THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NINE FHA's Winter izitig' Drive Produces Results October 8, 1938 OFFICIAL VISIT GIVES Tho "IU'mly for Winter" drlvn of tho Kniliirul llnimliiit Ailmliils trnl ton In iiiimIik'Iiik u 1 !'! y t ti 1 1 n vol" mo nf Inmliii'iin In Hi" Klu mill ll Kill In in i'ii hiiIiI Juanpli A'. Nimco, deputy "1 "1 o minimis linlop fur tlm FIIA, Hnturdiiy aflnr cotitncllnit Kliiliiulll rolull 1 u in Ixi r il"nl"iii. ' "The prlmo ohjncllvn nf llio drlvn" u lil Mr. Nniici "In In offant Hi" uatinl aliurp anaiaiMinl decline In lii 1 11 1 ii K ciniatrucilon wlnlor apprnnrliea, tn oncour ago wpalra nnil liiilirovotiixnta In properly which will Incidentally ad autumn iiihI winter oiu ploy niniit, iiihI In furuliih a li'iullii In ii winter iirnmiiin nf now coii alriictlnn unit iiindnriilaiitliw In til nlnto." Tho atnto of Oregon an it wlinln U vllnlly Intnrcatoil In thin imilnii wliln prnKrnin lui'l becnuan nf the u ion miiiitinlii nf lumber Unit will tin uac-d and bocauao I tin lumber will bo Hint lit I tin porlml of I tin year when nnrmnlly tho mllle run at alow hell unit thn rrnfla men who wnrk nt thn count rue linn liiilumiy inn till". There la li n butler limn lliuii llio wln lnr In nmlin rupniia anil linprovo nionta lo Ihn liialiln nf your lininn or atom. You ran secure Ihn workman that you wiini nml they will aha your work their un divided intention. Work tiiii hn ruuiili'lil eipciluliiiialy uml with out tho delnya aomi'tliiK'a en countered In tlm huay acnaon. Under llio KHA plan, any per iiu with a ilniiioiintriiicd nlillliy tn meet lila lillla limy an to any qualified lender nml Imrrow on liberal lornia for Improvements, addlllona. anil repair to hla homo or nthnr bulliliiiKa, with Ihn government Insuring llio Innii Thn linrrnwor Itiuat. of roll ran. own (hn properly or linvo a lease riiiiiilnil al leual al niontha lonaer Ihan llio torm of I Ill- loan. Kunila In aufflclnnt aniounla may bn borrowed In rnpnlr nr liuprnvo oilatlnx atmi'iurea. These lonna mako It poaalliln tn ohtnln aiifflrtnni credit lor iiecoaanry triii-iurnl linprovrini'iita aurh ni painting, roofing, rofloorlng and thn llko, and for rehabilitation aurh aa rewiring, plumhliiE. and beating. Thean rapulr louua arn avail able nnt only fnr homes, but for all properly Including aparl mnnl bulldliiga, amall bualiies btilliltnga and fnclnrlea, farm realdoncea. farm bullilliiita, ami farm noccaaltlea aurh aa vlnctrlc ayatnma. water ayatoma, hnrna, alloa. and tho llko. Knnco aiiKKeated that where douhl exlata aa to tho olcglhlllty of a Inan under tlm plnn. In quiry a hou lil bo mndo at ell her of tho local linnka or by cnlllng any nnj of Ihu lornl building inii terlnl dnnlera. Tho president hua declarod tho weok of Octnbor nlulll n "Kirs Provcnllon Week" and I can think of no better ay to provenl Mm In tho homo or fiiclnry than tn keep It In Ilia proper attito of repair, tho visitor aiild. lie atatod that fuillly wli'lim and cracking fluea havo and alwaya will be a to any flro ohlef. , Sovorol Klamath Falla mam bora of tho Shaala-Caarndo Won derland anaorlntion and thn (lay llnotloa orchcatin nf thla city will bo nt llio Rhiialn-Cnacnde convention to ha held In Anil liiml floiiiluy and Tuesday. Mombera of tho county courl will bo Included In tho visitors from Klntnnth Knlls. Tho Clay .'Nineties orchoatra will play no a feature of convention entcr liiliiiuonl. A nuiiihar of Klniunth pion will have pnrts on tho pro fta m, ; Tho convention will got undor Tvay at 8 o'clock Monday morn ing with tho broil li flint of tho board of dlroctora and glioma. Warning luncheon nnd nfturnoou (roup aosslons will conduct tho buslnoaa of tho convention and vnningB will bo dovotod to olnb crnlo ontortnlnniciit, chief of Which will bo tho flint public in itiatory coromony ovor given by tho fumoiia Crntar club of Mod ford. Much oonstruotlva planning for tho further dovolopniout of Its roaourcos and tho promotion of groalor tourlHl trnvol into tho Wondorliintl roglon through tho BlinHta-CaKciulo Wondoi'lnnd asso ciation will be undertaken, An Important solution of tho conven