PAGE EIGHT THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON October 17, 1938 1938 Farmer Incomes Shrink P1E11I.ES COST 1 L LIS NORTHWEST WASHINGTON. Oct. 17 (.1 Tumbling prices shriveled fsrmor Incomes In the Paclfio northwest stntes this year. Agrlculturo department figure showed today the (armera of Washington. Oregon, Idaho and Utah running millions of dollars behind 1937. Official estimates placed re eelpts from crops livestock and benefit payments at ii,uuu during the period January to August of this year, compared with $256,482,000 In the same nerlod of 1937. A similar condition prevailed throughout all the western states with total Income dropping to 4. 614,000,000 from 5, 350. 000,- 000. The department found dwindl ing receipts from wheat, trucK erops, potatoes, apples, dry edible beans contributed most heavily to the reduction In income. The Income . o t Washington farmers for the eight month per iod of this year was reported aa (66,818,000 compared with $99, 546.000 for the same period of 1937. Of this, $26,538,000 came from the sale of crops, $39,695,' 000 came from the sale of erops, $39,695,000 from livestock and livestock products and $1,683,000 from benefit payments. During the eight montha of 1937, the receipts from these sources were $54,994,000, $41,727,000 and (2,825,000, respectively. Oregon farmers received $49,- 072,000 $18,205,000 from erops $33,554,000 from livestock and livestock products, and $2,813 000 from benefit payments dur ing the January-August period of 1938, compared with $66,245,000 for the corresponding period of 1937. The 1937 receipts lnclud d $27,088,000 from orops, $36,- (18.000 from livestock and llve atook products, and $2,289,000 from benefit payments. Idaho farmers collected only $41,185,000 between January 1 and August 81 this year, com pared with their receipts of $67,- 008.000 during the eight month period of 1987. The 1938 revenue from erops totaled $12,544,000 compared with $27,898,000 in 1987, Receipts from livestock and livestock products dropped rrom (16,464,000 to $26,849.00, Benefit payments fell from $3, (41,000 to $2,742,000. Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK, Oct. 17 (IP) Air rafts soared over new high ter ritory for the past year, and util ities were given a fast buying play In today's stock market, but many Tecently strong pivotal leaders were blown down by profit taking blasts. Gains ran to around two points at the best among the favorites, while losses of as much and more were widely distributed elsewhere. Steels, motors, rubbers, mail or ders, coppers, rails and special ties were under pressure, and best advances in the favored groups were reduced substantially at the close. A wild flat hour put the ticker tape behind as blocks of 1000 to ' 30,000 shares of low-priced stocks changed bands in rapid succes sion. The turnover of 950,000 shares in the Initial period was one of the largest in months. Deal ings quieted subsequently and transfers for the day were around 2,500,000 shares. Closing quotations: Adams Express . 12 J jur Keauction ...... 66 Alaska Juneau 9J Ai unem & Dye 194 Allied Stores 11 American Can . 103! Am Eng Tile 6 J Am For Power 4B Yessir That's a Lot of Mouth ; 4 Patsy, a cocker spaniel, turns a wary eye on the cavernous Jaws of a 42-pound muskie and no doubt considers herself very lucky that the huge fish is beyond doing her any harm. The prize catch was landed by her master. Harry W. Mould of Buffalo, who brought In the 57 W -inch beauty on an 18-pound test line in Lake Chautauqua. N. Y. Am Power & Light Am Rad Sta San .......... Am Roll Mills Am Smelt A Ret . .... Am Tel & Tel Am Tob "B" Am Water Works Am Zine L & S Anaconda Armour 111 Atchison Auburn Auto Barnsdall ... Bait A Ohio Bendix Avla Beth Steel Boeing Airp Borden Borge-Warner Budd Mfg Calif Packing Callahan Z L . Calumet Hec Canadian Pacific Case (J I) Cat Tractor Celanese Cert-Teed