October 14, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVTN i 1 Good Farm Yield Predicted HARVESTING 0 F OREGON CHOPS NEARLY POItTI.AND, Oct. 14 (AP) With linrvnaihiK vtrtiiiilly com pleted, Reiiernlly Kond ylelila ware predicted (nr Oreson today In the crop report by the federal burnuil ( agricultural economic. liny mill fund inulu aupplles warn nliiinilnnt, with a bImhIiibo In III western section offset by a eiirplua In a a t a r n tJreK'in. With tho I'lceptlnn of nppli'ii, trull crops were ahovo average. Market coiul 1 1 liinn ciintliiuiiil poor fur aofl frulta and thara wna con aldornhlo nliiiniliiiiinuiit because of Ilia luw prlcua, Tha report Inoliidml: WHEAT The abova average nrop eatlmated at 10.6JU.000 buahala, tha larsaat alnra 1090. Hprlnk" wheal wna ant at 7,J, OHO buibi'la mid wlntnr whnnt at 13.100.U0U. Blocks on farma av urulinl about 0,101.000 buahala, nbuut Iba annio as Inal ynur bill a million buahala mora thnn Ihu aviirufu. OATH Tha seven-million bush, nl production wna about thraa million buahala Inaa thnn a year alto. Th " full aown crop did fairly wall, hut aprlus" aown aced tailed becauae of tha dry euin mnr. Tha heat ylnlda wnra In tha northeaatcrn ecctor. II A It I. IS Y Production ot 3.400.000 buahala waa about 115. 000 buahala batter than tha 10 'year averaco but about 700,000 le a than laat year's record out put. POTATOKS Thn natlnmln ot 11.21111,000 buahnla represented a decline ot 1.006.000 from tha 1937 bumper crop. Tha output, however, waa well above tha 10 y.'nr average) ot l.KOG.OnO bush ols. Tha Wllliimoila vallay crop probably will bn poor hecnuae ot the lark of aummiir rnln. HAY The production ot all varlntlea waa 1.726.000 tona, a decline of par rent from tha 10-ynar averne. Alfnlfn. clover, timothy and wild hay ylnlda were well above tho avernga, but (rain and other vnrlatloa of hay pro duced less than average cropa. Thar waa conaldorabla movement ot auppllne from aaatern Oregon to tho Wlllamotln valley and coaatal sections, l'naturca had to bo supplemented In tho waat. South S. F. Livestock BO. PAN FRANCI8CO. Oct. 14 f AP-UHDA) Hogs 26: nomlnnlly steady; odd hand 156 lb. light llKtita 8.60; 170-326 lb. butch ra quoted around 18.70-8.80; package 292 lb. packing aowa 14.60. Cnltlo SO; practically all direct, lioldovera 66. Market nominally ateady; about olio load plain to medium grass steera avnllnble, proapRcla these will ba held until Monday; medium to good grass and ahortfad stoora quoted 10.60 to 18.00; package weighty grasa helfera 16.65; fow common range cowa 14.26; good young cuwa quoted up to 16.76: cutter grado cowa 13.60-4.00; modlum bulla allglhto up to 10.00. Calvea 40, all direct; nominal, (iood to choice yen I or quotod III. 00-10. 00. Sheep, none; nominnl; medium to Rood wnoled lamba quoted 17. 28-7. 75; modltim-polt fat owna aaloahlo 1.1.26 down, In ancient Egypt iiirgoom had a way ot hitting their patlenta on the hand In tho proper apot mid roiiilorliig thorn unconscious from tho blow. Thn operation wna complalod whlto tho pntlont whs In this condition. Mahatma Gandhi, who now wcurn only a loin cloth and sheet , wun ono of tho bent dressed men In nchool when ho waa a law student In London. Grand Opening Dance Legion Hall (Completely Redecorated) Sat. Oct. IS Baldy's Band Pin . Van Thome'i Inimitable Vornla pins Marie Sewell Klnmnth'a Own Sweetheart of Hwlng. Coma and enjoy nn evonlng of fine entertainment and (Inuring with a flno band and a congenial crowd. Stock Market Quotations NKW YOltK. Oct. 14 (Pi llnavy profit Inking hulluil reennt ly buoyant slock innrkul Indus trials loiluy, but utilities bounded over thla bnrrlnr to now high ground for tho paat yonr. Tho nnwa, generally, was atlll an Inspiring Influeuro for recov ery conllngnnls and coiifldnncn, nllhoUKh Iho fni't tho market had