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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1938)
PAGE ELEVEN October 15, 1938 Herald and News Classified Ad Section! THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON .A Lost and Found LOST Iloil Parker fountain pun Reward. Ho! urn to iiorain 01 flco or call 86B-J. 4211-tf 4 Gantral Notices Go By Motor Coach Shortest Houto Lowest rami To Northern Points On Itnund Way Trip Spokane $11.10 $20.05 Boita, Ida. 10.00 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Saattla 8.40 14.65 Musses Leave 1:00 P. M. Mt. Hood Stagei, Inc. Greyhound Depot Phone till 10-aOintf riU,OW CAM HUH SCHEDULE for Lskevlow-Merrlll Junction. 1(ln (o ncrtha'1 Htoro, 26o to (Jmcilon Leaves . Leaves Itb ana Main 10:00 p. in. 10:10 p. ., 11:00 p.m. 11:00 p. m, 1:00 a. m. Junction 10:13 p. m 10:43 p. m HIS p. in 12:13 p. m 1:11 a. m 10-1H ARI.ENB 0. S.MTH, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Notary - Pub lic! Mlmeocrsplilng. Phona 1401. Itnuldenca 111! Oak off Kail Mnln. 11-1 KnOAIt SWIFT l now located at Hit So. 6th, across from Home Lumber Co. All halrouta zie. 10-11 LONG DISTANCE IIAU1.INO Phone 1017. INTERSTATE MOVINO ath ralli Trana. and Klam Btorage. 11-4-mtf Transportation WANT RIDE TO PORTLAND for one, Monday or Tuesday. Share aiponaea. 211 Lincoln. 10-14 CALL 704 OR 14 Moving, local, long dlalance. Eiperlenred han dler!, new equipment. People's Warehouse. 10-31 a Pertonalt PILE8-HEMEROID8 Instant re lief or monny hack. TtIbI slue ant poitpald, COP. 11.00 plui postage. Rcaearrli Laboratories, Doi 107, Temple City, Calif. 10-11 10 Service! WE DO COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING. Including wall wishing, cleaning kaiaomlne, wallpaper, -ruga and windows, also floor waxing. Your Local Cleanera for the past 14 years A. II. Rhodes. Phone 173. 1011 NU RONE CORSETS COM BIN ETTEH SURGICAL SUP PORTS 8old only through trained corsetteres. II rs. Hortense Petersen, phone 24-J. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Myrtle Jlnnette, Merrill. Edna Coons, Pine Ridge. Beth Covert. B. V. Rugg, phone 11-W-l. 11-1 DRESHM AKINO. altorntlnns. re modeling. Ann London, 623 Main, over Bwanson's Harbor shop. 10-27 UNION BAGGAGE EXPRESS CO. Small moving lobs dotio I0 So. 7th. Phone 474. NlKbt phone 617. 10-17 PAINTING AND KALSOM1NI.NO Reasonable prices. Phone 937J4. R. E. Simmons, P. O. Box 847. . 11-10 WRINGER ROLLS for all makes of washing machines. Morll Washing Machine Sorvlce, 700 Bo. 6th. Phone 1086. 10-31-mtt FOR FIRST-CLASS CARPKN TERING Phone 88W3. 10-18 BODBNHAMER SAW filing. 211 E. Main. Phone 846W. All saws, tools, lawn mowers, etc. paired. ll-14mtf FLOOR BANDING and roflnlnh Inc. Clifford Golden, i'hone 168W8. 10-31-mtf SEWING, export' alterations, ellnJ covors. dressmaking, contft ro- llned. Mrs. Hnrnoy. 2111 Our- row. Phone 21G1-J. K-'liutf EXPERT HOSIERY REPAIR by Mlsa Born. Tho Town Shop, 6th and Mnln. 11-10 GUARANTEED sowing machine repair work. All mnkoH. Moo'a Sowing Mnchlno Sorvlco. 871-tf EXCAVATING, potnto digging. J P. Morgnn. Rt. 2. Box 024. 10-18 , 12 Educational XfVTJVXj-LAAAl'L" - j-.