PAGE NINE October 17, 1938 Herald and News Classified Ad Section THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON IS Lott and Found LOHT Hod Purkor fnuntnln pon. Reward. Iloliirn lo Ilornld of flra or call 860-J. 4211-tf 4 General Nolle Go By. Motor Coach Shortest Route Lowest Faro To Northorn l'olnta Una nmind War Trip Spokane $11.10 $20.05 Boise, Ida. 10.00 18.10 Portland' 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Busses Lear 1:00 P. M. Mt. Hood Stages, Inc. Oraybound Depot Phono 1)1)9 10-20mtf Nmw PRICES ON BTOVH Oil-. lo, Diesel 7JC Ilellbronnnr . ... n 1IF 111 '.9 ana uoa. mono v--- yellow cam mm hoiikiulk (or Lakevlew-Morrlll Junction. 100 to llertha' Bloro, 26o lo Junction, -ft ..VM Leaves ih and Main Junction 10:00 p.m. 10:13 p. in 10:10 p. in. 10:43 p. m 11:00 p. ra. 11:13 p. m 11:00 p. m. U:U p. m i:oo a. m. 1 : 1 a. m 10-13 ARLKNK O. HMITII, PUBL'C HTKNOfiRAl'llKIt, Noiary run lie; Mluioogrnphln. Phona 1401. Residence 1129 Oak off - . But Main. 11-3 EDUAR SWIFT la now localml at 2326 Bo. 6lh, arroee from llmiio Lumbar Co. All haircut ztic 10-11 LONO DISTANCE HAULING Phona 1007. 11-4-mtf INTERSTATE MOVINO Klain ath Falla Trana. and Storage ll--mtf Traniportatlon CALL. 704 OR 84 Moving, local, long dlaianca. Experienced han dlers, new equipment. People Warehouse. 10-31 6 Partonak piT.PS.HVMEnoins Inilant ra llcf or money hack. Trial alio aant poalpald, COD, 11.00 plus postage. Research Laboratories not iot. Temole Cllr. Calif. 10-16 Nawa and herald Wanl-Adr fel results 10 Sorvicat NEW PRIOEB OS BTOVE Oil lie. Dloaol 7a. Ilnllbronnor and Ra. Phona 289-W. 10-28 SPECIAL Nbw designed mnnu mania and roarkara. Largest assortment In aouthorn Oregon Prlcad no higher than Interior work. Any kind of cometery work. Oregon Oranlta Co. Lo cal office and representative (It N. 11th. Telephone 2311 11-16 WE DC) COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANINO. Including wall washing, cleaning kalanmlne, wallpaper, ruga and winnows alro floor waxing. Your Loral Cleanera for the paat 14 years A. M. Rhodei. Phone 173. 10-19 NU BONE CORSETS COMDIN ETTES SURGICAL SUP PORTS Sold only through trained coraotlerea. Mrs. Hortenie Petoracn, phona 14-J. Mr. Myrtle Jlnnette, Merrill Mrs. Edna Coons, Pine Ridge, Mrs. Holh Covert, 419W2. Mra. B. V. Rugg, phone 28-W-3, 11-1 DREBBMAKINO, altoratlona, re modeling. Ann London, 62S Main, over Swnnson's Bnrbor hop. 10-27 UNION BAGGAGE A EXPRESS CO. Small moving jobs done, 203 Bo. 7th. Phono 474. Night phone 667. 10-17 PAINTINO AND K ALSOMININO Ronaonnblo prices. Phone 937J4. R. E. Simmons, p. u Box 647. 11-10 WRINGER ROLLS for all mnkoa of washing mnchlnoa. Merit . Winning Mnchlno Sorvlce, 709 So. 6th. Phono 1086. 10-31-nitf FOR FIRST- CLASS CARPEN TERINQ Phono 28W3. 10-18 BODENHAMER SAW filing. 219 E. Mnln. Phono 840W. All saws, toola, lawn mowers, etc., re paired. U-14mtf FLOOR 8ANDINO and roflnlsh, Ing. Clifford Oolilon. Phone 168W3. 10-31-mlf BEWING, export nltorntlona, allp covera, drossmnklng. coats ro lined. Mra. Harney, 2111 Dnr- row. Phone 210 1-J. K-'lmtf EXPERT HOSIERY REPAIR by Mlaa Berg. Tho Town Shop, 61 h and Mnln. 11-10 GUARANTEED aowlng mnchine roptilr work. All makes. Moo'b Bowing Mnchlno Sorvlco. 