October 22, 1938 PAGE TEN THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FOUR SOUGHT BY POLICE IN 2 ROBBERIES Police wore on the lookout for four men said to have been III' volred In two robberlea, one of which took place early rlday evening and the other early Sat urday morning. Wyatt L. H a r r 1 a of Shaw'a camp at Tloneeta, Calif., walked Into the police atatlon at 4:38 a. m. Saturday and told otflcora that he had been robbed. Ac cording to Harrla' atory he caahed a check at a pool hall about 12:46 a. m. Saturday and alarted to walk down South Sixth atreet. He waa aware that a man had followed him from Main atreet, be aaid. A car auddenly pulled up to the curb In front of the Night Hawk cafe, according to Harris, and at the mine lime the man following him stuck a gun In his ribs, ordering him into the car. The two men drove Harris to ward Algoma, removed JS6 In (10 and $1 bills from his per son and told him to get out of the car soma miles norlh of the city. The car continued north. according to Harris, who was forced to walk back to Klamath Falls, arriving here at 4:30 a.m. Alfred Keaton, Shasta Indian, told police that two white men hit him over the head with a bottle and when he came to he waa covered with blood from head to foot. The altercation took place In a Klamath Falls hotel. According to Keaton he gave the men (1 to buy a bottle of wine for him. They returned and after Keaton drank the wine, they robbed him of $16. The ' two were said to have been pick ing potatoes near Merrill. Keaton told officers that he Is not a ward of the government but is not permitted to buy liquor here. The Indian received cuts about the head. E Robert Graham, whose name Is on the general election ballot as an independent candidate for con stable, has withdrawn from the race. He said his appointment as cir cuit court bailiff dictated his de cision. "I wish to take this opportun tty of thanking my numerous friends and acquaintances for the assistance and support they have given me and for their pledge of support during the coming cam paign," said Graham. "I respect fully advise them I am not a can didate and request they cast their ballots for one of the several can didates for the office In accord ance with their personal opinion and judgment." Court House Records (Friday) Complaints Filed State Industrial Accident com mission versus Walter Pomroy, Plaintiff seeks judgment on sum of 125.94 alleged owing nnder workmen's compensation act, to gether with interest. Lester A. Stark, attorney for plaintiff. State Industrial Accident com mission versus James J. Thomas. Plaintiff seeks judgment on sum of $56.22 alleged owing under workmen s compensation act, to gether with Interest. Lester A. Stark, attorney for plaintiff. Divorce Decrees Edith V. Woods versus Daniel H. Woods. Decree hy default. Plaintiff awarded custody of one minor child, defendant awarded custody of two minor children. Hannah Ellen Fulkerson ver sub Orva L. Fulkerson. Decree by default. Plaintiff awarded cus tody of a minor child and $26 per , month for Its support. Marriage Application K1TTO - VARNEY. Charles W. Kltto, 35, railroad employe, na tive of California, resident of Dor ris. Edith M. Varney, 34, cook, native of Oregon, resident of Dor ris. Three - day requirement waived. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY l FOR SALE Economy King sep ; arator, 800 lb. capacity. H. I. 1 Stingley, Rt. 3, Box 204. 10-25 FOR SALE Duro therm oil cir culating heater for three rooms. Apply Cascade, apartment 303. 10-22 2-ROOM furnished apt., also light housekeeping room and sleep ing room. 216 Main. 10-25 3-ROOM furnished apt., modern. Adults, no petB. 804 Lincoln. 