PAGE NTNTS X ' October 1, 1988 Herald and News Classified Ad Section THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 2 Lost and Found n,-juivvvvvvYV,iiiiii' .. LOST Yellow gold Onion wrlat watch on or ittinr Mnln. Phon 800 or 013. Howard. 10-8 4 General Notices Go By Motor Coach Shortcut llouto Uwi'it Faru Tu Nurtlmrn Point Ono It on nd Way Trip Spokane $1 .10 $20.05 Boiie, Ida. Portland 0.00 18.10 5.90 10.65 8.40 14.65 Seattle Mum Lcnv 1:00 P. M. Mt. Hood Stagei, Inc. Greyhound Dopot I'hono 909 10-SOmtt WHY gurmm npeellliln chronic nn i acmo on i r mm .1 mho cnnBlliintlon. rheu- mnilKiii, tonnllltU. t o in o h llror iron llo. earache, mid eye trouble, nnd other body Inco .,n.tinn. Mr. Ilavld. chiro practor. U0 North Eighth Streol. Tolllion I32. i-" JOIN TUB Mutual llenoflt Club. Largo nmnibiiriililii. mbko new friend. Free particular. P. n. linx 861. Klamath Kails. 10-1 INTERSTATE MOVINO Klaia alh Kulla Truua. and Storm e, 10-4 nuf, LONO DISTANCE HAULING Phona 1091 10- m" NINA'S HKAUTY SALON BPB- C1AI.S Permanent, ii.ia anu uo. Klnsor waving and eham- poo, (0 canta. Nina Hobba. Mor rill. SPECIAL PKRMANENTS t vara IS. 60 $1.60 wave 11.60. IlailnnltU Oct. 1, wa epeclallze In niareola and menlcuree. Haul tar Heauty Shop. 1017 Orraon Ave. 409 J. 10-6 8 Traniportation nitlVINO lo I.a Grande Sunday roturn Tiicadey. Take threo or four. Paatlma Barbar Shop. 10-1 CAM. 704 OR 14 Moving, local. loin dlatanca. F.xperionr-a nan dlnra. new equipment. Peoplo'a Warehouse. 10-31 dhivinq DENVER Tueaday an return. Room for two. ahare aioanaaa. Stewart. Baldwin llo tel. 10-1 10 Service MR. BOND CORSETS COM BIN- ETTES 8UROICAL ur PORTS Sold only through trained eoraell-rea. Mra. llortena Petersen, phone HI. Mra. Myrtle Jlnnetle, Merrill. Mra. Edna Coona, Pine Ridge. Mra. nth Covert. Mra S. V. Rlltl. phone 11-W-l 11-1 FOR FIRST-CLASH CARPENT B R WORK Phone 28WS. Tree etl matea. 1111 Orchard. 10-1 TI.OOR SANDING Old floors aand-d and roflnlahed. Phone 2201. 10-11 ROOF STA1N1NO. pnlntlng and knlaomlnlng. Phone nui. w. H. Smith. 10-11 nulivS'llAMKIt SAW FILINC 219 Eat Main. Phone 846-W. All aawa, toola. lawnmowora. oto. rooalrod. 10-14-mlf PAPERHANOINO of all klnda from the Inexpeneive to import mA vNllnntiAra hv trained, lone experienced, reliable men. Alao Iniorlor and exterior pninung. We can arrange to nnnnco Tiiirnir.'a k niFFERENCE.' E. Rolling Decorating Co., 116 Bo. 7th St. Phono s. iu-ij 01,1) MATTRESSES mado now Rnhullt. 12.50. Now tlcklnga ia.08. One day aorrlce. Furni ture upholatorlng. Complote line of laloat mnterlala. Carl ion Mattroaa and Upholalery Co. Phone 791. 1208 Mnln. 10-8. EXCAVATINO, potato digging. J P. Murian. Rt. 2. Box 924. 10-18 PAINTING nnd paper hanging ex- portly done. John Morrtlooa. Phono 1S93-J. 9-SO FLOOR 8ANDINO and roflnlahlng Clifford Golden. Phone 188W8 9-30mt( DRESSMAKING, alterntlona, re- modolliig. Ann London, 823 Mnln, ovor Swnnaon'a Bnrhor shop. 10--T S15W1NO, export altaratlona, allp covora, droaamnklng, coata re- llnod. Mra. Ilnrnoy, 2111 Dnr- row. Phono 2161-J. 10-11-mtf CURTAINS home laundered ntretchod. ' Guaranteed work Rensonnblo. Phono 1425-W. 10-14 FURNITURE roflnlahod. Goollor's Wnllpnpor & Piilnt Store. Phono 1175. 230 Mnln. 10-8 WRINGER ROLLS for all mal os of washing nmchlnoB. Morll Washing Mnchlno Sorvlce, 709 Ho. 8th. Phono 1088. 9-31-mtf 12 Educational RELIABLE men to tnlto up AIR CONDITIONING nnd Klocllic ItofrlKoriitlon. Profor ition now omployod nud mnchnnlcnlly In cllnod, with fnir nduciitlon ami xv 1 1 1 1 1 1 k to train spnro tlmo to liccoino oximi'ln In liistullntlon nnd sorvleo work ns wall us plnnnliiB, estimating, etc, Wi'llo Riving nun, nroRont occupation, lltlllllon Innt., Box 01, Nows- llornlil. 