-.-j Pi - - HARRY HOREL Tonchnr of vio lin. 1632 Johnson. Telephone 1468. 11-10 14 Help Wanted, Female ADDRESS OUR POSTCARDS. 2o ench nald In advance. Every thing supplied. Wrlto for full particulars. Sunlnnd Co., Cnltnn . Calif. 10-16 WANTED houaowork. Olrl for genoral Phona 1259-.I. 10-17 BOARD for hunbnnd and wlfo for wlfe'a holD. 723 Klamath. 10-16 WANTED Unencumbered mid (ila-naml womnn for gonoinl houaowork on riincli. Muat bo experienced cook. Rox 4289 Nows-Hornld. 10-16 PKRMANBNTS $1.00 nnd up children's Imlr onto 26o, ladtos' 36a. Hollla Beauty Shop, 604 So. 1th St. 10-16 II H.lp Wanted, Mala WANTED Man for noarhy Raw. lelgh routo. Permannnl If you aro a huatlnr. Kor particulars write ItawlnlKh'i, D"Pt. 011.1-104-108, Oakland, Cnllf. 10-16 MAKK1 II to 15 DAILY nt homo. Grow mushrooms In cnllnr. hod, yar around. We h u y ornpa. Bih year. Write Western Mimhroom Go., Portland, Ore. 10-16 WANTKD Mnn with truck to haul potatoes from flnld to cel lar. Iimulre Mnc'a Store, Mer rill Highway. 10-16 WANTKD Particular people in rend Iholr tailoring, repairing and alter ation! to a tailor Hay lah, formerly with Klrkpalrlck Reader, ! now affiliated with the Star Hattera, 011 Klamath, phone 1633-J, and would appre ciate nerving old ae well aa new rtiiinnirs. 10-18 IB Situation! Wanted SINGLE WOMAN, 10, wlshei housework, ood mferenrni 1211 California avenue. 10-11 KXI'KltlKNCKD t r u 0 k truck mohanlc and builder. P. O. Box 612. driver, utility city. 10-17 CAI'AIII.E YOUNG OIRIj wishes housework In city. Unliable In care of children. 120 Klamath. 10-16 EXPERIENCED WOMAN wante housekeeping. Phone 402-J. 10-16 TRAINED NURSE 640 W2. 11-12 WANTED Fall tree and shrub bery pruning. Albort Barrett, Ashland Rt. 10-28 20 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD Close In 111 High. ll-l&mlt BOARD AND ROOM Private ahowers. 17 aeek. ath. 722 Klam-11-12 ROOM AND BOARD Home cooking. Four blocks Main. 121 Jofferaon. from 10-31 ROOM AND BOARD - Close In. 10-16-mtf 120 High. BOARD AND ROOM- -1404 Klara-4796-tf ath. 22 Roomt for Ranf SLEEPING ROOM, close In, 13.60 weok. 303 Washington 10-21 ROOM with garage, board If de. sired. Gentleman preferred 632 Eldorado. 10-11 ROOM KOR RENT 1011 Wash Ington. 10-16 COM FORT A RLE sleeping room 13 week. 611 80. 1th. 10-16 PLEASANT, comfortable rooms. 41! Alameda. U-l FURNACE HEATED ROOM 134 No. ird. 4666-lf CLAREMONT. 221 N. 4th St. All outside modern rooms. Free parking lot. 1 1-11 24 Apartments for Rent BACHELOR APT., new, men or women. 211 Cedar, corner Pino. 244tf VACANCY 333 So. 11th. 227-tf APT. KOR RENT, adults only; no Pets: 3371 E. Mnln. 10-17 CASCADE apartment hotel, now ly furnished nnd docorated, tol ephonoa.eloctrle equipment, re frigeration, elevator, garage. Day. week or month. The apart ment hotel with conveniences and home comfort. 24-hour sorvlco. No pets. ll-14mtf DUPLEX APARTMENT. 4 rooms. Inqulro 1737 Monloway. 225-tf VACANCY 419 No. 10th. 11-14 DUPLEX APARTMENTS, 3 rooma and 4 rooms. Inquire 1737 Monloway. 226-tf FURNISHED two-room apartmont 1806 Main. 10-16 VACANCY Esplanade Courts. 