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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1938)
Octobor 18, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NINK NEW BUDGET CUTS COUNTY TRAVEL COST The 1039 burlKol. now bMim prepared tor final pulilli'iillon, allows that travel expense limy nut cost I ho tnxpnyore id miuh nianey In another your. Throuiih decision by llm coun ty health bun nl. Ili travel ex pense budiiul (or tbo county lioullli dnpnrtinunt win out from 1800 to $000. Previously tbo ex pense rum wu a cant a mllii Under Iho naw bulnt. It will be 6 rents a mil. The now budget kino pruvldoa for a roductlon In couuiy court travol expense allowances, Kr travel outside the county Hie court's allowance ! 0UU. awilnst I noil In 1038. For travel Inside It wu cut from StiOO lo 140". Tli gononil roiiniy milium" rnlo (or traval ! I conn t inlln. County Commissioner V. K. II Chase enld Tuoadny that rnlo inny bo reduced. llullnf attift employna, whose truvul m on n eliita Instead ot county Ionia, have always boon nt llm rum of i eoule a mllo. Allliougb tboy liavo completed their work on Ilia budget, uiuin- bora o( tbo county court and ImhI (I board have not yot aUiiod It It li expected that will bo iliiiio III it few daya, and It will limn bo Dubllahod In thla uownuatior In full. OBITUARY . MAilV AN.NK MIHPHY Mary Anno Murphy, k roeldant of lb Itubblt Flat dlalrlct (or the paat II yeara, paaaed away at har Into residence Tuoadny morning, October IS. Tlio decees d waa a mitlvo of Howard conn ty. la., and waa egod 7 2 yoara 1 month and 4 daya whon called 8b la aurvlvad by bar huabnud, Jam J. of llnbhlt Klnt; a daughter, Mr. Surah llortolla o( (."esper, Wyo.; two sons, J. M and K. O. o( thla rlty; a brother J W. Cannon ot Klma, la.; alao (our grandchildren. Tb remains mat In Ward Klamath Funnrul Horn. 926 High street, where friends may call. Notice of tho funeral arrnugoiunnta will appear In th next laaue of thla papor. Jb'.HHIE TKAItl. 1IAXHKN Jeaal Pearl linneon, (or thi leat It yeara a roaldent of Klnm ath Palla, Ore., passed nway at her home. 309 Alameda, Tuesday October II, 193H. at &:30 a. m. following a brief lllneaa. Hhe wna a native ot Tehama county, CalK., and at the time of her denlh waa aged S4 yeara, 11 mnntba and 14 day. Surviving are her hue band, John K. Hansen of thla city; two daughlxra, Mra. A lire Allen of Klamath Kails, and Mra Lulu Wllllama ot Mod ford. Ore.; a aon, Norman llanaen of thla elty; three hrothera, Thomna and Frank Hart of Angniea, ralir and llenry llnrt of Oakland, Calif., and (Iro alatera. alno one grandchild, June Wllllama nt Medford. Th remalna reat In th Earl Whltlock Funeral Home, Pin atreet at Sixth, where frlenda may rail after S o'clock Tuesday evening. Notice of fnnnrnl ap- peara In thla laaua of the paper, FUNERAL NOTICE JKH.SIR I'KARI, IIANMKN Funernl services for the late Jessie Pearl Hnnnnn, wKo passed away In thla city Tuoadny, Ortnli r 18, 1938, following a brief 111 neaa. will he held In tho chnpol of th F.nrl Whltlock Funeral Home, Pin atreot at Sixth Wednoadny, October 19, 19.18, at 4 p. tn. with tho llev. A. Then Smith of the, Klrst Proabytorlnn church nt thla city of rtcititiiiR Frlenda are Invited, Commitment ervlcoa and Interment In (nmlly plot In Mt. Simula City coniotnry, f n nr., Thursday, October 20 19.18, nt 1;.10 p. in. Arrange menla nra under tho direction of the hi'nrl Whltlock Funnrnl Homo ot thla ally, BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES rWVtrSO WNOU CV.tWa.t'O TrV eiry rA Stock Market Quotations MOW YOKIC, Oct. 11 (AIM A Into rally In molora, togntner with pnralatnnt strength of slr cruflB and aovornl apeolaltlea, re vived a nlnklng atnek market to day anil 'converted early loaaoa Into giilna ot fractions lo around three polnla for nnloctod Issues. Cloalng iniiitntlona: Adnina Kx press ... 12i ... en i .... 01 ...1041 ... 13 ,.iom .... 61 ... 41 ... 7 m .... 1 ... tea .... 4 .... 89 .... 181 .... 9 .... 40 1 ,. .... 7 .... 41 .... 1I .... 81 .... 26 .... 4 .... 