THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON October 17, 1033 r Two More Upsets Feature Conference Race PACE TWO 1 V. -V; Ml iV DSC HUMBLES HUSKIES.13-B Passes, Breaks Provide Stanford With Victory Over Oregon. Br RU88ELL NEWLAXD SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 17 OP) Pigskin preview and review: After Uat Saturday's football debaclea some far western tans were ready to admit today they couldn't pick their father out of a wagon load of potatoes. Consider these facta. Stan ford's supposedly loose jointed fridiron talent organised Itself ' sufficiently to defeat a highly favored University of Oregon team 17 to II. Oregon led the coast conference, had defeated 'Washington State and the Culver 's atty of California at Los Angeles. Stanford had two stars on the ; 1 sidelines, a disastrous defeat In 1 Its record at the hands of- Santa ' - Clara and a miserable outlook o i Its football life. U On a northern battlefield. Uni' feralty of Washington plunged - deeper Into the mire of defeat, - ...tloslnr to an Oregon State squad , ' which on Its record had no busl- r jes oa the same , gridiron with r the Huskies. The upshot, how: ever, was another upset with OSC, taking the long end of a II to decision after having lost previously to Idaho and Southern , California. Washington, at least, ' bad tied Idaho 12 to 12 and fig' nred to chalk up Its first confer ence victory at the expense of the Oregonlass. Other big games last week saw University of California crush UCLA 20 to' 7; Southern Califor nia wallop . Washington State, It to 6; Idaho defeat Gonsaga, 18 to 12; Santa, Clara ramble over Arliona, 27 to 0, and Montana lose to Texas Tech, 12 to 12. Outcomes of these engagement : ran true to form, but what a going ; to happen thia weekend? In view of so many reveraals. three forthcoming favorites could be knocked over without the foot ball public even batting an eye. ' California, now favored to re tain its conference title and move back to the Rose Bowl for a sec .ond straight year, meets Washing- J ton at Seattle. Tie Bears ahould J I win as they plus but recall what took place a year ago. The pow erful California team was an odds ' on favorite to defeat Washington. The game ended in a tie. - Southern California Invades Stanford's borne field and rates as the favorite, bat after what Stanford did to Oregon, the ex- perta hare begun to revise their opinions. Oregon State finds itself favor ' ed over Washington State, but in ' view of the tact WSC held USC on ,' eves terms for three periods, the Cougars probably will get aome baoking as losgshota. Despite two defeats for UCLA, its followers like Its chances to win from Idaho, undefeated and tied once and playing great ball this season. - The only measure of comparison li offered la -their gamea with. Washington.- - Idaho tied the Huskies 12-12 and UCLA beat them, 12-0. Santa Clara, after winning from Stanford, Texas A. k. It., and Arl iona, faces its hardest test in a San Francisco meeting with Ar kansas. The boys from the Osarks region ' really play for keeps and they're welded Into a first rate gridiron unit this year. So ia the two-time Sugar Bowl champion Santa Clara outfit, and the contest sizes -up as an even affair, at least until game time.. STANFORD 07, OREGON IS STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Cal. Oct. 17 (UP) A Stanford foot ball team that had been rated underdog blasted . University of Oregon off the top of the Pa . clfic coast conference Saturday with a wild, inspiring 27-1 vic tory. . The Indians, weakened by in juries and dubbed the worst Stanford team In years," did everything right, came twice from behind, grabbed the breaks and ran Oregon's unbeaten Web- loots ragged. 