October 14, 1088 PAGE SIX THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SUMP PROJECT AT RE Klamath men returning Friday from Reno reported a "very fa vorable" cmiforonco with Recla mation Commissioner John C. Vagi on the proposed Tule lake aunip development. The Klamath delegation, con sisting of eight men from farloua porta of tlio basin, visited Page on the occasion of the meeting of tho National Roclnmatiou con gress. rage Indicated hie warm Inter est In sump development as out ' lined to him a year or ao ago when he waa taken over the area. In his office In Washington is an engineer' report approving the feasibility of the project, which would bring an additional 10.000 acres under permanent cultiva tion and would provide addition al water In tho Lower Klamath hasin. County Agent C. A. Henderson and Earl C. Reynolds, secretary of the chamber of commerce, said on their return from Reno that the outlook on the sump program was favorable and that local in terests will continue to press for this project. Henderson and Reynolds re turned a day or two earlier than other Klamath basin men who went to the convention. PLANE SEEKS FISHING BOAT LOST FOR WEEK IN STORM OFF OREGON COAST ASTORIA, Ore., Oct. 14 (.?) The fretful sea oft the Oregon and southern Washington coast lines was searched today by the coast guard'a amphibian plane for the Portland halibut schooner Enterprise, missing since storms last weekend drove fishing boats to shelter. The plane, after' searching a strip of ocean 76 miles offshore from Cape Mears to Leadbetter Point, landed here for refueling last night but took up the search again . today. As the alarm increased, the coast guard cutter Onondaga and an amphibian plane from Port Angeles joined the hunt. The craft, commanded by Cap tain Conrad Swenson of Portland, had a crew of three aboard. Fishermen, unworried, blamed tardiness of the boat to a balky engine. Coast guardsmen feared heavy seas might have wrecked her. i ! GOAT-LOVERS RALLY TO DEFENSE OF BARNYARD ANIMAL'S REPUTATION SYRACUSE, N. Y.. Oct 14 iff) Delegates to the annnal meeting Of the American Goat Society Inc., set out today to break down the comic strip Idea that a goat la an odorous creature living largely on a diet of tin cans, catalogs and old automobile tires. Dr. A. C. Dahlberg, director of dairy research at the New York state agricultural experiment sta. tlon, Geneva, declared that In the last 15 years goats have reached a high place In the economic life of the nation a barnyard animals. Goat raising, he said, haa grown from a hobby to an Indus try valued In the millions and em. ploying hundreds of persons. while goat milk sells for 25 to 50 cents a quart. The delegates had goat meat as the main course for the conven- tion banquet. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANT RIDE TO PORTLAND for one, Monday or Tuesday. Share expenses. 218 Lincoln. 10-14 BACHELOR APT., new, men or women. 213 Cedar, corner Pine. 244tf WANTED Girl for general housework. Phone 2102-W. 10-17 at WINS FAVOR 1 MEETING when you go EAST via Southern Pacific! Add to your roundtrip Eait the thrill of teeing San Francisco's great bridges; Treasure Iilsod where 1939's World's Fair neari completion; gsy Los Angeles and the sunny Southwest. The cost? Not out cm mort rail fart thorn you would pay to go Hralgbt Ealt-and-batk (to most dtstiuations) Swing South, then East; to re turn vis a northern lint (or reverse the order). Double the variety and interest of your trip st no additional ticket cost For detsiled Information and fares plesse cslli Soulhorn Pacific Ticket Office Phone 3000 Weather (By V. 8. Weather Bureau) vnllTUPDM rlT.lirnRNTA flnmtw tnnlohr hurnitililtf fnlr Kftt- urday; light