risen rcillt III liounly for in'iro liinn two weeks, wllh only two slight Interruptions, tnnded to mnko speculative forces a hit nervous. Trndtng apeeded up aufflclenlly In the forenoon to put the ticker' lapn behind nil two occaaloua. While there were subsequent alow downa, transfers approximated 1,000,000 aharea. Btenla and mnlnra bore the brunt or offerings. Hovnrnl chnm Irula olio weskvned. Oils warn aguln Inillffnront. Alrrrnfla usual ly kept their lieada abova wntnr. Bonda were uneven, aa warn commodltlea. Ctoalng qunlatlona: Adama Kxpresa 15, Air Iteductlon - 001 Alaska Junanu 01 Al Cham & Dye ..... 192 Allied Htorna 12 American Can 104J Am Kng Tllo Dt Am Tor l'owor it Am Power & Light ....... ... 0) Am Had Kin Han 1KJ Am Holl Mill. Hi Am Kuiclt & Kef 6 6 J Am Tel A Tel 14111 Am Tob "II" s:i, Am Water Worke . 121 Am Zinc L ft 8 M Anaconda 4J Armour III 0 Atchlaon 39 i Auburn Auto 31 llnrnadnll jug Holt & Ohio - ki Hendlx Avla . 211 Meth Klcol :ii Hoeing Alrp 2fiJ Ilorden ........ 17 llorga-Wnrnor .. ... 31! lliidd Mfg 6, t.'allf Packing Jdj Calluhan 7, L 1 ('nluinet lino jo Canadian Pnclflo c Caae (J 1) 97 Cat Trnrtor 66 J Celulinae 281 Cert-Teed a 4 Chen & Ohio 344 Chryaler kj Col (las & Kl ... 81 Com'l Holvonts ...... 101 Conim'nd'lth & Sou 1J Conaol Aircraft jg CoiiboI Kdleun 31 J Conaol Oil 8 Cont'l Can ,. 4 6 Corn Producta 69! Crown Znllorbach 13 Curtlaa Wright 6 Dupont do N It.'ij Doug Aircraft j. 63 J Kanlman Kodak 4....... 1781 HI Pow & Lt 121 Krlii It lt tlehiirul Kloclrlc ii 47 (Inneral Koods 37) (Inn Una & 101 "A" 1 tiniiornl Motors ... 60 .... Hi 311 2:il .... 8 J .... 60 .... 91 .... 1 4 1K1 .... Oil ... 64 .... 44 .... 10 .... lloj .... 4 91 .... f.71 .... Kiuj .... 64 J .... 41 .... 201 .... 631 10 . 241 .... 28 I .... 14a; .... 264 .... M N V Central 201 WHEAT CLOSES ON HILLY NOTE (llllellu tloodynnr Tiro (it Nnr Ity pfd llei'knr I'rod Holland Kuiiinco ... Hudson Motors Illinois Contrul limp Copper lilt llurvonlor ........ hit Nl( k C1111 1 11 1 Pap & P I'M ... lilt Tol & Tel ........ Johns Manvllla Knnnernit Lib O ford , Llgg Myere "H" Loew's Long-Hell "A" Lorlllnrd P Montgomery Ward Nush-Kulv Nul'l lllscult Nat'l Cash Nnt'l Hairy I'rod .., Nat'l Dint Nat'l Pow A Lt CIIICAflO, Oct. 14 (P) Lnto sotbackn of wheut values hero led lo frail lonul net losses at times but rallies ensuod at Ilia lust. A dearth of follow-up buying on advuncea waa responsible for Iho Into downturns. Weakness of Liverpool closing quotations counted also as a weight on tho market here. At the close, Chicago wheat fu tures were unrhanped lo 1 cent higher, Her. 061-66), May H. corn le off lo c up, Hoc. 441-441. May 48, and oate unchanged to lc higher. Norlh Amer Co Northern Paclfio Ohio Oil Olla (ileal Pno Amer flab. l'uc Uas & Kl ........ Packard Motor Penney (J C) Peiinu It It 24i 121 HI II 71 DUa 41 841 211 Phelps Dodgo 4 4 381 91 321 341 7J 17 231 Item Itnnd 101 hlllllia Pet Pressed Hteol Car . Pub 8vc N J Piilltuan Itndlo Hayonlor Iluyonlnr pfd Itepubllo Htoel .... iteynolds Tob "B" Itlchfleld Oil Safeway Stores 19J 441 71 171 Seurs Itoobuck 781 Khali Union ........ 141 Hocouy Vacuum . 131 Hon ( nl Kdiaon 241 Southern Pacific 21 Slanilurd llrunds 7 Standard Uas A El 4) Stund Oil Calif 201 Stand Oil Ind - 29 Stand Oil N ) 62) Stuno A Webster 121 Studebukvr -. 8 Sunshine Mining Ill Hup OH 31 Tesus Corp 4 2 Truss tiulf Sulphur 341 Tidewater Asso Oil 131 Tlmkon Holl Hearing 63 Truus-Aiiierlca Union Carbldo Union Oil Calif Union l'uclflc United Aircraft United Alrlluoa I'nltud Corporation . United Krult L'n 1 1 oil (ins Imp U 8 Indust Alcohol 10 889 2011 ii 301 91 -aj g;h 111 271 Chicago Livestock C'HICAOO. Oct. 14 (AP-USDA) Hogs 12.000 Including 4600 di rect; moatly 16-26C lower than Thiiraday'a average; top 17.70; hulk good and cholro 200-270 ins. 17.50-7.66; 170-190 lbs. largely 17.25-7.46; 140-100 lbs., 17.00 to 17.26; good light and medium weight packing bows 17.00-7.26; boavlea Cnltlo 1000: Culves 600; fed stoers and yearlings In limited supply; choice and prime kinds absent: tew loads 19.00-10.60; sprinkling native grassors al 17. 