54 Yard Score Oregon opened the scoring with a field goal by Nicholson in the first five minutes. Early In the second period Jay Graybeal broke fit yards through the field to put uregon into a 10-0 lead. Two minutes later Stoikovlch, Stanford end, hauled In 25 yard pass and went 30 yards more for the first Stanford score. Paul man failed to convert and Stan- lord was still in the hole. But within two minutes Stan ford again jammed into Oregon territory to take the lead on a paas to Al Graft, and Stanford was on top, 13-10. Oregon refused to be counted out and came back In the third period with a power drive that ended when Reglnato took a pass lor 5 yards and another touch down which put Oregon ahead again, 16-13. Stanford put the game away wun seven minutes to go when Wlllard, Stanford end, scooped up a blocked kick and ran 60 yards for a touchdown, Ledeboer con verted and Stanford went Into the lead 20-16. Oregon came back strong and pushed into an other scoring drive, but a bad pass from center lost the ball on downs and Stanford rampaged back to another touchdown by Brenner from the 4 yard line. Yardage statistics clearly show ed the outline of the game. Ore gon made 11 first downs to Stan ford's t, and outgalned Stanford on the ground 238 yards to 71 But 8tsnford piled up 118 yarde from passes against only 20 for Oregon. The passes rurnlsnea two Stanford touchdowns and they gov one through the line and one oa a blocked kick. OSO 18 WASH SEATTLE. Oct. 17 (UP) Oregon State college drove the over-rated University of Wash Ington Into the cellar of the Pa- ciflo coast football conference Saturday with a IS to 6 victory. The Beavers passed and plung ed their way to their first con ference victory of the season and repeated an upset they scored against the Huskies last year. Oregon State displayed an ef fective aerial attack and deadly pass defense. Washington, picked aa a championship contender oe- fore the season started, played an uninspired game. The Huskies previously have lost to Minnesota and UCLA and been tied by Idaho. Except for a minute and a half at the start of the second halt when Washington came from be hind to tie the score, the game waa all Oregon State. The Beavers made 13 first downs to Washington's 6. They gained 136 yards from scrimmage to the Huskies' 110. Oregon State completed 7 out of IS passe tor 101 yards and intercepted three Washington tosses. The Huskies completed only two out ot 16 attempted passes and made only 62 yards through the air. Jim Klsselburgh. sophomore of Hollywood, and tbe Kohler twins from Sutton, Neb., were the work horses for Oregon State. Bill G lesson ot Portland and Joe Dubsky were Washington's stand by. Oregon State took the lead In the first period. .The Beavers put the Huskies in a hole by kicking out ot bounds on the Washing ton 6 yard line. Dean McAdams kicked to mid-field for Washing ton and Higglns returned to the Husky 20. Oregon State pounded to the Washington 12 and Kls selburgh made a first down on the 2 yard line. Higgina drove over right guard for the first touchdown. Hutchins tailed to convert. U80 IB WSC 6 LOS ANGELES. Oct. 17 (UP) The Trojans of the University ot Southern California scored two touchdowns In the final period cere saturaay to take a hard earn ed 12-6 victory from the Wash ington State college football team. Thirty-five thousand fans saw the unnsual spectacle of a Tro jan team playing wide open foot ball to conquer a Cougar eleven which had been made underdog on the basis of 10 to 5 in the betting. Southern California took the lead in the second period when Jimmy Jones, halfback passed to John Stonebraker, sophomore end, who scored on the 23 yard pass play. The aerial touchdown culminated a march from the Trojan 45 yard line. The drive was aided by a penalty on Wash ington State tor pass interfer ence and a long run by fullback Jack Banta which gained to tbe Cougars' 26 yard line. Phil Gas par, Trojan tackle, failed to con vert. Washington State tied np the ball game early In the third per iod when Oliver Day, Trojan quarterback, tried a quick kick deep in his own territory. Big George Hubert, Cougar tackle aided a teammate In blocking the kick, then picked up the ball and raced 26 yarda to score. The Cougars failed to convert from placement. CALIFORNIA 80 UCLA T BERKELEY, Calif., Oct. 17 (UP) University of California's powerhouse rolled over a bigger UCLA team for a 20-7 victory in 60 minutes of smashing football belore 40,000 fans here Saturday. Unbeaten since mid-season of 1226. the Rose Bowl champions registered their fifth straight win of the 1228 campaign with two touchdowns In the second period and another in the fourth on smashing, passing drives down field against a stubborn foe. With those 20 points under Its belt, California sent In its re serves, and UCLA began shooting for a score. It came late in the fourth period on three completed passes, with Hal