10-2 1 14 Help Wanted, Female WANTED Houaakeeper In mod ern noma on ranch. Give age and rafureuoe, PO Box 178, Merrill, Ore. 10-8 WANTED Housekeeper. Three adnlla. Rl. 1, Box 848 near Mac'a atore. 10-8 AIIDKEHS POSTCARDS WK aup- ply. Rate lo per card in an vnnre. Write for free delnlla. Bunland Co., Colton, Calif. 10-1 WANTED All experienced alter- atlon lady In local areaa ennp. Stnto ago, experience and refer ence In flral letter, llurald Newa, Box 4108. 10-1 16 Holp Wanted, Male atraaavvaarkaea,eaaaeaaei MKN wllh enrnp to trim out limbn. - l a. Viata- 5 rA St. 10-1 WANTED Man with car for pro fitable nearby Rawlelgh route. MUX he antlafled with earnlnga of $30 a week to atari. Write Rawlelxh'e, Dept. ORJ-104-101, Oakland, Calif. 10-1 WANTED Experienced, reliable porter and alioo ehlner. Phone 1621-W. 8o MAN FOR CHORES Muat be good milker, no other need ap ply. Call 1167. U-tf 18 Situationt Wanted WANTED Odd Joba by the hour. Phone 994. 10-1 WANTED Fall tree and ahrub bery pruning. Albort Barrett. Aahland Rt. 10-H 20 Room and Board BOARD, $6 week. Board and room $1 day. Free garage. Ill So. 4th. 10-1 ROOM AND BOARD for ladlea. 106 Lincoln. 10-4 ROOM AND BOARD Cloae In. 829 High.. 10-16-mlf BOARD AND ROOM 1404 Klam ath. 4798-lf 22 Roomi (or Rent SLEEPING room with garage, Reference. T18 Owtni after 6. 10-7 DESIRABLE SLEEPING ROOM In private home. Walking die . tanre from town. Garage If needed. Phone 1038-J. 10-1 ROOM FOR RENT Suitable for two. 636 N. 8th. Phone 2194R 10-8 CLEAN, comfortable bedroom In private home. Cloie In. wo man preferred. Board If de alred. Phone 897-J. 10-1 FURNACE HEATED ROOM with garage, $4.00 weok. 846 Eldo rado. 10-3 COMFORTABLE aleeplng room. 611 So. 8th. 10-6 LARGE SLEEPING ROOM with honlor. $8.60 per week. 103 Waahlngton. 10-8 ROOM In private home. Man pre ferred. 681 N. 10th. 10-3 ROOM FOR RENT 314 Waah lngton. !108tf FURNACE HEATED ROOM 134 No. 8rd. 4656-tf CLAREMONT, 238 N. 4th St. All outalde modern rooma. Free parking lor 11-11 24 Aprtmntt for Rent TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. 1806 Main. 10-7 VACANCY Eaplanade Courta. 10-16 PARK APT., Eaplanade. 1 room apartmonta, everything fur nlahed; alao clean, comfortable rooma and huaekeeptng rooma. Nice location, new .manage- ' ment. 10-5 UNFURNISHED 4-ROOM apart ment. New, very doairable. heated, Weatlnghouae range, 6 cu. ft. Weatlnghouae refriger ator. Kenoffel Apta., 601 Eldo rado. Phone 744-J. 426-tf VACANCY Villa Marqula. 1320 Oak. 10-1 FURNISHED APARTMENT, 1304 Wordon. 10-1 RIVERVIBW A PT3. Unfurnlah- ed 3-room apt., modern con venloncea, oil heat. 710 Llppln - cott. 10-3 VACANCY Pondosa APt. 10-8 VACANCY $16.00 and up. 419 No. 10th. 10-14 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Newly furnlahed and deco rated, tolephonoa, 1 e 0 t r 1 a equlpmont, rofrlgeratlon, ele vator, garage. Day, weok or month. The apartmont hotel with conveniences and home comfort. 24-hour aervlce. No pela. 10-14-mtf APARTMENTS FOR RENT Al pha Apia. Phono 800, 4738-tf 26 Houtei (or Rent 3-ROOM HOUSE with bath. Phone 230-M. 10-8 FOR SALE Throe bedroom houao. Furnace. 2 blocka from Main. Small down puymont, balance lllto ront. Newa-Horald, Box 748. 10-8 HOUSE FOR RENT Call 1404 Klnmath. 147-tf NICE 3-ROOM unfurnlnhod houae, gnrngo In bnnoinont. $25.00. Inqulra 1981 Harrlmnn. 