871-tf EXCAVATING, potato digging. J. P. Morgan, Rt. 2, Box 034 10-18 12 Educational HARRY BORE!. Tonchor of vlo , lln. 1632 Johnson, Tolephono 1468. 11-10 14 Help Wanted, Female WANTED housowork. Girl for genoral Phono 12G9-J. 10-17 WANTED Cook nnd housokoop. or. Apply 719 Mnln. Phono 1070. 10-19 14 Help Wanted, Female WANTED Girl for light houaa- work and care or bauy in ex chuiiKo for room and board and mull aalary. State age and enlnry oxpoolod, News-Hnrald, Box 263. 10-17 11 Lll VA..1.J ki.l. 19 , iviu iiaiii.ui itiwiv SALESMAN Capable or becom ing manager of Klamath iraua dlatrlct. Uteelco Blalnleaa Steel Cooking Utensils, Write Mr. Vngt, Hloolco Corp., 410 Weatll erly Uldg., portluud, Oregon, 10-19 MAKE $1 to 16 DAILY at home. Grow niuahrooiiia In collar, abed, year around. We buy crops. Sill your. Write Western Mushroom Co., Portland, Ore. 10-16 WANTED Pnrllculnr poople to rend their tailoring, repairing and alter ations to a tailor Ray lab, formerly with Klrkpalrlck Huoilur, la now affllluted with the Btar Hatters, 611 Klamath, phone 1633-J, and would appre ciate serving old aa well as new customers. 10-18 Situation! Wanted SINGLE WOMAN, 80, wishes housowork, good reforencea 1211 California avenue. 10-18 EXPERIENCED truak driver, truck meehnnlo and utility buiiaur. V. O. uox tii, city. 10-17 TRAINED NURBE 640W2. 11-12 WANTED Fall tree and shrub bury pruning. Alborl Barrott. Ashland Rt. 10-28 20 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD Close In 829 High. 11-Hrolf BOARD AND ROOM Private showers. 18 week. Steam heat. 723 Klamath. 11-12 ROOM AND BOARD Home cooking. Four blocks from Main. 629 Jeffcreon. 10-31 BOARD AND ROOM 1404 Klam ath. 4796-tf 22 Rooms (or Rent ROOM In modorn home for gen tleinan. Phone 828. 10-21 8LEEP1NO ROOM, close In, 83.60 week. 803 Washington 10-21 ROOM with garage, board If (le sired. Gentleman preferred. 633 Eldorado. 10-19 PLEASANT, comfortable rooms. 418 Alameda. 11-2 FURNACE HEATED ROOM 184 No. 3rd. 4568-tf CLAREMONT, 328 N. 4th St. All outside modern rooms. Free parking lot. 11-11 24 Apartment! tor Rent TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. 813 Pine. 10-19 TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. Wator, lights furnished. 616 month. 904 Martin. 10-17 NICELY furnished apartment Wood, light and water, 1 16. Phono 1118. 10-18 BACHELOR APT., now, men or women. 213 Codar, corner Pine. 24 4tf VACANCY 338 So. 11th. 227-tf APT. FOR RENT, adulta only: no pota; 337 E. Main. 10-17 CASCADE apartment hotel, new ly furnished and docoratod, tel ephonca. oloctrlc equipment, re frigeration, elevator, garage. Day, wook or month. The apart ment hotol with convenlencea and home comfort. 24-hour service No pets, 11-Hnilf niM'I.EX APAItTMKNT. 1 rooms Inquire 1737 Monloway, 226-tt VACANCY 419 No. 10th. 11-14 VACANCY Esplanado Courts. 10-26 FOR RENT Modorn furnlahod apartments, Weyerhaeuser dla trlct, (26 and up. Phone 449J6. 11-12 26 Houses for Rent FOR RENT 4-room furnlahod house, 132.60. Inquire 1321 Division. 10-19 FOR RENT Furnished cabin suitable for hacholor. Lights and wator furnished, 121 Crescent. 10-18 THREE-BEDROOM partly fur nished house. 2424 So. 6th 10-18 THREE ROOMS nnd nook, fur nished. Phono 1166-W. 10-20 THREE-ROOM unfurnished house on N. 8th, 320. Inquire tax of. flee, Al Sloan. 