The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 06, 1938, Page 7, Image 7

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    October 8, 1938
M o o o If (imrmakcra Tim
HomamalilitK cluli of tliu Wmu
(it lliti Mciuiia will timut Friday,
tjeliiliur 7. fur i 1 n, m, nutliK'k
Iuik'Iiuiiii In (lio KC hull. Html
lllotiti, cliiili'iiiiui vt tliv Iioiihimhx
IIIK eoiiiiiiitiiio, lulu HKMIIII
(iiH ...rii.Mi.iiuv. linn .i. mi
ill inn liun win) linw iiiiiiIu iinrona
flit ll.n .il.VI.)lit ... Mllllt4llwtHf1
Itti'ii tlm... In ill tt.f .......tint II
iuhhd will bo Hulty WoutI and
mhiioi wiuii, mill mo uirmttjr,
lliiiiia n( l'niuti TIiuiiiiimiii and
Htliol Colvlti, will lid cululiratud
lli'liiniliiii Himlli Hnry Hut
v In, uloiioor roaittottl u( Klamath
rutin, plniinsil (o return (u till
homo In Kim Joao, Calif., FrKtuy
aKar lu-lny vlnlt liuro. Ilulvlu
i'(uiiiil Id icr( ill ffloiiclK fur
tliu lint tluiu In U yonra. .Mra,
llulrltt In lii (iuii Juno ami tvim not
aiiffli'lvrilly wi'll lo mil )u llio trip,
Mia. Kliimr lluakliia-, tlmlr daiiiiu
lr, In vlaltlua; nt t ho prtwuiil Hum
III Hnn J. Harry Dulvlii, Klum
nlh Falla alliiinuy. Is a Hon,
l.rnvo (! NdiiiIi Mr, ninl Mra
I.... u V-.. M....... lillilfn
l.'hurliitln, t,' In i il mill Miilr.olm,
I nil 'rnnailiiy fur tl) aiiullilnml.
'1'lipy plmiiHMl In vlnlt 111 raltfiir
nlu Willi Vim Mntor'a ruimln, In
I'Iiupiiix, Am., oom witn rum
IIvah nf Van Mutnr tiiwt a tiratttal
mi.1 .(.Imp nl Mra V.ii Alnlnt. urttl
III Tcxaa with attll othor ralutlrci
or van Motor. iiioy win apvita
tun wuuor wiih mra. van aieccr
paroiKa In Oklahoma.
Vlalt lloro Mr. and Mr. How
ard Hurnbucklo lolt Tauratlay for
their home In Han Jo, Calif.,
aftor vUIiIiir lor the lat two
worka at llio homo nf Mia. Horn
lmrkln'a iiitrcmta, Mr. anil Mra.
J. il. Il"l. Mra. Horntiucklo It
tha former Charlotte lloaalf
While llio Ban Jo vlaltora wrc
horv (tioy aiioitl amoral luy
Wrrtwl ti ;! i:il 1'alrlcla
Woodruff, dauxlilor of Mr. and
Mra. II. C. Woodruff of Klamatb
Kall. hnn been eloctatl to Treble
Trlnd, Mnryllmrat cdIIkjo
rlub. With olhvr freahinw, Mla
Wnoitruff will Iik rtiitortnliicil Krl
day ivi'iilii at the annual tiriwm
i'rrltule iiaitco in the colli-ae gym-
Itcturn Front Koudi Mr. and
Mra. M. I'. Krana. Mra. Prank Lit
caa and Mra. Nolly Htnln roluruod
la tholr homoa lioro tha foro part
of the work after I wo wcvk'a
molar trip which took thorn foulh
a far a l.oa Anitnloa, whoro lliry
vlallml rolallvoa and frluniia. Tliry
fllno vlallod with Irltwiia along the
While Klrpliant Knle A white
Isuhanl aale waa to bo bold tol-
towlni tho buatnota mootliiK of
I'roaporlty Robeknh lotlica Tliura
day evcitltic. Octolwr 0. at IOOP
hall, aerorilluc la an antiottnco-
mont from offlcora. Ilolronh
msnla wore to bo aorved at the
cloae of the evenlni.
Wrap KoniinU All room bora
of the Daiighlora of Job oxcopt the
offlcora were ronueatrd to wear
fnrniala to the Thurwtny evonlnn
meeting thla week at the Maaonlc
temple, when there wa to be for
mal Inatnllatlon of the now eoun-
rll. Itofroahmonta wore to be
aorved aflor tho mooting-.
Vlxlt In Valloj Mr. and Mra.