10-26 VACANCY Villa Marquise, 1320 Oak. 10-16 KOR RENT Modern furnlahed apartments, Woyerhnousor dis trict, 126 and up. Phona 449.16. 11-12 4-ROOM 9th. furnished apt. 708 N. 10-16 MODERN FURNISHED APTS. Utilities paid. Phono 694.12. 10-16 4-ROO.M furnished apt. Wood, lights, water. Adults only. 728 Owens. 10-16 26 Houses for Ranf uui.r, n,-,i-ii-, . - - - j--aa FOR RENT S room furnished houno, nowly dncorntod; adults only; closo In. Inquire 216 El dorado. 10-16 FIVE-ROOM furnlHlied. Grocery. modern houae, nn Inqulro Hnnaon's 10-16 am ALL modern furnished cot tage. 2126 Blehn. 10-20 MODERN four -room furnished lioimo, 2 1 G 0 Shasta Wny. 10-16 KOR RENT Unfurnished 6-room houso, 140. Phono 293. 10-19 M O D H R N COTTACI ICS Gns rniiRos, garages. Rensonnlilo rntos. Phono 1106-J. 10-19 CA111NS FOR BACHELORS 425 Willow. 10-16 irirrtNiHHKD. clean 8-rooin cot tngo, giirnga. 26111 Broad. 10-17 26 Houtet for Rant iry'uU"uV'e ! KOR RENT Partly furnished house. Inquire 114 Lincoln, 184-lf HOUSE KOR RKNT Klamath. -Call 1404 147-tf 28 Miscellaneous for Ranf FOR RENT Or Lease 3200 tquare feat of grounct floor ipaca. l2 BLOCK OFF MAIN Inquire Elmer G. Magnuton 118 No. 7th. T, Th, B tf POTATO CKLLAR TOR RENT W. B. Oraham, near Mac'a Store. 10-11 ANY TYPE PIANOS for rent. Ap ply rent to purchase later If desired. Louis Mann, tuner, Derby's. 117 So. 7th. 11-11 KOR RENT 1000 acrea winter pasture tor cattle. Write W. 8. Hutcbens, Red Bluff, Calif. 11-16 30 Real Eitata for Sala SMALL HOUSE, 1 acre ground, close In, city lights and water. Immediate possession, 1700; small down payment. Christ Huck. 1320 Pleasant 10-21 KOR SALE 10-acre ranch on highway, not far out, under government Irrigation. 1107 Main. 10-16 KOR SALE OR TRADE Dairy ranch with stock. W. W. Brahs, 40 N. Main, Ashland, Ore. 10-11 SEE LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way. 10 down, 16 monthly. Including Interest. Mrs. Ben p. Lewis, owner. Rt. 1, Box 896. Phone 16J2. 10-11 LARGE 8TOCK RANCH Sell cheap or trade for city prop arty. Phona 1SF11. 10-17 BEST OFFER takes apartment house site, 1918 Johnson ave nue, or will trade Jackson coun ty property. Nellie Wall, Box 819. Medford. Ore. 10-14 34 Automotive FOR SALE '11 Ford pickup, good condition. Bargain. Box 943. News-Herald. 11-11 36 Miscellaneous for Sala H. C. LITTLE OH Burning Pipe less Furnace can be used in house without baaement. This la the most economical way to got furnace heat In the small home. Prlcea of Furnacea com pletely Installed with tank and burner aa low as 2171.60. For specifications and estimate. I'hone 636. PEYTON ft. CO, 10-23 CULL CARROTS for chicken or atock feed, 60c aack. Merrill Lakevlew Junction, Crystals, 10-16 AUTO AND WINDOW GLASS of all kinds. Popular prices. Kim ball's Qlaaa Shop, 627 Walnut Phone 2243. 10-25 FILMS DEVELOPED Eight prints and hand colored en largements 16c Oregon Pic ture Co.. Box 4292, Portland Ore. 8-tf FILMS DEVELOPED Two prints from each good negative. . 