The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 05, 1938, Page 5, Image 5

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    October 5, 1938
lU'iioflt I'nrly Whut promises
to ho oun or the Inrttwat nffiilin
n (lio iiimilh In Ilia Ixi 1 1 of I L lirldKo
imriy ni()iiairi'i by Ihu I'liroiil
Tuiiuhuis KHo:lulliii o Fremont
school Huturduy iilloi'iiiion In Ihu
Fremont auditorium. Ilulli mic
tion mid con! met brldaa will ha
plnyecl u wiill no pliiinhlu. Mutiny
(lorl veil from llui nrrnlr will h
lined In Ihu mllli Innil, II wim
iiiiiiotllii'ed hy Mm, J. Calvin
lliliil, ctiulruiii i) of Ih" parly, Mrs.
Hunt In hulng Rsalslori hy Mm.
J. Fred Fliicli, Mm. U. II. Under
wood, Mm. C. II. Jim MHtiihlti,
Mm. A. I.. Itinera 'Mid Augusta
I'urknr, prim linl of Friimonl.
Itomii'vulliiiin luuy ho Hindu for
a Inhln wllh nny iiii'iiihnr or lha
commllKio. Curd will ho pluyeil
from 2 o'clock until 4 o'clock, and
tea hour In from t o'clock until
t o'clock. Mm. C. II. Undorwood
la In chin o o( Ihu l"u tuhlu.
I let in n From Trip Mr. und
Mm. II. U. Hunch and diiiiKhlor,
llnlll l.oo, rolurnud Into Hulurdiiy
front a nip cunt na fur na Chcr-
nlin,i III TIlMV Willi! HI1ML llV WI1V
or California acroaa tho Mojavo
iloarrl. tiirmiKii Anions. m
Mexico. Traaa, Oklahoma and
Kanaua to Omaha, Nebr.. whera
they vlaltod relatives. At Cher
okee thny vlaltod a alalur and
hroihr of Mm. Hunch, returning
homo v lit WymiiliiK and thu lllnck
llllla of Koiith Dakota. Thry iiImi
lopped oer for two daya at Yel
lowalona park. Six thousand
mllra woro covered. Hunch re
sumed hla diillna at thn postnfflco
Anniversary Hrrvlrea Tha an
nlvereary services at tha First
Covenant chinch, It 31 Walnut
avenue, am ronllnulni nightly
oii-ept Kalurday. wllh Ihn Hoy,
Clifford N. Vldeun or KliiKaburg
Calif., speaking On Wednoaday
evening thn niblrct of Ihn aer
man will ho "Not Far from Ihe
Klnadom." Thiiradny ulKhi Itev.
Vldeun will apeak on "Hln'e
Frulllnn. "Two I'lrtiirea '. wll
tin I ho ailhlecl of the mnaniigA
on Friday nlghi. Kpeciai mimical
niimbora will bo given each eve
ning. Thn nieolluga lie a In at
7:4 6 p. m.
rnv for iirlh Itev. and Mm
John W. Warrell. accompanied
hv their daughter and urandaon.
Mra. Altnua laFora and Wayne,
of Dallaa, left Tueaday afternoon
for Hole. Ida., where they will
vlalt at (ho homo of Itev. Thomaa
Acheann or the First Mnthodlal
church thero. Mm. Wnrroll and
.Mm. l.nKora will allend tho Worn
ana Foreign Missionary aocloty
meeting which la being held In
Ilolan October e. 7 and I and
which will bo attended by repre.
aenlnllvca from Oregon, Wanning-
ton and Idaho.
Aaalntlng Mm. neorgo Hamnle
la aubnlltullng In Die F.ngllah da
pnrtment of Klamath high arhool,
filling I hit vacancy rnuaed hy tho
realciinllon of Karl Peterson, who
la now arrillntod kill) tho Kngllah
department at Oregon Rlata col
lege, reteraon waa ono of tha
Inntruclom In tho Junior Kngllah
Specialises In Steer and Baby
Quality Aluraya Guaranteed
Free Delivery
l,oiila Kirhlo, Proprietor
Leonard V. Hosford, D.CPh.C
llemeniher! Constipation la a
acourgn which ahortena life.
It polaona your body roba you
of vitality, ileprlvra you of a
youthful personnlliy nnd
acc(ln up old nge.
