THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON October 21, 1938 PAGE FOUR lit 1 if ! 111 1 .(Ml Uenlttg $eralb eiiiui mnUIHINO COMPANY. fuUUOm FRANX ISNKINS MAUdUJ KI'UCT . rubltaM mr iuraoo. awpt tariu t Th. tout m Kcend cUm Mttv it U poatome tf Tt hwliM Pna b mtahtll UIM ts UMraB. Alt nmw reputuciiwi m Wnl-HoUldu Sin runcbw. Tort, tutrett. sultfe, Colfuo. rortlMid. Lm AihiIm. St. In. Vi Suit'. U. C. fwlrt 3 TIM New, ") Hmld. tlbw sub coapleu Infonwllod bout U Kurailb FWU ntfttl. mar Of eouineg iUJLL aATKS PAYARLB IN ADVANd Bl Uall Is Cbuntf Tlirrt MMltba , Kli MuMba M 0m Yrar Dallwa br Out Moalb Ttim UooUa) 6I MonUil Out Yv alEMUEB AUDIT BUREAU Of CIBCUUTtON Marriage Examination Law AMONG measures on the November general election haUnt is a bill which would reauire Oregon marriage license applicants to be medically examined, physically and mentally. This bill would require that such exami nations show freedom from contagious or infectious ven ereal diseases, on the part of both the male ana iemaie applicants. It would require blood tests for determina tion of syphilis and microscopic examinations to determine gonorrheal infection. This bill was referred to the people by the legislature. Tho nrtriimpnt in its behalf. Dresented in the Voters' pamphlet, is one of the most fnllv nrenared statements in Vie siictrpsted that every voter read it. Laws that have been enacted with regard to com municable diseases and marriage have been largely of no value. Physicians' examinations have been super ficial in all too many cases. urtnermore, no examination has been required of a female applicant, a foolish gesture of gallantry not compatible with the facts shown in venereal disease statistics. Feeble-mindedness. insanity and delinquency are in creasing at an alarming rate known that feeble-minded persons beget nothing but feeble-minded children. State institutions for the mentally afflicted are overflowing, and the waiting lists are long. It is estimated that more than two per cent of the population of the state is feeble-minded. Dr. Jame3 A. Best, state senator from Pendleton, and Archie K. Higgs, Multnomah county state representative, signed the argument in the Voters' pamphlet, concluding it with the statement that the current proposals are made with the purpose of safeguarding marriage and prevent ing the consequences of hasty and thoughtless wedlock. Those who agree that this law will safeguard future gen erations, that it will stay the spread of venereal diseases, and that it will help in preventing feeble-mindedness, will vote S06 X Yes on their general election ballot. They Deserve Credit TWO organizations which deserve a word of commenda tion in connection with the serious fire of Thursday night are the Klamath Falls fire department and the Salvation Army. The fire in the Montgomery Ward warehouse was tardily discovered. By the time the fire department reached the scene the building, filled with inflammable merchandise, was full of flames from end to end. Chief Ambrose and his men were confronted with the problem of not only controlling the flames in the warehouse, but preventing their spread to abutting buildings. They waged a long and difficult battle against the stubborn blaze. Informed that considerable quantity of oil was stored in the rear, they fought as quickly as pos sible to that sector and prevented the oil from burning. Lines were run to the roof to fight the spread of flames to the adjoining tarpaper covers. It was not possible to save the merchandise or to prevent virtual destruction to the warehouse, but the department did all that could be expected of it, and more. For many hours after it was no longer a spectacular blaze, the firemen and Chief Ambrose worked, putting out fires burning in the merchandise and pumping water from the basement. As long as they were on the job the Salvation Army stayed there, serving hot coffee and ' doughnuts to the weary firemen. Court House Records ' (THURSDAY) Divorce Decree Helen Elizabeth House versus Charles B. House, Jr. Decree by default: plaintiff's maiden name, ' Helen Elizabeth Osborne, re stored. Marriage Applications MORRIS - HALL. Harry W. Morris, 22, factory worker, native of Waterloo, Neb., resident of Klamath Falls. Agnes E. Hall, 18, housewife, native of Ashland, TODAY ! ft! Vkj A V ;A REPUBLIC PICTURE EXTRA! Added Feature! AGAIN THE SCREEN CAPTURES THAT SIMPLE CHARM THAT MADE "SEQUOIA" A MASTERPIECE Mist Mm Htnls JlliMiis Comptio it bpluub us PI Ktunitb Fitto, On., m Awt 10. 