16c. Portland Film Co., Box 4213, Portland, Ore. S-tf FILMS DEVELOPED Bight prints and two enlargements, 25c. Quality Picture Co., Box 3573. Portland. Ore. 8-lt PERFECTION oil burning fur- nacea give you atoady, oven heat thermostatically controlled at lowest operating eost; no wicks or moving parts to give trouble. Best of all these fur- nnces are moderately priced, Your old wood-coal furnace may be turned In aa down pay ment, balance on easy FHA terms of not more than 18.11 month. Call Bob Porter. Oregon Eauloment Co. Phone 2057 11-14 SEVERAL USED AMERICAN SUN FLAME oil heaters. Your choice at 149.60. Terms to suit, Oregon Equipment Co., 127 So Sixth. 10-21 FOR SALE Wcstorn Field pump shotgun, 12 gauge, 116. Phone 195J3. 10-16 WOOD AND COAL circulating hoator suitable far small house or apartment. Phone 448-J, or call at 1017 High. 10-14 WILL SELL tine Cole Hot Blast oil ciroulator heater, 160 cash Used one year. Phone 2248 be tween 9 a. m. and 6 p. m. 10-15 934-tt FOR SALE Seed and feed rye, Reasonable prices. Phone 17F3. Zuckerman Bros., Midland Ranch. 10-19 SPECIAL UNTIL MONDAY ONLY l-lnch Mnnlla rope, 76o per 100 ft. Regularly lo ft. Poul try fence, rogularly 46o rod, 60-Inch twist joint, spoclal 38c rod, In 10 and 20-rod balos. Montgomery Ward Farm Store, 220 Main St. 10-16 FOR SALE Carrots, No. 1 76o sack. Crystal's, Merrlll-Lake-Tlew Junction. 10-26 BRANDED POTATO BAGS Stonclls, twine. See our new twine reel stands. People'a Warehouse! 10-81 34 Automotive MUST SELL THESE USED CARS TO MAKE ROOM FOR 1939 TRADE IN CARS. COMPARE OUR PRICES AND CONDITION OF THESE CARS. THESE ARE BARGAINS. 1936 Ford V-8 Tour Sedan Radio, Heater, at only $395.00 1933 Ford V-8 Tudor Look at this prica $195.00 1933 Chev. Delux Coupe At Is condition $225.00 1937 Dodge Deluxe 4-door Tour Sedan Low mileage, ax. fra fine condition, A Accy Grp $745.00 1933 Pontiee 4-door Sedan Reconditioned, a bargain $235.00 1930 Ford A Coupe Hurry for this ona at only .... $145.00 1934 Dodga Panel Delivery Reconditioned in our shop $325.00 Cook and Foster Dual Axla Trailers. Exceptional good Con dition and will mala Special Terms on these trailers. 2 Single Axle Trailers, that wo will make Special Prices and Terms to vou. Sedan Runt 1935 Ford V-8 fina at only $295.00 Lef us demonstrate any of fhesa cars fo you and we will make special prices and terms fo suit you. Coma In and get our prices and farms. We want to sell; you Ostendorf 12 veers fair dealing in Klamath 424 South 6th Street Lot: Across from Armory on Main Street 36 Miscellaneous for Sala Auction Monday, Oct. 17th I P.M. At Tha Gamma ranch en tha State Lina road, north and east of Tula- laka and south and wast of Malin. Having told my ranch, will sell the following: CATTLE 1 blue roan cow, 4 gals. 1 Guernsey cow, milking. 1 black cow, to freshen. 1 yearling Guernsey heifer. 1 weaner calves. ' HORSES 1 brown gelding. 1400 lbs. 1 bay mare. 1700 lbs. 1 black mare, 1200 lbs. I seta of harness. HOGS 1 feeders, approx. wt. 100 lbs. 1 Poland China aow. CHICKENS 100 hens, pullets, roosters. MACHINERY Deerlng mowers. Deerlng hay rake. 1- way Oliver plow. Iron Age potato planter, wagon with rack. John Deere cultivators. Hog scalding vat. 8-ft. disc. 2- sectlon harrow. 