f HE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGR FTVK Public Construction Projects Loom in District October 22, 1938 E RPASS Oil RGHEDU IE EARLY START I'ulilla construction project are onmliiK ii prominently In Kluin ath cuuiity nl llilH tlmo, promls 1 11 K la tiiku up iiiiu'Ii of lh nunon al h lark In Ii II II l I II k development. Tha 160,01)0 Main I root un fttrpass looms as I he major eiilor prv, but thoro nro several others of Importance. lllils on Hie undnrcrouliig will bo opened by ilia tula hlKliwny commission ill cSulum on Novum bnr It or 17. It ail acceptable bid Ii received at that time, It Ii presumed tha conlraotor will ac tually get work underway by the nd of l ha month. This bin Job will not only afford coualdaruhlo employment but It will lo luvolva tha uso of large quanililos of uiatiirlala. Another city project looming on tba hoi lion l Iho Usplanade un derpass wldoulng and deepening. This 'Job will coat about lll.oou, Willi lliu J'WA providing 45 par cant of Iho total. It la not certain how eoou It will ot underway, but city officiate are now hurry ing through au ordinance required by l'WA and II la likoly Esplanade wldnnlug will alarl within a few 'wtuka. 1 lu November Iho county achool district lll opi'U blda ou four units of Ita I273.U0U building pro gram. Those unlla will coil In the neighborhood of f3,0u. Work at Mullii, Morrill, llonan la and r'airliavcu la Included lu the (it at couiracl lolling. Thla ehould roaull lu a considerable prcad of euiployiuuut. The city alo baa a couple of email chlorluatlon plant consiruc tlon pruji'cta coming up In the Hour lulure. 11 la presumed that WTA cou Iructloii Joba will continue tbrougb Iho fall and wlntor, and will be expanded when and If needed lo lake up private unemployment. All fountain eado half price. pens, pencils llaiik Drug. The Certigrade Snowhite I u": 11 flIOt . I Lll?iN.?.S0CM yiT 1 j The slory of Iho home plan of fered thla week by Western Hnmua Foundation again em phsilses the all-around merits of Iho 1938 email home, for It la the alory of plan which provides for the features nf comfortable living with such economy as 10 enttlo once and for all the Indecision of Ihoao who walrer between a small home and in apartment. In fact, thla la exactly what the plan did for a bride and groom In Kugene, Oregon. A study of tha plan convinced litem that hare was a horns design much more llvablo than any nparlmont I hoy could afford. Investigation con- Autumn Is The Time . , to.,-.' - GET READY For WINTER We Can Help You With Plans, end Sup ply You With Quality Materials That Will Bring You Letting Satisfaction. Ask Us For EVERYTHING In the Building And Remodeling Lines Home Lumber & Supply Co. S. 6th Phone 227 MtYWfZA'iT&Y tilt . HOME IDEA BOOK wiu show rou HOW THIS TO TOUH HOME. BOOK I If TO DO 1 E. TOO I vnT Than vau win wont a 'J t -topy of thla beautiful book;. ; helpful, it contain pn ortf.;"'l fM90itloni fttr1 room iarrangamanta-r-lntal'kir-. Ing hotiiex and floor plan. Thoro.aro S6 pogo,"jro-',;1 ; fu)ly lllwstraMtl kjt'!':!wt 3? p mm AfTt Waettrd batemeBt srpact tntuh formed with Johni-MinvllU la ttiUtfflg Board Pantile Ktiiljr applied. Low la coat. KLAMATH BUILDING GUILD Headquarters at BIG BASIN LUMBER CO. Main and Spring Phona 107 iviain ana spring rnonaj iv MMt corning the monthly payments re quired proved something even more Important the payments were low enough to permit pur chase of the added comfort fea tures of an apartment without ex ceeding their modest budget. And so for "less than rent" another young couple of limited means Is enjoying the convenience of an automatic alr-condltloned beating system, an electric refrigerator, water healer and range, not In Just another rented apartment but In homo of their own. In addition to economy and comfort, anothor vlrtuo of the Certigrade gnowhlle la Ha almpll city and practicability. The llv Ing-room, approximately In the center of the plan, la of ample proportions, well lighted and with onoUKh unurokon wall space to pormlt convenient and artistic r ratigement of furniture. To the loft la the bedroom with an at' tractive corner window. Adjoin ing at the rear la the bathroom. To tho right of tbs living-room la the compact, well-arranged kitchen with corner window bal ancing that of the bedroom and with convenient exit to the garage which adjoins. Opening off the kitchen nt the rear la the utility room, providing space for laun dry trays