if tmw WEATHER High 41) txm SS rafi PRECIPITATION 24 tionr to Ant ............ .Ml ' "Irjj tteoson to date, ........ .vX KjfQfwt Last fmr to lta ....m l.JW ,t yQ9jS3 Normal precipiutJoa ..... . z!5 ' WIRE SERVICE Th Herald mid News satiscrlb la 'full leaned wit service ol Ih Associated Press fid (lis tinUvd Press, III world's irreatesl ntmsirallH'rlng organisations, far 17 hour dully world news amiss Into III Herald. Now offlcon laletyp machines. ASSOCIATED PRESS IN THE SHASTA-CASCADE WONDERLAND Price Five Cents KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1938 Number 8374) UNITED PRESS fpfrJifP($cf?( mm, vim H : V Stif f er Senate Predicted Editorials Ob Ute Day'. N ews Iy KHAN'K JKSKINH ssTNKOHMED peraona" In tli , aitmliilalrntlon, w rnd, "dls wrlos" Ihut broad now attack n Ih problem of unemployment It In lb nuking, A hint of th proposed attack la given In Ihla Washington dispatch: "They (iheao Informed per sona In Ih administration) aay ' sound prosperity mint b baaed on restoring prosperous conditions lo the heavy goon's Industry. Thla can he brought about, Ihey argue, by selling .th railroads on their feet so they can become big customers, ; bf further stimulating building construction, by encouraging ' greater auloinohlle production ; and In similar ways," rjTtUK nough. nut belor th railroads and th building eonatructlon and automobile Industries can be stimulated In anything Ilk a permanent way, there muat be MOP.B CONFIDENCE In profits (o be mad by Increased opera tion, '' Wi might ALL as well mak op our anlnds to to. -. - npHEKB won't be confidence enough In th profits to b made by taking necessary and unavoidable risks until th ad ministration quits scaring Ameri can bualneaa Into a bad attack ef th Jitters about every other month. No SCARED bualness man ever jskea A.NV JUHK THAT HE CAN AVOID, and until American busi ness men are again willing lo take risks unemployment will be with us. They won't Isk risk unless Ihey think there Is a reaaonabl ehanr of a profit. TP nobody la willing to lake a risk, bualness muat stand still at th beat and full back Into serious hard times at th worst. tlV can't provide Increasing em ployment on a stationary or rAdMN'Q level of business, , J It takes EXPANDING business to ' provide expanding employ ment. -SJ f a .VD let's not foot ourselves Into 1 thinking that th so-called (nsvy Industries are th only (mea In which unemployment has resulted from luck of conftdenco In Ih possibility of mnklng a profit. Thor Isn't a line of business In th Unltod Slntes In which men and women haven't lost jobs as a result of unaottlcment due to lack of confldonco In the possi bility of making profits com 'mensurate with th risks that .must be taken, v Destroy th hop of profit and jv-oit DESTROY JOBS at Ih same tint. BUfifiETixi J LAVREL, Mil., Oct. IB (.W The nilKhly Henblactilt boned " lo it filly, the speedy Jncoln, In Ids ,T,fWIO added laurel stakes one mile feature today, Tli " Chief was third. CRANIUM CRACKER A FAMOUS musician who has appeared within the last year In a moving picture wns once pre mier of the country whoa unit of currency Is the sloty. He was born 10 years before the Frnnco Prnsntun war. I What Is the musiaktrs'full 'Rime, in whrit moving picture did h appear, of wlmt country was h promler, and In whnt yonr was lie born? , V Tunneling Through Shasta Dam An eleclrlo railway through th Shasta Dam tunnel where ex cavation proceeds night and day In a bore that will aerv as a rail way bypssa and later aa a river diversion conduit. Th great Cali fornia power and reclamation project, near Redding, wilt b dedi cated Oct, it. If Strength of 420,000 Men Goal; Czech Action Cited as Excuse BUDAl'KST, Oct. 1 (Hun gary started dandling Iter army to an estimated 430. ODD men today for whnt officials snld waa ponce, not war. . The mobilization nf five clnases (age groups) totalling approxi mately 200,000 youths wns called a measure necessary for Hungar ian security, "eiidnngorod by th continued mobilization of tho Czechoslovak army," and tho col lapse of negotiation on Hungar ian demand for parts of Czecho slovakia. , Surprise was occasioned by tho disclosure that Din Hungarian army numbered about 220.000 be cause tho post-war Trianon