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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1938)
THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SERIAL STORY MURDER TO OAST OV tlllAIIAUTIOII XV It MA I) O III II ID V krrola. ot th nBHllHlll nluv IihiiiI lnittr, IIOIIIOMT TAIThorn, NftWS HUiiirr vMuftiirrniilivr .Iplrnllv. annio i.icnfcii nirnm'. ' at frlrnA. IIAMVIIQ ITI0I0I.HV ollni Isurfl t lnvHtlM lUdtfell lioHtti!'' murdr, Vilir1ri Tnlf lifalna to Mt arnNnlRH (III. lintid mtflrr bin imhii- rrBltlii nnd till liirmlir nM"'" u krlp liliu nnd Mrrnn la lh end. CHAPTER XV f DON'T want to muko any proinlwjs I ciin't keep," Tall told "Torchy" Stephens and tha band hi hod autherod Inildo hli apartment, "Bcforo Lud was killed ha wu riding for anothor kind of fall. Ho win paying your alarlci, oil right, but It wouldn't have boon long baforo you'd hava boon out of Jobs bocnuso Lud wasn't paying anybody olso. I'm going to try to hold olf tho wolves and gut llilntfs slinlKlilimed out, but don't depend on It. It's a Bumblo, and nothing mora. If thore'i anybody hero thnt doosn'l want to atlck It out, wo want to hoar from him now." "Torchy" spoka up. "I'm stick ing. Anybody hero want to slide?" Tho omulng illanco woa tho an ower, and Talt turned to "Torchy" Stephen. "Do you think Pnclflc Plaza will try to poka hole in our contract?" "I believe I can tulk them out of It If they do try It." Stephens aid. "Thero'a a scandal clause In tho contract Hint they might try to crawl out through but once I did a favor for Hosktns, tho man ager. I took over Izzy Plco'i band when Itzy got plastered on a night that Hosklns had advertised big." "Ooodl" Talt exclolmed. "Then you're tho fellow to talk to Hos klns but only If ho brings up the subject. I think the beat hunch would bo to keep showing up and doing your stuff, as If nothing had happened." "Sure," said Stephen!. "That's what wo'll do." "PHE next two weeks wers hoctlc ones for Bob Talt Ho ond Fecley spent days going over the Oombey papers, but trior was eonalderablo extraneous stuff and In the end Uiey did little more than establish what Harris Rogers bad told Talt In tho first place. Ludden Dombey hod been hcad-over-heols In debt. His past In cluded a number of oxpensivo young women. Ho'd faked his authorship ot "Tho Cat's Meow" and failed to make good, and he'd violated his oontract with tho pho nograph recording :ompany, which bad been a good source ot rev enue Feeley was frankly stymied, and mi loaning heavily on tho exist noa of tho musician who had written "The Cat's Moow." But he hadn't yet been able to find him, though tho city hod been combed and Feeley had wired his de scription to every concelvablo musicians' union In tho country. Leonard Maoy, the dilettante ond criminologist, bad been suspi ciously silent and this worried Feeley more than anything. Ho knew, for Instance, that Macy hod several times been in touch with tlnrkley, the prosocuting attorney. Tho newspapers, wenry of an ad ministration which used tho pollco department as a political football, were pressing Barkley hard. There wai more lowbreaking, mora crime than over, and whllo Feeley was guiltless ho was bound to bo painted with tho same brush ns the rest of tho department. Barkley wanted a conviction, Feeley knew, and Bnrkley didn't euro much who got convicted. What tho detective officer feared was that Mucy would spring some thing suddenly, and mnko tho po llco detectives n laughing stock. And Barkley would probably en courage him, slnco ho couldn't very well get a conviction until somobody was brought to book with sufficient evldcnco to Justify a trlnl for tho murder of Ludden Dombey. Tnlt, too, was pnlnfully nwnru of tho situation, but ho had never felt so utterly helpless. There was one bright' spot In tho outlook Tho Swingatccrs wero doing well, j FfLAPPER FANNY sT' mjSM- j IV. himil j i corn, tm by ma nvtct. inc. t. m. bco. u. t, pat. orF. 1 ' - " i n , ' 5 !l llllllll r l JIJLm jrmnjrrs to detect ALLSWEET in a taste : Wf - &GU &li3ylmG ! test with higher-priced spreads!" j ! , ' (ipSf-T I ' I? !4&JkZA Zhz r. icr-r-i I n.'