10-25 FOR RENT Furnished apart ment. 444 Riverside. Alaska? Orient? Europe? Hawaii? Rates, Sailings, Passport Info. Agent for all steamship lines. PETE J. LESMEISTER Phone 1400 Phone 76 Wl Great Northern By. TRAVELING? OUR BOARDING HOUSE MB TAKE BO 1OR THIS GLASS EYE? NUP SOU CAN'T TOOL MB ON 3LAS EVES--TMIS OWB HAS TH COLORING of a wop.k op ai.t- - x'll. tell, vou what x'll. do, amos"- be CAUSE YOU'RE ArY OWN BROTHER , X'LL LET YOU HAVE IT POR- A .HUNDRED DOLLARS HE'LL THINK THERE'S tOO PROFIT FOR HIM ON TH' ZOO REWARD "OUE EYE' OFFERED HIM I co. less ev city briefs Vas Isaiaar The Vasa Sew ing club will hold Its annual bazaar Saturday, November 5, at the IOOF hall. Dinner will be served, featuring Swedish meat balls, etc. Fancy work will be on sale. The usual bazaar en tertainment Is planned, and for those who prefer, music and dancing can be enjoyed. Mem bers and friends are cordially In vited, officers said. The bazaar will open at 6 p. m. Masons Meet Klamath lodge No. 77, A. F. & A. M.. will hold its stated communication Mon day, October 24, at 8 p. m. This is Chiloquln night, and plans are being made for a large attendance. Special entertainment will be furnished by the dramatics de partment of the Klamath Union high school under the direction of Mrs. B. B. Blomqulst starting at 8:15. All brethren are cordially invited. Geta Grange Degree Norton Taylor of Klamath Falls, sopho more In agriculture at OSC has received a degree conferred on him hy the Oregon State college grange, an organization of chosen college students who meet with the purpose of creating more In terest In school activities and of becoming acquainted with more people. Membership to the Oregon state grange is granted to those young people who are considered outstanding persons and worthy of the honor. Visits Husband Mrs A. J. Williams of 1401 East Main street, left Wednesday evening for San Francisco, where she will visit her husband, who Is a pa tient In the Southern Pacific gen eral hospital undergoing medical treatment. : To Portland Mrs. H. C. Brown, 918 Owens street, left Friday morning for Portland, where she will spend several days on a combined business and pleasure trip. FUNERAL NOTICE ELIZABETH ETHELYN STEARNS Funeral services for little Eliz abeth Ethelyn Stearns, who passed away in this city Thurs day, October 20, 1938, were held in Bend, Ore., Saturday, October 22, 1938, at 2 p. m. with com mitment services and Interment in family plot there. Arrange ments were under the direction of the ' Earl Whitlock Funeral Home of this city. Weather By 17. S. Weather Bureau NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Fair Saturday night and Sunday with local morning fogs on the coast; little change In tempera ture; gentle northwest wind off coast. OREGON Fair Saturday night and Sunday but considerable fog in west portion; little change in temperature; gentle southeast wind off coast. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 22 CP) Weather outlook for far western states Oct. 24-29, Inclusive: In creasing cloudiness with rain lat ter part of week; temperature normal or slightly above normal. Leonard V. Hosford, D.C,Ph.Ctw CHIROPRACTOR COLON THERAPY Remember! ' Constipation Is a scourge which shortens life. It poisons your body robs you of vitality, deprives yon of a youthful personality and Speeds np old age. There Is a logical way of over coming this health depleting malady. Let , me talk to you about It. ' COMPLETE X-RAY FACILITIES 817 Stewart-Draw Wilg.. TiB Main Bt. VOU DARE DEMAND 00 TOR THE RETURN OF AN OB3ECT THAT POESNT EjELONQ TO YOU FuPp: YOU KNAVE, THAT'S BLACKMAIL WAEe-l?