PAGE TEN THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Octobfir 1, 1M8 News of Klamath Churches -I ' . 1 ' C I wnnsrian endeavor Young Ptioplo'8 Society: Pro prayer meeting, 6:16 p. m., Christ Ian Endeavor, 6: SO p. ra. leader: Mickey Pearson. Thl mooting will be our observance of Found ' er'i day. All frlenda of Christian Endeavor and especially former Kndeavorors are Invited to attend. Also at thia time we will bold a rededicatlon service. All mem ber! are urged to bo present to re-sign the pledge, since our mem hershlp will be counted as only those who sign tho plcdgo on October 2 or later. Senior Socioty: Pre -prayer meeting, 6:16 p. m. Christian Kncloavor, 6:30 p. in. Leader, Gail Clapp. Junior Society: This group will meet at 6:30 p. m. Advisor, Miss Eleanor Evans. ' Please note that In accordance with the winter schedule all meetings are a half hour earlier than previously. Men'a Uuion Prayer Service Sunday morning, October 2, at 1:30 o'clock. The place: The Baptist Mission at Dr. Casscl'a home, near ldella's tore on Lakevicw highway. First Baptist Church First Baptist church. Eighth at Washington, "The Church With tho Message." Rev. Cecil C. Brown, pastor. Residence, S04 North Second street. Phone I185-W. Bible achool 9:45 a. m., George O. Welch, superintendent. Morn lng worship service 11 a. in. Ser mon subject, "The Call of a Great Love." Training service department. 6:30 p. m. with separate unions for each age group. Interesting subjects are discussed at these meetings and we cordially invite anyone who ia not attending else where to come and meet with us. Evening worship service, 7:30 p. nt. The pastor will speak on ' Doubting Disciples." - EAST SIDE BAPTIST MISSION East Side Baptist mission, lo cated above the East Side phar macy. 925 East Main street. Bible achool, 9:45 a. m. with classes for all ago groups and competent teachers in charge. The mission la sponsored by the First Baptist church under the supervision of Mrs. Earl Brltt. All those in the community who are not attending C .. .. U 1 t 1 ouuu. huuui ciacwucig RIO i.ui- dially Invited to attend. First Christian Church First Christian church, Pine street at Ninth. Arthur Charles Bates, minister. Pastor's study in the church, Ninth street en trance. Phone 1033-W. Residence 538 Lincoln street, phone 15S.1-W Blblo school, 9:45 a. in., C. Robertson, general superintend ent. Just now entering Into a contest between tho classes and working for a beautiful trophy. Now members are solicited. Classes for all ages. Rally this Sunday, Communion and worship, 11 a. m., Mrs. Mary Hayden, organist. Observance of the Lord's Sup per. Tho sermon: "Two Men at Prayer," will bo helpful to all who attend. The auditorium was practically tilled for the service last Sunday. worship with us this Sunday and enjoy the serv ices. Evening services begin with a C. E. pie-prayer service, 6:35 p. m. (Note the change in time). The CE meetings will be at 6:30 p. m. Evening evangelistic serv ice, 7:30 p. m. The sermon: "Church Membership." The young people will have charge of the song service. We invite you to be with us on this Lord's day evening. Immanuel Baptist Church . Immanuel Baptist church, J. Clarence Orr, pastor. The pastor will continue the sermon aeries on "The Reality of Religion. Topic: "The Seeking Savior," 11 a. ui. There will be special music. This service will be broadcast. Church school, 9:45 a. m. with classes for all age groups. Come and study with us if you are not obligated elsewhere. Young people, 6:30 p. m. and invite all young people to meet with them at this time. The evening service, 7:30 P. m. will be interesting to you, as we continue the series, "The Relig ion of the Cross in Christian Ex perience." The subject of the ser mon will be, "The Disclosure of Supreme Love." Special music. Mid-week service Wednesday evening at 7:30 ia proving of great interest to a great many. We are studying the twelfth chap ter of the book of Romans. Bring your Bible and Bible questions. Church of The Nazarene Message by the pastor. Duet by Air. and Mrs. Calvin Kariey. Midweek prayer service In the church Wedneiday, 7:30 p. m There will be a tone rally of all the Naiarene churches In the southern part of the state all day Friday, October 7. Rev. Orvllle Nease, national S. S. president o Kansas City, will be the mai speaker of the day. The program will be as follows: 10:30 a. in., W. M. S., In charge of Mrs. E. E. Martin, district W, M. s. president. 