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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1938)
SIXTEEN THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON October 27, 1938 Klamath County Health Chief Discusses Chicken-pox in First of Series of Articles (Edltor'i note: Dr. P. H. Ro sendal, county health officer, will write weekly articles on health problems. These supplement the Family Doctor articles appearing dally on the editorial page and will be devoted particularly to mattera of timely local Interest.) By Dtl. P. H. noZKXDAI, County Health Officer Since there seem to be Quite a few cases of chicken-pox In the city at the present time, we will be concerned In this column with the subject of chicken-pox, Chicken-pox Is a rather diffi cult communicable disease to con trol as It Is highly contagious and is one of the so-called children's diseases. Many people feel thai It Is a disease every child must have and they might as well get It now and get It over with. They also feel that It Is not dangerous as far as severeness is concerned. This la not always the case. Complications may develop, es pecially in run-down Individuals. The pox may become Infected, de veloping into bolls, middle ear In fection and suppurativa glands. Even erysipelas hna boon report ed, also localised gangrene around the pox. But In the average case a prompt recovery within two weeks may be safely predicted. It Is now thought that a virus Is the cause of chicken-pox and Is constantly found In the fluid In the vesicles or blisters on one who has the disease. It Is also pre sumed that the Infective virus Is also found In the secretions of the nose and throat. Therefore we presume that the contagion en ters the body through the mouth and nose. Infection is produced by contact with an Infected In dividual. Due to Its high degree of Infec- tlvtty the disease la usuully con tracted by- the first exposure. It can also be carried by Infected articles and by a third person. The characteristic lesion of chicken-pox la a red spot which develops Into a pimple and then Into a blister. In these, blisters the fluid absorbs and leaves a scab. These scaba should not be scratched off, for this will result In Infections and scars. There la practically no Immun ity to chicken-pox except perhaps In the very young Infant. Second attacks are extremely rare. The Incubation period or In other word the time from ex posure to the first appearance of the eruption Is around 14 days. During this period thore Is usually no evidence of Ill-health, nor Is the exposed person able to trans mit the disease until probably the last day. Frequently In children there Is no evidence of Illness until the rash appears. But older children and adults frequently experience fover, tiredness, headache and loss of appetite. The appearance of the rash may bo very sudden, One hour thore may bo no rush, and In the next hour lovoral red spots may hare appeared, and a fow hours luter the child may have the lesions In all Its forms, The lesions usually appear first on the skin of the body and In the scalp, then on the extremities and may oven bo found on the pnliua of the hands and soles of tho feet, The active course of chicken pox la usually entirely over In two weoks. As lo the period of Infectlvlty of chicken-pox. according lo the evidence now available, this per iod should bo considered ns last ing from nt least 24 hours before tho appearance of tho eruption un til seven dnya at least after Its ap pearance That Is, the danger Is over when there aro no longer actual hllstora or pustules. U Is considered that dry scabs cannot transmit the disease. , As In the control of chicken pox, Wo do not tiuuiuiillun for tho disease, hut we do 'require that the pullnnt bo Isolated anil kept homo from school until 14 days after appearance of first eruption or until at least 48 hours after the appearance of tho