tion will bo Hint of the Shnstn Cnacnde expoaltlon commlaalon, which la the agoncy In chnrgo of the $200,000 Shiiatu - Cnacndo Wondorland building and exhibit at the Snn Francisco World' fair. i Tho snap plant la a mitivo of Mexico nml Colorado. When Its rools lire ptneoil in wnlur, they form suds which tuny bo used for washing. rtogor Bncon Invented tho first pair of spectacles, which enme In fo voguo in tho t lilitoontU century. PROGRAM PLAN Hillside Vur tho third oxumpln In Ita anrtea of hnme pinna iiNpeolally da alKned fnr auiiill luveatora who have turned tu IiiiIIiIIiik hoinea fnr anla or runt, Wealnrn llomoa KounUntlon uffora a aolocllon from a now group of dealgna by tho nullmial plan aervlee. Tho wholn group la untitled "llnnio ward llouiiil." All tb oiio dealgna lira (1) for Inveatiniint hnmu biilldlug, and (2) liuvo henu creatod lo meet niHii liil wiaiein neeila, Inatea and i-ojulreuif ma. "Thn prolili if building on a hlllalile, realilouilul lot la riiuiinon In llio weal," wild W. C. Hull, vlialrinau of Wualuru lluiuoa foundiitlnu. "renplu who have In vented In aueh luta keep them Idle "tun becauau of llio luck of a Inline plan that will aolvu their problem uud allll bu a guuil aulva Ituui Hi tho tonoral liumua mar ket. Tho plan that wo uru oftur lug thla week la culled the llud fiinl. 111 ki It can bo ailuplod to ulmuat any k I ml of lot, ll la en pvrlully ultectlvo oa a lilllaldo tiouao. "Moat worthy uf note, a feature that alwaya atrikea admiration In prnapecta, la tho economical ut III xaltnu uf apuco which provides tour lovela lor leaa than tho cost o( an urUlnuiy amuil two-alory houao with baaemvnt. "Theao lovela nru: (1) the at tached gnrugo with utility room tn reiir; Ci) one-half flight up, Ihu living room, illnelio and kitchen level; CI) unoCller llulf fllght up, the twu budrounta and hath; (ll yet another lialt-fllglu upward, apace which can ba uaed fnr chlldien'a bedrooma or for playrooma, aturagu rnuma, etc. "Knr anyone at all fauilllur with tho problems of home dealgn and building, It la worth tho amall coal nf a not of worked drnwlnga for The lledfnrd, Juat lo bo nolo to aludy In detail tho atrlklng architectural nrrnngement and atructurnl lnchnlun of this plan, lino nt thn beat over Issued, In my opinion, by tho lumbermen'! Natlonnl l'lan service." The Family Doctor lly 1)11. MOltltlH KIH1IIIKIN lOdltnr, Journal of llio American Medical Assoclnllnn, anil of Hygeln, thn Health .Mngnlne TN tho United Htutoa 106,000 peoplo died In 1037 from ac cldenla. The rate for Canada Is 40 per cent below that of tho United States. In Kngliuid and Wulca there la constant ngllutlnu ovor deaths from accidents, yet our death rate li twlco ns great aa that of Eng land or Wnloa. Ono person dlea every 14 mln ui oa In iho United Htatcs as a result of an accident In the homo. Last year almost 40.000 people wero killed nnd nearly a million Injured aa a roaull of accldonts, collisions and othor difficulties on the highway!. It la aald that at least 10,000. 0011 people every yoar have accl donta atifflclently aevero to take them temporarily from their work. Tho loss financially may bo estimated In billions. Tho total working time lost on account of accidents In Industry hns boon estimated nt approxi mately 250.000.000 working days. Theao nro some of tho slmplo figures which Indicate the Im portance of tho safety program. They Indicate, moroovor, the nood for an organization llko tho National Safety council, which is holding 111 Chicago a vast con gross donllng with the necessity for provontlon of accidents and for the kind of edttcntlon of the puhllo that will lower tho coats of cnrolessnOHB. ' . . Safety la a habit, as careloss neas is a habit. Safety means the avoldnnco of unnecessary cnroloaanoas or foolish rlBks. Our world was once much safer than It I now. Before tho com ing of mnchliiory, no one wai disturbed about automobile accl- State Farm Insurance Companies Auto I.lfo Fir GHOHOW N. MIIiTjARD, District Milliliter New Office 208 Williams Bid. 724 Main rhono 8041 Home feuTJ I rl I ill "1 JTl Livino Pooh J I btrilOOU. 