10-1 MODERN COTTAGES Two bode, bathroom, hot wntor. Thone 1100-J. 10-7 26 Houtei for Rant MODERN rurnlahed eottagea by week or month. Altamont Auto Camp. 10-6 FOR RENT Modern nnfiirnlahed holme, t bedrooma, 40. pnone 293. 10-1 FURNISHED COTTAGES Week ly ratea. Altamont Auto . amp. 10-1 CLEAN, eoay 3-room, nicely rurnlahed, Adulta only. In quire 216 South Eldorado. 10-1 28 MHcellaneout tor Rent FOR RENT Or Lease 3200 iquara feat of ground floor ipse. l2 BLOCK OFF MAIN Inqulra Elmer G, Maqnuion 118 No. 7th. T, Th, B tf RENT PIANOS Small modern. Apply toward purchaaa later It dealred. Loula Mann, tuner, Derby'a Mualc, 117 So. 7th. 10-1 30 Real Ettate for Sal FEDERAL LAND BANK 1 AND 18 CENTS AN ACRE Water coata 4 to 8 eenta a for each Irrigated acre. 1042 acrea Irrigated meadow. 424 acrea Irrigated paature, bl mn of ism acrea rollinc bill paature. Excellent rye and bunch craaa feed. Two full aeta nt m a n ri hulldtnaa. Modem dwelllnga, one with hardwood floora: Hunk houae, big barna aheda, ahopa, other bulldlnga Orailng prlvllegea on tn aa jolnlng national foreat and pub . lie domain. .Building new high way. Thla farm baa Juet been acquired and ahould aell quick ly at the very low price of 824. 000. Semi-annual paymenta flrat 8 yeara 624, next 10 yeara 8766, next tt yeara $912. Theae paymenta Include principal and 6 T intereat on deferred pay menta. Full deacrlptlon and map at the Federal Land Bank of Berkeley. 16th and Clay, Oakland. California. 10-1 NEW MODERN FIVE ROOMS REASONABLE Just being completed. Mod ern in vry roipect. Fireplac. basement, oil furnace. Can be finished to tuit you. On Laleshors drive, 1 mile past Lakeshor Inn. Large lot, beautiful trees, view of whole upper Isle. Private water sys tem. Low taxes. Peved highway, all city conveniences. $4500. TERMS TO SUIT C. F, O'Loughlin, owner Phone 1050 I2F3 112 So. 8th Street Open (or Inspection Sundey Drive out and see it 10-1 Summers Lane 6-room modern houae on 8um mera Lane. Half-acre of (round, nice lawn, treea and garage. Price la 14000, with reaaonahl down payment. Or will rent for $85 a month. Duplex Thla duplex ronta for $65 a month. It la two blocka from school. In a good location, on pavement. Nice lawn, double ga rage, double woodaned. Price la $4000. $700 down, the balance at $40 a month Including taxea, Insurance and lnteroat. R. P. OLIVER 111 B. 8th Phone 850 10-1 6-ROOM HOUSE, nice lawn and berrlea. Small down payment and balance like ront. J. D. Champlln, 6th Ave. and 2nd St., Altamont addition. 10-1 ATTRACTIVE new houae, Hot Springe, one block from Rooae. velt achool. FHA terma. Will ahow by appointment. Phone 672. 736tf SIX ROOM HOME, cloae to Main. Basement, furnace, hardwood floors, aun porch and other fea tures. Sacrifice at $2900. $500 will handle. J. E. Hosklng, 617 Main. 10-1 HOT SPRINGS 5 large rooma, all hardwood floora, fireplace, full baaement, furnace, newly decorated, large lot, lawn, treea, aprlnkler system, near grade and high schools, asseaamenta paid. C. A. Doll, 884 Eldorado. 10-1 SEE LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way. $10 down, $5 monthly, Including Intorcat. Mrs. Bon P. Lewis, owner. Rt, 2, Box 896. Phone 36J2. 10-18 21 ACRES on Long Lake road with 8-room houae and other buildings. Has water system. Also trailer house. All for $900 cash. Chaa. H. Ely, Long Lake road 10-1 THREE-ROOM HOUSE on half acre of garden soil. $600 Small down payment. Christ Huck, 1320 Pleasant. 10-3 36 Mltcelleneout for Sal NEW, modern five-room country home, alao email 4-room houae with five acrea, Irrigated, ono cow and calf, Chevrolet truck, complete 6 roomi of furniture Including electric refrigerator and aafe, one Indian houae trailer. Muat be aold thla week to hlgheat bidder. Charlea Mal latt, Hlllalnger Addition, 2nd road weat 8. P. RR, Pboenlx. Oregon. 