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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1938)
PAGE EIGHT THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON October 11,. 1938 LOCAL BRANCH OF SKI CLUB TO 4ffr.r 111 bo elected 1 a ' iutp.,' klhe Klamath Kails unit of the Crater Lake Ski club In the chamber of commerce rooms Wednesday night. All members of the ski club and any others Interested In OUR GROWTH TELLS THE STORY rint Federal sac Inn and Ltan At uclatltn at Klam altt Falli putcd tht hall fflllliR dallar aiMt mar aa lb i mirth aiHilferMfy. I Tali tittlmaar ta tht tawHliHM al tht Imtltutlaa a ad Iti tflletri nwhi Much ta aach lamtar. idmat Olftdaad) First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Klamath Falls 111 Na. 9ik St Pbaat 976 If rate at Fttttm Sartias aad lata luraa Cart, JPIICEBS -US- M I ' of coffee roasters. In construct- a century. The Juvenile officer made I m - . m J J J 1 I H fZmJ V- seven trips In fulfillment of her Hall to the California hoy who I tfJ J fr A t7 Mf t I Sj ' J 1 1 1-1 v. i( ,.,. ..j . ili.,. u..,u,...i ti, duties. Circuit court hearlnss has Invented an alarm clock that f SI ATi III M TkJ r J i f Mi I ll v roc won HAVE TO buy i thing extrC5 W4 m . jj- f-p": : ' T' 1 J I f Ua" " 'L I 'All I S nfUin 'A ' ' sd!i 3 I WmCSXl l Carrying Charge f 0 t , ( Mi ' WlS I 1 A great value you won't K i m BM il l 1 tr '"", . . 4 jmiaJr ""siss- ' 1 f want ,0 n,l""! "an famous Si I AiKl ft If if 1 flfTl "-Gr?.. " ' " . .Fi "J-VTS. I I Iovc" "Tin"' Mechanism 1 I V ( fl Y II i fcHrHT: in ; V 1.., I 571 i ' L?3 , "zip rn ?thin 0r I 'rOaiL' -rn M I i S ' S2 VA ''CQrr?, "vy0"- ' Q5 , itaalsJm, rff d I It's full size, wllh featuros i 1 ; Jo. "7ek "h i y ' ' f silLar ' ' 1 of mn ""Pnnslvo Ironors! ffl I I 4 Om 9- M ' ' , ' ' ' VtlJV '' I Hnml nnd Kiioo Control, ! , ' '01 u M ''',', MY ' , I 2"-ln. roll! Folding and W T, - ,' - , UJe M ' ,, ' , , IM ' n shelf. All white! M Revolutionary Elevator In line with Its policy of keep ing ever In the forefront of pro gress In Its Industry, A. Schilling and company has under construc tion at Its San Francisco plant an Imposing six unit reinforced concrete storage elevator rising the equal of seven stories Into the air. The structure, consist ing of six circular elevator bins, four wing bins and two star bins, marks a revolutionary step lu the warehousing of coffee. Built by a continuous construc tion process, the structure is be ing cast all in one piece. In both design and method of construc tion It Is the first of its kind for coffee storage. It is believed to be the largest coffee storage unit In the United Slates. In some respects It is slmrtnr to ele vators constructed for grain stor age, but It contains many new and novel features designed special ly to accommodate green coffee. The structure Is particularly unique in that It permits not only the storage but also blending of the green coffee. An ever-increasing demand for Schilling coffee has made neces sary this facility tor storage of green stock to supply the battery of coffee roasters. In construct- Klamath winter sports were urged to attend. A nominating committee has been appointed. Members are Ed Hell, Rudy Jacoos and Jerry Thomas. Nominations; also cau be made from the floor. Last week's first fall meeting of the club drew a good attend ance. It was decided then to post pone elections for another week so that even more might be pre sent to make it as representative a gathering as possible. i H V I " '"" r eiurnge ui nauaiing ana pacaing ot line tooo y. ten wore uoiameo. a touii - im agallBfcig at. I ft green stock to supply the battery products as It has for over half of 44 days olsewhere In the clly. ln Pnor lntar- I fKEiaSiiSm!i&S!Smii. .