Ches as Ohio Chrysler Col Gas El Com'l Solvents . Comm'nw'ltb & Consol Aircraft Consol EdiBon Consol Oil Cont'l Can Corn Products Crown Zellerbach Curties Wright . Dnpont A De N - Doug Aircraft Eastman Kodak El Pow A Lt . Erie R R Sou General Electrio General Foods Gen Gas A El "A" General Motors Gillette Goodyear Tire Gt Nor Ry Pfd Hecker Prod Holland Furnace Hudson Motors Illinois Central Insp Copper Int Harvester Int Nick Can Int Pap A P pfd Int Tel A Tel Johns Manville Kennecott ., Lib O Ford i Llgg Myers "B" Loew s Long-Bell "A" Lorillard P Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelv Nat'l Biscuit Nat'l Cash Nat'l Dairy Prod T 18 181 56i 146i 89 13) Si 6 371 4 161 Si 134 631 291 17 84J 5i 21 2 J 91 61 961 55 221 111 834 801 91 10J 2 ITS $31 SI 441 691 131 61 147 671 179 131 21 46 371 U 491 8 811 221 81 49 9 131 18 63 641 431 9i 1051 481 551 1001 641 41 20 611 91 25 27 141 Nat'l Dlst Nat'l Pow A Lt ..- N Y Central North Anier Co .. Northern Paclfio Ohio Oil ... Otis Steel Pae Amer Fish , Pac Gas A El ... Pacific Tel A Tel . Packard Motor Penney (J C) ... Penna R R 1. Phelps Dodge Phillips Pet . Proctor A Gamble Pressed Steel Car Pub Svo N J Pullman Radio Rayonier Kayonier pfd Rem Rand Republic Steel Reynolds Tob "B" Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck Shell Union Socony Vacuum Sou Cat Edison Southern Paclfio -Standard Brands Standard Gas A El . Stand Oil Calif Stand Oil Ind Stand Oil N J Stone A Webster Studebaker ..... Sunshine Mining Sup Oil Texas Corp Texas Gulf Sulphur -Tidewater Asso Oil , Timken Roll Bearing , Trans-America Union Carbide Union Oil Calif Union Pacific United Aircraft ... United Airlines .. United Corporation United Fruit United Gas Imp . U S Indust Alcohol U S Rubber U S Rubber pfd U S Steel , Vanadium Walworth Warner Pictures - Western Union . Westinghouse White Motor Woolworth - 151 91 181 241 12 9i 101 71 29 1111 41 841 211 48 88 661 91 331 (31 7i 161 22 161 191 441 7 181 78 141 131 241 191 71 6 (SI 281 62 131 ( Hi 31 411 341 121 631 91 (81 201 (6 331 11 41 621 12 27 62 (61 (31 22( . ! 29 1191 , 131 47i HEAT RECORD NEW YORK, Oct. 17 (JP) The 30-year-old high temperature rec ord for this date was broken twice today at noon when the ther mometer registered 84.2 and an hour later when lt read 86. CH1CAOO, Oct. IT (IF) Seven eighths of a cent a bushel sag of Chicago wheat values took place today chiefly owing to dearth of either speculative or export de mand, The United States wheat visible supply total showed a slight In crease, and world shipments tell oft somewhat, December delivery ot corn touched a new low-price record for the year. . At the close, Chicago wheat futures were l-o lower compared with Saturday's finish, Dec. 64) to (4. May 661-66, corn 1-lc down, Dec. 441-441. May 471-471, and oata unchanged to lo oft. SO. 8. P. LIVESTOCK 80. 8AN FRANCISCO, Oct. 17 (AP-USDA) Hogs 725. Includ ing 216 direot; butchers around 6 higher than late last week; top and bulk 170-225 lb. weights $8.85; odd lots -330-175 lb. weights sorted out (3.35; packing sows strong to ( higher, mnlnly (6.60-60. Cattle 1000. Including 330 di rect; very slow; practically no early sales; Indications on most classes about steady; medium te good grass and shortfed steers saleable $6.60-8.00; good young cows quoted up to $5.75; medium bulls saleable $6.00 down. Calves 30. No early action; Indications steady; good to choice vealers quoted around $8.00-10.00. Sheep 2200, Including 810 di rect. Lambs about steady; two decks good 88 lb. Novada woolcd lambs $7.50; package good mn-dlum-pelt lambs $7.25, sorted 15 head medium $6.00; sheep strong; medium-pel t yearlings (5.75; aged wethers (4.75; two decks medium to good medium-pelt slaughter ewes (3.25, sorted 15 per cent (2.25. BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, Oct. 17 (AP-USDA) Quotations were very firm on the Boston wool market today. In quiries were being