10-' TWO-BEDROOM HOME) In Hot Bprlnge. $4600. Small down payment, balance Ilk rent. Chrlat Huck, 1320 Pleaaant. 10-3 6-ROOM houae near acbool. down. 286 Martin. $200 10-6 34 Automotive FOR SALE 1986 Ford DeLuxe 4-door aedan with trunk, cheap for eaah. Ben Ferguaon, Lenox Addition. 10-4 CREDIT ON PLYMOUTH Die count for caah, or trade for equity. 301 Bo. 6th, Apt. 6. 10-1 8ALE Private owner '37 Chev - rolet deluxe coupe. 684 N. 11th or Phone 971-W after 6 p. m. 10-4 36 Miicelleneout (or Sal PINE LIMBS Order now before prlcea riae. 2214 Stukel. 10-7 FOR SALE Overatuffed daven port and chair, oak dining room table and cbalra. two full alio metal bade, mattreaa and aprlnga, dreaaer, breakfaat table and kitchen range. 2311 Darrow. 10-1 WOOD SAW FOR SALE Phone I486-J. 10-1 FILMS DEVELOPED Eight pr'lnta and hand colored en largement 26c. Oregon Pic ture Co., Box 4292, Portland. Ore. B-tf FILMS DEVELOPED Two prlnte from each good negative, 25c. Portland Film Co., Box 4218, Portland, Ore. S-tf FILMS DEVELOPED Eight print and two enlargement. 36c. Quality Picture Co.. Box 8673. Portland. Ore. 8-lf PICK-UP BAGS People' Ware- bouae. 10-31 BRANDED POTATO BAGS Stencila, twine. See our new twine reel atanda. People'a Warehouse. 10-31 FOR 8ALE Monarch oil circu lator aultable for four to eren room or atore building. 13-Inch burner. Alao several wood heat ing atovea. 76 lb. Icebox and other item. 804 Lincoln. 10-1 FOR SALE Truck rack com plete with tlebolta, $16.00. 1635 Slaklyou. 10-3 FOR SALE 64 Wlncheater 80-30 and 16 Remington shotgun. Both now guna. 16 Loomls Bldg. Phone 721-W. 10-3 WEANER PIOS Good stock. Phone 938J3. 10-6 MOVING? Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, 4th and Klamath. Phono 1097. 10-4 mtf. SPARKS OIL STOVES Now burn low priced Diesel oil and are specially designed to meet the heating requirements of Western homes. AH Sparks hare cheerful visible flame and heat the living xone with both radiating and circulating heat. Our engineering department will help you aelect the right else for your home. Phone 635. PEYTON CO. 10-23 USED PIPELESS FURNACE for wood or coal. $35.00. Thla furnace I In good condition but la being replaced by a mod am u. r. T.tttl oil Burning Floor Furnace becauae of the additional comfort and con venience. Phone 535. PEYTON A CO. 6980 tf H. C. LITTLE Oil Burning Plpe leaa Furnace can be used in a houae without baaement. This I the most economical way to get furnace heat In the small home, prices of Furnace com pletely Installed with tank and burner a low aa $179.60. For pecltlcatlona and estimate. Phone 535. PEYTON & CO. 10-23 AUTO GLASS of all kind. Popu lar price. Kimball Qias snop, 627 Walnut. Phone 2243. 10-26 1 H. P. STEAM BOILER, passes state Inspection, 100 lbs. pres sure, suitable for dairy farm Price $36.00. Dlosel fuel oil burner suitable for lurnace large stove or small boiler, price $26.00. Circulating heater, like new, $35.00. Call at Acme Cleanera. 221 East Main St, 4996-tf REAL NICE canning tomatoea, peaches, Bartlett peara, and melons galore. Real cheap. Tree ana vine ripenea. roma dot Fruit Stand on Riverside. 4948tf FOR SALE Lawn dirt, fertilizer, cinders. Phone 877J8. . 10-11 USED OIL STOVES, wood boat, era and wood ranges, $7.00 up. Oregon Equlpmont Co., 127 So. 6th Street. 10-10 FOR HEATERS, rnngos, furni ture and household goods re member George's Bargain Store, 64 Main. Phone 438-W. 10-3 SURPLUS COTS AND BEDS 626 So. 6tu. 10 BALED HAY, doliverod. R. J. Morgan, Rt. 1, Box 924. 