PAGE TEN THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON October 7, 1938 Herald and News Classified Ad Section T Loit and Found LOST Red Parker fountain pen , Reward. Return to Herald of flee or call 869-J. 4211-tf LOST 8. P. annual pans, number AS2617, belonging to Samuel . nmmT. Reward. Return F. Ramsey. 2061 Wantland. 10-7 General Noticei ' Go By Motor Coach -' Shortest Route Lowest Faroa To Northern Polnta , One Round nrBv Trin ' Spokane $11.10 $20.05 ! Boise. Ida. 10.00 18. -Portland 5.90 10.65 'Seattle 8.40 14.65 Busaea Leave 1:00 P. M. Mt. Hood Staqes. Inc. V r.rflvhound Depot Phone 999 10-20mtl CARLENE O. SMITH, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Notary ruo--: 11c; Mimeographing. Phone ft- 1402. Residence 2129 Oak off a East Main. 11-3 ..WHV SUFFER? Specialising chronie and acute dl eases. Heaaacne, consupauuu, iu.u I", ' matlsm, tonsllltis, stomach Hver trouble, earache, and eye " trouble, and other body Inco ordinations. Dr. David, chiro practor, 110 North Eighth Street. Telephone 2522. 10-13 . - LONG DISTANCE HAULING Phone 1097. ll-4-mtf -INTERSTATE MOVING Klam- r.. ath Falls Trans, ana storage. 11-4-mtf i.8 Transportation ... CALL 704 OR 84 Moving, local, ' long distance. Experienced han ? dlers, new equipment. People'a Warehouse. 10-81 Service : ffi Ann eiVnTVfl and rflfinl&h- Si ' ing. Clifford Golden. Phone S 168WS. 10-Jl-mtf DRESSMAKING, alterations, re- modeling. Ann London, 623 ; Main, over Swansen'a Barber f ahop. 10-27 t UNION BAGGAGE A EXPRESS 1 CO. Small moving jobe done. c . 103 So. 7th. Phone 474. Night - phone 867. . 10-17 PAPERHANGING of all kinds from the Inexpensive to lmport - ed wallpapers by trained, long experienced, reliable men. Also interior and exterior painting. We can arrange to finance. "THERE'S A DIFFERENCE." E. Boiling Decorating Co., HE So. 7th St. Phone 936. 10-12 CURTAINS home laundered, stretched. Guaranteed work. Reasonable. Phone 1425-W. . 10-14 ROOF STAINING, painting and kalsomlnlng. Phone 877J8. W. H. Smith. . 10-11 .WRINGER ROLLS for aU makes of washing machines. Merit Washing Machine Service, 709 Srf. 6th. Phone 1086. 10-31-mtt PAINTING AND KAL80MINING Reasonable prices. Phone 937J4. R. E. Simmons, P. O. Box 547. 10-10 BODENHAMER SAW FILING 219 East Main. Phone 846-W. All saws, tools, lawrrmowers etc. repaired. 10-14-mtt NU BONE CORSETS COMBIN- ETTES SURGICAL SUP PORTS Sold only through trained corsetleres. Mrs. Hortense Petersen, phone 24-J. Mrs. Myrtle Jlnnette, Merrill. Mrs. Edna Coons, Pine Ridge. Mrs. Beth Covert. Mrs. S. V. Rugg, phone 28-W-3. 11-1 EXCAVATING, potato digging. J. P. Morgan, Rt. 2, Box 924. 10-18 GUARANTEED sewing machine repair work. All makes. Moe's Sewing Machine Service. 871-tf SEWING, expert alterations, slip covers, dressmaking, coats re- lined. Mrs. Harney, 2111 Dar- row. Phone 2161-J. 10-11-mtf FLOOR SANDING Old floors sanded and refinlshed. Phone 2291. 10-12 FURNITURE refinlshed. Goeller's Wallpaper & Paint Store. Phone 1175. 230 Main. 10-8 12 Educational LEARN FRENCH Private or group lessons. Instructor long resident in France. Phone 1776-R. Gray, 411 N. 3rd. 10-7 14 Help Wanted, Female WANTED Girl for general housework. Go home nights. Phone 1204. 10-7 HOUSEKEEPER to take complete charge of home and care of child. Phone 1021-J. 98-tf 16 Help Wanted, Mel WANTED High school boy with sales ability. Call Saturday af ternoon, 1405 Esplanade. 10-7 WANTED Experienced, reliable porter and shoe shiner. Phone 1521-W. 690 " 18 Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED WOMAN wlBhes housework or Janitor work by hour. 622 Walnut. 