10-20 SMALL modern furnlahod cot- USto. 2126 Blohn. 10-20 FOR RENT Unfurnished 6-room hotiRO, $40. Phono 203. 10-19 M O T) M II N COTTAG ICS - Gns rmiKos, gnnigos. nonsonnmo niton. Phono 1196-J. 10-19 FOR RENT 4 room modern un. furnished hottao, close in, Phona 9!)-V. 10-18 FOR RENT 2 room furnlahod cnhln, 812.50. 2336 Shasta Wny. iu-i FOR RENT Partly furnished houao. Inquire 814 Lincoln 184-tt News and Herald Want-Ada get result. 28 Miscellaneous for Rant ATTENTION FARMERB FOR RENT Tractor, digger and truok. Phone 480W8. 10-19 POTATO CELLAR FOR RENT W. B. Graham, near Mac'a Store. 10-18 ANY TYPE PIANOS for rent. Ap ply rent to purchase later ir dealred. Louis Mann, tunar. Derby', 117 Bo. 7th; 11-11 FOR RENT 6000 acre winter paaturo for cattle. Write W. 8. Hutchen, Red Bluff, Calif. 11-16 30 Real Estat (or Sale FOR BALE Btor building In good business center. Com fortable living quarter, garage, woodshed. Reasonably priced. Term. 229 Eat Main. 10-19 Desirable New Home It has flv room, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage on pave ment with all Hen paid. Price $3600.00 with $400.00 down pay ment. CHILCOTE & SMITH Bine 1909 116 N. 9th Phone 66 10-17 BMALL HOUSE, i acre ground, close in, city lights and water. Immediate possession, 700; small down payment. Christ Huck, 1320 Pleasant. 10-21 FOR BALE 80-acre ranch on highway, not far out, under government Irrigation, 1107 Main. 10-16 BEE LEWI8 TRACTS on Shasta Way. 810 down, 86 monthly, Including Interest. Mr. Ben P. Lewis, owner. Rt. 1, Box 896. Phone 36J2. 10-18 LARGE 8TOCK RANCH Sell cheap or trade for city prop arty. Phone 23F11. 10-17 BEAT OFFER takea apartment house alt. 1918 Johnson ave- nuo, or will trade Jackson conn ty property. Nellie Wall, Box 899, Modrora, ore. iu-it 34 Automotive '37 CHEVROLET TUDOR Radio and heater, 8660. Includes fi nance and Insurance for 18 month. See Mickey Bronson Automotive Service, tlh and Klamath. 10-18 FOR SALE '37 Dodge by owner. Phone 99-W. 10-18 TRAILER HOUSE for sal cheap. Phone 1118. 10-18 iron bai.h 'XX Ford nlekuD good condition. Bargain. Box 94.1. News-Herald. 11-18 36 Miicallaneout (or Sal NEW PRICES ON STOVE OIL 8c, Diesel 7e. Hellbronner ana Hca. mono zsh-w. iv-j SPECIAL 200 boxea No. 1 choice Riverside oranges, large aire. 11.29. while they last. Near Oil City. South 6th St. 10-18 H. C. LITTLE Oil Burning Pipe lea Furnace can be used In a house without basement. This Is the most economical way to get furnace beat In the amall home. Price of Furnace com pletely Installed with tank and burner a low a $179.60. For pacification and estimate. Phona 686. PEYTON A CO. 10-23 AUTO AND WINDOW GLASS of all kinds. Popular price. Kim ball' Glass Shop, 617 Walnut. Phone 1243. 10-16 PERFECTION oil burning fur nace give you ateady, oven heat thermostatically controlled at lowest operating coat; no wlcka or moving parte to give trouble. Beat of all these fur naces are moderately priced. Your old wood-coal furnace may be turned In a down pay ment, balance on eaay FHA term of not more than (8.11 month. Call Bob Porter, Oregon Equipment Co, Phone 1067. 11-14 SEVERAL USED AMERICAN SUN FLAME oil heater. Your choice at $49.60. Term to suit. Oregon Equipment Co., 127 So. Sixth. 