I October 11, 1938 ; THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN 1 Lett and Found LOBT Rod Parker founliiln pan Reward. Raturn to Herald or fir nr mil 8IS0-J. 4211-lf 4 General Notleti Go By Motor Coach Shortest lloulo Lowoat Faro To Northern Point On Round War Trip Spokane $11.10 $20.05 Boise, Ida. 10.00 18. Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Busses Leave 1:00 P, M, Mt. Hood Stages, Inc. Greyhound Depot Phone 909 io-aomtr ARLMNH 0. BM1TH. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Notary Pub lie; Mimeographing. P h o n 1402. Kesldonce 2120 Onk off Ent Main. 11-1 wnv iiirrmi Mneetalliln ohronla and acute dls oases. Headache, conillillon, rhe n.ll.m Inn.lllfl. 1 A m A liver troubla, earache, and eys trouble, ana oiner ooay inco ordinations. Dr. usvin. entro nraalor. 110 North Eighth Street. Telephone 1321. 10-13 LONO DISTANCE HAULING Phone 109T. 11-4-mtf INTERSTATE MOVINO Klm atb Palls Tram, and Btorage. 11-4-mtf Transportation DRIVING TO L. A. on or about October 11. Will tnko two nbar expenaea. Phnna ilOI. 10-11 DRIVING Kaneaa anon. Tako three hare expenaea. No. 1 Main Ht. 10-11 CALL, 704 Oil 14. Moving, local long dlatance. Experienced hen dlera, now equipment. I'eople'a Warehoneo. 10-31 10 Sarvical PAINTING AND KALSOMININO Reasonable prlcea. P b o n a 937J4. R. E. Simmons, P. o Box 47. 11-10 KXPKRT HOHIKRV RKPAIR by Mlaa Horn. The Town Bhop, 6th and Main. 11-10 FLOOR 8ANDINO and reflnlah Im. Clifford Golden. Phona 1I1W1. 10-31-mtf DRESSMAKING, alterations, rn- modallm. Ann London, 623 Main, over Swansea's Barber ahop. 10-37 UNION BAOOAGB EXPRESS CO. Small moving Jobs dona, 303 So. 7th. Phona 474. Night phona 567. 10-17 rA PER HANGING of all klnda from tha Inexpensive to Import' ad wallpapers'by trained, long experienced, reliable men. Also Interior and exterior painting. We can arranga lo flnanca, "THERE'S A DIFFERENCE." E. Bolting Decorating Co., 116 Bo. 7th St. Phona 36. 10-13 CURTAINS bom a laundered atralched. Guaranteed work. Reaaonabla. Phono 1426-W, 10-14 ROOF STAINING, painting and kalaomlnlng. Phone 377J3. W. H. Smith. 10-11 WRINGER ROLLS for all makes of waahing marhlnea. Merit Washing Machine Kervlce, 709 Bo. 6th. Phona 1086. 10-31-nitf BODENHAMKR SAW FILING 2 is &aai main, rnone oo-w All iiwi tonla. lawnmowara ato. ropalred. 10-14-mlf NU RONE CORSETS COMBIN ETTK8 RUROICAL SUP PORTS Bold only through trained corsotlores. Mra. Hortonaa Petersen, phona 14-J. Mra. Myrtle Jlnnette, Morrill Mra. Edna Coons, Plna Rldga, Mrs. Both Covert. Mrs. S. V. Rugg, phone 2S-W-3. 11-1 EXCAVATING, potato digging. J. . P, Morgan, Rl. 2, Box 024. V 10-18 GUARANTEED sowing machine repair work. All makes. Moo's 8owlng Mnchlno Borvlce. 871-tf BEW1NO. oxport altoratlons, slip covers, droaamnklng, coals re llnod. Mrs. Hnrney, 2111 Dar row. Phoue 2161-J. 10-11-mtf FLOOR SANDING Old floore sanded and roflnlshed. Phone 2201. 10-12 12 Educational HARRY BOREL Teacher of vio lin. 1632 Johnson. Tolcphone 14A8. 11-10 WANTED Girl for gcnornl house work. Reforonces required. Box 172, Merrill, Ore. 10-12 FEUMANENTS 31.60 and up, children's hair cuts 25c, ladles' 36c. Mollis Bonuty Shop, 504 So. 61 h St. 10-15 16 Help Wanted, Mala WANTED Experienced, reliable portor and shoe shiner. Phone 1621-W. 61)0 " MEN TO TRIM LIMBS Need own cnmplng outfit. I!ob Brown, 3rd St., Plcasnnt View Tracts. 