00-8.26; very few heifers In run; mostly odd lota natlvea at 16.00-7.60; few bead ted heifers 19.75 and belter; fat cows alow, weak; cutter grades active; most cutters 14.00-6.25. Sheep 7000 Including 3000 di rect; fat lamba alow, ateady to 10c or more lower; natlvea 18.00 to 18.10; good westerns 17.90-8.00; best held above 18.16; choice 97 lbs. yearlings 16.76; sheep firm, native ewes mostly 13.00; a fow 13.25; cholco westerns 13.40 and 13.50 sparingly. Some species of spiders build In colonics, with several webs, united by common lines. En tangled prey belongs to the first apldcr to reach lt. Among the accommodatlona of tho liner Queen Mary are kennels of every alze to accommodate every sort ot dog. II K tlllbber 66 U S Rubber pfd 100J U 8 Steel . 631 Vnniidliim ..........u. 221 Wulworth . 98 Warner Pictures -t . 61 Westorn Union .. .. . 29 J Wesllnghouso 1191 While Motor 13 J Wnolworth 48 MTK (DAMS Acclaimed by Europe's Famed Designers! Priced almost as low as the lowest! I iV-aWl I Z MODELS AT.cri.7 - a x- - t'My weik daraaadj a coaslant aaaiohlag tor graalar b4uty adl alagaDM. That la paibapa Ika inks Iha Sludabakac with lla Ihereughbiad appvaraaoa ap paala la aa oiaaUy." R. Balbai. Managlna Dlrccrot "I raairal at Iha tuparb ooeol tail ol tha naw 8ludabaltar tn taiiota. Raymond Loawy haa raada Iham haraonlaa baauu lullv wtth hta unlqua aitarlor da alsa," Sufann Uatiot CTYLED by Raymond loewyi ace designer " of the Broadway Limited ; ; : famed visu list of New York's 1939 World's Fairl The masnificent Dtvr Studebakef Commanders and Presidents for 1939 sre so far in front they make all other cars look dated! But see for yourself! See why these great new Studcbakcrs have been acclaimed by Europe's best design authorities as a tri umpli of keen, vigorous lines, deep-bedded comfort, s hundred and one points of luxury finish! And imagine it cars of Studcbnkcc pros tige and performance built by Studcbakcr master craftsmen at prices that challenge the lowest! Try Studobakcr's new steering wheel gear shift lever it's standard equipment! See the new 10-point "Climatiier" the new, sim ptified automatic gas-saving overdrive they're optional at small added cost. Low down payment easy C. I. T. terms. 51 '3,V, l"Tlui Bw Smdobakur U lbj eloMsl approAch to pHxrtlon I hav yt nu In a motor oar. 11 la aa funtrtlonally baautihil aa ttaibl la th Louti." 1k J y It truly gratUylnff to ona'i loatlnola for good laita to thla naw Sludebakar, It la an aohiaTe maot ol which lla dattgnax may JualiUably ba proud." c&iUot SPeiKt rictia Ocibtt Mcculloch motor co. rORTLAND, Oct. 14 (AP) Reports from 121 mills showed laat week's new business of 61, 904,000 hoard feet of lumber was 5 per cent less than tha previous week, the Western Pino associa tion said today. Shipments of CO, 17(1,000 feet and production of so, 015, 000 feet represented slight gains. Orders, shipments and production were slightly less last week than the corresponding period of 1337. To dale, shipments were re porled 17 per cent lesB than a year ago. The docllno In orders for the year was more than 327, 000,000 board feet. f lllClOO POTATOKS CHICAGO. Oct. 14 (AP-U8DA) Potatoes: 09, on track 312, total (J. 8. shipments 631; supplies moderate, demand very slow; of ferings from all sections for best quality stock, market about steady; for fair condition and stock showing decay and break down, market weak; sacked per cwt. Idoho Itusset Burbanka U. 8. No. 1, very few sales; good quality and condition 11 40-45; fair quality and condition