10-21 WILL SELL fine Cole Hot Blaat oil circulator heater, $60 cash. Used one year. Phone 2248 be tween 9 a. m. and 6 p. m. 10-16 934-tf FOR SALE Seed and food rye. Reasonable price. Phone 17F3. Zuckerman Bros.. Midland Rnnch, 10-19 FOR SALE Carrots, No. 1 76c sack. Cryatal'a, Merrlll-Lake-vlow Junction. 10-26 BRANDED POTATO BAGS Stencils, twine. See our new twine reol atanda. People'a Warehouse. 10-31 BALED HAY, delivered. R. J. Morgan, Rt. 1, Box 924. 10-18 SPARKS OIL STOVES Now burn low priced Diesel oil and are specially designed to moet tho boating requirements of Wostorn homos. All Sparks have choerful visible flame and boat the living xono with both rndlntlng and circulating heat. Our engineering department will help yon select the right size for your home. Phone 636. PEYTON & CO. 10-2S YOUR LAST CHANCE to get Bnrtlott poars. Concord grapes, variety of apples, both ripe and groon tomntooa. Po-Ka-Dot Fruit Stand, Riverside. 234-tf FOR SALE Red Irish setter pups. 2281 Warring St. 10-20 36 MWcallanaou (or Sale) Auction Friday. Oct. 91st 13 Noon 144 mile west of Worden, Or., or 6 mile north of Dorrl, Calif. That I bav decided to move to eaatern Oregon, will sail the following, to the highest bidder wltbont limit or reeervoi SO Head Dairy Cattle M Head A clean herd of young Guern sey, Jersey, Holsteln and Durham cows, alto yearlings and weaner. 1 3-year-old Ouernsey hull. 1 (ray mare, weight 1160. I et of harness. 1 1-year-old Duroe Jersey boar. 1 2-year-old Duroc-Jersey sow, bred. I Wesner pigs, appro, weight 86 lbs. 70 Plymouth Rock hen, pullets, rooster. Machinery I Clstraa tractor, 30 h. p. 1 16 11 II Nlcholaa Bbepard Oliver combine. 1 Oliver 10-ft. grain drill. 1 Oliver 10-ft. tandem disc 1 McCormlck-Deerlng cultivator, complete. 1 Oliver hay rake. 1 Oliver mowing machine. 1 McCormlck-Deerlng farm truck. 1 set of running gear. 1 fan mill. 1 walking plow. 1 bog scalding vat. All machinery In excellent con dition and ready to go. Hay IS ton of red top meadow bay. 2 cabin to move, 10x20 ft. Cook tor. Radio. Royal Bin aream aeparator. Cream cans. Milk bucket. Fork. Shovel Cross-cut aw. Many other Item too numerous to mention. "Come Prepared to Buy." Terms: Caah. O. F. TRAVERS, Owner. CHAS. K. WIESE, Auctioneer. Phona 11, Tulelake, Calif. 10-19 OIL BURNER, used ebort time. Cheap for caah. Phona 420 10-17 FOR SALE 20 ft. boat, cabin crulaer, powered with 6-cylln-der Unlveraal Marine engine practically new. Terms can be arranged. Inquire Hogna Ser vice Station, 76 Main. Phone 1469. "10-17 PINE BLOCKS Bone dry, $2.00 at bin, $3.26 delivered. Phone sZ-M. 11-7 FOR SALE Small light boat, suitable for hunting. Inquire New Method Cleaner. 10-1$ 80 HEAD black face owes, 4 year old and under. W. B. Graham, near Mac'a atora. 10-18 CHOPPER. Hobart. half-horse, fine condition; also new band Hear. 1708 Oregon avenue. 10-18 UNREDEEMED Elgin and Bulova watchea as low at $4.60. Select your Xmaa glfta now. Use our lay-away plan. Ricky' Jewelry, 621 Main. Licensed Pawnbrok er. 10-26 FOR SALE Pneumatic rubber duck boat, first class condition, holds 1 men. Complete with oara, $16.00. $01 California avenue. tt USED PIPELES8 FURNACE for wood or coal. $36.00. Thia furnace la In good condition but Is being replaced by a mod ern H. C. Little OH Burning Floor Furnace because of the additional comfort and con venience. Phona 686. PEYTON CO. 4980 tt SALE OF WALLPAPER Your choice of over 100 lovely pat tern sale priced at one-third off. Free eetlmatea on material and labor. Southern Oregon Hardware Co., Phona 161. 