10-10 DEPENDABLE experienced wo man wants cooking or house work. Estoll Davis, Pelican Hotel. 10-8 Situation! Wanted EXPERIENCED RANCH COOK wlshoa work. 622 Walnut. 10-10 WANTED Fall tree and shrub bery pruning. Aloort Barrett. Ashland Rt. 10-28 20 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD 224 Michi gan. 10-18 ROOM AND BOARD Home cooking. Four blocks from Main. 629 Jefferson. 10-31 ROOM AND BOARD Close in. 829 High. 10-15-mtt BOARD AND ROOM 1404 Klam ath. 4796-tf 22 Rooms for Rent SLEEPING ROOM, private bath. Rex Arms. iu-i PLEASANT, comfortable rooms. 413 Alameda. 11-2 SLEEPING room with garage. Reference. 716 Owens after 6. 10-7 FURNACE HEATED ROOM 134 No. 3rd. 4566-tf CLAREMONT. 228 N. 4th St. All outside modern rooms. Free parking lot. H-H 24 Apartments for Rent ATTRACTIVE, modern furnished apartmemnt, close in. Steam heat. Phone 1781. 10-11 VACANCY 8-room furnished apartment. 82S Commercial. 10-8 UNFURNISHED 4-ROOM apart ment. New, very desirable, heated, Westlnghouse range, 6 cu. ft. Westlnghouse refriger ator. Kenoffel Apta., 509 Eldo rado. Phone 744-J. 426-tf TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. 1805 Main. 10-7 VACANCY Esplanade Courts. 10-26 VACANCY 316.00 ana up. 419 No. 10th. 10-14 APARTMENT 1949 Main. 10-12 VACANCY K. D. Apartments. Main and Broad. 10-12 UNFURNISHED three-room new apartment. 402 Market. 10-8 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Newly furnished and deco rated, telephones, electric equipment, refrigeration, ele vator, garage. Day, week or month. The apartment hotel with conrenlencea and home comfort. 24-hour service. No pets. 10-14-mtf APARTMENTS FOR RENT Al pha Apta. Phone 800. 10-25mtf 26 Houses for Rent FOR RENT Partly furnished house. Inquire 814 Lincoln. 184-tf 4-ROOM furnished house, piano, oil heater, electric stove, refrig- ' erator and washer. 835.00 month. Riverside addition. Phone 477W1. 10-8 COMPLETELY MODERN 5-room well furnished house. News Herald, Box 901. .. 10-8 MODERN 2-ROOM partly furnish ed cottage. Hot Springs addi tion. Phone 2366-J. 10-7 FOR RENT OR SALE 7-room house and some furniture, 2 -car garage. Call 228 No. 7th. 10-10 MODERN four-room furnished house. Phone 2287. 10-7 4-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, 1601 MltchelL Inquire 2300 Shasta Way. 10-8 FOR RENT Nicely furnished three-room duplex, garage. Electric refrigerator, washer and range. Couple only. Call' after 1 p. m., 1435 Oregon. 10-12 FOR RENT 5-room modern house on pavement, close to school. Inquire 1435 Oregon. 10-12 FOR RENT 4-room unfurnished house. 2311 Darrow. 10-7 FOR RENT Clean unfurnished house, basement with garage. Phone 441-W. 10-7 FOR RENT Modern furnished cabin. Shell Station, 2335 Biehn. 10-8 5-ROOM unfurnished house, Shlp pington, reasonable, Rt, 3, Box 188, Bateman. 10-7 SMALL modern furnished cot tage, garage. 2125 Blchn. 10-11 FOR RENT Newly renovated five rooms and bath, partly fur nished. Adults only. 408 Mich igan. Inquire 1900 Esplanade. 863-tf 3-ROOM HOUSE, unfurnished, 316. Call at 203 Michigan. Phone 166-W. 10-7 FOR RENT Four rooms, sun porch, double garage, 222 Roosevelt St. See night clerk Arcade Hotel. 10-10 HOUSE FOR RENT Call 1404 Klamath. 147-tf MODERN COTTAGES Two beds, . bathroom, hot wator. Phone 1196-J. . 10-7 28 Miscellaneous for Rent FOR RENT 6000 acres winter pusture for cattle. Write W. S. Hutchens, Red Bluff, Calif. 11-16 18 30 Real Estate for Sal Attractive New Home Why not get settled for the winter In a brand now homo? Wo offer a five-room strictly modern house with hardwood floors, fireplace, garage and woodshed on level lot with pav ing, sldowalks and all Hens paid at special price of 13500. Will be complete within two weeks and details can be finished to your own Ideas. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 116 N. 9th Phone 66 10-7 5-ROO.M plastered borne on pave ment, near Idella's store. Fine yard and garden soil. 83(00 8360 down, J30 monthly, . 4-ROOM home, full basement, just off Oregon Ave. 83500. 10 per cent down, 835 monthly. MODERN 2-bedroom home Just built. Paving paid. Only 83750. Easy terms. Everett Dennis HOWARD BARNHISEL AOENCV Phone 1050 113 So. 8th 10-11 NEW. MODERN 5-room house. Good location. Priced to sell. 3500 will handle. Millard & Millard New address. 203 Wil liams Bldg. Phone 2041. 10-8 ATTRACTIVE new house. Hot Springs, one block from Roose velt school. FHA terms. Will show by appointment. Phone 573. 736tf FOUR-ROOM home, bath, garage. Close Oregon avenue. 31200. Small down payment. Christ Huck, 1320 Pleasant. 10-10 LARGE STOCK RANCH Sell cheap or trade for city prop erty. Phone 23F11. 10-10 SEE LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way. 810 down, 35 monthly. Including Interest. Mrs. Ben p. Lewis, owner. Rt. 2, Box 895. Phone 35J2. 10-18 120-ACRE FARM, mostly Irri gated, fair buildings. Will trade for 30 to 40 acres not over 6 miles from Klamath Falls. Mil lard A Millard. Room 208. Wil liams Bldg., 724 Main. Phone 2041. 10-8 FOR RENT 5300 acres good winter range, west Red Bluff. Calif. Lots dry feed, green grass now started, all fenced and cross fenced with living . water, buildings and corrals. Alonzo Swain, 951 Oak St., Red Bluff. 10-13 FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity in atore building and living quarters. 229 East Main. 10-10 32 Real Estate Wanted . WANTED TO RENT Unfurnish ed house In good neighborhood. Must be reasonable. Will pay six months In advance or will trade clear property on good buy. .Room 229, Hall Hotol. 10-8 WANTED TO BUY Small acre age. Write Box 4231, News Herald, giving complete details. No real estate agents. 10-8 34 Automotive ft WATCH . ft ft THE CLOCK ft 1037 Dodge Coupe f Complete paint Job, large dough nut tires, runs good, best of me chanical condition. Starting price at 12 noon Friday S2I5 Drops 11.00 an hour, 24 hours a day. Locke Motor Co. 7th and Pine Sis. SMALL CREDIT ON NEW FORD for half price. Hot Springs Hotel. v 10-8 FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity in 1933 Chevy coach. Phone 2184. 421 Alameda. 10-8 MODEL A 1930 FORD COACH, very good, 390. Owner, 208 Mortimer. 10-8 MARIE ANTOINETTE 4 1 l "Iff 'M.-J LiJ i fl f f, v- U ( m ted 'Tin io happy happy happyl" Their night of love gone, Marie Antoinette (Nor ma Shearer) and Fersen (Tyrone Power) bid each other a tender farewell. Marie is overjoyed in their love. She promises they shall meet soon again, this time at her personal palace, the Trianon. She glories in the fact that her marriage will be annulled, be cause the annulment will remove from her forever the position of Queen and leave her free to love Fersen. In memory of their meeting she gives him her ring inscribed "Everything Leads To Theer Csmiiht mi. locit'i. ma. .. .,... 30 Real Estate for Sal FOR SALE Late model riy. mouth deluxe sedan. Wonder ful condition. Very low mile- age. Phono 4 41-W. 10-7 1929 FOltD, good condition, 6 V-8 wheels, good tires, J75.00 1017 IliKh. Apt. 4. 