ahowers over moun tains; locally eisewnere lousy; nhtiv AAit. in interior? mod erate to fresh northwest wind off coast, OREGON: Cloudy tonight and fiattirrfav. Ilvh, ahflfffri in SOllth and east portions; slightly warm er In interior lonigni; ana in easv portion Saturday: moderate north west wind off coast. Royal D. Conway, JS. and Alvln A. Farley, 17, were to be given a hearing Friday afternoon on chargos of grand larceny. They were arrested by city po lice who charged they had pos session at the time of an automo bile belonging to Harry Mulatore. City officers were notlilod by Molatore the car had been ttolen and made the capture on Oregon avenue. MALIN ITEMS MALIN City Recorder Irving Capek, assisted by City Marshal Dick Stevenson, is taking the city census this week. Sohool census in the Malln district is being taken by Mrs. R. A. Rigor. . A Mr. St. Claire, Injured aome weeks ago when a band aaw at the McCollum mill broke, severely In juring a leg. la completing his high school education in the Malln high school while waiting tor the leg, now in a cast, to heal. Editors of the Arrowhead, high school paper which will be Issued this term only once in every six weeks instead of every two weeks, have been elected by the atudent body and faculty as follows: editor-in-chief, Ernest Short; assist ant editor, Jamea Zbinden; busi ness manager, Evelyn Zumwalt; circulation manager, Vivian Dag ner; boys' sports, Lowell Kenyon; girls' sports, Jean Smith; feature editor, Helen Kamarad; cartoon ist, Jane Smith; joke editor, Rich ard Halouaek. Faculty members and students of the grade school are planning to present a carnival October 21 to raise funds for school activi ties. October 22 haa been set aa the date for the first of a series of card parties to be sponsored by the Malin auxiliary oi tna Legion post. The affair will be held In the grade school gymnasium with both bridge and pinochle In play. Prises tor both men and women will be offered and light refresh' ments will be served. A small charge will be mace 'for each player. Mrs. Everett Jones was elected as president of the Malln Garden club to serve during 1939 at a recent meeting at the home of Mrs. John Reber. Mrs. Rose Van Meter will serve aa vice president, Mrs. Ed Davis as secretary and treasurer and Mrs. Teresa Mc- Comb as reporter. Mrs. E. J. Wires, mother of Mrs, A. M. Thomas, Is reported to be Improving following an illness of several weeks. FOURTH TWINS HUNTINGTON PARK, Cal., Oct 14 (JP) Birth of their fourth set ot twins was reported here today by Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bates. The first set was born 12 years ago, the second 11 and the third nine. All are alive except one ot those born nine years ago. which died soon after birth. Vasas to Sleet Klamath Lank No. 460, Vasa Order ot America, will hold its regular meeting and Initiation of new members Sat urday night at the IOOF hall. lie treshments will be aervod after the meeting. All members are urged to attend. . AUTHORIZED MAYTAG MISIT WASHING I MACHINE SIRVICf I If K'l a wufclH nacSlas Sm in. I 709 s. eta iiMt loss SEE CALIFORNIA no added cost U. S. DESERTER PLEADS GUILT! AS TRIALOPENS (Continued from Page One) aa a messenger tor the so-called spy ring: Otto Herman Voss, 36, a naturalised German formerly employed at the Seversky air plane plant at Farmlngdale, Long Island, where American army planes are under construction; and Eric (1 laser, 2S, another nat uralised German who was at tached to the United States army aa a private at the Mltchel aviation field. Voss la accused of stealing plans for a high-speed pursuit plane; Glnser of stealing aviation secrets. It convicted they face a maxi mum penalty ot 20 years Im prisonment