Thero la a logical way of over
coming thla health depleting
malady. Let mo talk to you
about It.
U 1 7 Stennrt-Drew IIMir-. 7IM
to let my telephone
really help me
Many days will be rainy this winter. Many days
will be filled with work nnd pleasure. I am counting
on my telephone to help me do my shopping. It is
one of the important values of my telephone service.
126 S. 7th Srroot Tolophono 300
I'mi-iIb lMMIIIIll-.Mn.M llllltl gflfl
mnnihornhli curds In tho Klniu
iii b (yoopiirntlvo Concorl associa
tion, worn placed In thn mall onriy
thin wuolt, It wiia ouiioiinred.
Thoho receiving tho curdn uro
advised Unit diipllrnton will bo
Innueu only in nxironio rannn,
llnmlinpa , I 1. it ffi III ni 1 1 I nM lltlVO
worked for thn punt I wo weeks
gnning tno cariiM renuy ior om
Irlliiillon. Thn flint concort la
nclicdulod (or Monduy, October
17, when Chnrlen Kiilliuunn,
mum. will ho honi-it In Ihu lillll
achool imdllorliiin,
To I'lny Hero Mi'inhorn of (ho
women's golf team from Mud
ford und (Iriiula Pana will bo In
Kliunulh Fnlln Friday, October 7,
to pluy tho woiuon of Itenmca (loir
and Country club. Tho women
plun a round of golf In tho illum
ing wllh a luncheon at 1 p. in.
follunod hy nil afternoon or
brldgn. All women or tho club
aro urged lo bo ut Ihn club Fri
day, according lo I bono In chargo
of arriuigiMncuta.
Kniili-a Aiitillnry Tho Kuglna
auxiliary will hold Ha regular
innellnK Thursday at 8 p. m. In
(bo Kagloa ball. A kid a party'
will bo a feature of tho mooting,
and meinbera not dressed aa
children will bo fined. Vlalllng
meuihera will ho welcome. Tho
auxiliary drum rorpa wilt prac
tiro Friday at 7:16 p. m. In thn
main hall of tha Labor templa
at Ninth atreet and Walnut
Ki.rri allium Th"e who wish
lo hear Dr. Odell and F.lslo Witch
en In l h a I r addreaa Thursday
night at Ihn dinner aponaored hy
Iho Klamath county health aaso
clatlon aro aaked to mnko roaer
vatlnna with Mm. Dean Oaborn,
phono S77. Tho dinner la slated
for :30 o'clock In Iho Klk hotel,
and all residents of Ihe county
Interested In health work aro In
vited. TomiM-nil Mining Townsend
club No. 1 will moot In lha rlub
rooma of lha city library, Fifth
si root and Klamulh avenue,
Thumday, Octobor 6, at 7 p. m.
After tho rogulnr mooting a ono
hour travelog dealing wllh the
Panama Cn mil one will bo pro
tented by a resident of Iho gone.
Leave for Mouth Dr. and Mrs.
8. K. Scott left Wednesday after
noon for 8nn Frnnclnco, where
they plan in remain until Sunday
night. While in tho aoulh Dr.
Hcotl will present domonslrnllona
at tho California College of Chiro
pody and also attend classes at
tho college.
Accident Itcportrd J. J. Mor
gan of Lnkovlew and J. H. Alex
andor were drlvcra of vehlclea In
volved In an accident on aroen
aprlnga highway ono mllo from
Keno. Morgan, In a report to the
sheriff's office, aald hla car hit
lha dolly-longuo on a logging
Independent mudy Tho In
dependent Study club will meet
at 10:30 a. m. Thuraday for aew
Ing nt tha homo of Mm. F. II.
(ioddnrd, 1911 Wantlnnd avenue.
A pntluck luncheon will bo served
at 1 p. m.
Jobs Daughter Thero will bo
a regular meeting or Joh'a Dnugh
tera In Iho Mnsonle temple Thura
day at S P. m., when members of
tho now council will bo Inatallcd.
Fear no longer Spinal adjual
inent la administered without
pain. Ono hour la devoted to
a pleasant, relaxing, vllnllilng
treatment which la combined
with the uao of tho vnrloua
modern modalities of electro,
Consultation gladly given with
out charge.
Main St.
Telephone g2M
To Lakevlow A group of
Kliimnlh Falla womon drovo to
Lokovlow Tuoaduy to attend a
tiinnlliig of iho F.iiatnrn Hlar lodgo.