10-11 Hilt SALE Uy owner: 19.16 Ter- raplnne sedan. Phone 1361 10-10 36 Miscellaneous for Sal H. C. LITTLE Oil Burning Pipe less Furnace can be used In a house without basement. Tht Is the most economical way to get furnace heat In the small home. Prices of Furnaces com pletely Installed with tank and burner as low as 3179.60. For specifications and estlmnte Phone 635. PEYTON & CO 10-23 FOR SALE Wick piano, good condition, reasonable. Phone 959-J Klamath Falls or 2531 Tulelnke. 10-10 REAL NICE canning tomatoes. peaches, Bartlett pears, and melons galore. Real cheap Tree and vina rlnnnod. Polka. dot Fruit Staud on Riverside. 494SU PINE LIMBS Ordor now before prices rise. 2214 Stukel. 10-7 PICK-UP BAGS People's Ware- bouse. 10-31 CULL CARROTS for chicken or stock Iced, 50c sack. Merrill Lakeview Junction. Crystals'. 10-15 ISO-base, good condition. Bar gain. Shepherd Music Co., 345 E. Main. 10-8 TRADE 14-toot boat and twin outboard motor for pickup, coach, coupe or roadster in fair condition. 1012 Donald St Phone 1003-W. 10-8 AUTO AND WINDOW GLASS' of all kinds. Popular prices. Kim ball's Glass Shop, 537 Walnut. Phone 2243. 10-26 FOR SALE Fir body wood and cedar fence posts 12c. Phone . 357W4. 10-10 FLOOR MODELS REDUCED Two repossessed machines car rylng new machine guarantees may be had for balance of con tract. .Moos Sewing Machine Dept. 10-11 FOR SALE Potato digger. Art Monroe, Poe Valley. 10-11 FOR SALE One' showcase. Cheap. Phone 1568. 10-7 MOVING? Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, 4th and Klamath. Phone 1097. 11-4-mtf AMERICAN SUNFLA.ME HEAT ER Very slightly used, deluxe model, regularly 389.60, priced for clearance at $65.00. Adapt ed for Installation with outside tank. Terms. Southern Oreeon Hardware. 10-7 TRAPPERS ATTENTION 4 doz. No. 3 Victor traps, 1 doz. No. 3 Triumph traps. A-l condition. Ready to set, 84.50 doz. 1755 Oregon. 10-8 UNREDEEMED Elgin and Bulova watches as low at $4.50. Select your Xmas gifts now. Use our lay-away plan. Ricky's Jewelry. 622 Main. Licensed Pawnbrok ers. 10-26 USED OIL STOVES, wood heat ers and wood ranges, $7.00 up. Oregon Equipment Co., 127 So. 6th Street. 10-10 FERTILIZER Sheep or cow, lawn dirt, dry hlox wood. Roy Schmeck, 2438 Shasta Way. Phone 1269. 10-26 FOR SALE No. 1 carrots, 75c sack. Crystals, Mcrrlll-Lake-vlew Junction. 10-12 FOR SALE OR TRADE Bakery equipment. John McCulley, Ma lta. ' 10-8 FOR SALE Argus kodak, pro jector and slides. Reasonable. Box 127, Tulelake. 10-10 ii'it I fish i4m " shall do Marie returns to the Palace of Versailles to find it in confusion. King Louis XV (John Barrymorc) is dying. The order for tho annulment of her mar riage has not yet been carried out. Should he die before this is done, the Dauphin (Robert Morlcy) will be King, and she, in her present status as his wife, will bo Queen. The very courtiers who deserted her the day before now rally around her. Marie spurns the Duke D'Orlcana (Joseph Schildkrnut) and thus makes him her mortal enemy. The Dauphin shyly confesses to her that just prior to the King's collapse he had pleaded her cause, because he loves her. 34 Automotive The Yanks Are Winning YOU WIN When You Buy at The Every One of These Cars Is a HOME RUN! 1924 1937 1929 1935 1937 1935 1935 1937 1934 1927 1937 1929 1935 1935 1936 1931 1931 1933 1930 1934 1929 1931 1932 1934 1936 1933 Stucfobnler Piclup Packard 4-Dr, Touring rord Coach Dodge Sedan Plymouth Deluxe 4-Dr. Plymouth Coach Ford 2-Dr. Sedan Plymouth Deluxe 4-Dr. Chovrolot 2-Dr. Sodan Oakland Coupa Plymouth Sodan Ford Coupa Plymouth Sedan Plymouth Delux 4-Dr. Sedan Chevrolet Coupe Chovrolot Sodan .......... Ford Coupa . Continental Coupa . Graham Sedan , Studebaler Sedan ......... Ford Tudor Chovrolot Sodan Chevrolet Coach . Chevrolet Pickup Ford Coupe Radio, Plymouth Coupe COURTESY CARC. Grey Imperial 1933 