14-ln. walking plow, land leveler. mast and boom hay derrick, potato grader. Blacksmith equipment. Water trough. Posts. Brick. 10 cords of wood. Household furnishings and many items too numerous to mention "Coma Prepared to Buy." Terms: Cash, O. 3. GAMMA. Owner. CHA8. K. WIESE, Auctioneer. Phone 12, Tulelake. 10-15 FOR SALE Trailer house, fur nished, 3100. See Chas. H. Ely. Long Lake road. 10-16 OIL BURNER, used short time Cheap tor cash. Phone 420. 10-17 FOR SALE BY OWNER Beauti ful unplucked otter fur swag ger coat. Perfect condition. Site 14. A bargain. Room 203 Stewart-Drew Bldg. 10-16 FOR SALE 20 ft, boat, cabin cruiser, powered with 6-cylln-der Universal Marine engine, practically new. Terma can be arranged. Inquire Hoguo Ser vice Station, 75 Main. Phone 1469. 10-17 FOR SALE Boston bull pups, reasonable, 1825 Wantlnnd. 10-16 BALED HAY, delivered. Morgan, Rt. 2, Box 924. R. J. 10-18 SPARKS OIL STOVES Now burn low priced Diesel oil and are specially designed to meet the heating requirements of Western homes. All Sparks have cheerful visible flame and heat the living tone with both radiating and circulating heat. Our engineering department will help you select the rlght size tor your home. Phone 636. PEYTON A CO. 10-2S YOUR LAST CHANCE to got Bartlett poars. Concord grapes, variety of apples, both ripe and green tomatoes. Fo-Ka-Dot Fruit Stand, Rlvorsldo. 234-tf FOR SALE Red Irish setter pups. 2231 Warring St. 10-20 1934 Plymouth Delux Sedan Nice car in nice shape $335.00 1931 Chav. Tudor Vary nice ear and at only $195.00 1936 Plymouth Deluxe 4-door Tour Sedan Original graan color, good tires, upholstery good $545.00 1929 Dodga DA 4-door Sedan Ona of Dodge's bett, only $125.00 1934 Chav. Pickup This is a ?ood ona at only $285.00 936 Dodga 2-ton Chassis & Cab This has small mileaga and good tires and sold with guarantee. 1936 Dodge l'2 Ton Chassis & Cab Also small mileaga end in the best of condition. Look at this and you will buy it. 1930 Chev. Pickup Used in our service dept. At only $125.00 hord Stake Body 62 by feet that will fit most any truck. Price $90.00 are tha buyer. Motor Co. Basin - Dodga and Plymouth Dealers 36 Miscellaneous for Sala Auction Friday. Oct. 21st 12 Noon 14 miles west of Worden. Ore. or 1 miles north of Dorrls, Calif, That I have decided to more to eastern Oregon, will sell the following, to the highest bidder without limit or reserve: AO Head Dairy Cattle SO Head A clean herd of young Guern sey, Jersey, Holstein and Dnrham cows, also yearlings and weanera, 1 1-year-old Gnernaey bull. 1 gray mare, weight 1150. 2 sets of harness. 1 2-year-old Duroc Jersey boar. 1 2-year-old Duroc-Jeraey sow, bred. S Weaner pigs, approx. weight 35 lbs. 70 Plymouth Rock bens, pullets roosters. Machinery 1 Cletrae tractor, 30 h. p. 1 16112 Nicholas Shepard Oliver combine. 1 Oliver 10-ft. grain drill. 1 Oliver 10-ft. tandem disc 1 McCormlck-Deerlng cultivator, complete. 1 Oliver hay rake. 1 Oliver mowing machine. 1 McCormlck-Deerlng farm truck. 1 set of running gears. 