1 P, M. Sunday achool In charge of the district president Rev. E. H. Edwards, with Dr. Or- val J. Nease as the special apeak er. From 7 to S p. ui. the NY PS will be emphasised under th leadership of the tone presidents At 8 p. in. Dr. Nease will preach along the Hues of Sunday achool evangelism. The pastor invites all the Sun day school workers and other friends to hear Dr. Nease, Community Congregational Church Church of the Nazarene. corner Garden and Martin. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m morning worship, 11 a. m. Rev. H. L. Russell. Junior meeting, 6:20 n. m.. In the basement. All children under 14 years of age will attend this service. The lesson will be Josefa of Guatemala. Y'oung people's service upstairs. 6:20 p. m. The missionary com mittee will be in charge of this service. Evangelistic service, 7:30 p. m. Live and Help Live" Is the sermon theme of Rev. E. V laynes, pastor, as he speaks at the 11 o'clock morning worship service tomorrow. Doreen Butta will alng a soprano solo. Sunday school, for all ages, meets at 9:45 a. m. under the leadership of Frank Killiau, su perintendent. Sunday, October 10 will be observed aa rally day. Comrades of the Way will hold an open meeting tomorrow eve ning at 6 p. m. to wntch young people of Junior high school age are Invited to attend. Klamath Temple Klamath Temple, 1007 Pine street. Rer. Roy E. Southard, pas tor. Phone 2355-R. 9:45 a. m., Sunday school: 11 a. m., morning service, subject: "Resurrection"; 6:30 p. m.. uvercomers' meeting; 7:45 p. m.. evening service, subject: "Are We Near the Midnight Out of the World?" 7:45 p. m. Wednesday. Bible study; 7:45 p. m. Friday, prayer aervlce; g p. m. Tuesday, "Gospel Hour." . Zion Lutheran Church Zion Lutheran church, 1025 High treet. G. W. Hoffmann, pas tor. Morning worship, 11 a. m. The pastor will speak on the topic: "Paul'a Prayer for the Church at Ephesui." You are cordially in vited to attend our services. A vesper, service will be held Sunday evening at 6. p. m. After thla service there will be a pot luck lunch and social hour. Mem bers and friends are urged to at tend. Sunday achool, with classes for all children, and the junior bible class meet at 9:45 a. m. Next Sunday, October 9, the Lord's supper will be celebrated. Further announcement will be made at Sunday's services. The Walther league will meet at tho church next Thursday eve ning at 8 p. m, Alt who have enrolled for the Sunday achool teachers' training course are asked to meet at the church Wednesday evening at 8 P. ui, Altamont Community Presbyterian Church All services are held In the Junior high school, (1. W. Whent ley, pastor, residence. First ave nue, llomedale, phono 783-W-4. Morning worship aorvtee at 11 a. m. rstor Wheatley will speak on the subject: "To Whnt Extent is tho Illblo Inspired of liod." This ia tho first of a series of studies on the fundumentul doctrines of tho Christian fnlth. Those attend ing this series will find them In teresting, refreshing and Inspir ing. Bible school 9:45 a. m.: classoa to suit all ages: all Illblo traded series of lessuns used; large staff of experienced teachers and help ers. A. C. Olson, general superintendent. There are two departments of the junior church which moot at 11 a. in. where parents mav leave their children while attending tho worship service. Visitors nre al ways welcome at the Altamont Community church. First Covent Church First Covenant church. 