treaty, declared abrogated Just two months ago, limited the farce to 35,000. Tho official press declared Hun gary wns not nlnna In demnnding Mngyar-lnhnbltcd slices of her already-dismembered neighbor, "We have powerful friemtR, who fully support us," said the Pester Lloyd. The refwonro was perhaps to Qormnny and Ilaly. with whoso heads two Hungarian envoys con fer r ed yctstorriny. Mobilization wns reported lo have been post poned onco previously at iho re quest of "great foroign powors," especially tlarmnny. PARIS. Oct. 15 IP) Circles clos to th foreign office said today III Idea of a four-power conference to discuss the minority Issue between Czechoslovakia and Hungary had bocn abandoned. Instead, these sources said, Hungary lias decided to rosume direct talks with Czechoslovakia aftor having made consultations In diplomatic channels. GRAND JURY INDICTS EUGENE ATTORNEYS EUOKNM, Ocl. 15 (IP) James K. King anil William W. Hnv cotnbo, Kugotio attorneys, wore Indicted by Iho I.nno county grand Jury Into yentordny on criminal charges nnd woro placed under nrroBt by Sliorltf Swarti early this morning, King, bj charged with falsa swearing in trial In circuit court hors Involving a note and mortgago Jn an estate for which he was nttornoy and liurcombo, Tfho was indicted on three counts, Is charged with larceny by bailee of a chock for $00 and wllli tittering and publishing a forged endorsement to two checks, one tor J8U0 nnd tho other for $340. Snow, Cold Open Duck Season Here Th duck and oon hunter rejoiced Saturday when lb 1S3S season was greetod by a snow storm, but no oxprosslons of pleasure woro hoard from tho po tnto farmers, who hnv harvest in full swing. Th threatening skies boosted duck staniD sales and sent scores of hunters to the marshes tor the opening day. Friday s rain hud pretty welt dried on ttt streets of Klamath. J-'ull when a report of snow In the slsklyous wns fol lowed by similar fare for Klam ath at about 2 p. m. Only a few flukes fell In Wwa and they loft no (race, but tho year s first snowfall bud arrived, Forecast for tho weokond was unsettled conditions with low temperatures, presaging mors suo flurries in tho mountattt. Sunday promised to bo a banner dny for duck and goose hunters who welcome the wcatnor s ncip lu bringing tho game down within sun range. Tti report from Ashland de scribed a considerable snow storm on tho Siskiyou mountains but said Iho flakes were melting us they fell and that driving condi tions rctmidtcd Cute. A few flakes foil In Ashland propor where the tumporuture dropped to J 6 ne groes. SHOTGUN EXPLODES, 2 BY FLYING MISSILE John Dalen,' sr., took a shot at s duck near Midland Satur day morning, while hunting with bla son, John, Jr., and Bui mili ar i. all hero fvom Urnnts Pass, Wliettior tha first shot took effect was not jouortod, for Da len's second blast blow the Bid out of his shotgun at tho breach shattering his thumb, nnd th broken piece of gun barret ttew JO feat, noarly sororing one of John, Jr's. fingers and badly lacoratlng another. The boy Is a Urants PaBs high BChool loot- ball player. The three hunters war hous guests of Noel Turner, who, was nicked by a deer hunter's bullet In Humes Vnlley a short time ago. UAW STARTS NEW DRIVE ON FORD'S PLANTS DETROIT, Oct. IS (jPrThs Unltod Aiitomobilo Workem re vealed today that It was prepar ing to Intensify Its campaign to unionize employes In all .plants of the Ford Motor company. Ford is the only major auto mobllo manufacturing company which has not signed a contract with Iho Commlltoo for Industrial Organization atflllnte. NflEPENDENT 5 BY WHEELER Purge Failure Will Give Upper House Courage, Says Montanan WASHINGTON. Oct. It (P) Senator Wheeler (D-Mont.) pre dicted today a majority ot the senate would vot "independen-" ly" on all administration meas ures In th next session, ' Wheeler, declaring f hat this mlrbt be bis )t term in the sen ate, asserted that he personally would vote as he saw tit on all legislative proposals sent to the capital by the White House. H said that a result of lbs allure of President Roosevelt's efforts to detest Senstors George of Geor gia. Tydlngs ot Maryland and Smith of South Carolina, ail dem ocrat, he believed that many otber senator would take