1 - o,n f J' - I ' I 1 '"i The floor plan of tho Hedforil, published here, is Interesting In regard to tho provision for the hulf-fllghla of atalra. Note the "down" stairway In tho hall be tween kitchen and living room. Thla luuda lo the garage, and util ity and heating room, which also has a rear entrance. Colling heights aro 8 ft. 3 In. In tho main building; 8 ft. In the garnxe. Tho National Plan aervlio glvea tho cubic ennteuta us 12, Hill cubic foot. At SVc per cubic foot, this would make llio whole prlco of the lledfnrd J3730. At 4Uc per cubic font (which represents the very highest quality of construc tion In uny part ol tho country), llio price would bo 1 5.000. Thirty coma per cubic foot, however, la a belter-than-aYcrago cost In the 1'aclflc northwest. With the prices nf building malarial down 7 per cent from what they wero a year ago, according tn figures released by tho liuriuu of Labor statistics for tho month of August, tharo ura many place In Iho northwest where simple, amall homos enn bo built at a cost of ns low aa 20c per cubic foot. In every locality. Iho lledlurd will Imvo a great appeal to the homo-buying public, and la Ibus a wonderful plan for Invest ment homo building- particular ly by small Investor!. Working pinna and specifica tion may bo bought through re tall lumber deulors or through Western Homos Foundation, 30 Stuart Building, Seattlo. dents. In a previous generation people did not die In their homes from electrical shocks or from the uso of vibrators, electrical stovos. electrical sowing machines or even electric lamps. Workers did not suffer from contact with high apeed machine In Industry. Tho four types of accidents that cnuso most deaths are those from automobiles, drowning, fulls and burns. Moat of the accidents associated with automobiles, drowning, falls and burns are preventable accldonts prevent able by a little carefulness and proper Instruction. In a recont study of accident rates In the stnto of Kansas, It was discovered that accidents are fifth In the causes of death, pre ceded only by heart disease, can cer, fcrnln hemorrhage and rhron lo Inflammation of the kidneys. We have given careful concern to these leading causes of death. There are societies and organ isations devoted to encouraging public action against evory one of them. The Natlonnl Safety council, concerned with tho fifth of tho leading causes of death, deserves tho support that all of ub must give it If It work i to be suc cessful. NEW THOKKSSIOX Moro than 2000 women through out the country are now following a new profession, that of being interior lighting decorator or home lighting advisors. They study tho lighting of homes, measure It to soe wheth er It meet standards of sate see ing and suggest how It can be mads more attractive and com fortable to the eye. A half ton of coal Is required to start a freight train and bring It to running speed. See Us About a Lot Ask Us About An Equitable Loan Chilcote & Smith Hlnco 100l 110 No. Olli Phono 00 APARTMENTS ON Ml GO 10 OOIi Purcbaan of the 'Alexandra apartments, 3012 Main street, was apartments, 2012 Main street, was inaiin wbn, with hla sister Kylvla Kr'lmann nf Fairbanks, Alaska, acquired tho attractive anven uparimont atructtiro from tho J. W. Copelnnil Yard. Thn dnal was clnand Krlday morning nnd waa handled by the Klnmiith Kails branch of tho First National bank. No consideration waa given, Tho Alexandra apartmenta were built in 1931 by the Mannoa brothera. The exterior of the building Is of native rock and the seven apartments aro modern In evory detail. Krdmann took pos session of the apartment house Krlday. Mlsa Krdmann will not make hor home In thla city. Kale of tho old Jory placo, a 400-acre ranch on the Midland market road In the Spring Lako district, by Goorge A. DuKaull lo Dr. Warron Hunt, Klamath Kails phyaiclan, was announced Krlday by tho J. K Hoaklng real estate company. The property Is nine miles from Klamath Kails and I all Improved land, It was stated. Tho conalderatlon was not given. Although few largo transac tions were reported by real estate doalers throughout tliojclly dur ing tho past