10-11 18 Situationt Wanted MIDDIi E-A G E D housokoepor wishes work In fnmlly 2 or 3, adults. 058 Cullf. Phone 16D4-M. 10-11 CAPABLE. EXPERIENCED sten ographer and bookkoopor wishes position. 1130 Alamodn. 10-12 WANTED Fall troo and shrub bery pruning. Albort Barrett. Ashland Rt, 10-28 t Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM 11.00 day. 2406 Ho, 6th Ht. 10-13 ROOM WITH BOARD suitable (or two. Phnna 299-M. 10-11 ROOM AND BOARD 324 Michi gan. 10-13 ROOM AND BOARD Home cooking. Four blocka from Main. 620 Jefferson. 10-31 ROOM AND BOARD Close In. 620 High. 10-15-mtf BOARD ND ROOM 1404 Klam ath. 4706-tf 22 Rooms for Rent FOR RENT Room suitable for two. 636 N. Bib. Telephone 2104-R. 10-13 NICELY furnished downstairs room. 348 Broad St. 8-11 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Everything furnished, 3.50 and up. 410 Bo. 6th. 10-16 COMFORTABLE sleeping room, 12 week. 611 So. 8th. 10-16 FOR RENT Two nice bedrooms. 213 Jefferson. 10-12 BLEEPING ROOM with garage. Reference. 716 Owens after 6. 10-13 PLEASANT, comfortable rooms. 413 Alameda. 11-3 FURNACE HEATED ROOM 134 No. 3rd. 4666-tf CLAREMONT. 328 N. 4th St. All outside modern rooms. Free parking lot. 11-11 24 Apartments for Rent APARTMENT on tth street, (35. Inquire 733 Main. Phone 30. 10-13 JACOBS APT8. Apartment and room. Corner Pine and Cedar. , 10-13 2-ROO.M APARTMENT Every thing furnished. 120. 433 N. 10th. 10-13 FURNISHED two-room apartment 1806 Main. 10-16 FOR RENT Furnished 3-room apartment. Electric range, re frigerator, oil heat. Couple only. No pets, f 40. Inquire 804 Lincoln. 10-11 TWO room apartment reaaonable. 608 Plum. 10-11 VACANCY Esplanade Courts, 10-36 VACANCY $16.00 and up. 411 No. 10th. 10-14 APARTMENT 1346 Main. 10-13 VACANCY K. D. Apartments, .Main and Broad. 10-12 VACANCY St. Francis Apts. 628 Oak. Bleam heat, new electric ranges, frlgldalres. 10-14 TWO-ROOM furnlahed apartment Heat, gaa, lights Includod. $7 per week. Metropolitan Hotel. 10-13 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Newly furnished and deco rated, telephones, a I e o t r I s equipment, refrlgoratlon, ele valor, garage. Day, week or month. Tho npnrtment hotel with conveniences and home comfort. 24-hour service. No Pets. 10-14-mlf APARTMENTS FOR RENT Al pha Apis. Phone S00. 10-25nitf 26 Houtat for Rent 2-BEDROOM house at 518 Owens. Inquire E. A. Dunham, 436 Onk. 10-12 FURNISHED, clean 3-room cot- tnge, garage. 253) Broad. 10-17 FOR RENT Three-room modern bouse. Inquire 1827 Oregon. 10-13 MODERN SIX-ROOM house at reasonable rent. Phone 1027. 10-13 FOR RENT Three-room fur nished house. Inqulro 1(1041 Wnntland. 10-11 TWO 2-ROO.M houses, and apart- mont. 618 High. 10-13 FOR RENT Six-room house. In quire 1627 Oregon or 087 Klam ath. 10-12 FOR RENT Four-room modorn unfurnished houao. Close to high school. Telephone 480W6. 10-11 FOR RENT Nice four-room un furnished house. Newly reno vated. Adults only. 160 Lewis. 10-11 FOR RENT Partly furnished nouse. inqulro 814 Lincoln. 184-tf FOR RENT 5-room modern nouse on pavement, close to school, Inquire 1435 Oregon. 10-13 FOR RENT Newly renovated five rooms and bath, partly fur nished:. Adults only. 408 Mich igan. Inquire 1000 Esplanade. 863-tf MODERN furnished , oottages week or month. Altnmont auto camp. 10-14 SMALL modorn furnished cot tage, garage. 