(.IMPH5 BUT RATHER THAN THAT AAV 5COP FRIENC? LOSE HIS cSLAQS EYE X'ULPAYTHE RANSOM TO GAIN POSSESSIOM OF IT r iS IILQCAL MAN INJURED BY HIT- John Cunningham, 59, Klamath Falls contractor who gave his ad dress as 325 South Ninth street, reported to city police Saturday that he was injured by a hit and run driver early Saturday morn ing as he started to get out of his car. According to Cunningham, he had stopped his car in front of the Great Northern depot and was about to step out when a second car, driving at a fast rate of speed, crashed into his machine. Cun ningham suffered concussion of the brain and bruises. He did not regain consciousness for several hours after he was removed to his home. Police are of the opinion that occupants of the hit-run machine were the same that held up Wy att L. Harris of Tionesta in front of the Night Hawk cafe as the ac cident occurred at virtually the same time Harris was robbed. AUTO PILFERERS Numerous reports have reached the desk of the Klamath Falls po lice sergeant in the past few days, notifying officers that marauders have pilfered machines parked In both the business and residential districts. Dr. R. W. Oldenburg, 1228 Pa cific Terrace, told police that while his car was parked in the rear of his home that the ventila tor waa jimmied and thieves were able to remove a red and white plaid hunting coat. Last week Dr. Oldenburg reported the theft of a gun from his car. Fred Ferrenburg, Salem resi dent who spent the past week hunting here, told police that a brown suitcase containing person al property, a green stag hunting shirt and an Indian blanket was stolen from his car while it was parked on Main atreet Friday. G. O'Brien, 537 High street, re ported the theft of a trench coat from bis car while it was parked in front of his borne Friday morn ing. FORDHAM POSTS 26-0 VICTORY AGAINST OREGON - (Continued From Page One) the score still Fordham T, Ore gon 0. Third Period Fordham made another sally into enemy territory, getting first down on the Oregon 46 after an exchange of punts. Kazlo whip ped a cross-over pass to Fortunato on the 22, and Kazlo turned the Oregon left side for first down on the 9. The Webfoot line stiffen ed, and Stanton's try for a field goal was blocked by Yerby, Ore gon end. The ball bounced back into Fortunato's arms, and be car ried it to the Oregon 13, where the Webfoots took the ball on downs. Fordham came back after re turning the Oregon punt to mid field, got a first down on the 39 as Holovak picked up 12 on a deep reverse, then got another CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS Fear no longer Spinal adjust ment Is administered without pain. One hour Is devoted to a pleasant, relaxing, vitalizing treatment which Is combined with the use of the various modern modalities of electro therapy. Consultation gladly given with out charge. Telephone 8244 With MAJOR HOOPLE STAY YOUR HAUD, MAJOR B15FORB THAT I OO WEIGHS ANCHOR FOR ANOTHER FORT, X kNOW WHERE THERE'S SOMB SECOND-HAND SOLD BRICKS THAT YOU CAN BUY CHEAP nn - , LruEte BEEN HOOKED MORE TIMES -THAW GRANDMA'S WEDDINS DRESSH - l on the 18 as Ilearn waa roughed ; up by the Oregon secomlnry and i the visitors wore penalized 15 I yards. This time a fourth down frordhnm puss was knocked down by Gobhardt In the end zone, and It was the Webfoots' ball on their 20. They kicked out, and with Eshmont sparking the Fordham drive, the Rnms went 35 yards to the Oregon 29 as the period end ed with the score still Fordham 7, Oregon 0. Fourth Period Two drives at the tackles by Eshmont mado it