weok, many small sales were luado and interest In remodeling amall hoinea, or mod ernizing other, i prevalent a check wllh realtor showed. Lloyd Bates haa purchased a three-room house at 717 Old Kort road through the Howard Darn hlael agency. It was announced. Kvorott Dennis of the same ag ency announced the following transactions which he ha com pleted thla wock: Marvin Fosdlck has purchased a house at 1310 Sargent street from the stale of Oregon. He plans to remodel the place Im mediately, It wu learned. P. II. iteeder purchased two hoinea recently, ono amall houso al 644 Owens street from O. E. Heeves. and another from the stale of Oregon at 617 Upbaul street. Kecder ha made extensive repairs on tho Owens street pro perty and plans to do likewise on tho property purchased from the Btnte. Meryl I.oy has purchased a house at 704 Fulton street from Mary Yale which be will occupy Immediately. John Rogor ha ' purchased a place In Altumont from Ed Stan lake, It was learned, the deal com pleted this week. On the property, which Include one acre of land, Is a four-room house which ltogcrs announced he bad started lo rcmodol and moderniie. FUNERAL SERVICES HELD FOR FORMER LOCAL RESIDENT Humphrey Humphrey, for 12 years a resident of Klamath Kalis, died Sunday at his home in Jos eph, where he has lived for sev eral years. Humphrey owned considerable property In thla city, which he operated during his resi dence here, Servlcca for tho former Klam ath Falls man were held Wednes day at 2 p. m. at the Christian church in Joseph with Rev. Paul Crambllt of Enterprise, an old time friend of the family, con ducting the services. Humphreys was bom In Ver mont in 1863 and came west at an early age. He was married to Jessie Lathron in Idaho In 1891, nnd they resided In that state for 26 year. Thoy were the parents of 13 children, 10 of whom are living, Including Mr. Ray Daw son, Mrs. Jim Palmer, Glenn and Bill Humphrey, all of Klamath Pall and Mrs. Harvey Oumm of Happy Camp, Calif. BUILD For Less FIR SPECIALS Fir Sheathing $ goo Dry Shiplap fjtOO $gOO $oso 2x4 5 Cress Panel Doors, from up F. R. Hauger Building Materials For Less 515 Market Phone 1558 Average Cost of Home in U. S. Drops About $850 in Decade WASHINGTON, Oct. 1 The average coat of the American houso thla year la I3C&3, ap proximately 18.',0 leas than It was 10 year ago, and yet the comparison of a 1938 house with a 1928 model la llko comparing two automobiles of corresponding yenra. This observation was made to day by Frank t.'arnahan, secre tary of the National Itc-tull Lum ber Dealers association, after an nnalyalB of department of labor stntlallcB on average house cov ering the 10-year spun. In 1928, tho figures show, the average coat of all types of d-welllnga waa 14407. "It la estimated," Carnahan aald, that today's home buyer gots from 2D to 40 per cent more house for the money today than ever before. This can readily be appreciated when consideration is given Iho advances in design, con struction, equipment, tho lin provement In quality of materi als and the reduction in limine Ing costs that have taken place during tho past decade. "Architects, housing engineer and buildera have devoted years to perfecting living accommoda tion for Americans, and the re sult Is a home designed with Unusual Beauty and Value LIBRARY PROJECT SUPERVISOR HERE ri I Uo Roe rfl TA Anne Mulheron of Portland. supervisor of statewide library projects under PA, was a visitor Krlday at tho Klamath county library. She Btated she is greatly satisfied with this type of work being done by county libraries and that she was glad to find the library here using WPA helpers to such good ad vantage. The supervisor said that it was quite evident that the Klamath county library does not have suf ficient funds for an adequate staff and as long as WPA is in existence her organization is glad to bo of help. She pointed out, however, that as long as tbe WPA is an emergency measure it is Impossible to count on its be ing permanent and that this type of work done by the women necessarily takes the nature of odd Jobs. Howover, tho typo of