received on fleece and territory wools. Ask- j Ing prices of (7 to 68 cents or , higher on scourod basis for good j French combing lengths fine ter-' ritory wools in original bags were meeting some resistance but hold- ers were firm. Graded combing ' bright and 1 blood fleecea were I quoted mostly 31 to 32 cents or! higher, grease basis. Country , Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 17 t.T) nUTTKH -Prints: A gnido, S0o lb. In lmirliniiint wrappers, 31c Hi In rnrtmis; II grade 294c Hi. ,lu pnrehmtmt wrappers, 30 Jo Hi, lit cartons, BUTTER FAT Portland deliv ery buying pi'U'o: ; A grade, 28ic lb. Portland doll very; B grade, lie lb. less; C grade, 6c lb. less. Country delivery, J7o lb. for A grade. (0(18 Buying prices for wholesaler:' Specials, 35c dm.; extras, 33o dos; standards, 27c dot.; extra medium, 24o dos.; undergrade, 16a dot. C1IKESE Orogon triplets, 13c; Oregon- loaf, 14c. Brokera will pav 1 cent below quotations, COUNTRY MEAT S Soiling price to retailers: Country-killed hogs, best butcher, under 160 lbs., 11a lb.; vaulors, He; light nud thin, 8-10a; hoavy, -8-9o; spring lambs, 13c; ewes,. 4-6o; cutter cows, 61-7c lb. emitter cows, 6-6 lo lb.; bulls, 81-8o lb. LIVE POULTRY Buying prices: Leghorn broilers, 11 to 1 lbs., 16-170 lb.; (-21 lbs., 16c lb.; colored springs. 2 to 31 lbs., 17a. lb.; over. 31 lbs., 13o lb.; colored hens to 5 lbs., 18a Hi.; over 5 lbs., 18o lb.; No. 2 grade, 6o lb. less. TURKEYS Selling price: Dressed now crop hons, 24-2!c Hi.; toms, 25-26o lb. Buying prices: New hens, 21-220 lb.; toma, 23c lb. POTATOES Yakima Gcint, $1.10-1.16 per 100-lb. box; local, $1.00; Deschutes Gome, $1.30 to $1.40 per ccntnl. ONION'S Oregon, No. 1. 65 75c; Yakima, 40-500 per 60 lbs. WOO L, Willamette vnlley. nominal; medium, 23c lb.; conns and braids. 23c lb.; lambs and 1017 "Whoops, fellusl llm-vnrtl Jusl lied the score!" fall, lOo lb.; eastern Orogon, 161 26Bc lb. HAY Selling price lo retail ers: Alfnira. No. 1, (16.00 ton: oat-vetch. $10.60-11.00 ton; clov er, $10.00 ton; timothy, custom Oregon, $19.00; do valley, $15.00 ton, Portland, CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICA(ll). Oct. 17 (AP-USDA) Hogs 19.000, Including 6500 di rect; fairly active; mostly steady lo 10 lnor than Friday's aver axe; spots 15 off on weights over 200 lbs.; top (7.60; good mid choice 210-260 His. (7.40-65; 1N0 200 His. (7.30-60; 160-170 lbs. $7.16-35; moit good ,100-600 Hi. packing sows $6.76-7.10; few light butcher kinds to $7.26. Cuttle 21.0U0 calves 2500; strictly grain fed steers and year lings steady, supply small; weighty steers very caraa! all other grades (5 lower, slow at de cline; general killing quality be ing mainly in oil him to good) sluckera mid feeders fairly active, stonily; about 7000 western grass, oi here, mainly stork cat lie and rulvps; holler steady, fed kinds In small supply; grass fat enws slow but steady; cutler grades no. live at (6.2b down In (4.00; bulls 10-16 liliiher; weighty shipper It 1 ii I rt selling up ( $6,75; venlers 115 lower; iibsr-nro kimher killing weakening null hot ul (1.00 down; very few $11.60; few fed steers early (13.25, but a few loads held nnutiid (13 60. Hlieep 13.000, Including 4"0 direct; fnt lambs very slow, tin. dnrlnnn wank In 16 lower; bids and sales native In in In $7,76. (H.tiO; few sorted luls In small killers (8.16; best hold hlglir merely good westerns $7.60-76 few sheep steady; native swot $3.00; occasionally (3.