The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 26, 1938, Page 7, Image 7

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    October 20, 1038
1 n
ciiicacio, Oct. 2H tin Con-
flrmiitlon the British government
had huught Huiunnlnn wheal on
a large scnlo, 260,000 loin, did
much lixliiy in In Inn about down
turns of prions Imrn,
Kiiinpi'itn iiuri'himi'N from North
America wnro restricted lu 400,
Ouo bushels of CmmiMnn wheat
ml Ho, 000 lo 300,000 bushels
"t Unltml Mules corn. Dninnstla
flour business wail mportod as of
only it hit nil to iiiiiiiIIi clinriictnr.
At I Im rlusn, Chicago wluiut fu
luii'S wnro t-l lower oumpiirod
wlih May 071-J, corn with yes
I'T'lny'i fl ii I h)i, Doo, fiJ, Mny
CVJ-i, corn i-l down, Doo. 40M.
Mny 4UI t. "nil wli unchanged to
i off.
Stock Market
NHW YORK, Oct. 20 (!) Th.
lock iniiikiit took nulling hurdlaa
In Komi fur in tmlny und nl til
cIoho Imil recovered slr.oablo por
tions of losses runulnx st ono Hint
1 1 Din friicllniia to mora then throo
Tlio procoodlniia wore qulot
ihroiiRliniit, Villi turnovor about
l.ouO.uuu shares, on unusual pro
portion of which waa nccountod
for by nn active group of low
priced Issues, tiapoclally Packard
ml Hliidubakor.
Binds lid tlio retreat, which waa
fairly general oxrept for the low
priced moloia and aoma alrcrnfts
ninl specialties. Hut tlila dlvlalon
llkuwlso wiia unions: tlio flrat to
reflect tlio Into lightening of Boil
ing pressure.
Closing quotntlona:
Adnma Kxpress ..-... 121
Air l("d loo Hi
Alnikn Juiicuu 0
Al ( li.'in & ll)o 19
Allied Ktoroa ......... 121
American fan 1011
Am Kris Tlio ..... M
Am Kor Power 41
Am 1'iiwcr & Light 7s
Am Und Sin Han Hi
Am Itoll Mllla .'. SOi
Am Hlnolt A Ituf G&i
Am Tel & Tel ....14 II i
Am Tol. "11" 80J
Am Water Worka 14J
Am .Inn I. & 8 81
Anucoudn 3ti
Armour III 0)
Atchlaou 3U t
Auburn Auto 6
llnrntdnll 171
Unit Ohio 8 1
lludl Avla - S3 i
llilh blei'l 67i
Honing Alrp . 2"i
llordon 17 1
llorge-W'nrner 14 i
lludd Mfg ...v (1
Cnllf Packing 22
Callahan . I 2
t'nlmnet life 01
Canadian Pacific 6 J
Caso (J 1) 94
Cut Trnclor S3
t'HniuiKO 22
Ort-Tood 1 1 i
Clips. & Ohio 861
Chryslor 83 4
Col (im & Kl
Com'l Colventa 11
Comm'nw'lth ft Sou ......... 2(
Consol Aircraft 1ft
Conaol Kdlaon 34
Consol Oil ft
Cont'l Cnn 4 4
t orn Producta 70
Crown Zollorbach 14 i
Curllsa Wright 7
liuiiont do N . 147
Doug Alrcmft OKI
Knntmnn Kodnk 18 lj
Kl Tow & l.t 131
Krlo Hit 2J
(loncrnl Kloclrlo 46)
lieuornl Konda 38i
Con Cina & Kl "A" 1
(lonornl Motors 6 l i
tllllclln 8J
Ooodyciir Tiro - 33
Cit Nor Hy pfd .... 231
llockor l'rod 10J
llollmlil Kurnnco 4 9
1 1 ml noli Motora 9
Illinois Control 15
limp Copper 17
lilt. HnrvoNtor 631
Int. Nick Cnn ESI
Hit Pnp P pfd 401
Hit Tol & Tol 01
Jnlwia Mnnvlllo 102
Kcnnocolt 47i
Pick-up Sacks
For Harvesting
8 Burger
201) Williams UullUIng
rhono 1408
Morrill Phono 2IW5 '
IT, look (or thi f
it und moit nn
iirttint Inrtitment
with lltitral nturn.