4-Dr. Trg. Sodan Radio, heater. Defr.. O. D Rrnum Rn.7l IO10 J. PI. T : D-J-- I if. . .jw tw, luuitiiij fcreatly Reduced for Quick Sale SEE THEM! DRIVE THEMI BUY THEM! MANY, MANY MORE LIKE BARGAINS Snyder Motor Co Ninth and Klamath 36 Miscellaneous (or Sal SPARKS OIL STOVES Now burn low priced Diesel oil nnd are specially designed to moot the heating requirements of Western homes. All Sparks hare cheerful vl.slhle flame and heat the living zone with both radiating and circulating heat. Our engineering department will help you select the right size for your home. I'hnne 635. PEYTON & CO. 10-23 USED PIPELESS FURNACE for wood or coal. 335.00. This furnnco Is in good condition but Is being replaced by a mod ern H. C. Llttlo OH nurnlng Floor Furnace because of tho additional comfort and con venience. Phono 635. PEYTON & CO. 4980 tf FOR SALE Trailer houso 7JX16. complete built-lus, oi trade for truck. 2 miles east of Ilosley on hill road. Lester Zrovor. care J. C. Rlghtmiur, Rt. 2, llnx 600. 10-7 FOR SALE Hotpolnt range 3 burners, good condition. Bar gain. Phone 980. 79 High. 10-8 FOR SALE Bar and backbar. 912 Main Street. 10-6 BEST CA1IHAOB, 2 cents pound. Mile south Great Northern shops. Long's Farm. 10-13 PUBLIC "STORAGE" at ware house Fourth and Klamath. Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage. 11-4-mtf FOR SALE Lawn dirt, fertilizer, cinders. Phono 377J3. 10-11' as fl'V'w.rfi tmi 4er A, tjJM3& without your help, Duke." $ 75 $795 . $ 30 .. $475 Touring Sedan . $595 . $395 " $345 Touring ... . .. $595 $335 $ 20 . $595 .... $ 85 $395 ....$395 $475 $175 $145 $ 95 $ 45 $295 $ 85 $175 $245 $245 neater $445 $295 rvnuio, noflror, aoiroSTOr, J. U, I 36 Miscellaneous for Sal RHODE ISLAND PULLETS. 3-4 lbs. 75c each; fryers 20c lb. Innulro Mao's storo, Morrill highway. io-8 POTATO DIGGER Used Hoover Jr. No. 314. fine condition. 375.00. Wharton Bros., Rose burg. Oregon. 10-7 BRANDED POTATO RAGS Stencils, twine. See our now twine reel stands. People's Warehouse 10-31 APPLES. PEA Its AND Git A PES cheap at Dnvciiliill Onhanls, Valley View. 3J miles N.E. Ash land. Bring conlnlners. 10-6.7.8,13,14 BALED HAY, dcllvorcd. R. J. Morgan. Rt. 2. Hoi 924. 10-18 BODY FIR WOOD 14JI0-M. Phone 10-26 38 For Salo or Trade TRAILER-HOUSE TO TRADE for furnltiiro Portland Drive, llox 1022. 10-9 FOR SALE OR TRADE 66 acres, 4-room house, dairy barn, largo chicken houso, hog houses, fruit. 2 miles from Klnmnth Falls. Can subdivide 917 Wal nut. 10-11 40 To Exchange SELL OR TRADE for chickens, good round light oak dining table, four chairs, buffet. Ph. 295. 10-8 News and Harald Want-Ad get results AST it I ' t lw'X HA It M X i I , l r 1 "I love you hut you are Queen The King's death and her husband's avowal of love come as a catastrophe to Marie. After she and the Dauphin are crowned King and Queen of Franco she seeks a rendezvous with Fersen. Ho tells her sadly that although he could dare to love a Dauphino, he munt not love a Queen. He is sailing for America to join Lafayette. Ho promises ho wilt love her always; that he will come to her should she ever need him. He departs with the words: "You must live openly, in sight of all, with authority and never with regret" Her heart broken, Marie never theless realizes and accepts his wisdom. 34 Automotive SAFETY TESTED USED CARS Give Better Transportation SAVE on first cost! SAVE on operation cost! SAVE on finance cost! Marshall Cornett Company 724-734 Klamath Ave. OLDSMOBILt 40 To Eichanqo WILL TRADE good Uuornsev milch cow for Model A Ford In good condition. 1). P. Hold, 6i ill I Irs N.W. Tululnkv. It miles south stati) line. 10 7 TRADE 46-ACRE RANCH. 