11-7 DO YOUR FALL PLANTING NOW Treea, atarubs, rosea and evergreena. Lakeahori Garden Nursery, half-mile west Moore Park. Phone 861J1. 10-17 MOVING T Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, 4th and Klamath. Phono 1097. 11-4-mtf PICK-UP BAGS People' Ware house. 10-31 GUARANTEED "SHURBLOOM" BULBS Tulip, narcissus, Jon quils. Time now to plant. Some Imported from Holland. 10c and 20c package. Montgomery Ward Farm Store, 130 Main St. 10-19 BODY FIR WOOD Phone 1490-M. 10-26 CASH PAID tor used pianos. I recondition and sell, adding only cost work, $4 or $6 month terms. Or rent wltl. later pur . chaae privilege., rent applied. Louis Mann, tuner, Derby's 117 So. 7th. 11-11 PUBLIC "STORAGE" Service Klamath Falla Transfer and Storage, Fourth and Klamath. 11-4-mtf FERTILIZER Sheep or cow, lawn dirt, dry blox wood. Roy Schmeck, 1438 Shasta Way. Phone 1269. 10-26 38 For Sal or Trad FOR SALE OR TRADE Boat and motor. Charlie Read Sad dlery. 348tf To Exchange chang FOR TRADE Portable saw mill for fir logs, 2336 Shasta Way. 10-18 TRADE 46-ACRE RANCH, 7 miles from Belma, for acreage within 6 mile of town. Call 2336 Shasta Way, 4th cabin, between 6 and 8. 10-26 42 Mitcallaneom Wanted CASH for old gold coins, gold teeth, watchea and worn-out jewelry. Ricky' Jowelry "d Loan Office, 622 Main. 11-10 WANTED Furniture, atoves, household goons. George a Bar gain Btore, 64 Main. Phone 438-W. 11-10-mtf WANTED Wood to saw. Inquire Gllmore Station, 6th and Oak. 10-16 WANTED Beef, veal, pork and live poultry. 201 E. Main. 10-29 CASH PAID for white round acrew top wine d brown beer bot tles near rear door Armory. Ralph Barnall. 10-22 HIGHEST PRICES paid for used furniture and atoves. O. K. Second-Hand 'Hore, 820 Klamath. Phone 991. 10-31-mtf 44 Uvtoct and feyjjlff FOR SALE Young work mares. Jessa Lilly, Dairy, Ore. 10-20 FOR SALE Fresh Jersey and Guernsey cows. 2 blocks north Irlella'a store. Miller Lane. 10-19 FOR SALE Young fresh 6-gal. cow. Teated. $50. Phone 1168-J. 10-19 FOR SALE 11 tona timothy . hay; alao Jeraey cow. Earl Til- ton. Lakevlew highway, near junction. 10-17 FOR SALE Black saddle mare, five year. Klamath Riding Stable. 4293-tf FOR SALE Feeder pigs. Inquire Malln Hotel. u-iu FOR SALE Team young work horses and harness; also 10 head dairy heifers. D. Hoefler, Dairy. 10-17 CHICKS HATCHING every week. M a g u I r a Electric Hatchery. 1416 N. E. Oregon St., Port land. Ore. 10-31-mtf 46 Financial LOW RATES on AUTO LOANS- and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Safe No Co-Signer No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let ua finance your new or used car purchase Motor Investment Co. License M-104 114 N. 7th Ph. 882 ll-9mtf NEED MONEY? Let The "Friendly Finance Co." Furnish The Cash. AUTO LOANS FINANCING See COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. Wm. Frohnmayer, Mgr. License No. M-22S. 116 8. 