th same position. They will outnum ber, he forecast, th senators who t 100 per cent behind U Root- velt measures. So Ctonger Puppet Vr -Mivafc- thV ent ' thf ttexT session," Wheeler ld, "will b more Independent than It has aver been during th last six years. "This doesn't mean th senate la going to oppose any and all ad ministration legislation. It doe mean that we'r not going lo be a lot of Cbarll .McCarthys." "We're going lo vote our own Independent Judgment and be cause of th wsy the "WPA has been used in th primaries for political purposes, I think there will be a determined effort made to pass laws which will tend to tako the WPA out of politics and perhnpa taxe It out ot the control of the pvesent setup. May Not Run "There ought to b house cleaning In WPA." Wheeler who has been la ttt senate since 1922, said he bad not decided yet whether he would run tor reolcctlon In 1940. li said that four years ago he had decided not to be a candidate but was induced by friends ,ud colleagues to seek office again. "I bare had now all lb honor that could be conferred upon me by the people ot my state," he sold. Wheeler sstd there would he no effort to oust Senator Baskety ot Kentucky from th majority lead ership. Quirk Comeback "Why should there be?" he said. "He leads only Mlnton and Schwellenbach. - "We have th votes to Temov him if we like but we would have nothing lo gain by that." Senator Smathers (D-NJ) wns quick to comment upon Wheeler's statement. "1 don't like th statement ot that on-t(me liberal from the far west, Burt Wheeler, lhat Barkely lends 'only Mlnton nnd Schwellen bach," Smathers said. "I'd like to have my name add ed to th Mmton-Schweiienbach. list. Neither do I Ilk hi (( ment that, 'we have the votea' who does he mean by 'we' th republicans and who elseT "Poor Burt, I'm afraid h has stayed east too tone." VOTING EEN Canton Cut Off From Coast By Jap Bombing Activity HONGKONG, Oct. IS (AP) Canton was cut off from the coast today except for devious water travel. Chinese military officials In the south China metropolis, goal ot a swift-driving Japanese cam paign Inland from Bla bay, acknowledged the highway be tween Macao and Shlkkl, In the ChunghBnn district, had been cut by a. Japanese landing party, Japanese were reported to have made a sudden landing un der cover ot an Intense air bom bardment before local defenses could be nvobttixed. Reports circulated hero ot mysterious Chinese air attack on Japan's fleet In Bins bay. The exlont ot dnmnge was not known. It's Up to the Cook Now y jKSv '"MM... Dr. L. L. Trusx was one of the Klamath hunters who came home weighted down wltn oauu id geese on the opening day ot the season Saturday. The veteran Klamath physician and sportsman nosed for this picture eariy in the afternoon . t,e was returning from the moraine; ' sttoatiat oa Tule lake. Rath ducks aad geese are io (h kill. , - F Publication Within Few t)ays Sure; Estimates Within Limitation The Klamath county budget for HSfl wt be signed ai ready tor tba printer. early next week, th budget board said Saturday. The board succeeded In paring the estimates to within the six per cent titattatiaa at a session that lasted until midnight .Fri day. The total figure was not avail able as yet but the levy will be well within, the six pec cent frt crease allowed by state law each year. It was stated. The tenta tive dratt of the budget will he signed by the hoard and a publie hearing held to tlx the final fig ures in about 20 day after pub licstlon. No. extensive changes were made lor the next yenv. Pre vision was made to (tire an as sistant for Jailer Vernon Wilson, who has heretofore handled the lounty Job on a 24-hour basis. Allowance Eliminated The practice in the past at (Continued on Paso Seven) BROTHER-IN-LAW HELD AS LOVE SLAYER OF OREGON WOMAN OREGON CITY, Ore., Oct. 15 (JPI Mrs. Edith Willis Toder, about 30, vtas killed yesteTdsy by a Tifte huitet et her Aurora homo and State Police Sergeant B. C. Snow quoted Ramon Yoder, 39, her brother-in-law, as say ing: "I shot her In cold Wood and 1 want to hang." Yoder, Snow s&ict. tvaa hold In connection with the shooting although no formal charge had been filed. The officer said Yo der attributed the shooting to jealous tege growing