10 onto M m'! m arm ainuw -. - 0,.. Inc. i UM mint w Outslik OODBtf II. tt 111 .M Canto li OI -I .es i s . 110 4.M sober, intelligent and care- tne entire DooKiet. it ia in Oregon. It is definitely resident of Ashland. Three-day requirement waived. APPLETON - STEELY. Alden E. Appleton, 31, salesman, native of Vancouver, B. C, resident of Klamath Falls. Juanita May Steely, 27, beautician, native of Montana, resident of Klamath Falls. Three-day requirement waived. Duck hunters In Minnesota shot so much lead into some of the lakes of the state that ducks frequenting the waters got lead poisoning. News Behi ay KuLrlALLON.. WASHINGTON, Oct. to Mr. Roosevelt's trust - butter, Thtirman Arnold, went Into th Invisible, recesses of the budget bureau without detection the other day and asked tor a million dollars more to bust trusts next year. The assistant attorney general now has BJ busters (having added S allies July). It he gets hla ex tra million dollars be will have about 170 (six times at many as In July.) How much busting may be done by these is suggested by the (act that Theodore Roosevelt's famous trust annihilation bureau con tained exactly S lawyers, and 4 stenographers. There were 15 lawyers and an undeterminable number of stenographers on the Job when the new deal came in. WANTS BUSTERS While this may suggest busi ness Is in for a lot of busting, Mr, Arnold believes It would be only about one-fifth of what It ahould be. He hinted In a SDeech Sentenv ber 3 (and his associates confirm the Impression) that he looks for ward to the happy day when he will have about 1200 busters like the SEC. His present force he re gards as "a corporal's guard to police 130,000,000 people." How much he will get la up to the budget bureau, the president and eongress, but there la no In dication that any official, lnclud lng Mr. Arnold, will place much emphasis publicly on the subject right now. Business Is Just catch ing Its breath in a breathing spell and might gasp at startling ap paritions. Business spokesmen here say It la not the numbers that matter ao much as Mr. Arnold's Ingenuity. While they lika him personally. they aay he is constantly develop ing new ideas abont what a trust Is, even with a limited number of associate thinkers. For Instance, respectable physicians In the American Medical association never realized until Arnold recent ly brought charges that they have been law violators In an anti trust combine for years. If successful, Arnold will (among other things) establish four regional officer In New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Dallas; look further Into weat and east coast oil cases', more milk cases; try a test suit on Identical rubber tire bids received by the government. NO EXTRA SESSION No extra session of eongress will be called. That's definite It would be -Called only for rail or farm legislation (upon which the administration is not prepared to move yet) or for war (upon which no one la prepared to move). Administration pulmotor squad la being hastened out quietly to the Hustings. You can tell where the election troubles are by the direction In which the. respirators are being headed. Announcements are not being made nationally, but the noxious political fume chasers are flock ing to make speeches as follows: Attorney General Cummlngs Pa., N. J., Conn. Commerce Secretary Roper Chicago, Indianapolis, Ft. Wayne and Pittsburgh. Honse Leader Rayburn Pa. (2), 111. (2) and Indiana (2). War Secretary Wood ring Pa. (2), Cincinnati and South Bend. Senate Leader Barkley Kan. (2), Mo. (2), Wis. (2), III., Ind., Pa. (2). RFC