In tho piirly worn Mm. Hid Kl
llot, Mra. liruc Klllolt, Mm. Will
tor Weal, Mm. K. II. Cofor, Mia.
Carl Hinoot nnd Mm, T, II.
Ilrliekulis to Dierl Pronporlly
Itobekdh lodgo No, 1 Hi will nient
III rngulur annnlon Tbiirnduy, Or
tohiir II, nt 7:30 p, in., Ill IOOI''
hull, nnfroiilimonla will be aerveil
nflnr tho meeting. All Itobnkiiha
III tho clly lira luvlled to attnnd,
It wnn uuiioillicod hy thing In
Mrs. Iliiinly III Sum Iliindy,
l'niU Oregon nvoniie, wun advised
by illy polleo Wednoaday Hint
hla wife In norlnunly III nt thn
homo of Mrs. Smith, 78 Fourth
Htrrcl, Asbliiud. Iliindy left for
tho valley on receipt ol Iho nicv
Lingerie Taken Everett Lln
vllle, Hi Pino street, reported to
clly pollen Hint on tho night of
October 2 prowliTo onlorod the
Kin villa homo wllh a puaa key
and made off wllh flvo night
gowns and Ihrou slips.
t'oneli lo HH-nk Conch Arthur
(Hnowyl (iiislnfsoii of Kluinnlh
Union high school will bo tha
apoaker ut tho Klwanla club
mooting Thursday. Dr. Hill Peak
will be chairman of tho day.
No Hoard .Meeting Dun In tho
Illness of J. Percy Wells, Klam
ath Falls achool superintendent,
tho regular October achool hoard
meeting will not bo held Wed
nesday night, October 6, It waa
Whu-ku-rvrra Meet Tho Who-
ao-over-wlll circle of the First
Hapllat church will meet Thura
day at 2 p. m. at tho homo of
Mm. L. M. Hallard. 2135 Vine
Twins" Xnmi-il Tho twin girls
horn last Saturday to Mr. and
Mm. Charlea K. Fnrrel at tho
Anna Shirley maternity homo
havo been named t'hnrlcne Ann
nnd Shirley Ann.
Illcyclo Taken Jack Harris,
21!) North Ninth street, reported
to clly police Wednesday tho theft
of a Monarch blryclo from his
Circle lo Sleet The) Congrega
tional community clrclo will meet
on Friday at Iho homo of Mrs.
C. M. Heynoldn. Politick lunch
will ho served at noon.
Dr. Orvlllo Nenso of Kunsaa
Clly. Mo., will bo tho guest
speaker at tho southern Oregon
district convention lo bo held Fri
day, October 7, nt tho Nainrcne
cnurch on Ciardcn and Martin
slroet. Dr. Neaao ia the nntlonnl
Sunday achool prosldcnt and his
measngn will bo an Inspiration
lo all Kiindny achool workera.
Ilov. K. K. Marlln, district su
perintendent, will be present to
speak at special periods. Mrs,
E. K. Martin, district women's
missionary president, will have
rhurgo ot the missionary rally
at 1U:30 a. m.
Itev. K. II. Kdwards ot Seattle
will bo In charge of the Sunday
school rally at 2 p. m. with Dr.
Ncuso speaking nt 3 p. m. Young
people's ioiio rally will ho In
charge of tho district xono chair
man and Iho local president,
Verno Spelrs. at 7 p. m. Dr.
Ne.ise will sponk at 8 p. m.
Hnskct dinner will be served
in tho community hall at 12:. 10
p. m. and 6 p. m. Delegates will
bo present from Medford. Ash
Innd, firnnla Pass, Prospect. Bon
anza, Klamath Falls and Dorrls,
Residents of an eastern town
completely Ignored tho opining
ot their new post ofllce. Open a
post office and you get Ignored;
open a letter and you get a prison
BC0U8eta ".O C"
HilaatlO lD iAlUII
CIIICAOO, Oct. 5 W) Largely
stimulated by advances or necuri
tles, lulu upluins of Chicago
wliniit prices loduy llfled tho
market li cents a bushel from
tha duy'i bottom lovnln,
Kurly lonsoa of mujor fractions
of a cont In wheat values wnro
much mora thun wiped out, KI'C
iiirtllvo Interest In wheut win
somewhut linger lhan during tho
last few days,
At tho clone, Chicago wheat
futures were 1-1 i con In higher
compared wllh yestnrday'a finish.