each. The four were Indicted here last Juno 20 along with 14 others, Including three German war min istry officials who were abroad at the time the rase broke and oth ers who fled this country after testifying before the grand Jury. Chief among those who fled was Dr. Ignats T. Grlebl, a Tark avenue physician. Dr. Grlebl for merly was a lieutenant In the United States army medical re serve and head of the nail "friends of the new Germany" In this country. Kscapes as Stowaway He escaped aboard the German liner Bremen, without bla pass port and as a "stowaway." Military authorities at first ex pressed doubt secrets allegedly stolen amounted to anything more than could be cribbed from books found In libraries throughout the world, detailing the fighting strength ot the nations. More recent developments, however. Including President Roosevelt's expressed concern over the activities ot spies and propagandists, and the disclosure later In the inquiry secret plana both at the Seversky plant and at Mltchel field allegedly had been tampered with, have lent new Importance to the case. Asks Impartiality Judge Knox pleaded, before opening the questioning of ven iremen, for "the same fair judg ment of the defendants aa tor an American. Other people may be come excitea but the jurora must remain detached." He asked veniremen whether any member of their families was born In Germany, Austria or Hun gary. Other questions were: "Are any of you In sympathy with the fascist form of government?" "Did any of you see service In the American army In the World war and would that prejudice you against these defendants?" "Are you employed by the U. S. government?" "Do you belong to any pro nazi organization such as the German-American bund?" RESCUERS REPAID WITH BILL FOR LOST HAT PORTLAND, Oct. 14 UP) When you rescue a man from drowning and he forgeta to say thank you, that's usual, but when you rescue him and he demands $10 for a hat you didn't rescue, that's something else again. Captain Karl Prehn, Portland Caramel Nut Doughnuts Nationally advertised during the month of October. You should try this delicious treat. 30c dz' Schoolday Cookies This week's feature will be: Pecan Rocks A rich butter cookie filled with pecans. i 25c doz. Golden Bear Don't miss this treat. 20c dor. II or , II sr harbormaster, told the Propeller club yesterday that people seldom say thank you. "Harbor patrolmen rescued 15 persons who were In rinngor ot drowning during 10S7," Prohn said, "and ot this number one man and two girls came In lator and thanked us." But the hat owner Prehn de clared he sont a lawyer down to collect $10 because pntrolmon overlooked It whon they picked him from the river attor ha over turned a canoe, $60,000 FIRE SWEEPS HEART OF BUSINESS DISTRICT AT SILYERTON S1LVERTON, Ore., Oct. 14 (fP) Fire early today did an estimated 160,000 damage to one ot tho principal business blocks here, In cluding a rem mi runt, grocery store and garage. Most ot the property was owned by the Al Coolldge company, Businesses destroyed were Toney's Eat shop, Ralph's grocery and Anderson Motor com pany. The blase, discovered by Al Rasmussen shortly after 1 o'clock, la believed to have started In the restaurant. Insurance Is carried on all buildings, furniture and equip ment. The property will probably be rebuilt by the Coolldge com pany. This is the second serious fire In the business district In three years. The entire block bounded by Water. First. Oak and High streets was destroyed April 23, 1935, three days before the state capltot tire In Salem. The loss was estimated at around S5,000. RECLAMATIONS FAVOR STATE-OWNED STREAMS RENO. Nev Oct. 14 (Pi Delegates to the National Recla mation association convention here were