2125 Biohn. 10-11 HOUSE FOR RENT Call 1404 Klamath. 147-tf 28 Miscellaneous for Rent FOR RENT Office space. 116 So. 7th. Phono 1044. 10-12 FOR RENT 8000 acres winter pasture for rnttlo. Write W. S. Hutchons, Rod Bluff, Calif, 11-15 30 Real Estate for Sal SEE LEWIS TRACTS on Shaata Way, 10 down, $5 monthly, including Interest, Mrs. Ben P. Low Is, ownor. Rt. 2, Box 805. Phone 35J2. 10-18 20 30 Real Estate for Sal 5-ROOM plaatered noma on pave ment, near Idella'i store. Fine yard and garden soil. 3600. 360 down, $30 monthly. 4-ROO.M home, full basement. Just off Oregon Ave. 13600. 10 per rent down, $36 monthly. MODERN 1-bedroom home Just built. Paving paid. Only $3760. Easy terms. Everett Dennis HOWARD BARNHIBEL AGENCY Phone 1050 113 Bo. 8th 10-11 LARGE STOCK RANCH Bell cheap or trade for city prop erty. Phone 38F11. 10-17 TWO BEST BUYS IN VACANT LOT8 IN TOWN CORNER LOT, cloae In on upper aide of Crescent avenue with aaaeaamenti paid In lull for only $360. LOT 4 In Block 4, Hot Springs addition on upper side of Pa cific Terrace for $426.00 plus assessments. HOWARD BARNHIBEL AGENCY Phone 1060 113 Bo. 8th 10-13 Under Construction You'll like this modern (Ire room houso being built In the new soctlon east of the Mills school. House has Just been plastered and the details can be finished to your Ideas. The price of $3000.00 will also please you. Only $300.00 down payment. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 130$ lit N. Ith Phone 66 10-11 FOR RENT 6300 acres good winter range, west Red Bluff, Calif. Lots dry feed, green grass now started, all fenced and cross fenced with living water, buildings and eorrale. Alonso Swain, (61 Oak St., Red Bluff. 10-13 34 Automotive & WATCH & ft THE CLOCK it 1 081 Dodge Co u pa Complete paint Job, large dough nut tires, runs good, best of me chanical condition. Starting price at 13 noon Friday B'J4B At 13 noon Tuesday ...... .1140 9 Drops $1.00 an hour, 14 hours a day. Locke Motor Co. 7th and Plna Bis. FOR SALE '33 Ford pickup, good condition. Bargain. Box (43, News-Herald. 11-13 FOR 8ALE 1331 14-ton Btude bsker truck, dual wheels, 14 ft, rack, 4-ft. sideboards, $160.00 cash. Will trade for grain, spuds. Jean Hobs, 416 Pine Bt. 10-13 FOR SALE 1336 LaSalle tour ing aedan, like new, run 14.000 miles. Will take small used car In trade. Inquire Quaran tine etatloo. Dorrla. 10-13 '37 CHEVROLET TUDOR, A-l ehape, radio an heater, $650. Includes finance and Insurance for 18 months. Automotive Service, tth and Klamath. 10-13 1323 FORD, good condition, 6 V-g wheela, good tires, $75.00, 1017 High. Apt. 4. 10-U 36 Miscellaneous for Sal H. C. LITTLE 0U Burning Pipe- less Furnace can be used In a houso without baaeniont. This Is the most economical way to get furnace beat In the small home. Prices of Furnaces com pletely Installed with tank and burner ae low as $179.50. For specifications and estimate Phone 636. PEYTON ft CO. 10-23 FOR SALE Wood heater, oil circulator and 75 lb. Icebox. In quire 804 Lincoln. 10-11 FOR SALE OR TRADE Potato digger. Harry Wlnrd, Wlard Lane, near Idella's store. 10-11 FOR SALE OR TRADE '23 Ford coupe with rumble seat, 13 gauge shotgun and some heavy timbers and planks. 1103 Cali fornia. 10-13 FOR SALE Modorn almost new twin-bed davenport and chair, $100 set for $60. Phone 477W1. 