Hirshon going over. It took the Golden Bear a full period to throw Its . powerhouse attack Into high gear and push the UCLA Bruins out bf tbe way, Stonoed on the two vard line early in the second period, the Bears came on again with a 36 yard march that sent left half back Vic Bottarl crashing Into the end zone from a yard out for the first touchdown. Bottarl drop- kicked the extra point and Cali fornia went back after another score. It came on a 62-yard drive. with lanky Louie Smith, right halfback, taking the ball part of the way and Bottarl taking charge at the 41 yard mark to reach pay dirt In five slashing charges at the UCLA tackles. Bot tarl missed tbe try for point this time, leaving the score 13-0 at half-time. The third nerlod found Cali fornia again on the defensive, as UCLA, sparked by Kenny Wash ington, great negro halfback, tried desperately to score. With Washington running 33 yards and passing 15, the Bruins from Los Angeles once went 62 yards be- Minnesota Only Major Team Sure Not to NEW YORK, Oct. 17 (API After a close survey ot the week end wrecksge. It can be stated definitely today that of the 30 major football teams still unde feated, Minnesota's Gophers will not be beaten this week. , They don't play. Nothing else can be guaranteed not atter a week which saw 30 big time outfits bite the dust for the first time, including such prime favorites as Cornell, Nary, Columbia. Pennsylvania, Holy Cross, Alabama and Oregon. Subject to change without notice, the chief powerhouses right now appear to be Pitt and Dartmouth in the east; Min nesota and Notre Dame In the midwest: Toxas Christian, Bay lor, Oklahoma and Texas Tech in the southwest; California and Santa Clara on the Pacific slops, and . Tennessee. Vanderbllt and Duke In the aouth. Thla week's program, outlined below, may change the situation completely by thia time next week. EAST: The intersections! angle la strongly stressed In the east ern sector. Pitt, which over powered hitherto unbeaten Wis consin. 26-6. meets Southern Methodist, already beaten by Marquette. Yale, led to a sen sational 3-7 upset victory over Navy by Gil Humphrey, takea ita stand against powerful Mich igan which bowed to Minnesota, 7-6, after outplaying the Gophers most of the way. Fordham, tied by Purdue's closing rush, 6-6, meets Oregon's Webtoots who suffered their first defeat In a 27-16 rout by Stanford. On the purely sectional side, Boston college. Dartmouth, Georgetown and George Washing ton all risk unmarred records. Boston college, which beat De troit 8-6 last week, plays Temple, which routed previously unbeaten B u e k n e 11 , 26-0. Dartmouth, whose second halt rush buried Brown, 34-13, for the Bruins' first defeat, meets a courageous Harvard outfit which finally sur rendered to Army, 20-17. George town, untested In major com petition, plays Manhattan. Penn, tripped by Princeton, 13-0, and Columbia, stopped by Colgate, 12-0, clash at Phila delphia. Cornell, beaten by un defeated Syracuse, 19-17, a the winner scored all their point In the final quarter, will try to start again against Penn State. Navy and Princeton get together at Baltimore as New York uni versity, nosed out by Northern Carolina, plays Lafayette. . Army fore California stopped the march. Tbe tide turned abruptly near the end of the period, and with Tony Flrpo, a replica of the slashing Bottarl, In the key role, California smashed and passed Its way to the 6 yard line Just as the fourth quarter opened. Flrpo hit the line three times to score and Bud Winterbottom kicked the conversion for California' final point. A clipping penalty opened the way for the UCLA score. The penalty put the ball on Call fornia's 20 yard line, UCLA'S farthest northern approach up to that time. Hirshon passed to Washington for 8 and Washing ton passed to Joe L. Brown, son of the movie comedian, Joe E. Brown, for 7 to put the ball on tbe 5. A pass from fullback Over lin to Captain Hirshon produced tbe score and John Frawley from Miles City, Mont., kicked the ex tra point. UCLA was trying to score again on long passes as the game ended. California's power asserted it self in the statistics, showing tbe Bears making 203 net yards on the ground and only 40 through the air. UCLA was the reverse, getting but 80 yards net from scrimmage, including Washing ton's 33 yard