work being done by the library will presuppose a much larger staff than tbe library has, she stated. Mis Mulheron discussed with Mary McComb. the librarian, the possibility of WPA assistance for some of the larger branch 11' braries In tbe county and ex pressed her willingness to keep such a project In mind If there are satisfactory certifications In these districts. "Busy" beavers have to keep busy. If not kept short by gnawing, the teeth would grow so long that the animal could not close their mouths. SMART PEOPLE GET READY NOW to ENJOY Winter! REMODELING and REPAIRING NOW , will give you that smug, "on top" feeling of enjoyment In your home when winter comes . and you pay the small monthly cost under our streamlined F. H. A. Loans without a chill. SWAN LAKE MOULDING CO. Phone 759 minimum of waste apace, made livable and utilitarian In every respect, and enhnncod In attrac tiveness. "The federal government, too, has been Instrumental In better ing housing standard, largely through the minimum construc tion and plan requirement Bet up under the federal houalng ad ministration's mortgage Insur ance plan. The drop In financing costs, too, can largely be attribut ed to government effort, which made possible 80 and 90 per cent loans, fully amortized over 20 and 25-year periods." The secretary of the building supplier organization, which rep resent 23,000 local dealer In building material all over the United Stales, urged home own- era to Investigate Improvement In housing with a view to either modernizing their existing home or building new ones. "Your bom e," Carnahan serted, "la more Important to you than your automobile, and yet betterment of houalng all too often Is pushed aside in favor of trading in the family car on a new one. Housing Is making the same kind of progres that the automobile la that means your 1928 bouse 1 Juat as outmoded as your car of the same year. e4 THE SOUTHHOLD Plan and specifications can be obtained from your local lumber dealer through National Plana Service, Inc., Chicago, 111. fiair Fioo. This home, because of It beau tiful styling, brick first floor and built-in garage, seems much more expensive than It really la. Most families will find this a home that Is not only economical, -but 1 also well-built and entirely at Isfactory In every respect. BETTER HEAT "Better heating aeaaon" I at hand, and the prudent household will make careful plan for com fort all through the winter, advise Iron Fireman engineer. The heating plant should be checked over before being tlred-up, and modern auxiliary equipment In stalled. Most emerald are produced In Colombia. South 6th St. B! ii i "1 -ljiiwv Q . StCQMB I U fLOOR. ffi Online Doom "Kiuurrl 5 rTuvrna aooa k PERMITS FOR MONTH TOTAL" OVER $34100 In September 27 building per mits wero Issued here totaling $36,440. During September, 1937, 35 permits were Issued totaling $57,650, It waa ahown. Permit were Issued for the following purpose: garages, 2, total, $265; new residences, 5, $27,300; residential alterations 9, total, $2,645; non-resldentlal now, 3, $3,740; non-resldentlal alterations, (, $1890; repair one school roof, $150; repair city library roof $450, total, 27 per mits, $36,440.. A year ago, for tbe aame month five new homes were also put un der construction, but their com' bined coat waa but $18,000, com pared with $27,300 for the five new 1938 homes. Permit total were upped a year ago when busi ness house alteration totaled $33,640 a compared to $1890 for September, 1938. ON WEAK SPOTS Because escaping heat follow the line of least resistance, the home builder must carefully elim inate weak spots In Insulation continuity. Weak spots In the insulation area serve a sieve for beat, nrnk ing the remaining Insulation prac tically valueless, they report. Crucial point In the malnten ance of insulation continuity are the ceiling edges of the Installa tion. If the Insulation Is permit' ted to creep or "settle," the cell ing edge will be an open avenue for escaping heat. By nailing Insulation boards of the "colorkote" type securely to walls and ceilings, positive pro tection against