THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NINE Duck, Goose Hunting to Open This Weekend October 14, 1938 L n SEASON SET THIS YEAR Binls Believed to Be More NumuroiiH in G'eiiei'ul ; Weather Factor. Willi wnnilior uppuroiitly the principal factor In ilirinlii)iiK llni laii'iil it flint ilny lurk, iliii'k uml gomui tiiiulltiK. imml nuuir n 1 1 y nil ''! n f tho Kliilinilll conn, liy'e many full uuldmir npiiria, niiKiii nl. 7 ii'i liK'k liuiunluy iiiiirn lug. The acaaon ntit'itH Hnfiirduy morning nol only In Klniim'li county nm) Orrmm but Man In California and ttn tamons Title lakn area uml In innet nil I he wmlci-li atntcs. To Wnka i:rly . In f)rKn lh aenmn lit hcftlii ulng lo wanks ulicaii of tha ilnlo prevalent during the past few jpjtrii mill In rallfurnln us milch iih a month ami n Unit iilwml ( ihn limn liuntira nf recent years linvu liniin uhlii la lnulc forward lu legal snooting. Tho season In npvnliiK earlier brrnuse It will Inst longer. Kroin now until November !K migratory waterfowl rmm Jnckmiliin tn honk, urn will ho fair gnuiu for inl'' i r hiinicra from lirltiBh 1,'iiluuihln In Mexico. Kr Km Sunday hunter and nioai nf us, perforce, are Sunday himlar there will be novou shnnilug days because lliu NKitviiit. turklly, hiilli opens anil rliini-a on n weekend. Tliul'a twn more shooting 'n III nil could possibly bo crammed Info tho month-lung aesaoti which has boon tltit recent ruin niitl (hri-n inoru lliuu Ihu uviTiu-ii fur thu puM lew yt'iira. rrniiniiu I,IIkthIIvi1 The longer se,iai, however. In Ui'l( a pert ot a muro liberal hunting program Instituted by tho United Sinlre biological u r iny, willed hue jiirlmlfrtltm uvcr oil "lulerstnto" wlldllte. Isn't all Dm good now wblrb thia yuur brlna tor llio duck limn auintuur. There hoi alio boeu llfiml, to a carialn extent, the ban on vn iloua lypoa of ducks. Tho liunmr Hun yuur my bilnii home wl)ioui ijmilm nn tiKKri'Knlu mini nf ihree ruuvualiatcka, redheads, ruddles ur tiutllohenils, nuauvaaluu ot which In recent seasons Incurred flnua ruiiglng up tit $3(1 a bird. Legem) at Trat .,. ... Kurtlieriiimo, the ciiiiiui'reiit liieKon uud California seasons ta expected to Improve tho nnootllig for K In unit ti cuiiniy liunlnis. Whether or nut It lina any basis of lal, a louond hna tliroluoil thai, with thy acaaoua ruiinluis con aixutlvvly, vvnry bird ruuiululuK In aoulhi'iii Ori'Kun attur thu f I rut day'a flro hua irouititly tukuit wins for aoma uurtliuru Califor nia aaylum until tho Onuuii tea ann cloaU und llii'ii, with tho ni'.:iiltiK ot tho Ciilllnriitu acunnu. luia inouiptly fluted buck to iiuuthi'rn ornKon muralina. Ttio roault, ao tliu atury con tlnuva, la Dim bunion on boll) aldaa ot lha Una, aapeclally tha liuntora who patrol lha Lxiwur K In inn ill and Snccl'y lukn awnuiiia In qunat of giiunij, liuvt buun Itift auccvsaltoly IiIkIi and dry. Molt) Uliila TU coucuvrottl Bcivsoii tlila year, althoimh for aoutliom Call forulit hunlura It may moan (hut lha ahootlui; will bo ovnr buforo (lio )lrd arrive, l cxpoctod lm inniiaoly 10 bimnlll linutora 111 Dll illntrlcl, or til Iwiut provo or dla provo tho thnory on which thoy hava baaed t lie 1 r nllbla. For the nuckfl and Kot'flo thoro will lio no rcfiiKO front llio acattortiuua of Klibur alnto oxcipt on proiorimi kiouiiiIh. Muylio that la wlioro thoy will go Hi In your and tuua lllvo rlao to a freoh lok'uud. Unsli for tho llbcrallzallon of tvniorfowl liiiiitluf; Intva la almplo. Kwryono from USHS )U lm titibriolaou down aovma to uitruo that thoro aro inoru blrdu, inoru than lual your and porhapa inoro than In any year for the past 