.M.'i,!lt.U:U '" 2h W JsS5Sf I iXJifff YOU'VE SIMPLY GOtJ WHEN I DO. DELICTUS TnOBODV EVER 01TLX THIS MONTH. .Z ?u?ir lg 1 U mh ' i HnM ff ft f'Airmrrine would have to be miraculously good to fool a, j.. Jt'fMtljf Cf authorities. There's evidence that your family will enjoy this Jilitu' 4 ll G)6 J "! : T-- Q'JyMi l MpW4Udfa IldTSr'rT'l spread! And how Allsweet will help the food budget! (MW7 J9 T AMJIWV AJr U -iLUlii I 1 1 1 U vMJS000' I f TljbIMP Taste Allsweet on hot vegetables, toast, hot cakes. Use it in f -aklltH IK lTTnUkWltS. ; "Imagine Riving a birthday party at her agot" "Maybe it's to celebrate the tenth anniversary twenty-first." f twenty-first." ' i "V V ' MUSIC COPYRiaHTi !! NKA INVICCi INC BY NARD JONES Under "Torchy" Stophens they wore as popular as over, and noth ing was hinted that tho Pacific Plaza would try to oraak tho con tract. As tho now manager, Talt had contacted tho majority of more Important creditors and con vinced a share of thorn that they still had a chunco to get their monoy. A few nights of pencil scratching told him thnt If Mont gomery would glvo Tho Swlngu teors ii cliimco to make some moro records, even without Lud Dom bey, ho could got tho corporation on an oven keel again. Then Myrna could do os she liked, She could stay .with tho ship, or she could leave It free of Domboy'f debts. o rpiMI! and again Talt found hlm- self hotlng Domboy for the moss he'd mndo for Myrna. But then, ho told himself, Ludden Domboy hadn't figured on being murdered. Gruduully Talt discov ered that It wasn't tho debts so much which angered him, whoro Myrna was concerned, as It was the Immediate past In Dombey'i private life, Talt kept feeling that Lud Dombey had been a rotter to weep Myrna off her feet without a chance to look at that past Often, as Bob Talt sat figuring over tho Domboy books, ho'd be disturbed by the face of Myrna Myrna's eyes or her moving lips, getting between him and tho sheet of paper. Perhaps Leonard Macy was right, and ho hod fallen In love with her without knowing It. In tho days following his talk with 'Torchy" and tho band, Talt consciously stayed away from Myrna except when ho had to dis cuss business with her. And ho began to resent it a llttlo when she would mention Ludden Dom bey In a quocr, reserved tone as though she ond Lud had held a secret she would shore with no one elso. Heavy on Talt's mind had been tho fact that Leonard Macy owned a piece of tho bond. Tho records showed thnt ho had paid a $1000 for It, probably took It at a time when Lud Dombey needed money badly and had appealed to Macy whom he knew. And on the third week of Tho Swingatccrs pro grams under "Torchy" Stephens ho called tho bond together and asked them to take a temporary cut so thnt ho could mnko on offer to buy back Macy's Interest for what he paid for it. Ho told them why and every one of them agreed that under the circum stances Macy should be out TPAIT took tho certified check to - Mocy's apartment that night "Bands aren't In your line, Mr. Macy, and I thought you'd be glad to get your money back. I sup poso it was merely in the nature of a loan to Dombey." Talt didn't care for Mocy's smile. "On the contrary, Talt I'm Interested In a number of things. Why not a band? I'm per fectly content to retain my sharo of The Swlngatcers, Incorporat ed." "What would make you change your mind?" "You mean what would I con sider a fair return on my invest ment? Well you seem