PAGE EIGHT THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON SERIAL STORY MURDER TO MUSIC BY NARD JONES COPYRIGHT.' ItM NBA (KltVICC INC. CAST or CHARACTER! MY UN A DOM BUY karnlaa. Willi f aa aaaaalloaal awlajr hand lender. . w HOBIOHT TAIT aaro. Kaiw apnr paotoa-ranhar ttmllTi. af frlrnda IlAKMH KEEI.FY ilr aa altar la !. Ilt idd bombcr'a warder. YratarSart I.ddr Doaitor ' aaoat 10 iimuee liU aaarrlava wkra a. la aaot. Ha falla dowa la front of kla antns ba CHAPTER II fOR almost a minute, it seemed to Talt, no one moved, no one uttered a sound. Then "Torchy" Stephens stepped down from the band and half fearfully lifted Dombey by the shoulders. Talt needed nobody to tell him that the swing leader was dead. Talt could sense it from where he stood. At that moment the crowd in the Golden Bowl jerked itself into hysterical action. Half a hundred rushed for the exits and were gone before anyone could stop them. Others, morbidly curious, crowded toward the band plat form where Lud Dombey had led The Swlngateers for the last time. Suddenly Talt heard Myrna's tiny, stifled cry, and at the same moment he saw Anne Lester's stricken gaze toward the girl be glde Mm- In flash he realized that the girl who was to have been in the golden spotlight was this slender, dark creature who had risen unsteadily beside him. His camera forgotten, Talt took her arm firmly. "You must get out of here," he whispered. , She nodded dully, her clenched fist pressed against her teeth. Talt guided her past the table, taking up her bag as he went As he did so his heart skipped a beat with the shock of exciting discovery. His fingers, clutching the soft silk of the bag, had encountered the outline of a revolver. And the barrel was warm through the silk! Hurriedly Talt stuffed the bag into his pocket, literally beat out a way for Myrna through the frantic crowd. Fortunately none of them knew who she was. The golden spot had never picked her out Instead, death had reached down through the momentary darkness and touched her hus band. . VT7 ANTING to keep clear of the Pacific-Plaza's huge lobby, Tait guided her down the short hallway from the Golden Bowl and into the ladles' lounge. In front of Its foyer he ran Into Bill Joiner, one of the Pacific-Plaza's staff of detectives. "What's up in there, Talt?" Joiner wanted to know. Dombey'i been shot A lot of the crowd have beat It already. Better figure a way to keep 'em tied until they can get somebody . here from headquarters.'' Joiner hesitated a moment looking at Myrna. "Who's she?" "Friend of mine," said Tait briefly. "The thing upset her, and I'm taking her in here. Well be around." Joiner hurried on toward the wide entrance of the Golden Bowl, and Tait led Myrna to a daven- ' port inside the foyer. 'Take it easy here for a while," he said gently. "IH hang around outside." Myrna dropped wearily to the davenport and he studied the dark head for a moment "Will you need your bag?" he asked quickly. "I have it in my pocket" She shook her head, then buried her tear-stained face in the arm of the davenport Thoughtfully Bob Tait returned to the hallway. There he stopped, fished for a cigaret and lighted it What the devil had come over him, he asked himself. Why wasn't he in there in the Bowl, snapping his "minnie" right and left, trying to get his job back? A photographer couldn't stay off the job two or three days and expect to get away with it Not even a good one. Wot even it he'd wanted to watch his college play an opening game of football when Riggs wanted him to be some where else. But some candid shots in the Bowl tonight would soften Rlggs up. Yet here he stood, standing guard over a girl he'd never seen before and might never see again. And in his pocket was her bag, and in It as sure as taxes, was the weapon that had killed Lud' den