no sales recorded; Colorado Red Mo Clurcs U. 8. No. 1, car J1.40; car showing some decay spotted sacks 11.25. ItOHTO.V WOOfc BOSTON, Oct. 14 (AP-USDA) fluyors (oday continued to show an Intorest In domestic wools nt prices thut prevailed earlier In tha week but they were reluctant to pay further advances that some houses had made In asking prices. Oood French combing lengths fine territory wools In original hags worn quite firm at 67 to 08, scoured basis, and some sales wera being closed at this price level. Houses asking 70 cents, scoured basis, found demand very unlet. Combing I and i hlood bright fleece wools wore receiving soma domand at 30 to 32 cents, In the grease, but those wools were not quite as active as last week. At one time tne tea plant was grown experimentally In South Carolina, but It did not become profitublo because the labor cost there was much higher than In the Orient. Imitation amber can he made from celluloid and Canadian bal sam, but neither of these sub stances will become electrified by friction, as will amber. Tbe Pueblo Indiana make bread as thin as tissue paper. It Is made by frying a very thin blue corn meal batter on a tint rock and folding up the bread when done. COUGIISJICKIE Huskiness Due to Colds Tormented with throat huskiness. dry ness, coughs due to colds? Let a Vlcks Cough Drop dissolve naturally In your mouth. It bathes tender throat tissues with medication for 12 to 15 minutes, and comforting relief comes fast. Vlcks are really medicated . . . medicated with the throat-soothing Ingredients of Vlcks VapoRub . . . famous tor re lieving discomforts due to colds. - MEOICATBD V1CKS COUGH DROPS Turkey Dinner Sat., Oct. 15th Serving 11:30 to 7 Vegetable Soup Waldorf Salad Roast Young Turkey Whipped Potatoes Cream Gravy Buttered Green Peas Cranberry Sauce Hot Butter Rolls Hot Mine Pie Coffee Tea Milk The SWAN Confectionery Opposite Courthouse Just received another ship ment of Miss Haylor's ln- osual Chocolates and Whit man's Samplers Chocolates. TliA iinlVAfM h.i on ..llmnlarf radius of 3000 million light-years. A light-year Is equal to 6,8110, 000,000,000 miles. In Japan tbe silkworm fur nlHlirs wholo or partial livelihood for at least 18,000,000 people. Tha Culllnan diamond, ralu4 at $750,000, one was sent from Africa to London by ordinary roglstorad mall. A grasshopper ean Jump about one hundred times Its own length. r V, J Isf ... Unequal!!- ' room bawneS song- r, feath. "rr ,,ei yOUl It must be the way SNOW FLAKE Sodas are baked -they make other foods so tempting 0 W4 - -: iSk (J JfW f ALWAYS SERVE Ifj? f" a'& CRISP snow klfcill iM it Jggr & flakes with 1!??!--.! B&SmnJ. 1 ""' 3 CHEESE 'SNACKS ! VW"T!S!T! l.L.i Ai Jtfc-. , LUNCHES are "made" with tasty Snow Flakes. Dainty, appetizing, tantalizing, they make important dishes of soups and salads. DINNERS demand a plate of tempting, oven fresh Snow Flakes always on the table, for they step up appetite and point up the flavors of almost every dish in every course. PARTIES perk up when you serve Snow Flakes with appetizers, tea, salads, or cheese. Their extra shortening makes them so delicate and flaky that they melt in your mouth. SNACK S become feasts with Snow Flakes. At any hour, with anything, they are so satisfying, so wholesome, so easily digested. For sconomy, ft! the two -pound "family" ilza. If! SOUPS GAIN FLAVOR when served with dainty, oven-freah Snow Flakes They are specially baked with a delicate salty tang that brings out the full goodness of other foods. THOSE AFTER SCHOOL APPETITES are quickly and easily satisfied with Snow Flakes. Tween meals, any time, let the children fill up otr tender, easily digested Snow Flakes with milk, peanut butter, jam, and cheese. tm asr National Osmiiif Bakery . Fraik ft 401 S. 6th St. Phone 680 flouts 40o I.nillcs Sffc