Chairman Jesse Jones Cleveland. Senators Lewis, Schwellenbach, Walsh, Hatch and Lee Wis., Conn., Kan. Note Inside democratic report from New York hints Dewey haa a good chance, but national demo cratic speakers probably will stay out. They also will stay out of California, with minor exceptions. House Leader Sam Rayburn slipped Into town, into the Whit House, and out of both, without getting his name In the papers, a new record tor any man In pub- i JACK HOLT & "North of Nome' ROUGH-aiDIN' ROMANCE WITH GENE! KhrthM rain tba rang wk 0n aalx gnn CX Hi lit y is MfflaTJErft a iihhii """vyCi RAIIIB ow SIDE GLANCES "That's Hulfbnck McFinnoy of the 1908 learn." lie office. He thinks the demo crats will lose no more than 22 seata at the outside; Improving business will help the democrats most; many bad situations be tween government and business are being Ironed out. Pennsylvania's WPA chargea may not be smothered as were Kentucky's. A Washington news man originally dug up the affi davits which Republican Senator Jimmy Davis presented to tho Sheppard committee. His paper thought they were too hot to han dle; but the Sheppard committee may find them too cold to hold. Chairman Sheppard Is personally Inclined to hold hearings. A new biography of Carter Glass by his secretary, Rlxey Smith, will be out In January, but not undor the title "Ufa and Times of a Tory" as the not-very-well-educated publishers suggested. A more accurate title Is being sought. Roosevelt once called Glass "the unreconstructed rebel" but less partisan counsel would probably suggest something like "the only tree left standing" or "nonshatterable glass." . Sometimes only one eye of a telescope goldfish becomes tele scopic, while the other, remains normal. As long as man tears wait he will remain at peace. Dr. Alfred Metraux, ethnologist of the Bishop Museum of Honolulu. On the Screen KLAMATH FALLS' NA TIONALLY FAMOUS 1938 EVENT JUNIOR LIVESTOCK REACHES THE SCREEN IN SPECIAL NEWS FILM See In Pictures tho . Klamath Falls Ro tary Club's Grand Achievement . . . for "the Future Farmers of America" and the "4-H Clubs" PLAYS THROUGH MONDAY PELICAN V T V L J BE. SURE to see the news reel of the Klamath Junior Livestock Show, playing at the Pelican theatre Saturday, Sunday and Monday. If you weren't at the show see it in pictures. If you were there see it againl ROTARY CLUB By George) Clark ANSWERS TO CRANIUM CRACKERS Question on I'ago 1 THE men's full names were Sir William Schwciu-k Gilbert and Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan. A librettist la a man who writes the words for a dramatic musical production. Penzance Is a seaport town in Cornwall, England. ' Somo 300,000 iot articles fo picked up on London busvs an nually, and only nbout one-third of them are reclaimed by tholr owners. COMING SUNDAY PELICAN Kill 1 .k. fc"4 toes1 Tw' BbEw l JOE VENUTI ft HIS SWING CATS V Johmls Dtvlt Mm Cskwnt J X. Prtitntid by XWARNER BRO&M The Family Doctor ny 1)11. MOKU1H UHllllKIN Kdltor, Journal of the Amrrlran M o il I o a I AtHOclntloii, and of llvirt ia, tint lli'tiltli Mnunsliio THIS tear of caucur lingers as one of the lust of the great fears of mankind regarding dis ease. The tours of epidemics, of pain, suffering and 'drain huvo Iipuii lurguly roiiiovad by the Ki'i'iil dts covarles of modorn modloliui. Yet the tiar of cancer remains, be cause tew peoplo know that to a cnttaldoraulo extant cancer Is cur able, thut many forms of cancer are prorontalilo and that In evon the worst cusi's modlcul science can do much. Early In Septomuer a woman In New York killed her two' mull children anil attempted suicUla because she bulluved that sho had cancer. She had written a note In which she said thut shn feared recurronco of a growth on which an operation bad heeu performed 10 mouths previously. lit hur nolo she snld also that she bulltivcd the disease waa hereditary mid that It would take the life of hur chil dren. Actually, of course, there Is no sclentiflo knowledge to Justify the belief that the cancer from which this womnn suffered would, with