.05 Boise, Ida. 10.00 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Busses Leave 1:00 P. M. Mt. Hood Stages, Inc. Greyhound Depot . Phone 999 11-20-mtf NOTICE I, Jack A. Nixon, do hereby give notice that I shall not be responsible for any fu ture debts contracted by my wife. Phyllis N. Nixon, after Oc tober 27, 1938. JACK A. NIXON. 10-29 PHOTO-FINISHING 8-Hour Service Free Developing 4c Print Star Drug Store 6th & Main 11-24 FREE LAWN DIRT 1920 Lan caster. 10-29 FLOWERS For Joy for sorrow. The Flower Basket, 636 Main Phone 1545 night phone 362- J2. 10-31 ARLENE G. SMITH, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, Notary Pub lic; Mimeographing. Phone 1402. Residence 2129 Oak oft East Main. 11-2 LONG DISTANCE HAULING Phone 1097. 11-4-mtf INTERSTATE MOVING Klam. atb Falls Trans, and Storage. 11-4-mtf Personals OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Dr. A, A.Soule. - 11-21 8 Transportation CALL 704 OR 84 Moving, local. long distance. Experienced nan dlers, new equipment. People's Warehouse. 10-31 10 Servit HEMSTITCHING Buttons, buc kles. Miss Murray, with J. C. Penney Co. 11-25 FIX THAT RADIOl Phone 2Z81-W. 802 Market. 11-26 DON'T THROW AWAY that old mattress. Wo will tofluff it for 22.50. New ticking 23.96, or convert it into a first-class innersprlng mattress for 212.00. Also expert upholstering. Carl son Mattress and Upholstering CO., 1206 Main. Phone 791. 11-20 PAINTING, , Kalsomining Harry Brown. Phone 1992. 11-23-mtf SPECIAL FOR 10 DAYS Mat tress rebuilt for $2.00; inner spring a specialty $7.60. Econ omy Mattress & Upholstery. Phone 120 6-W. 10-31 'THERE'S A DIFFERENCE" E. Boiling Decorating Co., 115 So. 7th St. Phone 936. 11-20 EXPERT HOSIERY REPAIR by Miss Berg.The Town Shop, 5th , and Main 11-10 Services SPECIAL New designed monu. ments and markers. Largest assortment in southern Oregon Priced no higher than Inferior work. Any kind of comotory work. Oregon Granite Co. u. cal office and representative 612 N. 11th. Telephone 228. 11-16 NU BONE CORSETS COMBIN ETTES SURGICAL SUP PORTS Sold only through trained corsetieres. Mrs. Hortense Petersen, phone 24-J. Mrs. Myrtle Jinnette, Merrill. Mrs. Edna Coons, Pine Ridge. Mrs. Beth Covert. 419W2. Mrs. S. V. Rugg. phone 28-W-2. 11-1 HAY CHOPPING with hammer mill, any amount. Lane Bros., Rt. 1, Box 728. Phone 67J2. 11-1? PAINTING AND KALSOMININQ Reasonable prices. Phone 937J4. R. E. Simmons, P. O. Box S47. H-10 WRINGER ROLLS for all makes of washing macblnea. Merit Washing Machine Service. 702 So. 6th. Phone 1086. 10-31-mtt BODENHAMER SAW filing. 219 E. Main. Phone S46W. All saws, tools, lawn mowers, etc., re paired. ll-14mtf n.nnn SAVnivn and refinlsh Ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 16SW3. 10-31-mtt SEWING, expert alterations, slip covers, dressmaking coats re- . lined. Mrs. Harney. 2111 Dar row. Phone 2151-J. 1 'lmtf DRESSMAKING, alterations, re modeling. Ann London. 623 Main, over Swansen's Barber Shop. 11-27-mlf SEWING, alterations, remodeling. Phone 75J2. 11-3 GUARANTEED sewing machine repair work. All makes. Moe s Sewing Machine Service. 871-tf 12 Educational HARRY BOREL Teacher of vio lin. 1632 Johnson. Telephone 1468. 11-10 14 Help Wanted, Female WANTED Experienced house keeper. References. News-Herald. Box 1477. 10-27 WANTED Woman for house work. Two adults. Only with reference need apply. Call 85 10-29 GIRL, at least 18, for general housework and care of baby. Write News-Herald, Box 1325, giving references. 10-29 WANTED Girl for general house work. Phone 1259-J. 10-12 WILL BOARD MAN and wife for wife's help. 723 Klamath Ave. 10-28 16 Help Wanted. Mala WANTED 100 USED HATS. Trade your old bat in on a new one. Liberal allowance. The place of first-class tailor and hat work. Star Hatters. 