on record today for state ownership and control of navigable and non - navigable streams. Other resolutions adopted yes terday urged congress to give the secretary of the Interior power to reclassify lands assessed for recla mation projects and suspend pay ments on marginal and non-producing acreages; recommended a national planning commission to investigate and develop national resources, and protested the an nounced tentative federal allot ment of sugar beet acreage In 15 western states as "a serious In terference with the solvency of many reclamation projects." OUR GROWTH TELLS THE STORY Flnt Fiskral S ? Imtllulliii lis ft I MM Ptlll McS to ucft Ismtw. (Canal DltMuA First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Klamath Falls 111 Ns. 9Ui It rum J76 Mtwbf ft FtStftt Sfflstl MS Imm lawnm Cms. U Klamath's Finest Bakery BUDGET BOARD HOLDS EVENING SESSION FRIDAY The enmity budget committee scheduled a night session Friday ns it struggled with nniiu'lmia prohlcma In connection with lliu 1939 county financial program. Several iluiiiirtnioiit liouils uml ronrcsenlitttvcs ot various groups Interested in the budget wurv hoard Friday unci Thursday after noon. County Judge George UrlsaU1,' In stating them would hn a ulglit suasion, nnld he was not sine whether the board would ho ntilo to flnlBh Its work Krldny nUlil. When the budget sessions opened Thursday morning Iho meiuluTit said they hoped lu do (ho Job In two days. The fulr bonrd, County School Superintendent Krcit Peterson and Max Dudley, executive secre tary ot tho county ruliuC liouril, were among those who conferred with the budget liourd Krlctiiy. The road budget wns expected to be a major discussion topic for the lata ntternooii session. EX-CRIMINAL CONFESSES SEX SLAYING OF FFLLCW ROOMINGHOUSE DWELLER FONT WAYNE. Ind., Oct. 14 (?') Adrian 11. Miller, 31, con fessed the sex sliiylng of Alice Msy Glrlon, 17, urolly hrunetlo business college student, Detec PERFUMES Cory, 5 odours, dr 65c Houbigonts, 2 odours 55c Evening in Paris, dr.. .50c Caron Bologia, dr.. $1.49 Sholimar, dr $1.55 Corday Ochidcej Blue. dr. - SI. 25 ' jjjyil WhatPoYouMeanCutRate?" ICl ZTw- I slH VITAMIN PRODUCTS Porko-Dovis or Abbott A-B-D Copsulcs (25) 89c Holiver Oil, plain HOc.c.) 43c Halivor Oil with Viost. (5 e.c.) 74e Viosterol (5 c.e.) 53c Haliver Molt with Viost. 18 o.) 97e Dicalcium Phosphate Bars $1.29 Irrodol A 8o. Mead's Porcomorphum HO e.c.) 67e Mead's Cod Liver Oil with DOES THE SALE OF AN UNKNOWN BRAND AT AN ODD CONSTITUTE A CUT RATE? DEFINITELY NO! That odd price often represents much that product. CUT RATE as is a reduction from the nationally advertised price on a brand of known merit and that is alio VALUE. CREAMS fj 50e Junij 39c H55c Lady Esther 3Se 50e Woodbury's....39e 50c Howe Lotion 39c $1.00 Paquin 79c 50e Chamberlains 42c Santiseptic 45c "Fletcher's! Castoria 31. Kleenex (500 sheet) ?V28c hoc MAR-O-OIL SHAMPOO 45c tive Cautiiln John Tuylur snld to iliiy. Miller lived Just across the hull In a Knrt Wnyuo rooming house from whurn the girl's undo and ravished body wns found onily yeslerdny, her own hloouinia stuffed down lior throut to stran gle her. Taylor snld Miller, a native of lliii'liin, Wis., Iind it criminal rec ord on tho west coal. Captain Taylor snld Miller (old III m tin will I ml mil II hn lieiud llnwnvd Zimmerman, IS, of HIkii. Mich., leave Iho gill's room and then went over and knocked on I ho door. Hn itioted Miller ns saying Miss lilrtou objected hut the limn forced his way In, seised a pillow from dm bed, smothered her with it nnd then nssiiiiltcd her. "Aflor thnt,'"lha detective snld Miller told him, "everything went liliielt nnd 1 don't reniniiiher," TULELAKE BRIEFS TUl.KI.AKR Oeorgo nelhen