-xn.'i-li.M.A .qmrnxwesx , . . , , . . ... . . . . . , i . n, i . i . . , rii nni'm nrrtiii prt mnnia will nnniu I Kt 1 i I ...u.u n.... . a m sp in' rw r- wti m i a r : i mi t ii r 11 ' . . v . 1 . r if 1 1 i; hi:.-' -i ' .. ' im ta M if" I Ing this super-modern coffee warehouse, A. Schilling and com pany is again pioneering In th handling and packing of fine food products as It has for over halt a century. Accident Hi-ported Thomas W. Macklin of this city reported to the sheriff's office that his car was involved in an accident In the LaPine country. A truck driven by Kenneth J. Holman of Do ml was rlso involved. I'm learning to talk rough enough now to' 'make the ranch go. Mrs. Roma Ware, former New York society figure who has taken up ranching in Nevada. More rice Is -consumed In the w-ork to the Shasta grange. T'SjTr r ll M I 1 1 E CARE GIVEN 20 IN SEPTEMBER Twenty Klamath county Ju veniles lived in accepting board ing homes lu September, accord ing to the monthly report of Mrs. Kthnl Wtlsnu, county Ju venile officer. Of this number, the state met the expense, of It. parents paid for four, two re ceived board free and the county paid for one. One youngster worked tor board and room. The boarding home program has been underway for several months. Mrs. Wilson said It Is working out effectively In meet ing problems of home and care I hut occasionally arise. , In September one Juvenile was held In the county Jail .tour days. Ten were detained a totn of 44 days elsewhere In the-city. The Juvenile officer made seven trips In fulfillment of her duties. Circuit court hearings were held for the following rea sons: dependency, 1; delinquency, 5. There are now 65 Juveniles from Klnmath county under custody of state-aided Institu tions. Three were admitted in Seutember. Vwentv-six Klamath county Juveniles are on parole from state-aided and state cor rectional institutions. Mrs. Wilson made three talks to freshmen girls at the high school and spoke once on Juvenile work to the Shasta grange. Twenty-three new cases were BOARDING 1 nv-,u . ' . ' ' " LutivviiiK lull HBCII I'll. niHIIH lllll IMMIU. .9 W21 Vfl M r W MfW M W W - A W rectional institutions. ciiihf-imiimondU(miPi)iMii(Ki1vt, vi 3 tT 1 ' vw Mrs. Wilson made three talk. 0 ' 1 j L S to freshmen girls at the high -nT1 III J t JJ i Ml. L Vfs. !j ! I iscnooi ana spoae once on Juvenile! IlillliiyiHiKH JHsWl 13 Ml I 7 ' I referred to her In the month and three old ones were reopened. OBITUARY JOHN MARTIN I,OX) John Martin Long, a resident for- the- past 18 years, passvd away at hla late residence in Ihla city Tuesday morning, October It, The, decoiised was a native of lloatlc, N. C. and was aged 64 years, 6 mouths and 15 days when called. He Is survived by his wife, Ktliahoth M and two sons, . Jack and George, nil of this city; four brothers, Nivens and Tom of Forest City, N. C. t'harlea of Charlotte, N. C, and Jesso of Morguutown, N. C: five sisters, Mrs. A. C. Mct'urrcy and Mrs. O. L. Melton of Hoattc, Mrs. J. K. Hawkins of liastnnla. N. Ci Kthcl and I.ola. also of North Carolina. Mr. Long was a member of Mollis lodge? No. 6.15. A. K. & A. M., Hollll. N. C. Calvary Commaudery No, IS, Knights Templar of this city, and Hillnh temple, AAONMS, Ashland, Ore. The remains rest In Ward's Klamuth Kuuerul