October 1, 1938 PAGE nVK Society Banquet Is Given Rose Club Holds Party In Presbyterian Church. A Joint meeting of the Rose olnh mid Mill. Theodore Rmllh's ni III o class in hold Inst night In Ilia (IIiiIiik rooms o( I ho Flint l'rosliylmlnn churrli In Hit form nt tho ii 1 1 -u ii ii it a I ban. quit. Tho lloao chili, which ll composed of young inotheia from tho Illhlo claaa, waa In chargo. Thli club haa boon do Ini great sorvlro In tho work j of tho church, ovor allien It wn I originated yours imo hy Iho liniaiinl toucher. Tho nnnio la derived from tha practloo of proaonllng now mothora with a bouquet of rosea when the hap py arrival tnkee plnco, thtia pro auutlng, In thu nemo of Ilia church, tha fellcltatlona of the congregation. Tha club aleo perforate a moat worthy aorvlce In provided a nuraery for little children, ao that mothere may attend the morning church services each Btindny through out the year. In addition to Ihla they mlnlater In many waya to needy mothere In the commun ity. The Dlble claaa la compoaed of tho younger women of tha church and rcprosente probably Ibe largest group of workers connected with the congrega tion, providing teachera for tha Sunday achool and aaalatlng In many worthy undnrtaklnge. The committee In chnrgo waa compoaed of Mre. C. H. Klllott, chairman, Mn. C. II. Under wood, Mra. C. I.. Harvey, nd Mrs. A. It. Ulckaon. Tho ap polntinenta were pink and white, evidenced by the pink candles and cnndlcallcke, fav or, and roaua, Thu tnblna wore arranged In U-ahapo and ran tha full length of tha larger dining room. The affair waa tha largrat In the hlatnry of the claaa. HUty-flve women were protein at ihla moat enjoyable affair. The program had been plan ned and waa In charge of tha capable teacher, Mra. Bnillh, and from bugliinlng to end ll waa admirably carried out and enlbtialaatlcnlly received. Tha opening number waa a hand aliaklng alunt to "determine the agoa of thoae preaent." con. elating of the ability of linking bnnda with youraelf over yuur right ahouldi'r. Many aiiccerded In ao doing. The card of ac quaintance furnlahed much fun aa well aa aervlng aa an Intro duiilon. . .- . The claaa presented Mra. Bnilth wllh a beautiful coraaga In npproclallon of her aervlcea. She mndu a fitting rcaponao and later preaented tha pur poaea of tha organization. In tha ahaenca of the geuernl aiipnrlnlendent of the Mlhla achool, Mr. George W. Mi-In-tyre, who waa unnlilo to attend, ' the pnator waa tha only man preaent, although the claaa una divided Into pnrtnora with the older mombera of tba olaaa marked wllh black rlhbona on tho alcove, eorvlng aa "men." Tho pastor apoke brlofly on tha rolntlonahlp uf the claal to the church. MISS LANGELL IS HONORED WITH SHOWER Mlaa Mary Langoll waa com plimented with a bridal ahow .or Tuoaday ovonlng, Septoinher ( tho twenty aovonth, nt tha home of Mr. and Mra. A. McNully, 421 Onk alreet, when Mlaa Ruth McNulty, Mlaa Lorraine McNulty and Mra. Oacnr Berg hind wero hoatoaaoa to mora thon thirty-flvo frlnnda. Fall flowers wore uaod about tho rooma and nftor the hrldn olect had opened her attrac tively wrapped glfta a lata aup per wna aervod. OPEN MONDAY 5 & 10 Jumbo Hamburgers Home-Made Chili Irish Stew NOTHING OVER 10c Juit Over tha Viaduct Fall Brides Name Month September P o p u I a r Month For Weddings in Klamath Unless It Ii tha month of June, there la no month In tha year'a calendar that haa aa much appeal aa fleptomher for brldoa. A number of amult Wflddlnga were reported dur ing tha pnat week, Jamoa-llapp Mlaa Martha Dapp became the bride of Mr. Kalel Jnmea at half paat ono o'clock fliindny afternnon, Bnptomber tho twenty-firth, at the homo of Ttov. Arthur Charles Mnlca of the Flrat Chrlallan church. The bride waa lovely In a powder blue enaemhla and her corauxe waa made of white gardnnlaa. Rhe waa attended hy her ala lar, Mlaa Dorothy Depp, who rhoae tha aama abada of blue for her ooatume. Mr. Claranca Crapo iraa beat