2!'l Air llediictlon Alaska Junenii Al Cbein I lye Allied Storea , Amorlcnn Can Am Kng Til" Am For 1'owor , Am Power & Light .... Am Itnd HI a Hail Am Hull Mill" Am Himdl & Itef Am Tel & T"l Am Tob "II" Am Water Work .... Am Zinc LAB ... Alinconda Arm cmr III Atchison Auburn Auto Iinrnxlnll Unit & Ohio Itonillx Avla lleth Hteol HooliiK Alrp - Ilordoii Home-Warner - " lludd Mfg til Cnllf Packing .... Culliilinu ' 1 Ciilunii't Hoc t'nuHilliin Pnclfla Uimo (J U Cut Tractor CalanoNo Cert-Toed 21 31 ti Hi 001 l4 23ft 12 Chen Ohio 34. Chryaler Col (iaa & F.I 91 Com'l Holvenu ...................... 10 Commn'w'lth A ou li Conaol Aircraft 18) Conaol ICdlaon 821 Conaol Oil .- 8 1 Cont'l Can - 441 Corn PrndilclB UK I Crown Zollerlmch 141 Curtlaa Wright 6 J liupont de N 1 49 Iwiug Aircraft ... 681 Knutinnn Kndnk 1 T'J i F,l Pow & 1,1 13 1 Krl lilt SJ tioneral Klectrle .................... 45 lioneral Foods S 7 1 (len (las A El "A" (lenoral Motnra (illlette . lioodyoar Tire (it Nor Ry pfd llecker Prod Holland Furnac ... Hudson Motora Illinois Central . limp Copper Int. Hiirvoster Int Nick Can Int Pnp A P pfd ... Int Tol A Tel Johns Manvllle Kcnnacott Lib O Ford LlKg .Myera "B" ..... Loow'a Long-Boll "A" I.orlllard P Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelv Nufl lllerult - 811 ... 81 ... 131 ... 2.1 ... 81 .... 49 .... 9 ... 14 ... 1TI .... 6111 ... .... 4 4 i .... 101 ....108 .. 4UJ .... 661 ....101 .... Ot! 4 .... 20 .... 631 .... 10 J Nafl Cosh 27( Nat'l Dairy Prod . 15 Nafl Diet .. 2ti Nat'l Pow A Lt 9 N Y Central 19f North Amur Co 24 J Northern Pnclflo ... 1-1 Ohio till K) Otis Stcol . 11 Pan Gas A El 291 Pacltlo Tel A Tel ... 111 Parknrd Motor 61 Penney (J C) 8:11 Penna It It 211 Phelps Dodg 431 Phillips Pet 8"! Proctor A Gamble 671 Prosaed Steel Car ..... - 9 Pub 8vc N J 33J Pullman 33 J Hadlo 8 Ituyonlor ltij J Ituyonlor pfd 21, IWIIl JlllllU 1U1 ltopuhllc Stool 20 Reynolds Tob "B" 4 4 j Hlchfleld Oil j. 7 Snfowny Stores 201 Honrs Roebuck 7 S at Shell Union 141 Hocony Vacuum 131 l j ' VT V.OOf A"s T VRWEMWM TO SOtAtWV!i6 MOT. VeiWKf MOW IMPORT rSKiT fOV.WTWMW WrtKl m PVCCOUt WER rHtwx. . J IjGO .4&rftMlMM! New Main Street Dress Shop Completes Plans for Formal Opening Wednesday Evening Aa neat and aparkllng aa a Jnwol lo a 1038 aottlng la th modern new thop for milady which Mr. and Mra. Myera will formally open at 710 Main atreet Wndneaday evening at t o'clock. Modernity la atreaaed In ap pointment of tho now ahop, alert ing from th now Zeon algn which horiilda th nam of Myera, Inc., In aofl, aiibdued ahadea of pouch and bin light, A full length glaaa front, bordered In a dull Jewel, tono tile, forma th entry Into th ahop. The window haa been care fully planned, and formal frocka will bo ahown agalnat an eggahell ehenlll rug with a background of blue and eggahell cord, laced In F.mplr atyle through eggahell poata. A deop-pll tal blu carpet will cover th entlr ahop floor. Caroful aelectlon waa mad of llm figure for th window. They follow the alralght line of a (ireclan column, and th heada of th modola ar of allk floaa, alao In atralghl line. Throughout th ihowroom trl ton effect haa been aucceaafully adopted. Peach, blu and allvor lire carried throughout In th woodwork, In tho encloaod ward robe rouuia and In th roomy dreaalng room! of which there ar five, gonnrnualy proportioned. The wurdrob cloaeta occupy on entire aide of th room, and iliey hold fur coot a, aoft, Imported tweod coata, aulta, frocka, lingerie and dreaalng gowna. On th otbar Sou Cnl Rdlson - I3 Southern Paclflo ........ 191 Standard Brands 7 Standard Gas A El ... 41 Stand Oil Calif - 29 Stand Oil Ind .............. 291 Stand Oil N J 621 Hlone A Webster 131 Studelmker j 8 Sunshine Mining HI Sup Oil 31 Texas Corp ....v.. .......... 41 1 Texnn Gulf Sulphur 341 Tidewater Aso Oil 121 Tlmkrn Roll Bearing ... (21 Trana-Amerlra 91 Union Carbide . 89 Union Oil Sallf 201 Union Paclflo - 96 United Aircraft .... . 841 United Airlines 111 Under Corporation ... - 41 United Fruit 831 United Gaa Imp ................... 