A itrons rtcord of
ufotjf tUndi In
hind tur iiistlitlin
, , Hcurlty Ii
wijn Ifn hlBhtit
(Carnal OliMnal)
First Federal Savings
and Loan Association
of Klamath Falls
111 Nl, 9th It. Mint J74
Mimbir if Fcdtral Smlngi
ind Lwn Iniurintt Corp.
Carload Potato Shipments
Day of
Month flnaann 1038-3I Bonaon 1937-88
mmmmm Oot. to Hoaaon Out. to Hoaaon
Oct. Dally Dala to Dnto Dally Uato to Unm
I it 33 17 17 438
I t " 23 41
I It (4 883 " 28 446
4 20 74 882 3 20 448
23 07 706 33 462
" 732 14 47 488
1 20 189 . 761 21 68 47
8 Ti 186 T3 42 2
0 13 108 806 41 1" 670
10 To 218 826 22 173 M
Tl 26 241 840 84 '7 2
Ti 80 TH 878 84 il 660
fl 38 608 17 24 2'5
14 i7 842 080 22 287 706
16 24 866 874 17 304 723
Hi! 16 382 000 10 323 742
10 . iTj 1020 16 338 768
18 2 440 1046 22 361 780
"" 7J 16 486 1064 32 303 812
20 488 1006 26 410 838
Jl sT" 620 1128 20 430 888
68 676 1184 16 466 874
lg 604 1202 26 481 BOO
"Jl 20 623 1231 U 41)7 016
16 30 663 1261 16 612 031
Jl 16 627 848
27 18 646 964
JJ 16 660 970
JO TI 671 000
81 15 Ihi 1006
29 9 6116 1014
Month ahlpmenta by truck 66 661 1080
Compiled from official rocorda
Btata Fadsral Inapsctor lloia Aubrey
by lha county agont'a office,
and Tbe Newa-llorald.
Compiled by lha Axafclated I'reaa
20 16 16 60
Induat. Italia fill. Btocka
Wcdncmlny 7.7 21.4 37.2 52.8
Provloua day 77.7 21.7 37.4 63.4
Month ago .. 67.6 16.9 30.6 45.4
Yaar ago ... 67.8 22.6 33.6 47.8
1038 High 77.7 22.0 37.4 63.4
1938 Low .., 49. 12.1 24.9 33.7
1937 High 101.6 49.6 64.0 76.3
1937 Low 67.7 19.0 31.6 41.7
x New 1938 Hlgha
Compiled by the Aaaociatnl rreaa
20 10 10 10
' Itnl Is Induat. fill. Foreign
Wedncaday 60.3 99.0 94.4 64.9
Prerloua day .... 60.5 99.0 94.4 64.9
Month ago .......... 6.1.3 97.2 91.3 69.6
Year ngo 76.9 98.5 92.0 66.2
1938 High 70.6 100.3 95.1 67.0
1938 Low . 46.2 93.0 85.8 69.0
1937 High 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7
1987 Low 70.3 95.5 90.8 64.3
1932 Low 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2
1928 High 101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5
I Now 1988 Low
Lib O Kord 66J
Llgg Myora "B" 10 li
Loow'a 6 S 1
Long-Boll "A" 4
Lorlllnrd P 19 J
Monlgomery Ward .- 61
Nnnh-Kelr 101
Nat'l niacult 26,
Nnt l Caah 26 J
Nnt'l Dairy Prod . 14 i
Nnl'l Dlat - 28
Nnt'l Pow A Lt 01
N Y Central 191
North Amor Co 25
Northern Paclflo .......... 121
Ohio Oil 10J
Otla Steol Hi
Pno Amcr Flah ... .......... 81
Pna Una & El 29
Packard Motor M
Ponnoy (J C) 83
Ponna It R 21 1
Phelpa Dodge 441
Phillips Pet a 801
Proctor A Gamble . 6SJ
Proaacd Steel Car HI
Pub Sva N J - 34 J
Pullman 341
Radio 81
Rayonlor 17 J
Rnyonler pfd - 24 J
Rom Rund 161
Republic Steol 20
Rovnolda Tob "B" 45a
Rlchflold Oil 7
Bafewny Etorea - . 24
Seara Rooburk 76)
fiholl Union . IE j
Socony Vacuum 14
Sou Cnl Edison 23
Southern Paclflo 191
Standard Branda "i
Standard One & El 43
Stand Oil Cnllt 30
Stnnd Oil Ind 291
Stand Oil N J 63
Stone & Webater 14
Studobaker 8!