1 fan mill. 1 walking plow. 1 hog scalding vat. All machinery In excellent con dition and ready to go. Hay 15 tons of red top meadow hay. 2 cabins to move, 10x20 ft. Cookstove. Radio. Royal Blue oream aeparator. Cream cans. Milk buckets. Forks. . v Shovels Cross-cut saw. Many othor Items too numerous to mention. "Come Prepared to Buy." Terms: Cash. 0. F. TRAVERS, Owner. CHAS. K. WIESE. Auctioneer. Phone 22, Tulelake, Calif. 10-11 FOR SALE Fat red hens, next to Homedale Grocery. E. F. Jones. Phone 783J5. 10-16 PINE BLOCKS Bone dry, $2.00 at bin, 13.25 delivered. Phone 892-M. 11-7 FOR SALE Small light boat. sultablo for hunting. Inquire New Method. Cleaners. 10-13 80 HEAD black face ewes, 4 years old and under. W. B. Graham, near Mac'a store. 10-18 FOR SALE Royal portable type writer, practically new. Phone 1725. CHOPPER, Hobart, half-horse fine condition; also new hand sllcer. 1703 Oregon avenue. 10-18 UNREDEEMED Elgin and Bulova watches as low at $4.50. Select your Xmas gifts now. Use our lay-away plan. Rlcky'a Jewelry, 622 Mnln. Licensed Pawnbrok ers. 10-26 FOR SALE Pneumatic rubber duck boat, first class condition, holds 2 men. Complete with oars. $25.00. 802 California avenue. tt FOR SALE Apples $1.60 to $2 sack. Good cooking and eating apples. Hooper Ranch, Miller Island road. 10-15 USED PIPELESS FURNACE for , wood or coal. $35.00. This furnace Is in good condition but Is being replaced by a mod- , em H. C. Little Oil Burning Floor Furnace because of the additional comfort and con venience. Phone 536. PEYTON tt CO. 980 U 36 Miscellaneous for Sala SALE! OF WALLPAPER Your choice of over 100 lovely pat terns sale priced at one-third off. Free estimate! on material and labor. Southern Oregon Hardware Co. Phona 211. 11-7 DO YOUR FALL PLANTINO NOW Trees, shrubs, roses ana evergreens. Lakeabors Gardons Nursery, half-mile west Moore Park. Phone 262J2. 10-17 MOVING? Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, 4th and Klamath. Phone 1017. 11-4-mtf PICK-UP BAGS People'a Ware house. 10-31 GUARANTEED "8HURBLOOM BULBS Tulips, narcissus, ion- nulls. Time now to plant. Borne Imported from Holland. 10c and 20c package. Montgomery Ward Farm Store, 220 Main St. 10-11 BODY FIR WOOD Phone 1490-M. 10-21 CASH PAID for used pianos. I recondition and sell, adding only cost work, $4 or 16 month terms. Or rent wltt later pur chase privilege, rent applied, Louis Mann, tuner, Derby'a 117 So. 7th. 11-11 PUBLIC "STORAGE" Service Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage. Fourth and Klamath. 1 1-4-mtf FERTILIZER Sheep or cow lawn dirt, dry blox wood. Roy Schmeck. 2428 Shasta Way. Phone 1269. 10-21 38 For Sale or Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE Boat and motor. Charlie Read Sad, dlery. 248tf 40 To Exchange FOR TRADE Portable saw mill for fir logs. 2336 Shasta Way. 10-18 TRADE 46-ACRE RANCH, 7 miles from Selma, for acreage within 1 miles of town. Call 2336 Shasta Way, 4th cabin, between 6 and 8. 10-26 42 Miscellaneous Wanted CASH for old gold coins, gold teeth, watches and worn-out Jewelry. Ricky's Jewelry and Loan Office. 622 Main. 11-10 WANTED Furniture, stoves household goods. George's Bar gain Store, 51 Main. Phone 438-W. 11-10-mtf WANTED Wood to saw. Inquire GUmore Station, 6th and Oak 10-1 WANTED Beef, veal, pork and live poultry. 