12 U S lndust Alcohol 2" U 8 Rubber 641 U S Rubber pfd 99 U S Sleel 641 Vanadium 231 Walworth 91 Warner Pictures 61 Western Union 20 1 Westlnghouse 1191 White Motor -...... 141 Woolworth 481 CHICAGO, Oct. 18 (.T Active trading In corn at times today tumbled that grain to fresh four year bottom price records. Lard and aoy beans went down with corn to record low levela. Wheat alao declined. Influenced by big recelpla at Winnipeg and by alowness ot export demand. At tho close, Chicago corn and wheat futures were but little abov the day's bottom figures, each 11 lower compared with yosterdny'a finish, corn Dec. 431, May 471-1, wheat. Dee. 4-1 May 631-1. and oats 11 off. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF" FINAIj 8ETTLK MKNT Notice la hereby given that the uudorslgned, Administrator of th ICstnto of Edward O. Young, Da ceased, has filed In th Circuit BY MARTIN nrra xA Id beautifully proportioned glaaa neloacd abalvea hold th amart array of mid-winter millinery, coa tum jewelry and handkerchief. Th naw frocka, each carefully selected from Fashion Oulld of America original, carry out the new jewel tone which were worn during tb day of th de Medlcla. Itlch ruby, amethyst and emerald tone vie for th favorite fashion first place. Black and th wood colore ar also popular. Sequin an bead ar highlight of frock adornment aa wall. In addition to Foahlon guild frocka, Myera' will carry Society brand coat, the famoua Propper McCallum hosiery. Seam-proof lingerie and th lovely Meadow brook bata which ar carried x clualvely In California by I. Mag nln. Mayor Clifton Richmond will formally dedicate th atore Wed nesday night, and th public haa been given a cordial Invitation by tb Myera and tbelr associate, B. Rlroar, to visit th new ahop. Receiving with Mr. and Mra. Myera and Rlmar will be thoae af filiated with the atore, Mra. Mar tin Itamaby, Mra. Paul Dalton, Mra. Lucille McMillan. Mr. Ulenn Palmar, Mrs. John Hamilton and Betty Barton. They will wear mart new formal frocks. Walt Qulloway and his orches tra will provide mualc for the eve ning. And there'll be favors for th ladloa. LEGAL NOTICES Court of th Stat of Oregon for Klamath County tbe Final Ac count of hie administration ot aald Estate, and that the Court ha appointed tb 17th day of No vember, 1988, at tb hour of ten o'clock A. M. as th time, and th Court Room of aald Court as th place for the hearing and set tlement of aald Final Account. Dated: October 18, 1938. FRED M. YOUNG, Administrator of the . Estate of Edward 1. Young, Deceased. O. 11-25; N. 1-8-15. No. 169 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ' Klamath County Bcuoola P.W.A. !)ocke Oregon 181 T-F Sealed blda will be received by Jean K. Porter, at tbe office ot th Klamath County School Superintendent, Court House Klamath Falls, Oregon, until 2:00 o'clock P. M. on WEDNESDAY, November 9, 1938, and will then and there be opened and publicly read, aloud. Blda received after the time fixed for opening will not be considered, Tb Blda will be for the follow ing: Item "B" A GYMNASIUM AD. DITIO.V TO THE MERRILL HIGH SCHOOL. Item "C" A GYMNASIUM AD DITION TO THE BONANZA HIGH SCHOOL Item "D " A CLASS ROOM AD DITION TO THE MALIN HIGH SCHOOL Item "E" A CLASS ROOM AD DITION TO THE F A 1 R -HAVEN GRAMMAR SCHOOL Plana. Specification and form of contract documenta may he ex amined at the Builder Exchange Cooperative, Couch Bldg., Port land, Oregon, and at th office of th Architect, and a set ot said Plana, Specifications and Forms may be obtained at the office of Howard R. Perrin, Architect, Underwood Building, Klamath Kails, Oregon, 'upon deposit of 820.00 per set. The full amount of tb deposit for one set ot documenta will be returned to each actual bidder within a reasonable time after the receipt of bids. Other deposits will bs refunded with deduction not exceeding tb actual cost of repro duction ot th drawings, upon th return ot all documents in good condition witbln thirty (30) daya after the date ot opening bids. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashler'a check or bid bond (with author ised Surety Company as surety) mad payable to th owner in amount not leaa than 6 of tbe amount ot bid. The Klamath County School District reserve th right to re ject any or all bids, and to waive Informalities. No bidder may withdraw his bid after th hour set tor the opening thereof, or betora award ot contract, unleaa said award la delayed tor a period exceeding 30 daya. It Is estimated that there will be available for the work to be done under thla Advertisement, substantially the sum of 864, 000.00. THE KLAMATH COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT By JEAN K. PORTER, Clerk. O. 18-26, N. 1 No. 168 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF DAVID HEM1NOVER, DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors ot said decensed, and all persons Interested In his eBtate, to present their claims to the undersigned, the duly ap pointed administrator of said es tate, or to David R, Vandonborg, attorney for said administrator, 724 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from and after October 18, 1938, be ing th date of the first publica tion ot this Notice. . Sated October 18 1938. W. W. OCHS, Administrator ot the Es tate of David Homln over, Deceased. O. 18-25; N. 1-8-15. No. 170. RAILROAD NEWS M. L. Oaetx, formerly super intendent of the Great Northern division with headquarters In Minot, N. D., arrived her Satur day to serve as auperlntendent of the Klamath division. Oae.i will succeed J. E. Brawley, who haa been transferred to Spokane. Brawley came to Klamath Falls January 1, 1938, when he suc ceeded A. E. Knighta. who waa forced to resign because of 111 health. Mrs. Oaett and on daughter will arrive here within a short time to make their borne. Three sun of Mr. and Mrs. Oaeti ar remaining In th east. NATURE DECORATES CASCADE ROUTE WITH FALL COLORS Passengers on the Southern Pa cific trains which pass through the Cascade country In tb north ern section of the county, report breath taking loveliness In the wooded areas. Jack Frost has dona his work exceptionally well thi year, and the riot of gorgeous colore which are aeen on either side of tbe mountains brings comment from crews and passengers alike, ac cording to the SP office here. Monday night waa a bit nippy around Chemult with a temper ature of 20 reported by tbe Klam ath Falls office. The weekend saw a number of out-of-town employes of the Great Northern in Klamath Falls for a holiday. P. Andonoff, track in spector of Bend, was In for the weekend as was A. Manduchl, sec lion foreman of Bend; John Bed- rosian, section foreman of Beal; Ralph Guthrie, section foreman. Cbemult; F. A. Anderson and S. McGratb, extra gang foreman, Chemult; Ronald Wood, crane operator, Chemult; Tom Johns. track Inspector, and E. Mikkola section foreman, Merrill; O. Oidne, section foreman. Mam moth; Boris Shambers, section foreman, Bleber, and T. Posedel. section foreman, Scarface, Calif. Conductor R. B. Gray and Brakeman R. J. Shaw, both on the SP payroll, had a stroke ot luck which Is the envy of fellow work' ers who ar also enthusiastic hunters. It seems that Gray and Shaw, who have been bunting all season without luck, decided to (SasBn L5($iM5(flat3iiQ Of All Used Cars in Stock Extra 5 Discount From Sale Price on No Trade Deals 1986 CHEVROLET STAND ARD TOWN SEDAN New paint Job. Rubber good as new. Completely recondi tioned and guaranteed. Sale price $387.00 19Sfl CHEVROLET STAND ARD TOWN SEDAN Beauti ful black finish. Looks and runs like a new car, $387.00 1087 DELUXE TOWN SEDAN Dark cherry maroon finish. All dual equipment, A steal at $553.00 108 CHEVROLET MASTER TOWN SEDAN Hydraulic brakes. No draft ventilation. Upholstery like new. Tires show no wear. $451.00 11)88 CHEVROLET SEDAN Equipped with sldo mounts.' Original black finish. Tires new. Reg. guarantee, $290.75 1084 PLYMOUTH DELUXE 4 DOOR SEDAN Original gnn nietal finish. Lots of extra ac cessories. Upholstery like new, and shows no blemishes. Sale price $297.50 1032 CHEVROLET SEDAN The car with down draft enr tmrctlon Beautiful