10-13 FOR SALE Rod Irish setter pups. 2231 Warring St. 10-20 REAL NICE canning tomatoea. peaches, Bartlett pears, and melons galore. Real cheap. Tree and vine ripened. Polka dot Fruit Stand on Riverside. 4948tf FLOOR MODELS REDUCED Two repossessed machines car rying new machine guarantees may be had for balance of con tract. Moe'a Sewing Machine Dept. 10-11 BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES T0O6r VJttkA HMOW WOOV.O VUWifc M MUCH btNfc AS RXvtt SV. BOAT ,ANO WACV4V,'CAOfc THERE ISN'T r TrMNG WWtttt fcOO" P.W VMM ...-NOT TVMriS 14 Automotive If You Haven't Heard Locke's Has Found It Necessary To CUT Their Used Car Stock Vx In the Next 10 Days To do this they arc qivinq old at well at new customer! advantage of unheard of values. For instance: 10B7 4 -Door Deluxe "port Redan Complete with all deluxe equip ment. Iron clad 30-day guar antee ..... ...... .... , BODS 101 Chevrolet 4-Pasaenger Coopo Large rear roomy trunk. New paint Job. Motor and tires A-l ... ...... BIOS 10B7 Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe Large roomy rear deck compart ment. Upholstery shows no wear. This car can be recommended as good as new .............. ...tvaza 19B7 Ford Coupe Beautiful gun metal finish. Tires practically new. Has run very few thousand miles. Has been cut to........fS23 IOA4J Chevrolet Master Coupe Completely reconditioned. Bought new by a local business man and baa been run very few thousand mllea In and around the city of Klamath Falls. Our Bale price ..... ...MM 1 987 Chevrolet Master Coupe Beautiful original black finish. Run 14,000 mllea. Haa bad ex cellent care S09S Locke Motor Co; 411 S. 6th St. Phona 36 Miscellaneous for Sal - PICK-UP BAGS People's Ware house. 10-31 CULL CARROT8 (or chicken or atock feed, 60c sack. Merrlll- Lakevlew Junction, Crystals. 10-15 AUTO AND WINDOW GLASS of all kinds. Popular prices. Kim ball's Glass Shop, 637 Walnut. Phone 3243. 10-35 FOR SALE Potato digger. Art Monroe. Poa Valley. 10-11 MOVING? Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, tth and Klamath. Phone 1097. 11-4-mtf UNREDEEMED Elgin and Bulova watchea aa low at $4.50. Select your Xmas glfta now. Use our lay-away plan. Ricky's Jewelry, 633 Main. Licensed Pawnbrok ers. 10-26 FOR SALE No. 1 carrots, 75c sack. Crystals, Merrlll-Lake-view Junction. 10-12 SPARKS OIL STOVES Now burn low priced Diesel oil and are specially designed to meet the heating requirements of Western homes. All Sparks have cheerful visible flame and heat tha living tone with both radiating and circulating heat. Our engineering department will help you select the right also for your home. Phone 635. PEYTON ft CO. 10-23 BEST CABBAGE, 1 centa pound. Mile south Great Northern shops. Long's Farm. 10-13 FOR SALE Lawn dirt, fertilizer. cinders. Phone 377J3. 10-11 FERTILIZER Sheep or cow, lawn dirt, dry blox wood. Roy Schmeck, 3488 Shaata Way. Phone 1369. 