Sunahlne Mining a... 12
Sup Oil 3 J
Texas Corp , 43)
Tcxna Gulf Sulphur 33
Union Heating Olla are free enjoyment to burner ownerihlpi
from water, dirt, or aedlmenlv Carefully handled, carefully
can't cause clogging. They burn transported, they are clean when
without waste. Trouble-free, ,ncT 1 'no your tank,
they give added comfort and UNION OIL COMPANY
For Dependable Service call one of these distributors nowl
Union Oil Company. . . 1459 So, 6th. ..... Phono 776
MERRILL UalonOilCompeay. . . . Phone 7601
Tidewater Ansa Oil 13
Tlmken Roll Rearing- 631
Truna-Amorlca 01
Union Carbide 87J
Union Oil Cnllf .....a 20
Union Paclflo 92)
United Aircraft 3
United Airlines 12
United Corporation 4)
United Fruit 63)
United Uae Imp 11 J
U 8 Ind Alcohol 271
U 8 Rubber a 63)
U fl Rubber pfd 97)
IJ H Htonl ar)
Vanadium ,j. 24
Walworth 0)
Warner Plcliirea 7)
Woatorn Union a 271
Wnatlnghoiiae 118
White Motor 14)
Woolworth a 601
South S. F.
(AP-UIM) Hoga 700, Including
140 direct; butchers higher; top
and bulk 170-220 lb. wolghte
88.80; medium gradna, light llghta
and around 230-275 lb. butchers
sorted out mainly 8.30; tew good
eowe 16.60.
Cattlo 160, Including 20 direct,
holdovora 36. toors and range ahe
stock atrong; loud medium 1004
lb. alnughlor atecra off beet topa
87.60, aorted 3 head; two loads
850-980 lb.' northern California
graasora 17.35-60; alralght and
lightly aorted; few medium 1150
lb. welghta $6.76; ahort load me
dium 887 lb. grassy heifers (7.00,
aorted 6 head (6.00; odd head
common to good beef cowa (4.50
6.60; low grade cowa acaro, fully
steady; low cuttera and cutters
Shoep 60, nominally atcady;
part deck common to medium 64
lb. early ehorn California lambs
86.25; good around 80 lb.- full
wooled I a i;i hs nuoted up, to 87.75;
medium-pelt slaughter ewea quot
ed mainly 33.25 down. Late Tues
day: two short decks cull to com
mon 65 lb. wooled lamba (8.60.
Wnahlngton Russnt Ilnrbanks, U.
8. No. 1, 31.60; Wisconsin Round
Whites, U. 8. No. 1, .90-1.00;
Michigan Russet Rurala, U, B. No.
1, 8100; North Dakota, Rllsi Tri
umphs, 00 por cont U. 8. No, 1,
f 1.30; Cobblers, U. 8. No. 1, $1.00
1.05; Early Ohlos. 85 to 90 per
cent U. 8. No. 1, $1.06-16; .Minne
sota Cobblers, 86 per cent U. 8.
No. 1 and better, .90.1.00; Early
Ohlos, 86 to 90 per cent U. 8, No.