and water heater. The central 'ocatlon of the heating unit In a corner of the utility room but with opening Into the living room makos possible eco nomical hunting. Just as Ihe Certigrade Sno whlle Is convenient and comfort able Inside, It la artistically satis fying outside, with simplicity of lines and of decoration giving It Ihe dignity bt a much larger house. With a FHA Title 1. Clasa 3, New Construction Loan, the Certi grade Snowhlte may be built for 11892, payment being approxi mately 121.00 per month for term of seven years, the longest nllowablo on this type of loan. No down payment la required by FHA. IB G CLAIM S PRICE 10 RISE CHKMflO, Oct. 22 The Amer ican family Is again at one of those periodic points In It ex istence when building home now Instead of six months from now Is practically certain to mean saving money and getting a ploce of property more likely to In crease In value than to decrease. Thla Is the conclusion drawn by the home building and borne owning committee of tbe United States Building and Loan league from Its atudy of the recent be havior of the wholesale building material price Index. Clarence T. Rice, Kansas City, Kas., chairman of tb league's commlttoe, polnta out that the last time that this particular op portunity knocked was In the spring of li3 when available home financing funds were at a low ebb, whereaa, today savings, building' and loan associations have at leaat 11,000,000,000 available to be loaned to home owners the last quarter of this year. This particular opportunity rep resents the point when tbe cost of materials going Into a home baa Just turned upward after a long decline, but has not yet bad time lo climb back to the point wbero It la apt to be when normal busi ness la resumed. Until the turn up has begun tbe period cannot be said to be over-ripe for bargain home building because there la al ways the likelihood lhat prices may be down a little further, once the decline la under way, Klce point out. Tbe 11-month decline In mater ial cost which started In May, 1937, came to an end thla August, and one point of the ground lost during that recession baa already been regained, so that the whole sale building material prices are now 89. per cent of the 192t level. Tbe Index, however, la still 8 per cent off from where It was when the decline started. WALLS STAY FIRE Nothing More Satisfying Than Fixing Up Home, Particularly In Advance of Winter s Blasts Hostess vMevii i ii.us,i ia na Concrete brick walls of tbe Montgomery Ward company ware house, which went up In flames Thursday evening, saved sur rounding buildings from damage and mad the work of tbe Klam ath Falls fire department easier, according to F. R. Hamblet, man ager of the Klamath Concrete , ripe company. Hamblet said the wall were ! constructed about ten year ago by hi company. They withstood the tremendous beat of the fire, and confined the flames complete-, ly within tbe warehouse building. He said that Frank Loosley of I the Fall Iron Work, located next door to tbe warehouse and built close beside It, was enthusiastic In his praise of the concrete brick walls of the warehouse. Shortly after the fir reached Us height, he stated, Loosley felt the metal wall of hla building and found that It wasn't even warm. Mt. Lakl Indies Aid The Mt Lakl Ladies Aid will meet Wed nesday at I p. m., at tbe home I of Mr. Ira Orem. Miss Clara Zlegler will officiate as hostess Sunday at the new demonstration borne being shown to tbe public In Altamont. PUBLIG irJVITEDTO VIEW HOUSE SUNDAY Bo that everyone may see the actual Incorporation of Volcallte blocka In tbe building of a home, an open house la being held Sun day at the new demonstration borne In Altamont, by M. L. John' son. This house, according to John son, Is a new step forward toward modern home ownership at mod erate construction cost. It was financed and built through the cooperation of tbe Equitable Sav ings and Loan association, wbose Klamath Falls agents are Cbllcote and Smith. Besides Its Volcallte block con struction, the bouse features mod ern design and workmanship. Building materials were furnished by swan Lake Moulding company. Tbe new Volcallte blocks, made of Glass Mountain pumice, were manufactured by the Klamath Concrete Pipe company. At Sunday' open bouse, Miss Clara - Zlegler, member of tbe M. L. Johnson office staff, will officiate aa hostess. She will be able to answer any questions con cerning the demonstration