10-18 36 MUcelleneout (or Sal UNREDEEMED Elgin and Bulova watchea aa low at $4.60. Select your Xmaa glfta now. Uae our lay-away plan. Rlcky'a Jewelry, 622 Main, Llcenaed Pawnbrok er!. 10-26 FOR BALE OR TRADE Bakery equipment. John McCulley, Ma lta. 10-8 UNREDEEMED Olbaon Kalama too Tenor Banjo, $14.76. Rlcky'a Jewelry and Loan Office, 622 Main. 10-3 BODY FIR WOOD 1490-M. Phone 10-26 FERTILIZER Sheep or cow. lawn dirt, dry blox wood. Roy Schmeck, 2438 Shaata Way' Phone 1269. 10-26 FOR SALE Old Hopf violin In A-l condition, 302 Dlvlalon. 10-3 38 For Sal or Trad FOR SALE OR TRADE 66 acrea, 4-room houae, dairy barn, large chicken houae, bog houaea, fruit, 2 mllea from Klamath Falla. Can aubdivlde. 917 Wal nut. 10-11 40 To Exchange TRADE 45-ACRE RANCH, 7 miles from Selma, for acreage within 6 mllea of town. Call 2335 Shasta Way, 4tb cabin, between 6 and 8. 10-26 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED TO RENT Small two bedroom house. 800 Plum. 10-1 WANT TO BUY 200 bead of ewes. Write detail. George Sllva. Ager, Calif. 10-6 WANTED Boef, veal, pork and live poultry. 201 E. Main. 10-29 HIGHEST PRICES PAID for used furniture and atovea. O. K. Second Hand Store, 820 Klam ath. Phone 991. 9-30-mtf WANTED Old cedar cheat. Fin ish not Important. Returnable. Phone 3370-R after 6 p. m. 365-tf WANTED 60 sacks rye. Albert Barrett. Ashland Rt. . 10-2 WANTED Wood to saw. Inquire Gllmore Station, 6th and Oak. 10-16 CASH FOR PIANOS. Derby', 117 So. 7th. 10-1 CASH PAID for whit round crew top wine and brown beer bot tles near rear door Armory Ralph Bagnall. 10-22 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE 15 hen, 1 rooster, 37 pullets and cockerels, 21 cblcks. Heavy type. No white leghorns. 2311 Darrow. 10-1 FOR SALE Sow and weaner pigs. Klamath Riding Stable. 10-4 FOR SALE 17 good dairy cow, T. B. tested and abortion test ed Joe Nult, Coqullle, Ore. 10-5 FOR SALE Two-year old red Durham bull; also registered Hampshire buck. J mile north Merrill. Ernest Buck. 10-1 TWO 4-YEAR-OLD HORSES Gentle and broken, weigm 3100 lbs. Schafer Ranch, Wor den, Ore. 10-3 WANTED Small feeder lambs. F. E. McMurphy, Tulelake. 10-6 CHICKS HATCHING every week. Magulre Electric Hatchery, 2416 N. E. Oregon St.. Portland, Ore. 9-30-mtf 46 Financial NEED MONEY? Let The "Friendly Finance Co." Furnish The Cash. AUTO LOANS FINANCING Bee COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. Wm. Frohnmayer, Mgr. License No. M-223. ll s. 7th St. Phone 471 9-30 LOW RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Oiitck. Deoendable. Safe No Co-Signers No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let ua finance your now or used car purchase. Motor Investment Co License M-104 114 N. 7th Ph. 882 10-9-mtf 48 Business Opportunities EARN $30 WEEKLY OR MORE. Grow mushrooms in cellar, shod. We buy 30c lb., year round business. Mr. S made IB 10 In few weeks' spare time. Kstabllshed 1931. Write for FREE BOOK. WASHINGTON MUSHROOM IND., Dept. 403, 2019 2nd Ave.. Seattle. Wn. 10-1,8 FOR SALE Small, good paying hand laundry, equipment ana business in Modford. Oregon Write Ornce Spnnnaus, 1120 Nlantio St.. Medtord. Oregon 10-6 ROOMING HOUSE Trade for ranch. J. Hosklng. 