THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH TALLS, OREGON PAGE THREE A mission At Racrod II a I r t Cut hoi In church will opon Hiiniliiy iminiliiK, October 10. Hit preach er nro llio ltovoiond Wllfrod (I. Hurley mill llio Koviirnml Prnnela 1'. Lyons, two ii ti I lo 11 it 1 1 y known orators, ncconllnii to tho Hnv. T. P. Casey, pastor ot tho Baored Heart church. Thoy will explain tho woril of Odd In attcb a man nor tliut thoy will ninka Cntholln tiouplo (ully ronllto tha bontily ami Importation of tholr (nlth and oroato a longing to under- , atnnd mora fully tha bellofe and . practices of Catholicism. "Mnny auk what a mission moan," Kn their Caaoy aald. "It 1 moana tha opportunity to bocoma donor unltuil with Clod throuiih i-Jftit proachlnia of thoaa two men, ipon whom Qod haa boatowad iiiarvnlotia powora. Ita olijoct la to offnr extraordinary opportunl lira for all to henr tho word of (iod and for Ciilhollra In receive Ilia aucramonta of tholr faith. All who make tha m Union will bo enriched by thoaa aorvlcaa." ttov. T. P. Caaoy earnestly re quested that not one member of hla pariah full to attond tha mil lion inoolliiM. Non-Catholics aa wall ara In vltod to attond tha million eerv Icoa. "Thoy may roal aaaurod that no Insinuations will ha mado toward Ihom. nor that any word will ha ultnrcd that mlitht poa a I lit y lvo offnnao to any man or woman rogardlooa ot religious at filiation." Pathor Caaey aald. Father Hurley, author of eev- - oral nrtlrlri and pamphlota, la a leader of inodnrn thnuKht In tha vCnullit ordor. Tho elouuonco of hia apooch la coiiflrmod by tha fact (hat ba haa boon froguontly called upon to broadraat ovor the . radio. Father I.ynni, a nationally known mlaaliinary and prearhor,. i haa boon the chnaon apvakor for many groat ecclealaatlcal evonta In thla country and alio In Eu rope, lie la a noted churchman and achnlar with a far-reaching , itraap of worldly affalra aa they are today. JOINT EPWORTH LEAGUE MEETING HELD AT BLY The Epworlh loaguea of tha Methodlit Episcopal churebea of Chlloquln and Klamath Falla were enlortnlncd by tha Illy Kp wnrth league Sunday evening, October If. Tha meeting opened with a potlnck dinner In tha Bly achool gymnnalum. Tha tablea ware at tractively decorated In a nautical inn (If to aymbollie the launching of a new program. During the monl clover aklta wore given by each Epworlh league. Following the banquot a wonhlp aorvlca, In which the three Epworlh lenguea participat ed, waa held In the Illy Methodlat church, alter which plana wore completed for a auh-dlalrlct union of the l.nkovlew, Chlloquln, Illy and Klamath Falla Epwortb loagttoa, Tho following offlcera were alerted : prosldont, Helen Hough, Klamath Falla; vice proaldont, lllll llakor, Illy; aecrotary, Ohio thy YVnlaon, Lakovlew; Ircaaur er, Jean Tbompaon, Chlloquln. P.-T. A. NOTES FAIUVIKW Falrvlew PTA will hold Ita aec ond meeting ot the year on Thuraday at 7:30 p. m. A novel and Intereatlng pro gram haa been arranged by the committee with tho fnthora tak ing complete charge of the eve- ting. 8. P. Miller will act aa halrman with Lloyd Miller aa aecrotary. Mr. Clemona, chairman of the program, hna arranged a panel illnciiaalon with tha yoar'a topic, "Now Pattorna In tlroup Living." Bpoakera at the table will be Itov. J. Clnronce Orr ot the Mlnla torlal aaaoclatlon; Dr. Peter Roe endahl, public health doctor; Carl Cook, anfoty offlcor, and Mra. Wilson, jtivoulle otflcer. A aoclnl hour and rofrosh menta will follow the mooting, and all fnthora and mothera In tho Fnlrvlaw dlatrlct are Invltod to bo thoro. - Grand Opening Dance Legion Hall (Completely nertoenrnted) Sat., Oct. IS Baldy's Band rtu Van Thome's Inlmllnblo Vornla riiia Mane Sewell Klnmnth'a Own Sweetheart of Hiring. Come mid enjoy nn evening of film entertainment anil ilnnrliiR with n flno Iinnd