home. October passes. The bright leavea fall, mornings are sharp with froat or chill with fog, the furnace Is on a 24-hour shift, tb fattening of turkeys haa begun, and small children are already be ing good for Christmas. Home Is never sweeter than In autumn weather. And there I no time like autumn to make the home ready for colder winter night and days. The father of the house, going through the family dwelling with a practical eye, can calculate the cost of waated heat from poor insulation and otber causes, and tbe added values be can create with a few dollars' worth of lumber and labor and the use of his own spare time. The mother of the bouse can now see bow colder and windier weather may affect the health of tbe chil dren, unless the bouse 1 "tight ened up," and bow the borne may be made more comfortable, and convenient and beautiful, too, for all tbe family. "Such remodeling can atlll be financed under Title I of the Na tional Housing Act," said W. C. Dell, chairman of Western Homes Foundation. "This Is by far tbe best financing service ever offer ed home owner for Improvement of their dwellings. Now Is the time to take advantage of It, for Title I expire by statute July 1, 1939. Also, remodeling done now, in the way of over-roofing, over- watllng, aheathlng of attic and basements, will save enough In fuel bills during the winter to take care of much of tbe cost of sn FHA loan. It may also save medioal bills, by protecting the family from colds and otber 111 largely, caused by drafty, badly heated and poorly alr-condltloned dwellings. "It Is surprising how much re modeling work any . home owner who la at all handy with wood working toola can do himself, In spare time," Bell continued. "The only danger la that once a man start It, he may find It hard to stop. This Is absolutely true in my own case. Some years ago I set up little carpenter shop In my basement, for a rough home remodeling job. This has devel oped Into a complete woodwork ing shop, where my two sons spend most of their apart aour. "The fact Is, there I nothing mora satisfying thin fixing up your own horn. The work re mains a pleasure to you, aside from It service, because It la your own. For tbe average family It be comes more fun than work. There I no better medium for keeping alive the American tradition at handicraft than the horn work shop. For tb restless boy there 1 no better Christmas gift than a set of carpenter tool, with the promise of a power saw for tho future. "For all but the simplest re modeling job, akllled labor should, of course, be employed," Bell concluded. "Good carpenter can easily streamline an old Ifodel . T bouse, adding greatly to Ita sale or rental value, by a beautl- I fled and modernised exterior." Service and Safety The New Demonstration Home Wai Financed By An Equitable Loan Ask Us About the Equitable Plan Chilcote & Smith 116 N. 9th Phone 66 When You Visit The Beautiful New M. L. JOHNSON DEMONSTRATION HOME You Will Be Looking at Quality Materials Furnished By SWAN LAKE MOULDING CO. Specialists in Fine Lumber and Millwork rf You Do Not Buy Thl Attractive Homo. Lot Us Help You 1 Build YoUr Own "Demonstration Homo" &bthttecfy AGEEE Volcolite Blocks andk n v Are the Most Sensational Development In the Building Material Field During the Last Ten Years. A product of the Klamath Basin, VOLCALITE, as manufactured by tha Klamath Concrete Pipe Company, , is beautiful, durable, fir resistant, and yet moderately priced. Klamath Concrete Pipe Company F. R. Hamblet, Mgr. 'fc. You Are Invited To An OPEN HOUSE of the New Demonstration Home in Altamont Sunday, Oct. 23 Illustrating Klamath's Most Modern Building Material VOLCALITE BLOCKS Made From Glass Mountain Pumice A Demonstration of Modern Materials and Plans in an Up-to-date Home of Moderate Cost To Reach the Home Go South on Altamont Drive to Second Ave., South of the Highway Shops. Then go East (or Left) one block, then South (or Right) eight lot to house. Watch for th signs. Outstanding Features Of this new demonstration homo are tho mod ernity of the materials, including tho sensa tional Volcalite blocks which are warm In win ter, cool in summer, and exceptionally heat re sistant to give you the advantage of low in surance cost. This Modern 5-Room Home Is For Sale at a Remarkably Low Price by M. L. JOHNSON Real Estate and Insurance H. W. Tillis, Salesman Real Estate Dept. 1 3 Years at 406 Main St. Phone 2161' 80S Market Phono S82