auy certainty, attack tho chlldrun. Neither waa there any rvuitoii to believe that sho horW would In evitably die of cancer. Whtlo we do uot know every thing that Is necessary to control cancer, we do know unotiKh now to view the dtacuao far differently than we did 25 yours ugo, In the causation of cancer, two factors are fundamentally Im portant: 1. the constitutional ten dency lo form cancer; 2, chronic Irritutlon. Apparently cancer Is not caused by any gorin or by any virus. There aro. however, certain sub- , ALWAYS 1 REX TODAY CHIIOSIN 10, "ltI S10N0H OAMtSOUt" "COUNTY " FAIR" Spencer TRACY Like A PICTURE WINKING AND GLITTERING WITH FUN AND ROM ANCE . . . AND THE DAZZLING SON J A 80 DAINTY. 80 DESIRABLE. SO INCREDIBLE! The queen of a co-ed cam pus. ..she shares sweet sec rets, learns love the good young American way for ever and ever! and scin tillates in six ice spectacles of living beauty unequalled before . . . unforgettable! 1 HENIE GREENE mri ''nAi with JOAN DAVIS CESAR ROMERO BUDDY EBSEN Arthur Treacher George Barbier Louise Hovick Billy Gilbert FEATURETTESI FILMING BIG THRILLS "TIm AdMittum If l New. RhI Ctmiriman" NOVELTY "Unusual Oceupafiom" CARTOON and LATEST NEWS EVERY WOMAN IN AMERICA Witt' ADORE SONJA'S TWENTY-EIGHT NEW Ftl COSTUMES STYLED BY ROYERI stances which produce repeated Irritations of the tissues and stim ulate thorn to overgrowth. These substances are not usually takon In tho diet. U has nut baun pus slblo to produce caucer expert monlnlly by any typo of diet. When It was found that cortnln diseases were produced by the lack of cortuln vitamins In the Imily, attempts wo in mada to pro duce cancer by restricting the diet In various ways. Nona of thesa attempts has boon success ful. We know a great deal about the substances called glands or hor mones. Wo know, for oxamplo, that chemically many of thvso hormones resemble III their struc ture aomo of the vitamins as well as other chemicals. We have learned nhoul these things by find ing that repented Irritation of the skill with tur would produce a cancer. Wo find that tne chemical struc ture of soma of those other clioui Ical suhalaiicea, liko vitamins and some of tho hormones, Is similar to Hint of the cancur-produaliig tars. This Is exceedingly Impor tant In the study of cancer, but the knowledge It brings Is not particularly applicable at this time to cancer prevention. Sixty-seven per cent of fnlal motor accident occur In small towns and rural districts, accord ing to estimates, . A nine-foot en it Ii worm was found In Australia, where four to six-foot speclmeus aro not uncommon. I "CONVICTED" li Chariot OUIGLEY cokpaiiioii ftATuat 1 CHARLES STARRETT 1 ' TrfrrH Positively Ends Tonight! - Mickey Rooney Starts TOMORROW! the stars hanging low on Snow-sleep In rie rhythms of Gordon Jt Revel "I'v Oot Ools Wild a Drtam"J (Tanlghl I'll mstl hsr again) 'Could Yes foil In lovr (Multiply skin by two) "Ive Wlihlna Wtll" (The ripples clsorsd, your, tan appsarad) ' "idli Moy Is The Mishit (You may bs Ins ens) Ten Years Ago In Klamath ATTUACTKI) by tho high grade of Klamath potutoea, the Great Northern railroad company has Just completed purchase of' carload of fancy gratia potatoes from the (Irnflan-Jarkman eoin ' puny lii'ia, il was iinuuiicod lo iluy, nntnrlng tho, store early thli morning, tho Janitor at tho Clolden little found boxes and merchan dise slrawn over tho floor, Ills first thought wu (hat the store had hemi I'olilied and ha eunimon ed police, officers sought fliigar prints and tholr search carried them Into the men's department, where they were confronted by I ho culprit. Heated on a box of hoes, a full grown porcupine peered at the officers. The rob bery was solved. Trnvnllug mora than 3000 miles with a team and wagon In search of a future homo, II, O. Wolurlt'h of 1'iielilu, Colo., has docldod u li on Klamath Kalis. The cat Is believed lo be the nliliwt of mankind. POPEYE CLUE SATURDAY MORNING 10 O'CLOCK NIXT TMRILLIKS CMAPTM "FLASH GORDON'S TRIP TO MARS" PELICAN "BOYS' TOWN" a still, frosty 'night ' 9 YOUR BEST