nnd a cmiKcnlnl crowd. Lead Catholic Mission a v -,t ; 1 C'" v'v o ,1 J It I, a - llev. W. tl. Hurley (left) and ftev. Francla P. Lyona, who will conduct million aorvlcoa at the Bacred Heart church here atartlng noit Hunday. "Ilorrownra and nudgola" la the aubjoct of a dliplay by '.he Klamath county library In the window of the ohamhor of com merce. Thla dlaplay ahowa by moana of a poller the compara tive number of reglitered borrow ore and tho 19.17 library budgeta for Umatilla, Jackaon and Klam ath countlea. The atatlatlca for thla poiter were gleaned from a report laaued by the atnte librarian. It la note worthy that Klamiilh county la flrat In the number of reglatnrod borrowera, with 7078, oxcluilve of county achool puplla having carda In the library and Ha branchea. Umatilla county re port Oust registered borrowera, and Jiirkann county MOD, In the budget flgiirea, Umatil la'! 117,301 and Jackion'a 116, 609 tar aurpaaa Klamath county'a budgeted fund of 110,217 for the library. That tho county irhooll are each year making much mora ute of the roiourcci of the library la ahown graphically by a aecoud poator. Pictured achoolhouaea portray that In 1931,, the aehoola circulated 2037 hooka. In 1933, 21,99.1 hooka were circulated by the aehoola; In 1936. 41,348, and In 1937, 41 county aehoola cir culated 119,221 volumce. Thla meani that In 1937, the aehoola mado nearly 30 tlmea aa much uao of tho county library book! aa they had In 1931, an avoruge yearly growth of 600 per cent ovor the 1931 flgurea. COMMUNITY CLUB AT ALGOMA HOLDS . OCTOBER MEETING ALOOMA The Algoma Com munity club held Ita regular moot ing October 7 In the gymnaalum. The new offlcera taking tholr plaoea for the enaulng year ware Mra. H. V. Cobb, president; Mra. A. W. O'Brien, vice president; Clayton Sharp, aecrotary and troaaurer. It waa voted to allow Jlmmlo Laraon'a orchoatra to hold a dance every two weeki atartlng October It, In the hall. A pot-luck aupper will be aerved Wedneaday, October 12, at 6:30, under the direction of Mra. A. Watklna and Mra. Molvln Fol land. Each family will bring what they wlib and a nominal charge will be made for the food fur nlahed. Mra. Joe Brown and Mra. H. Haukll ware appointed on next month'i program committee and C. R. Keeling and F. C. Bcbulti on refreshment committee, who aaked all women to bring pump kin plea. The following program under the direction of Mra. Fred Hagel ataln and Mra. Carl Weger waa presented by first ahowlng a gen eral aclance motion picture, The flrat and aecond gradea aang "September" and the third, fourth and fifth gradea preaented a group of aonga followed by a folk dance. Erma and Alice fav ored the group with a duet and June Bowell aang two numbera, "Bhanly In Old Bhanty Town" and "Plggiea Went to Market." All enjoyed the community alng lng under the leadership of Mra. Iran Pankey with Mra. B. J. Lofts gaard accompanlat. Refreahmenta were aerved by the committee headed by Moae Barrett. It la eatlmated that 1000 per sona are employed In the rose growing Industry In England. High School Newt Note and Comment Ily JKIUtV O'CALLAOHtX KTOMINATION for senior elaaa A officers waa the main buel noaa ot a claas moating held Tuesday afternoon. Thla waa the flrat mooting that the aenlora have hold thla year. Thoaa nominated for president were Dick Gallagher, Bob Joater, Leo Molatore, Earl Kent, Bud Stelnselfer, Salesmanship waa the aubjoct of an enlightening talk given up perclaaamen at an aaaembly Mon day afternoon by Samuel Wore wick, who la conducting a ealee manahlp courae here In Klamath Falla. "If you aet a goal and then decide nothing can atop you from reaching It, nothing will atop you," Worawlck advlaed. The apeech waa well received. Hlcks-Chatten, Portland en graving firm, haa been let the El Rodeo bid. No plana In the way of engraving are definite, but