611 Klam ath Ave. Phone 1633-J. 11-1 WANTED Barber. Estes Barber Shop. Take bus line to St. Fran cis Park. 285-tf 18 Situations Wanted HOUR WORK Neat, quick, thor ough; also curtains laundered. Phone 1425-W evenings. 11-24 EXPERIENCED GIRL wants housework. For adults. In quire 1513 Oregon. 10-28 HOUSE cleaning, experienced. Phone 1012-J. 10-31 WANTED Fall tree and shrub bery pruning. Albort Barrett. Asnana Rt. io-zg TRAINED NURSE 640W2. 11-12 20 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD Close In. ' 829 High. ll-15mtf BOARD AND ROOM Private showers. 28 week. Steam heat 723 Klamath. 11-12 ROOM AND BOARD Home cooking. Four blocka from Main. 629 Jefferson. 10-31 BOARD AND ROOM 1404 Klam ath. 4796-tf 22 Rooms for Rent FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 1143 Pine. 10-29 FOR RENT 2-room house in Altamont. Phone 1799-W. . . 10-28 FOR RENT Rooms two blocks from Main 1034 High. 1031 CLAREMONT. 228 N. 4th St. All outside modern rooms. Free parking lot. 11-11 PLEASANT, comfortable rooms. 412 Alameda. 11-2 SLEEPING ROOM 22.50 week. 511 So. 8th. 10-29 24 Apartments for Rent APARTMENT 112 N. 6th. 10-29 ROOMS AND APARTMENT ureer Hotel, 710 Main. 11-3 VACANCY K. D. apartmentB. une and two rooms. Main and Broad. n.3 APARTMENT Four roornB, well furnished. Couple only. No pets. Call at 803 Lincoln. 10-29 MODERN three-room furnished nartmant. 82K Grant. 10-29 10 24 Apartments (or Rant VACANCY St. Francis Apt!., 622 Oak. Steam heat. 11-2 NKWLY renovated 2-room apt.. everything furnished, also housekeeping room and sleep ing room. Fairfield Apia.. 216 Main. 221-tt WANTED One or two business girls to share apartment. 856 Klilorailo, evenings. 10-2S CASCADE apartment hotel, new. ly furnished and decorated, tel. frlsoratlon, elevator, garage. Day, week or month. The apart ment hotel with conveniences and home comfort. 24-hour service. No pets. 11-Hmtf VACANCY 419 No. 10th. 11-14 FOR RENT Modern furnished apartments, Weyerhaeuser die trlct, $25 and up. Phone 449J5. 11-12 26 Houses for Rant 7-ROOM unfurnished house. Two bedrooms, sleeping porch, fire place, furnace, newly sanded hardwood floors. Two blocks from Main utreet. 228 N. 7th. 10-81 FOR RENT Small furnished house. 1932 Portland avenue. Phone S48-R. 11-1 28 Miscellaneous for Rent FOR RENT 6000 acres winter pasture for cattle. Write W. S. Hutchens, Red Bluff, Calif. 11-15 FOR RENT One suite or two single office rooms In Hopka building, 8th and Main streets. See Ida M. Odell. Phone 366 for further particulars. 11-24 ANY TYPE PIANOS for rent. Ap ply rent to purchase later If desired. Louis Mann, tuner. Derby's. 117 So. 7th. 11-11 30 Real Estate for Sale SMALL HOUSE, halt-acre ground, city lighta and water. 2475. Small down payment. Christ Huck, 1320 Pleasant. Phone 2206. 11-1 SEE LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way. 210 down. 25 monthly, including Interest. Mrs. Ben P. Lewis, owner. Rt. 2, Box 895. Phone 36J2.- 11-18 34 Automotiva 1929 OLDS SEDAN Priced right. Ed Richards, 626 Pine. 10-21 FOR SALE '38 Dodge sedan. 410 So. 5th., Apt. 20. 10-28 FOR SALE 2450 equity on '38 Studebaker, or small used car In trade. Box 761. 10-29 FOR SALE $250 cash '35 Ford Fordor Deluxe touring sedan with heater. Inquire Lien's Store, Keno Rt. 10-29 FOR SALE '35 Ford pickup. Cheap. Phone 1814-W. 829 High. 11-2 FOR SALE 1936 Terraplane se dan, excellent condition. Phone 1361. 11-1 FOR SALE 1936 Packard 120 sedan. Fine condition. Private owned. No trades. Easy terms. Phone 1967-W. 10-28 FOR SALE 1928 Chevrolet se dan, 5 almost new tires, new battery, good set tools, has bad seat covers since new. 404 Washington. 1713-tf FOR SALE '33 Ford pickup, good condition. Bargain. Box 943. News-Herald. 