man. Thoae who attended the wed ding wora Mra. Naramora, mother of tha bride. Mlaa Tteaala Naramora, Mlaa Marjory Rmlth and Mlaa F.thelyne Rob in. Following tha ceremony the gueata wore entertained with a luncheon at the Tollcan Grille. Krllierff'RItruiinna Mlaa Mary Jean Rlmmnna, daughter of Mr. and Mra. John Rlmmnna of neatly and Mr. Robert Frlhorg. aon of Mr. and Mra. K. A. Frlberg of Klamnth Falle, were married In a quiet ceremony at the home of Rev. and Mra. Roy Southard In Klam ath Falle on the evening of September the fifteenth. Rnv. Southard road the ring ceremony. Attendnnta wore Mr. and Mra. Krlhnrg. brother and alater-ln-law of the groom. Only Immediate relatlvea at tended the ceremony. The young couple loft Immediately on a wedding trip which will lake them to the roaat and they will he at home to their many frlenda at 20110 White avenue, after October tha flrat. The heat wlahoa of their many frlenda In Rently go with the pair. Ilrown-Pycr Mlaa Dorotha lyor of Mer rill became the bride of Mr. Virgil I,. Rrown of Tlonosla, California Saturday. Septem ber the twenty-fourth nt the homo of Iti'V. Cecil C. Drawn who read tho ring coromony. The wedding occurred at three o'clock In the presence of a group of frlenda and relatlvea. The young couple will make their homo In Tloncaia whore Mr. Rrown la employed by tho Khaw Lumber company. Wheeler Itwlglit Mlaa Pearl Faye Uwlght and Mr. Frank Marlon Wheeler, both of Klamnth Falls, wera married at tha home of Rov, Cecil C, Hrown, 804 North Sec ond ureal, at one o'clock Sat urday aftornoon, September the twenty-fourth. Attendnnta wera Mr. and Mra. Harry Dingier. Mattcrn-Kranry A brief marriage ceremony wna solemnised hy tho Itnv. Theodore Smith, paator of the Flrat rreabyterlan church, In the chambera of the circuit court. Wodneaday. September twenty-eighth, when Mr. Adol bert F. Mnltern of Dunaniiilr, California, and Mlaa Edna Francy, alao of Dunamulr, were married. Mr. and Mra. Howard Morrison wera the at tendnnta. Tha couple will re side In Dunamulr. lllcka-Hcovell A qulot coromony waa read at .the home of Rov. Arthur Charles Batea of the First Christian church Thursday evening at olght o'clock when Mlaa Dorla Scovcll hoenmo the , bride of Mr. Mux Illcka. Mr. and Mra, K. C. Hricco wore the attendants. Following the cere mony the young couple loft for a brief wedding trip. Guests at tho wedding wero Mra. Mnud L. Illcka, Mlaa Eclone Hlcka, mother and slntor of tha groom and Mlas Natalia Scovell, sister of the bride. Bridge Club Resumes Meetingt The Get-to-Clother bridge olub haa started parties again after enjoying a summer's va cation. Mrs. Floyd Wood worth entortnlnod the club Wednesday at hor home on Del Moro strool. Luncheon was served by the hostess to Mrs. Buelah Honry, Mrs. Stella Sherman, . Mra. Lucille Heifer, Mra. K. M. Moty, Mrs. Moty, Sr. and Mra. Ruth Fnranns. High score was given to Mrs. Honry and Mrs. Sherman re ceived low. Tho club will meet In two wooks at tho homa of Mra. Lucille Helfor on Melroso street. E Leonard V. Hosford, D.C,Ph.C CHIROPRACTOR COLON TIIKRAl'V Roinrmherl Cnnnllpnllnn la a aroni'KO which sliortona life. It poison jour body folia you of vitality, deprives you of n y o ii I Ii f ii I porsonnllly and Mpccds up old arc., CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU8TMKNTS Fear no lonttcr Spliml adjust ment I nilmlnlsti'iTil wltliont pnln. Ono limit' la devoted to a plon.mnt, rclnvhiK, vllnlllng treatment which la combined with the use of tlm various modern modntltlcs of electro therapy. Consultation gladly given with out chargo. COMPLETE X-RAY FACILITIES 2IT Stewart-Prow Rlflg.,' 7IB Mnln St. Telephone 8844 Tliero Is a logical way of over coming this health depleting nialnily. lt mo talk to you about It. El Rodeo, tha Klamath high achool anniiiil, la aliirllng Ita drlvo for sponsorship. Luat your tho a n n norl n I veil hy Kliiiiintli mnrchitiila rouchod an all 1 1 mo high. Tbla year Kl Rodeo