It is expected that the 1939 El Rodeo will have aome color platea. The Hlcka-Chatten firm haa won a reputation for excel lence in making color engrav ings. The picture-taking thla year haa been divided between the Kennell Ellia and tha May King atudioa. Kennell-Ellla will uke the portralta and May King the group and action ahota. Poatera In the halls Indicate that the El Rodeo circulation drive la not far off. The aale will atart next Wedneaday with the big annual El Rodeo aaaem bly alated for Tueaday. . A total of ISO annuala aola" to high achool atudenta la the goal aet thla year. Bales to outsiders are expected to run the aalea to 1000 copies. Life for the football managere la pretty dull ao they have rigged up a radio for the field houae. Should one pass by Modoc field In the late afternoon be would probably hear the awing atralna that help the managers while away the time. Thla week marka the end of the flrat grading period. Studea are busily engaged In that age old art of cramming for tbe ex ami In an effort to make up for five weeki of loafing. Next - week will tell whether or not their efforta were In vain. Report cards will be leaned. The Klamath Wildcat! will play the Medford Cube here Sat urday In a prelude to the annual civil war between Medford and Klamath. Whether tbe game will be played Saturday afternoon or evening haa not yet been decided. BONANZA t BONANZA The Bonanza Garden club, whs held tbelr laat meeting at the home of Mra. Ada Sparetorn, decided that at tbe next meeting they would bring their year'a work to a cloae with the election of offlcera for the next year. The meeting will take place at the home of Mra. Grace Harrlion on Friday, the 14th. The Bonanaa Woman'a club held tbelr regular bualneaa laat Tueaday evening. Tbe moat Im portant new bualneaa waa In mak ing the plana and appointing the varlona commltteee to act in pre paration for the Hallowe'en dance to be given In the high achool gym on Saturday, October 29. The social part of the meeting was In charge ot Mra. Lucille Coyner and Mra. Lucille Grey and a very In tereatlng program was given. Mra. Ada flpnrrotorn and Mra. Mae Holloway attended tha or ganization of the borne economlca units of Bonanza and Langoll Val ley at Langoll Valloy Inst week. The flrat demonatratlon will bo held at the Bonanza library build ing on Novomber 8, Mra. Cora Ornyilon of Portland, mother of Mra. William Hollowny, la a house guest at her daughter's home. What is tha matter with aome womenT They pull their eyobrowa and, not content with that they thon destroy our bird lit for a whim. Dr. J, W. MoKlney. speaking to the Field Naturalists' Club In Toronto, on feathered hats. We should worry lose over what la llboral than what la honest, Herbert Hoover. The oldest known manuscript ot the Bible la In the Vatican at Rome. SALE OF WALL PAPEU8 OFF on all Stock Patterns OVER 100 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM! LOVELY SELECTIONS FOR EVERY ROOM1 FREE ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN I ALL LATEST 1938 PATTERNS 1 PAPER NOW AND SAVE I Southern Oregon Hardware Co. PHONE 261 412 MAIN v4$m rail ROTHMOOR COATS Special Announcement To help you select your Winter coat or suit and to take your individual measurements at no extra cost, Mr. Ben Jacobson and Miss Ellen Clay, from Chicago, Rothmoor factory stylists, will be in the store all day THURSDAY with hundreds of Rothmoor coats and suits. All these coats in addition to our regular stock make this the finest selection ever before shown in this city. ROTHMOOR COATS Are a symphony of voluptuous fur, gorgeous fabrics, brilliant design and inspired craftsmanship. America's Finest Goats at LaPointe's well known policy of low. prices " for highest quality. . , in te "Where Style and Quality Reign Supreme" ' a-r X j ' . , ' flouts 40s Ladles Sflo