11-13 36 Miscellaneous for Sale FIX THAT RADIO! Phone 2281-W. 802 Market. 11-26 MAHOGANY, 210.00 cord; good dry fir body wood, lawn and fill dirt, crushed rock, grey and red cinders. 105 W. Oregon. 10-31 DO YOUR FALL PLANTING NOW Trees, shrubs, roses and ever greens, Lakeshore Gardens Nursery, half-mile west Moore park. Phone 262-J2. 10-28 SALE OF WALLPAPER Your choice of over 100 lovely pat terns sale priced at one-third off. Free estimates on material and labor. Southern Oregon Hardware Co. Phone 261. 11-7 FOR SALE Cull onions, No. 1 carrots Crystals Merrlll- Lakeview Junction. 10-21 27 CHEV. TRUCK, excellent con dition. Cheap. Phone 622-W-4. 10-31 FOR SALE Used lumber, cheap. Inquire Keno store. Keno, Ore gon. 11-1 FINE CAMEO RINGS As low as 22.95. Select your Xmas gifts now. Use our lay-away plan. Ricky's Jewelry, 622 Main. 11-24 MOHAWK STOVE OIL Guaran teed 37 gravity. 8Jc per gallon. Prompt delivery. Metered re ceipt. Phone 2270. 11-20 WILL SELL fine Cole Hot Blast oil circulator heater, 260 cash. Used one year. Phone 2248 be tween 9 a. m. and 6 p. m. 10-15 934-tf GRASS, HAY FOR SALE In Barnes valley, 24.00 ton. Wll lard Duncan, Malin. 11-1 BRANDED POTATO BAGS Stencils, twine. See our new twine reel stands. People's Warehouse. 10-31 FOR SALE Cull carrots, 50c sack. Crystal's,,. Merrlll-Iake-vlew Junction,. 10-31 '39 Chev. Trade-Ins at Next Year's PRICES We ara selling lata model trade-ins from 1939 Chevrolots at prices they would be v down to next spring. Wa are taking a year's depreciation in order to sell (hem at onca ... in order to trade on mora now 1939 Chevrolots. Hurryl Act nowl Select your car at once. SOME OF OUR SPECIAL BUYS ; EXTRA SPECIAL FOR THE WEEKEND Block No. 927A RI0I0 613 929 93IA R9I5 926 819 1001 1003 903 606 1009 R829 1004 012 930 R906 909 42 IB 912 707 1014 312 iOI 5B 1804 I27A 7th and Pine 411 36 Miscellaneous lor Sale YOUR LAST CHANCE to get Bartlett pears. Concord grapes, variety ot apples, both ripe and green tomatoes. Po-Ka-Dol Fruit Stand. Riverside. 234-tt 200 AMP. ELECTRIC WELDER, complete photo developing and printing outfit. 227 Upham af ter g p. m. 11-2 REPOSSESSED WASHERS A few more real values left. If you hurry you can get yours for a little down, balance easy terms. East Side Electric. Phone 700. 625 Klamath Ave. 10-29 FOR SALE Bulck engine and used tires, size 525-21. Alia, mont Drive, Rt. 3, Box 122. 11-2 PIGS Three months old. Phone 938J2. J. Cozort, Fair Acres. 11-2 FLOOR SAMPLE RADIOS Just a few good ones left. Hurry to East Side Electric and make your choice. No reasonable of fer refused. Phone 700. 625 Klamath Ave. 10-29 FOR SALE Furniture. Reason able. 2061 White. 10-28 IN FEW DAYS will pelt hundreds dark, silky northeastern Can adian mink. Shame to pelt most when some poor fellow can buy a few to start at practically pelt prices. Bring shipping crates and come see them. Wlckland Mink Farm, Vancouver, Wash., Route 6. Go fire miles north Seattle highway, turn east at Salmon Creek. 10-28 GREY CINDERS -Phone 2170-W. ' 125 Laguna. 11-17 FOR 8 ALE 12-gauge Remington automatic shotgun. Raised mat ted rib. Phone 1706-J. 10-28 OREGON MOSS AGATE rings. As low as 22.76. We do agate cut ting. Ricky's Jewelry, 622 Main 11-17 PERFECTION oil burning fur naces give you steady, even heat thermostatically controlled at lowest operating cost; no wicks or moving parts to give trouble, Best of all these fur naces are moderately priced. Your old wood-coal furnace may be turned In as down pay ment, balance on easy FHA terms of not more than 28.12 month. Call Bob Porter, Oregon Equipment Co. Phone 2057. 