201 E. Main. 10-21 WANTED TO BUY Used band Instruments. All kinds. Derby's Music Co. Phone 670. 117 So. 7th. 10-15 CASH PAID for white ronnd screw top wine s"d brown beer bot tles near rear door Armory. Ralph Bagnall. 10-22 HIGHEST PRICES paid tor used furniture ana sioves. u. it. sec-ond-Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 991. 10-31-mtt 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE 11 tons timothy hay; alBo Jersey cow. Earl Til ton. Lakeview highway, near Junction. 10-17 FOR SALE Black saddle mare, five years. Klamath Riding Stablea. 4293-tt FOR SALE Feeder pigs. Malin Hotel. Inquire 11-10 FOR SALE Team young work horses and harness; also 10 head dairy heifers. D. Hoefler, Dairy. 10-17 CHICKS HATCHING every week. M a g u 1 r e Electric Hatchery, 141B N. E. Oregon St., port- land. Ore. 10-31-mtf 46 Financial LOW RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable. Sate No Co-Signers No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let us finance your new or used car purchase Motor Investment Co License M-104 114 N. 7th Ph. 882 ll-9mtf NEED MONEY? Let The "Friendly Finance Co. Furnish The Cash. AUTO LOANS FINANCING See ' COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. Wm. Frohnmayer, Mgr. License No. M-223. 116 S. 7th St. Phone 471 10-31 48 Business Opportunities EARN $30 WEEKLY OR MORE. Grow mushrooms m cenar, ahed. We buy 30c lb., year round business. Mr. S. made 1610 In few weeks' spare time, Established 1931. Write for FREE BOOK. WASHINGTON MUSHROOM IND.. Dept. 403 2019 2nd Ave.. Seattle, Wn. 10-15, 22, 29, 11-6 MARKET HITS UPWAHD STRIDE NEW YORK, Oct. II UP) Se lected Industrials and utilities hit the high spots In today's market on a fast rallying swing that land ed numeroua Issues In new terri tory for tha past year. Business optimism, partly In connection with rosoate expecta tions of huge government spend ing for armaments, together with additional signs of greater coop eration between the power com panies and the government, helped to bring In fresh buying, brokers said. Particular strength was exhib ited by Alrcrafts, which stand to profit extensively If the national defense program comes up to fore- casts. Coppers pushed along as mounting prices for this metal were foreseen. Several specialties were hard to acquire. Closing quotation!: Adama Express .. Air Reduction a-... 12. 17 91 HI 104 61 4J 7 181 lit 661 147i 891 131 91 411 61 181 4 161 8i 22 641 281 171 25 61 Alaska Juneau Allied Stores American Can Am Eng Tile l. Am For Power ....... Am Power & Light Am Rad Sta San Am Roll Mills Am Smelt Ret Am Tel Tel Am Tob "B" Am Water Works Am Zinc L &S Anaconda Armour 111 Atchison Auburn Auto Barnsdall Bait & Ohio Bendlx Avla Beth Steel Boeing Airp Borden Borge-Warner Hudd Mfg. j Calif Packing 201 Callahan Z L 21 Calumet Hec Canadian Pacific Case (J I) 101 61 971 551 Cat Tractor Celanese . Cert-Teed 231 111 341 811 91 101 Ches. & Ohio , Chrysler Col Gas El Com'l Solvents . Comm'nw'lth & Sou Consol Aircraft Consol Edison . 