823 Walnut avenue. Gottfred J. An derson, pastor. The Sunday school and the morning service In Swedish will bo held at 10:30 a. m. The an niversary speaker, tho Rev. Clif ford N. Idocn. of KiiiKsburE. Calif., will speak at the Swedish service on "The World's Light." At tne unified servico he will discuss the topic, "Tho Cost of Disclpleship. "Tho special musi cal numbers will bo givon bv Rev ana .Mrs. vitloen. Tho Ynunc Peoples society meets at 7 n. in. The pastor will lend tho meeting and Mrs. Videen will be the speak- At 7:45 p. m.. Rev. Videcn'a ubject will bo "The Inevitable Choice." Music will be rendered by the mixed choir and bv the Vldeens. Our special anniversary services continue through tho week with meetings each night. except Monday and Saturday. A hearty welcome la extended to all who can attend the meetings. Klamath Lutheran Church Klamath Lutheran church. L. K. Johnson, pastor, 20.10 I.eroy street, apartment II. telephone 1315-W. Sunday school, 9:30 every Sunday In the downstairs parlor of the Elk hotel. Jesua said: "Let the little children como unto ine nd hinder them not . . " Our Sunday school is prepared to en roll your child. Wo have organ ized graded classes, books and teachers, to help your child get cnristlan education. Divlno services nf worship at 10:30 a. m. at the Elk hotel. The Scrlpturo testily for the good of man. We need rest, not ease. Jesua tolls man to come lo Htm for real. Your week will be hap pier and more blessed for having worshiped. Try It, Tho theme for Sunday Is "Trust." Ladies Aid meeting will ho held Tuesday, October 4, 9 p. m., nt tho home of Mrs. Telford, 73 High street, Mrs. Anna Vimwui, hostess. The ladles of tho church and community and friends are Invited. Sunday school teacliors train ing class, 7:16 every Wednesday evening. Choir rehearanl every Wednes day night nt S p. m. Confirmation class Saturday 9:30 a. m., Elk hotel. The pastor gladly offi-rs his services and will esteem It a great favor lo bo Informed of anyone needing tho same. Ho will also gladly listen to the prolilenin of .vouug people and givo Informa tion and guidance when he can. Do not hesitate to call the pastor. Klamath Lutheran church cordially Invites you lo worship. If you are seeking a church homo In this community we sincerely offer you our fellowship anil friendship In our church homo. First Presbyterian Church Tho First Presbyterian church, North Sixth and Pino streets. Itev. Theodore Smith, pastor, who can be reached In all cases of need, at his residence, 435 North Second street, over telephone 22, or at the church over telephone 429. Mm. Raymond V. Coopey. organ ist, Charles It. Stanfleld, choir director. 11 a. ni.. morning service, organ prelude, "Calmly Trusting." Rand. Offertory. "Intermoun." I'ecle. Morning nnthnni. Huhn'a "Invl.tus," and organ postluile. "Festivak March." Norilman. Tho pastor will Klo a brief commun ion meditation on "Christian Fel lowship." This congregation Is uniting In tho relehrntloii of the world wide communion service In which millions of Christians arc. on this day, engaging. Reception of now momhers will tuko placo miring tins service. For this nur. pose tho session of tho church meets In the CE room nt 10:40 a. m., preceding tho regular sorv- ice. Special attention is called to tho chance of tlmo of the ove ning service, from 8 p. m. to 7:30 P. 111., so to continuo for tho fall and winter months. Organ pre lude. "Day Is Dying In tho West." offertory, "Venetian l.ovo Song." Nevin. Mlsa Geanne Gocller will sing. The evening servico will bo In chargo of the young people and will center on "Founders Day" in Christinn Endeavor. Young People's meeting 6:30 school noddy, and a distinctive, ly young people's society compos. ed of those older than high achool age. All former menibors of the aucloly aa well as present mem bora are urgod lo attend thla very Important mooting Illblo school, i:45 a. in., Cleorxo V. , Mclntyre, gnnernl supnrlii londont, In charge. Immediately preceding the Ruiidny school prayer group meeia In the pastor's study, Church of Progressive. Ptychio Church of Progressive Psychic anil Divine Healing Center, Inc. Number Three, corner Harden and Mllchell streets. Sunday, 8 p, in. lecture, "Death tho Catewuy lo Life," by Itev. Knthloen Kris. Circles, Tuesday. 