la out to beat that record. Tho advnrtlaing ayatnm uaod by tho local annual la the only one of Ita kind In tlm alate. in aloud of soiling nil apnro us moat iinnunla do. the Kl Rodeo aolla apoiiaorahlps, They are throe claaaea a 16, a MO and a I IB aponaorahlp. The aponaorahlp plan haa proved auccoaaful. The merchants who support tho Kl Rodeo re ceive a full year of aavortising. I'lncarde era placed In tbolr win dow! asking high achool students to support them bocauaa of their palronngo. Llat of aponaoralilpa are printed on all tne progrnma of football and buakotbnll games. A now illuminated bulletin board la heliig nlnccd In tho main hall of the high achool. Sponsorships are noated on tills board. lio- aldea all thla tha Krator, schoo nowapaper, cooperntoa with tho annual la publishing llsls of aponaora. Tha support given by Klamath merchanta made It possible for the 1931 El Rodeo to receive a high rating;, ' The engraving firm of Illcka- Chattnn of Portland, which hand lea tho El Rodeo a engraving, aa s il red the El Rodeo alaft that the 1938 laaue waa "the largeat and moat comprehenalva In the alate." The Illclis Clmllen firm dooa moat of tha engraving for the high achoola and collegoa of the northweat. IRRIGATION SERVICE M. K. Ilnyden, superintendent of the 1'H buroiiu of reclamation. announced tialtirduy that wator In the mnln canal would bo con tinued for a "few days after October I to enable the men who hnve pasture or now seeding to get Irrigated In good shape. This applies to all cannla with the exception of E canal, or the north Poo valley canal, according to Haydon. The aorvlce ezpecta to begin lining tbla canal with concrete and for thla reason wator will be turned off Immediately In tbla artery. All land ownera Irrigating at the present time are aaked to Irri gate quickly, Haydon atated. IIIHT1IH RIM'CK Horn at lllllsldo hoa. pit n I October 1, 1938 to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Shuck .of Tulolake, a girl. Wolght: S pounds 14 ounces. KKItrtll.l, Rom at the Anna Shirley bahy home October 1 193D. to Mr. and Mra. Charles E. Ferrlll, 830 Oak at reel, twin girls. Ilcctipernllnit Mra. Elva Phil lips, who underwent an operation for appendicitis a month ago. la now able to be up for ehort periods. Itahy Knitted A eon born re cently to Mr. and Mra. Frank Kherleln haa boon nnmod Alan Wllbert. Mra. Kberlcln was for merly Venice Zetiman. Itiialneoa Trip I.. M. "Tex" Rnlton, Portland representative of the fllcn Kails Insurance, com pany, waa a visitor In tho city on business Friday. Art Claaaea A meeting of all peraona Interested In enrolling In art classes under tha leadership of Mrs. Mario (.'ono aro roquosted to attend meeting In room 10. Kromont school, Tuesday at 7:30 p. m, Volco Instruction H a r 1 a n Parkhurat will meet with those porsons Interostcd In beginning clnasoa In voire training, Tuesday evening, October 4. In room 9 at Fremont school at g o'clock. riedaed Word waa received In Klnmnth Falls of the pledging of Rill Patterson of this city to Thotn XI at Oregon stato college, Corviillls. CITY BRIEFS He turn Here Mr, and Mra. Qiiontln Fruclnr have returned to tbolr homo. 1402 Eaat Mnln street, from a vacatlo n trip to I.oa Angnlca, where thoy apent ' two woulia visiting with frlenda and rolnllvas, Thoy were accompan ied aouth by Hotly Jean Smith,' Mrs. Kriulor's daughter, who Is attondlng school n I.oa Angolcs. Mra. Murvln Miller, 2136 White avenue, also accoinpanlod Mr. and Mrs. Frailer. The party spent aovornl dnya In Sun Kranclaco whoro Mlllor Joined them and accompunlod Ilium buck to Klam nth Fulls. Mr. and Mra. Ii. M. Ilurat took care of tho atore which tho Frazlcra operate on Kual Mnln street during their absence. They have now returned to their homo in Ventura, Calif. Mra. Fruiter la Hurst a daughter. Ilroken Hone Margarot "Peg gy" Itownn, 21, of Wenatcbee, Wash., who waa Injured In an automobile accident early Friday morning alz mllea north