(5. CHICAdO POTATOES CIllOAflO, Ort. 17 (AP-USDA) Pnliiloos 168, on track 366, total II, 8. shipments Saturday 645, Sunday 46; goml quality suit color MeClurea and 111 Inn T r I tl m p hi strong, other slock steady, sup. plies rather liberal, demand fair ly good; sacked per cwl. Idaho It unnet Ilurbatiks, U. 8. No. 1, (1.36-60. urviimr vl'" GIRLS with rs-r If jwu tr (wppy and full of fun. m wtfl IbvIi you to el bom ml partial. . HUT If y,,ti Br rrnaa, Ibtlov m ttrM; mm wiin't 1m lntrra(tH, M-a J"n'l Ilk "fuit" vlrU. Vhn lhy r to imkIW ihp want Hrb almiff wbo ar full of pup. Ko In rtuw yu iimx! a km1 rural tyttom limk, rvmemlwr for B inner dona it : wtnn hu told anmW how to n "utai'M thru" with t.y.lla K, .iiikliam' Vl 1 Cum pound. Il Mna milM uit rmm iJywMU MliUnrv antl thua aiU In 1vTm P1 pop an Wmmu diaUvaa trots Ynull And mnkhtat WOUTU TltYfNUI packed mixed grade lots of fl and J blood bright fleeces offered from the midwest were moved at 30 to 31 cents In the grease, de- 11 Tared east. Pains In Back. Nervous, Rheumatic! Wronc foodf ud drinks, worry, offrvork and frrqorat nidi ofton put a itnln oa tbt KWrvn and functlonkl ktdnry disorder! may bt lbs true causa of Cicns ArMHy. Gettinf Up NIhU, Burnlnt Punri, Leg Pilru. Nnous- nm, uizunnt, dvoiih) Aoiit. Knrumaiic raini. Puffy Kycllds. and fffling old twfort your timt. Help yoor Udnrya purify your blood win C71U1. Usually tha tery first doat staru helping your kidnrya clean out excess adds and this snay quickly make you feel like new. I'mlcr tbt morKy-baek guarantee Cyttti must sathfy com rjletely or cost nothlnc. Gt Crittx (Siti-trs) today. It costs only 3c a dots at drutgliu and tbt guarantee protect you. !&d U 'islss' "0 wiai On Order oS the Executor oS the Estate oS the Late Walter R. Locke (deceased) oS the Locke Motor Co. We are FORCED to effect an IMMEDIATE OS All Used Cars in Stock To Liquidate These Cars at Once We Reduced Each Car 15 and More Below Blue Book! TERMS are: regular down payment of V3 and 12 months on balance to reliable persons. Usual fair trade al lowances will be given. Extra 5 Discount From Sale Price on No Trade Deals Extra 10 Discount From Bargain Sale Price on No Trade Cash Dealt This Is the Regular Locke Used Car Stock Already Reconditioned To the rigid Locke Motor Co. Stand ards. Every car is listed below. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE given with every Used Carl This Action Must Be Ended By October 20th ft jft I 1 W IB. Ill AC3 "i r v -w ll tt'. ll, II "it. ASSISTING livestock operators with their seasonal financial requirements has been an important function of this bank for nearly three quarters of a century. We will be happy to assist you in working out an expense and income budget Please feel free to discuss your plans and needs with us, at no obligation. G. C. LORENZ, Vice President ' MITCHELL TILLOTSON, Manager. KLAMATH FALLS BRANCH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND " - . First National Bank West of the Rockies" IT 1 N i U I A N C I COHrOHATION !!: CHKVKOI.KT STA Ml AKD TOWN HKII.W New paint Job. Kuhbor rihmI ss now. Coniplotcly reconili tlnned nnd fruarnnlcod. Hnlo price $387.00 JsmsTlSv M t M E FECIIA L O E t O S 11(20 CHKVHOI.KT COITK Wondorfnl conilldon nml tins had best of care. Cash $50.00 1083 CHKVROI.RT HAHTKR COACH This car has had ex cellent care. Broadcloth up holstery. Has hlgh-prlccd radio Jmt recently reconditioned and hot water heater. Snle price $253.00 cirEvnoi.ET stand ard TOWN HKDAX Iteautl. fill black finish. Looks and runs like a new car, $387.00 lonr DEM7XK TOWN SEDAN Dark cherry maroon finish. All dual equipment. A Men! t $553.00 lOSfl CHEVROLET MASTER TOWN SEDAN Hydraulic brakes. No draft venlllnlliin. Upholstery like new. Tires show no wear $451.00 1038 CHEVROLET SEDAN Equipped with sldo mounts. Orla-lnnl black finish. Tires new. Res;, guarantee, $250.75 10.10 CHEVROLET SEDAN Taken In from a local business man. Shows very little, wear for the age. Sale price $102.00 1033 CHEVROLET MASTER TOWN SEDAN I're-saln price was :tl.-,.oo. Try this car at today's snle prlco of $250.75 loaf PLYMOUTH DELUXE 4 DOOR SEDAN Original K. metnl finish. lots of extra ac cessories. i;iihnlil.fv llln ...... and shows no blemishes. Sale prlco $297.50 J032 CHEVROLET SEDAN The car with down draft car. burellon. ileniitlful condition. Sale price -.