sprint, the longest of the day, and 116 through tbe air lanes. First downs, which Glenn Poo Warner would use to determine the score and the winner, were even, each team having 11. UCLA filled the air with passes. They tnea zs ot which 11 were com pleted. Four of them were Inter cepted by the California defense and the rest fell dead. California tried only nine passes and con nected on two. 27 Passes Too Few For Jones LOS ANGELES. Oct. 17 (AP) The Trojans tried 27 passes In beating Washington State, but Coach Howard Jones said today his USC team played "a bit too conservatively. "They were conservative on at tack," Jones explained, "because they were not mixing up the of fense enough. "We may even throw more passes against Stanford next Sat urday. At least we'll be more versatile when we have the ball." FOOTBALL Oregon State 13, Washington 6. Stanford 27, Oregon 16. St. Mary's 32, Portland 7. California 20, UCLA 7. Idaho 26, Gonzaga 12. Southern California 19. Wash ington State 6. Willamette 6, Santa Barbara 8. Oregon State Rooks 0. Oregon Frosh 0. Eastern Oregon Normal I, Ore gon Normal 0. Lose This Week eases oft against Boston Uni versity. MIDDLEWEST: The only major game ot the entire national slat which Involves two unde feated and untied teams sends Carnegie Tech against Notre Dame, 14-6 conqueror of Illinois. Syracuse may find a tartar In Michigan State, which routed West Virginia, 26-0. Colgate plays Iowa, which gained a 27-14 derision over Chicago. With Minnesota, the leader, idle, the Big Ten program Is headed by a clash between Illinois and Northwestern, whose Wildcats played Ohio State to a scoreless draw. Purdue meets Wisconsin and Ohio State works out with Chicago In other conference games. Indiana, tied by No brnskn, 0-0, plays Kansas State, good enough to whip Marquette Inst week, 6-0. In the Big Six. Iowa State's Cyclones, who tripped Missouri 16-13 for their second straight conference win, seek another against Kansas, beaten soundly ny undefeated Oklahoma. 19-0 Oklahoma, meanwhile, will be playing Nebraska. SOUTH: Southwestern confer ence warfare finds Alabama, 13-0 victim of Tennessee, paced by George Cafego, playing hapless Sawanee. Georgia Tech, nipped 6-0 by Duke, meets Auburn, and Vanderbllt, whose fourth quarter rally atopped Mississippi, 13-7, tanglea with Louisiana State. Un beaten Tennessee hss a "breather" with the Citadel. A heavy southern conference schedule finds the two leaders, Duke and North Carolina, ar rayed against Wake Forest and Davidson, respectively. Wake Forest waa beaten 19-7 by North Carolina State, and Davidson, 25-0 by South Carolina last week. Virginia Military, with a victory and a tie to It credit so far, plays William and Mary. 80UTHWEST: Rice, whose third successive dofeat was a 26- 17 shellacking by Tulane. be gins conference competition against Texas, shelled 4 2-6 by Arkansas. Baylor, 14-0 con queror ot Centenary, playa Texas Aggies. Independent Texas Tech meets Texas Mines. ROCKY MOUNTAIN: Brlgham Young, Utah and Colorado State all are nnbeaten so far, though all three have been tied. Utah meets Utah State, upset, 7-0, by Denver; Colorado State meots Colorado, and Denver plays Wyoming. Brlgham Young wanders outside tbe conference to meet Portland. Clipped Comment How Klamath't Pelican Foot ball Team Looks to Other Sportswriters With an alternately hot and cold razzle-dazzle running attack, Klamath Falls high Pelicans wal loped Ashland' Grizzlies at Ash land Friday night, 27 to 0, and didn't look toog good in doing so. It was a Southern Oregon con ference encounter. - Tbe Pelicans tallied their first touchdown when Halfback Anack er shot off Ashland' left tackle and raced 61 yards Into pay dirt, but from then until tbe end of the half the highly-touted Klamath Ites were pushed all over the field by tbe fighting Grizzlies. The Ashland were within the Klamath 10-yard line no less than four times the first half. The Pelicans counted their oth er touchdowns In the third and fourth quarters as Ashland weak ened under the superior reserve power of tbe Pelicans. Klamath Falls and Medford clash here next Friday night In a battle expected to decide tbe con ference title. Billy Hulen in tbe Medford Mall-Tribune. Still the state's top team Is Klamath Falls, which continued It almost monotonous victory march by trampling