1, 11.10-12).
Hoga 16,000, Including 6000 di
rect; open atrong to 10 higher;
Inter trade mostly steady with
Tuesday's avcraxo; top $8.25;
good and cholco 210-280 lbs.
$8.00-20; 180-200 lbs. $7.90-8.10;
160-170 lbs. 87.66-90; good 350
500 lb. packing aowa $7.40-66;
lighter weights $7.75-90; extreme
hoavlea $7.25-40.
Cattle 11.000. calves 1000; few
loads strictly prime medium
welghta and weighty steers steady;
three loads with weight sold early
at $13.60; practically nothing
done however on rank and file of
crop bulk of which grades good
to choice; bidding 25 or more
lower; common and - medium
grades ateady to.26 lower; weighty
klnde .off most; very, few light
yearllnga In crop; yearling trade
mainly atcady to 25 lower; me
dium to good grade' heifers and
mixed yearlings showing a de
cline; best yearling steers early
at $11.60; very large proportion
steer and yearling crop of xalue
to sell at $10.00 to $12.00.
Sheep 11.000, Including 5700 di
rect; late Tuesday fat lamba weak
to 26 lower; bulk 10-16 off; top
natives $9.00; bulk $8.76-85;
westerns $8.35-86; yearlings
$7.25-76; bulk $7.50-65; top
slaughter owes $3.76; today's
trade slow; undertone weak to 25
lower; talking $8.76-85 on na
tives; beat held higher; sheep
steady; native ewes $3.25-50
Potatoes 90, on track 287, total
U. S. shipments 687; Russet Bur
banks slightly weaker, demand
slow. Early Ohlos steady, firm un
dertone, demand fnlr, other va
rieties barely, steady, demand
slow; supplies moderato; sacked
per cwt. Idaho Russet Burbanks,
U. S. No. 1, $1.40-56; Colorado
Red McClures, U. S. No. 1. $1.76;
TER Prints! A grade 30)c lb.
In parchment wrappers, 3 lie lb.
In cartons; B grade 29)c lb. In
parchment wrappers, 20)c lb. In
BUTTERFAT Portland deliv
ery buying price: A grade 29-29c
lb. Portland delivery; H grade lie
lb. less; C grade 6c lb. less, coun
try delivery 27)c lb. for A grade.
EGGS Buying prices for
wholesalers: Specials 35c doz;
extras 33c doz.; standards 29c
doz,; extra medium, 28c dot,; ex
tra smull 21c doz.
CHEESE Oregon triplets 13c;
Oregon loaf 14c. Brokers will
pay )e below quotations.
price to retailers: Country-killed
hogs best butcher under 160 lbs.,
He lb.; vcalers 13c lb.; light and
thin 8-10c; heavy 8-9d; aprlng
Inmbs 13c; ewes 4-6c cutter cows
6)-7c lb.; canner cows 6-6)c lb.;
bulls 8)-9c lb.
prices: Leghorn broilers, 1) to 11
lbs., 16-17c lb; 2) lbs., 16c lb.;
colored springs 2 to 3) lbs., 17c
lb.; over 3) lbs. 17c lb; leghorn
hens over 3) lbs., 14c lb.; under
3) lbs., 12c lb.; colored hens to
5 lbs., 18c lb.; over 6 lbs., 18c lb.;
No. 2, grade 6c lb. leas.
TURKEYS Selling price:
dressed new crop hens 21-22c lb.;
toms 22-23C lb. Buying prices;
new hens 19c lb.; toms 20c lb.
POTATOES Yakima Gems
$1.00-1.10 cental; local $1.00;
Deschutes Gems $1.10-1.20 per
ONIONS Oregon, No. 1, 65c;
Yakima 4 0-50C per 50 lbs.
WOOL Willamette valley,
nominal; medium, 22-23c lb;
coarse and braids 22-23c lb.;
lambs and fall 20c lb.; eastern
Oregon 15-21 Jc lb.