$181.25 1037 CHEVROLET DELUXE SPORT SEDAN O r I K 1 n a I spruce preen duco flnUh. All dual equipment. Hlllli priced rndlo. Large hot water heater. Looks and runs like n new car. Sale prlco $503.00 1037 CHEVROLET MASTER SPORT SEDAN This rnr has everything that our deluxes have except knee nrllon. Com plete dual equipment and lots of other extras. Sale prlre $516.80 1030 CHEVROLET STAND ARD SPOUT SEDAN Ijirge roomy trunk. No draft rentlln fion. This rnr will trade In for $100.00 more thnn our sale prlre at $416.50 1037 CHEVROLET DE LUXE TOWN SEDAN Original .black finish. Run very few miles. lofs of extras $553.00 lO.'lfl CHEVROLET MASTER 4-DOOR TRUNK SEDAN lleaiitlful green finish. Uphol stery shows no wear. Has knee action nnd hydraulic brakes. A written guarantee. Sale prlre $476.00 1030 CHEVROLET STAND ARD SPORT SEDAN Com pleto new duco paint Job. Just taken In as a deposit on n new 1030. Snro prlco $416.50 1037 CHEVROLET SPORT 4 DOOR TRUNK T IIUIII N (1 SEDAN The car that nttalned leadership In snles nationally. $573.75 1037 CHEVROLET DELUXE SPORT SEDAN Has 1038 water pump. Run very few thousand miles. All dual equip ment. A car you will he proud to own. Sale price, $573.75 1037 CHEVROLET SPORT SEDAN While sldr-nall tires. Lota of extras. Keeping our promise to public. !ft', under book. Snle prlre $573.75 103(1 CHEVROLET STAND AKD SEDAN Recti In stork three davs. Orliiinnl owner local business man. Our sal price $416.50 ftl.trt CHEVROLET STAND ARD SPORT SEDAN Taken In from locnl man who bought It new. Original beautiful black finish. Looks and runs like a new car. Sale price $416.50 1037 CHEVROLET MASTER COUPE All duiil equipment. Less than 12.000 actual miles. Sold by lioeka .Motor new. Sale price $450.50 1037 PLYMOUTH DELI'XI' COUPE Lots of extras. New beautiful dark green finish. Sale price , $480.25 1037 CHEVROLET DEUX COUPE Ileniitlful cherry red finish. Completely recondition ed and guaranteed, $540.00 103(1 CHEVROLET STAND ARD COITK The car that made the word economy fam ous, llenutiftil golden brown finish, lioks and runs like n new rnr $207.50 1033 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN Mils of extras, In cluding hot water healer. Sain price $240.25 1037 CHEVROLET DELUXE COUPE Sold new last August by the Locke Motor and hns very fow miles. Halo price $540.00 1032 CHEVROLET COUPE See this car nnd you will buy It. Halo price $170.00 1031 CHEVROLET 4 PAS SENGER COUPE .lust, the car for a small family. Is In wonderful condition nnd has had the best ot care. Sale prlco $132.50 1030 CHEVROLET COUPE New pnlnl. Condition A-l. Sold as Is $83.00 1030 CHEVROLET MASTER COUPE Knee ml Inn. ITv. draiilic brakes. This car will pass the strictest exnmlnn- lon $425.00 1037 CHEVROLET DELUXE COUPE Tnken In from a local railroad man and has had very little use. Lots of ex tras $340.00 1037 FORD "fl.V COUPE Car bought new by a local lumber mnn. Has very few miles. Looks nnd runs like' a new car $382.50 1031 FOR COUPE New seat rovers. New paint Job. A complete new short, block as setubly Installed recently. Four practically new Federal tires. A steal at $112.20 1033 OLDS.MOIIILE COUPF Complete new paint Job. Tlrea show very little wear. Uphol stery like new, An economy car I hill will give you big car transportation $229.50 1033 CHEVROLET COUPE The rnr that out sold all com. petition. In the very best of shape. Sale prlre $225.25 10311 CHEVROLET TRUCK Long wheel base. Dual wheels. Tires show very little wear. Ilrand new flat rack, (iocs with the truck at $355.00 103(1 CHEVROLET H - TON PANEL New beautiful green finish. Our reconditioning cost 9210.30. Halo prlco complete, ready lo go $365.50 1032 FORD V-8 COUPE Heller shape than most 1031 models. V-H econ omy $135.00 You'll never have such another chance to safely buy DEPENDABILITY at such SACRIFICE LOCKE MOTOR COMPANY Open Every Night Until 11:00 O'clock Lots at 7th and Pine and 411 So. 6th St. Main Store, 410 So. 6th St. Phone 49