Dombey. THE shot wasn't fired from that table, though. It couldn't have been. Still, she could have slipped tway in the darkness, then hur ried back to the table before the tights went on. Disgustedly Talt spun his ciga ret into an ash pillar. "She couldn't be the one. Whoever killed Dombey was Inside the mob that scrammed out when the lights went up again. The gun had been planted. Tait reached into his pocket, unzipped the bag and let the re volver fall unseen against the pocket's lining. The bag he brought out and transferred to an inside pocket He couldn't hold out the gun on the police, he told himself. But he resolved to keep the bag a while at least until he was more certain of a number of things than he was now. As he stood there, Anne Lester rushed up to him. "How did you get out of the Bowl?" Talt de manded. "Haven't they got things in hand in there yet?" "I haven't been in the Bowl for the past five minutes," Anne said desperately. "I've been searching all over the lobby and balcony for Myrna. Where is she? I saw her go out with you just after- just after it happened." Tait jerked a thumb over his shoulder. "She's in there." Anne started for the foyer, but young Tait restrained her. "Just a min ute. I'd like to help her if I can. Do you realize she's liable to be In a tough spot?" The girl stiffened. "You're not laying that she" I'm not saying anything," Tait said quietly. "How long have you known her?" "We've roomed together for fle years. They don't come better than Myrna." "This romance with Dombey. Wasn't it sort of sudden?" . Anne flushed. "I'm afraid this is none of your business. I under stood you were a newspaper pho tographer, not a detective. I'm going to see Myrna." 'Sony . . ." Tait grinned sheep ishly and let her by. 0 'THE kid was right, he thought What he should do was turn the bag and the gun over to the police and let them fight it out Yet if he did that the girl in there would find herself instantly embroiled in a sticky mess. She was hit hard enough as it was. He . was startled by Anne Les ter's voice at his shoulder. "Myma's not in there!" Are you sure?" Anne nodded. "There's a fire escape to the alley. She must have gone down that" Tait hesitated a moment Then: "Do you think she might have gone to your apartment?" I I can't think where else." Then listen. You set over there right now. And give me the address. If she's there, make her stay. Because if she pulls another disappearing act it's going to look bad. I know what I'm talking about. They'll want to see the girl Lud Dombey married five minutes before he was murdered and he'd better be around for them to look at!" (To Be Continued) OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE With MAJOR HOOPLE H GOOD WIGHT ! f VES, AND H&S RIGHT NO, THEY TCOAMED 0 BAH) LISTEN I C3IVB HMF ? TO kZf DAMB MAS HAP HUNTiN' BEFORE ' IT OUVS THE.Y vVOULD V IK) HERDS -THSV jgf YOU AAV HULA SHOW )WsC)UMKB A M' TH'LAvV OKi J; WORK.' ITS LIKE -rOU PS MOW IF -AY TH' HERDS A ZZ ITl, 77, Mi TnTurM-en HIM SO WiUV b GUVS LIKE WHO WOULD I THEY'D KEPT WAS SO BIO TO SC?L1ARE AAV PEBT INDEED YZZT HIM GO MANY , SOU WHO HAVE A OKI... IK-WSING THEY'D HOLD A PEE4T AKIP WHEN YOJ KWCvV "THE jf TIMES HS CAN L; KILLED OFF TH' BUFFALO I I A BUFFALO TRAIN UP FEU. THOSC COPS BAROED CSENDARMES SMELL A COP ; OFSBUAUO ISkAolRV ' 'SS?iSC U IN On A FAK6 RA.D f vVERS SWOOPING Jg) 7H' MINUTB s tSD V & y V MEW?k 7 "Tl ff BBAT.TL.KS k ' DOWN ON IfA THEY OPEM A I THIS COUNTRY -, T CITY.' k ENOUGH-1 ' TH1 Ed3 THAT S YOU AND TUG I POLICE STATION V AT ONE TIME J Vf ,, -XT ' DON'T WANT YOU ABSwlF ) ONLY REASON TOR 1 V-f- DOOR V-fT T " NO BUFFALOES' SOMEONB BLEW (f1 YOUR ALLEGED I TOMlM ("Y I J t I THEIR BREATH AT A (A GENEROSITY f WWm 0 ' cS " ' " ) V, VOU, YOU'D DIVE L7 WAS TO USB ( 'f f 1 THE HUNTSKAAKJ twiiiiriiiviw.n