to bo doing very well with tho outfit, Talt Suppose we said $9000?" "But that's absurd! Dombey owes at least " "It was only a suggestion In an swer to your question," Macy In terrupted. "Wo con let matters stand. I'm not In tho leost wor ried about my $1000." But Tnlt was. As ho left Macy's vinrtmont he wos plenty worried. Plainly,, tho man wonted a share in -ho band nnd he must have a reason for wanting It Could It be so that ho could maneuver Myrna into a hole? (To Be Continued) MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE Pant MEB6 ...AND THEY'RE BRItOOIMO THE &IRL5 wrrM'EM COMB 'THE SPI DER" AUD BEW SOU OUT Of THE VILLA. WOW - L-TW Pi I LUC J I LUCK LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE C GEE. n-6 BEEN LESS'N THREE WEEKS 6INCEER THAT NIGHT ftNO ALL AND SINCE l GUE8G GUDQE DIS'PEARED- tT6 BUY ALREACf MOST (USUALLY FOLK8 SEEM TO f THAT HAVE FORGOTTEN- WAV. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS UAS CCHJlW CCh-Mul BCUIMn. THB PICTURE LOOKS NWVM I WHAT PLAY two call, ip tou wene IN IHcRC f f j WASH TUBBS IT3rE IA0ST UM6CRUPUL0US B06UE OM TH SEVJEN SEAS UWAS FOOHO WS CAL.1N6. ONLV A SWALL TILAE PIRATE AVID RUIA RUWWEB.TrtE VICIOUS BULL DAMSOM MOW SUS TEKOS IV110 Trie okAMcT BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES r i' -;y.rL'Tfrjr ' '0dfiT7r' "t: j , JeuT..-oi ,avv I I.. m'ltses& -Twea. we. 6otb- awvo-T 1 1W STIOVI IS 9ACKW1 VAV.S XlT PW U t bOSY StkSd foOS tS'' 6TOOO 4 UWE TOR MORS WRW fC . J- OME MORE, J YutosSlLffS TOOCHOOWW H v TOWV S F006AV.. MAO hP 1 SLi I . f-JL- SSLcam m XmmW ' XbQZr . ftiV ftO ws6wf -. sr 1 4v?lavo I fjstjjBjBa.r": ; II UlIiU44iJ f cooking, baking. Discover how you can save money by using tn"- w l v'aSg? ' , . I Ci. " this pure, wholesome, all-American product! Get a pound. XwlS. y-Kn 01 jier I I i v rf Hflir.iniitt Allswppf. t.hiu vprv rlav at vnur fnorl rlpalRr'a.. wnrvwM -rflaVi.rnmiwA- "6f -THERE'S THE PLAUE.. BUT I ONLY SEE TWO OP OUK BOyS T TUKV CALMLY AND IN THEIR TRUE PROPORTIONS- DFFEREMT' WOULD To THE RIGHT HEARTS M PAVIAZUELA. WAIT SOMETHIW' KaaV 1 irVltl in rr JFEESHV BOUT - lTHEESj BEKJ50U) THE GREW HEALER - TIME ! TIME NOT TO FOEfiET SO MUCH AS TO SEE THINGS THATfe F Sure, Bur A LOOK WHERE PASS PLAY WITH YOU THROWINQ THOSe DE - I PENSIVE BACKS ARE PtAYINC THer D BB IT SUCKERS FOR 'A LONS PASS JjULV T6 TEAR OF DAWSON HAS 'PREVENTED A REVOLUTION, i SHABP AS MAILS V ( AVIO TWICE AS HARO, V TWKSWE. J ( ALU BICHT. PUT X.YA UP, ' , I BACK KEEP 1 VOU TWO - THE fiAME'S I " V- TH' TXAME IM I I FIUISHED... VOU'RE IkJ J) V - I FRONT OP r I U.S. TERRITOaV r S t J JACK! J 1 VOU 1 " J V MOW j HQ-' -ya YES- ITS EASY FOR ALL OP US TO FORGET SOME THINGS- BEST IP WE CAN FORGET THE THINGS THAT HAVE HURT OS- SOME THINGS WE MEVfc FORGET, ANNIE S' But ip you called a pass play, it WOULONT SIVS YOU A CHANCE TO CARRY THE BALL. PERSONALLY AND REMEMBER. YOUR. YARDAGE FeTUD WITH DUD . T THB WANeSLC MAIN IDEA IS TRY AND WW TUe QAME' , NkAMV POLITICAL EUEIAIE4 - I Ow -'-fn VV, V361 W'J C EASY. AM I BEEM ORDERED I J-W ff tO KEEP THEM . t f t-T Trr x v M loowin' swabs '' i AJk. 1 sNN5Lk 5; A FROVA SEEIN' . BY I BUT AND BEEN we no THINK VJ MEVER. MIND Y NOW SET fN THERE AND O ABOUT MY I SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO L YARDASE wrW OUR SIDE OP THS , JyW rt-,-SCOREBQARP .VUUO na.OPPa.e m unvr uu-.utiu THOMPSON AND COLL' I WAS AFRAID OP THAT THEY'RS OOIUS TO 7RV AND REACH THEIR PLAK1E BACK OP THB VILLA AMD I OOW'T I urntruB BY HAROLD GRAY I-- n All rt I THMS TUIMC.C UKI SHOULD NEVER FORGET, ANNIE, ARE THE TIMES WP Httff RFRM UADCK... T voo 1 I SAID fl I A HEAP M I THAT U I TIME. U THOSE WHO HAVE GOOD TO US- BUT rur should TRY a 1 1MB, y O U30K AHEAD. I y ROM! NO BY BLOSSER BY CRANB BY MARTIN T BACK- I I VI rlS IM3ST HATED EVIEmESJ