Is In iillmidniiln (Ills week at Ilia California (Irniid Miianulc lodge, Sun Kraiielsio, aa a representative f rnni C'niiliy Cross ludgu, Tulelnko. I.odgi) la In session Oeloher 11 to 14 inclusive. Sydney I.ang of the fueiiliy Is noting aa principal of 25c Trade-in for Your Old Tubes on New, Genuine Philco Tubes for all sets UHLIG'S 1028 Main $1.00 JERGENS LOTION I I II title Wood bury's l-'ai'i: I'owder. M.iiu value 7Qc tnr lU kit 90 MPANA 39c more than the real value of defined by THIS STORE Vicks Nose Drop 39c 1 HMHsVaVBHaVHsVsxsjBjpssjgar 1 r- Drene 49c it 'Listerine (largo 59c '60c Murine ... 49c Dextra-8r:.M:..63c 55c Lady SET 39c '60c Polident.ge.53c '50c Dreskin ...37c '25cJ'&J?r...l9c 75c Doan's mi. 55c 'PepsodentK 33c 60c Fasteeth..49c 'l.OOAdlerika 79c w the high school lu Helium's absence. Freshmen of the high school urn planning for n return party for Iho iiphoninrn rlnss Ootohor 21 when there will ho n program uml iliineliiK In Iho gymnasium. Mrs. Clyde Minks, nerompiiii led liy her daughter Miixtno, spent Inst weekend In I'ortlund. Mr. nnd Mis. 11. Ferguson ami iliiilglilni' Miircellii luivn left Tulu Inku lor a throe, weeks I rip to Mis souri uml other middle woslorn points. Mr. nnd Mis. II, II. Lewis ami family, formerly of Teres uml well known In Tuloliikn, liuva moved In KIiiiiiiiIIi Fulls In iiiiikn their homo, who lu n sou llusll litis nii-rolli-d ns n sophomore in the tvlmniilli Union high school, Members of Ihu high school band lliu piopni'liig for n concert lo ho open to Iho public In Ihu neiii' future, thn presentation to he offmcil under Ihu illrccilon of Sydney l.mig lo Include both Thcre'i one "brut way" In mix In hnrfrnlng lo nuke your biscuits trtv der. Do you know llf 50c Molle" 37c 55c Ponds , Creams 39c 50c Lyons Tooth Powder 33c 50c Pablum 43c PRICE ($1.35 Pinkhom's Compound' I III HT y ' 50e ' 1 I and Almond! Lotion 3?c KOTEX (30's)' 48c 50c Barbasol..37c 'Ovaltine .nrB..'...59c 30c Lysol Mm 43c '1.25 Saraka 98e 75c Takara 57c '25c Pyrex tfurser. 19c 50c Midol 39c 50clpanaE2 39c 'Unguentine3oo43c '50c Yeast Konm.-. 31c 75c Anacin....19e 60c Sal Hepstlca... 49c '60c Cuticuraln49c '1.25 Caroid "",?, 98c 'Squibb K....59e 65c Bisodol 49c vfomiG NINTH AND MAIN classical nml modem numbers. A spuclnlly dance iiunilior will iilsn ha presented hy eight girls, under Iho direct Ion of Miss Wenvor nnd Peggy Iigiin, well known tup dunce nrllsl, Tho group will iliinio tu "Aluxniiiler's ling Time Ihinil." The high school IiiiiiiI now hits a personnel of HO. Freslimun grldlmn material has wnllopml the grade school sntiad In two recent gaums In (he tune nf (1-0 and 111-0. However, the scores ma lint luilleiitlve of sliuiiglh of (lie griiiln siiuad since the lineup la overflowing with promising malurlnl for the Hunk er airing sometime In llm future. BILLIE'S Beauty & Barber Shop la IN BUSINESS Again llll'J Mailt 1'hoiie Si! I LOOK IN THESE BAGS FOR NEW IMPROVED BISCUIT METHOD PLUS THE KINO OF FLOUR ESSENTIAL TO BISCUIT SUCCESS) In ilinpU fooU hrw.l, biscuits pl filsln cukes the gomliiesi all comet rnnt Hour J Ii coti only Kc more per recipe louse I'lllihury's lie Hour than lo use the cheapest Hour n $1 lronizedvr..t67c '60c Resinolomt. 49c 25c Carters,'. 19c '60c Men Ihnlnllim 53c '$1 Zonirors ... 79c 1.25 Petro 89c 'Aspirin FX'.. 59c 60c Werners... 49c 75c Pazo.,1,.,. ...59c 'Vaseline ll'X i.63c '1.25 Absorb. 75c BaumeB.n.59c '60c Italian Dalru 47c 35c Vicks ST.. 27 .92e J $1.00 Vitalis Hair Tonic 79c CIGARETTES Old Gold, rmI, Chrntrrfleld, I.acklrs, Kelrlghs 13c I'cr Cm lull $1.19 viim, lloitilnncfl, Aviilon 10c Per t'nilon 95c Tobaccos Velvet, P. AH Halt A Half 2 for 21c I lb. 76c Union Lender, Granger, Model, Tuxedo 3 FOR 25c I lb. 74c co. STS. r