Home, S25 High itreet, whero friends may call. Not Ice of the funeral arrangements will appear In this paper later. Hall to the California hoy who has Invented an alarm clock that turns Itself oft, starts the radio, and mnkes the breakfast toast. Now If It'll only go to work! ... .... si m t ww w w -i b' a m m ta Acornsa ed as food In sev-1 3 fT 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 11 1 T t II illsWH M fl erai parts oi tno world. Jj m I in . -j iu MUUtRN WOMtN 1 1 j-lS NtJNo4SlfmcMi(hlyrwri uiddfUy duto H fM f MONTGOMERY WARn I I M L I , : Fred Goodwin, graduate of Oregon Hlitto college and pre viously connected with schools at 1'honulx, AHs., and Klrkavlllo, Mo., will succeed Kolley F. Itob Inette as manual training In structor In tho oily grade schools here. Itobltielle, who has taught In the elementary system for the past several years, recently was appointed manual aria Instructor at Klamath Union high school to fill the vacancy left by the de parture of t'hatics Poll. Goodwin nrrlved here Monday night and assumed his new pom Tuesday. lie taught mniiunl (mining at l'hoeulx I'uloii high school for nlno yonrs following his graduation from CISC', leav ing there a year ago for Klrka vllle, where lie was Instructor during tho 19,17-3,1 term, mMmmmmsmama a 1 ! im nifl. i.ii LOCAL STUDENT'S PAPER TO BE READ OVER OSC STATION A paper on tho Klnmath coun try, written by Jerry O'Cnlliighan, llvrnld-Newi correspondent nl the high school, will ho vend over KOAO, the sliito collogu slallun, on Friday 111(3190 p. m, The paper was propureil unilnr the auspices of the Kngllah de partment of tho high school. It was Invited by tho extension do pnrlment of the University of Oregon, and young O'k'iillnghnn was chosen o prepare It. IT Wllllnm nilllnga of Myrtle Point la serving out a 16 fine ffffirw,xrw Deluxe Washer , $5 Mor My, Down Payment, Carrying CKoroe COMPARE $90 WASHERSI See tlm beautiful big washer demonstrated today! Check tho score of modern convenience fea tures! 3-Way Cleansing Process washes clothes faster, gentlcrl Has big Lovell wringer with Se lective Pressure Indicator! Big 20-gal. tub is porcelain finish . . . 8-lb. capacity! Never needs oil ing a great value! Ahhuwh Pvrteet Sviriny! jj Electric Damascus Rotary Head Modern Console A beautiful piece of furniture ... a fine sew ing machine I Makes a lovely occasional table, telephone desk I Sturdily constructed, smooth operating, surprisingly low priced! 5-ply wal nut veneer on hardwoods, Creist attachments. Sensational Value! ieeial Cleaner You'd expect to pay far more for this power ful cleaner I It has famous beating, sweeping, suction action I Will give years of depend able service I Come in today and see it I levied by Justice W, H. Darns! on an assault and battery chart. Officers said Hillings struck tOvorott Keploy, 1748 Menloway, on tho head with a pint bottle, Tim nltoi'cntlon occurred at a nearby eutnrlaluiiiont establishment. What wo lined lu America Is an open season on politicians, rriipo hungers, and prophets of (loom. L. J, Tabor, mastor of the National Grange. I'lioiio HIM tor Guaranteed Radio Service Latent Teal Kiiliitiinf SI Trained Hervlrtt Men 2S4 Trade. In Alliinnnre tin Vour old Tillies UHLIG'S I Olid Main WARD 49)5 Reg. $64.95 Check These Features I New Duragrey Finish Streamlined Design Adjustable Nozil 16 95 $3 Monthly, Down Pay ment, Carrying Charge Rogular $19.95 II II M(DMTT(E(D)MIEiW WAME) H Cirrylsi Charit MNTGMElTtY WAIM5 221 MAIN ST, TELEPHONE 384 221 MAIN ST. TELEPHONE 384