HAY Selling price to retail
ers: Alfalfa, No. 1, $16.00 ton;
oat vetch $11.00 ton; clover $10
ton; timothy, eastern Oregon ......;
do valley, $14.00 ton, Portland.
A fair amount of business was be
ing transacted In Boston today on
fine territory wools and prices
were showing a strengthening ten
dency. Good French combing
lengths fine territory wools, - in
original bags, were bringing 66
to 68 cents, scoured basis. Ask
ing prices were being marked up
and offerings available at prices
within this range were becoming
restricted. Graded staple combing
lengths fine territory wool was
moving at 70 to 73 cents, scoured
"'kAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 26 (JPi
The Santa Clara Broncos. 35 of
them, leave today for Lansing,
Mich., and their game Saturday
with a strong Michigan State foot
hall team. Tbe .Michigan team
has lost only five games In 40
starts and employs the Notre
Dame system of football, the same
as Santa Clara.
Great Success! Doctor's
Formula For Ugly Surface
Here's REAL help for those unsightly
externally cawed skin flaws with power
fully soothing Zemo Ointment (a doctor's
marvelotu prescription for itching of
eczema, pimples, ringworm and .imil.r
annoying surface skin irritations).
Zemo contains highly effective Zina
Oxide, Subnitrate of Bismuth, Boracie
Acid plus SEVERAL OTHER very spe
cial insredients of great merit that's
why first applications quickly ease itch
ing soreness and help nature to pro
moio FAST healing. Clean, odorless,
flesh colored. Inexpensive. One trial
convinces! All drugstores.
After the Came !
The number of train accidents
on the railroads of the United
States In the first six months of
1938 was 41 per cent less than
In the corresponding period In
1937, according to reports from
the railroads lust received by the
bureau of rallyway economics of
the Association of American Rail
roads and made public Wednes
day. Taking casualties for all classes
of persons passengers, employes,
persons at blgbway railroad grade
crossings and trespassers the
number of fatalities In the first
half of 1938, compared with the
same period In the preceding
year, was reduced by 440 or 17.6
per cent, and the number of non
fatal Injuries was reduced by 6,-
211 or 28.8 per cent.
This Is the best general safety
record ever established by the
railroads for any similar period.
Casualties to trespassers on
railroad property declined from
1193 fatalities and 1222 non-fatal
injuries In the first half of
1937 to 1027 fatalities and 1149
non-fatal Injuries In the same
period this year, or a decrease of
$.9 per cent. This represents,
however, an Increase In tbe fre
quency rate of casualties to tres
passers since total train move
ments were reduced by a greater
per cent than the casualties.
When a group of Southern
Pacific employes started out
Tuesday to hunt deer the last
day of the season their hearts
were singing because they count
ed 17 of the beauties being
brought back to Klamath Falls
by passing motorists.
But apparently, the early bird
got the worm as no sign of deer
was seen by Tom Fante, train
master's clerk, Chief Clerk Ernie
G. Cbllders. Yardmaster H. E.
Huls and Yardmaster J. B. Fos
ter. The men went Into the Cotton
wood springs country and re
turned home the final hour of
the season without their kllL
A.' B. Colville. superintendent
of motive power for the Great
Northern, was a visitor In Klam
ath Falls Tuesday from head
quarters In Spokane.
offices In Spokane visiting with
Great Northern officials.
Tickets are available for tho
largest danc. to be sponsored In
the social history of tbe Klamath
Falls office of the Southern Pa
cific. The affair Is slated for
the night of December 9 In tbe
American Legion hall, and at
least 600 dancers are expected to
participate In the gala affair ac
cording to those In charge, As
sistant Chief Clerk Harvey Teal,
Crnw Dispatchers F. C. Bnchtel
and Kester Gandee and Train
master's Assistant Tom Fante. A
number of special features have
been planned and the committee
announced that Buddy Gray's or
chestra had been hired for the
Warren Cronon, stenographer
In the Great Northern offices,
returned to his duties Wednes
day morning after a vacation
trip which took him to San
Hasrr Sprague, Southern Pa
cific trainmaster. Is spending sev
eral days In Alturas on business
tor his road.