otit of his lor tor the woman. Snow said Mrs. Yoder's last words were: "Ramon shot me." Willis Yoaer, husband ot the slain -Kenyan, is In eaetevn Ore gon on a deer hunting trip. Japanese troops were reported to have captured Walchow, only 70 miles east of Canton, after smashing through more than 80 vlllnges in their new south China drive from Bins bay. Unofficial Japanese sources said the Japanese had occupied Walchow after a fierce struggle to the southwest ot the city, In tlames since yesterday ns n re sult of heavy aerial bombard ments. The 30-mile drive from Bias bay was preceded by the heaviest and most destructive 'air attach, ever seen by the Kwattgtung Chinese. It left scores of vil lages and hamlets In ruins. Air raid casualties in Walchow alone were estimated at 160. $ Jf ex 4 I Gophers Edge 7-6; Irish Beat Fordham, Purdue in Tie : MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 16 OP) It Taunted powerhouse held al most to a standstill throughout, Minnesota's Golden Gophers re tained their undefeated status here today by nostng out Michi gan.' ighting Wolreriaes, 7 to , Jn a wciitem conference football game before a homecoming crowd ot more than 55,000 persons. Both1 of the touchdowns came in the tin-1 al quarter. Armj Beats Harvard CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Ocl. IS (&l Army's fighting Cadets refused to surrender and came from behind three times today lo defeat Har vard, 20-11, before 4o.u foot ball fans. The crimson scored twice through the air, and, after the injured chief Boston place kicked a field goal, "Huey" Long scored the Army's winning touch down torn the one-foot line. - Tie NEW YORK, Oct. 15 iP) Pur due's Boilermakers, out-rushed and outgained, came from behind with a lost period touchdown to day to tie Fordham 6-6 In a rough football battle fought before 31.- ! spectators at the Polo grounds. The tie was the first scores coast Half: Oregon State 6, Wash ington O. Halt: Oregon 10, Stanford tS. Firsts Cnlltornla O. UCLA ff. First; Goniulffjt J2, Idaho ft. First: V, S. C. O, W. S. C. O. Finals VfnBhlnjston-Jellerson t, La Fayette 27. New Hampshire 0. Colby t. North Carolina 7, New -York university 0. Purdue 6, Fordham 6 (tie). Brown IS, Dartmouth S4. Colgate IS, Calttataia 0. Wooater 0, Case 0. Illinois 0, Notre Dame 7. Pnn 0. Prlncton 13. Holy Cross 8, Carneggle Tech 1. Tech T. Rochester Amherst 41. .Manhattan 20, Providence 7. Randolph-Macon 0, . George town 33. Anny 20, Harvard 11. Connecticut fl, Maine IS. Swarthmore 14, American I. Gettysburg 21, Drexel It. Cornell 17, Syracuse 19. Georgia Tech 0, Duke S. Michigan State 2, West Vir ginia fl. Rhode Island State 20. JVIass. State 0. Mlddlebury 10, Tufts 0. Illinois 6, Notre Dame 14, Mercer 13, Georgia it. Pittsburgh 2S. Wisconsin i. Indiana 0, Nebraska 0, Iowa State 18, Missouri 13. Tennessee 13, Alabama 0. Northwestern 0, Ohio State G. Tte.) Virginia 14, Virginia Tech . Oklahoma 19, Kansas 0. Michigan 6, Minnesota 7. (Fridays coYlca;o and high school scores on 1'age 8.) Wolverines, Illinois;. "blotch on Fordham 19JS record. Irish Witt SOUTH BEND, lad., Oct. HUP) Notre Dame scoring two touch downs on a long psss and 68 yard punt return by Ben Sheridan, defeated Kiinels 1 t today he fore 4.5.Q0Q spectator. Iliiaoia scored after recovering a blocked Notre Dame punt on the Irish one yard marker. Barcatauttt Wttut HANOVER, N. H.. Oct. li VP) Dartmouth's reserve power over came BrowVe stubborn defense In the last two periods today and the Indians piled up a M-U count on the oreviausly undefeated Bruins. Scordless Tie LINCOLN. Oct. 15 (P) Still without a victory thta season, In diana and Nebraska battled; . 119 and down the Held to a scoreless tie before approximately 32.000 football fans today. Nebraska tried tour tullle placeklcks. ASKING PELICANS CRUSH GRIZZLY, 27-Q in vAiin mmu. The Klamath Pelicans tasted fresh blood Fcldar night In their drive to the state championship when the Ashland Grizzlies tell before the mighty Pelican on slaught, il-0. in a grid battle erased la the roller town. Boh Anacker, repeating his performance of a week ago ,lnaf nran)m Ta ran ftl -VStAM to a touchdown on the third play at the contest, in tna sec ond quarter tb Pelicans were strictly on the defense with Ash land hammering unsuccessfully at the Klamath goal three tittws. r?n,9lt thjtlr n)ri mtrlA in the second half with Mayhew and Ramos scoring in in inira ana Ramos scoring again in the fourth,, Klamath's 4etnM which has: been vjmen-ht ot an unknown ouolity proved as- effective as their running attack. (Full details on page .) LIGHT THROWN AN BIS PLANE 4 1-2 MILES BP FORT BRAGG, C, Ott. 16 veeord for high alcltttd illumination ot alrcralt by )"!!