fourth and 1 to go. Kshmont faded back and Holovak took the ball to the Ore gon 5. Principe hit a stone wall In one shot at the line, and then Holovak spun, faked, half-spun and this time fed the ball to Ksh mont, who ran wide around left end for the touchdown. Stanton's try for the extra point was wide. After the Fordham klckoff and an Oregon punt, Eshmont, after a 5-yard gain, was stopped by three Oregon tacklers when Jacobson. Oregon center, came piling on the heap. Oregon was penalized 16 yards for unnecessary roughness, and the Fordham sophomore star was carried off the field with a badly twisted knee. Two passes and a pass Inter ference penalty brought the Rams from their 49 to a 'Irst down on the visitors' 3. An offside pen alty moved It to the 1, from where Principe walked for the touchdown. Kazlo missed the kick. Kazlo Intercepted a pass and returned to Oregon's 30. The Rams scored In three plays, with Hearn going over from the 13 on a double lateral from Friedgen and Krywicki. Kazlo made the extra PQint kick from placement this time, and the game ended with the score Fordham 26, Ore gon 0. Grange Dance Summers School Sat., Oct 22 Good Music -:- Good Floor Public Invited Admission OOc GREYHOUND AWIOUIICES (Effective Oct. 22, 1938) NEW SERVICE To MEDFORD, EUGENE PORTLAND Leave KLAMATH FALLS 7:00 A.M. 6:10 P.M. Ar. Medford 9:30 a.m. 8:40 p.m. Ar. Eugene 3:25 p.m. 2:35 a.m. Ar. Portland 7:52 p.m. 6:35 a.m. This is in addition to existing . service. To CALIFORNIA POINTS via Weed Leave KLAMATH FALLS 7:10 p. m. via Ashland Leave KLAMATH FALLS 7:00 a. m. DEPOT: 8.10 Klamath Avenne Phone 0U H:l.!l.li:i't Stock Market Quotations IVJKW YORK, Oct. il (AP) ' Alrcrafta pointed the way to a brisk but selective upswing In today's stock market and lenders, ut the best, scored gnlna running to three or more points. The bulge tempted profit tak ers, however, and top marks ware reduced In many cases near the close. Numerous now recov ery peaks wore touched 1 it the first hour's advance. Tho ticker tape got behind for a while, nud transfers wore In the neighbor hood of 1,300,000 shares. Steels were next to the sir plane group In popularity. Mo tors followed more leisurely. A few rails and rubbera nttrnctoil followlugs. Utilities held to a somewhat restricted range, Optimism seemed to have re ceived fresh stimulation by the action of Douglas Aircraft di rectors, after yesterday's - close, In voting a 3 dividend, the first since September, 1936, when 76 cents waa declared. The com pany also announced nine months' not earnings of 13.19 a share, tho best In Its history, against $1.49 In the comparable 1937 mouths. Closing quotations: Admits Express 12 1 Air Reduction 64) Alaska Juneau g Al C'hem & Dye 194 Alllod Stores 13 American Can ltHi Am Kng Tile ...' 6 Am For Power 4 1 Am Power & Light .... . 6 Am Hud .Sta San 18 J Am Roll Mills liis Am Smelt & Ref 55 i Am Tel & Tel 148J Am Tob "B" t)uj Am Water Works HI Am Zinc L & S 8 Anucondu 401 Armour 111 ... 6J Atchison 39a Auburn Auto - 4J Barnsdall j; Bait & Ohio S Bendlx Avla - HJ Beth Steel 67 Hoeing Alrp 38 Borden i7j Borgo-Warner 3ii Budd Mfg 64 Callahan Z L 2 Calumet llec . 9 Canadian Pacific 61 Case (J. I.) 951 Cat Tractor 5 4) Celanese 231 your chance to find out that RtiCTKDC COOCCONG iy costs on A new opportunity to modernize your kitchen at a big saving . . . Here " is a fully automatic electric range of standard capac ity in gleaming porcelain enamel . . . priced at $6&50 . . . fully installed in your home. NEW QUICK HEAT. Just flip the switch . . . and up pope cooking heat ... like THAT! And automatic controls mean that whole meals practically cook themselves! AVAILABLE THROUGH ELECTRICAL DEALERS AND The California Oregon Power Company Cert-Teed , 121 Ches A Ohio SOa Chryslor 64) Col Ons & K 6 l'om'1 Solvents Ill ('omm'tiw'ltli & Sou ........ 