of Klam nth Fulls, waa found to have suffered a broken collarbone, It was reported from lllllsldo hos pital Saturday. Mrs. John Pla num, also of Wanatchea and oc cupant of the car. Is recovering from shock and bruises at 11111 Hldo hospital, Tho women wore en routo to Bun Kranclaco ac companied by Henry Bundermler, drlvor of the car. Recover Car Stale police wera advised that a Ilulck aedan owned by Phil Fahnlander of Standard Clcanere had been re covered In Tho Dalloa and that Cordon Earl waa held In that city on a charge of theft of tha machine, Shorlft Lloyd Low waa to leave Monday to return Karl to thla city. The car was taken from In front of Fahnlander'a business office Thursday evening. lU-ports Theft A small dia mond engagement ring and a wed ding ring, alao aet with dlamonda, wera stolen from a window dis play Friday according to a re port filed with city police by Ells E. Elnarason, 2439 South Sixth street. Elnarsson told officers he suspected a transient, and a de scription of tha man waa obtained. Find Plato Balalger Motor company reported that they found a license plate belonging to Bet ty Negri of 929 SW Salmon atraet, Portland, and the plate may be bad If Mlas Negri will call at the company'! offices hare. Homa From College Marjorle Kempter, freshman at the Uni versity of Oregon and ao Alpha Chi Omega pledge, returned thla week from Eugene for a vleit with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Kempter. Flrea Reported The city fire department waa called at 12:45 p. m. Saturday to 142 South Riverside street to extinguish a grass fire. There waa no dam age. The department also an swered a call at 12:67 p. m. at 1327 Adama atreet, where another grass fire waa reported. Attend Funeral Mr. and Mra. E. Li. Sanborn and son, Mra. Agnea Shell and Mra. Claude Harberger attended the Kenneth Campbell funeral aervlces la Meds ford Tuesday. Until three month! ago, Campbell wai olty salesman for Weatarn States grocery hare, From the South Mr. and Mn. Jack Wltchchureh have returned from aouthern California -where they spent two weeks on vaoa tlon trip. Mra. Polln HI Mrs. Louie) Polln Is 111 at her home on North, Eighth street. QUALITY MEAT MARKET Special Itea In Steer and Baby Beef Quality Alwaya Guaranteed Free Delivery Louis Eschle, Proprletot HI. Paul Visitor Mr. and Mra. Adrian Mitten and Mra, Ann 1-oh-man of St. Paul, Minn., left Wednesday morning for their I homes In the cast after visiting at the homo of Mr, and Mra. Harry Williams, 2040 Darrow avenue. Thoy are en route from l.oa : Angclea, whoro they attended tho legion convention. Mra. Mlttun and Mrs. Williams are sistera. Visit Relatives Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Horry have returned to their homo at 2106 Reclamation avenue after visiting for several days In San Jose, Calif., with their son and duughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Horry. They also visit ed at Angol a Camp, Calif., with Rev. and Mra. John O. Dickey, I former residents of Klamath I Falls. Rev. Dickey waa pastor of tho Congregational church hore for ! several years. Closes Flrat Week The kinder garten conducted by Mrs. E. V. Keynes at 2160 Garden avenue closed a very Interesting and suc cessful week at noon Friday. This school is for children four and five years old with special emphasis being given to the development of the child's personality. There la yet room for a few more child ren. Interested parenta may obtain additional Information by calling 2016. Visit Here Mrs. F. W. Ouer- man, Mrs. Max Horn and Emma' Horn have returned to their, homes in Burllngame, Calif., after visiting for several daya at the I home of Mr. and Mra. Roland Kemp, 1323 Martin street. Mrs.' Gucrman and Mra. Kemp are sisters. ! Kntent School Mr. snd Mrs. L. E. Henry, 2202 Garden avenue, received word from their son, Elmer Henry, that he has been admitted to the university at Ann Arbor. Mich., where he Is studying for his mastcr'a