lust blister. Theoretically the child should ho kept from school from lite tenth day to the elKhtenuth day after exposuro and, If ho comes down with tho dlaouso, un til 14 days after appearance of the first bllator, Exposure date can not always he determined, so It may ho difficult to follow this procedure As far as going to school Is concerned wo should follow this rule; If children have not hnd the disease, they may go to school If tho parent will cnretully examine t Ho child In the morning boforu going to school, The teachers urn Inntruclod to exnmlno the child during tho day for appear ance of titty rash. If any appears, the child will be excluded from school, lly doing this your child may be spared losing too much lime from school and also may help lo control lit sproad of tho disease, Kxponeil children who liavo had tho dlxoiiHo may continue to school, provided I hero la no furth er close exposure to tho disease. That Is, koep the child with the dlsean separated from those who do not hnvo tho dlseaso. Iletoro closing, I want tn urge all parents of children who are not seen by physicians to report any case of chicken-pox' to the county lion I Mi department, Tho dlsvnso Is frequently so mild that parents do nut call their family physician, llo can Instruct the parents as lo (ho care of (ho child and thus of Ion prevent any com. plications which may hinder 111 chllil from a prompt recovery. Yon may help us a lot In lit coul rnl of chicken-pox If you will report your cases to the county; health department, You will also help by calling In your family phy alclan, A barrier of stool, II Incline, high and tapering from a tube a tho top lo illl Inches wide at th buse la being tested by (ha Michigan Highway Commission aa a melius of separating opposite) launs of traffic Slopping illnlniico of an auto mobile traveling on an Icy sure faro Is sliced almost In half bj pulling chains on (he rear wheel. It Is reduced by about two thirds by equipping all foul wheels with chains. . w " 3ld WARD WEEK ONLY! 100 Pure Pennsylvania Motor Oil Red need! 10 u 2qt. AddFod. Tax to all oil print "Standard" Quality" the 25-30c grade at Service Stations! Price Slashed! S-qt. can 65c 8-qt. can ....94c "Standard" sparkplug; 19c WARD WEEK ONLY! Reduced I Modern Electric MonrtV Sensational value 1 Fait oven is fully Insulated I 4 Chromalox top burners I Fully porcelainedl 'Down Payment, Ctrryiag Cnarg. mm l ' Regularly $20.05! Sboota 6 shots in 5 seconds! Walnut stock; checkered pistol grip. Sale! Repeating Shotgun 2688 Sale! Double Bar Bicycle 2288 Nothing has been cheapened except the price! Trpxel sad dle. Riverside balloon tires! Sale Pint Vacuum Bottle Keeps liquids hot 24 hours, cold 48 hours! Green steel case, sturdy glass filler. Imported. 59c SALE! COMPARE 42o RUGS! Get39MoreWear, Extra Heavy Axiniiisters inn 9x72 2 $5 A Month Beautiful patterns I Deep, heavy, closely woven pile I Tests prove you get 39 MORE WEAK than usual in rugs up to $42,501 Dm Parnmt, Canylnf Cttlrit 0 X: ms n , , 'j; r a. i ti V 9" PAUL SUITS fJjfYfiKil Ml .-! 'V. WiVi (BSEi C Save 1.87 STYLED BY BRANDON Bringing You Fine All-Wool Fabrics and Better Workmanship at a Ward Week Price I ALL WOOL FABRICS from fine mills that's value! Plenty of hand-tailoring that's Value! All the NEW patterns and NEW models that's value! No charge for alterations! Monthly Payments. WARD WEEK ONLY! Amazing Sale. ..Light Fixtures Your Choice 97c oct Choose from (A) 1.2 Ceiling Light, (C) $1.39 Bathroom Bracket, (D) $1.39 2-Llght Ceiling. B) Jl.04 Kitchen Light 88c. REGULAR $4.79 VALUE! Reduced! T?F1 Bordered Pattern! Wardoleiun 9x12 You get a Ward Week saving of over 25 on Wards regular price! Tough enamel surface famous for wear! (1x0 2.16 7!jx0 2.86 3y;;5: 34-40 Sale! 149 Wool Sweaters rd Wpck only! Soft xpphyr novelty knits. Long or M O "T hurt sleeves. Sports Colors. IZf SjJIP! Sale! Wool Flannel Skirts v"Krt Work only! Wc" ,nl1' JefJilnY lorcd with pleats or gores! O IS jl'nrt wool plaids; solid colors. 