10-26 USED PIPELES8 FURNACE tor wood or coal. $35.00. This furnace Is In good condition but Is being replaced by a mod ern H. C. Little OH Burning Floor Furnace because of the additional comfort and con venience. Phona 535. PEYTON ft CO. 4980 tf AV0,V-O VOOS VXAO'. KVO VOOW .... VVMVj 0-OEWN MOST Or NOO .ftOT tOOCKNOt -frV HAWO WAV 1AW fcOOTfc SWE. 09i AW OOES fcvJtWWMUG CArA TW &OX VXtA-P rWM&tVV AtA SOti CAU. T POV&OM SOKi . SOMETIME NT'S AV..X CAVi OO VWfcfcP YTiOM VUTTIW OK A iOU-WOr' riXrV.TVOW T-ANCV VOOVOOR.S. TPOoH TyV ity a ?vtNQSrr PHOOSV! cops. ija sv Htk srsvict. me. T .w. ata. u. s. pat .err' 1987 Plymouth Deluxe Coupe All deluxe features. Completely reconditioned and guaranteed, for a short time only at... $000 10a Chevrolet Coupe A med ium priced car In excellent con dition ..... 2IB IBM Chevrolet Htandard Coupe The ear that will give real econ omy and complete satisfaction for B32S 1SS7 Ford 4-Door Deluxe, Tour ing Sedan This car haa been In our atock too long. Must be sold and price will sell It at 3MBS 1086 Chevrolet Standard Sport Sedan Your choice of three of these at tha low price of f4DS I98A Chevrolet Master Town Sedan Large roomy trunk. Com pletely reconditioned and guar anteed. Your choice at. 4)403 Two 1087 Chevrolet Deluxe Town Sedans Lots of extras. Complete dual equipment and sold with a written guarantee a t.. ..... W5 49 Seventh and Pina t 36 Miscellaneous for Sale PINE BLOCKS Bone dry, $2.00 at bin, $3.26 delivered. Phone 892-M. 11-7 FOR SALE 1987 Indian Junior Scout Motorcycle, good condi tion, speedometer, crashbars, saddlebags. Phone 1626. 10-14 BALED HAY, delivered. R. J. Morgan, Rt. 2, Box 924. 10-18 SALE OF WALLPAPER Your choice of over 100 lovely pat terns sale priced at one-third off. Free estimates on material and labor. Southern Oregon Hardware Co. Phone 261. 11-7 BRANDED POTATO BAGS Stencils, twine. See our new twine reel stands. People's Warehouse. 10-31 FOR SALE Small piano. 1133 Eldorado. 10-17 FOR SALE Small light boat. suitable for hunting. Inquire New Method Cleaners. 10-13 FOR SALE Boat and trailer. Cheap. 830 Oak. - 10-13 DO YOUR FALL PLANTING NOW Treea, shrubs, roses and evergreens. Lakeshori Gardens Nursery, half-mile west Moore Park. Phone 363J2. 10-17 FOR SALE Furniture six rooms. Electrlo refrigerator, walnut dining suite, mahogany bed room suite, gas range, china, bedding, etc. 1153 Crescent. 10-13 PUBLIC "STORAGE" Service Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, Fourth and Klamath. 11-4-mtf FALL APPLES AND PEARS Trade for potatoes and vege tables. Phone 1165-W. 10-13 BODY FIR WOOD Phone 1490-M. 10-26 38 For Sals or Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE 56 acres. 4-room house, dairy barn, large chicken bouse, hog houses, fruit, 2 miles from Klamath Falls. Can subdivide. 917 Wal nut. 10-11 To Exchange) TRADE 45-ACRE RANCH, 7 mllea from Belma, (or acreage within t miles of town. Call 2336 Shasta way, 4th cabin, between ( and 8. 10-36 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Furniture, atnvaa. houaehold goods. George'a Bar gain store, 64 Mam. Phone 4ai-w. 11-10-mtf WANTED TO RENT Furnished modern home from November until May. Write to J. C. Crouch, Crater Lake National Park. 10-11 WANTED TO RENT By October 15, fire-room furnished house. Inquire Pelttorlum Cleaners. 10-12 WANTED about six cords limb . wood. Delivered In city. Write Box 913, News Hersld or phone 1762-R after 6:00 p. m. or Sunday. l3tf WANTED Beef, veal, pork and live poultry. 201 E. Main. 10-29 WANTED Wood to saw. Inquire Ollmore Station, 6th and Oak. 10-16 WANTED TO BI7Y Hurt hand instruments. AH kinds. Derby's Music Co. Phone 670. 