Arthur Hklnnor and daughter,
Ktholniae, spent inat wookond at
KuKone, On tholr return trip they
wore Rrcompnnlrd by Mrs. Almns
I.oKma and bnby, Wayne, iIiiukIi
tor and Rrnnilmn of itny, mid
Mra. John W. Wurrell of this city,
Soil Iinilicr Khop Hon Anitua
has dlapanod or bin Itttrtior sttap
on Hoiuli KUth "trout oppoalto
tho name Lumber romtiaiiy itnd
la now Willi tha Ideal lion my and
Harbor ahop at 107 North Seventh
Howlnn Crlrrlp The Congrega
tional (Joinmunlly clrrlo will meet
all ilny Krlilny nt tho homo of
Mra. Charles M. Heynolila, 2110
White avenue, for aowlim. At pot-
lurk luncheon will be served at
Rcsiiiuc I'naltlan Mi's. Harry
Ilalvln resumed her position
Thursday In tho offices of tha
farm securities administration In
ihe federal building nflor sovoral
ilnys Illness suffering from a
IliixIni'K Vlsltur I'mil Good
win, representative of tho Looso
WIIoh Hlscult company, was a
luminous visitor In the city Tues
day from Portland.
Funeral services for tho Into
Rortha Mario Kngor, who passed
away In this city Tuesday, Octo
ber i, 10.18, followltiR a lirlof (II
iiosk, will ha hold In tho First
Mathadtat Kilcopul o h tt r c It,
Tnnth stroot nt lllKh, Friday, Oo
lobor 7. 31)38, at 3 p. m., Willi the
Jtoy. M. T. Wlro of Ashland offl
olntliiK,' Cnmmltmont aorvlcos
nnil vault onloiiihmcnl, family
plot In Lliikvlllo enmotory.
Friends nro Invllotl, Arrnngo
mmils urn unit or the tllioi'.lion of
the Knrl Whltlock Funornl Homo
of this city,
I.OS ANOKMOS, Oct. 6 (P)
Unlvorally of WashliiBtou's Hus
kies, .18 In number, woro duo to
nrrlva hero today and tako a atltt
drill aftor tha long train rldo from
Hon I Do.
A similar drill wns on tap for
I hnlr conrnrenco foes, tho Drnlns
of Uillvorslty of Unllfornla nt Los
AnKnles, who hopo to bionk pre
cedent Mntnrdny and dofent Wnsh
Jnglob for tho first tlmo In tho
four tlmoa thoy have plnycil. '
Though only tho slzo of a rab
bit, tho coney resotulilos tho olo
pliiiut moro clusoly than It does
any other animal,
Arrive Hero Mrs. Harry K.
relic, Jr., arrived In Klamath
Falls Wednesday, called hr by
the dt!i of her slstot-lii-law,
Mrs. ltalfh Kxxiir (llorlha Marie
Mrs, Kiinnla M. KKHor
of Wolf L'niiik, Ore., uiutbnr of
Hnlph KKdiir, mid Ills son, HuMur,
iirrlvml here Thnrsilwy, as did
Mrs, Howard Hours of Cnvua
Juniitlon nnil Mr, ami Mis. Wo
iny il. KxKiir of i'ortlaiid. Kuimr
al anrviroa for Mia. KiiKer will
bn held Friday nt 3 p. m. In thu
Muthoillat church.
In I'tillro l.'ourt Only one
drunk appeared before Police
Jmliio Otto Lanxslet in puilco
ciiuit Thursday mornliiK.
'J'iko Apartment Mr, anil Mra,
O. K l'urkett have moved Into an
apartment In the Alesandra on
Miiln street.
lltillJil rntlriil Mrs. Knrl
Wliiklvmiiii is a tm I lout at 11)11
sldo hospital.
Owners of racing pigeons In
Klnmalh Fnlla, represented by
Cecil H. Matt, protested against
the posslblo destruction of plg
eona In the city unleas officer! are
employed to do the killing.
This la the result of discus
alon f pllteona li roue III up at
nicotinic at th city council Mon
day nlKlit.
According to Matt there are
a great muny racing pigeon own
ers In this vicinity Including him
self, J. J,, l.lnkimbnch, cliy pa
trolman; llerlur Dellnels, t'bnrlea
llellell, Mnrvln Lucas, C. A. Bun
nell of SVeyerhaeuaer, Karl Mc
Noely of Merrill and others.
Matt told i'ollco Judge Otto
jtngslvt, who lent a particularly
sympathetic ear to tha pritst la
view nf the fact that ho told coun
cilman that pliieans had, been hill
ing and collie on tils windows!!!
tor quite some time, that a well
bred and well trained racing pig
eon will not stray far from home.
Mult also staled thnt homeless
pigeons that are causing most of
Iho trouble laid on tho city coun
cil doorstep Monday night.