condition. Snlo price $191.25 1080 CHEVROLET MASTKU COUPE Knee action. Hy draulic brakes. This car will pass the strictest examina tion $425.00 Open Every Night Lots at 7th and Pine and 411 So. 6th St. take on last fling In search of a buck or two and started out at 6 o'clock Monday morning in the Dog lake country and by 10 o'clock tbat morning both were back with a nice deer to their credit. One brought down a forked horn, the other a four-pointer. Hermle Foster, traveling agent for the BP, redeemed himself in th eyes of fellow worker when be returned Friday with a 254 pound buck across bis shoulders. Foster started bunting th first day of the season In the Lake 0' tho Woods country, wher be told friends, confidentially, that he had a fine 1juck atakod out. When he started to look for the deer bow ever, be found lt bad moved to other pasture. 80 Hermle looked In another part ot the county this time. Speaking of dear, tb crew of the Shaata, No. 20, auffered an attack of mouth-watering when they saw aa fin a buck aa roams tbe country standing In lb mid dle of Grass lake as th train chugged up th mountain. It waa a pretty Irata crew, especially those whose luck hasn't been up to par this year, when they were unable to bring down th animal hlch continued to hold bis ground until th train waa out ot sight. M. L. Jennings, aaalatant super intendent of tb SP, and O. M. Tay lor, division engineer, both ot Dunsmulr, were In Klamath Falls on business Tuesday. - . Plans ar now being whipped Into shape for tbe annual social hlghllgbt of the season for SP employes the winter dance to bo given Friday night, December 9, in tbe American Legion hall. At least 600 employes and their gal friends are expected to frolic that night under the direction of an able committee made up of Har vey Teal, Tom Fante, K. V. Oau dee and F. C. BechteL H. E. Hula, yardmaater tor tbe SP, and W. L. Poole, brakeman. left Saturday for a week's hunt ing trip in the Gearhart moun tain country. B. F. Oulnan, car foreman, re cently returned from a two weeks' trip spent In Los Angeles, Sacra mento and Roseville. While Uui man waa gone hla place waa taken by W. L. Compton. BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, Oct. 18 (AP-USDA) The wool market in Boston waa slow but quotations were firm to day. Fine territory wools In orig inal bags were quoted unchanged from last week ranging around 66 cents, scoured basis, for short French combings; 67 to 68 cents, scoured basis, for good French combing lengths and around 70 cents, scoured basis, for bulk sta ple combing lengths. A few In quiries were being received. There are no lceberga In the northern Pacific ocean. On Order of the Executor of the Estate of the Late Walter R. Locke (deceased) of the Locke Motor Co., we are FORCED to IMMED IATELY liquidate These Cars. We Reduced Each Car 15 and More Below Blue Book! TERMS are: Regular down payment of 1-3 and 12 months on balance to reliable persons. Usual fair trade allowances will be given. This is the regular Locke Used Car stock, already recondi tioned to the rigid Locke Motor Co. Standards. Every car left is listed below. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE given with every used car! This Action Must Be Ended by Thurs Oct. 20 1087 CHEVROLET SPORT 4 DOOR TRUNK TOURING SEDAN The car that attained leadership In sales nationally. $573.75 1087 CHEVROLET DELUXE 8 PORT SEDAN O r i g 1 n a 1 spruce green dnco finish. All dual equipment. High priced radio. Large hot water heater. Looks and runs like a new car. Sale price .