100 Sale! Handkerchiefs Values In Be! Unusual savings j on Inrgo slo cotton nrlu's. Kloral and geometric pattonis. 1 Save! SALE! WARD WEEK ONLY! Wards 1.49 Value I l'reKliniiik Shirts 4 2 V &ji IT i J ffofuc4 for Won 1 Finest cotton broadcloths In rich whiles and fast col or patterns and plains! Dit tinctivtlf styled In soft and wlllproof collars I ipsa Sale! 89c Ironing Board Sturdy board of seasoned assjassi western wood. Well-braced, MM C ivon't tip or wobble. Save! MM - aAa. Plenty of drying space ... 27 ssajasas feet! Folds away compactly MMC when not In use! Save now! MM Sale! 1.39 Set o 3 Skillets r i . . 1 1 (- in.. . . a itiuurai j wuauty casi iron, 0, mm wmmM 7, and 10 in. Polished smooth U M C A inside. Ward Week only! M w WARD WEEK ONLY! Both for less than price of one I 2 Electric Cleaners 3788 S4 DOWH Monthly Poymtno, Carrying Chew Worth $651 Big, full fea tured cleaner with beating, sweeping, suction action plus band cleaner both at this special price I rsBlBlHBIlllllBHBlWaBsHHBlWBIMalBlSBaaWBBBBHBSaiSJ WARD WEEK SPECIAL! Save on rrT n Girls' 98c fetWw Presses -''wZ'S Thrilling values In dressy W k types, remarkably low- ''I'lHw r" V H Pricd right at the begin- if i V n'ng of the season. Smart WW JA W . street colors. 7-H. - m Sale! Men's Neckties 3 for deduced from 40c! pnttorna! Ilcslllnnl Hon hotter knot, wrlnklo, New Fall to $1 Sale! Dress Socks Values up trt IWcI Better qual Ity and unusual patterns. Ray on and cotton morcorl?.cd tops, Pr. Sale! 2.98 Men's Oxfords 267 Savo 81c Ward Week! Hluhly styled black leather wing tips. Sturdy leather solos. 6-11, WARD WEEK Is Your Big Chance To Duy mis Deaumui Cabinet Sink 26 88 less fittings See this sink today! Com pare it with $30 models sold elsewhere 1 42" cast Iron sink and steel cabinet are covered with finest acid resisting porcelain enamel! WARD WEEK SPECIAL! New 19391 Amazing 7-tube ACI Compare 950 Radios 88 Monthly M Bm. Tumi AmmMW Truly sensational I Gets coast-to-coast stationsl Full Range Tone Control I 6" Super-dynamic speaker) Automatic volume control! Box of 1 00 Filter Disks 17c Itcjriilarly 23c. White, cotton lint filters cleanly and quick ly! Savo during this Bale! Sale! Manila Rope 44c ion ff w In diameter. Regularly 56c H In. 100 ft. nc(f. 90c....77e! 54 In. 100 ftReg. $1.48 $1.22 Sale! Ringless Chiffons Hi'K. 40c! Full fashioned sheer hose nil first quality. Alno afii Hervlca weight with cotton topB JJ D on sale, ejaf rr. Sale 1.89 Satin Gowns Von save 80c! Bias cut with It""! lapcd seams for longer wenr! lii V Tailored and lacy. 34 to 38. I Sale! 39c Rayon Undies Quality guaranteed by Good Housekeeping! Closely knit pnntles and bloomprs. Women's. Wood Heater Price Cut For Ward Week 3.34 Made In the Westl Gives lots of quick heat! Low fuel cosll Big, heavy steel body! Save! Reg. $5.98 Welded Metal Bed 4.88 Graceful moulded metal tub ing not tho round tubing you ordinarily find at this low price! 29c HBJSJBBJBBBJBBBJBBBBJBBJBBJBJBJBBBBJBJpjBBBJBBjaJ aOIW- (i J Fashion lVvVVvJ Foothealthl 18c WARD WEEK SPECIAL! Save o Cotton Flanneletto Nilit- gowns 44 An amazing 'buy.' Double front and back yoke like more expensive gowns. Strong seams, 50" long. Plain colors; stripes. 18-17. V i Turkish 'V'.v.Towolt Ilegular 25c Cannons. Big bath size, 20x40 In. Absorbent tex ture. PaBtels. VMnieTCH 3.33 Famed comfort In now style! Air cushioned soles. Built In stcol shanks. Black suede. 6-0, Sale Mon'i "101" Band Overalls 74c .nw-smw "WSWSaiS.." MMaVS-IOK ZmWmmmWr LJmSMmMSm HcRillnrly 7l)rt Full t ounce donlm Sanforized Shrunk! 11 Copper rivets! WalBt 30-42. Salol 25o Uplift Brassiorei 19c Cut to mold your figure to fol low the trend of fashion! Nov elty rayon fabrics, and Ince. 221 Main St. Store Hours 9:00 A. to 6:00 ly Saturdays 9:00 A. M. to 8:00 P. M. Store Hours Telephone 384