10. Heavy restrlclloni on the huiit r kill bavo boon ptifllnlly rta)on Hlblu tor tho Uicrouuo lu tho duck and koo.'io flocks, tho bloloRicul Hiirvoy doclnroB. Aluo ropoublblo liavo boon exceptionally fuvorablo neslliiK and brooding condition, a Konornlly wet winter linvlng ro floodod tho long-dry iimitihua anil awampa ot aoulhorii Ountida, whoro tha blrdu apond tholr uuin uiertiiuo, Except (or the longor aouaon -LET YOUR 1ft Prize-winning Grid Moaner Contributes Fresh Lament NI'OKANK, Waill., Oct. ii ll') Minly J'nloia bna tvtiA t in ilia city dump, Ho hua 111 faat burlad rtnap In the anil bar. rid. And ufmr Dm fool ball aim anil la ovnr .Marly la going (q he a .llmik ur aomitllilnf. Mimty, who belwonu lila pmloila nf lioulile ta baud couch at that Aichlaon, Knn acat of lanrnini known in HI. IKincillct'a coIIuk-i, wniiii Ma anuiiiil Inltor of tribu lation to llio nllilulli) round lnble Ihm'u thU week. l.iiHt your lila tuar-linkliiK uui'iicii won flrat prliu In lh unllonal coachaa' inoaiilug contaat, a hncU lor al world f alliln Dc i'iiilpiiient, nnil )ul poanlbly nut pruhuhly of courao auiua ot Marty A picavul trnublca may liavo ln'i-ii liinplrcd by I he thought of what hi iiund could do with h hiircnuni) urlio ol )ll)t Dili yi-ar. Hut bark to the dump. "I boon alttln' up Ihnre modl IiiHii' Bvmy day now," wrltoa Marly, who wa Innplrcd la awk n aupvr-lpjtin Hr wIidiIhk all llml like iutpuint lal yrav. II got hla Icnm, and "Iheae LaDue, Belcastro Prevented From Waging War in Private Mto 1ji))hi, the or nary Frvnrhiiiun, und l'olo Helcualro, lha rotractory Italian, didn't light their aquabble out to a finish In tha armory druaalug rnoni the oilier nlKltf. according to report from peiiplo who ought to know. Tlio two wreailera wuulotl to derldu il rlKhl I he u and there, no iiuvalluii about thai. Tholr l.utln teniperamenta wero flaring at whlin heat and they worn ready lo pound each oilier through the cement ot Ihn aUowvrrooin floor, with or without bonofll at a gal lory. What atopped the fracas waa a quartet nf Krank Ha in in a fluoat, armed Willi nlghlallcka and olher uuiliuilUUvo ImplumuiiU ot pvueu. Kvon tho clitof, e'u-wlineHea any, took a firm band before order waa reatorod. It would perhaps be mora c- and the restricted opening on caiiianlHicka. ruildln. rodheaila anil hulflubvuila, Vhu rvgutailoua luiualii largely unchuugad. Total limit oil ducks Is lu, the aatno as In recent aenaoua; tolal limit on gueaa and brant la IH'r tho aatne na IfMi oar. Klllooa 1 Ibe limit for Wllaon or Jackanlpe It you cult gat I hem, and 25 the limit for muilbena It you waul tbain. Repealing ahotguna muit atlll hava pluga limiting lha capacity of inattaduee to two ahelle, plus uno In llio chamber, and t-gaugo l llio largeal width barrel allow ed. Huntlug la permitted only on foot, In rowboat or raft. Live decoya and baiting are definitely vorhufon. Shooting alurta at 7 a. ni. and onda t 4 p. m. every day, regard ing of unel nud aunruis hours, aud a 1 federal duck stump, available at all poatotflcea and aoma sporting goods atorea. la re qulalto. Hunting in countios bor dering llio Columbia river east ot the Cascade Is limited to two dnya a week, Juat In caao anybody happens to be there, Permita Needed Aa for tho "best" hunting areas within Kluninlh county, that, aa ahvuyu, remufna a mattor of choice and privilege. A great number of buntora, however, probably jilnn to Invade the Copco marah west ot WlUtameon River, and those ot till group who are not iilrcudy aware ot the rnct should perhaps bo advised that ehootlug on tho power company property thle year will