7th St. Phone 471 10-31 LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS Equity No. 883S IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. M2RLB M. STAUB, Plaintiff, ye. LUELLA STAUB, Defendant. TO LUELLA STAUB, Defend ant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff on tile against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 17th day ot October, 1938, that being the date of the laat publication of this summons and if you fall to so answer or otherwise appear for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In his complaint, ,to wlt: tor a decree of divorce of and from you and that your name be restored to Luella Ogletree, on the grounda ot desertion for more than one year prior to the filing of plaintiff's complaint. This summons la served upon you by publication thereof In the Evening Herald a dally news paper published and circulated In Klamath County, Oregon, once a week for four successive weeks, (five publications), pursuant to order of the Honorable Edward B. Ashurst, Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered September 19, 1938, the first publication thereof to be made September 19tb, 193S, and the last publication thereof to bo made on the 17th day ot October, 1938. EDWIN E. DRISCOLL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Post Office and Business Ad dress 206 Williams Bldg., Klamath Falls, Oregon, S 19-26; 0 3-10-17. ' No. 164 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S HALE Equity No. 400S----NOTICE Is hereby' given that by virtue of an Execution duly ia ued out of the Circuit Court ot 40 LEGAL NOTICES the State of Oregon, for Klamath County, dated October 11, 1938, In a certain suit, In said Court, wherein Standard Supply Co., a corporation, plaintiff, versus El vira Hlrvl and Jacob Hlrvl, Jr., defondanta, the plaintiff recover ed Judgment agalnat defendanta for the sum of $1,260.00, with Interest thereon from August 21, 1933, nntll paid at the rate of 87o per annum: the further sum of $76.00 Interest to August 21, 1933; the sum of $125.00 a at torney' fee, and $17.46 coat and disbursements of suit, which said Judgment was entered and docketed In said Court on August 21, 1938. Notice Is hereby given that act ing under said Execution I hare lovled upon as real property or. said defendanta the following de scribed property: Beginning on the northerly boundary line of Main Street In the City of Klamath Falls. Klamath County. Oregon, at a point thereon distant 68 feet northeasterly from the easterly boundary line of 11th Street; thence northwesterly parallel with 11th Street 175 feet; thence northeasterly and paral lel with Main Street 14 feet; thence northwesterly and paral lel with 11th Street 66 feet to the southerly line of Pine Street; thence northeaaterly along said line of Pine Street 48 feet; thence southeasterly and parallel with 11th Street 128 feet; thence northeasterly and parallel with Main Street 60 feet; thence southeasterly and parallel with 11th Street 112 feet to the northerly line of Main Street at a point thereon distant 126 feet sonthweaterly from the southwest corner of Lot 6, Block 1, Hot Spring Ad dition to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence sonth weaterly along the northerly line of Main Street 111 feet to the place of beginning; being a tract of land unplatted and situated In the SEl of the SEl of Section 29, and the NEi of the NEi of Section 82, Town ahlp 38 South, Range 9 East of the Willamette Meridian, and that I will, on the 17th day of November. 