10-1 THEATRE MAN if HELD AT JAIL WITHOUT BOND (Continued From Page One) associated with the defenae and probably will "take charge" of the appeal. Defense Attorney E. E. Drlscoll made that statement In connection with a request for an extension of time In which to file a motion for a new trial, which waa denied by the Judge. Kxtenalon lenled Drlscoll said that Reames wants time to familiarize himself wllh the proceedings In the case, and the attorney asked that time be given so Reame may deter mine what sort of a motion be wishes to file. He said Reames had made such a request by long distance telephone from Medtord. Drlscoll stated that the extension would not be detrimental to the state' right In the case. Judge Ashurst asked District Attorney Ulackmer for comment on the request. Blackmer aald the atate would oppose an exten sion. He aaid Poole bad been represented In the trial by two capable attorneya. "There have been three attorneys In thla case now and it tbey keep switching attorneya around we will never get the thing settled, ' aald Black mer. "I don't think there la any excuse for permitting another at torney to come in and get a mo tion for an extension of time." Judge Ashurst then stated that there Is no reaaon for the court to "alt and wait for Senator Reamea or any other person to seargb the record for 30 or 40 days to find where the court erred. I know In trying the case they followed the record closely and if they think the court made reversible error they have an op portunity to pick that part out secure a transcript and raise these questions." He aald be would deny the motion. Has 10 Days (Lawyers stated that without the extension, the defense atlll has 10 daya from Saturday In 48 Business Opportunities MAKE $1 to $5 DAILY at home, Grow mushrooms in cellar, ahed year around. We buy cropa. 8th year. Write WESTERN MUSHROOM CO.. Portland Ore. 10-1 LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS Equity No. 5284 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. ANNIE SELF, PLAINTIFF, T. MARION SELF. DEFENDANT. TO MARION SELF, DEFEND ANT: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon in the above entitled suit on or before the 8th day of October, 1938, which is four week from September lOtb, 1938, which la the date of the first publication hereof, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, plain tiff will apply to the Court for re lief prayed for In her complaint; that you and plaintiff be divorced, and that she be awarded custody of Travis Self. This summons Is served upon you by publication once each week for four succes sive and consecutive weeks, pur suant to order of Edward B. Ash urst, Judge of said Court, dated September 9th, 1938. DON F. HAMLIN, Attorney for Plaintiff, 10, Loomls Bldg., Klam ath Falla, Oregon. H. S. 10-17-24. Oct. 1. No. 149 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Administrator of tbe Estate of Gus Miller, Deceased, In and to the assets of the copartnership of Gus Miller, Sr., and Gus Mil ler, Jr., copartners doing busi ness under the firm name and style of Miller Packing Co. All persona having claims against said partnership estate are di rected to present aald claims properly verified to me at Mil- ler'a Market, 111 North 7th street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice which la September 10, 1938 GUS MILLER. JR. Administrator H Sept. 10,17,24; Oct. 1,8 1938 No. 161 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Executor of the Last Will and Estate of Gus Miller, Deceased All persons having claims against said Estate are directed to present said claims properly verified to me at Miller's Market, 111 North 7th street, Klamath Falls, Ore gon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice which la September 10, 1938. GUS MILLER. JR, Executor H Sopt. 10,17,24; Oct. 1,8 1938 No. 160 NOTICE INVITING BIDS Notice Is hereby given