Ashland, 27-0, In a Southern Oregon conference game. The Pelicans' fifth top heavy victory boosted the season's scoring total to 195 points to only 6 for the opponents. The lone touchdown was scored by Hill Military academy when a ca det fell on a punted ball in the end zone after the ball was touch ed by Steinselfer, the Klamath safety. The Pelican machine, coached for the second year by Arthur "Snowy" Gustafson, is powered by a -160-pound, well balanced line, and a smooth running at tack. Bob Anacker has. been the leading gainer, sprinting 60, 60 and 76 yards for touchdowns. The remainder of the campaign will pit Klamath against Med ford, Pendleton, Eureka, Calif., and Bend. Bill Kberbart of the United Press. SALEM, Oct. 17 (AP) The Salem and Eugene horseshoe pitching clubs played a tourna ment of 36 games hero yesterday ending with a tie of 18 wins each. Previously thl fall Salem has twice defeated Eugene. Eugene had an edge on ringer percentages yesterday with a team average of 48.8 to Selom's 47.1. The playing of "Cowboy" Anway, who a tow days ago won the Lane county championship, was a feature, Anway pitched In all four sets, a total of 12 games, winning 10 with a gen eral ringer percentage of 69.2. FAMILY HONOR SPURS ITIIil plan Belcastro Out for Revenge Upon Frenehie Monte LaDue. The brood Rolenstro, headed by wrestling Peter, nursed Its cha grin and, as best It could, restrained the full fury fit Its dnmnged pride Momlny as It struggled through the last few hours of Impatient waiting for tho arrival ot Tuesday night and Its chance to put the screws to a hapless Fronchle named Monle LaDue. Foter Belcastro, chief ot clan, meots LaDuo In the feature event ot this week s "ladles' night" ar mory wrestling program, and who said wrestling T Peter is out to murder the pulverizing Parisian who was his erstwhile partner in a team tantrum against Paul Mur dock and Buddy Knox. Peter, nominally, will be ex pected to exocute the Job slnglo handedly. or at least try his best to carry out his mission without extrinsic assistance. You can't count at all on what a Belcastro will do, however, and you can coli nt about hnlf as much on what two Belcnstros will do. There will be two Belcastros on the armory premises Tuesday night, and there may even be three. The two whose appearance Is certain are Pete, protagonist In this affair of honor, and the brother who, along with Pete, got popped by the Irritated M. LaDue at the end of last week s tandem tussle. Brother No. 1 will be legally allowed only to act as second and hang around the sidelines lending a bit ot vocal or moral support. As previously Indicated, however, the Bolcastros are un predictable, and with not only the family honor a matter of in tense pride among these unruly Italians but also a still sore jaw to be considered, It hardly seems unlikely that Brother No. 1 may decide to play a more active role In thla great saga ot revenge. Brother No. 2, it Peter feels his presence is also necessary, will hold no official capacity at all but will remain secluded somewhere back In the outer darkness roady Osr Instunt service in the unlikely event M. LaDue proves too hot for even two Belcastros to handle. This accumulation of potential Italian fighting strength Is what makes the outlook appear stormy Indeed for the rugged Frenchman, all ot whose hair la concentrated on his upper IIP. LaDue la no stickler for ring etiquette and, although he reaches only to about Peto Belcastros shoulder, he is tough and power ful and nearly aa heavy as his foe. He'll be able to make a whale of a scrap out of It as long as he haa only I'eto to consider, and me "ladles' night" crowd Is virtually assured ot witnessing one of tho wildest scrimmages in local grappling annals, a battle which will cany from dresslngroom to ring and possibly back again and cover a territory for exceeding the limits imposed by ropos and platform. But when and if the prldo-In jured Belcastros start ganging up on LaDue In groups of twos ana threes, probably no power on earth can save the redoubtable Frenchman, not even that of R0' feree Cal Herman, who Is being especially Imported from Califor nia In a faint hope of maintaining order. -. Two other bouts, one a straight scientific demonstration and the other a mixed twosome, will round out the bargnln night program. Agile