- aircraft artillery searchlights was claimed here today by army offi cers with the light-spotting ot a BIT living foTtvesa Z,lSo t above the ground, more than 4 miles. The test was made last blgbt. after conclusion ot more than week of extensive nerlal maneu vers, to determine the maximum altitude at which an alrolatte could he illuminated under ideal conditions. PBOPEliLETV X LEAVENWORTH, Ka Oct, 15 AP( SfsJ. John H. Oardnar, 42. ol the U. 5. army air corps. was killed by the propeller ot an army plane' at Shreman Held, I Fovt Leavenworth, today. MEDIATION BY n-mm HEB PROPOSAL Administration Offer ' First Scheme To End Labor Struggle COLUMBUS, Ohio. Oct. 1. I3i Secretary ot Labor PerMna proposed today creatlao at c 13' member commission to medial th disput between the CIO and th AFL. She suggested that each or ganization choose live ot it "trusted- and xoertetce4 regre- sentatlrea" who In torn would select three disinterested persons. Th representatives of th labor groups, she said, should have authority to bind their crgatitw ttects 6a adhere to any agreement the commission reached. Delivers Address MJs Periins advanced her sug gestion In an address prepared for a Joint celebration ot the "loth, anniversary ot the Order o Rail war Cattdttetar and the fiftieth: anniversary ot Its ladles auxil iary. . 1 It was th first publlo proposal from the administration ot a con crete method lor aettling the rivalry between; the AFf act CIO. For the oast It dar. how oyer, there has been Increasing admin I Istrstlon pressure for the rival labor organisations to end. their bitter .tight; President Rooaereif sent a mes 'ag to th Houston, Tex,, con i ventlon of th AFL asking It not to clos th door to peace with th CSO. Retards Recover j , Shsea.aeotlr, Ssirsttrraf Commerce Roper said the dispute was retarding economic recovery. Then Elmer Andrews, wage-hour administrator, told the AFL con vention Tfcurwiay that he "Ilka millions ot other Americans," hoped labor would settle Its In ternal differences. Miss Perkins said the tare disinterested persona to be oa the 01 ttt attestant should, ire "lor lormed about labor matters and sympathetic to labor organiza tions." "Let them be persona ot eon- cttitory, dispassionate tfteoastclaa. if Bosstble with some experience Jn the art ol mediation," she said. "It the ten can't agree on the publle members, then, some ottt aide trusted oeratua can lie asked to select and appoint them," WASHINGTON. Oct. 15 UP) Leaders ot the Catholic chnrcb. in the United State added their plea today to thosa ot other groups asking an end to the war fare between the CIO and th AFL. ICKES OffENie BY l HOLLYWOOD POSTERS "WASHINGTON, Oct. lb VP) An interior department offictat said todar Secretarr Ickes had arrived In San Francisco live days ahead ot schedule and might cancel some ot his western speaa ing tour. The aMlclal, wha srautd ttat narmlt uaa ot his name, said Ickes was offended by reports that public posters had been placed on Hollywood streets ad vertising " ehante to ee a tet ofaeer at gs.au a ucicat. - Ickes was scheduled to apeak there on October 19. M LEADER SAYS PAY CUT MY SOLUM WASHINGTON. Oct. 15 Un 3. 3, Pelley, president ot thai American Association ot Railroad, tald President Keaaerelt'a enterc ancr fact-finding board today that ther was no way to solve tho present emergency ot the railroad, industry except through k Ttagsi seduction. Peller flatly contradicted testis mDny ot Senator Wheeler, demo crat, Montana, tbat railroads were wasting 11,000,000 a day. Hi TOBAtT'S imijB Building News '. .....Psg City Briela Paae Comic and Story .....Page I Couethausa Records .Paga Editorials Pag I Family Doctor Page I Market,. Financial New..Pge 11 I Potato Shipments ..Page Society Sewa ....Page X, t, Sports fT