that the Common Council will receive seal ed bids up to and Including 6:00 oclock P. M., October 10, 1938, at the office of tho Police Judge, City Hull, Klamath Falls, Oregon, for the furnishing and super vision of two automatically con trolled plants to produce Iron chlorine and chlorine solutions. Specification and bid form may be obtained from E. A, Thomas, City Englrfeer. Tho Common Council reserve the right to reject any or all bids, O. H. LANQSLET, Police Judge. S 28; 0 1. No. 157 which to 111 motion for new trial.) Judge Aahurst then called Poole before tbe bench, and asked the defendant It he had anything to say to the court. Poole spoke so quietly to the Judge that Mr. Dora Goddard, court reporter, wa called to stand beilde him to take bl re mark Into tbe record. Claim Innocence The wellknown theater man said In effect that he wa In nocent of the charge but that apparently the Jury thought dif ferently. He aald that if the court could find It possible to do o, he would aak for releaae on bond pending appeal. Hla bonds men, he aaid, were In court. "If you could admit me to bail or parole me for tbe time being, I aasure you I am not go ing to run away," said Poole. He mentioned hi substantial business Interest here. "It would not hurt the state or anyone else to be a little lenient under the circumstances," said the defendant. "Painful Duty" Judge Aahurst then made the following statement: 'Well. Mr. Poole, this is per haps one of tbe most painful dutle I have been called upon to perform. I bave known you a great many year. I have held you up to be a man who treated hi fellow men with great deal of courtesy and respect . . . there I a great deal that could be aald tn your behalf, and I have learned by long year of experience that 00 one I o bad there can't be good aald about blm, and no one la ao good that something to the contrary can't be aald. I have yet to find my firat perfect man. that 1 the experience of all of us I muat aay It has been my observation that you have done much to the benefit of the com- munity very commendable but I muat take all of those matter In consideration. "Last week I had occasion to send a man to the penitentiary tor the tame offense for 20 yeara. That man had a prevlou conviction on a felony charge and had served In ibe federal penitentiary, and ove." a long period of time he kad done many things detrimental and Inimical to the Interests of the commun lty. I must draw a distinction In your case, you have no pre vious conviction and I must give you the benefit of that. . . . Watched Jury Closely "This matter wa submitted to the grand Jury, you were placed on trial and a verdict returned by a Jury of your peer. I have no right to take Into considera tion any question of your guilt or Innocence, that matter Is not In the hands of the court, that Is In the hands of the Jury. "I observed the Jury very close ly some men I have known for a quarter of a century I have great confidence In their Integ rity, they are men of high honor and Integrity. Knowing those men as I do It Is my Judgment they followed the instructions of the court and gave you the bene fit of every reasonable doubt, I am sure, knowing the men and their character and their stand ing In the community. "The grand Jury passed It on to the court, saying this man Is guilty aa charged In the Indict ment. It I s very serious offense not only Insofar ax the young girl Is concerned, but the community at large. We must all realize that the courta are ordained and established tor the purpose of protecting society and especially to protect the young womanhood of the community. "Guardians of the Home" "We muat all realize that our Carload Potato Shipments Day of Month Season 1938-39 Sept. to Date Season to Date Dally Sept. 28 28 88 37 15 43 10 25 53 32 60 22 54 82. 