Doe. t4k-i. M"y 1141-16, Corn il
i up, Dec. 4fl-r2, May 481, and
onla II advanced.
Stock Market
NKW VOKK. Oct. 6 (P
Jlroad-scalo buying gave thn stock
market another strong boost to
day and many shares sold at the
highest prices recorded this year.
Tho complete change In senti
ment alnco the announcement of
tho Munich four-powor parley a
week ago dispelled immediate war
fears waa apparent all along trad
ing fronts. Honda and com modi
ties rose with stocks.
Tho feeling that European
peace would permit acceleration
of business Improvement In the
United Slates seemed to have
taken deeper hold in financial
circles. Outstanding in the ad
vance were building supply, steel,
motor, chemical and other indus
trial shares rated as favoritea on
business prospects.
Gnlni wcro stretched to as
much aa 5 points at ouo time In
auch Issues as Du Pont, Chrysler,
tleticrsl Motors, Westlughouse,
American Con. Air Reduction, U.
S. Gypsum, U. S. Steel, Hcthlc
hcm. Santa Kc, American Tele
phone, Montgouiory Ward and
Kcnnecotl Copper.
In breadth and persistence, the
buying recalled tho record-break
ing mid-year upsurge.
Turnover increased substantial
ly on the advance. Transactions
approximated 2,ouo.uoo snares,
the largest since mid-September.
Closing quotations:
Adams Kip loss Ill
Air lleducllon 6!il
Alaska Juneau 10
Al Chcm & Dye - 186 4
Allied Storea - 11 II
American Can 102
Am Eng Tile - 8
Am For Power - 4 1
Am Power & Light C)
Am Had Sin San . 1"3
Am Itoll Mills 191
Am Smelt & Ret 60
Am Tel & Tel 140
Am Tob "B" 89
Am Water Works - 101
Am Zinc L & S 8i
rirtt Pitftral Sti
iMl l"4 LM A-
itmtiM tf Kim
Ik Flli Htwtf Mm
hall nllllM tfallaf
nut mvt m Hi
ftwrth nRlnrwr.
Tula ttitinwiy ti
tht UUfrtlMll ll tbt
iMtilutiia I I 4 Its
ft I cm mini miefc
ti each limit.
(Carnal OlrlkuO
First Federal Savings
and Loan Association
of Klamath Falls
111 Hi. Jill St. PMM 576
rata at rrtoal tnlan
mt Ltaa laiaraata Co
Armour 111 ...
Auburn Auto
Halt ft Ohio ,
Hendlx Avla ,
Hath Steel
Honing Alrp
Uorden ...
Horgo-Warner ....
Hudd Mfg
Calif Packing ...
Calluhan 7, L
Calumet llec
Canadian Pacific
Caso fj I)
Cat Tractor
Chca ft Ohio
Col Oaa ft Kl
Com'l Solvents .
36 i
6 1
... 41
... 181
... 8
... 22 1
... 62
.... 26 J
,.. 161
... 3f,J
,.. CI
.... 201
... 1 i
.... 8)
.... 6j
.... 061
.... COi
.... m
.... 12
.... 3 3 1
.... 78 i
.... 7 J
.... 10
.... U
.... 10
.... 2 SI
.... Ill
.... 4 5
.... 70 J
.... 131
.... 01
,.. 4i
.... Ill
.... 2i
.... 44 J
.... 361
.... i
.... 60,
.... 91
.... 30
.... 221
.. 62
.... 91
.... 13i
.... 15
.... 641
.... 62
.. 42
.... Ill
.. 451
.. 671
.... 63
.... 6
.... 20
.. 60
.... 10
.... 25
.... 271
.... 141
.... 251
.... 191
21 J
.... 121
- 10
.. 10J
.. 271
Comm'nw'lth ft
(,'onsol Aircraft
Consol Edison
Cousol Oil
C'ont'l Can
Corn Products ...
Crown Sinllorbttch
Curtlss Wright ...
Dupont da N
Doug Aircraft ...
Eastman Kodak .
El Pow ft Lt
Erie It It
General Electric .
(ieneral Foods ...
lien Una ft El "A'
General Motors ...