11-14 CASH PAID for used pianos. I recondition and sell, adding only cost work, $4 or 16 month terms. Or rent wit! later pur chase privllegu, rent applied. Louis Mann, tuner, Derby's 117 So. 7th. 11-11 FOR SALE Pneumatic rubber duck boat, first class condition, holds 2 men, Complete with oars, $26.00. 802 California avenue. ... tf PUBLIC "STORAGE" Service Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, Fourth and Klamath. 11-4-mtf MOVING? , Call Klamath Falls Transfer and 8torago, 4th and Klamath. Phone 1097. . 11-4-mtf PINE BLOCKS Bone dry, $2.00 at bin, $3,26 delivered, Phone 892-M. 11-7 34 Automotiva Sale Model and Make Price 1935 Chev. Standard Coach $365 1937 Chev. Deluxe Town Sedan $595 1937 Chav. Deluxe Town Sedan $565 1937 Chev. Deluxe Town Sedan . $595 1936 Chev. Standard Town Sodan . $445 1936 Chev. Master Town Sodan $495 1937 Chev. Deluxe Sport Sedan $645 1937 Chev. Deluxe Sport Sedan $615 1937 Chev. Master Sedan $595 1936 Chev. Standard Sedan $485 1936 Chev. Standard Sport Sedan $495 1936 Chev. Master Sedan $495 1935 Plym. Sedan 395 1937 Chev. Deluxe Sport Sedan $620 1936 Chev. Standard Sport Sedan $495 1934 Chev. Master Coupe $295 1937 Plvm. Coupe $560 1937 Chev. Deluxe Coupe $565 1937 Chev. Deluxe Coupe $595 1933 Olds Coupe $225 1936 Chev. Master Coupe $465 1932 Plym. Coupe $170 1937 Chev. Piclcup $495 1936 GMC Piclcup $395 1934 Plymouth Coupe $195 1936 Chevrolet Pickup $385 1936 Hudson Sedan $575 Your Old Car Taken As Part Or All Down Payment All Cars Sold With 30-Day Written Guarantee Locke Motor Co So. 6th 410 So. USED CARS Late Models Traded In on 1939 Studebakers 1937 Studebaker Dictator Deluxe Sedan Heater, independent front wheel suspension, overdrive. This car has miles of unused service $795 1937 Studebaker Dictator Deluxe Coupe Heater, overdrive, hill-hold, Fram oil filter. This car was tradod in by a well-to-do owner who kept tho car in perfect shape $745 1937 Chevrolet Master Deluxe Sport Coupe Radio and heater, clean in every respect. Carefully driven by ona owner $625 1936 Studebaker President Touring Sedan Radio and heater, planar front wheel suspension, hydraulic brakes, steel turret top. The best value in the city of Klamath Falls $695 1936 Chevrolet Master Sport Sedan Hydraulic brakes, turret top, knee action, safety glass. Has been driven only in the city of Klamath Falls. Bost of care $585 1935 Dodga Sedan Outstanding value, heater, paint, upholstery and tires in ex cellent condition, motor reconditioned $495 STUDEBAKER PLEDGED 30 Days' Guarantee McCullbch Motor Company So. 7th at Oak St. Phona 36 Miscellaneous for Sale USED PIPELESS FURNACE for wood or coal. $36.00. This furnace Is in good condition but Is being replaced by a mod ern H. C. Little Oil Burning Floor Furnace because of tbe additional comfort and con venience. Phone 536. PEYTON ft CO. 4990 tf PICK-UP BAGS People's Ware house. 10-31 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED 12-gauge automatic. Call at 116 Payne betweon 4:30-6 p. m. 10-31 WANTED Wood to saw. Inquire Gllmore Station, 6th and Oak. 11-26 CASH for old gold coins, gold teeth, watches and worn-out Jewelry. Ricky's- Jewelry and Loan Office, 622 Main.. 11-10 WANTED Furniture, stoves, household goods, ueorge s Bar gain Store, 64 Main. Phone 438-W. 11-10-mtf HIGHEST PRICES paid for used furniture and stoves. O. K. Second-Hand 'Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 99L 10-31-mtf WANTED--Beof, veal, pork and livs poultry. 201 E. Main. 10-29 6th Phone 49 401 S. 6th St. 680 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Rams from Amor- lea's outstanding Romledale flocks. Breed for fat lambs for ewe replacements. Rams at Klamath Falls stockyards, Hugh McNerny. Phono 1776-J. 11-2 FOR SALE Black saddle mare, fire years. Klamath Riding Stables. 4293-tf FOR SALE 35 pullets, some lay ing. Ask for Williams, Hollldny Dairy. 