Charlie Carr and "torna dlc" uddy Knox will open the bill with a number scheduled for six rounds or less. In the seml wlndup husky Paul Murdock of Texas will try to win from Leo (Frankenstein) Karllnko In some other way than a foul. That's tbe way Carr got the decision over the ruthless Rus sian a week ago, but Murdock figures he can stand up under Karllnko's brutal punching well enough to snatch an out-and-out victory. Webf eet Head East For Game With Fordham SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 17 (AP) The University of Oregon football team, ifpsnt by Stanford Saturday, traveled toward Chi cago today for a workout in pre paration for the Fordham game at New York Sattirdny. The practice session at the University of Chicago stadium will bo the only one on route. Tex Oliver. Webfoot coach, said his team emerged from tho Indian contest In good condition. At Now York, the Ducks will ho quartered at the Wostchoster Biltmore on Long Island, PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 17 (AP) Bobby Rlggs will emerge as the No. 1 American Davie cup per next summer, Wayne Sabln, ex-Portland tennis star and sixth ranking American cotirtnian, pre dicted on a visit Sunday. (He predicted a "wide open race" with some 26 high ranking players having chances for the team. He said he wan assuming that Don Budge, current No. 1 man, would turn pro. Rooks, Frosh Battle to 0-0 Tie in Opener PORTLAND, Oct. 17 (AP) Frosh teams of Oregon and Ore gon State fought to a scoreless tie here Saturday night In a game that saw both squads threaten, ' Oregon lost a score In the last minute ot play' when Cavon, Duckling back ran a punt 56 yards for a touchdown only to have an offside penalty erase the tally. Tho Hooks once reached the Oregon four-yard Hue but were held. An 'Oregon push In the socond period ended on the three yard line where Iluach of the rooks Intercepted a puss which he ran hank to mldflelil. The Rooks completed eight out of 21 passes and Intercepted three. Oregou completed 10 out ot 20. Whitman Faces League-Leading Pacific Eleven NORTHWEST STANDINGS W, L. Pet. PF PA Pacific U. ..... 2 0 1.000 34 0 Willamette 1 0 C. of Ida. 1 0 Whitman 1 1 C. of P. Sound ..12 Llnfleld 0 2 1.000 16 0 1.000 7 6 .600 20 21 .333 21 28 .000 6 48 By The Associated Pre Whitman college's Missionaries from Walla Walla get a crack at northwest conference football title consideration Saturday night at Forest Grove, Or., when they meet Pacific university, confer ence leaders. Whitman, defeated once ear lier In th season, opened up a brilliant passing attack last week at Walla Walla to humble the cellar-dwelling Llnfleld college Wild cats, 20 to 4. Pacific, which haa two straight conference victories, took It on the chin at San Jose, Calif., 39 to 0, from th undefeated San Jose State eleven In a non-league affair. Th College of Idaho, with one conference win, and Willamette university at Salem, Ore., with one victory, clash Friday night. Willamette has a consecutive con ference winning streak of 24 gamea and four ohamplonshlpa. The Oregon team got away to a flying start on a fifth title by beating Llnfleld, 16 to 0, In the opener, but since tbe game has been In action only against non conference elevens. The College ot Puget Sound meets Pacific Lutheran at Ta coma Friday night, and Llnfleld plays Ellensburg normal at Kl lenshurg Saturday night. Both are non-conference games. Sport Briefs By KDDIK BRIKTZ fSJEW YORK, Oct. 17 (AP) 4 ' Upsets and how . . . Most ot the experts were knocked for a dozen or so loops and still aro groggy . . . You can foature Columbia losing for that team was due to get Ita bumps, but how about Princeton beating Penn? , , . Tad Wleman'a Tigers really went to town, didn't they? . . . And Syracuse over Cornell, which just about ruined the sea son for the Red , , . And Tulnne over Rice, to say nothing of Yale over Navy . . , (W wanted to call that one, but didn't have sense enough to) , . . For a team supposed to be a power- bouse. Duke is having trouble . . . Best It could do over Colgate was 7-0, and Saturday a bruised and battered up Georgia Tech club held them 6-0. The cleanest football game thl chronicler has seen In years was th North Carolina - New York university gam . . , Oeorgo Stlrnwelss won the game for North Carolina, but the best hack on the