b allowed only by special permit. Such permit may he obtained In mnnt ensca from Joe Shirk, mnn ttger of (liq Copco ranch, and cither lio or one of lila agents will prob nbly be on hand to check every hunter entering the, property this tall. Konsnn for the restriction on entry Into tho Copco area ia (lint Inst year a number of flroa started by cnroloaa hunter apronil over tha dlkeland, resulting In con siderable and costly damage. This year Shirk expecta to admit a good majority of tho hunters who apply for tho privlloco but hopos Id nllmlnato llio tow whom ho conuldors to bo ot a dotlnltoly dan gerous sort. Tha permits Shirk Issues will ON i kit c 1 40 t ROOr Kiiy worn he-mn ! 1 rton't nioaii ptlti)i. 'riinro wnan't. on under alx-fui't-lwo und Ihn acrawn leit guy In the lot weighed 210." The lackloa wore tho pilzn of the niiiad. They undo Mioao ollior brulann look llko i)ny-nrry tola." Marly took hla auuer-atrlng through iprlug practice und the early pra-aeaaan (raining. Thin for Iho final i.Tlmmo, ho put lila lncltli- In ciiptulna on p noaltin aldea. apllt up tho aquiid and told Hmm not lu "play llko alaafca." "'i'lio baffle wae on. Hut Iho real ol il I kind ol l)y. 1 -minbr ulnltiKtly tho Hrat 10 cumalllia nearly checked out right Ihure on the field. When the duet cleared off I aut down and cried. "Wbnre wna Ihein tackleat What bud liappaned Ui my blua ribbon band of bouncera! "I hat to uan an old gag. but thoy waa' gone wKIt (lie wind. "I'm iMnklng aurloualy of nmineln' lbl cruol worlil and Jolnln' the local uionaatery, pro vided the abbot will let me In." curaia to any that tlio flxht wna auapentlcil miliar than atopped, for lb laaoea at stake are aUU tar from aottled and tho Joint an ger, hold temporarily under forci ble restraint. Is boiling up more furiously than ever to an even tual explosion point. Promoter .Mack MDard, an eco nomical lellow who hates to e energy waatcil especially such terrible energy aa can bo gener ated , by Mcssra. Helcaslro and La Hue when in a a(uto of high iloilgeon has arranged that the blowolf, when It cornea, sbnll be a public altatr, staged befovo a gatliartiiK of paying customers,. Munlu aud l'utr are scheduled to negoliulo their differences in tlio nialu event of next Tuesday's "ladles' night" program at the armory. be only tor hunting oh the marsh. Shouting will bo baridl rntlrely on the cultivated portion ot llio Copco ranch, whoro livestock In past years baa been in constant danger of- gunfire. Shirk said. f'or (ho rest, the degree fo which duck hiimliiff will be snc eosatul this weekend scums to do pond larnoly upon tlio weather. It the wind Is high and tho day cloudy or wet, the flights will probably outstrip unythtnic seen since the railroad came. If the day Is warm, elear nnd qnlcl, hunters ouca again will probably have to wait for (be occasional afngloton or doubleton. Incidentally, the pheasant and quail season In Klnmalb county will close at dusk Kalurduy night. That's mcntionud Just lit case there may bo a half-dozen shotgun hunt ers in thia area who, given tholr choice, still prater (he quest et upland game bird to pursuit ol migratory waterfowl. Few Reserved Seats Left For Medf ord Game Reserved seats far tho Mad-forri-Klnmuttt Kails football game In Medtord Friday night, October 21, aren't avallahlo here and probably won't be available at Moil ford much longer. Lloyd If. limory, principal of Klamath union high school! wrote to Principal SrMlh ot tha Medtord school to Inquire regard ing the possibility ot obtaining a block of reaerved seats for sale hero. Smith replied (hat of (be 250-301) reserved- seals in the Medtord grandstand, only about 15 remained and ha doubted whether it would be worthwhile to send that email a number of tickets to Klamath Falls. Smith said, hoivovor. the Med tord high school woul4 bo glad to till mall orders tor reserved seat tickets aa long aa the scant supply lasts. in addition to the reserved sec tion, a tola) ot about 1600 general admission scuta aro available at tha Medtord football Held. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 14 (P) San Joss State's Spartans, the highest scoring grlddars In tho nation laat your, avo favored to boat Pacltla university ot Forest Utovo, Ore., at San Joso today and add to the 146 points they have piled up In four games this sea son. About 6,7&0,000 persona use London's awlnimlng-batha annually. HUNTERS' Stop t the Neon "78" at Bly 24-Hour Service Fri. and Saturday 4:00 a. ni, to 11:00 p. m. week days. Ammunition Tire Windshield Service Union Service Station Loo H. Moll BLY S PHI, ALABAMA Grid Expert Also Figures Fordham Will Defeat Purdue Eleven. Jty HKnilKJlT W. AnHKl KBW ytlllK, Oct. It lfll Operating tram short punt forma tion, reuily l run, puss or klel: (especially run), fills football earner takes a look at (he week' football )), brave a ))) ol wtsttut resignation nj emerges with the following guesses: AI,AI!AM A-TKNNKHHKK: The game of games In tho snutlicaHtcrn conference this week. It might even settle the rbamplonshlp al though that's taking an extremely far-sighted blrd'a-eye view of tho situation. Tennessee, after bowl ing over Clemson, hurdled Au burn, but !bl la an Alabama horse ot another cnlnr. Alabama. WISCONSIN - I'ITT: Harry StuhldrehcV must hava been feed ing hla Wisconsin Hadgere noth ing but rate meat, but the convic tion grow Ibis J'llt uutjll lis uvurythlug a great ttatn tieedo. Pitt. CALIFORNIA-UCLA: That waa a minor mlraclo ((.'LA englneeied last week against Vablng!on, but California power would vmm to ho the decMva lacloc here. California TKXAS A. AND M.-TEXAS CHKtSTlAS: A Santa Clara team that lain up 22 polnls on Hlantord could acora only aeven on the Agglea. Nevertheless Christian has been knocking it.i rivals around like so many ten pins and get (he nod here. MINNESVTA-MICHIOAN: Oth er guy can analyto tills one tl they want to. This corner prefers tn call out tho coin and It reads Minnesota. 8VKAClSK-COMNKLL: To nndeleaiPd eaatern power col lide, and only a grade-A aooth aayer could predict tbe outcome with any degree of confidence, ff th la ballot goes to Cornell It's be came tha llhacan have fared nioro rugged opposition than the Orange. FORDHAM PURDUE: The same sort of reasoning ought to make Purdue (he selection In thl one, hut till guesser siring along itli a hunch, Fordhatu, NOTRB DAME-ILLINOIS: A grand line and an attack aharp enough to sulidue Indiana will make Illinois an pxceedlngly lough customer tor Notre. Dame, but on the general theory that Uie Irish can do better than they did against Georgia Tech, a weak kneed ballot for Node Value. STANFORD - ORKOON: The Webtoet may not like U farther south but must bo picked on the records. Oregon. WASHINGTON- OREGON STATE: Washington. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WASHINGTON STATE; Just a train-ride (or Stale. Southern California. NORTHWESTER N-OHIO STATE; The grapevine say North western l one ol tha really strong teams In tha Big Ten but this cor ner, more stubborn tbsn usual, takes Ohio State. DUKE-GEOROIA TECH: This series hn developed soma ot football's most, dramatis games. Out ot tbe bat, Duke. CARNEGIE TECH -HOLY CROSS: Possible upset hers, but take Holy Cross. COLUMBIA-COLGATE; The Columblas, with thalr , limited manpower, can't go on Indefinite ly, but (bey rate the call. DARTMOUTH-BROWN : This would appear to ba tbe spot wberw tha Brown Bear get trapped. Dartmouth. HARVARD-ARMY: And still no hope (or Harvard. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY NORTH CAROLINA: One ol tba toughest ot theu all to figure. North Carolina, narrowly. PRINCETON-PENN: Princeton looks too green to cope with Petm. WEST VIROINIA-MICHIOAN STATE: Wast Virginia,' bea a big disappointment, and, tha bal lot goes to Michigan State. YALE-NAVY: Looks like third straight beating tor Yale. NEBRASKA - INDIANA : Neb raska, the hoya say, will be very good in November, This la Octo ber, and we u take Indiana, SAN DIEGO. Calif., Oct, It !Pl Tbe Willamette university Bear cats trotted through, a ttual heavy workout here yesterday before leaving today (or Santa Barbara to meet Santa Barbara State col lege Saturday. Beaten by tha Saa Diego Ma rluea. 14 to 0. last weak, Willam ette has been quartered at the marine barracks and has conduct ed workouts on (he Devil Dog attiletio field. Coach Spec Keene, In several hard crlmias with the aea eoltllcrs, amootliad out the llearcat attack and tightened the northerners' pass defense. Firestone Tina BARKER FAVOR Prexy ft A. Jlafly Jacob, electei) prelbenl o( the, Klamath chapter ot tlie Crater Lake Ski club at a meet ing of that organization Wednes day night. BOWLING At Howlers' (Inrilen , CLASSIC LEAGUE Lou cU'a Sfarffn 21.1 HI ir, 520 Tuler )!1 JS7 )70 53 Westin, W. ....lit !R ilu 51'J Roll HI ISO 1S3 504 Ward 177 13S 210 526 Total B73 I5 9!9 Z617 T-lior t alc Barton 1S5 213 1S3 54S Potter 187 155 177 519 Ellis ...j. HI 158 171 47-J firay I6S SOS 152 523 Welch SOS 117 IS? 14 Total Sii 8S2 S 201 Hurry Cab 1.19 1 2 J H 99 27 15i 192 14 144 1S5 172 182 ISO 169 174 Larsen .... .flckelson Boyd Clow Relater .. Corkery .. 139 32 414 ihh 514 343 Total 737 7D0 720 224 7 M'aMorC Durant 142 2 201 S4S Haley (Clell ..121 110 m IC'i Booth 153 191 1.15 479 Jackson 154 174 170 498 Lowmnn -.123 140 263 I Unsold 13S 133 Total 8i 821 7"& S29tl Klrkpatrlclc atul Uecilcr Peterson 205 235 159 599 344 Crowcll 177 167 Simsfront 13 134 ZOO 4 70 12 520 3445 481 631 SSS 47 483 Lyons 574 3 58 1S2 Haigbt 17& 164 181 Total 690 866 889 Landry Insurance Kemp 147 160 174 Sflanf SOI ISO ISO Low ... 13 3 59 Baxter 14 14!i 17 MuskopC 188 173 123 Total 700 791 773 2261 L.4D1" BIG LSA.GIE Oregan Jfutual Life Eaton 349 329 147 438 Gardner 105 121 123 3&0 McColluul 90 114 115 819 Backes 113 153 147 413 Brltt 121 138 125 384 Handicap ........107 107 107 Sit Total 85 164 14 S20S Tine Street Market R. WooliiiEton 133 152 108 S93 Ellis S3 104 139 316 Hsmm 142 IfO 139 S91 Bessonelle 33S 133 1J5 398 H. Woolinston 124 147 144 415 Handicap 116. 116 116 348 Total 736 762 761 2259 Busy Bee Cafo Mtb11 17 154 149 Gibson 131 141 US Smith 104 113 Tylor , .... 129 120 Woods 191 303 190 Handicap 51 85 44 479 385 217 249 SSS 183 Total 656. 8Q4 618 2078.1 fiih Shooting Each Shot Has That' why sporttmwt everywhere are shoot ing M7MS "VlCTOH", Just check over these fcaluresand you'll see wny! Accuratefy-sfiedV rarrfully-srirered shot. Genuine hair-felt svada, Proircive burning powder. "Rust. J" priming. Water-proof shell bodies. Dtnst, hard-bitting abc pattern Youcan't (iud a better shell at anywhere near the jKict.Try 'tmandml pktbrs carts jdo division. Remington Arms Co,, Inc Bridgeport, Counectvcut. "DETERS taaOrFACKS THE POWER UCLA I! CI BEARS TROUBLE Webfeet, Trojans, Hus kies Favored in Other Conference