-$595. CO 1087 CHEVROLET DE LUXE TOWN SEDAN Original black finish. Run very few miles. Lots of extras $553.00 1086 CHEVROLET STAND ARD SPORT SEDAN Com plete new dnco paint Job. Just taken in as a deposit on a new 1080. Sale price $416.50 1036 CHEVROLET MASTER 4-DOOR TRUNK SEDAN Beautiful green finish. Uphol stery shows no wear. Has knee action and hydraulic brakes. A written guarantee. Sale price $476.00 1087 CHEVROLET MASTER Sl'ORT SEDAN This car haa everything that our deluxcs have except knee action. Com plete dual equipment and lots ot other extras. Sain price $516.80 LOCKE MOTOB COMPANY Mra. Jessie Pearl Hansen, well known Klamath Falls matron and a long time resident ot this city, died suddenly at her home, 809 Alameda street, early Tuoadny morning. She had been In 111 health only a short time and her death was unexpected, Mrs. Hansen Is survived by a son, Norman, who made hla home with his mother; two daughters, Mrs. Ellsworth Allen (Alice Han sen) and Mra. Oliver L. Williams of Medford (Lulu Williams), for merly ot this city, and one grand daughter, June Williams. Services will be held Wednes day, October 19, at 4 p. m. In tbe chapel ot the Earl Whltlock Funeral home with Rev. A. Theo dora Smith of tbe First Presby terian church officiating. Commit ment service and Interment will take place In the family plot In Mt. Shasta City cemetery Thurs day, October 20 at 1:30 p. m. Because of th expansion and contraction of Iron and steel In th chassis, therels a difference of more than an eighth of an Inch between the length ot an automobile on a hot aummer day and on a cold winter day. FUEL 1L Prices Reduced All Standard stove and dieael oils hav baon re duced, look at the new low quotation afad have your tank filled nowl 1 Stove Oil Diesel Oil 40 gal. or more mor" delivered delivered Gal. I Former Price 10c Former Price Be PEYTON & C. Klamath Fall Phone 835 1087 CHEVROLET SPORT SEDAN White side-wall tires. Lots of extras. Keeping our promise to public 15 under book. Sale price $573.75 1086 CHEVROLET STAND ARD SEDAN Been in stock three days. Original owner local business man. Our sale price $416.50 1036 CHEVROLET STAND ARD SPORT SEDAN Taken in from local man who bought It new. Original beautiful black finish. Looks and runs like a new car. Sale price $416.50 1087 PLYMOUTH DELUXE COUPE Lots of extras. New beautiful dark green finish. Sale price $480.25 1088 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN Lots of extras, in cluding hot water heater. Sale price $240.25 1087 CHEVROLET DELUXE COUPB: Sold new last August by the Locke Motor and has very few miles. Sale price $540.00 1087 CHEVROLET DELUXE COUPE Beautiful cherry red finish. Completely recondition ed nml guaranteed, $540.00 1087 CHEVROLET DELUXE COUPE Taken In from a local railroad man and has had very little use. Lota of ex tras $840.00 Until lltOO O'clock Main Store, 410 COLLIER MEMORIAL SERVICES PLANNED Memorial service lor Mra. Janet MoCornaek Collier will b held at th First Preabyterlasl church ot Eugene on Thuraday at 2 p. ra. Mrs. Collier waa th mother ot Andre and Alfred Collier, well known businessman ot this olty, CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO. Oct. 18 (AP-USDA) Potatoes 80, on track 825, total U. 8. shipments 411; Russet Bur banks slightly stronger, other va rletlea steady; supplies rather lib eral, demand fair; sacked per owt, Idaho Russet Burbanks, U. S. No, 1, 21.40-60, mostly fl. 60-66. POTATO Pick-up Sacks LOANS For Harvesting Battaglia 8 Burger SOO Williams Building Phone 1408 Merrill Phone SAOH Tnlelake Phone 19 Extra 10 Discount From Bargain Sale Price on No Trade Cash Deals 1038 CHEVROLET STAND ARD COUPE The car that made the word economy fam ous. Beautiful golden brown finish. Looks and runs like a new car $297.50 1087 CHEVROLET DELUXE SPORT SEDAN Has 1088 water pump. Run very few thousand miles. All dual equip ment. A car yon will be proud to own. Sale price, $573.75 1087 FORD "68" COUPE Car bought new by a local lumber man. Has very few miles. Looks and runs like a new car $382.50 1088 OLDSMOBtLE COUPE Complete new paint Job. Tires show very little wear. Uphol stery like new. An economy car that will give you big car transportation $229.50 1038 CHEVROLET STAN DARD COACH Original paint, tires like new ......$310 1033 CHEVROLET MASTER SEDAN In good running con dition. A mechanic's special at H book prlce..............$170 1038 CHEVROLET MAS TEH SPORT COUPE Beautiful brown finish, heater and radio, A-l con dition and guaranteed .. .'....$37 So. 6th St. Phone 49