1938. at the front aoor of the Court House of Klamath County, Oregon, In the City or Klamath Falls, at eleven o'clock In the forenoon of said day, sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, all right, title and Interest of the said Elvira Hlrvl and Jacob Hlrvl, Jr. in and to said real property to satisfy said Judg ment. Done thla 11th day of October, A. D. 1938. L. L. LOW. Sheriff ot Klamath County, Oregon, By J. E. FRANEY. Deputy. O 17-24-31; N 7-14 News. No. 166 NOTICE IXVTnXG PROPOSALS FOB FURNISHING PUMPS, ETC., FOR KLAMATH DRAIN AGE DISTRICT nni.T. will lA DWVU yiUWWIB " . . opened and considered by the Board of Supervisor ot the Klam ath Drainage District for two elec t r I c a 1 1 y operated automatic pumps, equipment, and installa tion complete. Specifications can be secured from John Liskey, president, at hla residence In the District. Mall address John Liskey, Merrill, Proposals should be mailed to C. P. Taylor, secretary, in um la RM, Klamath Falls. Oreeon or loft thorn nprnnnnllv anrl will be re ceived up to and including the nour oi iu ocjock a. ra. uciuuer 29th, 1933. Tho Rnnrrl of Runervlsora re serves the right to reject any and all Dius. O. P. TAYLOR. Secretary Klamath t Drainage DlBtrlct. O. 10-17. No. 164. ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE OF FILING FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAM ATH. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF P. M. FELT (Some times known a Philip M. Felt, Deceased. Notice la hereby given that I have filed my Final Account as Administratrix of the Estate of P. M. Felt, Deceased, and the above-entitled Court has fixed 2 o'clock in the afternoon of Wed' nesday, November 2, 1938, as the iime, and the Circuit Court Room in the Court House of Klamath County. Oregon, at Klamath Falls. Oregon, as the place when and where any person may present ob jections or exceptions to said Final Account, at which time the above-entitled Court will finally pass upon and settle said Account, STELLA E. FELT, Administratrix ot the Estate ot P. M. Felt, Deceased. S. 26; Oct. 3-10-17-24 No. 156 NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF WALTER R.' LOCKE, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given that The United States Nationnl Bank of Portland has been appointed ex ecutor ot the last will and testa ment and estate of Walter R. Locke, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are required to present them, with the proper vouchers, to said ex ecutor at the Klamath Falls Branch ot said The United States National Bank of Portland within six months from October 10, 1938. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND 0. 