10-29 WEANEIl PIGS P. L. Book, Rt. 1, Box 963, Altamont Small Farms. 11-1 HOGS FOR SALE A. T. Stevens, Rt. 3, Box 176, Lower Altamont. 10-28 CHICKS HATCHING evory woek. M a g u I r e Electrlo Hatchery, 2416 N. B. Oregon St., Port land, Ore. 10-31-mtf WANTED TO BUY Boef type calves, age 6 months to 1 year. R. C. Prudhomme, 3 houses east of Idella's store on South 6th St. Phone 651W4. 173Btf Four cents a gallon for gaso line is the average tax lovled by tho ntalos. The tnxos range from two cents in the District of Colum bia to seven cents In Florida, Lou isiana, and Tennessee. 34 SAFETY TESTED USED CARS Give Better Service 1937 Ford Detune Coupe With radio and heater, driven only 14.000 miles. This car is just like new $500 1937 Chevrolet Deluxe Sport Sedan Heater and defroster, original (inish is bright as new, clean upholstery, very good tires $695 1936 Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe In perfect condition, this car looks and runs Ilka new $495 1936 Ford Deluxe Coupe Thoroughly recondltionod, good tires $385 1934 Chevrolet ',-Ton Panel Equipped with 15x7.00 commercial tires. This is a very good car and suitable for city delivery serv ' $325 ft SAVE on First Cost "A" SAVE on Operating Cost ft SAVE on Finance Cost Marshall Cornett Company 724-734 Klamath Ave. OLDSMOBILE The Bargain Spot Is Never Undersold-- Compare These Reconditioned Used Cars 1935 Dodge Sedan $445 1935 Plymouth Coach $375 1935 Ford Tudor $295 1936 Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe $475 1931 Chevrolet 6 WAV. Sedan $175 1936 Ford Coupe, radio, heater ...$425 1936 Chrysler Coupe, radio, hoater $545 1937 Chevrolet Town Sodan $545 EXTRA SPECIAL Sat. and Sun. Only 1936 Plymouth Deluxe Coupe $345 35 cart to EASY TERMS Snyder Motor Co 9th and Klamath Winter Necessities NEW Manifold heater, $1.45 up. Hot water heaters, $3.65 up. Skid chains, $2.65 up. Batteries, $3.35 up. nilotson Carburetors, $3.69 up. Kolread tires, J.Jb up. Prestona, gallon, $2.95. Radiators. Cylinder heads. Fan belts. Door handles. Starting cranks. Our Prices Ara Low Roy Call Auto Co. 727 Comm. Phone 335 46 Financial Loans - $5 to $300 Sea S. MADISON MULLEN CO. 503 Medical-Dental Bldg. Personal - Salary - Chattel Loans (S-219) 11-17 LOW RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Safe No Co-Signers No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let us finance your new or used car purchase Motor Investment Co. License M-104 114 N. 7th Ph. 882 ll-Omtf News and Herald Want-Ada get results. Automotiva 521 S. 6th St. choose from. LIBERAL TRADES Phona 1530 46 Financial NEED MONEY? Let The "Friendly Finance Co. , Furnish The Cash. AUTO LOANS FINANCING See COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. Win. I'Yohnnmjpr, Mijr. License No. M-222. 116 S. 7th St. Phone 471 10-21 ' Equitable Loans Equitable still has plenty of money for good loans on modern homes and income property in Klamath Falls and suburbs. Ask us about the Equitable Plan. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 1 16 N. 9th Phona 66 wf-tf 48Business Opportunities NEW VENDING MACHINES A good Income. News-Horald, Box 1612. u.i SMALL HOTEL FOR SALE Do ing nice business. Box 109, Tulelake. 10-29 INVENTIONS WANTED See J. T. Anderson, WHInrd Hotel. 1699-tt SMALL RICSTAURANT at bargain tor quick sale. Must sell on ao count sickness. Phone 249. 10-29 Evorv little town nr nil ik.. r vlsltod seemod to be a small New York Dr. Maximo Bomchll of the University of Duenna Alros, reporting on his visit to the Unit ed States. ' Thn ftnrmnn' vnun-nM-H. i ....... bw tui it im mniiiirnnl,.tnfl. nn.l . .. got aiilomobllo, Tho enr oosts $396, and Is sold on lorms of $2.40 a week