3 Consol Aircraft - 171 Consul Kdlson 31 i Consul Oil l Cont'l Can 454 Corn Proliant ' 69) Crown .elluiiiach 11) Curtlss Wright 7 Diiponl do N H Doug Alrcrurt 61 Knstmnn Kodak 133) Kl l'ow & I.t I'H Kile It It 3) tlKiiornl KliH'trlc 4 it A tlviiernl Foods 39) lion Una & Kl "A" 1) lleneiiil Motors 61 4 (llllette 1 (loodyenr Tire 83) tit Nor Ky pfd ... 34 Meeker Prod I Holland Furnace 0 Hudson Motors 9) Illinois Central lb) lnsp Copper 16 Int Harvester 6:i lilt Nick Can 67 lilt Pan & 1' ptd 4 0) lilt Tel & Tel 10) Johns Mnnrllle 107 Konnecoit 49 Lib O Ford 67) Mgg Myors "B" 101J Lovw's 671 l.ong-Uoll "A" 4 J I.orllliird P 3W I Montgomery Ward 63H Nasll-Kelv 11) Null lllscult 37) Nat l Cash 27 Nul l Hairy I'rod HI Nal'l Ulst 27) Nat l Pow & U ...... Hi N V Central 2o Norlh Amur Co .................. M Northern Pacific .. ... Hi Ohio Oil 10) Oils Steel 1 1 ) Pac Anier Finn 7) I'ac Cm & Kl 29 puckurd Motor 6) Penney J 0 64 I'viinu It It f-i Phelps Dodge 43) Phillips Put 394 Proctor i Uuiublo 67) Pressed Slvol Cur 1 1 ) Pullman 34, Itadlu - i Itayonler In. Knyonler pfd 23) liuin lliind 16. Itepubllu Steel 2U Iteynolds Tob "B" 4 I ; Itlrhfleld Oil 74 Safeway Stores . 21) Sears lloebuck ...... 7 6 Shell Union 161 Socony Vacuum 13) Sou Cal Kdlson 24 i Southern Pacific 20) Standard Brands 7 J4 as much as you think NEW tOW COST. Elcctrio cooking saves money. Thousands have discovered that "ex pensive" is just an old-fashioned Idea that ventout when the new Electric Uangta came in. .Terms: $5.00 Down, $2.06 Monthly Stiillilunl (Ills & Kl 41 Hlnnd Oil Cullf 80) Stand Oil Hid , 10 Hlnnd Oil N J 63) Stone & Webster 13 Hluilehiilinr 6 Sunshine Mining Ill Sup oil II) Texas Chi p 411) Texas tllllf Sulphur 84) Tidewater Assn Oil lllj Tlmkeii Moll lleui'lng 6M Tiaiis-Aliioiii'a 9 Union Cnilililn 811) Union oil Calif 20) Union Pacific 94 United Aircraft 35 United All-lines H United Ciinniinlloii 4 United Fruit 60 United (las Imp t U 8 I ml lint Alcohol ttij U 8 Itiibbnr 53 A Profitable HOW TO GET MORE FROM SAVINGS To get ml profit from savingi, look for the safest and molt convenient way to invest for liberal return. A strong record of safety stands behind our asiocia'tion , . the security behind your investment dollar is rfimyj the highest type. An account with one of our convenient savings plans will start you to financial happiness now. First Federal Savings and Loan Association OF KLAMATH FALLS III No. (Itli Street ' Phone D70 Members o! Federal Havings and Loan Insurance CoriHirallon V 8 Ilulilinr liTit . m U 8 Stool 6ti Vanadium 4 84 Walworth fli Warner Pictures 7 Western Onion tH Westltiulioiiso 121 White Motor Hi Woolwnrlh 40 VITAL STATISTICS minus PAIlllIHIl-Horn nt Klamath Valley hospital October 21, 1038, to Mr. and Mrs. John l'srrlnh of CI1II01111I11, a girl, Welsh! : I pounds 1.1 ounce. McDANIF.I, -lliirii nt Urn Anna Shirley iiinloiiilly homo October 21, 1938. In Mr. and Mrs. II. BJ. Mi'Diinlel nt Dnlry, a boy. Welghtl 9 pounds. Start Together with their savings invested hei e! Saving for the future li going to be fun. They're young, and In a few years, while they can still enjoy It to the fullest, their suv Ings plus earnings will give them money for special va cations, will give them -curity against the world. CUTS WORK . . . SAVES TIME. No. blackened pots, pans, walb or curtains. Scrub bing end scouring romp right out of your life . . . with elcctrio cooking.