10-17-24-31; N. 7. No. 161. MALIN STUDENTS SLATE CARNIVAL MALIN Plans ar all mad for the annual grade school car nival to be held In the grade school gymnasium next Friday evening. October 11. when a band of gypsies will be camped there to provide entertainment. Con cessions, games, a wishing well, fortune teller and food conces sions will be on hand for di version following . the program and floor show. A Jitney dance will also be In order. Funds from the carnival are uaed each year to finance school activities. The publto 1 cordially Invited to attend. TRANSIENTS GET BROKEN BONES IN TULELAKE FIGHT TULELAKE Tranalents who became quarrelsome during the paat week suffered broken bones and were taken to Yreka for bearing by Deputy Sheriff Roy Dysert Saturday. Namea of two who suffered more se lions In Carload Potato Shipments Day of Month Beaaon 1938-89 Season l8f-8g Oct. to Season Oct. to Season QeU Dally Data to Data Daily Date to Dat I 1S 17 IT 436 T i to nt l Til 16 64 662 I 16 44$ 29 74 682 8 1 44$ I 23 97 706 ' " 6 27 124 73l 1 47 7 19 161 761 21 1 ' " 798 62 "0 t 198 Tot 61 1C1 70 ""lO 20 218 826 11 1 91 Tl 13 241 849 34 M 626 12 30 271 879 34 660 H It 204 911 24 66 686 H 24 328 936 22 187 706 15 18 244 952 17 0 1 " ' 19 12$ 742 j7 16 339 761 Yg 22 361 760 " 19 M 89 '!- 619 638 - il 20 439 856 22 1 874 28 481 900 .4 ' li 497 116 Ji 1 16 g 1 il 15 627 146 T7 16 646 964 J8 ' 15 560 97 29 U 571 990 80 16 686 1005 31 U 9 696 1014 1 xsssBsaSB Month shipment by truck 66 661 1080 Complied from official records by the county agent' offle. State Federal Inspector Ross Aubrey and The News-Herald. CHINESE i HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured cereal grass. 6 It is grown on low land, easily 13 Clay huts. 14 To entice 15 Metallic rock. 16 Voluble. 17 To scrutinize. 19 Prickle. 21 Ell. 22 King of beasts. 23 Pillar of stone. 24 Senior. 25 Elevator. 26 Metrical composition. 27 Toward. 29 To diversify. 30 Sour in aspect 31 Evergreen tree. 32 Amphitheater center 34 South African farmer. 35 Paths of Answer to mathematical curves. 36 Skin. 37 Spar. 38 To sink. 39 New England fish. 40 South America. 41 Pair. 42 Form of "8." 43 Trees, genu Ulmus. 4STo permit. 46 Cut of meat 47 Passage. 49 Flower leaf. Sa rTkTitjwiaii Niiri in in p ooIpQe p rDfa n el Ih I TOR E SlTJI V E rjNlAlP ulsksUiE ntpsi tsUpJs FpfmTWAINlLp t n- t IsHlJoIoI ' SANSON Tpllrlo LlLlO W I N SQB Y IsIeEOnIa I L I N 6ffH AM Ia1wIe;Irii1caM5vve1atIer1 hP ' nP 27 r 3T33 I pW -" "35 -""""T 55 I I " 38 Z Imp s ira juries were not available aW though on ufferad a broke left arm when atruok Wedneadai night with a section ot two bj four by William Sleglar of tht Homestead cafe after the now comera became abusive. The second, treated for a. broken Jaw, was unable to fur nish officer with detail of bit Injury, On Friday morning, John Hex ron, freshman at the high achool waa treated for three severed tendon In hi right band after he tell through a window at the high achool. POTATO Pick-up Sacks LOJUtS For Harvesting Battaglia & Burger ao WUllama Building Pbon 1400 Merrill Phone SA08 FOOD GRASS Previous Paul 9 Piece of cor respondence. 10 Sheep's coat. 11 Eccentric. 12 Beasts' horn 18 Folding bed. 20 Skirt's edge. 22 Italian coin. . 23 Acid. 24 It is very rich In 1 . 25 Farm. 26 Bard. 28 It Is a staple diet In the 29 Blood feud. 30 Bride's property. 31 Haze. 33 Stream. - 34 The soul 33 Gibbon. 37 Face cover. 38 Small twig 40 Tiny. 42 Eagle's next 44 To Jump. 45Thln. 46 To plant 48 Three. 49 Postscript. 81 Northwest 50 It is grown for its seed or. 52 It is a food crop. 53 Tendon. VERTICAL 1 Tatter 2 Wastrel. S Spiral spring. 4 To recede 5 To change into bone. 6 Enthusiasm. 7 To hasten. 8 France