TUta. RAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 14 UP! Tho University of California's Golden Hears, who have their eyes on the ftose bowl, are ex peeled to hai aaile an acllre afternoon whan thy entertain tha UCLA Uculu at Berkeley Sat urday. It wilt be tha second confer ence game for the title-defending ffiars, who have been naffetf as repealer, alnce liiey came Irom brblnrj Id tbnrop St, Mary'a (iaela In their season' opener and then went north to annihi late tottering Washington State football team. The Bruins, who dropped a dote one to tha University ot Oregon In Iheir Initial rtnierci argument and then startled every one by dumping Jimmy Phelaji s hlgbly-r. .led University of Wash ington Huskies at Loa Angelea last Saturday, are considered the underdog in what pTDmim id he the coast maiot toolball ot fcriug ot the week. Coach Stub A 1 1 1 a o n of the flours, who h o p a a hia power house crew will smother their toutbera relatives, has decided io employ a tire-man Use on de fense .in an effort to aplke the Rruloa' paealng combination at Kenny Washington and Charles Fonebock. Last year the Bears (rimmed the Bruins, 27 to 14. The University ot Southern California, which tarnished a startling upset last wefci by heating Ohio State, play host to the thrice beaten and injury-riddled Washington State team at Los Angelea. The Trojans are odds-on favorite to detest WBC, bat Co2r Babe Hollingbery Dl the Cougar think It is about time for their luck to change. Last season the Cougars held 'the Trojans fo a scoreless tie. Phelan's hard luck Husklea, who hate lost (wo and tied one is three start, hope to avenge s 6 w 1 licking, given them last year by tbe Oietou State Beavera when tbe two teams clash at Se attie. Betting odd favor the Vnlrerslty ot Washington. ., The noIe'all VniversiiT ot Oregon Webteet move Into Palo Alto to meet an Inlury-weakened, none too strong Stanford football (earn. Oregon, with ffe ' new coach, Tex Oliver, Is leading the Pariiie Coast tonlareso vith ivo victories. An unbeaten University - ot I Idaho (ootball eleven, one of the ( school's strongest fn many years and which conquered Oregon ! State no tier) 1b VnjTerehy et': Washington. I expected to have' little trouble with a mediocre ! Gonxaga university eleven at ( .Moscow, Ida. j Buck Shaw's Santa Clara Broncos, Sugar bcwl champion and victor this eeaaott ovet Stan ford and Texas A. ee M., go to I Phoenix for a bit of football un der (he arcii'ghts with the Uni versity of A rlao a a IVildcat. While lie Broncos, playing their tlrt night game In vx year, are expected to win, they may tlnd the Wildcats' passing attack troublesome. 3t. Mary' Galloping- Gaels, slowed to a walk last upeeSr when they barely managed to heat Loy ola at Los Angeles, hope to hit their stride again Sunday against a heavy Portland university team. Coach Slip Hadlgan ot the Gaels spent tbe Tteelr nrllliny bis Landry Insurance Hunt . 100 I 11 Berry . 104 130 85 Dennis 91 131 116 Gasklns 124 76 93 Low ' .... 113 lit 319 327 293 11S 479 Handicap 343 384 372 Total 583. 880 5 1818,1 Days so Few... Got to Count evit. trueU merit trig, (f, & Qg; Frosh Coach Expecis fo Put Sf rong Team on Modoc Field KTOXNB. Del. 3 fSpraia lo, Klamath, Fall Nn ami llwraMv My tho time the University oil Oregon freshmen football team I trota out on Modoc field for a Klamalh falls game with the Oregon 8lle liooli a wi-sk trom Kuturday iilnht. Uuneat Jolia1 Warren, Duckling coach, expect 1 lo have one ot the strongest first year erews fie has ever developed at Oregon. Tbe Vrush playt-r have Im proved by Icav and bound lu the