weak spots can be obtained, it is said. OF DJIilGEf! ZONES From tbe butcher to the baker to the modern candlestock-maker, our lives are affected by measur ing instruments. Among the new est of the measuring tools la a light meter, an instrument ao small that It can be slipped Into a men's vest pocket. It Is used to measure light at school desks, easy chairs tn the home or at the factory bench. When light falls on the light sensitive cell of the meter it causes a needle to register the number of units of Illumination at a given location. When the needle point to a read "danger zone" on the dial, the light is Insufficient for reading or sewing. NOW IS TIME FOR HEATING REPAIRS Have little repairs to the heat ing plant made now and avoid big repair bills later. This Is tbe advice offered by the Plumbing and Heating Industries bureau in oUzQnaHclma WHAT SHE THINKS OF JOHNS-MANVILIE ROCK WOOL HOME INSULATION Furnished in factory made "Batts" of correct thickness and density. Easily install ed. Insist on the name Johna-Manville. i BIG BASIN Lumber Co. Main and Spring connection with the "Ready for Winter" campaign of the federal houalng administration. A careful Inspection of Ihe heating plant now will Bataguard the homo-owner agalnat the dan ger of a breakdown In the middle of winter, the bureau points out. It la important to (tart the heating aeaaon with a clean bollor. Many heating contractor! are equipped with a vacuum aya- tem for cleaning aoot and fly-sab. from boiler flue. MS 6 ESSENTIALS The "livable" bedroom ha alt essentials, according to a Modern Home Institute report. The requisites are an open fireplace, a really "easy" chair, a reading lamp, a comfortable bed, adequate drawer apace and a good vanity for make-up, the Institute says. 'When these six thing are supplied, then the bedroom ' be come more than a cell for deep ing. It become one of the moat important room in tbe bouse. 'A 'livable' bedroom can be one of a home' greatest asaeta a comfortable retreat." New artistry has been Intro duced Into home by popularise tlon of modern design In architec tural background and In furni ture. Typical of the modern move ment I the New Yorker dealgn In bedroom furniture, with clean, smooth line. . RELATIVES WRITE t -LOCAL RESIDENTS ' OF STORM HAVOC Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dennis ot Pine street have received letter from relativea in Massachusetts describing the terrlfio storm that recently ravaged the New Eng land coast. - One letter waa from a slater of Mr. Dennis, Mr a. Bessie Hill, who wrote that she waa alone in her home at Worcester, Mass., when the storm hit, taking off part of the roof, breaking nearly every window In tbe house end turning the yard- Into a shamble. She was uninjured. - . . Mrs. Hill enclosed a letter from a cousin of - Dennis, who live near Providence, R. I. This cousin told of her buaband bare ly escaping from a flood of water that swept through the street. Upon reaching higher gronnd he looked .back in time to see ft large bus covered by the water. It waa in thle diatrict that per sons were drowned In their ears. She wrote of watching six-foot breakers covering their hex Held and of tbe hearse waiting in their driveway for the bodies of 14 persons drowned on Barring ton beach. ' ; Mr a. Dennis has two brothers living at another point where the storm struck heavily, from, whom she has not yet had word. GROOVINO A simple operation with ft grooving tool will transform the appearance of a room whch Is being finished with color Insula tion .panels. Simple grooves or patterns may be cut Into the pan els. The natural tan color of the board will show through, provid ing contrast with the colored sur face. KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts Title Insurance - Escrows ELBERT a VEATOH 111 So. Fourth St. Phone IS It is inexcusable to live in cold drafty house in winter. Johns-Manvilla Rock Wool keeps beat in makes rooms warmer and cozier, saves up to 30 in fuel. In summer rooms are up to 15 cooler in hottest weather. i It amtalaa aoaaaa ml atlwaiHillaaj iosa an will Snabdpfal.. M Fhone 107