117 Bo. 7th. 10-16 CASH PAID for white round screw top wine and brown beer bot tles near rear door Armory, Ralph Bagnall. 10-22 HIGHEST PRICES paid tor used furniture and atoves. O. K. Sec ond-Hand Store, $30 Klamath. Phone 991. 10-31-mlf WANTED Old cedar cheat. Fin. lab not Important. Reasonable, Phone 2S70-R after 6 p. m. 365-tf 44 Livestock and J'jf FOR SALE Feeder pigs. Inquire Malin Hotel. 11-10 FOR SALE Milk cows. Rt. 2 Box 670. mile and half east Mac's store. 10-12 FOR SALE Team young work horses and harness; also 10 head dairy belters. D. Hoefler, Dairy. 10-17 FOR SALE Milch cow. Route 2. Box 476. Phone 168-J-3. 10-11 FOR SALE 1 grey mare, wt. 1360; 1 Pereheron stallion colt. yearling; 1 bay saddle horse, 4- year-old, gentle, well broke; 6 Duroc Jersey boars, 4 Duroe Jersey gilts, all 3 mo. old and subject to registration. Rogers Ranch, 1 ml. so. of Dairy, Ore. 10-11 FOR SALE Saddle horse. Phone Homestead Cafe, Tulelake. 10-1$ CHICKS HATCHING every week. M a g u 1 r e Electrlo Hatchery, 2415 N. E. Oregon St., Port land. Ore. 10-31-mtf 46 Financial LOW RATES AUTO LOANS and - REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Sate No Co-Signers No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let ua finance your new or used car purchase Motor Investment Co. License M-104 114 N. 7th Ph. 882 U-9.mtf NEED MONEY? Let The "Friendly Finance Co." Furnish The Caah. AUTO LOANS - FINANCING See COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. Wm. Frohnmayer, Mgr. License No. M-223. 116 S. 7th St. Phone 471 10-31 Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK, Oct. 11 (fl) Stocks put on numerous quick change acts tn today's market and generally convinced traders the hand waa faster than the eye ao far as confusing trends were con cerned. Dips and rallies were so fre quent the customers no more than took a position on one side of the markSt than prices pointed in an entirely opposite direction. While strong spots were In evidence here and there, along with an assortment of new highs 40 T II rAOVi,VAjATCOt4'T tEUHt1, 1 1 T,T . VET r- W Carload Potato Shipments Day of Month Reason 1988-89 y Oct. to Season R Oct to Seaaoa Oct P11 Data to Data H Dally Data to Data 1 " " I Tt IT 4I 3 " ' I T" "isT "TkT" ;': " " " I " ' m . 30 FT" ' 683 ' 3 44$ ' , I, L A mm mmmm mass f U atHiayiwiMwataa sa)ss"asassjssa eMseMaxevMejB) , "Vjf" 27 134 " .732 1 T 83 18$ 783 43 Sit " 13 "Til 306 I 41 m 10 20 218 836 .. 23 lit Tl 34 207 631 Ti : ' ' 34 til 660 lt " ' ' Iti 664 Yl " 22 387 706 n g r Ti 304 72S Ti - 19 33$ 741 " " ' 339 711 ft " 12 361 730 .. l " , ' l tit " " tit 131 A la 439 tt " ' I It 465 $74 - " 26 461 900 24 " , - . 16 497 tit tS . - It lit ttl iVi - - 1 ttT t4t J7 13 646 964 2S " It 660 t7t . 2i ' . 11 . 671 9tt ".' 'O . 30 ' It 836 10t "V.;; ;' 31 maBJ TjjF 2mimm Month shipment by truck 46 661 1080 Compiled from official record by ' the county agent's oUlaa, State Federal Inspector Ross Aubrey and The News-Herald. tot the year, minus signs were plentiful throughout and closing quotations highly Irregular. . AJrcrafts did rather well. from the start but were not particular ly buoyant. Loft, the speediest performer ot Monday, shot up 31 to a new top at 9 on the heavleat turnover of any single atock In months, then suddenly went Into reverse and gave up about all of tha advance. Utilities tried to repeat yesterday's upswing but met resistance. Electrical equlp- menta exhibited " strength. The rails did virtually nothing. I The ticker tape picked up mo mentum occasionally but was con tent to io tor the moat ..part. Transfers approximated 1,800,000 shares. - Closing quotations Adama Express - Air Reduction Alaska Juneau Al Chem & Dye Allied Stores American Can 12, 66 10 1901 " 1041 . 