Jam 10 days aud are ap proaching the atrcngtn of War ren ' standout 'i and '37 teams, both ol which trounced the Rooks, fate. Domlale. Glovatilnl, ( o t m e I Klamath Union high school ath lete, will be at quarterback for (he Duckling when they tear into the Tlmiis next welc. He. (ought his nay up Itdio ! lad on a pas delene b tblns!' will he adeau&tA la rnnt, wttti Lhc ! aerial-minded Portland outfit. CitySpeedball Toarnament To Open Saturday! Ealuroay roornln?' tv)5) roarJt the heKlnning ol th tit? grade school soeedball tournament with! seven teams competing for thef title and trophy. I Riverside meets Conger In the! opening game. This wlff be fof lowed hy the Yremonl-fellcan tuisle. In the aJteTnoon BDOsevrlt meets Falrvlevr, Mllla havlo.6 drawn tho opening round bye. Tbere ia little "dope" aa to the comparative strength of the vari ous teams. Since foofoaff players! are not allowed lo play speedhall roost Dl lbe school Jarlt ejport eaced hoy. The ruling oa lea for this league also cuts down the number who have played be-l fore. Pelican school now has tbej trophy, awarded by Roberta and; Peak. JtlwsSAe brtd the award' last yeav and 1 one ol the lafoi-; Itea for thia year's play- MtUa aud j Roosevelt are considered strong ! and will have to be reckoned with before any team can win. . Th final will he piayei Satur day. Octohet 1. ConteatavA tiUl be determined during the coming week of play. First round games for Satur day, October 15: 9 A. SL Jllywslde at Conner. 10 A. M- Fremont, at Pelltavi. 1 P. M- Falrvlew at Roosevelt. DUCK HUNTERS ATTENTION! THE SPUD LUNCH Corner 4th and Pine WH) ralfr to jour bmsklast xnd luucb need Haling dork season. Open All BUte Saturday CLARKE'S TflROUOH NOW 3'2 YEARS OLD These grand, smooth, fine tasting straight Whiskies Clarke's Bourbon and Clarke's Pare Rye Inc. now mellowed and aged 3$i years. You'll like them better than ever. These wfu's kies are V years old 90 Proof. nndorstndy position and Into th Mls Jinenp. tttlly Uveunet, wmaeAh IttWtaek rrom Olymiiln, Wnsh.v la. axoactf cl to be a big offensive noise la (ho 'rosn lineup. Completing !h Zlroi airing VaeMMst will ha Hoy iiyef, Bii, jt JoJ: hall, a Bill Jovioeti, eu.Ule, at vljjlit halt. Warren plans to start, a line composed of Walt Lldstrom, Bono", eft enifr Vaf Culwell, Siilina.v, Vaiil., leti laeMe; Boh Recknet, Seattle, l5t jSMrji; Bl llott WlutQii,, Nob., eett ter: Ray Segale, Heattle, right guard; Hernlo McCudden, Oregon City, right txcltte, and Riti Reg. nor, tiranl high ot Portland, right end. Ltdatrcim. mi luituted In th. first game of the Frosh season lint fs expected to be In shape aitlrt tn time tor the K'famattt Fa9 joutt wlih the Ttnoltt. McKatip Picks Starting Line For Frosh Tilt CORVALWS, Oct, 14 m After trying out several combina tions In a two-hour defense drill. Coach Bfff Jfcffafip selected" yes iarday the Oregon Stale Tresh' nven'n prohahle slartinjt Hn la the OreRin game at Pdctlaad Sat urday night. Leovlch and Hammers were at ?nd; deck: and (have, racklesf Enyll.vh and Conrad, gaarit; Ma Donald, centet. EUGENE, Oct. 14 (.TV Work in k well fnto the night, Oregon lrtlrerelfr Freshman Thursdar conriudeil beai? Tori Itrt Iheir Katne -with the Oregon. R'.a'.e Kook Saturday night at Portland. OnJT a brief drill will be held today. frennnr, ortfaf Ofympfa, Wash., ball carrier, iraa expected to ptcg the brunt ot the Fresh kttavX against the Rooks. Hla work at fullback haa been outstanding. MOTHPROOF' U ury cleaning Ka ttxtra CcwcU STANDARD DYERS & CLEANERS 1400 Esplanade. Phone 880 i SMASHES THE & Kit OVrTaTaW $T.05pt--f2.flflnt. WHISKIES