7 miles from Svlma, for acreage within 6 miles of town. Call 2335 Shasta Way, 4th cahln, between 6 and 8. 10-26 GaMBBsaiBaMBan 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED TO RENT 4 or 6-rnom unfurnished homo. John tiar glnson, .nka o' the Wnoda Ranger Stiitlon. 10-10 WANTED By October 16, 3 or 4-room- unfurnished apt. I'liunn 190. 10-10 WANTED TO BUY 14 or roftbtmt. Must he good condi tion, rvnsonabln for cunh. P. (. Box 776, Tulelnke, Calif. 10-10 PRIVATE PARTY will pay raah lor Isto model coupe. News. Herald, Box 894. 10-8 WANTED TO BUY Unci hand liislrtinicuu. All kinds. Derby s Music Co. Phone 670. 117 So. 7th. 10-16 WANTED finmedlately: Cheap 2-wnocl trailer. Phono 729. 10-7 CASH PAID for whtto round screw top wlno and brown beer bot tles near renr door Armory. Ralph llagiiall. 10-22 WANTED Good used 22 Hornet or 25-35 or olher light ride. Room 203 Williams Bldg. 10-7 LIGHT PLANT Must bo In good condition. Call 2367. 10-8 HIGHEST PRICER paid for used furnlliire nnd stoves. O. K. Sec-ond-Hand Storo, 820 Klninnlh. Phono 991. 10-31-nilf WANTED Boof, real, pork and lire poultry. 201 E. Muln. 10-29 WANTED Wood to saw. Innulro Ullmoro Station, 6th nnd Oak. 10-16 WANTED Old cedar chest. Fin. lull not Important. ReuhOnnhlo. Phono 2370-R after 6 p. m. 365-tf FOR SALE HnnipHlitro bucks. Josoph M. Coluhnn, Ilildolirund. 10-10 History and i' , ts "i of Ffonce." "What an excellent tmllh you mould have made." Thus love goes out of her lifo forever; but Hi memory sustains Mario In her determination to bt a good Queen and a devoted wife. She bcarn Louis a son and daughter; as tho years pass sho lenrns to caro for him with a kindly affection becnuso of his goodness to her children and herself, Sho tries to help him rule, but ho lacks tho force and decision needed in that critical porlod.. Mario roallzes sadly that his only fault is that he was born a King. As a blacksmith or carpenter he would huvc been a tfanny forthright, honest citizen. Read the next chapter 521 S. 6th St. 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE 3900 acres grain siulihle pantiiro. Plenty of green feed, Almi barley miitnhln for hog and shirk feed. Pried low for uiili-k ali A. II. Pat terson, Midland. Ore. 10 7 5 IIDCK RAIIII1TH for sal. Call 6U9W1. 107 FOR SArtK Eight head 3 and 4-year-old Jemey covs, frenhen sunn. Mtike perfect family cows. C. Btoneryiher, Drain lo, Tulelnke. jo 8 FOR KALE 1 grey mare, wt. I860; 1 Per. heroii malllon cult, yeurlliiK; 1 buy uililhi home. 4-yeur-iilil. geiiilo, well broke: 6 Durot: Jersey hours, 4 Duitio Jeraey gilts, nil 3 mo. olfl and sulijeet In regMriitlon. ItoKeia Itiimh, 1 ml. so, of llulry, Ore. 10-11 FOR HALE Fresh Jemey cuw, wearier plgii. Milleis l.ui . 2 blin ks north I.lell.i lme. Ill 10 FOR KALE-4 mo. old O.I C. bmir, imperii; 7 inlxe.l we. nor pigs. 3 calves 5 to 3 mo. uld, good bueil mni-e, buteil ftliiiw, rulihll hutches, Wiinl good 1 1 I -lelu niirno cow. A I v in A. Ctieyno, 2nd houso south Spring Lake school, pluum 19F24. FOR SALE Siiililln hnriu,'. I'liono Homestead Cafe, Tululiike. . lull CHICKS HATCIIINIJ every eek. M a g ii I r o Klctnir. Ilnlelieiy, 2416 N. E. Oregon Si., Purl, land, Ore. 10 Jt-nlif 46 Financial LOW RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Safe No Co-Signers No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let us finance your now or usod i-iir piircliiise. Motor Investment Co. I.lccimo .M-104 111 N. 7lh Ph. 882 lOOllltf .Mercury iiiunl lin prudent In an alloy before It run bo culled an n in il I mi in. Romance T W 1.7J LA!) I , '4 1