58 4, . 51 ' 171 181 52$ 147 891 111 t 28) -5J 884 31 : i6 1 81 ". tli 621 361 -161 331 61 193 l 61 96 541 331 UJ 34! 78 71 101 -. 11' "151 30 81 441 701 131 51 1441 611 180 12 - 21 441 361 i 481 . J 301 231 81 481 . 91 Am Eng Tile ... Am For Power Am Power ft Light Am Rad Sta San Am Roll Mills Am Smelt Ref . Am Tel ft Tel . . Am Tob "B Am Water Works Am Zinc L ft S . Anaconda ..... .. Armour 111 .. Atchison Auburn Auto . T)arnsdall . ..... Bait ft Ohio Bendix Avia Beth Steel .... Boeing Airp Borden Borge-Warner . Budd Mfg Calif Packing Callahan Z-L Calumet Hec Canadian Pacific . Case (J I) Cat Tractor Celanese - Cert-Teed Ches ft Ohio Chrysler Col Gaa ft EI Com'l Solvents Comm'nw'lth ft Son Consol Aircraft ........ Consol Edison . ..... Consol Oil . Cont'I Can ............. Corn Products Crown Zellerbach Curtlss Wright . Dupont de N Doug Aircraft .. Eastman Kodak El Pow ft Lt . .. Erie R R General Electric .............. General Foods ............... Gen Gas & El "A ........ General Motors .................... Gillette Goodyear Tire .. ........... Gt Nor Ry pfd .. Hecker Prod .... . Holland Furnace ....... Hudson Motors Reason 198T-83 Illinois Central Insn Copper f 111 , I HI H if . st -M M41 f'101 111 1001 III 41 30 111 1 241 27 14 - 26 n in 33 131 91 10 71 171 41 141 211 411 til 55 91 111 1 His Int Harvester Int Nick Can .... lot Pap ft P pfd . Int Tel ft Tel Johns Manvllle , Kennecott .......... Lib O Ford Llgf Myers B" Loew'a Long-Ball "A' Lorlllard P ... Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelv Natl' Biscuit Nat'l Cash Nad Dairy Prod jNat'lJMat ftat'l Pow A Lt N T Central North Amer Co . Northern Pacific Ohio Oil . Otis Steel Pac Amer Pish Pac Gas ft El .. Packard Motor Penney (J C) Penna R R Phelps Dodg Phillips Pt ........- Proctor ft Gamble Pressed Steel Car Pub Svo N J Pullman . Radio Rayonler n- 1 ? Rem Rand - 151 Republic Steel 191 Reynolds Tob "B" . 431 Richfield Oil ..... Safeway Stores . , 17 , Sears Roebuck ' 711 ' SheU Union .14 Socony Vacuum , 11 Sou Cal Edison 221 Southern Pacific .. IS! ' Standard Brands .. 71 Standard Gas ft El , 41 Stand Oil Calif 281 Stand Oil Ind 281 Stand Oil N J 611 Stone & Webster 111 Studebaker 71 Sunshine Mining Ill Sup Oil . . I I Texas Corp . 41 Texas Gulf Sulphur . 341 Tidewater Asso Oil 131 Timken Roll Bearing .. 62 -Trans-America 101 Union Carbide . 171 Union Oil Calif 201 Union Pacific 96 United Aircraft .-.. 301 United Airlines 101 United Corporation - 31 United Fruit 64 United Gas Imp .......... .... 101 U S Indust Alcohol 261 U S Rubber 62 U S Rubber Pfd 981 U 8 Steel ... 62 Vanadium. .. 20 Walworth . 91 Warner Pictures Western Union . 61 29 117 HI 411 Westlnghouse . White Motor Woolworth ...., Ant eggs are an Important ar ticle of food in Africa.' BY MARTIN VEMO. VT MAVit Mt CVt -tH1 VOAV Vt T-tATOWtb VXANX , UVlfc T'VATESIAN. WVfi HIAO KlW A 'WOCAOOVrtW VoWV -r- Of r-i ATTACHE r- ti