2 p. 111., Wednesday 8 p. in, All nio wolcomo, Modoc Point Baptist Mission The Modoo Point Rapllst Mis sion will havo the usual meeting Sunday morning In tho school house, whero no havo ateiini heal, now that tho weather la getting cooler. Sunday school at 10 a. in. under tho leadership of .Mrs. A. S. .ell. Worship service at 11 u. 111. Wo nro having a special rally day program when I he children will have complete clinrgu of the program to be followed by a special Illustrated talk for (he children which will not lake over ten minutes. All pnreiita alo es pecially invited 10 bo present. Ho member the words of tho Muster when ho said, "Suffer little chil dren tu como unto mo and forbid them not, for of such Is the king dom of heaven." E. V. .ell, leader, First Mothodist Church . First Methodist church, comer of North Tenth and High streets. John W. Warrell. pastor; resi dence. 10U5 High street, phone 44S-W. Ilcgln Iho day with tho church school at 9:46 a. m. This will bo promotion day. New classes are being organized, new teachers se cured. Morning worship at 10:55 o'.lock. Special call to prayer for world peace. Kucramcul of Lord's supper and reception of members. Mrs. E. 8. Vealrh, at the piano, will play "Prelude." Chopin, and "Hut tho Lord la Mindful.'' Men delssohn. Anthem: "l'ralso to tho Lord." Chorale. Miss l.lllle Dar by, directing. Trio: "I'rniso Ye." Venll. by Mrs. S. Meade llndger, It. E. Patterson, Wendell Smith. Solo. "When 1 Think How llu I.ores Even Mo." by It. E. Pallor-1 son. Communion meditation. "Tho Master aa Host." Kpworth league devotional meeting at Ihu music. Hporlitl, ".loHtia and Shall 11 Ever lie." Oliver, or (Jills' chorus. Hilda study In John's V. Gospel. Hear the call to attend church on Sunday. Lattor Day Saints Church The Latter Day Saint church holds regular services at the mill llo llbrnry auditorium, Fifth street and Klamath aveuiio, Bundny school at 10:30 a. ni. and evening iervlcea at 7:30 p. m. The Relief society will meet the second Tuea. dny of each month during the summer months at I p. in for Iholr regular business and wurlt meeting. The Mutual Improve ment association meets each Tues day owning nt 7:30 p. m. Apostolic Faith Church A cordial welcome awaits you at the Apostolic, Faith church, 138 North Eighth street. Sunday services: Morning wor ship nt 10:30 a. in. and an evan gelistic servico nt 7:45 p. 111. he orchestra mid mixed chorus open Iho Sunday evening service wltn a concert of sacred music and song. Tho orchestra also ac companies the congregational singing. No collections. V Hurvlces each Tuesday, Wednes day and Friday oveuliigs at 8 o clovk. The public Is Invited. St. Paul's Episcopal Church St. Pool's Episcopal church, Eighth ami Jefferson, The lluv. V. E- Now man, rector. ' The Holy Eucharist on the first, bird and fifth Sundays at 11 o'clock and at 8 o'clock every Sunduy. also at 10 o'clock each Wednesday and 011 Suluts days and Uolv days. The Church school meets at 10:15 a. 111. Morning prayer at 1 1 o'clock on the second and fourth Sundays. First Church of Christ, Scientist First Churcn of Christ, Scien tist, corner Tenth and Washing ton streets. Sunday school at 9:30. Morn ing servico at II o'clock. Subject, "Unreality." Testimonial meeting Wednes day evening at I o'clock, Till! church maintains reading rooms In the First National 11 11 It build ing, rooms 111-11 8, where tha llilile, writings by Mary flatter Eddy, and authorised Christian Science 1 1 limit m o may he read, borrowed or purchased, The read lug room Is open dully from 7:10 In the morning until 9:80 o'clock In the evening. An attendant la In chargo from 11 