17 71 99 10 20 11 12 103 122 12 16 119 133 13 14 133 162 14 16 149 168 16 23 172 191 16 16 207 17 23 230 18 220 241 19 12 232 253 10 27 259 280 21 23 282 303 22 24 306 327 23 28 334 355 24 38 372 398 25 402 28 19 400 421 27 21 421 442 28 31 452 473 29 19 471 496 492 80 24 516 31 Month shipments by truck Compiled from official record by the county agunt'i offic. State Federal Inspector Ros Aubrey and The New-He-ald. civilisation rest upon tbe horn and th mother. They are th guardian of th bom, and th girl of today are the mother of tomorrow, and whatever might b don to corrupt or debase th girl of our community tend In the aame way to debase, corrupt or undermine our civilization lu aelf. Not only In protecting our glrla but also promoting our olvlU lzatlon, and Insofar a this caa It concerned there would be no mor difference In enticing a girl la tbe foreat and taking advantage of bar than to call bar Into aa office where she la alone without lupport and then . . , "There waan't only In thla eaa an element of taking advantage by virtue of her being lea than 16, but I followed with great la terost, and It showed an element of force and violence. All thus muat be taken Into eonalderatloa by tbe court. Pronounce Sentence "It 1 the duty of the court te sustain every effort put forth by the district attorney to bring law and order Into the community, and every effort on the part of tbe district attorney to protect the women and glrla of the corn munity. That cooperation and support will be given to the dis trict attorney tnaofar aa thla court 1 concerned ... I alio take Into consideration the previously man tloned thing you have done la this community and am willing to reduce the sentence." Judge Ashurst then pronounced sentence. At this point Attorney Drlscoll stepped forward with a motion for a certificate of probable caua for appeal. Signed by the court, such a certificate would make It possible to admit Poole to ball. Judge Ashurst, however, denied tbe motion, stating that he would consider each a certificate whan and If the defenae file It tran script on appeal and It bill of exception. Con rt room Jammed In one final effort, Drlacoll again auggeited that the court might admit the prisoner to ball from day to day. The Judge again stated that the matter of ball must wait until an appeal 1 filed. Poole left the courtroom with Deputy Sheriff Dale Mattoon. The circuit courtroom wa Jam mod to the door and larg crowd wa In the hall at th time of sentencing. The audlenc was made up largely of a elau of 72 applicant for citlzenahlp, and their witnesses. In court for a record - ilzed naturalisation hearing. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY NURSE Reliable, small (alary. Will do housework, phone 1114. 10-1 FOR SALE 260 acres alfalfa sheep pasture. Mostly en closed sheep wire fence. 0. V. Barton, Merrill. 10-8 POTATO Pick-up Sacks LOANS For Harvesting Battaglia & Burger 209 William Building Phone 1405 . Merrill Phone 2IW8 Seaaon 1937-88 Sept. to Season Dally Date to Data 4 4 83 5 87 6 13 41 3 15 43 3 18 46 5 23 51 37 65 "To 47 75 7 64 81 lt 66 94 14 80 108 19 99 127 24 123 151 20 143 171 23 166 194 U 177 206 It 189 217 1 190 218 7 " 197 325 17 214 241 18 232 260 Ti 247 375 "16 " 263 291 17 280 808 6 ' 286 818 '. i 298 821 " T1 309 " 837 14 823 381 19 342 870 49 81)1 419