Goodyear Tire
Gt Nor Ry Pfd ...
Meeker Prod
Holland Furnace .
Hudson Motors ...
Illinois Central ...
Insp Copper
Int Harvester .....
Int Nick Can ......
Int Pap ft P pfd .
Int Tel ft Tel
Johna Manville ...
Lib O Ford
Ugg Myers "B" ...
Long-Bell "A" ...
.orlllard P ...
Montgomery Ward
Nat'l BUcult
Nofl Cash
Nat'l Dairy Prod ...
Nat'l Dlst
Nat'l Pow ft Lt ...
N Y Central
North Amer Co ...
Northern Pacific .
Ohio Oil
Otis Steel
Pac Amer Fish ...
Pac Gas ft El
Pacific Tel ft Tel
Packard Motor .....
Penney (J C) ...
Penna B. R
Phelps Dodge
Phillips Pet
Proctor & Gamble
Pressed Steel Car
Pub Svc N 3 ,
Pullman ,
Radio ,
she'd look for
a figure
molded by
Dame Fashion aoea get around and she finds that the best
dressed women wear Artist Mtdel foundations morning, noon
and night. It gives them perfect figure control, the new sil
houette and comfort beyond description! It's practical, too,
for the bra ia easily detached for laundering (in Ivory Flakes
for best results) and for change of costume. For all figure typea.
Miss Hah Miller
Corsetiere Stylist
will be at this store
for 3 days, commencing
Oct. 6th through 8th
to give personal attention to the proper
fitting of under-garments for
Phone 133 for Appointment
Rayonler pfd 211
Item Hand -.. 1
Republic Steel 19
Reynolds Tob "B" 431
Rlchflold Oil 7
Safoway Stores .. 19
Scars Roebuck 751
Shell Union 161
Socony Vacuum 14 i
Sou Cal Edison 23
Southern Pacific 19
Standard Brands 71
Standard Oaa ft El 4
Stand Oil Calif 301
Stand Oil Ind 30
Stand Oil N J , 65
Stona ft Webster 11
Studcbaker 81
Sunshine Mining Hi
Sup Oil 31
Texas Corp 40
Texas Gulf Sulphur 36)
Tidewater Asso Oil 11
Tlmkcn Roll Bearing 52
Trans-America 101
Union Carbide 85J
Union OU Calif 211
Union Pacific 94
United Aircraft ... 28 1
United Airllnca 10J
United Corporation 2
United Fruit 65
United Gas Imp - 101
U S Indust Alcohol 231
U S Rubber 50 J
U 8 Rubber pfd 941
U 8 Steel 611
Vanadium 201
Walworth 9
Warner Pictures i
Western Union 291
Westlnghouse 1121
White Motor 131
Woolworth . ........... 471
5 (AP USDA) Hoga 1.000, In
cluding 575 direct. Butchers 20c
lower, packing bows 15-20e off;
medium to choice 170-225 lb.
butchers 18.85-9.10; top $9.10;
light lights and few 230-275 lb.
butchers 68.60; packing sows
Cattle 150, including 50 direct,
holdovers 50. All classes little
changed; 2 loads medium short
fed steers 67.75, sorted three
head to the load; good fed steers
absent, quoted up to around
18.50; odd bead common light
weights down to $5.00; load
medium to mostly good 660-840
lb. Nevada stock steers 16.60;
medium to good beef cows sale
able $4.75-5.75; low cutters and
cutters 63.75-4.25 odd head fat
dairy cows up to 64.60.
Sheep 925, all direct, holdovers
325. Slow, about steady; long
deck medium to good 82 lb. me-dtum-pelt
California lambs 66.76;
few common light Iambs 15.60
75; good full woolen lambs quot
ed up to 17.50; deck good 124
lb. medium-pelt fat ewes 62.85.
If human beings, In proportion
to size, moved their legs as fast
as an ant, they would walk at
tho rate of 800 miles an hour.
Maine Is said to be the only
state in the Union which harbors
no poisonous snakes.