M. L. Jennings of Dunsmulr,
assistant superintendent of the
Southern Pacific, Is here for sev
eral days on business.
Ray Ruger. SP train clerk,
and E. R. Ramsey, yardmaster,
spent the last day of the deer
season In the Summers lake coun
try In Lake county. They report
ed no luck when they returned
to their posts Wednesday morning.
Gordon E. Baker, SP conduct
or, and M. L. Jennings of Duns
mulr, assistant superintendent,
bad a final fling at the deer
season In the Blalsdale district
V I',
men love varn
girls with rtr
If yoa m pappy ud foil of fan. bwo wfil
In rite you to daaces and pt-rtiaM.
BUT if yon are crotw, little and tfrad,
rsto won't b ntatfestad. Men ion't Uka
"quiet" prU. When they fo to partiM tbay
want drfc alone who ara fall of pap.
So in eaa yon need a rood raneral lyatan
tonic, nttktmbu for 8 fenerations ana
woman haa told another how to go "imllinc
thru" with Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vantaala
Co moo und. It bdna build no mora nnvwifal
reaUtanca and thoa aida in civic yoa mora
p and iajaena ajatfaaa iron lama mat
nal disordara.
You 11 find PfnVltamB ComrtamtS WPII.T.
of the Gearhart mountain coun
try, but Ilk. lot of other BP
hunters, they cam. horn, with
out a deer slung over the' fender
of th. ear.
Len McKlnnon, switchman, haa
boen borrowed from th. Wlllmar
division of the Great Northern
to assist in th. Klamath Fall,
division during th. temporary
fall rush.
Another borrowed helper In
the ON yards Is C. V. Rrotherton
of Seattle, fireman, who arrived
here this week to help out dur
ing full activity.
T. B. Hnagenson, fireman bor
rowed from th. Mlnot division,
Is checking In at the Klamath
Falls division headquarters for
time. . . ,
The cuckoo lays Its eggs la th
nests of other birds, and lt al
ways selects a nest belonging to
a bird which feeds Its young on
food suitable for young cuckoos.
New Style
Tourist Sleepers
from Portland
thru to Chicago
on th alg'Condltiontd
Empire Builder
You pay less for train
fare and berth when you
travel in a new-style,
luxury Tourist Sleeper.
Deep upholstered seats
restful bertha with
reading lights, fine large
dressing and smoking
. 50f;. Let us tell you more.
H. I. WAYNE, General Agent
Great Northern Station
Klamath Falls
S. J. Bowers, assistant super
intendent of telegraph, was here
Tuesday and Wednesday from his
V. Hosford, D.C,Ph.C.
Remember! Constipation Is a
scourge which shortens life.
It poisons your body robs yon
of vitality, deprives yoa of a
youthful personality and
speeds op old age.
There Is a logical way of over
coming this health depleting
malady. Let me talk to you
about it. '
Fear do longer Spinal adjust
ment is administered without
pain. One hour la devoted to
a pleasant, relaxing, vitalising
treatment which is combined
with the use of the various
modern modalities of electro
therapy. Consultation gladly given with
out charge. .
217 Stewart-Drew Bldg.. 71S Main St. Telephone 8344
;, ' u ' fit A if jfN
1 f- Y if. , ?!- I
aVtSfj Full Quart
JF 1 .85
If ..i3 jrt " i
Join The Swing To This
a UP goes the demand for Barclay's Gold
Label Bourbon as all America turns to
lighter-boditd whiskey! And with good reason,
too. For here's a bourbon that's made right
. . . and made light. It's full 90-proof . . . yet
delicate in flavor and aroma. You'd scarcely
believe that a whiskey selling at so modest a
price could be so smooth and mellow. But
don't take our word for it. Order Barclay's
Gold Label in your favorite cocktail or long
drink soon. See for yourself the difference
this Ught-boditd bourbon makes.