to 1 o'clock ind from 3:30 until 4:90 except Bun days and holidays, BUCK WITH EASE Police Judge Olio Langslat had all Iho luck Thursday whan he left camp and In 10 minutes lime was back with a four-point buck on his ear. I.angalst, accompanied by Ft. R. Prnehatel, llyron llnrdenbronk, Art Collins and (inne Argravea, went Into (he Shake Unite coun try on lh Hyran river Thursday, The men mado camp, and Lang- lel left about 6:30 p. In. and wit bin 10 mlniilea had bagged a four-pointer Dial weighed, when dressed, 180 pounds. Hut none nf iho discomfort nf Iriiiisporllug Ihn kill was ' porlenied for the animal felt dead In the road, and Langslat drove his car lo where the dser lay anil placed It nn the running board nf the machine and drove bark lo ramp. News and trt results Herald Wsnl-Ads p. m. Instead of 7 P. m. At this, 8:30 p. m. Special feature, a fire- meeting tho young peoplo will j aldo hour, lib Tommy lluxter In decldo na to Iho formation of nn Intermediate Society with .Mrs. Grctta Hurn In charge, n high chargo. Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. E. II. Redman In charge of First Baptist Church Nth at Ha-lilnglim "The Church Mllll a MeMtage" Itev. tVrll Ilnmii, pastor KIMIAY, OCT. anil If A. M. "A i.rral Imo (Jucnllottrir1 7::to P. M. "I) o 11 li 1 1 n g Disciples" Friendly -Helpfulness ' To Every Creed and Purs Klamath Funeral Home 9-M High Nt. Mr. anil Mrs. A. A. Ward. anil Mrs. A. A. Managers. 1 '" , -.. L 111111 J! MOTHPROOF Dry Cleaning Every Carmen! Mothproofed at No Eura Cost. STANDARD DYERS & CLEANERS 1400 Esplanade, Phone Wtt OF EXTRA CHARGE AIR RACER jgjSij2X siytyj? 'O (SODDING MODEL PUklMPS Mm rgmi f 7 71 Earl Ortman, Prize Wmner in the 1938 Thompson Trophy Race TUPV'S-fr -rue cuuei 1 cerr PLANES YOU FVFP CAW I 4 DIFFERENT MOPELS...ALL Y.S2L BIO.LIKE THIS f T I SNL' WSTCH tT ?fl SHI GLIPEf you lucky guv; WHERE D VOU EVER GET THE CASH TO suytM? THEyOVWT VOU ONE FREE. ) WITH EVERY PACKAGE OF ALLSWEET MARGARINE. I GOSH J MAYBE )h f MOM WILL GET I ME THE WHOLE 1 V SET S l 'JLltltA COr YOUR MOM WAS CLAD TO 6Er YJ Mnl.mcrU a FIRST ONE ALREADY? SOME ALLSWEET) SAYS IT LIKE THE tAL'nn KMtTMff ) SEEMS TO BE O COME ON, LET RACE J SAVES REAL MONEY. WE AND fM GOING TO GET A DOUGLAS ENJOYING ALLSWEET L EMTrK( I -j: HAB SOME AT LUNCH AND OC-3 ANP A NAVY SCOUT f ON HIS BISCUITS I ; -5771 XJHw rrses it tastes , plane and an army j guess vou'll get . 1' " wmiHO NO PASTING 4 DIFHRENT MODELS BOEING "Hying Fortri" D0UG1AS DC-3 Transport BREWSTER Scour Plan SEVERSKY Convoy Fighrtr HEY, KIDSI READ THIS EXCITING OFFERI You can hove a whole tef of Earl Ortman's Gliding Model Planet. iney aon't oit a penny. Ask mother to aef delicious Allsweet SS . f I v .. . .. margarine roaayi ten ner if saves money and tastes swell. Big, colorful, authentic model planes . . . mat. girae nice tun-size snipsi Realistic models of modern Army, Navy and commercial planes! That's what you can get free of additional charge at your grocer's. Just ask your mother to buy deli cious Allsweet Margarine. One plane comes along with every pound pur chase. There are four models . . . and of course you'll want the whole set! When you get the BOEING "Flying Fortress" you'll want toraceitagainst the SEVERSKY Convoy Fighter, the trim DOUGLAS DC-3, or the new BREWSTER Navy Scout Plane ! nave you ever asKea your motner to buy something, so you could get something with it and had her say "Oh, but that's too expensive"? Well, she won't say that about ALLSWEET Allsweet isa MONEY SAVING SPREAD. It will save just heaps on the family food bills. And boy, it tastes keen! On hot biscuits, toast, hot cakes, or vegetables it's simply dee-licious! . Ask mother to buy Allsweet and get your first Earl Ortman Gliding Model Plane right away. f THE GOEST-QUAUCrlii ---irWi ALLSWEET IS A THRILLING 1 -jT" ZJfi I SURPRISE NO WONDER SO i ' I MANY TASTE EXPERTS HAVE I vJ4 -i- FAILED TO TELL IT FROM T --!3C----,". V HIGHER-PRICED SPREADS? iaaasf -rtC