field was Kd Williams, the New York U. Negro . , , Loo Tolley, the head linesman, told me after the game it was the first time In almost 20 years of grid officiating he didn't call an offside penalty . . , And Hnrrls Moriarlty, the umpire from Birm ingham, who unfortunately died on tbe field, called only two penalties both against North Carolina, Joe Louis Is making movie shorts In. Hollywood , . . Loo Durochor will get 317,500 per year ror managing tho Dodgers, which Is more than any guy ever got since the days of Wllbert Robinson , . . Lynn C. Doylo says in the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin: "The Yankees are set for five more seasons," and you can believe this fellow tor he doesn't pop off and knows where of he speaks . . . Mike Jncobs Is due back from the const any dny now with an important announce ment It has to do with Boor and Louis . . . Three guesses. OXFORD mm soon wto nil s wowst KsSON 242'" NsSONI 2" 4 3 ' COMIHHOFttOCKUII tOUHSI iiJir' DDI nine hni J "iitf )) J "Hot" Speedball Clubs Disregard Weather to Win In spit ot the cold north wind and occasional anowflakea, two "hot" speodball ton ins demoiistrut d they are contention for th city championship when th grnd school tournament oponed MHlur day. In Hie soli ml ii I ml first game of the day Conger boys though! It was loo cold to play so did not ap near In sufficient numbers to of fer reslstnnro to Itlversld. Pelican took to the air and easily disposed ot Fremont by a score of 11 to 4. Th sun shone on on or two playa, and the buys thawed out enough to open up a bit In thit one. In th final game of the open lug round Roosevelt served nollco that It Is going to lie consiiieroa as th team to beat In th league. These small boys passed and kicked th ball In great style to eliminate the strong Fall-view team by a acoio ot 18 lo 4. Fair view wss handicapped by the ab senc ot some players who have been sparking the team so far. Semi-final games In th chant plonnhlp round will be played thla week with Riverside meeting Pelican at Pelican t'lty Tuesday and Mills tackling Roosevelt al Mills Wednesday, lu th consola tion round Fremont plays Conger at Conger Tuesday. Falrvluw plays the winner of the semi final consolation bracket Friday. All our teams lu the champion ship flight are about on a par, and with a little break In th weather. some good games are expected. Portland Pilots Given Walloping By Gael Eleven SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 17 P) St. Mary's galloping Gaels broke Into a full run yesterday and en gulfed the Portland Pilots with a deluge of touchdowns to win, 91 to 7. It waa a fairly even hall gome going Into the fourth quarter with the Gaels hanging on to a 12 to 7 lead. Th Gaala scored touchdowns In the first and sec ond quarter and than the Pilot came back with a crushing drive In, the third period lo push over their only score and bold St. Mary's scoreless. In' th fourth period came the debacle. The Gaels drove to a touchdown after losing one scor ing chance by fumbling at the goal line and then Intercepted two Pilot passes to scoro as many touchdowns. Every St. Mary' player who decorated th bench got Into the contest. Fullback Herb Smith and substitute quarterback Nich ols scored two touchdowns each tor the Gaels. Substitute Left End Crampton scored the fifth one. Only two of the trys for point were good. Right Halfback Deck acored the Pilots lone touch down and Quarterback Znnuor converted. Von Cramm Out On Parole After 7 Months' Term BERLIN. Oct. 17 (AP) Baron Gottfried Von Crnmm, German tennis ace, la tree on parole after serving seven months of a one year sentonco on a mornla charge. The remainder of his one-year sontenco, which would havo In en served by March 7, was suspend ed for two years during which he "must prove worthy of this act of mercy." Ills brother met him at Lehrtor Strasso prison gate yesterday, and they loft probably for his moth er' home at Bruoggen, near Han over. Baron Von Crnmm waa arrested March 6 on his return from a tonnls tour ot the United States and Australia. Ho was convicted of Improper relations with an 18-year-old Jew. Six-Man Grade School Football Planned at Half "If you don't enjoy college football it will he worth the price of admission to see the kids play botweon hnlves on Modoc field Saturday evening