$5.00 to $16.50
Extra bras 2 to 93.30
n J) J
Hogs 16,000 Including 6600 di
rect; generally strong to 10
higher than Tuesduy's average;
top 68.70; bulk good and choice
210-300 lbs. $8.50-66; moat 160
200 lbs. 68.26-45; odd lot pigs
and light lights 67.75-8.16; light
weight packing sows mostly
68.00-15; few to 68.26 and
above; most medium and heavy
wolghts 67.25-90; odd head over
weights and roughs 67.00 down
ward. Cattle 9D00; calves 1000; ac
tivo market on all grades fed
steers and yearlings; fully steady
on rank and fllo; strong to
higher on strictly choice and
prime offerings; all Interests In
trade; eastern ahlppers setting
price pace; common and medium
grades scarce; top 813.50, new
high on crop; several loads
113.26-46; with yearlings and
light steers 111. 50-12. 75; not
much here of value to sell under
19.60; fed heifers firm, scarce;
atockers and feeders steady; cows
fully steady; cutters 14.00-5.00;
beef cows 15.75-7.00.
Sheep 12,000 including 3500
direct; late Tuesday fat lambs
steady to strong; top 18.40 on
both natives and westerns: bulk
natives 88.00-25; westerns 88.10-
25; yearlings 86.00-75; bulk
16.00-65; today's lamb trade
around steady to 25 lower; top
natives 18.35; othera 18.00-15;
westerns around 88.00-25; good
to choice yearlings 85.75-6.60:
sheep steady.
Potatoes 85. on track 412, total
US shipments 442; Bliss Tri
umphs firm, best quality other
stock steady: supplies heavy de
mand very slow account Jewish
holiday; sacked per cwt Idaho
Russet Burbanks US No. 1, few
sales 61.35-50 mostly 11.35-40.
The boys at Harvard have re
vived the handlebar mustache.
Yale can now be expected to show
its up-to-date-ness by Introducing
the steeling wheel design.
If all of an oyster's progeny
lived and multiplied through six
generations, the pile of shells
would be six times the size ot
the earth.
Tho average llfntlma nt aap.
dine Is approximately 14 years.
195 East Main
Lucas Furniture
" no. 798 tc 2 Coaster
jjaNO. 00 -Si
No. 785
Sampson Standard Card Table. ........$laS8
Sunday, October I, will be ob
served as Rnlly day at the First
Methodist church, A program,
under the direction of Mrs. K. II.
Redman, will he heard at 0:45 n.
m. The Methodist church through
the country Is plaotng amphaala
this year on "church school ad
vance" which has three alms, to
hold the pupils alroady enrolled,
to find now pupils and to build a,
program in the church school.
Tho guest spenkor for the morn
ing service, beginning at 10:55
o'clock, will be Chaplain 0. R.
Pond of Medford, who will brln
a rally day message. Thero will
be several Itoms of special must
arranged by Ullle Darby,
An Epworth league rnlly meet
ing will be hold in the Bly Meth
odist church when the Epworth
leagues from Chlloquln, Lake
view and Klamath Falls will meet
with the Bly league. The Klam
ath Falls group will meet at tha
church at 2:30 p. m. for the trip
to Bly. Those going who wish to
know what to bring for the din
ner are asked to call 2271.
The special features for the
evening service will be mujlc ot
the service by the senior choir
with Miss Darby In charge and
an address by Chaplain C. R. Pond
on "Missions in Utah." Chaplain
Pond has had years of experience
working In the Utah mission.
Weight of an Inch of rain on
an acre ot ground Is 226,612
We have 4 lines of
Hart Schaffner end Marx
E. V. Price & Co.
Hollywood .
Webb Kennett
7th and Main
Plenty of Parking Space
Don't be embarassed by
shabby, shaky card tables
when you're entertaining!
Spruce up your home life
now with these handsome
new Samsona. They're stain
proof, liquor.proofandwash
able. The black onea are
even burnproof. Sturdy,
extra large legs with double
braces that won't eloie accl -dentally.
Remember, too,
they make wonderful gilts I
!N. 711) W.t.r Illy aiatll. Inlaid
walnut tftct. (N. TIU ComblmllM
wclnvt, laccwood, Ivenr lnlr eWee.
I No. 7IS) Anttqua Ivory on'or, time.
Ulod lnut bold". IN. Ill) Ivory
lutkor (No. Till Chou,
chocktr. cardl. Walnut olfoct (No.
Jtn 1ml walnut (tract
B-Pltoio Mnd mo Iho following cord aw
lablai at 98 och
pjStylojNo. Quantity Color g
..Chargt I
..Coin i S
I Moil ordorl, add JSC poilooo C"PJ