imngimm Q'1 J 'Oliitooi'n. gi n(A ncnvicc. mc t. M?io?u??ryriC--J j7 XO-fJ MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE BY THOMPSON AND COLL T OLD TRAINING PLANE COMES TO A BUMPY STOP JUST OUT SIDE THE FENCE THAT MARKS THE BOUNDARY OF THE SPIDER'S BORDER HIDE-OUT. I THRU THIS CjATE, MV FPEN'S. AMD YOU ARE NO LONGER. IN THE STATES.' YOU BRIKK3 J PETRO'S MOklEY, YES? I NO.' VOL AMD IF YOU'LL PUT 1 THAT CiUN DOWN, I'LL POKE VOU IK THAT UGLY BEEZER SO HARD YOU'LL., WHITEY SH-H-h-h "T V x PGTROS THESE TWO ARE THE PILOT AND STEWARDESS WE WERE TO BUMP BEFORE WE LEFT r THAT AIRLINER 1 ' oess J. 3 OFP J 1 SO THEN 1 I A WHAT WE - I WAITING I aV.t.L llliaTnrfvtCf. IC 1 M MCUIMT.Bfl W J J 2VRA TOES A BIT OF FAST THINKIN&, AND THEN.... STOP.' VOU CAN'T SHOOT US NOW WE'VE OOMQ AAAKE ARRANGE MEKJTS FOR MISS LAVE RE 'S RE LfeASB.' DOT 1 TO S I amaWMammi LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE BY HAROLD GRAY THE IDEA OF BLAMING DEAR MR. GUDGE - THE POUCE MUST Be STUPID - ' ' : ' 1 -? k "tlx ! Menaced almost dally by Japanese air r.iids, owners of buildings , in Canton, China, have retried to use of "bomb catchers" like the one over the roof of the building in the picture above. These ' protections are made of meshed Heel rods anchored by stanchions. AND THAT i r HUMPH I Vrurn V 1 JrjWPPM a THT TRUCK LOAD I TEMPT HAVE THAT KIND MAN, ACT I ITHINK NOW THKr B nvwa cnim I PnlD I WAS WORTH I ANYBODY- 1 IN SELF-DEFENSE- J CHANCE -AN I HFD BEEN A Mf- B HOLD-UP- I I FIVE HUNDRED V Is -J EX-GAMBLER- I IciKi-rT . 4 . I iTHOUSANOOOLLARS-r AMD MS I I COULD HE HELP WAtt HB I I ? ,1" ." B V MUST HVB I y GODGE DID I I I IT IP THEY TURNED ANY BETTER I W , ... , , mM ' nc., .9 I rTRTHE WORKS . BEEN- 4 lun. W a tjZZ, I I I RANfrfT ummrr -ru&IT V I I WHY. HE WA ll REALLY I I OP THAT JACK JVJ HEAVENS! I ROUGH MEN I I . HIS KNOWLEDGE?) BANDIT? I ?SilPf5JftSSSe i f J 1 PPRSON- fFCTTTs--1! THINK OF I 1 WORKING II li.,..n j,. A SJmZ P ffhlmm nm-silW 7 FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS ' ' ' BY BLOSSER 7' Fuse Y He doesnyV Okay "J ' AtJ I tv tAAg . THIS DO NT EVEN HAVE TO TELL M WOULDMT HAVE ID I MANAOE! V( ilSArT w WAS A CINCH .' Mi ON THE (Ml HIM I'M THROWING THIS Fj UKB TO KNOW THAT- THE BAND- WiSiC: K"tT ..DlDY2U V OUN(3. MRl Mfi-QOOSEY 1 M. LEVEL? Wl DAMCE BUT X'LL PAY PLAY AT A AND BESIDES, THEY'LL , Y&T N TL'J PUT ( IT W HAS HIS HECK IN THF I ' VVW THE FREISHT DANCB THAT ) MY DOU3H BE THERE J if YEAH- fctyA OVER.? JJ NOOSE ---NOW ALL WE J i f'Fv-Ai YOU WERB I COMES IN FOUR. t.AT 7ff -3li uJLjm J I W C l IIMPlGefi SPONSORIN ALL THB BUCKS APIECB, Te Cfm Vv H'MiSK i7"8 $L W GF&k m r ift l , 1 POPULAR; r AND WE'LL , OLD t$ ' & ! J' iV j HAD PLAY TlLLlDOBK T WASHTUBBS BY CRANE TTwIIp SSoKSf tupi! trItoIfu Sr!f?J"1 ( Ifll f UBE1 YOU 60T mw BY THE'" 11 IT ML 6EEM SO 6TRAM6P. 1 DOM'T H0,0! tOM't LKclIcTy,TT'JBn TO RECALLSOtAETHmS "M W A WH.MJ TRUMKFUL. YOU BIM THRU WAR6. FEEL BRAVE. IVJ FACT, I'O PR0BA8LV YOU BELIEVE E PAST- BUT ,TS w U5E' JlmmZTZ ? A?.e.AM ZS&nXS REVOLUTIONS ANGUV! FI6HT5 BV TH' RUM AT THE SLIGHTEST DANGER IT. BUPOIE.Wrr -TrBTTTI TT 1 J2$S,2t OOIENS. VWHV. WtVE FOUGHT EVERY- g.,-.,..u YOU'RE TH' F1GHT- i 1 M ?MJK5 PR?e'rISf5r,M9 - THIM& FRO SPERW WHALES TO 1 WTTS &r l"1 "UA00 IL 'I mlfSS&JJSVt YOUFpRJRAVERY. "V BORNEO HEAD-HUMTERS! J lg ilfaLi 1 T t...-t g..,o ...,rr. nwwisK - N BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES BY MARTIN TttwlS. ufc J ? I WftK "0 TrttY'VA. PROBABLY 61N& fcvifcN A&OCT YOO'.THIY P VOV0 GLKO AM AWPCiSCvIt -Pi- ' N'STUf'B DO MY A 50N6 TO VOO J Mt MI6WT AbVt Jj to Bt WERt ? VouwoS? ' T V.OAD OF VON I PART , ... ... ?S VOO TO 6AY A JfMLWliW.B f FEVO VNOW.Q6 ( 1 CAK)'T STAX OP 1 -,,,1! fcn.- " J iaVriir -iniFa Tafg? ,.-7t fcJT 1 I 1i i L copr. 1S3S BY NtA bervi ..-I . fee, INC. T, M. RCO. 0. 8. PT. Off. Y