degree aa chemi cal engineer. Young Henry left here early In the summer for Chi cago, where he has been working until going to Michigan to enter achool. Former Residents Mr. and Mra. Cal Cruse spent several daya visiting at the home of Mr. and Mra. Ira E. Sherman on Oregon avenue. Thoy wero cn route to their homo in Reno, Nev., from I.oa Angeles, whoro thoy attend ed the Legion convention. Mr. and Mrs. Cruse are former resi dents of Klamath Falls. Return Home Mr. and Mrs. Rcrt E. Miller, 1755 Crescent ave- nue, have returned from a vaca-, tlon trip to Los Angeles. They . also attended the Legion conven tion there. Their llttlo daughter, Pntsy Ruth, remained hero with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Kemp, 1323 Martin street, during their ab sence, i Visit Medford Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Williams and son, Don, and daughter, Carolyn, of 1401 East Main street, apent the past week end visiting In Medford with Mr. and Mra. Vern Dreger and family. Attend Convention Mr. and Mra. C. E. Anders have returned to their homo. 2235 Orchard ave nue, from Los Angeles, where they attended the Legion con vention. Sirs. Earhle Back Mrs. L. A. Eschle has returned home from Portland, whore she has been visiting with friends and rola- tlves for several weeks. FASCISM or FREEDOM Which Shall We Have? A vicious effort Is now being made to destroy Freedom of Assembly, of Worship, and of Speech, Hear the tacts and learn of the danger. Judge Rutherford will turn tho light on tho enemies of freedom, Broadcast over KFJI Sunday, October 2, 1938 12 o'clock Noon The following !$ a list of the business men, farmers and stockmen listed approximately in the order of sales, who purchased livestock AT THE Klamath County 4-H Clubs and Future Farmers of America JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SHOW AUCTION SALE Held at Klamath Falls, September 27 Name of Buyer George F. Hall T. R. Thompsen Sid Elliot G. W. Berry Nelson Reed C. A. Pauley Bill Dalton D. E. Alexander Andrew Collier Carl Steinseifer Bill Serruys D. O. Williams Dr. George Merry man Earl Ager R. R. Proebstel L. E. Mead Louis Eschle Oscar Shive E. H. Balsiger Jim Baker Jim Kerns Ted Medford A. Kalina Charles Drew R. H. Anderson Dan Liskey s J. H. Martin Jack Harris Ira Orem G. W. Berry Elmer F. Merritt Ted Shoop Merle Loosley Jim Baker & E. H. Balsiger Ernie Paddock Henry Semon Firm MITCHELL, LEWIS. STAYER SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. J. C. PENNEY CO. EMIL'S FOOD STORE REED TRACTOR CO. PAULEY PACKING CO. BILL DALTON D. E. ALEXANDER . -KLAMATH ICE & STORAGE CARL STEINSEIFER KLAMATH BILLIARDS PELICAN CAFE HILLSIDE HOSPITAL EARL'S GROCERY MONTGOMERY, WARD SWIFT & CO. QUALITY MARKET U. S. NATIONAL BANK BALSIGER MOTOR CO. WEST & BAKER CORP. J. W. KERNS IMP. CO. SAFEWAY STORES KALINA'S STORE CHARLES DREW WHITEHOUSE GROCERY LISKEY BROS. MARTIN BROS. MILL SYCAN STORE IRA OREM OREGON FOOD STORES MURPHEY'S SEED STORE BLACK & WHITE STATION MERLE LOOSLEY WEST-BAKER CORP. BALSIGER MOTOR CO. HENRY" SEMON Total Sales Number of Head Bought Sheep Beef 2 7 I I 2 9 2 2 I 6 I 1 I 3 2 3 5 2 I 8 Hog I 1 3 - I I 3 I I I I I 8 4 I I I I I 3 3 I I I 3 3 I Capon $12,513.39. Total Head Sheep Sold, 35 Average Price Total Head Beef Sold, 58 Average Price Total Head Hogs Sold, 17 Average Price ...$.28 $.2012 ..$.ll'2 The Junior Livestock Sales Committee, Members of the Four-H Clubs, Members of the FFA Chapters and the Klamath Falls Rotary Club take this means of expressing their ap preciation and gratitude to the people of this community who attended the Livestock Show September 24, 25, 26 and 27, and who so generously gave of their time and money to bring the Third Annual Junior Livestock Show to a successful conclusion Again we express our appreciation and i gratitude. Signed, JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SALES COMMITTEE 4-H CLUBS FFA CHAPTERS KLAMATH FALLS ROTARY CLUB ,