I'lgeon owners are asking that
If any of the birds are destroyed
that only police officers be per
mitted to kill tha birds. They
feet that should small hay or
others be allowed to shoot the
pigeons, tine birds, as well as
strays, would be killed. Some
racing pigeons, according to the
owners, are valued as high a
iV0. In most slnlos of the un
ion. It was said, tho pigeons are
October Zi Is the new date set
far opening bids on tha 41611,000
In bonds to bo Issued by Klamath
county school district to finance a
building program.
Superintendent Fred Peterson
mild that much Interest In tho Is
sue had been lndlcntcd by finan
cial houses.
The bonds Bnil a TSVA grant
will ho used In putting through a
f 272,0110 budding plan in about a
doxon locutions.
Tho farm credit administration
reported today tho dollar total
of production credit loans to
farmers was greater In tho Pacific
northwest states of Washington?
Oregon, Idaho and Molilalia than
In any other region In the coun
try. Loans outstanding In this dis
trict, officlnis said, totnliod ap
proximately $2(1,000,000. Tho
number of loans, howevor, was
not ' ns great as in tho district
embracing tho Carollttas, Georgia
and Florida. '
The figures woro mado public
simultaneously with a report
showing loans to farmers from
production credit associations for
the country as a whole reached
a fivo year high of J183.000,090
at the -midpoint of tho 133S fi
nancing season,
Theso loans were made on a
cooperative basis by S.15 assocla-'
t Kins Willi a farmer membership
of approximately 360,000. Tho
country Is divided Into la dis
tricts of which tho northwest,
or Spokane, and southeast, or
Columbia) nro two.
Thnt Adaivtiii Const hurrtnnno
hroko all tho rules am! turned in
did wrong direction, and now tho
meteorologists know what It s
llko to bo a political forecaster,
'Cattle Ranch' Where Jimmy Roosevelt Will Stay
Tw o views of the ultra -luxurious Walter P. Murphy nnch near Homier, Calu where Jimmy Roosevelt eldest
ton of the President, will spend the next two months convalescing Irom a stomach operation. A modem "cattle
ranch, the estate contains a marble swimming pool, room lor 20 guests, and coven some 25,000 acre, lit owner
is a millionaire Chicago sporuman. ,
PORTLAND. Oct. (m Two
hear Ucennet were revoked out
right and 19 others suspended at
a state liquor control commission
session today.
One permanent revocation
rhargeil Clark and Kntlo Adams,
who opernto Clark's rafo at Hunt
ington, permitted consumption of
hard liquor, maintained gambling
devices and had an employs who
sold hard liquor. The other ac
cused Mrs. Clara K. Slash. Wash
ington cafe, Portland, of selling
beer to visibly intoxicated per
sons. The commission refused 10 ap
plications for licenses and granted
Action Included;
Carl steinseifer, Klamath Falls,
wholesaler's wine, beer and hot
tier's license, 10 days, wholesaler
rendered financial assistance to
retailers. , - ,
' itofmcd Kiitoit Christie, 1018
Main street, Klamath all( class
D, not demanded by public inter
est. Iv;in K. and Mario J, Kll
gore, Kligoro's grocery, Klamath
Kalis, packngo storo class A, ap
plicant accepted financial assist
ance from wholesaler.
tiranted lroy P. Carter, I'lnc
Street market, Klamath i'ails,
package class H.
American Kederalton ot Labor's
annual caitvctitluu, acceding to
a plea by President Vlllltu
lireett itat to throw out one ot
tho oldest affiliates of the AFL,
voted unanimously today to seat
tha delegates of Ilia international
Typographical union.
Tho nctlon served to keep tho
ITU and Its SO. 000 uicmbers la
tha federation ranks on probation
tor another six months until lbs
primers' un)on decides by refer
endum whether to pay a special
nssessmrnt levied by the AKL a
year ago to ronibnt ClO's Indus-
trial union drive. i
In a plea to the convention
lo sent tho delegates, Oreen said;
"Wo are not so foolish In these
days when a dual Bnecssion move
ment iB fnclng ns, as lo drive the
IiHernntionni TypogrnrJiirnl union
out of tho AKL,
"Thoso w h o nro ngnlnsl us
would bo moro than pleased if
wo said to tho typographical
union 'you cannot sit with us'."
timrm ( Ami(no RMf for
Condition Du to Sluggtah 8owf;
If rou think !( tatattvot
ft((fc, JUrt try CMt
Bo mA, thoTOMab, Tt)
DDflDilAtiiB rrM Irnmi
lick hrmdACheA, bnloiiM ffprJu, Uml JWllBff Wiejjj
iwrriiwa wnn oatuKiCMCion. i
WUithAii4 DIeb Pt va (wt of from vattr
1 nnt dfUahUHj, muro th box to xo. wt vw
mlund t)io purehnne .aMsaaa, 1
fnnMsia. lnvJiioratlnir- 1
New fells with -feather and
ribbon Wmi in navy blue,
black, brown and wine.