171 321 Consol Oil Cont'l Can 81 451 Corn Products 69 Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright Dupont de N Doug Aircraft Eastman Kodak , 131 6 148 561 178 131 31 471 S7J 11 601 81 111 231 81 50 91 131 11 65 651 431 101 110 El Pow A Lt Erie R R . General Electric General Foods Gen Gas & El "A" General Motors GUlette Goodyear Tire Gt Nor Ry pfd Hecker Prod Holland Furnace Hudson Motors Illinois Central Insp Copper Int Harvester Int Nick Can Int Pap & P pfd Int Tel & Tel Johna Manvllle Carload Potato Shipments Day of n ' Month Seaaonl!SJl! 52E!ii2iiaal Oct. to Season Oot. to Seaaoa Qct Dally Data to Date Dally Date . to Data 1 26 25 633 17 17 431 2 U 40 648 H 21 441 1 15 64 662 I 26 445 " 7 681 I 441 6 23 97 705 4 " m . -T It "Til m " " 46t . T 29 Ur 761 21 " T . i si "Til 793 110 - " 8 TT 198 806 41 "1 . 670 -75 20 218 826 22 " "1 H iT 1ir 84T 24 " "Ti To 271 879 24 "1 660 3S "SOT" 913 24 265 684 " 22 287 706 " 17 304 721 " 19 828 742 17 ' " 16 339 768 J2 861 780 18 . 82 393 811 " 26 419 881 ; 20 Hi) 858 : ' 16 "466 874 22 26 481 900 16 497 911 981 28 16 627 941 2l " " 18 645 964 2l " 16 660 971 ' 11 671 990 Jl " 15 686 1006 81 " 598 JL, Month ahlpmenta by truck 66 661 1080 Complied from official records by the county agent'! offlee. State Federal Inspector Ross Aubrey and Tha Newa-Herald. 60 1 5l 1001 til 1 0 53 10 '! is 141 "5 l "A in 4i 14ft 1 46 111 it l 14 14 Lib O Ford Llgg Myers "B" Loew s Long-Bell "A" Lorlllard P - Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelv ........... Nat'l Biscuit Nat l Cash Nat'l Dairy Prod . Nat'l Dlst ... Nat'l Pow as Lt N Y Central North Amer Co Northern Paclflo .... Ohio Oil ... Otis Steel ............ Pao Amer Fish i- Pao Gas & EI . Packard Motor . Penney (J C) ......... Penna R R Phelpa Dodga .. Phillips Pet Proctor A Gambia ........ Pressed Steel Car Pub Svc N J Pullman . Radio . . Rayonler ..- ..-... Republic Steel Reynolds Tob "B" ........ Richfield Oil .. 71 Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck 18ft 791 141 lift 341 19 71 I 19 201 62 161 a "I i 42 24ft 13 Eii 10 89ft 20) II 12 U i 3 HI 271 65 19ft 64ft 22 l ioi 121ft 111 4 Shell Union .... Socony Vacuum Sou Cal Edison Southern Paclflo Standard Brands ... Standard Gas ft El Stand Oil Calif Stand Oil Ind Stand Oil N' J Stone as Webster Studebaker .... .. Sunshine Mining . Sup Oil Texas Corp Texaa Gulf Sulphur Tidewater Asso Oil Timken Roll Bearing Trans-America Union Carbide .., - Union Oil Calif Union Pacific .......... United Aircraft .'. United Airlines United Corporation United Fruit United Gaa Imp U S Indust Alcohol ....... U S Rubber U 8 Rubber pfd U 8 Steel Vanadium Walworth .............. Warner Pictures Western Union Westtnghouse , White Motor Wool worth INCORPORATION SALEM, Oct, 16 U.PJ Articles) of Incorporation filed today Inn eluded the Kalplne Plywood Co Klamath Falls.. R. M. LebHto, W. V. Kelley and W. W. Wither, spoon. Milling. Capital atock $100,000. Filed by Wltherspooo, Witherspoon A Kelley, attorneys, Spokane, Wash. Nome, Alaska, la farther weal than Honolulu. POTATO Pick-up Sacks LOANS For Harvesting Battaglia & Burger 900 Williams Building Phone 1405 Merrill Phone 2B0B Kennecott ....