whon th Rooks meet tho Frosh In their second "llttlo civil war," accord ing to Paul Angstrnd, chairman of the Intermission entertainment. A six-hoy team composed of players from the grade schools will supply entertainment which Is IntorosMng and amusing to watch, according to persons who have witnessed such contests. As yet Angstond, who Is a grade school athletic director, has not named his players, but thoy will he, out showing the college player up that night, he promises. I 'M J MM Jtf KOxTm "NGUa.2o3. WTf? D0U3U'a"3..3o iScv "iimsoiKws Vv (Kmiiatt'UUM0OM IvVHft tlDSINTOW.M...... tt.Mj.iwr -jj ROOMS IflDE SET "Big Noise" Event Thurs. dny Night to Publicize Saturday's Game. A parade, the kind that Klpm alh Fall haa never before All. neesed. Is on the schedule (or Thursday vnlng a an Instigator of enthusiasm for th Rook-Frosh football gam to be playd at Modoe field Saturday at 8:30 p. m. In college and university lowna a noise parade before a big gam Is nothing new to residents, cording to Vance Van pel ot (h Currln' for Drugs and Kerns, Jr., co-rlmlrmen ot th parade for the junior chamber of commerce, hut In Klamath Fnll resident hnvo something coming up that will be nw to a good many of them, More than 80 nols floats hav already signed up to enter lb parado which will start at I lie urmory at 7:30 o'clock and tin Ish at th corner of Main and Second street. In addltloa drum corps are expected to parade a well as high school students Aa effort I being mad to' ms -rt joint parade and rally as Klam ath Union high school plays It big game th next night with Medford In the valley city. Prises will be awarded lo th firm or Individual entering th float which makes the most mils snd also to the entry of th mnt original float. Anyone wishing lo enter con traptlon who hss not yet signed up msy gel the particulars and enter by cnlllng the chamber of commerce office or contacting either ot the two pared chair. men. Tentative arrangements wer for the parade to finish with a rally dance at th armory. Thla has been changed and a dime scheduled for Saturday night alter the gam Instead. Th . dauce will be held al lb Legion ( hall with Buddy Gray and hi seven-piece band playing. Altamont's "Iron . 1 Men" Defeat Higfi School Freshmen Allatnont junior high school' football eleven pulled Itself to gether In th second half to score a couple of touchdowns and one point after touchdown and defeated the Kl'IIH freshmen, 13 lo 6 Saturday afternoon. In the opening quarter th Freshmen marched down the field to score without ever losing the ball, From there on It was a nip and tuck battle until Hi closing minutes of the third quarter when Edmonson, fullback for Altamnnt, went over from h one-yard line, Edmonson packed the ball over center for the extra point. Opening t h fourth quarter with long gains by Sweek. Wil liams and Crnpo, Altamont scoped again with Edmonson going over from the three-yard line, Craam's try for point was no good. The Altamont boys, coached by Ralph Thomas, used only 11 men, 74 (ll'-ll, nylng ie 11, AW- tho stnrtlng llnoup playing entlra game. On Tuesday, October mont defeated the city grmle school All Stars, 37 to 0, In a practice game. This coming Saturday, October 22, Altamont plays Ashlnnd jua- lor high at Altamont. A week ago Ashland defeated Altamont, 6 to 0, at Ashland and Altamnnt Is nut for rsvonge. Th Altamont lineup In th Freshman game wns: N. Mnyflnld, right end: V. Tudor, right tncklo; W. Cool, right guard: W. Yancey, centeri w. Turnldge, left guard: C. Mnnn, left tncklo; D, Olfford, left end; A. Crnpo, quarterback; C. Wllllnius. left halfback: J. Swnek, right halfback; B. Edmonson, fullback. . , A style expert remarks that feathers aro coming back Into women's headgear. When do yoa suppose hnt are coming back? RUPTURED? After handling trusses many yonrs we have docldod th Little Doctor Truss Is the beat on tho market, and Is tho answer to nil rupture Jiifforors. Neat, simple, efn ilent, no steel to rust, no elas tic, no pressure on th bach or hips, no lag straps, wolgbt 6 oz. No matter how good your truss Is if Interested in the newest and best soe this one. Free demonstration. AM work done subject to your doctor's approval. Unlimited free anrvlco nt any one of 200 wostorn agents. Currin's For Drugs The Friendly Drug Store Ninth and Main ' Phon 80 .