Siiet 2l2 io 24,
Open Savurclay Unit)
8.00 P. M.
617 Mem
Annual 0 cum
Distinctive SPORTS Types . . Fur Fabrics .
4 ' Fleeces . . Tweeds! ,
Gorgeous boiy coaHl Smart fitted codKt Stunning bsifed
cosHl Jaunty swagger coatsl Coafs with wasp wiists end
broad jhouldonl Coals jtilffuify made irom RliSSKARA Wo
mestic timulefed Persian) . . flattering tweeds , . marveiout
fleeces in superb Teel Slue . . Rural Autumn . . Wine
Vafuej tfial taom tmpouibls ar siari of season
Superb DRESSY ModeJs Opulent With
Costly Fursl
One glance, end you (mow vhese gorgeous dressy coats c
worth much mors! You'll adore fheir lavishly furred sleeves . .
their sumptuous furred boleros . . their new silhouettes . .
Iheir smart fabrics . . their clever details! Extreme tucury is
expreiied with collars of sir fo, fitcn, caracul, stunt, nature!
squirrel, mermtnk. Also featured are coats of ittmpiuaui simu
lated Persian)
Enchanting DRESSES
Autumn Foiiege Colors! Wide Shoutdersl Wasp Waisfst
Frocks disiingnished by dirn
dl , , jackets , . draped neck
lines , . Interesting sleeves , ,
Clamour of costume Jewelry , .
braid . . soittacho etuhroklars-!
Flattering Slalo Bino . , Vint
age Wlrce . Teal Blue '. ,
Black in smart novelty crepes
or marvelous n ools! i
V awar w at m awatamrmram-
Divine Cwtors! Itumhcrjitcka
Kmart IlircUsJ
$1 095
Dtiytiiuo tttKt dregsy velvets
that follow the newest tread!
Flattering dirndl styles with
lace ar jewelry trimmings
smart lutttbcrlack models
velvet creations In Korgeons
VltttaRo Wlno . . Royal Bine
. Black all gimrantreii
erush-realstant and walor-re-
Open Saturday. Until 6.00 P. M,
Mr. Wtnittfred J!l!en, county
home detmntratlrtn arett, an
nounced Thurndar that thero will
lie a itftme eeouotnitta clun wlen-
lon uult meotiiiK held In Ine Wulo
Imerovamenl club liulldinir in Fort
Klamath Irom 3 9 b. m. lo Z p. m.
Friday and lhat all women of that
vicinity are urxeil Id ailtsnd.
PDllutit Junrneon wiii be anrveil
ct 12 o'clock ttooa, fa chcrce it
ine rorelins J Mr. Myitis ,
Ueaton ot Fort Kteatata, woo It
making arianement.
PULLMAN, Waul!., Oct. 8 f
Thirty onn WahSjrlt S)a1o rnj-
lejt VDgoT were neadRd loijny
lor yaio Alio wbere iney wiiij
roeel ibe glnnford nnSveiaily Cai-i
tiinaia Salurdaj in an attempt to f
era two eaiiy jeason conference;
tiftf Rata, (
The Couxara are eriou. Coach !
Orin Ifttnchr)r M ctaja
ho t the scant r. rt
aat eaauch, h ddat, to imM
up lt ccckltac 4tatotli title t
rk, . '
mm mi. mm
Bpecianiea in hirer and Baty
Qiwllly Alwy OtnutMal
Free JJMwrj
Loul Ewhtet Vrofrietor
1 1
41? Main St.
They Set a New Standard cf Value I
Smart Fall Dresses
for Slim Budgets
PepSums - Dirnrjii - Blouse Fullnessi
Rayon Plaids! Spun Rayons!
Styles for Business, ScrooJ, Oreni
With savings lik tes you'H tfo li
pick several! Every new f&sh'tan noto for
Fa is hers . . . very smart Fait coiori
Completa s range from 12 to 20, item
38 to AA, from 46 t 52.
2M Valu
j f" it
Certainly worth $I.C0 o
3 Pairs for S2.5C
Fu8 fh.tortd lonq-waarinq ROYAL ?liRPi. in iUi ts!
mg4 end rtr pars. 4 and 7 thread.
Extra Long Lengths And Sizes it f t
l Mattn vour fall outfit front Sears 5jttt(ful rry af imart new
fcags, Srylei thai are ei new a tne season . , . tn leetners r
f Uhna - . . tmarr "cosiums companion" 'ceiorsi Kaci fcrown,
navy, wine, feoraen navena.
Offiers si Si.00 .
i eeaaa BfiMnaaea
( V